Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 27, 1943, Image 12
THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. May 27, 1943, “ siz that present war of an wn i anco, of RUE the WH Ra WOODWARD | Roy Bowersox took a load of high ire OBITUARY A GEORGE OSCAR WOLFE George Oscar Wolfe, 78, retired farmer, died last Thursday afternoon at his home in Tylersville, He was a member of the P. O. 8. of A. lodge 418, and of the Reformed church Surviving are his wife, Ada, a son, Armour N. Wolfe, of Mill Hall; seven grandchildren and two sisters Mrs Sarah H. Greninger, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Catherine Bierly, of Flem- | ington. Funeral services at the home Sunday at 2:30 p. m,, with the Rev. T. R. Husler officiat- ing. Interment was made in Union cemetery WILSON HAYES McKISSICK Wilson Hayes McKissick, 70, of McKees Rocks, dled at his home there Wednesday, May 19. A native of Mill Hall and a former resident of Beech Creek, he had moved to McKe Rocks 25 vears ago. His death was due to complications re- sulting from a fall in which he frac- tured several ribs. Surviving are his wife Julia McKlissick, and the following children: Mrs. Bertha Hearn, Mrs. Martha Witmer and Harold, of McKeres Rocks Warren and Er North Bessemer. seven grandchildren: a sister, Mrs. Tacle DeHaas, Lock Haven a brother, Robert, of Belle Vernon, and two hal¥.brothers, H i Nestlerode, of McKees Rocks, and Lewis, of Char- leroi. Interment was made Sunday in the Flemington cemetery Sheasley hi nest, MRS. ROSE H. MILES Mrs. Rose H Miles the home of her daughter, Roy Beckwith of Tyrone nicht, May 17. at 10 o'clock Miles was born Apirl 28. 1877 Howard, a daughter of Stephen and Harriet (Blair) Heaton. On Decem- 28. 1896 at Snow Shoe Intersec she was united in marriage with Edward E. Miles. She is sur- vived by her husband and these chil- dren: Paul E. Miles and Edward E Miles, Jr.. Tyrone J. D. Eger, Altoona: Mrs. George LeCluyer, Chi- died at Mrs. Le- Monday Me % at rriet her tion as mrs Teo gtve vires) and fitting expression te your love and regard, the maddie the form must be chosen with sare Comforting assurance of =» duty well performed wil be yours If rin thoose a genuine Roak of Age. emovial te stand as your reserd fer the years te soma HOWARD GRANITE WORKS FRANK WAIBACE Pras | CHgo; [tune were held | | lived at i Bettelvon Mrs. LeRoy Beckwith, Tyrone; Corporal Robert Miles, Camp Stuart, Fla: also 10 grandchildren, one bro- ther and one sister, Henzel Heaton, Dayton, Ohlo, and Mrs. Charlotte Updegraf!, of Williamsport, Mrs Miles was a member of the First United Brethren church of Tyrone, of the Ladies Auxillary of the Nop- Fire Company, and of the Daughters of Rebekah MRS. JOHN KELLEY Mrs. John P. Kelley, native of Bellefonte, died at the Philipsburg | State Hospital at 7:30 o'clock Mon- day morning, where she had been a | patient since December and under- | One an operation survived brother, She is by her husband and by a Joseph, of Coalport. She formerly Frederick, Md, and had lived In Philipsburg for the last sev. en years. The body was taken to the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. W G. Knapper, Tyrone Pike, and fu- neral services were held Wednesday morning at the Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic church Purial matle in the Philipsburg cemetery WALTER C. BIBLE Walter Clark Bible, 72. died at his home in Burnham, Wednesday, May 19, following a paralytic stroke He had been {ll for a period of months. Mr. Bible was born Georges Valley, Centre county vember 1, 1870, the { San ind Rebecca Klepper Bible. Surviv- ing his wife, the former Mary and two daughters, Mrs Harry Burris and Mrs. Daniel Bloom, Centre Hall: and a brother, J Bible, Spring Mills, and a Mrs. Joseph Carson Belle also ten grandchildren Fu. ervices held at his late Saturday afternoon with bur Vira cemetery Was in NO- son « uel are of Forrest sister fonte neral home ial at were AARON NEWTON SEYLER Following an {liness of seve months, Aaron Newton Seyler, 78 Beech Creek township, died at Lock Haven Hospital Sunday at 11:15 a. m. Born at Tylersville he had resided at Beech Creek towne ship for the past 21 years and had been engaged in farming there, Sur- viving are his wife, Emma Jane; six Wallace N.. Detroit: N. Clay. ton, Redwood, N. J Grover C., and Fred M of Hall: Nevin A. Salona P eech ; Mrs. Sal hirs Cath- 20 al , pr the SONS both Mil and and