THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Thrév August 6, 1942. PORT MATILDA R.D. 1 Cecil Walk, who was hurt in a| Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shultz of motorcycle accident, is home and able to be around again. Bernard Kerin is spending a week with his sister, Mrs. Robert Hams, in Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wissinger and daughter Betty of Hudson, O, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mil- ler. Mrs. Arma Duey has returned af- ter a week at Camp Meeting at Ma- haffey. Misses Frances and Nannie Lewis spent a day with their sister, Mrs James Weaver, in Tyrone Mr. and Mrs. Curt Solt and spent Sunday at Sandy Ridge Quite a few attended the Clover Farm picnic at Bland's Park, Aug 6th. Miss Jane Schell of New York City, is home on her vacation and spent a few days with her friend Mrs. M. A. Kerin Mr. and Mrs. Milford Butter- baugh and daughter Bonita, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ir- vin Dayton at vail Mr. and Mrs, Sylvester Walk spent a few days at New York City Mr. and Mrs. Chillis Moore and sons of Osceola Mills, spent the weekend with his sister of this place son There were §2 present at Sunday | school Mr. and Mrs. Orie Heaton of Bellefonte, spent Sunday at the G H. Gillespie home Jack Waite, Harry Lomison, Clf- ford Confer and Earl! Chaplain Chester, spent the weckend at homes here Mr. and Mrs. Harris Bechde] of Blanchard, visited on Sunday after- noon at the Clair Confer home Mr. and Mrs. R. B Mr. and Mrs. John Sunday at the A. M. Shank home, Harry Kelley of Pleasant Gap, called on friends on Saturday after- noon. Doris Daley of Williamsport the weekend at her home here Jean Gardner Beech Creek, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Gardne Mrs. Leo Condo and Mrs. J Brickley spent the weekend a Leo Condo home Donald Gray, who has been + the U. 8. Army at Ft. Meade received a medical discharge has returned to his home here Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miller of Mack- syville, called on friends and rela- tives on Friday Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Walker Lock Haven, spent the weekend with their son, McDowell and family Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dietz of Howard, spent Sunday visiting with iriends. Ee ee ee WOODWARD Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hummel, son Kenneth and his father left last Wednesday morning and are the guests of relatives and acquaint. ances in and near Shamokin, about a week's vacation. During vacation Mr. Hummel had his ton- sils removed. The diseased organs seem to have caused him ga great deal of physical trouble. The Hosterman Crew are putting new asbestos shin- gle roofs on the house and porches of the Ray Orndorf residences this week Steward Eisenhuth and Harry Long were weekend guests of their respective homes Rev. J. W. Thompson their Poorman and Shank spent of for nis of Lewis- Wwil- | | home after a few day! spent a few days with the latter's | of ex and Stover Co.! | Tyrone, spent Sunday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Edward Spittier Mrs. Spittler has been on the sick list for some time, Mrs. A. J. Col- lett also spent Sunday with her Mrs. Susie Strasick has returned ' visit In Pitts- Michael, who Thurs- her son army camp on burgh with left for an day John Budish and William Casper Homestead, have returned home month's visit with their of after a {parents of this place of Homestead, visit with her Miss Ann Budish spent a two weeks’ aunt of this place The annual Reese reunion will be held at Elk Haven Park (where it is always held), on Saturday, August 8th. The public is invited M. H 8. Band will play George Carnes, who was hurt able to be back at work again Amos Stimer had his hand jured badly. His friends wish a speedy recovery Mr. and Mrs. David son David of Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman also Lennie Burke and and Miss Madeline Yule Mr. and Mrs. Paul I. Ikgo family of Conemaugh, spent Sunday with his mother P 1s in- him Horbath and visited with Nearhoof ; Mrs. Yule and ORVISTON Dick Packer past week Jacksonville Lomison several days Roy Oyler farm work Walle spent Mir Dick spent helping with his Marjorie Mill Hall her parent Waite and the at employed weekend with Mrs. J. R who th at the and Winfield Wallace Lock Haven, Sunday ter children of on (riendas on Friday at Williamsport Mr Mrs Lester pent weekend w Bainhart Mi: