Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 03, 1943, Image 5
June 3, 1943. EE n— . HOWARD Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Strunk re- ceived word from their son, Willard who is stationed somewhere In Eng land, that he was a patient in a hos pital with a fractured jaw, not stat- ing in what manner it happened Pay Pifer and sister Mrs. Sara De Victory, Miss Maggie Baucher and Miss Mary Szendry were Mem- orin] Day guests of the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Pifer Thomas Willlams, Army Alr Base, Galveston, Texas, | spending a 16-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wil- Hams. We were all glad to see him as this is his first visit home entering the service of Uncle Mrs. Gertrude Gardner, who pass~ ed away at the Lock Haven Hospital last week, the result of a broken hip, as buried last Sunday at Schenck’s cemetery. The survivors Mrs. N J. Welckert and Postmaster Donald Gardner: 11 grandchildren and one great-grandehild Two grandsons, Donald, Jr and “Bud” Gardner Il were not able to attend, stationed at San Maria, Calif. and “Bud” is in the state of Washington in the US service Mr family since Sam ale Weber Day with Kate wet retun and Mrs. John spent Memorial former's mother, Mrs Miss Loretta Weber home for the sum a successful term of s¢ Union prayer Wednesday, June 9 ed church The has after hool nel 1" held » Reform- service will be Infon Memorial service of the different churches of Howard held in the Methodist hurch day evening with a large The music was furnished young hotr of tl dist church, done. A solo by Miss Mary Virginia Stoltz, “My Buddy made a impression ubon An dedication service made by Rev. Roy the Methodist gave the Pleld Invocati were given by of the Evangelical church and Rev, Frea gelical ch At the service, silent were sounded, after Neff, son of Mr. and Neff, and the Postmaster and dressed kh uted flowers on soldiers Kis tended in 8 IX The for those service took Monda program Our Father Girls ( Schmi ddle ty was pttendand wy people which \ verv ably au ¥ 5 Cros rch 1 ™ i auring three Mrs in 5 throug Joseoh x dedicali 1 il hot . of the hig} invocation by Rey followed bv WHEN WINDS GET ROUGH A Windstorm Policy Protects You From Financial loss See John F. Gray & Son General Insurance Phone 97.) Bellefonte, Pa. rJohn stationed at the ' deep KELVINATOR ELECTRIC STOVES MELROY'S Phone 6951 PLEASANT GAP, PA. PHILCO RADIOS BENDIX HOME LAUNDRY THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, R. Gullick The girls sang “My Buddy.” The flag wis presented by the Veterans of Fore elgn Wars of Bellefonte, John Bry an, 4 member of this organization, meking the presentation speech Rev. Roy Goss gave the acceptance address, The flag was then raised by two Scouts, Harold Holt and Peter Belghtol. The Hon. Ivan Walker gave the dedication address, after which asveral selections were sung by the high girls’ chorus, and bene- diction was given by Rev. Freas. The grounds around the Honor Roll have been leveled off and evergreens planted each end, which makes a wmrance, Many thanks to sted In any way in surrounding grounds high school school nt nice ap ix who improving The ough cle those HEA the schools of Howard bor Tuesday LaVerne Runkle pleasing clerk at the tion, has returned to weeks prage med of ML Eagle, Mobil pas swehool after a sti- three ness The Children’s Day program the Walnut street Church of Christ will be given Sunday evening, June Sth. All are cordially invited to al- of Rev from Mackey Celsinger has returned home Hospit Danville, operation wel Ri ahd SNOW SHOE Women r monthly nesday hn . } re Mr. and Mn Hoover dauvghters Lenora end Marion Bellef Mrs Herr Watsontowr . the rill mnte and of Mr and daughter the for- Oswalt sited Ona and pent Sun- ver Sam Reese of ignhter red Hall Emopor Mi Fe Te) Ra FAKE BIACKOUT CHARGED TO ALTOONA RESIDENT