Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 27, 1943, Image 11
May 27, 1943. PENN STATE REPORTS | INTEREST IN GOATS Wartime demand for dairy pro-| ducts has greatly increased the in. | terest in goat-herding, according to Professor A. L. Beam of the dairy husbandry department at the Penn-, sylvania State College Importance of establishing a goat herd and of instituting a program of research into the problems of goat husbandry were discussed cent conference at the College. At. tending the meeting were delegates from the Pit'sburgh, the Western Pennsylvania, and the Clinton-Ly- coming dairy goat associations as well as more than 20 goat owners from the State College-Bellefonte area in Centre county There are nearly 50 owners of dairy goats In this section, according to E. G. Was- son. State College goat breeder, who accepted the responsibility of organ izing a county association - From Tunisia comes the the Axis is not fense Public Sales SATURDAY. MAY On ses in Woodward at 13 Mrs. Annie L. Kessler public sale a comp household goods and E. E Hubler, auct BATURDAY. MAY 2 jek will offer at 1 Mos) of idea that so good on the de a0 home in the Albem at publi Saturday, May 29 WILLIAM HAUSER, Administrator, ¢. +. a, in the of Peter Hauser, late of Snow Township, Cent County, Pa. de- ceased, will publ sale the following DErsOna property of the late decedent Town - ship, Centre C along the road leading oe UW Clarence, and PERSONAL PROPERTY household furniture; rugs] potato raiser of hay and wagon. harrow. hav rone, 3 drums. Maytag gasoline washer; ing machine, and other miscellan- cous articles Sale at 2 o'clock p. m sale, cash Saturday, May 29 JOAN MeCLISICK offer at 1 3 sale at his home Moshannon the following personal property HOUSHHOLD GOQDIS--—-Otl rigidaire; kitchen breakfast set electric mixer. elecir olator set elect estate Shoe Ie £X DOSE upon Penna. Snow Si A ou which sald O von Terms of x21 stove cabi- wash ter electric per iron; cooking utensi er. dining suite chine, Singer Heatrola, living room sulte: 2 radios; bles; lamps: 2 beds. bed clothing. ser scarts, Brussels rugs, 9x12 2 Congoleum rags, x12; rug borders. jars. home canned goods, and many other arii- cles too numerous to mention LVESTOCK —Eleven chickens one pig. Terms cash REAL ESTATE -8Seven-room frame house, light, garage, garden Terms on real time of sale, deed is room and on down on at 2 Saturday, May 29 DPD. CLAIR MORRISON il offer a toub sale on the Mor rison farm Peters burg, near Cott avers Creek Valley, the following prop- erty LIVESTOCK will be fresh milking: 2 & years old, welg! 4] st of 8h personal 2 Holstein cows ist, other one grey mare E VOTRE Ou cals Lab eight weeks 100 pounds, 22 on backs and one 111 ily TRO wool je FARM MACHINERY Deering mower, good Black Hawk planter; mick-Deering cultivator, grain drill; cultipacker hay tecdder. 31 I kein Cramer wagon, set of wagon wheels 3% ~inch skein: of bobsled suring tooth harrow, spike harrow, 2 Syracuse plows. Bvractuse side-hil plow, hay ladders, hay rope; fork and pulleys, set of Brichhman har- ness, good condition. set of front gears, bridles; lines; housing, etc; 50 bushels corn earn. hay and straw; double trees: single trees chains: forks, and many other articles too nimerous to mention Sale will begin at 12 o'clock noon Evervthing muat be sold as the farm has heen’ sold Terma cash Bilas Gibboney, auct Benson Hutchison, clerk McCormick - condition; MoCor-~ Superior hay rake: corn DANIE MeKINLEY will offer at public sale at his resi. dence in Milesburg, Pa. the follow- ig items of personal property HOUSEHOLD GOODS--8Singer sew - ing machine in good condition. kit- chen cabinet. 