Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 27, 1943, Image 2
Pana Sug ~~ ~~ THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. May 27, 1943. of the arrangements: orchestra, Fre Reformed: The Rev. D. R. Keener, MEMORIAL SERVICES and being led by the Centre Hall- Bharer will sing several special nest Frank, Jr, Geraldine Rockey pastor. Centre Hall Church service TO BE HELD MONDAY Poller band numbers CENTRE HALL AND YICIN ITY ahd Ruth . Hackett, . decorations, 7:30 Sunday school, 9:30. Spring The cemetery service is scheduled I'he commitiee On arrangements Joyce Bradford, Barbara Potter and ily : . A Memorial Day services In Centre for 6:30 o'clock with Prof A. DD. has asked that anvone who can fur- June Wagner nid refreshiments, Mills--Church service, 10:30 Sunday Hall will begin with we traditional Gaugler of Middleburg, as the speak nish flowers for the ceremony shall - ~ M—— ys Martha Bpykas Betty Slack snd school, 9:30. Farme: Mili wt hurch arad orming at hie gelienl er A group of thu Iiges hool bring them tothe P.O. B. of A — Betty Searson ervice, 9:00; Bunday school, 10:00 church a o'clock ver r. 4 dren. directed y N witha al § o'clock Monday morning PRESENT AWARDS AT One-Sport Athletes: Esther N.isode In the traditional class day : aia —— SPECIAL ASSEMBLY Blazer, "44; Myra Confer, 45; Edwin [manner with Dean Ross as class 0 0 0 GRADUATES —— | Crawford, "45; Harry Gross, ‘44; Jean | prophet; Miss June Wagner, class SLATED FOR SERVICE CA At a special assembly period on|Hanna, ‘43; Harry McClenahan, ‘45; | Poet; Miss Geraldine Rockey, statis Monday afternoon, J. PF. Wetzel! Minerva Neff L Chestel Pletehes the bas a vig RAY, i Probably ten of the 16 boys ig the 5 » sk¥aas at vO thle i ert Pufl! J. Willlam | presiaen sentin ie mante ' Centre 1-Potter vrad a . m pring ipal, and Paul Breon athletic 44; « Rober I. "43 i ri Centre Haull-Potter graduating cla 4 K d H t St director, presented perfect attend- Pull, 43; Juck Riegel, "43. Edna Rim. Willlam Reese, Junior class Presi ope jn the U. 8. aimed forces be dh e a ion a ps ance awards and athletic awards to mey, 44; Geraldine Rox key 4 Lois | dent fore fall, Jack Ries, who received Centre Hall-Potter students and an- | Ross, "44; Betly R. Slack, 43 Miss Martha C. Spyker and Eldon his diploma In absentia, Is now in o 4 E- F-G-H Sugar Coupon No. 1 2 Coffee nounced the honor roll for the last gy, gents receiving certificates of | Whitman, honor students, appeared gn, Army Medical Corps and is lo bea A ’ ’ six-weeks period. perfect attendance are follow: n the program as salutatorian and cate near Salt Lake City. €C Wil ; C N 23 G d ONLY th h n heries " Rr : hs folk nledictorian, respectively 7 N E. Ty { 3 / oupon 0. 