Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 27, 1943, Image 10
THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Four ° BELLEFON A. C. DERR PAUL M. DUBBES CECIL A. WALKFR.... $150 per year 2.00 per year The Centre Democrat, WALKER BROTHERS.... STARE ‘3 Issued weekly every Thursday morning Entered in the postoffice at Bellefonte, Pa. as second-class matter, ’ TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION IE, PENNA, vs ++ PrOprietors Editor Business Manager if pald In advance if not paid in advance The date your ¢ sn the label bearing yo by a change on the te of month A nd 1 recel que Matter must read ¥ 1 Re $ bey t y t ¥ nal nn ir Tuesday noon ising copy is chances All readin Legal gents per line Subscribers tifying us, are All subscript Arecled notic \' 0 / LY i MERICAN [/RESS | SSOCIATION iption expires is plainly printed wmme ’ ir NATIONAL €DITORIAL 144} ” ASSOCIATION — aA leit SH mbe IR All credits are given t issue of each unle upon special re 1 remit tising, t later than Adver must run label the fir: label after yi Raves wt week y morning tisements 10 are adver ¢ advertisements, » address, and not no- nued unless otherwise CIRCULATION OVER 7,000 COPIES EACH WEEK EDITORIAL Il Americans NEEDE OCEAN { t D “It it fensive quiring st Sve 4 requi deciare Secretar il more ocean Fi tO coins ARE TIRE i tele ie Gen miral flouts this 1 designs against F motive for him to The they please ritory will be because if the Axis s the pledge same re ig N SUPPLY Tou A A “used baby : claimed paper solemnly $5 and sold for hi The list included goods to 32,000 gallons of + brought higher price 3 Human nature is the yard in Centre count: machinery and equipmer original cost prices demand What the price blueprints is th pends so much on always was in body wanted it I articles il fixing fellow at the demand The went ey Hi Apo ORTHODOX Frederick C. Cra Manufacturers, savs easy detour ford, pr we around o This is nonsense ‘Y force and effect in mit thodox hodox ect nt FOR W Inter: i $7 esigent ARFARE By ; He aad vi § D OF THIS D DEMAND at sale by custom officials o metropolitan rent inflation” radio that s $3.20 a galion farm have sold aly r Of supnly and especially m to overlook in making up their economic law demande. wint can't get Gold and every which not we hard to get otato now NONSENSE of the National Years Association of ealism “after of seeking the eCOnOmi NOM called, operated in fu » depression that il prio put SE John's Evangelical & Reformed Nevin (41) I Rev, ( Chitwan HKalbh nip Stumm. Church ed Have Morning 4H 04 i and wel wool Sino 10 Ld May 27, 1943. LOUISA’S LETTER Dear Louisa Is it wrong for me tw talk to strange soldiers on the street? | am Hublersburg - Zion Reformed G. Link, minister Church MM, 9 Charge Hub m Char le about Nittany Valley Lutheran David E | NoRMANT FLEW 50 LOW THROO GA CLOUDS THAT His PLANE WAS DAMAGED BY NS OWN BOMB FRAGMENTS = £2 iM SR. want 10 MAKE THE amy My canige’ AJOR DORIRTE. NORTHCUTT, PITRE “He D FLYING CROSS T - Bon wi OWLAMOMA- His Home 18 Mow in BALTIMORE (wit w HEY Home) Methodist jellefonte H. Sten J AFTER QUALIFYING IN TH " RESERVE AT RANOOUM Avo KELLY: Ln | Query & Answer Column tellefonte 30) John's Lutheran A please try and to me where ir » Hinle T ean find Fe ¢ ‘ ¢ |} AY not Nit for OC Be ~Will you ww ¥ bya ¥y Lil Reformed Charge wey . s Lebershury United Brethren, Bellefonte } H pie Of Buch Hong All Lis ' eT creaiieg pay ¢ chase of b wd for him in the Finance Department and the maturity date for Mian W The inter- In based on the date on which the count estailisi est Is sconing ACTUALLY First Evangelical, Bellefonte EK. FA orn in time of war? Mallwrt Jacob lor, o Al he jw arsed by Pig md mae Lan femal Dales § substantial and Germany fe Measure gone (OTA {0 uj great earthquake ind of a siren, every of the $8000 who Citi ; falling squarely upon the bone transmits half tng among Render the he We wepart of w Bi J BWh An Betitam M. H--What ¢ Ww SNO SHOE iuction of cigarets is used by armed forces An 60 billion cigarets foroes in 1942 made by bomb blasts a building is high. daytime than during the night? almost two-thirds of a tree's growth is made om or 25 per 0. J- * earth is # block buster? : crater some 40 leet Har