4 beds, kitchen chairs; rocking chairs. Hnoleum. rag carpets sideboard, extension table, oll lamps; fernery. antique dishes; garden tools; butchering tools, and many other tema Sale at 1 o'clock. Mayes and Btover, aucts x H. L. HARPSTER AUCTIONEER Prompt attention given all sales PHONE 3579 PINE GROVE MILLS, PA. - L. FRANK MAYES General Auctioneer Real Estate Sales A BPECIALTY! CALL STATE COLLEGE, 2342 Why not have the benefit of competitive bidding in the sale of your property. “Past experiences have proven that public sales of real estate demand higher prices. A number of Farms and several Residences will be offered at public sale in the near future, Watch for Dates! | feo (From Last Week) Rev. and Mrs. Dale 8. Kohr moved on Monday to Bridgeton, N. J. where he has accepted a pastorate. The Rebersburg charge gave a farewell in their honor on Thursday evening in the basement of the church. Rey Kohr served this charge wish them thelr field Daniel Success In Kreider of Mi before and Mrs leaving for WwW. J Army grandparents Kreider, service Mrs. Barrett line Walker called at the Sunday Mr. and Lewistown nee Made Carolina, Tyson home Langford of North William on Mrs spent Mi Wayne Wagner Sunday with and Mrs. M of the latter's parents R Moyer CGilenn tudent a I'heological plying local Weaver of Terre Hill t Franklin and Mar Seminary, is sup- Reformed charge the summer months. He arrived Rebershurg on Priday and Rebersburg on Sunday who is a hall the for in preached in morning Mr. and Harrisburg guest Mr daughter Herman Confer Saturday Mrs were i Mrs of sum S Ziegler home Ira Harep williamsport W. M. Tarbert Mrs. Harer's Mallory. to the er having spent several Mr. and Mrs. Harer Brungart was taken t the County Hospital last Wed- nesday, where wns under obser. vation and treatment He is impoved at this writing Mr. and Mrs. C quietly celebrated the wedding anniversary home in West not : at the and and Lo Monday at the They brought Mrs. C. O home a months with Roy Centre pent home mother Tarbert 0 he greatly on Rebersburg. Mr well the past an infected their been with has suffering Weaver vear font Mi daughter Lax Sunda A Meck William vi relative Babcock, Mrs. E H Hosterman, Mrs. 8 G. Ziegler, Mrs Henry Duck and Mrs. M. W. Breon attended a missionary rally and tea Miilheim Evangel 1 urch Thursday evening Mrs. Ellen Bierly from her recent illness sufficiently to return to her home on Saturday, after spending almost two months with daughter Mr Helen Shultz and Mrs. Alverta Brungart Mrs. Paul Winters Mrs. Willard Burd. Mrs. Roy Brungart and ney were business Frida and Mrs William Hosterman Wednesday to their DC t John daughter are Penn State students pent two weeks and and 1 pent Mrs in the lost recovered her n Rod visitors in Sunbury on Mr vot irned home ton accompanied and who ter Violet and zon Bobby. were Sun- day visitors with the Donald Beyers family in Danville Mrs. Della Shaffer is ill and fined to her bed at the home of h niece, Mrs. M. C. Haim Mrs. Mahlon Hummel week with hand amp Pickett Thomas Mu ed from Franklin and Marshall con er her hi Va wr recently ological aunt, Miss Seminary visit Alva Brungart several | at a re- years and their many friends here! spent the weekend with new | nrg Penn State. spent several days last week with his | | home were | Jersey THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. ™™ Tage Miva REBERSBURG Miss Alma Corman and Miss Jane Corman, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hosterman of Aarons. burg, were Saturday business visit. ors in Williamsport Mrs. Helen Shultz was on the sick st last week Madeline Douty of Loganton, her skiter, Donald Wolfe and family Mrs. Gertrude Frank spent last Sunday with her grandson, James Frank and family in Loganton Sunday guests at the Lioyd Tate pvt. John Diehl of New Mrs. John Diehl and Mr. and M1 Calvin Gilbert and grand. daughter Shirley of Sunbury Mrs Elizabeth Gephart, Miss Helen Gep- hart, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyers and son Charles, Jr Mrs. Minnie