rand- held at the home, Mill Hall m.. with the Rev Johnston Meth Burial wa cemetory funeral nf 3 charge Sunnyside Ylarence wijet made - - - Stone Wa'l Damaged by Car Part of the stone wall at the Lamb street bridge wis Knocked Into Spring Creek early Tuesday mormn- of Inst wee’: a car driven by Robert J. Smith, East t Bellefon according Dukeman, chief of police t is belisved to a heavy rain damaged Smith agent ing by of reat te to Harry » pec have during storm was not vio Mr nsurance norted Chief make your car last longer... YOU'LL HEAR ENTHUSIASTIC car owners all over town saying a good word for our wartime "Car Health Plan.” It started with Packard owners—and then folks who owned other makes of cars discovered we could do the same for them. So — no matter what kind of car you drive — you're welcome here! Drive in—let us give your car a complete “car health” check. Our top-notch service, done by ODY you dollars and help you for the duration. approved mechanics, will save keep your car up to par FLASH! If you need a mew car, and can qualify, we still have a few brand-new "42 Packard Clippers in stock—as well as a fine selection of low-mileage used cars on which there are no sales restrictions, Drop in to see us today! S. H. POORMAN GARAGE South Water Street Bellefonte, Pa. [school students to | Sunday evening to be present when | school students 28 » the Howard" Aaronsburg on Rev. O. E. Feeman delivered the bac- calaureate sermon before the high and faculty group The blackout program on Sunday | evening from about 9:20 to 10 o'- clock, proceeded in better fashion than before. Everybody seemed to understand the signals better than before, but we should have larger police force In order to control traf- | fe Jay Ettlinger and a friend of Mcn- esson, were guests of Mr. and Mrs M. E. Motz and his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Benner, over the weekend. We were glad to meet them in Sunday school Mr. and Mrs. Harry Riley of Mt Pleasant, a town near Hanover, ar- rived by bus here last Thursday noon. They were the guests of Mr and Mrs, C. E. Kreamer and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Plank. Mrs. Riley i sister of Mrs. C. E. Kreamer and Clarence Plank I'he members of thi FE. society held their regular Iv business meeting at the Mr. and Mrs. Loh: last evening. A fine social, hour joved by all that present I'he w chools closed on pil looking jovable vacation teachers enjoyed A | 1008/4 local E. LL. C month- home of Thu wa inv en were odward Consolidated Monday. The pu- forward The Peni ' to an il Ale pus and had a nice the member f ti Sunday con- number of woodward Evangelical attended the regional vention at Centre Hall on Tue afternoon and evening Harold Ard and George were bus) st week giving mer's bungalow a coat of paint Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Ard of near Lewisburg, made a hurried business trio to town last Saturday. They a busy family on hi uncle aunt's farm these days We're informed that Mr. al Benjamin Hummell and family pect to leave our town In fut Sunbury We certainly s them. Mr. Hum- mell is an expert in repairing radios His spare time is spent at that work since he Is living here, and also excellent In wiring houses f« service hoo day 12 th a : are and et My "x the near ire and locale at will miss wr elec tric eM ———— JULIAN Gilbert M. Sones Sones of this place 1g a 10-day furlough with his 5. William air base Pvt Esther spendin moth Flack at Marfa, Texas Air Corps Pvt. Rus n army he sOn a member of we > abou Situaticy but because some of aur army flies may be compelled to ome down be- hind enemy lines because a short- » of gasoline in their planes. Think which is more important, or their necessity? Cin k Haven of over vieasure Afr wal our St fre and little Fleisher. 