Frankstown nharged warden May 4, was 0 rad ing a fake blackout, 10 15 p.m Medlin, a had Mill Rt it about | traffic on vit fi at defense policeman tavern blac ked d stopped all it was oad te un in ming Mill Run an road hareed ClHArgea Pimples Disappeared Over Night there la a safe harm medicated liauld called Kleertex dries up pimples over night rt shat had a red it is true less th they Many report ion must con- you got your money Join the happy Kleerex users no longer embarrassed with pimples. For sale by Par- Store vinee back who unsightly rish Drug are THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF OUR SERVICE IS PRESCRIPTIONS cists do he compounding. We take pride in the im 4 J Va vig Snell 117 Oly the best material wed. portance we prescrip tions. Only quabfed pharma White Bros. Drug Store for hunting this fall. fore July 1st, next. for the fslolwing shells: 20 Shells, Cal 25 Shells, Gauge Gauge Shells, 22 L NAME ADDRESS want. Hunters Attention! There is a possibility of getting some ammunition I will make no guarantee, but, if you are interest- ed, please fill in the following form and get it to me be- Order for Munting Ammunition Date. 8. BH. POORMAN, Beliefonte, Pa, please enter my order Please fill in the Calibre and Weight Bullet of the rifle shells, and the gauge and shot size of the shot gun shells you Size Shot Size Shot Bellefonte, Penna. S. H. Poorman Fone 2000 Jl - “NEWS OF SERVICE From CENTRE COUNTY In Medical Training | | Graduate Mechanic | i fonte Walter J. Houtz of Hu now stationed at the Medical Replacement Training Cen- tre at Camp Pickett, Va, where he Is undergoing specialized medical training. Upon the completion of training, he will be assigned to a hospital or a tactical] unit of the army to serve on the world’s fight ing fronts. The only unarmed bat- tlefield soldier of the army, the med- eal soldier's mission is "to conserve the fighting strength” a mis tal to vietory bert T. May, son of ar Mrs, Arthur E. May, of Belle R. D 3 has Leen pradusted ns skilled alrcraft mechanic from the Army Technical School at Bey mour Johnson Fleld, N. C After graduating High School a truck drive; Co., Bellefonte November 27 wile Hive Fleming, | U. 8B. Army's from Beliefonte Corpora] May became for CY. Wigner & and was Inducted 1942, at Altoona His Milroy - in Sion Vis Commissioned Ensign John P Health Service Lieutenant-Com. E Keckler, 5 p Ritenour. of officer in charge of the PIUsSburgh received his commission as pi Navy Recruiting District, announ- gen in the United States Naval Re- ced yesterday that men, 21 to 27, en- gorve, He visited his family recent- gaged In the following crafts are jy and then proceeded to headquar- now eligible for voluntary Induction ters of the Third Naval District into the Navy's "SeaBees” Con- New York City. where he is station- struction Battalions: armorers, bak- 4 assistant disper officer er boatswains, cooks, Instrument- Ritenour |} men (experienced with transit and ers to report level In ing), sallmakers, stew- oo 8 {or ards, excavation foremen and pow- He dermen helpers (both dry land and class sub-agueous) Men interested can their nearest Navy Recruiting Station where they will be given full particular Need Recruits B College Mur his Ritenour, son of DArector State Seabees’ abd an College uh or received Busi- LiL i Harv further to ard survey hool November 8 the C ollege RO to Hear From Son North received their Lech- the The John B. Gallo family o Philipsburg hursday the first word tiv on, Paul B fifth grade who by Ist - cre from Cinlio Was captured during Arica Cam Me mes y printed form card supplied by the Italian military tated that he nh WoL - and expect Trains War Dogs Henry Casper training a wferred Whoo! had been ton, was to the Dog at Ft. Robinson route to Ft. Robin- topped In Belle- 4.4 Kk for a several ferred parents, Mr would from his Pv ' dergoing