Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 27, 1943, Image 5
LOCALS — ge ~-Mrs. James E. Decker, Sr, Blanchard street, was in Sunbury last Thursday to attend a farewell party held at the IOOF Orphanage in honor of Marietta Balestrino and Frances Barkley who will leave the home after being graduated from high school ~-Miss Mary Meek, of West High street, was striken ill at her home Monday morning and later the same day was taken to the Centre County Hospital for treatment. Reports from the Institution yesterday were to the effect that Miss Meek covering nicely Mrs. Marie Wilson, of Petrikin Hall, has received word that her son. James K. Wilson, who is In the U. 8. Navy, has been promoted from Machinist's Mate, second class, tw Motor Machinist's Mate, first class Wilson is engaged in patrol duties off the Atlantic Coast —Mrs. E. H. Park left Bellefonte yesterday for her home in Indiana, Pa. after spending several days here As | guest Mr. and Mrs. Frank WwW. West their home on East Linn street. Mrs. Park came here from Ithaca, N. Y.. where she had served as chaperone at Cornell University Mr. and Mrs. John G. Love, of East Linn street, are in Philadelphia having gone down late last week to attend the wedding of Mrs. Love's niece, Miss Kathryn Wolfe, of Phi} adelphia, and Lt. Anthony Lee Con- rad, of Walpole, Mass. Mr. and Mrs Love expected home within a day or so of at a are 1 Brachbill, who re- cently rety } Bellefonte summer vacation after completing the year's work at Lock Haven State Teachers College, was elected pres- ident of the Sigma Sigma Sorority there for the coming vear and also was named secretary of Kappa Delta Pi. honorary education fraternity James R. Hughes, South Spring street, will depart for Princeton, N J.. tomorrow morning to attend the annual university commencement which has been advanced two weeks this vear by reason of the war. Mr Hughes is secretary of his class of 1885 and reports every year there to carry out the duties incident to his office ~Malcolm H. Wetzler, Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm H. Wetzler of Milesburg, was awarded the class numerals in baseball at an assem- bly of the Mercersburg Academy held at Mercersburg, Monday morn ing. Headmaster Charles Tip- petts presided and pres the awards. 117 boys were given tic insignia letics —Friends in ceived word that and young son, street, who recently departed for Rockford, Ill, to join Lt. Schwartz, who was with the Medical Corps at a camp near that city. are now in | New Orleans, La. Shortly after thelr | arrival in Rockford, according to reports, Lt. Schwartz, former Belle- fonte physician, was transferred to New Orleans and his family accom- panied him to that city All members of the Walter Cohen family were in Bellefonte during the weekend to visit the grave of the former prominent Bellefonte citizen in preparation for Memorial Day. Those here included Alfred Cohen. of Baltimore, Md. Mr. and Mrs. George Cohen and child, of New Kensington; Mr. and Mrs. Max Rosenbloom, of Sunbury. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Krauss, of Bloomsburg: Mr. and Mrs. Saul Auerbach, State College: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pete, of Lock Haven, and Mrs. Max Le- bold. Mrs. A. Cohen and Harry Cohen, all of Brooklyn. N. Y Kenny Widdowson, son of Mr and Mrs. E. E. Widdowson, recently passed auditions for the position as drummer in the band at Valley Forge Military Academy, Way rned to for the iti 8 ented tl athie- ath- rir for spring term Bellefonte have Mrs. J. W. Sch of East Curtin re- wartz me, Pa, and became eligible for a scholar- ship at that institution, but owing to the fact that all scholarships for the coming term have been distri- buted, his award will not be avail- able until next year. There is some possibility he may enter the school next fall and take advantage of the scholarship during his second year there. Kenny is 14 and is a student in the Bellefonte High School ~Mrs. Paul M. Corman and young sons, Paul and Jimmy, of North Al- legheny street, will