Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 27, 1943, Image 3
May 27, 1043. THY CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. ’ UNIONVILLE where she will with he i ey and Mi Ward whom have beep Free Methodist « Methodist i Del. pend Hrsday ev [N hool on! week morning at the usual time, Mi Junior Fellowship In the afternoon ol at the homu Mt Askins. Youth Fellowship in the evening at 6:30 for thi Rov o'clock, immediately follow the as, District Supt will regular preaching service a 7:30, "the regular quarterly with smmmon by the ju W. Thomas will preach A. Snyder al 7.45, and again on § Free Methodist ‘hurch ray ing at 11 o'clock. The church convenes promptly at 9:30 a lowed bv the Love Feast ing service. Rev. Thomas sal State College Saturday evening Chaplain Robert J M who ent of the U. 8 to the rank Keeler entered the 1042 y the ervice Ti Sunday of hurch DN In week end tol Friday Keeler ww Of Ci. W. of thi vice ha promoted ol Rev June of i clean y Of luncheon ol Ww the Community M Lhe men several and husband Southard, both il recently here meeting evening junday morn hool m and preach. will preach grave and Sun- Bull red the recently the covered House st | time Rev. Willlam A. Snyder of the | | Methodist church will be the speak- er. Special emphasis will be placed | ton the dedication of the honor roll | for the borough and township and we trust all folks Interested in this feature will be there in honor of jour boys who are now in the service of the United States and who are sacrificing to protect our country. | The graves of the honored dead at the various cemeteries will be decor- ated by a committee appointed for that purpose Ail borough are to pe t with the cemeleriog veleron of yeoue the township and sted to be on hand decorating of the at th after the Crvice JACKSONVILLE Sunday school at 9:30 Foster Shamp visited at the Wine- Id Deitz home Sunday. Helen Me. anley and granddaughter Donna Ruth Betz and children re callers at the same place Weekend visitors at the Lucy Coa home were Miss Della Gare brick Mi Hubert Vonada Mrs Alice Betz, Mrs. Vivian Vonada, M:! iter Dalley of Alt Mrs. Orin Fve and daughters Jane of Heelan, Elms Marsh Creek, and | of Mt Eagle Sunday nlso away OOns Mary Watkins of “hilip Budinger dinner guests ng son Clarence Christina Mr. and Etter and children improving nicely peedy recovery Nef! and daughter, R Comptlon, spen with tl ghter, Hel Bartley Wi were and Mr Mrs MAWAY We ish for her a wie dan family Alice Betz Mrs. J. T. De- th of Centre Ruth Betz and children of Howard, and Mrs. Mary Bartley Louise Beigntol and Evelyn Poor- man of Howard, were the Robert Conaway home 1 it the same place were Fred Keslin on Clarence and daug® Chri Mr Milford Etters and Yarnell Mrs. Ralph Packer called at the Frank Eils- Monday evening Mrs. Mil Weekend ome were lane Miss Hall, M1: and callers at the Mr ald Jean Smi callers at Sunday call- er nome sxforr MIsIOr- nin and is We wish ver had the 1 and break h k Haven Hospital 1 a speedy recovery at the D. P. Ertley Claude Moore and of Howard ! Yearick of Hublers- visitors “1440:-Puge JUMBO SIZE “UNIVERSAL Cy (1). 1.03 A GREAT VALUE! AN IDEAL BOOK of REFERENCE for HOME, SCHOOL or OFFICE One of the most sensational educational values in history! The famous “Universal” Dictionary . . . handsome , . . up-to-date . + . useful wherever a fine dictionary is needed. Beautifully and sturdily bound... printed on durable paper in large, easy- to-read type. Authentic and COMPLETE! HANDSOME GOLD. DECORATED BACK 2. INCHES THICK! INCHES HIGH! / 1 INCHES g Z WIDE! PAGES! : A 1440... INDEXED OLF FURNITURE C BELLEFONTE, PA. '54 ALLEGHENY STREET DP Ert- daugh'er f. su! evening few davs helping care H J. D Neidigh of State lege, who had a cerebral hemor- rhage and a pariyviic stroke of the Jefe side. He is improved at this writing Mrs hey n DPE children and the John Culick visited home aed joes Saturday al ig ®) 4 HOWARD : Man 1 rned stationed ; Katurds " pri wi Mrs D Harry Tier pent wigh with his Charles Mam Mrs a itimore and three son x few dave recent and brother- Tice and Willian the funeral Beck ather-in-law and lee 1 with her | y ice in-law, Cyrus A H Schwenk Thompson atiended the former's