Tate and daughter Dorothy, and Miss Alice Long of State College, Mr and Mrs. Martin Houser and son Pat” of Mill Hall, and Mr. and Mrs Nile Stover and family of Livonia “Peggy” Shade of Greenburr, vi ited her grandparents, Mr Mrs H. A. Mever, Inst week Edward Abbott honorable discharge returned home on F tationed near Little Mr Howard ton Pitealrn wit} former M1 Brungart and Cormmny and who from riday received an the army He had Rock, Ark Miller and pent the been weeker mother Mr Hubler with the Mrs. RC Mr E. A spent Wednesd Mr. and Mrs. M Miss Virginia was a Monday v Rishel home Mi Sara Relish of Penn State is spending her vacation with Mr Mrs. John whe rt burg yy Mr and Tyson of with M. Garrett Wolfe of Millheim at Harry Miliheim her parent i Or th he Jane and ner Reish parents nmnd two Satur Mr Cecil Hironimus of Lewisburg tors with her Arbogast Nev aug! were day and Mrs Mr nr th parent Ktover following at Sunday din- Mrs. George Stover ers Betty and Bernice, Mr L. A Vonada and daughters, Jean and Mae, Mr Mr Park Stover family and Mrs. Carl Brindle and son Tony, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Musser of Co- burn, Mr. and Mrs Lester Auman and child of Millheim, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kryder a Bernard of Rebersburg Clymer Tysm «fl enter. tained ner and daug Mr. and 3 Mr and and and Mr nd son of Harrisburg HH fhe and family C. H Bames: Flovd Barner brother Mr Hall fly Mrs Chester Carlos Mr fams- on Su Alfred Harbert siting tl and Mr Ohio and aor Canton are ¥ parents Mr Mrs. Charles Gar Mrs. Summers, who visited at the Clayton Auman home, returned to her home in Beliefonle on Salur- day Mr. and ott Mrs William Wolfe of Loganton called at the E. RB Wolfe home op Monda Paul Wert om spent Sunday in Pat. d ! les il and Iyde Donald, Miss Louise Faulkner and Bill Probst f Lock Haven, Mr | Charles Gep- hart and son Ko and Mr and Mrs. Paul Hackman enjoyed Sunday Der Ohts Restful Acres’ (9 a a ned oO and at at Rockville 5138 POTTERS MILLS (From last week) Donald Phillips Eugene and Walter Geary furloughed home of their respective par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith and Mr and Mrs Wallace Geary Mr Mrs. Windom Gramley of Millheim, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Corman of Spring Mills, called at the Boyd Smith home Sunday evening Those took dinner at H MeCormick home Sunday WwW. E. McCormick, wife and son Reading, BR H. McCormick and wife of State College, C. E Jodon and wife Bellefonte. Callers at the same home were Mrs. Sunderland of Harrisburg, Harry Burley, wife and daughter and two friends of Altoona John Balley of Pine Grove Mills Miss Margaret Kimport of State Col lege. and Miss Virginia Patterson of Boalshurg. visited at the J. W. Slack home over the weekend Ralph Smeltzer was taken to the centre County Home Sunday after- noon in the G. B. Neff ambulance Michael Delaney and wife of near Centre Hall. visited on Sunday at the home of their son-in-law daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Au- man Ben Wyland is moving from the Blauser apartment and Charles Jordan and family of Colyer. are moving in where Wylands vacated H. E Paust and wife visited on Sunday at the John Stover home at Bellefonte PORT MATILDA [0 0 (From last week) Archie Dixon. son of Mr. and Mrs A. J Dixon, leaves for the Army on Friday Mr and family Pvis Smith at the and the G were who of of 0 and Mrs, Chester Thompson of Altoona, spent {weekend on their farm. On June) {10th they expect to come for the summer, They also visited with Mr {and Mrs. Miles Hoover Mrs. Pearline Richards has re- and | to Martinsburg, | the BUSH HOLLOW (From last week) Sunday school next Sunday at 9:30, followed by class meeting. Preaching service in the evening beginning at 7 o'clock. Everybody welcome Mr. and Mrs. Scott Tate, Mra Stover and daughter