who t Bo nician Italians pain ui recently I'rainine © Neb. While on, Pvt fonte early last hour visit with and Mrs HOWar Moma reet, B the ts tral He en Casper been WE ’ : ¥ 0 #n TITY pri is ne be able hae folk Only Bruised in Plane Crash Fire that Pvt ured Serving In Navy Houser Houser, of enlisted Relative in f Mr been inf Valley V was shightiy in the TU. 8. rast ir Navy now stationed at C a; Sampson, N. Y. Norman is a grad- of the 1042 class of the Belle. High School before en- the Navy artz mac? and ew Norman E S01} ( Mrs. Jacob who recently mead is amp the nil mem ber uate M 3 5 " mner. He was emplioved at ’ . RS ie Fred L the Sw ine shop in Belle- os at Beech ¢ fonte ¢ red from fonte and tering Rupert eel In Officers’ Trainingg Mites he ker, of Cel a1 or Ah Off ’ of Mr. and Clarence William Chester Pvt pyker A Spy Deen in WAAC Is Transferred Josephine training cen WR WAAC tite tls eCently trai Teachers Fexa While Miss Drapeho rank of Weaver, daugh- - ter of Mrz. Sarah B. Weaver, State Local Man Promoted College RB. DD. 1, who recently joined Pvt. Edward Witmer, Jr. son of the WAAC, is now undergoing basic Edward Witmer, of Reynolds ave- trainnig at Daytona Beach, Plorids. nue, Bellefonte, aho 18 stationed af Before entering the WAAC she was PL Lewis, Washington, was recently an employee of the G. C. Murphy promoted to the rank of private first tore in State College class wa Training with WAAL Mizz Kathleen B AUXINArS n Company H Lessons In English Wards Often Misused “The { Words Often Misapelieg men spoke. Codici] i - a fr ne an- a 3 glove) ir two C8, and not ail. Gant- of pu On oCeurtTe 5 y ¥, and not cy. Ingel skillfully: Ingenious (f ten gaunt urred, mhment me Tr rm other” wi Do not going to You were en an two > a like you turn I felt going to return.” Do not say, I cannot think about it.” Say thinking about it" Do nok say, head ahead Do not say, twenty-sixth presses future, twenty-sixto Do not say, He gave hands full of peanuts.” Say, fuls.” occurring tas, were if an [44 Maintenance Word Study Use a word three t ist u Eel LY mastering Wore for thi VICARIOUS, pe place of hit not tain el hedp “1 cannot A Hes and Charles competitors 8 away a Say, “far Our vo ease one yous f is 0 3 Sn ze i Is Wars word dny E8800 Next Monday is April As next Monday ex- say will be April fler- tituted It ed in LEVEY Pronounce first | as in 8 vicarious sacrifice INEXTRICABLE incapabie of be. ing disentangled hopelessly « fused obscure. (Accent is on Words Often Mispronounced ond syllable). “Lost in the wild Hestial. Pronounce best-yal, ¢ as, extricable maze "Blackmore in best, a as in at, accent first syl-| STOLIDITY; dullness of miellect; lable stupidity. “Indocile; intractable fools Mauve as in whose stolidity can baffie all argu- rove, ments, and be proof against demon. | Juvenile, Pronounce, joo-ve-nil, the, stration itself.” Bentley i ag in ill preferred. FEALTY. fidelity in Presentation. Prefeived protiuncia- “It wag the chivalrous tion of first syllable is prez, ¢ as in; fealty” bec. not as in be. Accent third syl- DISSOLUTION destruction by lable, breaking down, disrupting, disorgan- Exquisite. Pronounce eks-kwi-zit, izing. or the like. "Tt required much both i's as in it. and accent first effort to prevent dissolution of the syllable, not the second partnership.” Banal Preferred pronunciation of{ INVETERATE: established by long first « as in bay, accent first syl-!continuances; confirmed In habit lable. “He is an inveterate smoker.” HOUSEHOLD SCRAPBOOK vine wa four “hand. me n= or Pr in Pronounce mov, o allegiance spirit of Bank Affairs Closed | The final step in closing the af-| ! fairs of the defunct County National Bank of Clearfield, was taken at Clearfield when all of the remaining assets were sold at public auction hs. for $4,380. Park M. Weimer, receiver | Painting Brick of the bank said that he considered| When