leave today for a motor trip to the west coast, where they will join Captain Corman, who is with the U. 8. Army Medical Corps at the Army Air Base at Santa Ana, California. The Cor- mans will occupy a cottage on Bal- boa Island. about ten miles from the air base, during the summer, and according to present plans ex- pect to return to Bellefonte when school opens in the fall Captain Corman was one of Bellefonte's prominent physicians before being called into the service —We mailed out statements last week to subscribers whose accounts were either due or past due and we hope they will be accepted In the manner for which they are intended. Any time you want to know if your! subseription is pad up just check the expiration date which is printed | on the pink label bearing your name and address. We are particular] anxious to hear from those subseri- bers who are in arrears, so it will] not be necessary to remove name from our malling list. Now 4 a good time to check the expiration date of your paper and see how you stand with the publishers. 2nd. Lt. Bugene Shultz, son of | Mrs. Lila Shultz, of Lock Haven, and former member of the mechani. cal staff of The Centre Democrat, has finished training In the Army Alr Force at Hendricks Field, Flor- ida, and is spending a week's fur- lough while awaiting a call to report for further training in California. Lt. Shultz is now a heavy bomber pilot and upon going to the west coast will be assigned a crew, which will undetgo training as a unit for a time to accustom them to close teamwork which is necessary for plane crews before they go into com- bat. Lt. Shultz ealled on relatives and friends in Belelfonte, Tuesday, of | is re- y | elbow about J MM. Hartswick., of his mother Pittsburgh Mrs. Robert T. Willard, Bishop street, an employe First National Bank this week | Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Kusse West Linn street, in Barberton, Ohlo, with Mr mother, Mrs. Mary Kusse Former Judge and Mrs Dale, of East Linn street, Mrs. John Hartswick of o Fredericks lege Mrs. C. R ily, of Coleville ments to move to Bellefonte they will occupy the Williams galow on Bast High street Mrs. P. M. Dubbs and daughter, Rebecca, of East Curtin street, ves. terday went to York to spend remainder of the week with Mrs Dubbs’ sister, Mrs. Jacob Charles Mr. and Mrs. Wallace J. Ward, of the First National apartments, North Allegheny street, spent the weekend with Mrs. Ward's mother Mrs. W. H. Stetler, in Akron, Ohio Hugh Manchester 1 of Mrs Lot Manchester of Heverly aparements Wednesq Ann Arbor, Mich, because of death of hi grandfather, W Manchester Andrew Gordon, Monday the Universal wing Hutchins, of State Col- Minnemyer have made bun ise t OF the 4 | last ny the C of East Howard returned his d ‘h Mat been absent an t reset z Lee L7H) U= at Come fo infection arles Miller tly work in New now with his parents Thomas Miller Burrow: He has accepted a position at Sylvania plant in Mill Hall -J. D. Nei home at recently York State Mr. and and is Mrs of street the ligh Is seriously Pi Hall. Mr. Ne cerebral hemorrhage partial] para of the His condition is eausing his and frier some concern 5s Blanche Locke Wooster College, Wooster spending a two weeks’ th her parents, Dr. and y Locke and family, at North Allegheny American 1114 hi ne suffered Hl ausing a eft family lysis side tudent Ohlo, vacation Mrs. Le- their home as a street tamps, it i! Glens wi Mrs h Ve w Orvi and Mass in t} leased nome a and Curt i« a CAA airport Milton- Williams ner of Allegheny Mr. Clals in the fonte area —Mrs. Robert M. Beach and her ' sister, Miss Mary Blanchard, of West | Linn street, Tuesday went to Phils- delphia for a visit with Mrs. H M Hiller before going to Reading to vigit Mrs. Norman Sharer. Before returning home they expect to spend a few days In Harritburg with Miss Anne McCormick Philip O'Leary Miss Honora O'Leary, of North Penn street, spen the weekend with friends in Philadelphia and vicinity Miss O'Leary was the guest of four Bellefonte girls who are training at Germantown Hospital, namely: the Misses Pauline Casper, Sarah Bryan, Mary Ann Cherry, Betty Schenck A son, their first child. was born at the Centre County Hospital on Friday, to Pvt. and Mrs. Calvin Tay- lor, of North Thomas street. Mrs Taylor is the former Marion Shultz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Shultz, of East Howard street. Pvt Taylor, som of Mrs. Curtin Taylor, of North Thomas street, is serving in the armed foroes overseas, ecLor «Belle and his ister f ' «Pvt. George Carpeneto, with the U. 8. Air Corps at Moody Field Val- dosta, Ga. spent the latter part of last week in Bellefonte with his grandmother, Mrs. Louis Carpeneto and family, of South Allegheny street, while on a 15-day leave of absence. Pvt. Carpeneto is a son of Mr. and Mrs. George Carpeneto of Williamsport, formerly of Bellefonte ~An Ascension Day program will be held in 8t John's Evangelical and Reformed church, Bellefonte, Thursday, June 3rd. at 7:30. This program is under the auspices of the Women's Missionary Circle and Mrs. Rufus H. LeFevre, one of our missionary workers from Yuanling, China, will be the speaker. The pub- He is cordially invited to this meet. ing Lt. Paul 8. Beaver has complet- ed his preliminary training at Ft Schuyler, N. Y., and arrived in Belle- fonte Saturday for a week's furlough before reporting to duty at Boston, I Mass. Lt Beaver, who recently en- the went to Reynolds avenue, spent part of last week with in of East | the Is on vacation of spent the weekend Kusse's Arthur had as thelr guest last week, Mrs. Elizabeth and fam- Arrange- where i street, ion the Bob Hawk i York City listed in the U. S. Navy, will be ac- | companied by his wife to Boston. |arettes were deposited in the I ——— «Miss Margaret Brockerhoff, of | | State College, was a weekend guest of her brother, Henry Brockerhoff, of West Bishop street. Mrs. W. H. Bathurst, of Altoona, spent Wednesday In town with her brother, James Miller and family, near the Titan Metal plant Mrs. Alfred Jones, of Bast Blshe op street, spent the weekend with friends In Philadelphia, Mrs, Jones Is the former Mary Katherine Flynn Mrs. Lloyd Loewer, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Is here for an several weeks’ visit with her parents, Mr, and Mrs [Clyde Smith, of East Bishop street Miss Elizabeth Cooney of Lewis town, spent Sunday In Bellefonte with her father, Martin Cooney, at the family home on West Bishop street Dr. Leroy turned to his Locke on Sunday re- home on North Alle. gheny street from Rochester, Minn. where he spent several days attend- ing the Mayo Clinle A. A. Verbitski three months fresher course headquarters turned to his station Mi and Mrs North Allegheny week with relatives and friends in Berlin Mr. Krape was enjoying a week's vacation from his duties at First National Bank Perry Alters, of East High employe of the on a ten-day Mrs. Alters their time Mrs W ~MN who for the has been taking at the State at Hershey duties past ] I'e- Police has at Rockview re- ub- vii +S street, Krape pent 4 of the treet is and much of mother an local postofMice vacation and are spending with Mrs. Alters K. Raup, in Lamar Nan McGinn rd street, Monday deg Isit with he ’ y of w vr est mried for her nent ner nej Mr there WwW Rnd niece and family McGinn will ge isit friends and From All Jack Mr Jalf 10 entowr ) of N recently he) : tenograpt oy extension off at Penn Stat lege i a similar pos ! Warner Compan: t. Bellefonte npieted her first-year Thor Having tudies at College. Ind ( Thursday with Ci ry stree Indiang St nana, Pa ite Teacher Mis Be the .” 