Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 27, 1943, Image 6
THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. May 27, 1943. . Page Bx OBITUARY | as chorister in the Bunday schoo! of (Bt. John's Evangelical and Reformed | HENRY J. FAKOR, Houserville United Brethren church! Henry J. Fakor, of Port Matilda, Monday afternoon with Rev. T. G died at 5:30 o'clock Saturday morn- | Jones and Rev, O. A. Womer offi- ing, May 22, 1043, at the Centre ciating. Interment was made in the County Home, Bellefonte, of pneu- Houserville cemetery monia, He had been admitted to | ————— the Home the previous day. Mr.| GERALD C. HOCKENBERRY, Fakor was a son of Samuel and Gerald C. Hockenberry, native of Ellen Shick Fakor and was born in| Axemann, died in the State Hos Illinois on June 24 1864, making his | pital at Polk, Pa. on Priday night age at time of death 78 years, 10 May 21, 1043. He was a son of Sim months and 28 days Surviving | on and Martha Eminhizer Hocken- children are: Mrs. Anna Mortorff | berry and was born at Axemann on and Mrs. Kathryn Mortorff, both of | January 17, 1920, making his age Toland, Pa, and George Fakor, of | at time of death 23 vears. 4 months York Springs, Pa. Funeral services | and 4 days. Surviving are his fath- were held Monday afternoon at the [er and these brothers and sister Wetzler Memorial Chapel, Miles-| Mrs. Theodore Lindquist, of Pleas- burg, with Rev. Howard E. Oak-| ant Gap; Lee, Orville, Hassall, Mrs wood, of the Milesburg Presbyter-| John Roan and Mrs. John Jabco fan church, officiating. Interment | all of Bellefonte, R. D.: Geraldine was made in the Meyers cemetery, | at home; Melvin, of Zion. and Rob- Buffalo Run Valley, ert, in the U. 8. Army. Funeral ser —— vices were held at the Lee Hocken- GEORGE B. COBLE. Rersy Noime at Prometiow on Ll nay ernoon with Rev, E. E. Hos- George B Coble of Westwood, N.| etter of Coleville, officiating Hos J., died early Friday morning, May | torment was made in the Mever 21, 1943, of a sudden heart attack | .ometerv. Buffalo Run Valley at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Coble of Houserville, where he had been visiting since Saturday Mr. Coble was born on F Pebruary 19, 1893, at Houserville, a [ford Miller, 73, of 53 Clarion street son of Grant and Ella Dale Coble, Johnstown, who led at 3 o'clock who survive. He was married In 1918 | Tuesday afternoon, May 18, 1043, at to the former Elizabeth Montgom- HS home, was conducted 2 o'clock ery, who also survives with two chil- | Thursday alternoon at the Picking dren, George B. Coble and Mrs. funeral home r. Miller, a retired Elizabeth Maggi, both of Westwood, employe of l Bethlehem Steel N. J. Other survivors include these Company, had en | brothers and sisters: Charles, Donald for some time and wi bedfast fo and Dorothy of Houserville; Mrs [the past two week he Westmont Daisy Weaver and Mrs. Mildred resident former clerk for Beth] Broskley, both of Harrisburg; Mi: i 11 yea! ; alter Roberta Hrosina of Franklin: and Ernest of the U. 8 Army. Ft. Mil es, Del, and three grandchildren Funeral services were held at the CHARLES S. MILLER “uneral services for Charles San- wv Summer Myles for all the { family! ! GET QUALITY FOOTWEAR FOR YOUR RATION STAMPS ! Women! selection of Shoes for you All the latest colors, white, blue, brown, tan, black combination $5.00 $3.99 $3.45 52.29 Al SIZES AND WIDTI NON-RATIONED PLAY SHOES Hundreds of Pair $1 990 UF Men! You, Too, Will Want to Look Your Best for Memorial Day All the newest styles Wings, plain, straight, moc- casin toes, military straps and cxfords. White, brown and white, brown. black, two-tones, ete. 5.95 55.00 $3.99 $3.45 $2.39 WORK SHOES for the WORKERS G-in., 8-in., 10-in. and 12-in. Tops. 52.19 $52.59 $299 $3.69 $3.99 $4.45 Safety, Box or Plain Toes, Biggest Scleétion in Town. SEE OUR WINDOWS. THEY TELL THE STORY. Brown's Boot Shop Bellefonte’s Complete Family Shoe Store church for a number of vears. He vas also a member of the church choir. Born in Hublersburg, Centre county, July 29. 1869 the deceased was a son of John and Sarah (Mey. ters) Mille: He is survived by his widow, Mi Laura (Welshy Miller and a sister, Mi Henry M. Hov, of Mill Hall plso three nieces and three nephews, Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Emory Deitrich y lfe-long friend of Mr. Miller, He was assisted by Rev, George Bricker, pastor of 8t. John's Evangelical and Reformed church. Burial was made in the Grandview coemeter Johns town JOSEPH E. THOMPSON Joseph | Thompson of West High street, well known resident of Bellefonte, died at the Centre Coun tv Home here at 7:30 o'clock Satur day night, May 22, 1943, 'r An line with complication had been a guest at the home the past two ve Mr. Thom fered UU : of om { at the ag f 14 vears when he fell form a movi rain in the rallroad vards north Bellefonte Since ; dinkey operator and iy a machinist. The deceased of Robert and Mary Jan Femple Thompson and