Pes an THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, ™ June 3, 1943, fr ——————— i ———— VAR———— ————— A ——————————— A — CENTRE HALL AND VICINITY EVANGELICAL RETREAT SCHEDULED FOR TONIGHT The men of all the Evangelical churches in Centre county and Al- toona will hold an annual Retreat this evening in a grove Tusseyville church The following program will follow the basket pienie supper Hymn: Scripture reading, A McCloskey, Lemont; prayer, C. W Keller, Bellefonte: solo, the Rev, M R. Vogel, State College: address, J L. Pandel, Lewistown; solo, the | Mr. Vogel: address, W. (i. Reed Lewistown: closing commital servi PROGRESS GRANGE TO MEET HERE JUNE 11 H » » The followin been announced Friday Dre nas Cran ram Pri g evening, nh 3 ior re meeting ine Chaplain Ral Ralp Ww Wer n Is 8 Old Glory Meditation, Mr George I'he Flag ( By Inflation and | J. B fe bate Sor tam poem OES Wall i It Would ean to iumobia } in Planting o Ralph Smeltzer Dies Smeltzer Potter 2 former dent went H NO STOVER REUNION: CLAN HEAD WRITES POEM The Stover CA A me Or ons To ti thy Hall, For, now a war has ri tion, The reunions we'll gladly stay at home and toil And save our gasoline and oil, Our sugar and our tea For our soldier across the For ped oft for the duration coffee pe ren seymewhers inn that sbile band The RUPTURE SHIELD EXPERT HERE H. M. SHEVNAN, widely known expert of Chicago, will personally he at Coleman Hotel, Lewistown, Wed nesday only, June 8, from 9 A. M. to PP M. Mr Shield | over all immediat hold crease the the weakened part thereby clos tenn dave on the av- {f heavy OF position the opening erage in case, regardless iife fre the ie body may or location scientific straining or any ume no matier A method the size known straps snd nationally ~ NO under or imbersome arrangement absolutely treatments Mr. Shevnan will be glad to demon strate without charge. Add. 658% N. Artesian Ave, Chicago. Large incisional Hernia or rupture Shows Now 7:30 and 8:30 P, M. following surgical operation espeec- MILLHEIM Admission 10e & 300 no medicines or medical ially solicited. — NEW SHOW TIME LAST TIMES TONIGHT! Thursday, June 3 ‘Seven Sweethearts’ One complete showing Thursday nights only 7:30 at as SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY (June 5th) Action . . . Thrills , . . and Plenty of Excitement ! Richard Travis - Ruth Ford "Truck Busters” “WILD HORSES" “FIGHTING FREIGHTERS” “NEWS ISSUE” WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY (June 9th and 10th) Brian Donlevy - Robert Taylor “Stand By for Action” Always the Finest Selected Shorts near the | CHURCH SERVICES Evangelical: The Rev. W terman, pastor Bethesda service, 9:00 Centre Hall | ren's service, 10:30: Sunday 0:30. Locust Grove Church service, 7:30; Sunday school, 8:30 The Rev, C. CC. Otto Hall-Church service, school, 10:00. Farmer's 10:30. Sunday Valley Church school, 9:30 M K Hos. Church Child school Lutheran pastor. Centre 0:00; Sunday Mills Church service school 9:30 service, 7:30 Methodist mond, past ervice, 0:3 a N nanny Sm cetowr \ ch (worges Sunday I'he Rev. C or ‘ntre Hall honl CN Ham-« Church erviee i Mill Tr oun Spring 10:45 1 Rev. J Lemont } y COOL M. Kirk Church 10:00 wirch ervice 10:30 7:30 § Centre iunday LOCALS AND FE | m R RSONALS ft ve velav inkl Fart Knox Mrs. Milford | irk iam Keller and Mrs. P. V Dora In 1304 Mrs. Wi {| Goodhart Mr Helen and Mr Mr fo Surg City the Barth : ¢ Anna Bartholomew Misses Elizabeth Bartholomew And George Sv N. J lomew and drove where mimes Mt hy Rin M1 Po rw and ny fe ’ Hi Samp irlongh brother Pickett here (her 11 5 home were Mr Pragier and Miss Arney will not vingston but embarks he Arnes Robert i Lt Camp re for some Frazier on Hall Lt to dinner Baturds and Mis M Robert ined Beverly and AY Shaffer of Altoona, has ig Lanson Burris and Mr Blaine leister been vigil ard Mr Children at the Spruce. town Methodist church is scheduled June 13. at 1045a. m William McCormick and son moved this week to Washing- D.C. from Reading Mr. Mc- Cormick. a U. 8 Army Captain, is stationed with the Health Depart merit at Bethesda, Md Mrs, Harry Cooper and daughters, Anda and Louise, are visiting her mother in Altoona Miss Nellie J. Knarr of Harrisburg, week's vacation with Mr, and Mrs. John wo rvice Sunday Mrs John a ton i= spending a her parents, Knarr Bruce Meeker, formerly from this