5 Virginia fon i immer parents Mr East ‘lark arg Le te last cation Mr street C of . > ir orth Mrs Baltimore jay became the parent thir Charles Md of ’ t heels the Great in Ilinols, arrived in Be to TU i] tion Fri ] 1d week's furle } #1 andmot ier Smith aay with his parents and NM ar Mrs John F Mis. Nell Decker the family the Moore apartments Mr George B. Thompson West High street, wihio has been un. dergoing observation and treatment at the Philluaburg State Hospital for several weeks, Tuesday morning underwent an operation at that ine stitution Yesterday her condition reported as being satisfactory Workmen sign County Library eum, at tu at Vi this week front of the Centre and Historical Mus. of Allegheny and Howard streets. The sign. of wood constniction, is patterned along the same lines as the one in front of the Bell Telephone building furthe no ame street H. E Leathers of Mt Eagle, announces the en. encvement of his daughter, Alice Elizabeth, Jacob L. Confer of Howard street, Bellefonte Miss Leathers is cher in the public schools of Centre county, while Mr Confer is employed by Titan Metal Company. The wedding will take place sometime in June Elwood Johnson, of West How- ard street, last Wednesday departed for Camp Hill, where he has accept- ed a position as guard at the White Hill Industrial School for Boys. lo- cated near Camp Hill Mr. Johnson had been employed by the Titan Metal Company here for about ga year. Prior to that time he had been an employe of the late Col W_ F Reynolds for 27 years ~Mr. and Mrs. William B. Troupe and family, of North Allegheny street. who had planned on moving into a rented home in Philadelphia, have purchased a home at 7410 Cleorgian Road, that city, instead, and are making preparations to move as soon as arrangements have been completed. Mr. Troupe has ac- cepted a position with an engineer. ing firm in the Philadelphia area ~—Miss Mary Robb. of East Curtin Bellefonte, was a contestant “Thanks to the Yanks" program via CBS Saturday night. May 21. while visiting in New Miss Robb, a teacher in Rockaway, New Jersey, failed to give the correct answer to a question by quizmaster Hawk, and her 3,000 cig- pro- erecied a new in * cOorhiel rth on the Hillerest Farm near to a lea the Mrs. Beaver expects to remain in gram’s Duffel Bag for distribution to that city for several weeks before service men in obscure military returning to her home on East Linn eéamps street Miss M { : Yesterday's lassie of the New Marjorie McGovern suffer-| York Times carried a photograph of | a fracture of the left arm at the | Ambassador Dr. Alexander Loudon, # o'clock Thursday |of the Netherlands, pinning the Mil im< ming when she fell down a short | itary Wilhelm Order on Commander | flight of steps in her apartment in|E. N. Parker, rlthe 1. 0. O. P. building, West High award —the istreet. She was taken to the Centre |award— was given Commander Par- | County Hospital Where the fracture ker and a small group of other of-] was reduced, and returned home the | ficers for heroism in the Dutch East | same evening. Some Months ago Miss | Indies. Com. Parker is the husband | severe infec of {daughter of Hunter, of East Curtin street, McGovern suffered a tion in the same arm ~Carl Cronemiller, Jr. second class signalman in the U. 8. Navy, last Wednesday departed for Ban Diego, Cal, with his father, Carl Cronemiller, Sr., of the Penn Belle Hotel, Crone- miller, who has been in the Navy for two and a half years, has been on duty in both Atlantic and Pacific [oceans and has participated In a number of engagements, Last week was his first visit home in 16 months, Upon leaving Bellefonte he expected to be assigned to a Naval Training School to undergo special instruc- tion. after a five-day visit | brief visit with Mrs. Melvin J. Locke, The | Netherland | i of Bellefonte, highest Elizabeth Hunter, and Mrs. Dorsey the former Mr, ~Mr. and Mrs. David Locke and son, Dyer, of Charleston, W. Va, arrived in Bellefonte last week for a at her home on East Curtin street. Mr. Locke has just accepted a posi- tion as assistant to the production manager of the Durez Plastics and | Chemical Company at Tonawanda, i N.Y. and he and the family expect to leave today for the Tonawanda area where they will make their fu- ture home, For six years the Lockes had ben residents of Charleston, W. Va. | which will provide stamps to replace | entire family THE i CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Five tutor: curb market dealers) Yq | moved from winter quarters on West High street, to the outdoor location on the