cousin, Henry iliamsport, at the Church of the ren, Eastville, last week The public sale of household goods of Marinus Minor, deceased, will be continued Satur day, May 29 at | o'clock. B. J. Long purchased the property on Main street and expects to make the need. sd repairs in the near future, Mrs Alta Kline purchased the property on Walnut street formerly used by Mr. Minor as a watch repair store The caine the remaining men of the town are Iand- the ground around the Hon. or Roll in service, for the dodication service to be held Mon- day. May 31 at 6 p. mm. The prog am is published elsewhere in this issue Jahn Wolf spent Sunday with his son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Neff. “Buddy” DeHans of Beech Creek, was also a Sunday of “Bobby” Neff at the Neff for those guest home Mrs. Florence Kunes of Blanche ard, was a Friday night caller at the home of Mrs. Millford Heverly The union prayer service will be held at the Methodist church Wed- nesday, June 2nd | Rev. Paul Mackey underwent a major operation at Gelsinger Hoepi- tal, Danville, last week “Dick” Allison ix a medical patient at the Lock Haven Hospital, the re- sult of an automobile accident last winter Mrs. Gertrude Gardner, mother of Mrs. N. J. Weickert, with whom she made her home, had the misfortune | ito fall and break her hip recently Mrs. GArdner being an aged lady. is getting along as well as can be ex | pected The Home Economies committee (of Howard Grange is sponsoring a! (talk on “Canning in War Time,” by | Miss Helen Butler, county home eco- | nomics extension representative, to. {be held in the I. 0. O. F. Hall Pri- day, May 28 ot 8 o'clock at Howard. | {Anyone interested in canning is] | urged to attend. The Gravel Point school, taught! {by Mr. DeArment of Howard, closed | its term Tuesday by holding a pic- | be for pupils and parents near the {schoolhouse. The Howard pupils are {taking their examinations this week, | school closing the third of June. The | {young people of the surrounding dis- |tricts took thelr examinations to en. {ter Howard High Schoo] last Satur- day at the high school bullding. {There were 76 pupils. The talk about China being forced lout of the war does not tell us how [this will help the Chinese. 5. went tn REBERSBURG Mr. and Mrs. 8, A. Blerly Mrs Elizabeth Weaver and Mis. W. J Krelder attended the funeral of Mr George Wolfe at Tylersville, Sunday afternoon, Mr. Wolfe was an uncle of Mrs. Blerly's Roy Brungart returned home last Wednesday after receiving treatment {nt the Centre County Hospital where {he was | became a patient a week. Sunday he very {ll with pleurisy and | now confined to his bed with a touch of pneumonia. He slightly Ime. proved at this writing Mrs, Curtls Greninger and daugh- ter Nancy, are visiting the forme: nts, Rey M: A. J. Miller nl Stovestown Mr. and and daughter J Pl “and Mr W. H. Hackenbora anne of Muney wep weekend visitors with Mr. Hacken. bey mother, Mrs. W. J Hacl berg. They were dinner guests at th home of Mr. and Mrs. Lavand Blerly Saturday evening C. Haines ast week with her son Haines and wife, in Han id Mrs. Haines motored h to Rebersburg Saturda re weekend guests In Reber pnd Mr Charles Slattery Masian, Arthu ighter Ma Friday Elsie Walte and of Wolle Store at the oir spent sen It shure Ke 11 mol on il whiter roeck and d wyllle, were home of Mrs Kenneth Swartz aay callers Mi George Elsie of Spring Horner of Milton Laure St Lor same Showers and daug! I Mill: Mrs. Mary Miss Lulu Lohr of ste Village and of Daimatia nome ton Dobson ¥ 11 ] Bn wis a Wedne Rebershurg Mrs. WM burgh last Friday, whe: i her mn Paul and Ja kK TH ning ar Vii aughter week Mr. ai family Mn called t Lh George Mr and Bloom rg veral d and dane Marstellar and a Ned Hoestetman was a Friday suntwy W. Breon home N select es sent 0 on Monday Mr daughter wily od and M Gl at the Herman Co risburg Mr. and turned home on Su New om Ins Monterey summer at Yar dav, { Mm Milltheim . Miss Alma Corma Members of Gravel Spring enjoyed a turkey cloner lodge on Sunda) Mra. John Dave Lemont. were Bunda parents, Mr. and Their dau Guisewite and children burg. spent Tuesday evening parental home Kenneth W selrclers of the county New Cumberland on Monday ner was served in his honor at the home of his father, Calvin Breon on Sunday Those guests present were Mr Mr Kennetty WwW Breon., Mr Mrs. Calvin Breon Jr.. and daughter Palsy, Mi wl Mrs. Russell Breon and daughiers Mavbelle and Jean, and sons Dean and Larry. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bright and daughters Geraldine and yvonne, of Rebersburg, Mr. and Mrs Ted Breon and children, Lena and Harold of Coburn, Mr. and Mrs. Le- Roy Breon and daughters, Phyllis and Rosaline, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Breon and son Donald, and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Breon and daughter Mary of Aaronsburg Mrs. Elizabeth Septan en Gephart and Mrs and child Visit Mrs Mrs of ner Garrett ghter Breon was among the to he sent to A din and and Miss Hel Mrs. Elizabeth Weaver on Saturday evening Nancy Breon of Centre Hall, spent the past week with her grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Myles Breon Memorial Day services will be held {in the local Evangelical church next Bunday at 10 a. m., with Rev. R A Babeock as speaker. A Union choir will furnish special music follow this service RW. Smith visited Mrs Greenburr, the past weekend The public schools of Miles town- | ship closed Friday. High school com- | mencement exercises were held in! the Evangelical church the same! { evening. There were seven grad. uates, Lucille Bierly, Maybelle Breon, | {Phyllis Brungart, Lucille Confer, Doris Mallory. Marvin Bair and Kenneth Gephart. The program for commencement: Processional, Hilda Shultz: invocation, Glenn Weaver, pastor: address of welcome, Ken- neth Gephart: Dear Land of Home, mixed chorus: class poem, Lucille Confer: playlest, “No Victory Without Labor,” seniors; Commencement Song, mixed chorus: class will. May- bolle Breon; address and solo, Mrs. J. W. Yoder: presentatica of diplo- mas, Mrs. Mary Abbott: benediction, Rev. R. A. Baboock. Special Memorial Day services will be held at God's Missionary church John Diehl of | i State College, called at the home of Decorns | Hitn of the graves of war veterans will her (daughter, Mrs. Kermit Kerstetler al { net Wolfe Trio nishing Misse Breon, Brungart vania Mondny Mis Fall in our Sut linn RUNVILLE Mrs. Charley Hackenberg Donald, visited with hes Bara Reese, at Elmira past week Mr. and family parent Store, with the Lucille, Joe and special music Doris Mallory, Lucille Confer and began work in Products Co. pt Mill Holtman Betty, fu Maybelle Phyllis the Syl Hall on urdny Mi Ciarove MeClhines with Mr inday eve Emma Mary isitea nett Mi 5 Miriam Hackman on 8 Is visiting relatives and friends vicinity with her gra Jers t 2031 oyd Blover of Je " Wa visiting his siste mMegart and tamily of Niagara North Caro Mrs. Ken the KENNEDY Are youl investing BOALSBURG Ala 8 Page Three La AUTO MUFFLERS For All makes of cars CHEVROLET - - - 98¢ Engineered BRAKE LINING SETS $932 aility Percolator sui Cosmetic Dodge, 30-41 Chr: sler, 40-41 De Soto, 38.41 Glass Tops 3c Glassware Refrigerator JARS CROQUET implele For 4 ROOF CO Ashes ATING Asphalt $2.19 {Os Red BARN PAINT $1.95 Handles For “i | BIKE BASKETS = 99¢ SADDLE BAGS 19¢c Luggage 19¢ Thermos Bottle Filles 59¢ Waterp Spree ial ZIPPER BAGS oof Material ¢ wpth , 25¢ brass Seed pubes BOVE MIKED GSS Sek KING BOLT SETS For Plymouth knee action. Gen uyine Certified Seti: Ka implete wilh ¢ bearings, ishing P-93 $159 ine a» "i GARDEN SEEDS PICNK HOSE MERDER 54" Clincher Type 9 VEGETABLE & LOWER Large Choice. pkg 5¢ -- 10c HOSE WASHER Sa 12 90 $109 ) FISHING 2 30 - Oe Priced Low for other cars MOTOR OIL 1067, Pennsylvania “PENRECO OIL” COOLING SYSTEM CLEANER ill winter rust and dirt with. out injury 1.6 COLORADQ SPINNER 15¢ FISHING LINE— Husky Braided, 50 ft, tested, waterproof LINE-—Furnished on holder with bobber, Genuine Guttyhunk LEADER—-2 yards. Strong for fly or bail. Bel23 ...ins.u0iun;s eas Allegheny St NUTING JUGS SPRINKLERS “Ww ‘estern Lube™ Scld From rum LEADER BOX 19¢ 89¢ 15¢ -19¢ TAGKLE LANDING NET, strong frame 15” long, elastic grip, 18" Z.139 . ae SNELLED "HOOKS, card of 6. Spring Steel, 2163-69 . FLY HOOKS, imported pennell gut, Snells finest material DOG COLLARS 10¢ " DOG HARNESS MINNOW WADING CAN with Nirap Bellefonte, Penna.