section, has been In the Johnstown Hospital for two weeks with pneu- monia and pletirisy. He was critically ill for a time but is somewhat im- proved now Mrs. Alda Bloom spent Baturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Bloom and family of Belle- fonts, R. D. Mrs. Harvey Mark entertained the Lutheran Missionary Society, Group A. at her home last evening Anne Troutman who makes her {home with the Rev. and Mrs, C. C Otto, is ill with an ear infection, Donald, Richard and Priscilla, {ehildren of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc- | Clenahan, have been ill with mumps Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Runkle, daughter Nancy, and Carl Renshaw, of Upper Darby, spent Saturday and Sunday here. Miss Cora Homan and nephew, Warren Homan, Jr, return. led with them to visit for a month | Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Spyker, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wert, Jr, Mr tended the funeral on Friday noon of Mr. Spvker's Mary Salome Spyker Mis Mary Kline nfter mother, Mrs in Alexandria Kenneth Wert and daughter Ann and Ruth, Miss and Mr. and Mrs. J 8r were Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wert Mrs. George K. Rimmoes the Memorial Day services at t on Monday evening Miss Patricia burg, spent end with her The Woman of the this evenim hon B. Wert, guests of Jr attended Boal Boozer of Memorial Day are nt Mi Harri the wee k het onary church will Daniel 8. Dan Jane Al Mr. and Haven hn Knarr s m Fort of his the { Ma ] Emery wi weekend rp Mrs. J.D. Ble and and M 1 nike in Lock Pvi J hroadeast fie ke recent Ord. Cal rding to a friend rrisbmrg who heard Pvt, Knarr wa nt week ro from Camp I'he Friendship Bible cla Reformed church will meet th ' FOI Wood ros the weekend . a1, rs. WK Whi x2 ¥ Whi na Howls Mr Hwernm Mr Lawrence Limbert, Mrs Hosterman A er. M George Mrs Bechtol Mrs. AE Mrs Stewart Gutrewhite Mrs. John Harok! Stitser, Mrs My FP Gean Hostermar ar were DWARD Hired herh Mil William Hartley, Ralston Ww Mrs iston and NV. K Hone wOoO0 § pont rewd of were and Cpl s weekend will wnt of Russell ultz ' W arekend g hotise keeper Mr ( n home of Mr Ellery by the from a io cated in the Willamette Valley, He furlouch F Shreckengast Wis Bhreckengast, arrie Jr "we parents and Mrs noon | 3 FA cAmMmD home on a fourteen-das were to see him back on his £13 fur lough Sheeley of near New Orleans. and Pvt. Malcolm Boob a ramp in Oregon, both arrived on the eastbound bus Sunday morning Cpl. Sheesley assigned on the re. serve force to help manufacture war material at Watsontown. He entered his employment at that place or Monday. Pvt. Boob extended his vis t with his mother and sister, Mrs L.odie Boob, and his sister, Miss Jan- who alse returned home for a short vacation Willie Winterrod of wWilliamaport, wns a weekend guest of Mrs. William Haines we were gland to see him take his place in Sunday school. the preaching and ¥. L. C. E. services on Bunday Rev. Entz delivered a very impres- sive discotirse on Sunday forenoon an the subject. “God Bless America.” The text for the basis of his sermon was Prov. 14:34. Can Cod bless Am- erica if she keeps on desecrating the Lord's Day, polluting her population with all kinds of poisonous drinks and carrving on all kinds of gamb- ling devices The public sale ‘nl. Flovd of et. of Mrs Annie Be ty oi Kessler's property was well attended. | The personal nropetry brought ahout $000, as the home was sold to Mil- ton Cluiser, now located north of Wolfe's Chapel Rible School Preparations are being made to conduct a Vacation Bible School in Mileshurg churches beginning July 8 and closing July 20. This school is sponsored by the three churches, Registrations for entrance are being made in the Borough and Central City Schools this week. Classes are {assigned to the following locations | Primary : | BOALSBURG Mr. and Mn Jv. and daughter Margot nati, O., are visiting he Thomp son-H home Mr. Thom) recovering from an ptiask nf montana Mrs ' AEA ol Cinein. nl on |i pneu Emma Bouse visited her son and family, at Tusseyville from Baturday until Tuesday Mrs MK of Btate Col lege, Sgt. Allen Green of New Cum beriand, and Herman Green of Phil ndelphia ts of Mi Kon neth day Mr ont« 14 Cireen were giM Cireen, Wedne ahd Mrs, © spent met § irl Young of Belle with the f« Young Carl Monday