LOE BE BR BE BR OE EE Mdhvird ee he Ce nire Democrat EVERYBODY EVERY PAYDAY SAVING IN WAR BONDS A VOLUME ff, NUMBER BELLEFONTE, | THURSDAY, JANUARY 1943. SUBSCRIPTION $1.5 0 PER YEAR C. C. May S Honor Roll Here Draft From Name Committee to Study Project; Board Lists 513 Men in Service Bellefonte and Rural Routes. Haa Fisher Tentative 1 ¥ call for the ZOE Bore 0 ‘Br A WAR RATION BOOKS STORED IN PRISON County's Quota of 56,000 No. 2 Books in Dungeon at Rockview AS BAN HIGHLY EFFECTIVE Pleasure Driving Here Cut Sharply as Result of New OPA Ruling t For th a 56.000 | bo county are safely tu unserem cit vigpon Nt 0 GO ne has ev Ime 1011-08 gove the n ntial ute of au Bellefonte Burgess Hardman Harris’ and OPA offieinls have stricted borough police In their duties of checking on iations in State College | 28 other i ignated to ch Px nalty { s issued Gg AWAY i at Rock according P ir ali= Lo Reports velve on page Tire Inspection ‘A’ Bookholders Post- poned to March 31 Nurses’ Alumnae In Annual Meeting ywed that board meet- uty meeting year. Nearly rs were written bn interest of book their first Februar) B bookholde: ir was Son four months, and for C Kholders | 4 reading ( Once W ya 1 ¥ | American the schedule called 1} xaminatios At hoy of cars » two month The action to min and to sm pe aks for COUNTY EXTENSION SERVICE TO CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Agricultural | Extension of letter member Journal « { of Nit 5 well ursis to keep m embers oy meth wis licines sre literature ha well inform- t day and the me mbers ent Arm; thie me out erp year another has Oot § inspectors (c 13 4 iE Stats The Centre County the Pennsylvania Extension Service this week cele- College brates the completion of twenty-five Mr. Smeltzer is the years of service to this county. At a of the first executive commitiee in dinner at the Penn Belle Hotel in 1917 who has served continuously Bellefonte on Friday evening, Jan- and who is still active in extension uary 15 at 6:30 o'clock, the Exten- work. He will discuss the changes in sion Association will hold its anbual Centre county agriculture during meeting and will look back on 25 the past quarter of a century years of agricultural extension work Mrz. Albright, one « leaders Henry Stover, of Aarofisburg, pres- | in launching home economics exten ident of the Association, will conduct sion work in 1024, will discuss the the business meeting. Officers of the development of this part of the ex- Association will be elected and the tension program in Centre county regular business carried on. Invitations have been extended to Toastmaster for the occasion will all former extension workers, who b2 John G. Miller, Pine Grove Mills. are as follows: R. H. Olmstead, J. Speakers for the anniversary pro- N. Robinson, R. B. Donaldson, R. L gram will he W. C. Smeltzer, Belle- Coolidge, Mary Reynokls Ormerod, fonte: Mrs. Alfred Albright, Penn- Jean Alexon Shadle, Mayme Love- sylvania Furnace, and Paul Edinger. lace, and Eleanor Smith Eckenrode State College, Assistant Director of’ Most gf these persons plan to attend only member ‘he Sponsor PROBE § DEATH AT MILLAEIV Death of W m. H. Bechtol, 51, Early Yesterday, In- vestigated by Coroner AN \J CLAIM VICTIM HURT IN FALL LAST WEEK Autopsy, Inquest May Be Held, Sheckler Reports Funeral Friday is bart J of Ni than we} caved 18681. a son He The oi cables is of Pine Cr By M oe M FSBURG TO ~ HAVE HONOR R Woman's Club Project; Dedication Ser- vice Planned Feb. 14 Sponsors nam lac gar Spicer #5 1831 ward prepared nave Mil honor roll board and in the hand rg Women's Club } in erection gnd ¢ 8 feet 1 eight slide names lace it yf t! placed i of ne esbu DOT « 1] The feet board is wit} holding 386 2'% inches wide. The in names are to be 1% inches in height Additional room for names maj added if necessary The color scheme of the roll is white and blue. The