Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 20, 1943, Image 3

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lo - ! ’ M
{tration began at 6:30 a. m. By the!former local physicians narrative of million baby trout In hatcheries, and ing season so far has been one of
time the gates opened at 9 a. m. all his life and experiences in North Af- | that there is on hand a large quan- the worst in history because of rains
U N ! 0 N Y i L L E Attendence High of them had been registered rics provided interesting material ity of salt water fish fo
| Donald M. McElwain, son of Mi , Rules at the Paradise include fish- for his brother's talk feeding
Methodist Church: Prayer service | We expect to give full particulars In and Mrs. HE. McElwain, recently {Oontinted mom vege one) ing from 9 a. m. 0 § p. m. dally ex Commissioner French
Thursday evening. Sunday school on our next week's column [applied for enlistment in the Army j1g.inch brown trout. It was his cept Bunday; a Umit of 10 caught a! priefly a few of the great obstacles
Sunday morning, followed by the] Mr and Mrs. Charles Schaeffer of Alr Corps and has been accepted. He first trip to the Paradise dis "day, but only two may be killed; onlydthe war has placed in the path
regular preaching service at 10:30 a.! Bellefonte, called on friends and rel-| 1s employed at the Glenn L. Martin Ha Bret] "itty : artificial Mies with barbs removed the Pish Commission's normal pro
m., with sermon by the pastor, Rev. |atives in the community on Sunday Alrcraft Company in Baltimore, Md, Wri ne IN ) Pitt burgh Sports may be used, no wading In streams: gram, and wild how substitutes for
W. A. Snyder. Junior Fellowship in gfternoon {and Is foreman of Inspection of the night Wii a herd Svery Baurday and only fish 10 Inchey or longer | now unavallable fish foods are being
the afternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. Anna 8. Elway 18 now able to 0 ation may be killed. The Paradise
electrical and detail manufacturing Pittsburgh in Ms broadcast
t arrie ] . 5 enters . @ ’ 4 Li, a sporty broadcas
M oF Ramil gh and Sia be out and around after having beep | division. He entere# the employ of told newspapermen that John A
outh Fellowship in the evening ati, ong confined to her home for
Jou the the Colipny on Of tober 9, 1941 He Knight's famed Salunar Table—an
; past several weeks "ll leave for the Alr Corps on June hour-by-hout
Preaching services in the Presby- The primary school of the bor- 12 | when fish are most likely to bite N
terion church EAC Sven up at ough taught by Miss Charlotte Stere - — | seemed to WOrk Out the fret unl Phin Gunes 0 the Penn
{ yi se i 0 ev . » ” hu Ole] In ursday night N
Tap Mitt Sermon yy the pastor closed on Wedne sday, the 19th, for Named Manager the Paradise K. Stock; Kiwanis president CV
{another period of vacation for the Breth sald he stood on the bridge the dre of wek " { Rey
Free Methodist Church: Prayer pupils and teache of West Penn opposite the Administration bulld William C The n on ia led
service Friday evening in the church There are still some unpaid taxes ng from 9 a.m. to #25 a.m. and us wi 10 thie Or tor Gre u ing.
Sunday school Sunday morning at in the borough and we would like (Continued from page one) aw only three fish hooked. The Sa- | iy sid a toned b OH il a We wh oy
9:30, followed by class meeting and vo clean up all old accounts before For the last six years, Mr. Mac- lunar table, Breth explained. indi-! the i ! on ell 4 V nik y pra
the regular preaching service in the, new duplicates come out which | Donald has been connected with the cated fish would not bite I ore 1 eh “o oh d 1
evening at 7:30, with sermon by the will be very soon. The borough coun- | overhead lines department in the a.m From 925 a. m wm i] { ” or : " be “i hg wk
tor, Rev. H. C. Jacobs ¢ll and school board are badly incempanys northern division at Kit- m. the portswriter concluded } : Eh " ‘n iy anid Oat
Mrs. Pred Curtin elt for her home | oy of their money as well ag the tanning, being assistant division lines saw 12 fish hooked dent of "the Lr Bolier D.
