Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 01, 1943, Image 2
A —————— Page Two HE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLCEFURTE, rR. April 1, 1943, son of Mr 126 North John 8. Smith, 17, and Mrs. John Smith, Allegheny street The voung men will also be given series of aptitude tests to deters liam Everhart from the Samuel Eyv- mine what type work they are erhart farm the Jacob Reish best fitted for in the Navy. Upon farm: Georg: Welland from completing it training” they will Mrs. Eyer house to the Haugh farm "e given a nine-da) leave in Patton township: Mi Catheris 1 the may be assigne Reed has sold her home and wil to spend some time at the J. Clayton sent directly Corl home: W. A. Schilling from the VV . 3 ir Ashore depending thie A. 8. Bowersox house to their n hr In the aptitude home on E. Ma treet: the Kidw family from the teed Chui end Recent Weddings Walker—Seprish Margaret Louise Seprish, of Mrs. Verna Seprish, of wing street, Bellefonte, and 1 Winfield Scott Walker on ind Mrs. Albert Walker, of N. Y.. were married March ittle, Wash. The bride n of Belle fi High ! and PINE GROVE MILLS | Spring Flittings: Edward from Buffalo Run to the J Hoy farm near Snow Shoe, Saxion Newt Wil- & Mi» Gught ) ol orth 8 to Od choo) the nte of 1938 hall ha for been tary to Nathan nment inspx iw al tal Company n Walker | in - Truck Plows Into Defense Workers’ Car | Smit NOLS " Bov/e seed | WO h treet Conlinuad from page one) sewing Class to Ope it ¢la N fw Ww Clarence Girl Joins 4 Brothers in Service ged from page one BOALSBURG Is Ordained At Ceremony, Thursday ne pnual communi meeting B Baileyville Community Hall ii } k oid. Some vital business to be rans- Conle ted. A good attendance is desired | £18 this meeting Pika 15 - LOCAL Pu BOYS JOIN NAVY When you are ill, the first thing to do is see your doctor. Then— to be sure his directions are fol awed bring your prescription to Rexall Drug Store—where you can depend upon it being compounded exactly as your doctor wrote if. Only the finest sf fresh, trength materials are used by capable, licensed And a double that ihe 4 full.s PRO ai VLTAR(e]Y STN | = harmacists hock sys uracy. WHITE BROS. Drug Store BELLEFONTE, PA © (MUNICIPA MILLHEIM sham guarantees Announcement! L Shows Now 7:30 and 9:30 P. M. Admission 10¢ & 30¢ - NEW SHOW TIME LAST TIMES TONIGHT THURSDAY bills to al heretofore problems ial at Your emergency as us Errol Flynn Alexis Smith GENTLEMAN JIM One Complete Show Thurs, Night of Tempie Court during ti is starting Promptly at 7:30. y act as Manager for her ’ father, William NsuUrance [gend located SATURDAY: NIGHT. ONLY fath Villiam insurance agency, located (April 3) ANN MILLER REVEILLE WITH BEVERLY A swell Bellefonte Pa address in Crider iPhone 2148) and will conduct his | rom that musical comedy full of new tunes! LATEST NEWS “INSIDE FIGHTING CHINAY HUGH M. QUIGLEY ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE Temple Court Coming Wed. & Thurs, April 7-8 "YANKEE DOODLE DANDY” Phone 2123 Bellefonte, Pa. a tc mes A ——— Ra ey iy Gy the teacher, Mn Fine Harry Musser home and Bara