board is 1 for the mounting of names and be at the former Clover store room in Milesburg Mrs. Lester Baird, chairman on age - Frank Gryetho To Enter Aviation Cadets he jettery gO€] W Continued Sir Frank Gryctko, 22. son of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Gryctko, of the Brocker- hoff Hotel, expects {o leave Saturday for an Aviation Cadet training cen. ter. although he has not been ine formed as to where he is to report for duty Gryctko. a graduate of the Bello. fonte High Bchoul, enlisted in the Aviation Cadets last July 10 and was told to await further orders. He be- came interested in flying in 1940, purchased his own plane and now holds a private license, He has to his credit 180 hours of solo and passen- ger flying, Since graduation from high school he has been assisting his { father with the management of the | Brockerhofl EN Couple Observes Golden Wedding Foss lebrated retain WwW, Kling fiftieth friter i Vit of the an active for man cars while wr customary duties about niversary in the Klinger the oY ING ERE Selectees Get Sheepskins If They Have Completed Seven Semesters’ Work PROVISIONS MADE FOR OTHERS CALLED ! Board Acts to Hasten the Completion of Electric Work in New School 1 who last Mr con Hege, 4. D thelr busing of dairy also ger | marriage he has ontinue with home many Kili arn - COUNTY FAMLY COUNTY TIN CAN RECEIVES AWARD Honored at Gap For ‘War Job’ of Pro- ducing More Food TWO PHYSICIANS WALLED T0 ARMY “= And ‘ave Drs. W. J. Schwartz Paul NC to L. Here in February n Page Three) ». Fred Wainer, Jr., Is Victim of Accident coasting acci- r Fred Warner son of Mr. and of East Linn iva con - afinged © VEArs. Warne Sunday sufie H brain im youth was other aged Mrs. F treet, red a slight non Of red eardr The number of Ridge street between Gilmour homes, The children were using large pieces of cardboard as “toboggans” and young Warner had just completed a trip down the steep hill when another group struck him, throwing him to the ground. As he was struggling to his feel still an- other toboggan struck him, render ing him unconscious \ Edward Kofman street, enrried the wheres he coasting with a voungsters down the Crider and Linn youth 10 his home remained unconscious for a considerable time. Later he was taken to the Centre County Hoes- pital where he was under observa- tion until Monday night when he re- turned home According to reporis, no pérmas nent ill effects are expected to result from the injuries, The voully had Just rec overed from a ten-days' il- nes celdent happend East ol the (OTA 52 TONS = Indiantown Charities to Help Organ- ize Drive to Meet Month- Allotment ia smpletion © cel contract, which i Crutinusd on Poaoe Stas 13 ¢ Flan Observance Bidar week [IRC] ONL (Healy. with Mrs arling as census Affects ounty Offices ‘entre County’s Elevation to 6th All Officials Most Jobs to Pay Class to Affect car. “1 DRAWN FOF JURY SERVICE Grand Jury Meets bh ruary 8; Criminal Court Opens February 22 February nounced last week bs soners J W. Co eof term of ox ng @ar ¥ Ww. Barter r Vom clerk Twenty-four schedule ! Febra Cran ot “4% NAMES OFFICERS = . 8 B. Long Retained As President; Others Are Re-elected Arthur Boob Named Head Firemen’s Relief eticmimarionn Wolf's Sponsor $500. 00 Contest it ire Ce mpany ers evening at manner ement of a contest totaling $500 are in in which surer y be given Board Logan Com- Morrison La rman Hazel, and from any, Charles Kel- named to thi of from the aways Tum to the er on. page thied, trations with they represent. and trie Wolf Wolf advertisment match up the the songs send before illus. think ens Jan- you Your to the store uary 23 ; 1 be judged by Miss insurance repre- w entries wil Hele Beezer. life entative; James R. Hughes, former Academy headmaster, and Karl E Kusse, secretary of the local Cham- ber of Commerce lor, fecretar ted on insurance claims during