December 24. 1042, Clie Centre Pemorrat, BELLEFONTE, PENNA. WALKER BROTHERS A. C. DERR.. PAUL M. DUBBS JECIL A. WALKFR Issued weekly every $1.50 per year $2.00 per year ~~ Entered in the ~astoffice at Bellefonte, Pa., as secon class matter, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Proprietors ,.. Editor Associate Editor Business Manager Thursday morning Af paid in advance if not pald in advance by a change on the date of month. quest. its chances. tents per line each issue, directed. MERICAN | RESS] The date vour subscription expires is plainly printed n the label bearing your name We send no receipts unless upon special re- Watch date on your label after you remit, Matters for publication, whether news or advertising, must reach The Centre Democrat office not later than Tuesday noon to insure publication that week. Adver- tising copy received after Tuesday morning must run All reading notices marked Legal notices and all real estate advertisements, 10 Bubscribers changing postoffice address, and not no- tifying us, are liable for same, All subscriptions will be continued unless otherwise ASSOCIATION | All credits are given label the first issue of each (*) are advertisements. NATIONA L EDITORIAL ¢ ASSOCIATION SHember CIRCULATION OVER 7,000 COPIES EACH WEEK EDITORIAL CHRISTMAS SAD, The citizens of Centre county present war this week, The Cent all the people of our will long remember We are deeply conscivus lions of American homes al press the sentiment. Ne armed services and many on fields of battle, stand guard Christinas has brought cl Many years. B great W arly It 1s a season of UT N( worate the! ocond ELESS t )T HOP to us countless children lor Christan to those of the faith. To countless others it expresses the deeper hopes of human be. ¥ ¥ ings, that peace will come to this will some day learn to live t Certainly, our thoughts will go wherever our boy faith that in God's g otr faith, we know that Christmas that some It is not for man to discern pate unduly the price that must the torn hopes of human being a threatened catast: Divine wisdom that 1 existence. 80, this Christmas rows that impend, should per are unfortunate and more willing ever possible, enjoy happiness : With supreme faith in Gog and vice of the Divine power let brave ophe gO! eart bravely in the hope that much of wh reverently observe Christma now alive will, in future vear 1942 face Bellefonte Man In Big Naval Battle (Continued from page one) which smashed into a Japanese bat tleship Swept hy gunfire anese ships, Parker’ fin- ally was abandoned ap hour after the struggle, and sank tne following afternoon. It was the same action in which Admiral Daniel J. Callaghan was killed on the bridge of the cruise: San Francisco during a slugfest with a Japanese battleship. And it wa tie first phase of a series of actions in which the Nipponecse lost 28 ves. sels. Parker's war record began with the War in the Pacific and includes the Battles of Java Sea and Maca sar Straits. He told of the Nov. | action, which took pluce within miles of Henderson field, at a conference at Pacific Fleet quarters. “On the afternoon of Nov. 12 ww made up a group of destroyers and cruisers and made a sweep through Indispensable Straits,” he said “About 1:15 a. m. we were Lunga Point and headed for the passage between Save Island and Cape Esperance. We received infor- mation that Jap units were in the area and beading southward, “We were on the course a shot time when I saw ships crossing the bow close on. I ordered the ship to come left and notified the flagship. We got ready to open fire, but the flagship ordered us to return to course from destrover the Jap “3 o i] press Head- ear “1 saw a Jap cruiser off port and Jrepured to open fire on it, also fir- ng at a Jap destroyer to starboard. ‘Then I observed a battleship about 1000 yards to port. The port torpedo crew fired one torpedo, and then the crew was wiped out.” Parker said his ship was under fire from a Japanese destroyer's five- inch guns and machine guns aboard | the Japanese battleship. He was fir- ing his own five-inchers at the en- emy fleet and his machine guns at the Ppattieship, indicating the ex- CHRgage- We could see Lhe VOT Y battleship was the bridge struc- from our cruisers and destroy- ers,” Parker continued. “The battle- hip passed close astern a d immediately whic mans \ nl i 8 3 drover stern a h had to » avold being rammed “We had been hit in the fire room and engine room, and were losing speed. We kKiew we would soon be dead In the water I looked star- board and saw the battleship swing- ing towar Apparently its tn back You and Me EVERY ONE OF US TODAY IS FIGHTING FOR OUR EXISTENCE! Few realize what terrible odds we are up against. Our eneries are still in every country they have put their foot upon and it is going to take millions of our boys’ lives and untold sacrifices for ourselves at home that we never dreamed of, before victory is ours. SO LETS START NOW AND CUT OUT THIS USELESS SPENDING for the things that are not ab solutely necessary. Before you drink this, or eat that STOP and THINK, can I live without it? Before you buy that article of clothing or nonessential thing, say to yourself, I won't buy it now, I can do without it. Before you buy presents for those you love, just stop and think how much more a Bond, as a present, will mean to them and your country. That is what I am doing. Mahlon N. Haines HEAD OF HAINES, THE SHOE WIZARD | {steering control was out of commis- | sion “"Bhe wu We were had been but were hotter ofl losing the starbourd beam