00 roug The honor roll, alphabetically a Sentors: Guy Faust vears: Betty Ham Boozer, Jr. has passed the ex ranged. follows nm ran : nih 4 a A dto F. Glenn Rogers, county superin- aminations for the Navy V-12 Of. ; M 31 Al D t t * ; Searson i Tour ores Trait +o leun Rogers, county superin- aminitions for the Navy V-13 Of- ay 31s*! Don’t waste precious cou- Senior Class: William Boozer, Jean | year etty Slack, 2 years. Juniors he end of the program, to the grad. gin work § Navy cadet soon Hanna, Miles King, Barbara Potter, | Beulah cag ford, 4 years; Warten| ies whose names follow. Those Willlam Pu n drafted an a pons--Remember, A&P Super Markets George Ralston, Betly Slack and | Faust, 11 ye Sophomores: EAWIN mg rkag with an asterisk comprise ve {Or camp SOON don Whitman rawford, 6 yea! Dean Luse, 7 yh honor 101] based on the records Three grad nald BR. Bros 3 tH " Sophomore Class: Davia Booger, YeArs: Beatrice Dadhem, 1 year, ror (inh ibid oy ig SERVICE SPECIALIZE in wide selections for your Edwin Crawford Willian aup, | 4 Whig : a in sTOL : Robert H. Bloom Willis Boo- have enlisted in the nv Alr Cor » . » » Grace Hackett and Donn A y so dgotbivi i a ar; Jun. 2601 n Joyce Bi df rd a. ne E. and Ernest FF. #1 tC has enlisted |) ot iy : ration p 0 i n t Ss at worthwhile savings, i¢ Yas Jean Bartholomew, '& *Y fh FEN 3rook nald R. Brouse, *Isabel Et U. 8 Marh Fhree otlw Somme i Bei Wan) Y Sradiord 4 on ory Dena R ; ¥ ; ist E I 3 rin ¥ ed Horner and Eldon we | | too ! Study the offerings on this pa e Phyllis Grove, Fern Hanna, William GARDEN CLUB MEETS Frank, W. Marlin Fye, M. Glenwyn Whitman n to enlist or L3H SUPER MARKETS . BE Reese and Evelvn Rover AT WETZEL RESIDENCE hart. Ruth J. Hackett f b ‘ih (1) rio oh R Hori Fron w u hast. a R Holdern 1 0 ) » \ now or your est uys ! ARF STORES WILL BY ' 4 ' firs, J. F. Welael, Mrs, J. Wiliam [psp Horner. *Miles R. King, en State Teachers’ College this full “= CIOSED ALL DAY Dale Conte Marjorie Eme I sin be Wy ‘ wh ry rs T Kirkpat- Fred : ] ne k Lee in nn Sia - : > p wim 4 MEMORIAL ; Meeker, Marian Michael and Bett ‘ tala. o vden Sect n Saran K. King, Edith M. Mecke! hd A a ! A i — : aha 5 RB ‘ DAY = Nek entertained the Garden StSton | “Marth ©. Mowery, Prances late at Penn State. = i RED. STAMP VALUES . | BLUE STAMP VALUES —————— 3 hese athlete were awarded el hame last 1 d evening Neff, Barbara A. Potiwer, GG. Robert hide . I . Pts. Price = room 3 EEE 3 NN -_ ~ SRR A EE Ba SE Be fi, J. Willam Puff, George Ral- ter business collexe In Hairisierg A Pts. Price wi i wk Riess Ol 1. Rimmes wid i ht . ‘ di Aa oh ‘Geraldine B. Rockey, Dea : 8 ile. ona of the’ STO = Pressed Ham (vives rid | Chicken Gumb §dmphe Seruldine B. 59c¢ | : umbo Soup Weer wus | #8 Ide Bett) Spiced Luncheon Meat 3PAIAEYS wa | 12 33e Corned Pork i £0c Green Beans ty Ne. I ea . ot 11h. 3 4 Ile 19¢ | Sliced Beets ultie re (fe Jellied Ox Tongue CLUB HEARS TALK ON PIPE ORGAN OPERATION Berliner Lunch Meat Diced Carrots iaviio Gian Ile : ) 1 MUNICIPAL a uy: Wid Min Se oi pipe an fundamentals by Mrs. Ruth BCR BL TOOL, Hd 8 Tender Small Weiners he 33 | lena Corn sean bs Con (le GRADUATING CLASS IN ram at the he ut the dune, Hagn 5 6 29¢| Larsen's Veg-all - 12¢ : 5 P 1 6 5 MILLHEIM bh ig ob Sliced Jumbo Bologna EDUCATIONAL PAGEANT mab T L EY REV. KIRKPATRICK 18 = NEW SHOW TIME , > Ee BACCALAUREATE SPEAKER # Tasty Liver Sausage Shows Now 7:30 and 9:30 P. M 8 i Pottes aduad ] mer VET btu "st Admission 10c & 30 I iva. ¢ ' of