wi orn at now Shoe on December 21, 188 { LIN making nis i ul time of death Ven y mont} and 1 day HI wile he former Stelle Brown, pre ceded him In deatl Surviving are these children harl f Mil Hall, Mr Mildred ) of Detroit Mich. and Josep! r. in the 1 Howard Students Receive Awards Rolls . Bevel ' Woman's Club In Final Meeting (Continged from page one) Mrs f. J. Ward, chalrmag of the cancer control committee reported ving 85 from the American leg. ion Auxiliary for the cancer fun N¢ WwW Olce: of pT Yan Hw How § tions were pamed gs § Home Mo tren sire Drama Brow Wion co-chairman Junior Section: Mrs James Logan chairman. Mrs. Car] Johnson, secre tary. an Mra. Bamuel Mecku treasurer At the conclusion of the business meeting and entertainment program buffet luncheon was served oa ur enjoyed HERE'S YOUR EXTRA HIRED HAND facreased lives stock production for War de- meonds ond high or form prices olfer you more income 1F--YOU KEEP COSTS DOWN, New farm programs demand chong. ing fence limes, | Let ws explein | how you con use | your aid wire. save TIME LABOR end ! MOMEY « ond | | MARE YOUR FARM EARN MORE with of. | Heiont, Jow cost PARMAK Electric Fencing, S. YEAR SERVICE QUARANTER WORLD'S LARCEST SELLER IMMEDIATE DELIVERY N. ALLEGHENY STREET BELLEFONTE, FA. rt Hardware New Potatoes Are | BOALSBURG Due hy Mid-June home of Mrs. Roi re! Th raembers who attended were: Mrs C A. Bonine, Ms. John Wiliams, Mrs wi bP Rent Dradinto & A. & P. Expert Predicts Short} 1" 1 partman, Mos. Alferd Grove age Will Be Ended by Mit. Grace Keech, Mrs. Opal Neff My John Poormar Mr Willian Heavy Shipments Callanhn, Mrs Henry Reitz. Mi I Blair Homan, Mrs. Arthur Lukens, Potato-hungry Americans will get Mi Cieorge Horner and Mi Rob plenty of v potatos LG eal by the ert Barge: June, the nation's largest M1 nd M Edgar H fresh fruits and vegetables family wore v rs with the ited this week Glodfelts f Svnday Abnormal th which retard ed the crop | ’ mbined other ime of ] | | He and the mid rvey A. Baum | peneral mannge recent nit Board 1 Sends 53 Into Service H \f nf Hal (ire ang 1 Horrws oa lshur of Boalsburg wees - the George Markle home There are millions of teen-age Americans who are worried lest the n sceduurle war ends before they get into it ff p— A A DEDICATION POSTPONED We regret very much to announce that we have decided to postpone our Dedicatory Service in order to comply fully with our Government's request to elim- inate all non-essential driving. We greatly appreciate the spirit of co-operation manifested by the following men who very graciously agreed to participate in the program: JOHN G. LOVE, Attorney. DR. J. W. CLAUDY, Superintendent Rockview Penitentiary REY. EDWARD JONES, Pastor Presbyterian Church, State College. REV. GEORGE HOUSEHOLDER, Pastor United Brethren Church, Bellefeiir, CECIL A. WALKER. AMERICAN LEGION BAND of Bellefonte COMMANDERS of the Bellefonte and State College Amer. ican Legions and Veterans of Foreign Wars, AND ALL OTHERS whe expressed a willingness to help make the program a success We shall endeavor to select a date for the de- ferred ceremony that will be acceptable to all the above, for we desire that every one participate as announced in the original program. CENTRE COUNTY Jemorial al Park ale Ea SE </ —- ——— ing ecretary, and John 8 CCtled Lreasurer RECENT EE A ner BHE tuden Fi ket i STOCKHOLDERS MEETING on witha i Oi | A ing of stockholders of Cen- WEDDINGS ! op u Pubik Bullding and Loan Association M W. Hart Vora ’ LA 4 election of directors and such 1 5 may come before ult Fee ee ae th HE a TE EE, be held at their office Pri- Plagianos—Camphbell } ng. June 11, at 7:30 Miss Betty Campbell, daught ' pp an deat uw gba Mrs wis : ,. among Alumni mem! x23 CHAS. PF. COOK, Bec'y Amelia Campbell, of the rime Bellet M lagiano emember when Uk av- thought it perilous glrplane? on of FAMOUS “ACTION-MAID™ DRESS tenner Jacques A BEAUTY FOR HOME DUTY. SPORTS MavBlower’s “Action busy women! Per. - fect for household chores, marketing—crispyfresh Alumni Dance for maprompty guests. Flawlessly tailored, its special <> M x ECR J FEET 9 {IEE SH yy H 4 OL SRNR * Planned June 21 underarm shaping allows for plenty of arm snd by wider swing. It's extra bodice fullness makes it (Continusd trom pape one) grand for bending, stretching in sports like bowling, gi - { y o> lared skirt for knee freedom —buttondfrom § y 1o launder. Such » big fe hid or striped chambray, riped seersucker, gingham checks 12.20; 38.42. We also carry a line of cotton play suits. Complete range of sizes and patterns, J. B. Wagner & Co. So. Allegheny St. Bellefonte, Pa. pis JOR Deitel Sti Je { Miss CORR LICL Se Ss ee ETE fe Re BUTT FHT TL] This is a truly memorable Decoration Day. For many years now, on this occasion we have honored those whe fought valiantly in past wars. Today we honor those who fight TODAY, as well, under the glorious red-white-and blue. OLF FURNITURE C Allegheny Street Bellefonte, Pa. : | | | [Hf