Mr. Beeer atithorize in the by<laws revise the repot the yeal and Mr. Baylor make certain changes abd were given power by-laws accordingl A.C. Heverly Accepts Position at Y. M. C. A. A. C. Heverly, of East High street, has accepted the position at the Bellefonte Y. M. C. A. which on Jan- uary 2 was vacated by Andrew Bressler near Bellefonte Mr. Heveriy will have charge of the maintenance and operation of the bowling slleys—one of the most popular attractions at the local Y Mr. Bressler, who resigned, had been employed in that capacity for the past fifteen years. His plang for the future are definite at this timo were gd to Tanney Top Room to Be Closed Saturday The Harry Tanney taproom On South Spring street will ciose, Sat- urday night, until further notice, it was announced vesterday by Mr. Tanney, who added that he expects to devole his Sime in the future to the Hotel Tanney, East High street. Reason for the closing of the pop- ular night spot is tire and gasoline rationing, Mr. Tanney said. He de- clared that business would be re sumed AS SOON As rant to of Jan. 15 Deadline for War Ration Book 1 Those who registered and did not fu TO ASRIST TAXPAYERS A representative of the Depart. ment of Revenue, Division of Pers sonal Property Tax, will sit in the Centre County Court House on the following dates, to give taxpayers in- | formation and administer oaths: January 13, 16. 21 ahd 25. February 2, 2, 12 and 13 obtaining a book, War Ration Book No. 2 will not! Tora! official; sald yesterday v conditions war- [20 to 50 children are {clinle is $5.500, fonts Community Welfare contri receive War Ration Book No. 1 be-| cause of excess sugar are reminded; that January 15 is the deadline for lare treated alike . GRAND JURORS Meet Monday, Feb, H CG H Elmer Noll Re-Elected To Defense Presidency usual busines: eiection of Elmer ciected as other secretary Th filled Larue Hazel The next held in the day, VEear dent is regular r school January 18 ’ ay Th. Audits Court House Records The annual a he nt of the Centre County 1 Recorder, and Register week with 8. H. Hoy. { Thomas street. Bellefonte, been appointed by the Court duct the audit dit of 7th his From Elected More. CONTINUE BATT AGAINST PARALYSIS to Hig light Celebration of Pres- ‘March of Dimes’ h- ident’s Birthday avd. endi. satd 460 doles Pr resident Roosevelt's Birth Janus 30. Th . 0 John Anderson Joins Navy Construction WELFARE FUND FINANCES AID TO CRIPPLED CHILDREN The ability to carn the wor among under-privileged corippi children depends entirely upon untary contributions. The Common wealth provides hospital facilities no charge, but the money needed {« doctors, braces and other suppili raised entirely in Cente and Cles field counties There are fifteen clinics held year at the Philipsburg State Hos. pital. At ¢ach clini: anywhere from taken care The yearly cost of maintaining of which the Belle % But. od $400. For this money fifty child- ren from Bsllefonte were treated Ali children admitted to the clinic Those that can pay do-thore that are unable to pay ibe issued to anyone who doesn't al- are treated free and all special shoes, | ready have War Ration Book No. 1. braces and other-needs are fumishc {61 nt doth bo Tle is the Wil- head &t ¥sicians have had a great deal of experience in the care and treatment of matters of this Kind, and anvote entering the clinic an expect to receive a sympatheti and beneficial receplion The Bellefonte Community Wel. fare has been happy in being able to take a Part in an endeavor as worthy as this. The good work that has been done with the Bellefonte children can not be measured In dollars and cents, and has more than Paid for the sacrifice on the part of those Who give so generously to the the clini i... Simon } and his assistant Be ith of these ph Dr. Roy of sport Fpryasd « APE
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