Kellerman,! Mrs. T. J. Whiteman ig visiting Betty K Helen Kerstetter, Alma (relatives in Washington, D. C., and Bradliord, Bertha Cole, Mra. Claude { Philadelphin Confer and Ruth Bleich, Games were! The Ladies’ Homemakers Class, played and hments served {under the supervision of Miss Mary Mrs J. €. Meyers of Btate College, Ellen MeClain, met Monday evening nd daughter, Mrs, Edwa of {The members present Mi Bristol, called at the homes Nevin | Robert Day, Mrs, Virginia M. Myer Meyer worge EE. Mever and John Mrs. Wilbur Houtz, Mrs, Fred Lone day alternoon berger, and Misses Marga Dale and Emma Eliza Stuart Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Mr. and Mrs George E tended the funeral of Mever at State College, qesent were I rank Whit nix ) refre Norri were f Of d Nmitl "rial ret Mi WwW. He Mi Fred Lonberger, Famuel He family nt § R. D. Bunday afternoon Miss Helen ) and daughter ited the Hate Collage Meyer Mey “1 Mi Edith Thursday und Ale } W. Hess spent Bunday eve. of Mr, and Mrs. Pred Lon Mrs. E ning with berger Miss Fay the sick list A Junior Gulld meeting was held faa sy lria rany ening arbara Mothersbaugh spel Sat Mrs, Walter A. Bnow and son of home Lincoln Park, N. J. are spending the i Mr jarold Lelghtley week with the former's parent Mr, daughter of Centre Hall Pent and Mrs. C. A. Bonine weekend at the | Powell Friday evening al the home of Char. Mr. and Mi Don Coll of Blate Pvt. Har ey of lotte Biricker. Those present College pent Bunda tt own, Mr. ang Mi: T. G. Jom counselio and Rus Nancy Jong JOY i Rishel and Lev M1 A elma Spotty Is on AN were i Mr Irvin Jone £ 5 Beatrice itz hone Shopping For Rationed Foods Is Simple At Trust your A&P ping for rationed foods easy. \ SERVICE blue stamps . . . red tam Ps, to use for each about remembering what foods case your mind. A&P has in ple system that lets &Pl NUMBERS oned foods RED STAMPS $ ayed with “Ur at ARP di can be NUMBERS boll RED splayed with Dou on the When ration to think up ways to make your shop you shop e point tags that these items The BLUE rationed foods quired to gi Red an blue st. If you ve been wormed “ht you can get with your y hat items you can t with your and what items you can ge yo rT rev. u" " talled a sim pend RN ] lance LT “ ' % 2d wo « y w « wit ’'e L Der you know at a glance wha Teal numbe me rationed food. RED NUMBERS For Red Stamp Foods War Ration Book No. 2 are valid Fresh, Smoked, Canned Meats, Cheese (many perishable cheeses ned] Butter, Margar and ‘and salad dressing are not rationed!] on AAP Ratio vs, and displays of foods tell required for their r RED : g thew food stamps of Can ne and most fats shelves STAMPS n point tags on vou that RED numbers Point Cost Price MEATS. . FRESH | T-Bone Steak | Round Steak | Rump Roast | Rib Roast | Ground Beef | Lamb Legs | Lamb Loin Chops | Pork Chops | Pork Loin Reast | Fresh Spare Ribs | Fresh Pork Sausage MEATS SMOKED-COOKED Hams Smoked, Skinned Whale Khamk Malt Ready to Eat Whole Shank Bacon Beannked Sliced Bacon G Bologna and Los Berliner Lunch Meat | Minced Lunch Meat Meat Loaves 40¢c 38¢ 28¢c 28¢ 35¢ 3Te 53c dic 4c 25¢ 33c “i BB wd OO oo ov Oh OY 0 39¢ 43¢c 35¢ 46¢c 28¢ 50¢ 33c 35¢ S53c¢ LB wr Hams ad Malt Rind an Piece ec of ade A wd wd wd wd BB wp Assaried FRESH SUNNYFIELD PRINT BUTTER: Canned Fish, Meat Pink Salmen «. Potted Meals Potted Meals Spam 4 I4e 2 15¢ 2 1le 33c aldsirram Mormed Product Fats and Oils Canking Wesson - oi Find filmes 28¢ 28¢ 25¢ 22¢ 24¢ I8e 23¢ 25¢ 2Te 23¢ Pint Gime Conking Oil Mazola Salad Oil dexo Spry Pure Lard Keyko Oleomargarine Dixie Oleomargarine Good Luck Olesmargarine Churngold Clzsmargarine Cheese Daisy Daisy Cheddar Cheddar Gorgonzola Pint inns LE BJ Carton 1b dar Ann Page Khoriening Shortening Ih I» Ih Ih Ah TT Oo Lh 32e 3e 36¢ Ie 47¢ mia Sharp Med Sharp Sharp } | CHECK CYER THIS LIST OF UNRATIOKED FOODS . . . BLUE NUMBERS For Blue Samp | Fools War Ration Book No. 2 are vaild snned and bottled fru Toby] 7 ods, dred ¢ Fre «h re marked with LUE STAMPS are Fruits and Vegetables! 19¢ 29¢ n ‘ hs Iceberg Lettuce Canned Vegetables | Passa Galery Tomatoes ne 25¢ 25¢ 23¢c FLORIDA ORANGES . 20 =40 Po 3% Asparagus Brand Green Beans Crisp Carrots Corn Fancy Apples Corn Peas Peas Tomatoes Veg- -all Vegetable Juices Tomale Tomato Tomate V-8 Cocktail Canned Fruits Apple Sauce (/: ern Fre sh Be Led {,o0ds’ Dated Fu Marvel Dated, Fariched, SHicad Marvel Sandwich Bread Jane Parker Hot Cross Buns dane Parker Dated Donuts ol AWE Asuerind Layer Cakes Bread . arin. 108 i» Fost ALT Parker Cranberry Sauce "I~ Cherries ™_ Fruit Cocktai Peaches Juha He A M Red sur | AAW Fart etin Ne ih 12 jena Ne, Bi Part etin 1 1b. i Fruit Juices Grape Juice Can Os Pears Nourishing Macaroni Products! (an ar Pears Ann Elbow Macaroni Ann Page Long Spaghetti Ann Seashells Page Page .r ene Th Pkg 3+ Fig 26¢ Wels Fage Macaroni -- ae wa ow —— Grapefruit Juice Anw Yermicelli Pure Egg Noodles Grape Juice Fmeore Orange-G'fruit Prove k Canned and Soups Dehydrated Maing . New Pasa Tomate Soup Betty Crocker Soup's On Pha Tetley's Dehydrated i Baby Foods Straingd 1/vbrs, Maine Chopped Strained Chopped 4 or Dried Vegetables Pea Beans Lima Beans ; Red Kidney Beans Green Split Peas Scoteh Peas Lentils Pea, Yep VYegelinrian Xe i fam He Nn 101, If Can On Camp bells £ Sunny field —- Corn Flakes Kellogg » Corn Flakes Relloge » All Bran { risp Fresh Cereals! 1M, Oe Pie 1g Om rehydrated rehydrated XX. BR £ Shredded Wheat . .. Ann Page Mello Wheat Freak BUCK SHAD Frean ROE SHAD SMALL CARP BUTTERFISH SEA HERRING Fresh HADDOCK FILLETS (lapps & Heine LE Nesrhnwt 5 Os Gerber s 10e 13¢ 9¢ {3¢ 12¢ 9¢ Sunny field Not Rationed! | HEALTH SOAP LIFEBUOY 3 ci 200 BABY GENTLE SWAN Med. 23c¢c Cakes Not Rationed A-Penn Products 10% Pure Penna, Motor Dil Home Dry Cleaner. Spot Remover. .... 4.01 Furniture Polish. . . . 20.01. 20% 1,23 Gal. 49¢ 19¢ 15¢ 10¢ 3%¢ 10c Pint B01. Self Polishing Wax. Window Cleans. .. Come In—Get | Your FREE | Copy Of - ARP Seedess Raisins : 120 California 40.50 Prunes - 15¢ ULTRA-REFINED Pint at 1 9c Not Rationed! WHITE HOUSE BRAND EVAP. MILK 10 &. 85c¢ Free From Caustic Clorox To Wa" Timely exciting—informative: | A cook's tow of the Home Front! 10¢ an th non Mid dk ~ ral the W 1 i m ana Lohr