Eloise, Mrs Christine Love and Margaret Kove acic were visitors at the Andrew Irvin and Martin Spotts homes last Wednesday afternoon John Talhelm Moilte Talhelm munity Mr. and Mrs William Monsell and children, William, Jr, Molly, Tommy and Marian, visited last Thursday evening at the Roy Spotis home Marian. who {& employed in a Went. ern Union office at Niagara Falls wis spending a few days vacation with her parents in Bellefonte Mr= James Metzler and grandson, | Melvin Metzler. Mrs. Jennie Irvin and eon Orlando, Mra. Earl Weston and daughter Sharon Hope, Mrs vin vill Mrs rem and mother visited i mt recently |] {of thelr personal property { from president Carl 8potts and son Larry, were Vis-: itors last week at the Andrew Irvin home Willlam Watson and daughter Mary. of Chestnut Grove, visited on Sunday with his daughter. Mrs. Ed iBush and family Mr. and Mrs {the Bush home | Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Spotts of Unionville, were seen in our midst | Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Watson and Mac Baney visited on Sunday at the [Charles Bush home | Callers at the BE. P. Lucas home on |Bunday were the following Mrs {Calvin Naugle and son of Osceola i Mills, Doyle B8hook of Penn State, | Elsie Watson and Harold Weston ! Mise Florence Lucas is spending James Phalon and family also visited | CLARENCE (From Last Week) The weed-selling campaign grade four has been concluded. Ap proximately the same amount was sold as last year. The proceeds will likely be used for a last day outing Tony, third son of Mr. and Mrs Rosle Veneziano of Poormanside, re- cently enjoved a ten-day furlough with his parents. He is stationed at Atlantie City, N. J Assistant County Superintendent of Schools, Lewis Lenhart, visited in town on Friday The Mike Murynacks are disposing wd mak ing preparations to move to Ohlo In the near future The memorial committee |x play- Ing bingo for more funds. Just now an added feature Is a pig for a prize Their goal of $1000 has been nearly realized John of Moore the the Stephens Visitors at Sunday were Hoover of Ft Mr. and Mi Mr. and Mi risburg Miss Blanche Budi the Meek home Saturday Anna McGonigal an Ack Han were vi her Dar t her paren family moved the fish pond, to on Main street Clvde Hoover's on and Mrs. Willard Meade Md Hawkes and wh of Har- and by hous the Mr George William John Bu Caled evening 4) d daug iting M1 or with Andy Danko nd Mi 2 Dusing dns il McCloskey base in Louisiana Mrs. Thoma M in He | Me lon key gin uving John Fer New kK irmy of Mr Eimer with his Elmer hi ome Line Mrs. Ben) Robert, arr and Sh aunt been Ts y Or pend home VOUNES Watson before we hi orps. Ren saw action fic and was releas- hospitaliza- rejoin atl the Krone Meek and Bowman of Lock Haven, Hoover 1 Zoe Ella Eaton of Mrs. Russell { Mos non jamin Krone of BLANCHARD Dist daughter Mill Hall Mr nel hildren ne A gr . afternood ii Rw P sreak- A nominating committee was appoint. ed who presented the slate of officers to be elected. They are ax follows Mrs Warren Driver of Creek: vice president, Miss Young of Monument: secre. tary. Miss Anna Spangler of Blanch- ard: and Mr. Thompron of Howard Mra Mayes of Spruce ter-in-law stwndine harge of Rey Heato thy nt res eed er. Rev. Shearer of Philipsburg Beech Vesta treasurer Creek ary Mayes tumed to her home ¢ { several months ; much improved on has been qtite passed anay an absence 0 condition Kunes ill months on Sunday afternoon Mr Iottik Diane. spent the Mr Udge's Charle for several Jane and wit} hn weekend parents and Mrs, Jo Wil- liams Miss winter stent the fami hone on Matlie Poth who with her brother” at Clearficld returned no her Bunday Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bechdel b ing reached the twenty-fifth vear of married life on May 23rd, are plan. at dinner in celebration aceasion., May 30th Last