Diamond, Saturday, and mar- | ket will be held there every Wed- nesduy and Saturday during the summer Elmer Eby, of East Bishop street last week entered the Veterans’ Hos pital at Costesville for observation and treatment, He was accompanied on the trip by W. W. Hampton of Bellefonte, officer in this urea | Miss Edith delphia, Is expectod nirive in Bellefonte about June 1, to spend the summer months with; her niece. Mrs Frank Daly and family, on West Bishop street, Miss Cooke Is a sister of the late Edward Cooke of Belle- {fonte, father of Mrs. Daly Mrs. Emory G. Wolfe, of Pitt burgh, was Bellefonte last week, preparatory to opening her house on Howard street. When she re- will be accompanied by Miss June C ited from HU Durgh June 2 every week service the benefits derived from its munity Bargain Counter RATES Advertisements of first Issue, and 15 cents for each ments contain more than twenty REAL ESTATE--A advertising sale or rent KEYED ADS--All to tnis office, must he ments, Please do not advertisements, as the of the advertiser SUBSCRIBER'S PRIVILEGE ocrat whose subscription is paid vertisement in these column subscriber will be charged the can be used six thine year al une, E. Cooke, of Phila- to complied emll at the publishers in East turns he will fy f i Ol 31 niece De one whi who Ie wkley Krad Pin Univers Ww un it Is undisputably Centre County's twenty additional «five straight one advertisements with office nit Every up to date, Is Jur different Over Thirty Thousand Persons Read These Columns That's why The Centre Democrat's partment has become 50 amazingly popular classified advertising de- Considering its low cost and Com five words or less, 25 cents for Insertion, Where advertise words, one cent a word Is cherged ¢ent a word Is charged for real estate malled advertise. Jing such the name that request those replies to be wlswering information concer permitted to divulge by the for not The to a 25 Otherwise I'hi to Centre Dem word ad- subscriber entitled uipge Cats time, fred the advertising priviiege intervals 1 scrap he small material on the side of the Fir Is something of an piles cause no offense growing steadily terial 1s an ee pile of old iron and the Diamond, at t National Bank cvesore 8vuch thie but when such permitted to remain (th { time ngth « ApPpPeuras in untidy Miss Joan Long State Teachers Pa ™ onte to spend with her B. Long Murdock LAI Bk! cians Belief cation Mrs. N N Mrs moe ast I'SCiay summer M1 Linn Clanes Lhe when are ma - arent West of We Phi Week in mia pen Be ont M ise give the Hel the + pa We oven t Penn ineman. na Ine. « Bey a ow : oS. NAVY nstruction He and Mrs weir home Notice to Taxpayers Worth Forest Rogers have vacated t on " TET 0 ET Ver (YW! street and ICE AXA ; and Ww Briggs shan Lost and Found inte BRZI8 WM James Brooks Promeryy Dicane jam I the H Ontario age Lake Jame (Hub Help Wanted IANTED ARE WOT Wanted to Buy To wing to the lu oil i Hrooks 3 W rhof! Hotel went vide M vee he roun c dinner of Mr East der eos Mra Mr and Mra In How x22 remain. | WANTED spent in auire of « Dir. and Htewnrl Mr. and Mr. and and Mm fs : we poultry D2 Duy ive M long BR Pa Phone Sion 1913 | WANTED-—To buy a a electric TRgerator washer al # wire olf Wm Hoftmas Bellefonte Pa Phone €135 th evening Thue Mosrnl were Jodon, Mr. and Mra arid Mre Pred Piahiet Mra Lawrence MeClure, Jv Mrs Beniamin Stectz, Mr Fotwrt and Mrs Witm~r woe Mrs Paul Ha was Bra te buy an old-faahions in good condil 8% S41 amp Creek. Pa 5 DIRTY w ANTED Mr Carnes 4 a YOUR RATIONING CALENDAR 12. good last through May No. 13 becomes valid June 1. and will be good for five pounds through August 15. Stamps No. 1% and 16 became good May 24 for five pounds each for home can- ning purvoses. Housewives may ap- ply to their local boards for addi- tional rations if necessary COFFEE-Stamp No 23 pound) good through May 30 MEATS, ETC. Red stamps E. F G. H. J. remain valid through May Each person is entitled to 16 points a week BLUE STAMPS -G. H and J Blue Stamps. worth 48 points, are valid now and through the month ; Bellefonte WANTED Lighin