8h Alexander Her ichards home M homes wa Cireene Mrs Nancy C and children of Bellefonte, R. D home of Mrs. Cain's and Mrs. Angus Weller The Jullap schools Thursday of this week Memoria] services will be held In Julian cemetery on Sunday at 10 a m. Rev. Gordon will be the speaker We can not help passing an fon on a little article In a certain well known farm paper. The author's name was omitted. It was to the ef fect that if Americans knew they were fighting for they would do beter work in our war industries 1 believe that quite a number of Am- ericans are proud of our industrial workers in our factories and else- vhere 1 believe they are doing quite a lot of work as they are supplying the instruments of war for our Al- lies as well as for Our OWn army These kind of articles would cause the workers to think that their ef. forts are not appreciated But the ain visiting at * Visiting ns parents ve Mr are will close on one hint imajority of folks know that they are not true - Wha! has become of the old-fash- joned parent who thought it was wrong {or boys and girls to go to the movies? - — i Making plans for the future is of- ten a way to escape work in the present Almost any American will vote for a candidate who promises him a job —_— only isn't producing egga—she's also eat ing feed a laying hen should have, Often hens are idle only because Shets co% capacity is not being util ized. For instance, hens on the Re- search Farm lay as many "2 more eggs year Hess POULTRY PARA MIN is . added to the ration. And there, in a nutshell, is the reason we strongly urge that you give PAN-A-MIN a fair trial, It's tonics and minerals that a hen gets in Pan-a-min, Both are often needed for top production. Just ask us about PAN-A-MIN, Schaeffer's Hardware N. ALLEGHENY STREET BELLEFONTE, PA. CENTRE COUNTY HOSPITAL | Rondom items [Cr [wliwialesh IN THE WEEK'S NEWS Monday of Last Week Admitted: Miss Margaret Hazel, State College: Mrs. Boyd Thomas, Bellefonte Discharged: Mrs infant daughter, Lawrence Thal, Murrel Hook and Millheim; Mrs Bellefonte, Mrs Dale McClintle and Infant daugh- ter, Centre Hall, R. D.; Mrs. Edward W. Flick, Julian; James Farner, Cene tre Hall, R. D Admitted Monday and discharged Sunday: Mrs, Jesse Dietz, Coburn Births: a daughter to Mr. and Mrs Ralph Fishburn, Clarence son to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A State College, R. D. 1] n i Ballenger, Tuesday of Last Week imitted: G. Elwood Fry, Penna Sleeve Yakick Port A Furnace tilda Discha:ig~d and infant son James Young Mi Calvin 1 inf daughter, Bel Mr avid Reese and Infant son, Lemont: Mr { Infant @@ughter aie! | Mrs Sprin Jue A. Dann lefonts Robert § g Mills, R Hefonts D lian; Mi Paul Loh Bellefonte, R. D. 3 Admitted Tue t il Sunday M Onk Hall Births dell EB and Mn Matilda wit Ww to Mr | Blegier Wednesday of Last Werk M1 Cora ( Admitted lark, 8 College Discharged ersburg; Mrs Roy Brungart, Reb Arthur Barraclaugh Bellefonte; M Clifford ¢. Wern ham and Infant son, State Col Miss Grace DeArmitt, College Admitted Wednexiay charged Thursday: Mis wick Btate College Birth: a daughter to Rev, and ©! evnolds VanBuskirk, Rellefonte Slate and di Jean Hart R Thursday of Last Week I ed: | burg Birth Elwood Fry Ching Her Pennsyly Friday Admits : Woodwar Di svivania } and Infant Ady nittedd RECENT WEDDINGS Bradley—MeGill uncement has Mis and to efontie made of Jane McGill Mrs. John Mc- Corp. Richard son of Mr Any bee ny the Marriage daughter of Mr Gill, Lock Haven Bradley, of Bell and Mrs. Samuel Bradley. The mony performed May 8 a the First Christiag Rey NAT of cere Was Lt 6:30 Ga. by the nae Dy ichool. His bric wk Haven § Maves—Heorton of Miss Lela daughter of Mr. and Mrs Horton, of Eugene, Oregon Guy R Mayes, U.S A The m ton Arriage Hor Club ploved for the pa bride Srience degree at Oregon, and her gree from New York University Be. fore going 10 the Canal Zone sh employed at the USO Club in I Rock. Ark. Corporal Mayes, former- ly of State College, R. DD. Is station. ed with the armed forces at Fut Davis. His mother was inte Eliza- beth Bohn Mayes, of Oak Hall received ner the Master of Arts te. e Was ittie thie Whitman—Markle Miss Mary Ellen Markle, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs Blair 1. Markle of Curtin, became the bride of Plc Clayton K. Whitman, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Whitman of Lock Haven at a ceremony performed at the Great 1aland Presbyterian church last Wadnesday evening at 6:30 o'- clock by the Rev. James F. Neill Members of the immediate families and a few close friends were present for the rites. Wedding music was presented by Miss Clara E. Lucas organist, and Mrs. Edward J. Golum- bie who sang “1 Love You Truly’ The bride, given in marriage by her father was attended by Miss Lois Limbaugh of Williamsport. She wore a suit of teal blue with a corsage of pink rosebuds and lilies of the val. ley. and carried a white service Bi- ble. a Christmas gift of the bride. groom. Miss Limbaugh was attired in a navy bitie packet suit and wore a corsage of white rossheds