1 Atlanta, Ga, last Thursday, after) tv <0 we would suggest all per- | superintendent. This, with his pre The only ’ ‘od Amite: vokaeh aa] Carole Landis, Adolph Menjou
ing spent Se host ove pl ry sons who have not paid, look up your! vious experience, makes him pecu ! ul fink aR is Xn . : p h =; and John Hubbard
¢ks here with her brother, veda r 4 . : ted {on ri ti h : : f } comm mn fish an
Sper and other relatives In and 01d £ards and puy them off prompt. arly fitted for his eniaryed duties duy way Youthful sailor, who seems: wardens, und ell Evown sportsmen n © 20 YEARLING HEREFORD STEERS
about the community, and l00KINg|poary cannot be run on promises, it cludes. He went with the company | ere 1) hig irre oid J : ences he PR at "TURNABOUT 3 Dry Fed
after the interest of the property of takes cold cash, 80 kindly give this In February 1928 and ip the nine Fe « Bull By sta Hf ' 4 ' 1 : eh Hy “ Aud
the late J. E Brugger which Is now serious thought : years of service prior tw his Kittan- fd Nef ek el Py ye ye 4 EX RITTER
for sale. Mrs. Curtin had received Ww anbolntment Ser fot J
" Mrs. Sue McEwe acec ) je ning apoointimen erved as Cadel olaaeed with t) Orit ned | £4 f " {ets Crary da si
word that her husband had been in-| Mrs. Su IcEwen accompanied plrased with large turnout, and imission: and Fish Co jon in
jured and unable to work, which |Mr. and Mrs. H M. Miles to Mill- SPDT e inemtun nc Broun filin decla ed that “TAKE ME BACK
hastened her return home helm on Saturday, where she spent |* a: wo of ny rt “ol ol ersonnel (20D. heavil) ‘ Aun "
First Mate Samuel Lucas, who has! the day with her nephew and wife i the "Pitt ail off A, Dur ‘ 'oO OKLAHOMA
been stationed at Jacksonville, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bricker My & ‘ " 4 . gi tid Tula pin CHILDREN 15 ADULTS 25
for the past couple years, is spend- [8nd Mrs. Miles were attending a be ie yO : "alte. Gl S tal el Tax cluded B
. short vacation with his par-|meeting of the Grange a i ag In Cg , bh oI ; i ;
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Lucas of| Mr. and Mrs. H D. Lindenmuth Et haul a iri Reb med vere lined up when re ther sent fi North Africa. Th EG TT 3 CSL SC Ey —_—,
place had sale of all their farm equipment | © €lectrical engineer
renaders were busy on Saturday and stock at thelr farm premise ip Mr. Power
ven when they tuned up and Dix Run last Saturday afternoon. W. Blaine Cunningham, Jr., who is
nt to the home of Mr. and Mrs. They sold a large number of young been division Line
Bellefonte will
J |
| May 25, at the home of Mrs. D. H. | : .
(Custer at 7:30 p. m. A good atten. Paradise Opens;
May 20, 1943.
{dance Is desired
cold weather and high water
French concluded his address with Hint
the statement that the current fish
Specials for Monday, May 24th:
SEASON | developed
will close on Saturday, July 17 |
| AS a pre-season “opener” the Ki-
wanis Club and the Rotary Club of
schedule h owing Bellefonte jointly sponsored the an ald adding
“There has been no curtailment of
fish production so far,” Mr. French
that there are about 3
Grange Theatre
al ¥ O'clock
Two Big Features
On Rubber, in splendid condition
Fiat The LEE EET Ei
Sale at | p. m. JOE BECHDEL
md neal nanan Yam
also announceg
For License
Lucas and gave the usual wel- chickens five head of cattle, all
their daughter and husband, young, and farm equipment of all Kittanning
nd Mrs. Auman Smith who had Kinds. Everything was sold in good division
{ the dav before from their time and the prices were very high northern
New York State for a few! which showed all persons interested MacDonald Plate
and Mrs. Lin- tudolph G Andqui to con
: ed tinue a iztant district manager All Metal
Samuel Lucas, while he denmuth were ver mich pleased
to be with her brother, meant busine Mr
id {f the
and children who had spent
2 Aoi,
eb \
Superior Quality
“Made to Fit"
For All Cars
“a new interior.” Protect
+1 3 Ye . R ger embarrassed With
or Roll for the community will be church, taught by Mr. J H Finch, [¥° » or sale by Pai
t time. wil] be entertained next Tuesday wy :
yn furlough. They returned over the results of their sale, whi
home on Tuesday, accom- ; very well attended
by Mr. and Mrs. Norman [he member
* New Union, or Stover cemetery, on Tuesday evening. A good number | ping GROVE MILLS 4-H
) desire their lots cleaned prior were in attendance CLUB IN REGULAR MEETING —
i who will see that the work 1s i for some time ning, May 10, was held 1 Simoniz
1 care of. Any contributions may, The Grammar school of H al Luth yan chitrch KLEENER
Mr. Custer. This should ough, taught ty Mr. J. R Relish 3