f Sunda Ro red rvice Mr chiticdren ” her YO ents Mtr two nnd Clint Cinp and pent Mr Milford Ftier wracd children and Mrs. Fred Kesaling mo tored bere on Sunday and took Mrs Comnwny tack Live of het Mrs, Kes. weary weeks to re Taey alone to me daughter several William Thompson, | Mrs, William Thompson, Br, Mrs Edgar Thompson and daughter Bet KY and My and Mr William Thompson, Ji and Miss Margot Thompson visited relatives in Belle fonte Wed afternoon Mrs. Kenneth Green Kenneth Ri¢ MK day afternoon rs. Virginia M Myer trip to Newport and Mi Hen Curwensville Were {with their M1 [The baccalaureate graduating ela of the hin Vocational slay nnd ited College, 11 “On Mr t I and hard, vi Cireen late made recent Knepn o recent visito aunt Ausie Bhutt BOrvice Harris Town hoo! " n the for at utherar pehter Monday : * ry or Narn ™ Centre Hall, Mrs Mins Hette Alley Friday evening C ¥ Alley home ve Ronald Mavs 1lefonts guest Jack n SUPT nes of a. at the Hare! HO M OL og LTS H LOW pent a place fled on Mr Howell family nt at the How and Mrs. M ( of Gum Btump Lemont, and alan a Mrs Wil Runs £11 ite home Mr Reese and daughters Mr. and Mrs Orvis Watson and family, and Mra. J. T. Watson Mrs Rov Woomer Maryia and Mr: Paul Emerick of Bellefonte recent viddtors at the Heaton Iam and e& Other el} were 4 were home Mr sm Ir Mr of Mileaburg week Mr family and Mrs ril Watson and ry Mr and Mrs in Watson and daughter of Oho and Mr. Clyde Watson and son visited home folks last of Greensbhur Mra. Orvis Watson and were callers at the Roy Fet- per home. also at the Nannie Lucas home and the Charles Poorman home, Sunday evening Mrs. Edith Burd spent with Mr. and Mrs Siadr Avis Joanne Rhoads ix attending Bible school at Pleasant Gap Mr. and Mrs. Milford Burd and family of Pleasant Gap, Ford Walk- er of Milesburg, and son. Pvt. George Walker of Massachusetts, called on friends and relatives at this place on Friday evening and a few dave Burd at 1. V. BRUNGART DELEGATE TO FARM BUREAU MEETING J. V. Brungart, of Rebersburg, re- turned recently from Harrisburg, where he acted as Farm Bureau Del. | egate for the trading area served by Russell E. Breon. This was the Annual Stockholder Delegates meet. | ing of Parm Bureau Co-operative Distribution Association. The group: met in the Pennsylvania Parm Burs | ent Co-operative Association build. | ing. An address hy Mr. R. N. Benjamin, | executive secretary of this associa- tion, sounded the keynote thought “The benefits of Co-operative enter. prise grow in direct proportion to the responsibility that each patron. owner it willing to assume in that enterprise.” The delegates re-elected Lester Baptist church; Junior— Partley. of Bellefonte, Co-operative and Mrs. J. D. Blenker and Misses Mathodist church, and Intermediate Distribution Association board mem- SCOTIA By HH. M. Williams) th —— pdf 4y fire aw and (i ibharyy Araong the re (re ge ia Joined of med at § uary and is Devens, Mas Cpl. Jonas with his Ham DD. Btine at visitors at the home on Sun were: Mr. and Mra. Carl Fisher Matternville, Frank, Erma and Hetty Stevenson of Waddle, Mr. and Mrs Lem Warmer and family of Un jonville, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stine and family Bellefonte, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bickle and family of Matternville 1 have heen asked many times what are the ore mines doing. The answer ig, nothing. for 1 have made quite a few trips up there and each trip 1 find that everything iz dead and nobody around the place But 1 have been told by some people that they are washing and shipping ore right along. but that is not true. A week ago 1 was told that there were a couple of swans on the ten-acre pond and I made a trip up there and saw two of them swimming around on the pond. Quite a number of people made trips up there to see them P. 8: Please don’t blame the writ- there isn't 8 news letter each week, as vou all know that none of ur are permitted to do any driving that is ynnecessary. And please don do it ids ryvd week. and Mrs her Stine spent Mr Waddle ie parents Btine of of er if ow - Hiotwater Bottle Wash the hotwaler boltle occa sionally in water to which a little soda has been added. If done about every other month it will prevent hardening and splitting —— Wanted! Men And Women Who Are Hard of Hearing To make this simple. no risk hear. ing