vii) Mabel EM 1 Musse CoD) tre It is e ¥ more in i that x Namara Ma Mabel Lucas jpabethh Harding Mrs. Schlabig [sabel Harm of State College, Mis. Elsie Shope E. E~Does thinking Alis tal exere rgaret Tt Snerense the size of the head? iD i vitence thal the heads of persons doing intense men. increase in size more rapidly than others A. A~~How Ans The hinge 2, arc the two } wo halves wives of a thea we Cam Sheil shell are Joined? of ciam joined by a muscilar ing her aunt ; M. N~What is the total amount paid in salaries to government em- Harvey Smith spent ployes? vy evening at Bellefonte Fred Hall, daughters She Cynthia, and son David, Edward Hall, sop Edward davs last week and uncle, Mr flomer Beam of Altoona flew over our town girl at the Hospital for Mr and po 8 The National Industrial Conference Board estimates the total for the year 1942 at 13% billion dollars exclusive of subsistence to mem- bers of the armed forces. Salaries and wages paid to all government em- ployes, including Pederal, State and local unite and the armed services, , it the aggregate the combined salaries and wages paid in ail manufacturing in 1939 J. PHow long does take ostrich egg to hatch? Ans Jt takes 42 days t he male and female sit on the e2gs three to four pounds each, and are equivalent to about ed SEY. and Jr with slightly and few in n vigited d i the ladies’ aunt Mrs The teft two baby it and Phil and one at the and Mr tork which weigh from a0 he's egg P.M E-In hell? Ans. ~The first Peace Conference assembled at The Hague in 1889 at the instigation of Nicholas IT of Russia A. W~Why did the first American glass furnace stop making window glass? one ipsbhurg State Mrs. Rex Lax Bellefonte Hospital for Mr Ralph Fishburn MOSHANNON what year was the first International Peace Conference An with any in Lhe ui n : unre way 'to use in about a high school girl and I would like to do my part helping entertain the boys who are away from home for Uncle Bam by What do you think thin? Vermont wer I think it Is very unwise thing you 0 pick up an acquaintance strange man whether he uniform or not. To begin with inclined to look askamoe picked up, and be cent of these boys i) BOYS are who WOUgh a big per fellows who Wo have son tL Riri an nl nice lonesome to talk are Yad Oan- that make 1 are nd long girl are many who ang with whom it |i SOC Inte . fact y young will man more of you churen thes there gear W ou only Kind of a od advantage nape prone vous or school can Some par meet Py H ome of these hoy in al- come recreational oentey V Lhe Nave officials gir are giad 0 nbox snd help entertain Coo Iuck LOUISA ii] of them uni aally wshment they seem MYT bet t oiane wn dade 10% Lid Hie are goog 60. 13 an passitiy a range Ww have re are for them for a few hours a day and give you a needed rest [ am sure that you will find them 10 be much better children than you think them now in your nervous, overwrought aT LTaTyT CLnaaanan » BOTS HAD person t Fir A DErvous mol makes a tag when you hein u $ FE Le y bas ming i} ose a 3 8 LOUISA - FOR YOUR VICTORY GARDEN y plantings of quick-ma- crops at recommended by J. Boh chairmag of the Garden Committee of Cen- Council Defense, so vegetables will be avail- a longer period of time oy turd George v ng are n ictory of Since garden peas bear for only ple of weeks, it is wise to plant t two-week intervals. How- peas are cool-weather subjects and dry up or refuse to set pods in hot weather, 50 we generally get only about two early plantings of dwarf peas to bear satisfactorily. Round or smooth seeded varieties, like Alaska. ! are the earliest to bear and hardiest against cold, #0 should be planted} first, followed with wrinkled seeded | varieties, like Thomas Laxton i “The short season vegetables which mature early enough to be fol lowed by second sowings include bush snap and lima beans, beets, carrots, cauliflower, early cabbage, kohlrabi. both leaf sand head lettuce, onion sets or plants, mustard, peas, radishes, spinach, tendergreen and turnips “The second sowing in the same row should be with a different type of vegetable, And, since peas, let tuce, spinach and turnips do not thrive in hot, dry weather, wait un- | til ate summer to plant for fall crops of these vegetables. Then plant | early, quick-bearing varieties to ma- ture before killing frosts “Sucoession plantings are made of these and also vegetables of late maturity on the same ground, but we can plant seed of the same var- ety every 10 days or two weeks to have fresh corn over a long Season. | a late varieties at the same time, ready 95. 