speed rapidly hit a number of times, able to maneuver Into a position tw fire “Then we fired six torpedoes at un! range of about 1000 vards ally saw one explode sold two others “1 believe the astern of us out Cape E'perance.” Meanwhile Parker's ship had gone dead In the water. Three of her four guns were gone the fire control gear was wrecked, the gunner of- ficer was seriously wounded and most of the ammunition for the fourth gun was so damaged that it could not be used The fourth gun able ammunition and there wa 1 person- and observers also hit home battleship passed between Savo and loosed it avall- a Japanese alter at de- another a brief respite at us for about five and we were able to get \ Parkes strove: hip which Nobody minute three fires unde control fired fired mort enems don’t knot vy hi 1200 carchiignt At Up we Werg ana ordered hip 1 we Community Fund Aids Girl Scouts (Continued rom page one finance sels CRE0RY RY ¥ 41} srovement proveme? genghip in fu B.H.S. Band ‘Master iContinged from ? struction at the conducted durir hot atid schedules snd n we Nn f preparation. Mir all his time to the joint icon position The director came August this year from Johnfonburg where he was engaged In private music work. As part of his duties he was in charge of Lewis Run Bund pear Bradford. and the Mt Pleasant High School Band. From Plepsant High School Band, being in the latter post from 1030 to 1932 He is certified as a music teacher in this state While he was in Pleasant Band won county Fera © school-Leg- to Belicfonte in the charge of the Mt that organization championship in 1933 and 1037: won first prides in three consecutive years in sectional contests. and won third prize in 1933 and 1936 in State contests Bo:n in Valle Longa, Italy Mi Pera began his musical education in that country, being graduated from the Verdi Conservatory of Music at Turin. He came to the United States in 1921 and became a U. 8. citizen in 1028. He was trombone soloist in Oervone's well known 176th Field Artillery Band in Pittsburgh. Among other bands in which he was a fea. tured soloist included the Rochester, N. ¥.. Bymphony Band. He is a grad- uate of the California State Teach- ers’ College, California, Pa In addition to being a trombonist of more than usnal ability, Mr, Fera {also specializes In the baritone. He i plays all the other band instruments. {He 1s married and there are four | ehildren in the family. The Fera's {recently purchased the former Ar- Ithur H. Sloop home on East Curtin | street the i Cleaning Suede | Suede shoes and purses can be {very effectively cleaned with a dry rubber sponge. This brushes off the dust and raises the nap of the ma! terial, making it look lke new and | i | | Merry Christmas | | HOPE WE HAVE NOT OROOTTEN ANY ONE ibe frm a TTL Oh \ Orrick CAT “A Little Nonsense Now and Then, Is Relished by the Wisest Men’ Lick | Mi Oe ( to tober ne come 4 9 4 Way He Felt { ) The * & Seeing the Point \d » Instructions A ® oo 9 No Cause For Alarm * & 9 Dangerous Spot Le SEE i stopped ah asked Mike rie * & Bound For Where? § * & 9» She Told Him * 4 9» Advertisement fOORMNE R COUNTRY ® oo » THE OLD AND THE FIFTY YEARS AGO Eggs were d i Lg s quart. the butch NEW milk ont nly 4 bologna “ : Rave the hired girl received two de diel not pos idewanik, and cussed irked to waiters and amp and of Hl af ten 1} a cas the hat-cl oper . folks friends ferescope In He or were luxurs no of Wi ver ated « t t gland, m year walked miles to v A MERRY CHRIS ENOW. Ex plays the cigalreties of I appendicitis ierobes unheard of lived to a good old age and every ish their ry gS I'MAS TODAY shoots crap smokes the they YOU in automobiles, or flic Roe what neve feed to the n Four Roses (of have sou! Democrat to bed the get up, and think they are having a wonderful time profiteering ing ing golf nightly blames same day days of st think life is wo high cost living gO these exXeess asses a ration vou na and if we wish you A HAPPY NEW * + 3 14 $1; YEAR That's aT He folks world by man Heres to parachutist falling down on the job who gels BOAT AW - Jes 666 TABLETS. SALVE. NOSE DROPS up in & \ urement i AT FIRST SION OF A We're here again ... to wish you the best of every- thing throughout the Christmas hol- iday and the New Year! Make Up a Party SEE THE OLD YEAR OUT... ‘BEHIND THE 8-BALL’ with the Ritz Bros. BIG GALA NEW YEAR'S EVE MIDNITE FUN SHOW! ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. BELLEFONTE, PA. wae DECEMBER 31 woe PLAZA THEATRE Bellefonte's Showplace Nittany Valley Lutheran Pastorate Rev. David E. Btraesser, pastor Zion: church school at 9:30, morn ing worship 10:30. Bt Mark 9:30 church evening worship at 9:30 Bt church we'd COO) Paul school at SU John's Evangelionl & Reformed Rev. C Stamm. Chri Ve wou Hha 11 ’ 0 a Morning Wi Ve B30 Nevin timu hip service mon on 19 ¢ Bellefonte J n 1 Methodist, ay evening Church 1001 0 owen e1Trmon ) n ra in wor My Pen Follow SL John's Lutheran I'he Rev. Clarence FE. Arnolk First Sunday alley December 27 4:40 10:46 a. 1 And Y Fellowship entities Bellefonte I {on COO wIINon Milesburg- Unionville Rev. William A A.C. TURNER BELLEFONTE. VF CO. \ United Brethren H oh Bellefonte : FARMER LOS HELY First Evangebieal, Bellefonte Presbyterian Charge H =? y N y y ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Hert K TYRONE PARATROOPER HAS LEG FRACTURED BY CAR ALTOONA MARINE SOUGHT IN FATAL SHOOTING A. /.. Kohlbecker bh) FSBURG. PA Holiday Greetings Our entire staff wishes all America a Merry Christmas To All! PLAZA STATE | THEATRE THEATRE ~ BELLEFONTE -- itd | | | : | $ i