Week) The ladies of the Church of Christ will serve 3 baked ham dinner in the church dining room on Memorial Dav. Service begins at 11 o'clock Seaman Jack Shangraw of Avis from the high seas for a 30-day fur- jough. has been visiting his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs Edward Hev- erly. Seaman Shangraw has seen much active duty and has heen awarded seven stars for duty ning a family af the Ralph Riddle of Philadelphia, has | been spendinz a few days at the home of his sister, Mrs, T. M. Kunes Plans are in progress for a Dally Vacation Bible school to be held in the school beginning on June Tth The school is sponsored by both churches of the town and all child- ren are invited to attend WwW. H Spangler was admitled to the Philipsburg Hoopital on Tues- day for surgical treatment. Patricia Gillespie and Miss Bam- hart of Orviston, were weekend guests of Margaret Smith and Mar- igaret Harter, respectively {her vacation at the home of her fa- | thel!ther, E. P. Lucas Sunday visitors at the Andrew Ir- | tier condition is satisfactory. vin home were: Mr. and Mrs. Scott! i [Tate and son Franklin, In the af. {ternoon they were accompanied by Mrs. Irvin and children to the home turned to her home in Tyrone after of Mrs. James Metzler in Unionville ia few weeks’ visit with her parents, IMr. and Mrs. Frank Walk | Mr. and Mrs Bob Lane and fam- fly of Sinking Valley, spent (the jweekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hosband, also Mr iand Mrs. Melvin Hosband and chil. idren of Sandy Ridge | Mr. and Mrs. Arma Duey visited her mother at Atlantic. Mr. and Mrs. Bherman Nearhoof spent Saturday in Tyrone. D —— Air power may not be what its en- Bermer Hall also visit- Sunday evening IMr. and Mrs ed the Irvin home Latest reports are that it is rumor. | led there will be another wedding in four community Mr. and Mrs. Rov Spotta and fam- fly attended church at Port Matilda {Bunday night. They also visited the Marlin Moore home a short time. : Middleburg Man Killed John 1. Snook, 26, Middleburg, R. iD. 3, Snyder county, was killed in- Istantly last week when his car {retiring were amazingly Mrs. Howard Rupert is a patient in the Lock Haven Hospital, having undergone an operation on Monday. The Liberty District school board are receiving bids for the sale of the’ | dwelling house in town owned by the | Board of Education of the township. Pimples Disappeared Over Night Yen. it fa true, there is a safe, harmless medicated Maud called Kieerex that dries up pimples over night. Those who followed simple directions and applied Kieerex upon SUT prise ‘when thev found thelr pimples had thusiasts assert but, if we were in crashed into a tree between Sunbury | the front lines, we would prefer tojand Lewisburg State police said a XoUWr blowout caused the accident. disappeared. These users enthusins- tically praise Kieerex and claim they are no longer embarrassed and with their clear com do riah Drug Store PINE GRO (Last Week) { The Eldon Harpster family is ar. ranging to move from the Roy Cinles house on E. Main street, to the Reed house on Church Telephones were installed last week in the 8. A. Homan and Willis Schilling homes, all saying Hello to their many friends Miss Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rider, is nursing a badly mangled finger caused by the hand slipping Into the planter while as- sisting with the potato planting Mr. and Mrs. Lester Albright the proud parents of a bouncing baby boy, born last week in the Cen tre County Hospital Lester Is one of our eMcient school bus driver That genial paint and oll ag M. Grimith of Philipsburg, was In midst the week taking spring orders and visiting among hi friends The team street Are ent, 0 oul past Balleyville crossed mushbwall hursday Moon Grange 23-22 In 1 Memb Myer Paul Paul Harj Homan, F Le Franc) Harpeter Deim