painting brick, it is very im- the sale. “a very good one,” ang dis- portant that the surface be thor. closed that the trust will be termin- | oughly dry. The joints of new brick. ated definitely as of June 30 In the! Work can be treated with s solution imeantime the revniues from the sale of zine sulphate in order to neutral. i will be distributed among the stock- | ize the alkali in the mortar, Before | holders lone paints a brick wall, it is a good lidea to fill the vores by appiving a | cont of bolled linseed oil thinned Be Solved? [with turpentine or raw oil with some | Another in the popular series of | drier trie stories of weird voyages, phan- | {tom ships and bloody mutinies taken] 1f the luster of old furniture has {from musty records of maritime] qulled considerably. leourts, sea-sonked log books and! stored by rubbing vigorously with a tales of old-time sailors. Look for | i flannel soaked in turpentine, drying, |the latest story in the June 13 issue ang then polishing with linseed oil, ‘of The American Weekly, the big vinegar, and methylated spirits, | magazine. distributed with the Bal-| timore. Sunday American. Reserve Clogged Pipes | your copy with your newsdealer, i One method of cleaning clogged | pipes is to force a mixture of wash. ————————— AANA Sea Mysterties—Will They Ever Old Farnitare How ta Solve Dinner Guest. Problem ing soda and salt (about a handful | Have you stopped inviting guests of each) into the top of the bipe, | to dinner to save those valuable. cou- land after leaving for half an hour, | pons in the family ration book? Read pour down a kettleful of boiling ihow one housewife ingeniously ‘water. {solved the problem. One of many Storing Lineleuwm | food features in the June 13 issue of | Linoleum should not be rolled for The American Weekly, the big mag- storing until it has been placed. be azine distributed with the Baltimore fore a fire for a few hours and is F I alod ( ters of the “Dens V [| Ame! ! {remove the hat, even if ib is With I'hi and vieinity Letter From Son Mrs Clu #fpartment sclietfomte, who the hu ect aries Fetzer, of the | West High cently wa Distinguished ved the 1 nication mm the Fifth Air Force Fotzer Ve ur 0. 0 slreet decor Flying Howing wilh ross, omy fr headaquar- M!S Hecently On Was the Distinguished Fly fWarg w jeCOrategd ing Cro made in reeonition i h LM mbat urageous, foarles rv organization wn | His in ahd ome wim Barns m Lhe Nay Altona Hospital attendants to be in & fair condition WIE Te Teotm who was Duarned ff hye yg IT i filrely. n Hida operated on al the i week HR mother, who Was institution duiing the pa Modern Etiquette When hitvune guest witanoe state visiti; BE When two women are Intro. duced while dining in a public place should the one who is sitting at table. rise? Is It correct to write We are nciosing a check in the snount of ten dollars? 10. Hasn't pride deadly disease, 11. 1s it proper woman to send a gift her name only? 12. Who is really the “head table, the host or the hostess? ANSWERS 1. No; the host or hostess oles the meal In advance, and the guests eat what is placed before them, the same as at a dinner in someone's home 2 Yes, specily how long you in. tend to stay 3. Always plate 4. Not recessional 1g card? a a been called a impossible lo cure? for a married to a bride in of the leave the silver on the until] the very eng of the the march from the al- tar to the rear of the chureh. It is very bad form. to break into the march to offer congratulations § Potitively not. The knife is used only for cutting anything that the fork will not cut 6. The courteous thing to do is to a small lone. If the hat is large, or tall, it is it ean be re; rude to keap it on 7. The popular size is 1 5-8 Inches high by 3 1-4 inches long. The cor- fyect card is of pure, unglazed bristol hwrd with neither decorations nor worders # No. 8. No. Write, “a check for ten dol- lars” 19. It may be called a disease, but it is not deadly. The proverb says, “If pride were. a deadly disease, how .many would now be in their graves” Aeenrding to fla Rochefoucauld, “Oride is equal in all men; the only diff rence ig the means aid manner (of displaying it” 11. No: her husband's name should Sunday American. Reserve your copy. thoroughly warm. 1f this is not dotie pe included, with your newsdealer, 'it is sure to crack. 