Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 27, 1943, Image 4
THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Blanchard High School Graduating Class of 1943 Page Four May 27, 1043. Launch Drive On Gasoline Violators ‘Gas Ban Closes Paradise Here Jerry Galaida Seeks Office Police Officer (an son making the Fo Although thi witem re ts | \ y vi pe : y i front ie vo elosing Fishermen Brn as Sherifl retin lo Uy pyin | in hg, 1 ah ¢ : “Ae ; : ‘ force hefore th tried without explained that thie 15 50 acute that means Tremend are being ald the w» Now, wl of alr raid (Continged from page one) non-essential plaints must | n Continued from page one) wr too mzy oo walk Pennsyvivania i PU Pose 1) Bellefonte ddate Nomination - MARKET QUOTATIONS orrecied Weekly by CY, Wagner ne A Ca. Inc. Vieur Mill Bellefonte Commencement Activities. Memorial Day To Be Observed Here JUSONY ll Ss TOME F oP FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SE Continuous Saturday from 29300 ERE EE Filled With Songs, Laughs Girls, And Oh, Such Romance! Discusses Farm Labor Shortage w ’ sass an ARN eR x ] lege to bru home 11. Funeral: 12. To trahsport invalid abled persons if doct driving is ahuo person's } ; OY Fares ‘ i x : ob t ¥ H treet Belief 13. To take ram t i : ese toy 4 sa LR wlinged from page one) ' . . i iRImiers neeging # Ar-'§ one SPER R RR ERR 2AARELE a8 faRQMRARRQRARARRARARRARARARD AR ao Mo Ms for Summen Comfort! moral services X Begins Training in Women's Corps | A220 Smart! Modern! ~ SCS SSL SL SSS SSS RRR Axil ry Rut po { , K Poot Bellefonte. when the Toomer Wched - Somge Barber ; \ t the Second Billy GEbert + Wily Matlin and al Dio (Center, Daytona § uubty Sn bss bel freien Nahr By ker Pa Ts as) to 13 ee RI me K Poorman KING OF COWBOYS spent in § ROY ROGERS of BD can ios Ji sinmn re Kalifax river 0 WAR Even 8 : “SONS OF THE PIONEERS” 3 Pieces {=i pig a YL “Gabby” BT Ta TTT EEE FLL FR IRL @ TLL 1 SEF STAR EEE Memorial Day Midnight Show DOORS OPEN SUNDAY NIGHT AT 1200 A M Tickets Now on Sale for Midnight Shaw and Aveid Last-Minute Rush IT'S A TIDAL WAVE OF RHYTHM, ROMANCE AND MAD REVELRY Bur Nov were ment 2208508028 88282828 22 sR RRR Lhe THE ad a and inter- her assign- ob that will re- 3 Ah 2 io Drm at B ae ' ! ; wii] » ' dier for combat duty he pre ph AL ir: . urea Arixilia Poorman was then pat iM a bot CIVICES Ab transterrey the cantomment area : i fini It 1 AG t 4 nd 41 | NON Pe jevelopoed for the Ouran {1 and § . ‘ ning of WAAC troops. As- ty | Boal i to a training company which i+ Memo dia tthe WIHHAIME] py 150 wome Jie is billeted rye! Martha, will be held a sine barracks and is geting With Gee. Haves ICI ASAE MONDAY-<BARGAIN NITE Your Favorite Trigger Trio Put the Lawless on the Spel! THE RANGE BUSTERS v begins with revellle VR ; : Nn From 8 to 4:30 *ach . nds classes where she is “TWO-FISTED : nied wit) methods and JUSTICE” will need to John King — David Sharpe re she replaces a man in i a military job. Not ali the emphasis Max Terhune AAAS ERE EN Crm nn Sm em seeping on a Canvas E " par 80 ¢ form ma MARGARET LINDSAY JOHN BEAL bide Ha fort- ; : 5 I A Td rium . : . ines which she 7 ¥ 1 ia i recipe for a gay, coni Arms retreat at home! Re By ———— Monday & Tuesday ing vour leisure hours!’ ral-finish tyled in a new and r. Sturdy and durable in with deep, comfortable ¢ cushions in colorful floral Includes sofa and two chairs. Heywood-Wakefield steel spring construct will i t cemetery, Milesbu Sunday: al the Trem « on hooks. however close order Hl and physical training have their ¢ the daily edule at 10°30 a m : ally sch at 1:30 D. | WAACS the high spots TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY 3:30 p : A “Hand-Picked” Gang of There will be speakers Public Sales Funsters in a Hit That at each and the P.O of A Make You Scream With will be In charge of the Mileshurg Laughter! Additional Sales on Page 5, Seeand Section 1’ Paul Campiwll of State College will speak at the services at WILLIAM GRACE MAX BENDIX BRADLEY BAER Saturday, , June 15 MRS. WILLIAM TAYLOR Curtin cemetery Bervices atl the Bprucetown ceme- . “THE McGUERLINS FROM BROOKLYN" Executor of the estate of James Ker. | stetter, will offer at public sale at tery. Potters Mills, will be held 8Bun- day at 2:30 p.m. with Rev. C. M Me : With Marjorie Woedworth the late residence on iHowbank | Joe " Kawye street, Bellefonte, Pa. the following "Sarge yer natu rattan ip (EL EEEEL Lib FROM BACKWOODS TAILOR TO 17th S. PRESIDENT ! frames are cleverly : bu . remciery modern manne aMilesiirg cemetery at are at » fe 11 Lesh Sunday constuction, CETEMOnY eat and bac ceremony fabric (renuine 1011. Hammond as speaker, The Slate College American Legion will paitic. ipate In the program, Sata amaa——— CT SE CR EC RG en EH Ll SY COFFEE AND COCKTAIL TABLES TO MATCH $9.50 $11.00 $12.75 BRACHBILL’S Spring Street Bellefonte, Pa. EYRE EE I RE an TIRE RT i pital for the past few weeks PLEASANT GAP Pudd Brooks. Robert Brown, Cieorge Margargel, Nevin Corman, Rodney Johnston and Pred Ecken- roth left Monday for New Cumber- { land The many {riends of Jared Evey will be sorry to learn that he bas been very ill in the Geisinger Hos Mr. Clyde Alairan has been quite | miserable with a heart condition | which will cause him to stay in bed | RR a A living foun — : ing voom table and Ea chai; % radio; Victrola: May- | living room ibs: library table; rockers; suite, table desks lawn mower; swing: 8in- writing tag washer, ar rowing machine; kitchen rang: | 2 rugs. 12x16; 2 ingrain carpets; room suite; coil sprngs: 3 beds: ee ; ser; kitchen table; cooking utensils, ' and many other articles 100 numér- | ofr to mention At the same time and » lace i dwelling house and farm will be on : fered for sale Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms cash. Mayes and Stover, sucts. Paul M. Dubbs, clerk. we ALSO se The Sereen’s Fastest Talking Newshawk is Back in Wis Greatest Role! LEE TRACY in “THE PAY-OFF” — With — Tom Brown — Tina Thayer Evelyn Brent — Jack Larue Ven HEFUIN - Rath HUSSEY Lions! BARRYMORE * IKE (SLANDS A