test. If woul are temporarily deaf. ened, bothered Hy ringing bdbuseing head nojses due to hardened or ooag- tilated wax (cerumend, ine Home Method fest that #0 many say has enabled them to hear well again. You must hear better after making this simple test or vou get your money back at once. Ask about iOurine Bar Drops today at Parrish try the Onr- | ORVISTON There were choo) Mr, and Mr Decatur, spent f Confer ahd Mr move ent the homes here Roy Cyphert | 4° Don and Herb Gray ond at the Burd bh The part rch basement 102 present at Sunday of Went Lhe CR Page nda home Joh wer lend ntl Bhet mnn M1 Dale nt Lon pent the mtn cumn LALA n Wodire fob rt sLiended. RT! William Helter Mond y hotnecom Aerie Holter A fiolet Holter home for a va respective wrhonks and Harrisburg eft Monday £ where sport Virginia [os Angeles ( to visit with w (ilenn Mr. and Mrs. William William=port vis town on Monday Mr. and Mrs Lemoyne (Grier Williamsport and Mi Henay] Council of Lock Haven Baturdas at the R Taomte for “ail ects " her fiance iiliam Thoulde. ited relatives of bY Pe were and * J. 8pangler home RUNVILLE of f evening caliers Several were Paul Kensel army bovs namely Watson NT home for a few dave Watson Russel Maves and Lewis Laird Fidel Rodgers of Washington, D pent a few dave with his moth Mrs. Alice Rodgers the past week The stork visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. William Howell week and left them a fine baby gir] Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Hanvork Philinsburg were sSuUDDer guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Furl Inst Wednesiay evening Mr. and Mrs Lee Meyers of timore, Md. spent a eoudle of al the latter's parents, Mr. and WwW. A. Walker Mr. and Mr= with home folks Bunday Mr. and Mrs. Richard Purl and iMovie Pye visited at Petperiown on [Bunday A gpordly number of our people inttended the Memorial services st ‘the Advent cemetery on Bunday morning Rey. Courtney of Runvills, war the speaker and he gave a very {interesting talk [ Mr. snd Mre agara Falls, visited at the home IMr. and Mre Flavd Davis The Children’s Diy serviod will be ‘held on Bunday evening June 13 at 17:45 o'clwk. Sunday schon] next Bunday morning at 2:30 and preach. (ing at 10:30. Everyone is welcome to c or ast of Pal Arye Mrs Ernest Poe visited al Pelzettown on John Dewees nf Ni. of REBERSBURG Mrs. ( Phy risburg, vis Ziegler weekend Prof ? ami will visit the Beaver's Mi children and Bierly, why lar: Har week homes Miss Julia dang ¢ sank] 8 p Page } ) Dent seve nnd ari His and this of { week wi Mrs Millheim, (8 } WwW ited at Oye L.A the days In her F and y grandparent and y and M nam rekend week home of Mr. and i b Liemet We of rt nf gen 73) \ -¥ CAN'T HEAR WELL? Don't Feor Loss of Hearing! Political Announcements 10 TO 1 YOU ARE NOT DEAF —AND CAN HEAR WITH THIS NEW AID FOR COMMISSIONER er Tis ’ * ' A 1 ot Arenon explain and strate whet PERSONAL IZED Hearing Add Service means 10 you Notice how Meron nD at ¥ biect to Lhe Republican Party al Election Beptemiber support will 4 Your vole and be appreci carefully we 5 too iy i YW reeds a fr vour hea we ara ads its W ' dy your how we a st the set thet ect and ad best for you' Your sats FOR COUNTY TREASURER Te The Democratic Voters of Centre County HEARING AIDS PROGHCT OF BELL TELEPHONE ArPURAIOMITS viSTans THE AUDIPHONE CO. 50% Diamond Blvd, JOHNSTOWN, PA CC. McKelvey, Manager. REED POORMAN Belietonie, Pa FOR COUNTY AUDITOR Wr i en ratl Vote: g Cm ( Bes Erplein FREE test voyesik he elertion in Feptemibaey support are | WF, P— ———— — —. ——— —— — ates i ts as 3 | | | i We make weekly trips through your territory. Write us for appointments. VICTOR BRI™SWCGART Rebersburg, Pa We Have Just Added Another Carload of Memorials to our already large stock of finished work. If inter. ested in placing a memorial we invite you to call at our yards in Lemont and inspect the material and work- manship of our line of work. It will be a pleasure to assist you in making a se- lection of a memorial for vour lot, A visit to our yard will place you under no obligation whatever to place an order, We Specialize in Rock of Ages Barre Granite ! Lemont Marble & Granite Works L. FRANK MAYES, Proprietor LEMONT, PA. | these services | Martha Jane and Ruth Spyker at-!in the Presbyterian church. | ber whose term had expired. | Drug Store. |