art No for SUGAR five pon 31 Stamp Stamp al nds, must lewe Pa electric inate model oar any of these please write Rebersburg. Pa WANTED---A calf from cutie machine ’ % registered Holstein 4 month to one oid Must be Bangs tested and wrs © ahow Must be from 3 ent to 4 per cent Hutter fal. nothing inder Please write Geo C. Buck Warriors Mark, Pa x21 WANTED To buy scrap centa per 100 pounds vard., no tin so old automobiles, trucks. newspavers magazines, rub- ber, metals and beef hides Jake Kofman's Junk Yard (one mile weal of Milesburg). Phone Bellefonte na 3m t % fone fron, 60 delivered our re- | of May. These stamps cover can- ned, bottled and frozen fruits, veg- etables, juices, dry beans, peas, len- tils and processed food EXPIRED STAMPS. Housewives are urged to destroy all expired red or blue ration stamps to help guard against black markets in food SHOES Coupon No. 17, ration book No. 1, good for one pair of in good condition Mrs "Ernest Mitchell, Bellefonte. B.D 8 (2 miley east of Runvilie) x22 FOR SALE — Brooder house, 10x12 1 feet on skids, with double floor and walla. Wilbur BR. Brungart, Rebers- burg Pa x2] FOR SALE--Timely merchandise, in stock today at Losch Supply Co Jersey Shore. Pa.. 3 new chick brood ers; 2 oak office benches, 1 cement block machine, a new Rind of roof- ing, cheap. 1 new potato planter; 3 used corn planters. 1 used traction apraver and 1 power sprayer. 1 free built Fordson tractor and plow: 4 used tractors, wheel, 35 engines; 1 {new elevator potato digger, 4 two- way plows. 1 car two-wheel traller I 10<inch used ensilage cutter; 2 hand older mills: 4 used mowers 2 tractor plows. 2 gang plows: 1 heavy long roller; 1 two-tub washer with engine; 1 two-can milk cooler What elise do you need that ia avails abie. Limited supply of home grown red clover seed, germination, $1690 a bushel, while it lasts. Caso iene stove: washing machines, wood saws and mandrels; 50 cockerels, 10 months old, 5 to 8 pounds Losch | onsen, Supply Co., Jersey Shore, a Ki shoes until June 15 GASOLINE--Page 5 stamps in! “A” book good for three gallons of | gasoline through July 22 TIRES Last day for “C” book drivers to have tires inspected is May 31. For “B’' book drivers last day is June 30 | RATION BOOK Ne. 3-Applica- tion for War Ration Book No. 3,] those now running out in existing | books, are now Leing distributed) by letter carriers. Each application | is good for a single individual or an | Consumers will fill | out and return application cards to! OPA mail centers between June 1 and June 10. OPA centers will mail | {books to applicants — FOR SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON ONLY, MAY 29 The following articles of furniture of the former Mal lory Studio at the Studio Rooms, 2nd Floor, Crider's Exchange: Mahogany Settee and 3 Chairs Several Odd Chairs and Benches Oak Library Table Show Case Display Table Roll Top Desk Safe, ete. AT THE MALLORY STUDIO FOR BALE Huy size G Dial F oy Bellefon Al FOR BAL Harmal Dial ! 1937 Dodge in Capacity » Ek. Kaomhko Or will ex- satne aie Clarence 15.04 . § tr Gumnp W Anay Lhreshis oul- tractor size ZH%40 This outfit Is in Roy Buck, Warriors a Lord ney fonte POR Rhine of Mrs Rot re Pa. alter Pleasant Garg o n x21 « All kinds garden Tuding tomato cabbage planta, mangoes, ec ne, North Thom- Pa x21 FOR SALE xd lov nwe SAL ge be ol POR ~All law your A A Bellefon! 3 ower i Of on e. Claster's. Hig Pa. Phone 3122 POR SALE Dortable ov nguon Typewriter, Remi like new. $60. Underwood aesk model, $40 Standard keyboards choice, will sell one. Kathleen Rebersburg, Pa. Box 103. x21 vou Bi eri FOR SALE 18-001 housecar trailer modern apmveniences. New 1'res Also two pick-up trailers, reasonable price. Inquire of Mr. Lewis, Philips- bure Country Club, Philipsburg, Pa x21 FOR SALE mango Plante: cabbage, tomato broooolia cauiifiower eer piant. Bermuda onjon, petunias, ag- erratum ANapdragon aster mari- golds and costa Geo J. Bohn. Le- mont. Ps x22 PARM MAC HINERY- Advise us what you need. If we don't have it to- day, we can likely get It for you Guite soon, on