85, 95 and 105 dave, since the harvest season of a many fl sociables where yearn THE Orricr CAx “A Little Nonsense Now and Then, Is Relished by the Wisest Men” You Make It Ryme I saw My I never Ald nere in Joy de aw most 1 0 ewitehing a bathing sult iption Deg loved shinped arn ® 4% » Both Were Satisfied farmer ie had Lt nm In A nearby county leeth the Im the farmer Iw had. Both bie had © ger For Me: From Pvt Arthur D. Emel oI FP Win ring 1 WENAnE | The i, an I got mad other n " ( ‘ Wouuan | won irk itm ! thet ana j The ried meg no ha t Two ma ha pps Hullo ing you look »0 old? ne Ceorge Trying to keep Trying to keep hand In a M ® 4 » Darlings net ea gi Unfinished 1" Lot + + Circus Stuff Vervyiime ue wor muss mouth Cloned his Mouth: 10 see r OW * * » Nothing ee] ( Work L JAC a \d tis 4 ie * & A Gentle Looking marked 4 Reminder © ¢ A Hold-Up ‘ # Passed Back gid * & 9 Here's N A new suton ie 1 rd was re * ative sires Wot 10 COns WE G CW ently ma Aj Ww * oo 0 Beauty Talk We standing Knew in front A WOILNAD of BO DGiaely thelr store Hie making people wick * © » Oh, 1g Ay * ia ® © with we, Poo: ella H a DOW bap All Depends If a ‘What fellow called you a size of fellow?” dar, what * oo 0 Continued Stories 1 ¢ ie A champion That diver ive stories makes a ola] of six stories from a SKySCraper * oo Out of the Depth A bride and groom were leaning over the rail of the ship, Bome days later going abroad on their dining in a hote] in do you think they found in the fish? * & 9 Probably An Upright There was a young girl from Savannah On the pavement stepped on a banansh nd since that sad day, I'm sorry to say, She stands up when she plays the piannah * & 0 The Fisherman's Praver “God give me grace To catch a fish honeymoon to see how many nd lived « Ow got a Job from a drug store, just tefl While the bride dropped one of her rings overboard. She was deeply grieved over the joss Naples Bones they ordered fish So large thai even I When speaking of it afterward May never need to lie” «fice Cat Fan * oo 0 All That's Needed A real estate salesman of West Texas wag just finishing describing the glorious opportunities of his part of the state “All West Texas needs,” he concluded, “10 oecome the garden spot of the world, is good people and water” “Yeah replied the visitor “That's all needs 7 hell 9.0 What Is It About Her? Funny, we remember none of the names of the ten best dressed wom Or, we can plant early, medium and en picked this year, but can always recall Dorothy Lamour, + + * & 9» Sad, But True What he Ur the nation on its ki i “We tried to escape the “by political tinkerin in is tracks for the This is some more jun I'he nation “cold In its track rsd nomic fields” ix the protective t Manufacturers has consi and the full dinner pail Of course, the president stop long enough to tell u i We just heard the sad case of a Scotchman who was engaged to a girl who became 0 fat he wanted to break off the engagement. But the girl couldn't get the ring off, so he had to marry her, * oo 8 That's all folks. One advantage a single man has over a married OPA reported yesterday that far-| man is that he can put his socks on from either end mers who are not accepting ration | stamps for sales of butter, meat, and lard and who are not making re vorts to local War Price and Ration- thirtie of the nomic fields Those who Rave beets on the sick list the past week are: Mrs. Homer Quick, Mrs. Walter Holt, Mre, Chas Guenot, Mrs. Catherine Borger and Cyrus Schnarrs. We ale glad to re poft that Mrs. Holt and Mr Schnarrs are able to be abdut at this writing We wish a speedy recovery for the ones who are not able to be out at this writing Ambers Pye and daughter! {variety lasts only about 10 days.” a -— FARMERS WHO SELL MEAT, Navy program known as! BUTTER, ETC, MUST REPORT Ans Most settlers found the window glass too expensive, The mar- ket was so limited that the propriétors changed to bottles and beads In 1622 