Mrs. Samuel], ol ish ; Memb A " yo Red eer t Ire wal the > Meat Loaves Arverted 33¢ | lona Tomate Puree Na. 1 Can Te { 35¢ | Tomato Juice Comoreirs : 2% 52¢ | V-8 Cocktail ‘ s | 2728 33c Grape Juice rar Spiced Mam “7° Last Times Tonight | : ‘ ev. mer y 1 Potte wv ’ 2 THURSDAY, MAY 27th V epicting the improved edu- nef ¥ARF TOUORTL TOM Ty calaureate service Sunday evening in 2 Fresh Pork Sausage | Don Amecte Jack Oakie 1... pared with tose of other Me A Pl 1 e Ser acuity ap. & Pure lard ~ Man (Be | Grapefruit Juice Janet Blair : x aas. a : 33 rp aw } as 2 ——— — n———————— . tod to 43 ut are’ : 5 Fruit Cocktail Something 10 | moiher: ina fathers of he cass Graywiil: ‘director. Mrs Witiam 416 MU ola Saw. ” Red Stamp Features! Fruit Cocktail Shout About ois ’ fn were an Kee ner. he py f 4 t} % Fresh Sunnyfield Print AAT y G “En : Bartlett Pears Mursday Ni ‘s sung by Miss LARUE ser ary. F. V. Goodbart, Mrs. G 5 BUTTER ! 53c Sliced Peaches ——————t— Brooks an aust; “Ben Bolt.” x Rimmey. Mrs. Grayoill. M $e" Be i Sunnyfield S lona Peaches v \ pi ; == Rickert. M J W n Brad HIURCH SERVICES : SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY Ralst d LasiHonec | Elizabeth; B ren 1X : y ‘ | 3 p BACON : 43c Ma epiCted PY oa eS iCooper, Mm, Keenef, Mn. John B.: CWO ELE 0. C Hall : A&P Pumpkin i ed Fat Bs RED SKELTON at his best in noked Tomato Paste vewmesu i . . Jy : a Ele, w A. SENIOR PROM HELD ‘ wad 4 ; SQUARES i 19¢ ‘ Whistling ‘ 4 William Puff. and their IN ATTRACTIVE SETTING ry 2:0 Large Lima Beans (3¢ In Dixie ng Of simulated twinkling eA veyro, Sue Bonnet, Durkee Mich, Pea Beans 9¢ with Ann Rutherford ineiesy Of Wisdom sid Via Centre. Hall-Fotes Seniors With. Liu! on rvice. 10-30. Sanday & OLEO Points = = eh 23c Red Kidney Beans ns 4 | lle wi plaved © Jobin L. Rimmey, Jr. many alum and LATEST NEWS and Miss Betty R. Slack respectively, their first fe rmal 50 PETE SMITH interpreted the scenes throughout «g.njne Premt . ; aH for the SO representing modern n tm fav 12 ig t Methodist: The Rev H M m CARTOON fo. she. group representing meres aastup Friday nigh , Redeem Coupon} Ne. 23 Today — 4 wend pastor. Osntye Hall Chiro : inte ; Elaborate decorations fo Se ll vl IP : Las! Chance to Get Coffee of Finer, Fresher Flaver for for § Pounds of Pure Cane r Sst 5 rvipe nded with an epi tarice nel en pr, J, thie suspendea Hom the : cetiing, BPTUCHOwW urch service, 10:45 : Coupon No. 23 It Expires May 3ist : i mi THE TRE Se HE CH oH 3. a rehes d clumps of grees bY ar. ’ . ' i } fa Lf ¢ . : . - A DA 5 DE SI CS RS ¥ | tificial Mow "ek ders lite Preshyteris lh 1. Ki 4 Buy Mild and Mellone Eight (V' Clock r. AR NOTICE COFFEE in i: 21¢ 2 -13c how a 30 Tussoyvilile {his ! v ’ — - a a — service, 800° Sunday school 10:80 . - - ER - BOKAR ... 1b. 26c o RED CIRCLE ...dh. 2c SERVE MORE FISH! | Spring “Housecleaning™ These Holiday Foods Are UNRATIONED! Fuh Heddod * Bend Rrand Durkes's Famous Fillets . . , A I E y 7 Sweet Pickles .... J 33¢ DESSRIAR. -.uvv:es. B= Fresh Boston Band Nrand fire's oot or . Dill Pickles 4,... [2° 35¢ Extract - a snes Bo Mackerel Jar Ass Page ; . Ann Page Freh Sea Plain Olives .... = (de Peanut Butter .... 