Martin on t Grange } aut Half being ba evening with the team of ti the score VOL team eam are Charles “1 Donald Barto Harold Donley Homan, Paul Fr Husk Har eserve | jatter Sammy Shorr Ley and Gen $ Report soled | farmer on the il Meeks church of the has best pre county f 107 Deen 1 many vear Mr Martha Gavi position position Pvt. R and p wd 3 hi duction hw chanic at Kline's Mrs. Thelma daughters spent last former school Everhart Morming of Pittsburgh, at 1h home in and we Thursday chum, Mrs two ¢ Martha Joh The Momrm- ings the week visit their friends in our valley Walters and bride Zion to Mareng: 1 be employed tl with Peg hildrer her and Lon Crravsviiie wren rast rr pent [a nK Norman fitted from mn wa on VE MILLS herger farm as Mm Roy Ripka is a patient gt the Cen tre County Hospital, having submit lo an appendectomy last °l He Is Improving nicely writing is employed Charles H. Myers farm at Falirbrook A. F. C. Miss Betty Jones of the WAAC, | now stationed Albu querque Mexico she serving administrative speciall at that She Is a daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Thom (3 pastor of our Relfo and Pine Hall Myer und boss Tarmer th ted 13604 thls on the day nt nt New wher ns base JOT med ant Charle maker, M1 and Ji M1 Mars SBatiurd daughte; to Millheim the on regular ne Farmer PLEASA (From Last Waasd ndergoing an appendectomy in Lhe Centre County Hoapital wseverai weiss RED. and hoDes 0 soon be able resume her duties at the 8. FE ii home Ray Melroy was home rishure for the weekend hose whe Har - was dedi from and t sitended the Plearant there ni (an Are i war ywresent i rf { Several hund: A tan taite i despite a se se ppd had atiended t Boalsburg 8. E. Noli the them services a Mrs ficers of the Amaranin of inne time John Terry of New , be remembered a whn heen home ever; = had emt Eg Noll ter Of Years, is hort He was recently discharged from the Marines doe to en arm if or jeg “eat for here ON 8 Hoe jury ident in el te nls suffered a broken arm injury barring him from active wryice in the Marines But not to be daunted. he still hopes to be able to join a hospital COrpsE overseas 88 an ambulance driver Fd Noll is able to be back at work again after being laid up with in- juries 1eceived when a part of the Horner house which he was tearing down, collapsed. Henry Knofisinger who was also injured at that time, is still unable to be about Capt. William Crumilish was home from camp for the weekend and spent Sunday with his parents, Mr land Mrs. Hugh Crumlish Robert Brown. Budd Brooks, Fred Eckenroth, Dick Rumbarger, Chan received IN on ac the Houser, Nevin Corman, George Ma | gargel, Jr. and Rodney Johnson were among those who took the sec- ond examination for the army on Monday, and who left on Monday following for camp Mra. George Kurtz returned home shout a week ago from the Centre| County Hospital, where she under-| | went an operation for appendicitis Mrs. Harry Tressler from below, town, spent Tuesday afternoon at | the Noll-Melray home. Her son, Rob- ert, is now in Africa Mrs. HT. Noll accompanied her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Brun. | gart to MifMlinburg, Sunday, to see! Mrs. Brungart's sister, Mrs Del, camp. | Mr. and Mrs. William Tressler, | | Mra. Clayton Gettig, Mrs, Harry Hile | land Mrs. Ward Hile were among] {those who attended the memorial lexercises at Boalshurg, Sunday H | Mrs. John Noll returned to Laure! “elton, where she accepted a position | {for the summer. i | Jack Horner of Washington, D. C..