the furnace was destroyed during the Indian Massacre H. S~What are the provisions of the new 127 : Ans This will permit young men who are still 17 years of age to en- | list in the Navy, and as soon as they are 18 they Gre sent to colleges where they will be given special training in engineering and other tech. nical subjects. April 2 was the date when examinations for this program { Was given at various high schools. rigors depression.” s and stopped in history FIgors of the deg on™ stopped the the most flagrant “tinkering in cco riff which the Natlonal Association of malntaineg provide avs the Frederick Eg nation cold Lie decade Vv ne stent dural { ently wotild employment of the tari lobbying organization doesn't what caused the depression As we recall thie national set in the New Deal, They made a mess of it, and will put over the same job in the -Up, the rugged individualists boys were in full control of the nation's Just before the crash that ushered and the private-initiative economy somebody doesn't watch them they future RHEUMATISM Sufferers from the Pain and discomfort with Rheumatitm, . Hy and simi sonditions often find prompt relief with LUEBERT'S NOX "EM. TABLETS They contain analgesia drugs which help mitigate these conditions, Try them to simple precautionary diress not satisfied your money re Price $0c and $1.20 box at druggiets or by mail par A. G. Luebert, P.D., Coatesville, Pa. Is usually handling somebody elee’s came excited and fell from & Must Watch Price Ceiling The Williamsport District Office of Price Administration calls attention of all sellers of used commercial ve- hicles, whether private owners or desnlers, to OPA Hegulation Neo. 341 under which neither & truck owner nor a dealer can sell a commercial vehicle at a price higher than the {price provided for under { regulation Bsr al — a ————— | The man who gives away money the OPA | E. YWhat sland in the Pacific Ocean disappears periodically? Ans.Fonualoo, in the Tonga group east of the Piji Islands, It disap peared in 1894, reappeared in 1806 and three years later it was gone, In 1927 it reappeared. This strange activity is due to a submarine volcano, J. B.~How large are the kidneys? Ans.—In an adult they ars usually from four to five inches jong, about two and one-half inches wide, and about one inch thick, Each Kidney , made a business trip to wburg one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. John Cartwright and {daughter Geraldine, Mrs. Sarah Fye snd daughter Gladyce, and Miss! Jean Martin made a business trip to Bellefonte last week | weighs from four to six ounces Mr. and Mrs. Mandres Carlson | L. M. CWhat is the gers hour? and two sons called at the Milford | Ans.~1t is the time set for attack. In American and British opera Martin home on Sunday i Hons in the first World War this was given out in advance as 0 hour. An- Miss Geraldine E. Cartwright has pouncement of the real time Is withheld as long as possible to insure sur- returned to Philadelphia on Monday | pride, to resume her duties, after spending PF. W. E-—What Kind of tracks were used by the first railroads in the two weeks with her parents, Mr. and | United States? Mrs. Johp Cartwright, i Ans-~The first railroads used wooden rails on top of which a thin tin | strip of metal was fastened, These were called strap-rails, Twe Are Injured C. R~Please tol] ie the record established by Franklin Hood, former When Judd Brown of Canton was Bellefonte Academy football ace, of throwing the ball during games, attacked by an angry bull, and pain-| Ans--We learn from Prof, James R. Hughes, for many years head Sully injured, his son, Roger, be-| master of the Academy, that Hood's average length of passes was 65 horse, | yards during games, but in practice games he was known to throw a dis. tance of 83 yards, . Fas SE at) a —— # bit farmers, who through misun- tng Boards, must file reports with | their local boards, | The first reports for the period from March 20 to April 30, 1943, were due May 15, 1943, it was point ed out by the District OPA offices, derstanding of the OPA regulations, did not file reports, before May 15, may stili do so if they file reports before the end of this month Tasty Recipes That Help Stretch Ration Points