| that his son, George, Jr., Who this week, a niece, Mrs. John Whip-
tudent at Princeton Theological ple of Rochester, N. Y. She | also
pena ————— “CARNU"” ne ap
of one of our boys Who has'i; the Jersey Shore Hospital, on Pimples Disappeared . yi = \ OF CARS
’ out from the community and gunday. Her condition is much the : - p Ca be } For Coaches, Sedans, and
made good in the world same |
vicinity, but all indications are tha sistance of Owen Reed Pox, expects | {itl “Cn, MP0 le hey haa » red
whateve is held will be on Sunday, (1, make their home look one hun- isore pimpiy face one night and og
nex oh
brief. It is also hoped that the Hon- sunday school class of the Methodist the hapoy Kieerex user SPARK
mesmo : - — d : PLUGS Aero Tex Fibe- Quality A SFLL OUT
. f ie the | | ea i Wicd
: Cool Seat Cover COVERS Odd lots
Women's Bible cls of the Meth-
’ y charge of t . and
are ol very soon close for the term next Monday " i
has been called to serve yisjting with other relatives in the
y $ Over Night 59¢ : a = RY ral Pe | Coupes. Divided and full
Memorial Day Services: Nothing gev. H. C. Jacobs of the Free sn . : ane bX Plaids—
ny r CO " 3 : ir friends the
May 30, and on account of shortage dred per cent better A couple coats | prised their frie WRT
Ch | 70 3 Fit
{ _rr Y ; reeves iber
Reflector Polish ampion c hoi Plaid Design MADE COVERS
» past week visiting here odist church he a covered dish
f ‘ommunity House
to Memorial Day, will kindlv get In| Mrs. John Talhelln spent a few
h with David Custer of Fleming, ' davs this week with her aunt at [he regular meeting of ti
The meeting Wa
n Ruth Grubb It wa
» Moran, former resident of the pupils and teacher will enjoy a a y WAX
sommunity, but now of Cedar ther season of vacation n 1S
pply for two years in the Pirst .ommunity while here
byterian church at Amwell, N Mr. J. C. Fox visited with his sis-
1 i ] 4 > New Designs in P 2 seal Some wii
definite can be given at this writing smethodist church, has started paint- | Yes, it js true, there Is a safe harm ‘Ty g Red — Green — Blue om a a
as to Memorial Day services in this {ng the parsonage, and, with the as. less medicated liquid called Kieerex $ 79 EX . i LE center arm rest. Now is
An unusual value
z tae § : r texion
of gas which makes a shortage in of paint can do wonders to a home, | *ith a ation must con-
TT Few on hand
ww : ro
Ade * removes M.M. Plug 29¢c A GAL Quality ung] 98 0 79c
” spots from I-54 Cc - i ” Feonomy FIT
Reg Gasket 2c
‘emetery News lot owners of juncheon
president of the association milton, Pa. who has been seriously | rove Mills 4-H Club Mon
meeling of
Iowa, has received recent Mrs. Orrie Holt has as her guest
We are glad to hear this good tor Miss Mary Fox. who Is a patient
that dries up pimples over night
and up the time to give your car
| $ 75 and wp
transportation the services will be The members of the Young Ladies vines you vou gel Your mone
Quick Dry Enamel
NEW . : ’ high =los and be gy
For a
4 k
Wolf's have mattresses that are the answer to real sleeping com-
fort. Built, not stuffed, of buoyant layers of fine felted cotton,
with sturdy stitched border, neat taped edges. In durable striped
A Real Value for Only $1 4.95
These mattresses are remarkably comfortable with layers and
layers of soft, fluffy felt. They will go fast. Better come early.
Other Mattresses at $2050 and $309.50
For Material
and Workmanship
Broad Tread for Long
Wear. Skid Protection
All Prices Include Federal Tax, 1.
5.25/58.50—17 .... ....
5.25/550—18 ,..... ...
4.75/5.00—19 La CIE
Wearing qualitiex that have established a high
«+ «. reputation for Dean Phipps Stores. ..
BR Ol That Will Stand Up Under
il Heal. Finest Quality from Penn-
i sylvania Oil Fields,
5-qt. can only
Tax included
1-qt 50¢
Varnish Stain
acts. Te
wme{ FLAT PAINT «82 11 $2.79
=... WATER THIN &:'
Beautiful — Soft Colors
One Gal. makes 1'; gals, by adding water,
oy 1 08 «ul
Na Odor, Hard as Flint,
Dries in 30 minutes
Covers any _wurface,
A Marvelous
Cleans anything
Water will not hurt
Also Paint Brush
Cleaner... 5¢
Made not to clog
Screen Mesh,
Change Now fo Summer Grade
2 Qts. 1 Gal.
c 3c
Quality with Economy.
Dependable Lubrication at a
Bring your own
Container |
More Power
For Your Car
Phipps 39-Plate Many Miles
ae ne ange on 3005
Phipps 51-Plate Super Power
nn 10% ux
Amperea New type westever-seperatons
your Radic This B22 Mode! Guarans
Sg 5
teed for 24 months BE priced at i EX
Gov, Rule Must return old battery when
buying new one,
$ Extra plate 1
bard.-rubber csse-Exirs
Brake Fluid
High Grade,
“Western Lube” Oil | N22 ..» 49¢
For Auto and all other
. Machinery,
kad High Quality, -
10¢ » | 5+45¢
Bellefonte, Pa.
Allegheny Street