12. The hostess, MEN Grant Promoted Richard W. Grant, former of musie at Penn State was recently appointed music officer the SBerviees Branch, Hesdguarter Ninth Service Command, Pt. Doug - las from Camp Adair, Ore, where he served as musk I #t Lewis, Wash, Camp Stoneman, ( and Camp Adal Before the army Capt. Grant with Penn ment «) Year the Chicago Co conferred on oo LE of music deg of his servi in musi I'he ob je f C program mum musi of Lhe Cam director nt nvisor ‘nl entering Whe connected Btale musi t I'wo wmervatonry thu apn for a honors ree in aptain Ch provide partici al aclivitie tet sion « Becomes r k Ql Corporal wifes beet Receives Promotion moted fo (Corpor al Fritters Edwin KE. Ta ton of Mr. and Mrs Af Fast Tinn street Rervies of 1 Harry C Fatal Laiage indian Tay lor cadied for Ar Ens abit HEALTH AND BEAUTY f mans in juries nimals ang tive changes lished this rated « morphine Hs aceomo giving the natient to tion of be OM alnene This arid sooo an hour before era. dicated fear but something had vent the Ib ation from it operati before dotie 10 ple. ited tissues during oper telling the 1 t rain abo Even thouzh the bra the nerves kept sending it impulses of pain which shocked the patient Dr. Crile blocked off the nerves by injecting them with A108 thesia. After the the patient was made able bY injections of urea hydrochloride Dr after concluded the body works on principle of an electric battery cording to hig philosophy, t is tha positive pole, the red rative while their are condenser The wires that the in was axleep NOVaCin OPeEration wa more comfort. quinine a1 over Wa Crile experiment the At brain blood nw nerves many w 0% iis 113 branes are ithe pulses Dr. Crile, while eneray, wag himself! a living example of the most remarkable energy. He was vigorous and apparently as tire less as a well-oiled machine “Struggle.” he said, "ia a biologi- cal necessity. ang even War i pre ferable to pusillanimous peace lend ing to degeneracy.” Nothing but death ever stopped him. In 1999 his great Cleveland clinic was gutted by a fire in which 125 Jost their lives. Among Wein wete patients, doctors and nurses (To be continued) —— —— 2 Missing and Homes two doors separate at Ber- wick, have received messages of bad news regarding sons with the Amer jean forces in Europe Staff Sgt Jo- seph T. Vandling, mechanic snd gubner of a bombing crew is miss ing in action, and Lieut Barrall, pilot of a fortress which ten days ago was on a raid over north- carry im a great student of ern France, was wounded The 1at- | ter has been awarded the Purple Heart decoration. i —_—— —__—_ — | Sarah Ann's | Cc ooking c lass Chivped Bee! Cmelet ‘ Page | Th red Poets’ {orner Purdue Mountain Cemetery ris they KEICHL he it J. M. id FIV Temple Court INE INSURANCE AGENCY entre ¢ KEI HLING Phone 2521 wnty SEWING CABINET & 27 ACCESSORIES 99 Fold Away Cabinet I Assorted Spooks of Colored Thread Daring Egy Tope Measure Paw of Knitting Needles Thimble Cord of Buttom * Package of Rick-Reck * Package of Bia Binding Every woman will appreciate Sew Tidy particelarly in these bury, war-work deys when home tewing it 15 important, wwing things together in tidy, rummaging for that elusive spool or needle! floral designs on outside panels bag, pin curhion Sew-Tidy folds to a cea Keeps ofl . + + No mere Galy decorsted Six utility pockets, Knitting 157330" wise, ining ariay Walne!, Maple or Mahogany finah, Robert ALLEGHENY STREET