your rationing certie ficate Sone Parm Machinery Com- pany, Jersey hore, Pa. x21 PERMANENT WAVE 68. Do your own Permanent with Charm-Kurl Kit. Complete equipment. including 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy 10 do, absolutely harmless Praised by thous sands including June lang, glamor- ous movie star. Money refunded If not satisfied. Parrish Drug Store x25 FOR SALE- To "cond truckers: Good grade of coal. Always 50 ton on hand No waiting One-half mile rorth of Philipsburg Hospital, on Black Moshannon road New openi- ng also started Will have stoker coal about July 15, 1943 louis De- Palma, Jr. BR 1 Box 37 Philipsbure, Pa. Phone 554-R-3 x21 Act Quickly Against Coccidiosis As a First Ald Treatment Use Dr. Salsbury’s Rakos {immediately at the first indication lof dreaded Coceldiosis. Watch for | those tell-tale signs—droopy wings, huddling, and shivering, loss of ap- | petite, bloody or watery droppings. [Neglect can be very serious—so act QUICKLY! Also use sanitation and litter spray to kill Coccidia FEED DR. BALSBURY'S AVI- Hockman’s Feed Store Phone 2289 Bellefonte, Pa. TAB as a flock conditioner to birds | ‘hit by Coccidiosts. It's an ideal ap- | | petite stimulator, FARMERS | duire of B O | Phone ! garden, | 4231 Use this highly astringent liquid | Sales Mart Penn Hall, Bring your ly YOU Can except Helgel, owner, man Va Luis hit ¢ sock wood go ie ir Centre Tuesd ny Doultry 8.1 &) FARMERS Mill Hal Pp portunity p 4 hq The A al to Poultry for Sale Dogs, Pets, Etc. ¢ Real Estate for Sale POR FORGET SALE ealh ali COtivernael og entral ooation Bellefonte. Wyits I+ A care of Centre Democrat. x21 HALE Ie Bush CON VENMeN OM am Teavior, Buss Pa Frame double Pry « KE ron Addit miles north Consisting able, 50 balance pasture ioed very reasons information write Frank Orassfiat, Pa. Clearfield x21 ar vd woodlar a. able Por J. Mile county SALE -130.acre farm. Jocated hall mile fre Ross Church in Nal fmoon township, 90 acres under ivation, balance in timber: new new concrete biock milk house fn and house A-1 condition i wired fOr electricity Cow stables nereted In keeping with ShefMeid specifications. Can be bought at bar- Rain price for quick sale. Possession Avril 1 if desired This farm was for. meriy known as the Rider farm. now owned bY Russell Zerby. If interest ed call L. Frank Mayes 2842 State College + PCR SALE--The best farm buy. One of the Long farms in Clinton coun- Large dwelling, one side rented necessary outbulldings: about 58 14 acres of wheat ground appearance hows the grounds three POR one in tility. Along Bellefonte road miles from Mill Hall Owner ret! on account of age and health best hedge ARAinSL inflation is a se lect piece of real estate " Possession H tact Eckert & Hager, Pa ae Jersey 3 Houses for Rent POR RENT A mont, from Ross Lemon? FOR ie C x21 in imer Brick house Sune 1st Pa RENT. A nix- “OOM Axemann, available June Harvey st . Bellefonte, Pa 20+ u Five. room modern bun- ufurnished. Hot water heat, fruit 200d condition; in | Bellefonte. Eva Simpeon, State Cols ee, RD 1 Phone State College 19-11 550 POR RENT. gailow, The James Kerstetter house at In- | — "BABY CHICKS | Large Type White Leghorn Chicks « Pullets - Cockerels 'O™® 419" 5 Extra Select Broiler Cockerels 50 for $2.65 No Heavy Breed hicks Now | Gervin K. Schaeffer MeAlisterville, Perma. \ mas ———— CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS | Apartments for Rent POR BEN | logu re 116 Ew FOR Les f » Pasture for Rent Piano Tuning DEAD Ca 4 ¥ elise DEAD STOOK- —Remerves ny €RDense L MM liefonts Pa 87% Be esburg idova you Tiegen. FRYE — Announcements MEMORIAL BAKE SALE The Stes A M E chur certificate inery Ra- +n £0} Get your Farm Mach Saturday evenings, x21 © QUITO SRI SL © = Roller Skafe =| — OE — Hecla Park Every Friday Night Et Poultry Raisers ! START Your CHICKS RIGHT With DR. SALSBURY'S PHEN-O-SAL The Double Duty Drinking Water Medicine HOCKMAN'S POULTRY STORE Phone 2229 Phone 23 Bellefonte Centre Hall Centre Hall Store open every Sat. urday from 2:30 to 8:30 P. M. MARKET EGGS - HATCHING EGS WANTED