} ‘a former student of H. T. Noll in aviation, was married Saturday af. [ternoon a week ago and brought his’ tar bride to call upon the Noil's before ‘returning to his army work in Wash- ington. Mrs. W. H. Noll and Mr. and Mrs. i Mrs inight Mrs. Helen Bitner the Noil-8mith er's Day with Hall f Tha house iid farerils amass relatives Harve day attended and fren camp one of h grandm thane aft after a {ew | Mr: { proved hyd 1a Hrmey retried fig Het caring for } williamaport elping t icter Jennie, who ! fart ye fF turnied hme 1 Rite her Mi: home Devons wil Stones Zimmermasg furlough fro th the Paul Ging fami! Mr Mr Boy Rachau of Renovo, Mrs. Mary Noll of Millheim and Miss Mary Noll of Mill Hall Mr and Mrs. Newton Wingard and grandson of Greenburrs Walter Wingard of Renovo, were Sunday guestz at the Ripka home Philip Barr. Jr ition at the Nittany College, and enterad duties Monday The Pornwalds entertained the following at their home at 500 on [Tuesday evening: Mr. and Mrs. Lee | Justice. Mr. and Mrs. James Biddle Mr. and Mrs Rea Florey, Mr. and Donaki Woomer and Mr. and | Mrs. Robert Rhoades of Centre Hall Folks from here who atiended the Pomona Grange meeting Saturgay at Millheim were: Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Owens. Mrs, Clarence Grove. Mrs. Roy Bell. RE. Biddle and ang DOE] State new accepled a Lion Inn upon his land Mr. and Mra Andy Rockey Miss Belle Rose has returned lo the Dr. Clawdy home where she was formerly employed The Eltor: Taits will move to Stale College June 1st What Girls Can Do About The Man Shortage With Uncle Sam calling men to the colors, a serious shortage of el | gible husbands is sure to result. How | girls can meet this situation i= re. vealed by an expert on marita) af. fairs in an lustrated article In the | June 8th issite of The American | Weekly, the bia magazine distributed with the Baltimore Sunday Ameri- cap. On sale st all newsstands Citizens who perform public ser | vice, without compensation. are en- | titled to the respect of their Peon, A H Smith were entertained on'if they cag get it. Vistas in Litity Mr. and Mr Mary Bohn and Mrs. Ethel B of Oak Hall pent last Pr Lititz a guest of J nn H Mi Kenneth i“ iin M former) D Maye Maye cent] Horton, of mony Canal Z tioned Iw ployed Legal Notices ADMININTRATRINS NOTHOY | ' gL ef the o d } (COMMON COILNTY IN THE COURT PLEAS OF I OF CENTRE FANFIC TOR ADMINISTRATRIN'S NOTICE a . WV i 3) FNC TORS H pet lie KELLERMAN Ere Pa ke ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE FTRATRIN'S NOTCH " ‘ { LEGAL NOTICE hereby glven that the ibsisting between ard Ww Albert ORL nd lee E the firm un HK 1042 A : 14 bot BIDS WANTED C. Y, WAGNER | & COMPANY WAGNER'R Quality Flour A Hard Wheat Pal Fear WAGNER'S Our Best Flour 8 Fiend WAGNER'S Very Best Flour Winter Wheat Feed Wa Pie r's Wagne r’ Dairy Feed 's Horse Feed Wagner's Pig Meal Wagner Wagner's Egg Mash Wagner's Chick Starter and Grower, Wagner's Turkey Starter and Grower. Wagner's Scratch Feed Feed Wagner's Chick Feed Wagner's Medium Scrateh Rydes Cream Calf Meal Eshelman's Dog Feed high protein All kinds of ig with your feeds for mixing own feed. Dealers in All Kinds of Grains BELLEFONTE, PA, ES Ee Ee put > Wn ws 4 4 ~ PLANNING ISN'T NEW IE way a Jot of people are talking these days, you'd’ think planning is something new. But anybody who's ever run a farm or a factory knows that if you don't plan, you can’t get the most out of what you have to work with. A To plan properly, the farmer has to know about crops, soils, seasons, tools, and stock; and the man operating a factory has to know about machines, markets, science, and engineering. Yet for all this specialized knowledge which each of these activities requires, the managers of both farm and factory have much in common in their planning. They have the same problems—to mention a few-—of em- ployment and taxes, of costs and a fair profit, of setting aside reserves for a “rainy day.” And they have the same ob «to do everything they ‘can jective in their planning their country today, and, tomorrow, to make a fair living through greater service to their fellow Americans. General pang, Schenediady, N. Y. GENERALS Electric Com, ELECTRI Soins