7° H Ann Page Ps . Sannyticld : erring Notice LO every grown housekeeper ! Ws have he ed i Mustard . to get rid of a number of accumulated items in order , Fresh ban : : Ann Fase A r Vibe Li make fim for newer and Tot] winahle jw oy bh oil S nn wge w : : 1s 2 Ws . ¢ Salad Dressin i can thus profit by our decision to CLEAN HOUSE. Tetior's : Macaroni ........ 1 ng Grade “C' Soup Mix . Local Eggs . 36¢ Fresh Halibut Steak Queen Anne : White House ; Fr sh k retain Paper Plates ...2 "= (5c | Evap. Milk Fell Buck Base -, Yukon Club Pius Bil. Chg Palmolive Beverages ........,» Soap Fresh Yellow Pike Camels, Luckies ote, Walder! Tellet Cigarettes : issue. ........0 "ns 2g Tax HOLME Doma {mse Juunnnn imams un ana OQ nan Packard--Nash Studebaker Car ese AND cree Mack Truck Owners Vegetable Shortening : ' 1-Lb. A&P Bakers Are Proud to Present This Crisco "aw un Jer 24¢ Week's Bakery Feature _... .. _.. 5 Red Points Required A oS GARDEN ASA A TWO-LAYER WHITE a Soap Fakes Lee. All Gatdqn Beh in any : FOOLS 4 CAKE "Bn Only 39¢ Chipso re Sade he and i 23¢ We still have a large wivetion This New Line of Parts is in Addition 0% of garden tools at MONEY. A delicious. Aine textured ‘white cake, separated by. a 99 4.100%, Pure SAVING PRICES! creamy marshmallow filler and topped with a rich butter to Our Regular Stock of cream icing. Ivory Flakes Fs. 23¢ Marvel “Enriched Sandwich de | GRAHAM — PLYMOUTH - DODGE LUNCH Dist ows 200 | BREAD ET fc | ee v—— ee. Tne BOXES Toilet Soap BeSOTO AND CHRYSLER uly tow tet a SHOP FIRST FOR UNRATIONED FRESH | Gamay... 3 cs 20¢ PARTS AND EQUIPMENT 26¢ FRUITS AND VEGETABLES The Soap of Beautiful Women White Laundry Soap : Fresh Clean Home Grown . p » . ot iE - : 3 ¢ a % &6 «se. 3 Cakes 14¢ Je sure to call on us if you are in need of parts or i 1 ¢ service for any of the above named cars or trucks, SHOE CEDAR 2 | r d : | a We are in position to give prompt service to virtual As Fine as Soap Can Be ly any type of repair on the cars listed. SHINE KITS CABINETS lesherg Lettuce ov 9 Min 29e Red Ripe p For Boldiers or Sailers, at and Cedarized Garment Bags ot ey Slicing Ivory Soap 3 hr W 29¢ a Clase-ont price of As low as ASparagus lame ..iieiiven™ 190 Home . f GUEST SIZE ,.....2 for 9% 98¢ 19¢ Red Madishes GIL ........ 2 ™ 80 TOMATOE® Soon Forres, La | Ba Gréon Onions Jems _ ..... 2" 0 | Mook for bur “giveaway” table, Filled each | Fine Cocoanuts tov ,..... ™* I8¢ Lbs C Ox ydol *% ss Phe = 230 | week with new bargains! ok or | 8 Juicy clit, Lemons Moe 27 ng — No Scrubbing | ’ Time Out for Shortcake—Llarge Rips 7.3, Soap Powder hdl rd 4 N. Thomas SL. Phone 2719 Bellefonte, Pa, § | CLASTER’S | Strawberries pg Duan 39¢ UZ. ..... rs = 230 We have bought out the complete stock of parts and equipment of the Heine & Simpson Packard Sales and Service Company at Huntingdon, and now have on hand an exceptional selection of parts for Pack- ard, Nash and Studebaker ears and Mack trucks. HEHEHE LENE ROMO NORRIE ER aT ee a a a a High Street. + Bellefonte, Pa. Bus Bees Evecything EE a 8 8 8 a TT “