Horace Whitman was his brother's best man An informal reception was held at the Whitman home after the wed- ding for about 30 guests, and the Leouple left later for a wedding trip to Buffalo and Niagara Falls, On their return the bridegroom will re- turn to Camp Pickett, Va, Mr. Whit- {man is a graduate of the Lock Hav- len High School in the tiass of 1936 and was employed by the Castanea i Paper Company before his induction in August of 1041. He is serving with {an infantry unit, His bride fs a grad. uate of the Bellefonte High School in 11041 and is emploved by Piper Air- leraft Corp. 8he will make her home {with his parents for the present. PENN STATE CHEMIST TELLS PIGS’ NEEDS] More meat next winter will result from good management of livestock | R. C. Miller, biochemist of the Penn-' svlvania State College agricultural experiment station. Urging the fullest possible use of pasture and green forage crops dur- ing the growing season, Dr. Miller and Professor T. B. Keith point out containing 15 to 18 per cent protein, | while one containing 17 to 22 per! cent is necessary in drylot. herds this summer, according to Dr. i that the requirements of piglings on’ pasture may be met with a ration! Political Announcements FOR COMMISSIONER enublican Vot [ Ce Pp FOR COUNTY TREASURER Te The Democratic Voters of Centre County 1 heret NTY AUDITOR all Voters FOR Ot { Cex I herebs candidate County ery Sit Demi eiection the WOrati ing Primary day. Beptember and fleet 14 support are J. VICTOR BRUNGART Rebersburg Western Electric HEARING AIDS ARE DESIGNED BY BELL TELEPHONE LABORATORIES 4 AND ARE MADE BY THE SAME PEOPLE ' WHO MAKE YOUR BELL TELEPHONES Western Electric HEARING AIDS [The Acdiphone Co. 509 Diamond Blvd, JOHNSTOWN, PA. CC. C. MeKelvey, Manager. send FREE book, Replein FREE test. 1 Fame Address » We make weekly trips through your | In the face of the present short-' territory. Write us for appointments, (Continued from page one) onds turned fro discuss greatest lowing can an hi hail nh get 8) Ly for Ing nome « another MEAT SITUATION Moths in Piano “I LOST 52 Lbs.! WEAR SIZE 14 NOW" MUL. C0. WELLS, FT. woNTH As Pictured Mears » 7 14.70 20 188 «A "1 Safar a Ml Ary H jemi Ju His DRY “TORE Pa FAK we llefor J. M. KEICHLINE INSURANCE AGENCY re the Oldest Aj FDOw. 1 Temple Court eres entre County Phone 2521 KE i INE NEEDS 1 Box Moth Balls 1 Box Naptholene Flakes 1 Pt Ma 60c Peterman’ Larvex 40c Roach Doom 's Ant Food 35¢ Energine Cleaning Fluid 1 Ot. Death Spray Aero Floor Wax 1 Pound 60c Peterman ots ry stals 1 Pt. Wrights | 1 Ot Silver rla Sol Dicinfe cline Glo Coat Wax FOR THE HOME 13¢ 13c 79¢ .59¢ 49c 33¢ 49¢ 29¢ 49¢ 19¢ 27¢ 98¢ s Discovery Polish { Ov, AUSTIN'S Grass Seed CARPET CLEANER Brockerhoff Bid» rg ll" Bellef Pa. onte, Victory Garden 1 1b. CRYSTALS PARA-DIC HI NO banal RBENZENE 29¢c = My Sn BRN F JTH 1 PINT GUARDEX Dw PROOFING $1.29 1 PINT PINOCIDE PINE DISINFECTINE “Sh rol ne 1 QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS ove To EXCESS ACID FreeBook Tells of Home Treatment that Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing Over ten million be tiesof the WILLARD TREATMENT ha * been mol ¢ ‘ esmptoama nf d ng f an’ Duodenal hy due Eran Acid Poor Digestion, Soeur or Upset Stomach, Gassiness, Heartburn, Steeplesanous, ete, due to Exeess Acid, on 18days’ trina Ask for “Willsed's Morsay” 8 fully explains this treatmen oe at " enh h 1 PINT RUSSIAN MINERAL OIL 19¢ NUCOFERRIN IRON TONIC S1LL29 WIDAL NYLON TOOTH BRUSH A9e¢ GRIFFIN SHOE POLISH 21¢ SUN GLASSES FROM 2)¢ Men, Women! Old? Get New Pep,Vim Feel Years Younger , wnat rundown feeting #1 what » . fed perDY. Wal od a] Dan'y YOU SAVE MONEY when you buy these “GIANT SIZES COLCATER]e PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM ‘VASELINE’ HAIR TONIC TABLETS 39 = YElIOW $ VARIOUS F FEMININE CHAMOIS SKINS 2 id q¢ © WALL PAPER CLEANER 10¢ 125 FEET WAX PAPER 2c 60c MURINE FOR EYES 49¢ ie 5 POUND BAG APPLE BLOSSOM BATH CRYSTALS de Rectal Soreness Get Relief New Easy Way «= Sit In Comfort Produrmen Reco! is a guid, dependable reliever of Behing, painfal rectal soreness « symptoms sehich may alse an piles and hemorrhoids. Brings sense of vomiasy upon eoniacl, forms pro. torting Rim over sore arom, helps infections gevims, nid Nature peal up raw, Broben tissues, No oil « ne prosse to stain elt hing, 8:33 on miner hack pusrantes Ge this modern relic] today . . . sak for PROLARMON RECTAL aoa