Bain- Guy and the Lhe Baltimore am Packe; the weekend at home Lomi- and Bobby n and Doris Daley visited Charles Weaver at Romola on Mr visited Illinois, H. Gillespie of Mr and Mrs Wetzel G and Mr ‘on Sunday BUSH HOLLOW Sunday very low school attendance was Sunday. Guess the rain must of kept some people home Hoping the weather and attendance will be better next Sunday There won't y cotiage pray meeting this Acco the camp meeting, and no prea z next Sunday but Sunday school as usual Miss Catherine Palsgrove of Schuylkill Haven, spent a couple of days last week at the Andrew Irvin home, before going Bald Eagle camp Mr. and Mrs children visited and Charles Bellefonte, last last Service to Martin 8potts and the Bernard Stover Way homes below Thursday evening {home burg, delivered a very impressive and timely discourse in the local Evangelical church on Sunday fore- BOON. This discourse was very much appreciated by the sudience, He was ably assisted by a group of young people of the local E. L. C. E. So- ciety Mrs. Carrie Fultz, Mrs. Evelyn Klinger and Miss Carrie Hassinger of Northumberland, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ketner of Pottsville, vacitioned a part of last week at Mrs. Fultz's residence. While here they were guests of Samuel Ketner, brother of Robert and Mrs. Fultz, in Nittany Valley for a day or so The greater part of the oats crop is cut and part of it hauled in. The japmers say the crop is not well-\ power of Pittsburgh, Mrs, Edward : |Plick and grandson, Delaun Flick, Most of the potato crop is blight- and Howard Moore, all of Union- ed since last week and complaint is, ville, being heard that those that raised | Visitors on Friday at the Martin some of the crop state the tubers gnoits home were Mrs. Edith Shuey are rotting. This is due to the rain ng gaughter Martha, Mr. and Mrs. 3nd hot weather were having of Charles Spotts of Williamsport, and JH ha ki toh | Jean Spotts of Coleville. *uben Musser, Leroy Bechtol and| arg jennje 1rvin and son Or- father, George, and Archie Whit-|1.n40 visited on ln Jon Dre myer of the Woodward Evangelical oon andrew Irvin and family, church of the Albright Brotherhood, | . attended the Albright Brotherhood , MF. and Mrs. George Bush services at Central Oak Heights on Saturday. We were i Ray Eisenhuth, Guy Brindle of |}, n this place, and a Mr. Fryer of Co- | ¢ gov Tong burn, figured in a frightful auto! : mobile’ accident, Eisenhuth and Pry- er were taken to the Bellefonte Hos- pital after the accident which hap- pened on Sunday afternoon on the Coburn-Millheim road at the south. erm end of Frogtown, Later Fryer died at the hospital on Sunday eve- ning. Brindle was left at his sister's The following persons enjoyed ice cream, cake and apple pie in honor Mrs. Edna Spotts’ birthday Wednesday evening: Rev Daniels and children, Billy and i Nancy, of Port Matilda; Mrs. Myrtle King, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar King and {Jean Spotts, all of Coleville: Mr and Mrs. Roy Spotts and family. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Spotts and family, and Mrs. Edna Spotts {| Mrs. Gilbert Holt is spending this week camping at the Bald Eagle camp meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Custer and daughter Sandra, visited the Roy 8potts home last Thursday evening. Friday evening visitors at the De- laun Holt home were Mrs. William 14 3 Oi iast and Mrs and jon Sunday. all sorry on Sunday to death of Oscar Shirey Mr. Shirey was well known in this community, having lived here as a boy. Although Mr. | Bhirey had been seriously ill for some time, yet we were sorry to hear of his death which occurred on Sun- day morning. Puneral services were held Wednesday afternoon at his | home at Linden. Just a month from | the death of Mr. Shirey, his brother, home, Mrs. Jack Stover. He Is not in | g 1 Shirey was buried here in Bush 8 serious condition at this time, Eisenhuth is in a very serious con- Hollow cemetery, dition, possibly a fractured skull. It is thought that a tire blew out which caused the accident. Some- one remarked that the car rolled | over and over for a distance of 50 yards, landing finally in a ditch in| a badly battered condition. AP a t—— Life will be better and finer if you become better and finer. Old? Get Pep, Vim MEN. WOMEN old, weak, worn-out, ex- I's common sensc fo be | J | BYE hausted Take Ostrer. Contains tonics, stimu. thrifty. If you save you are needed Calelum, Vitamin Bi. Thousands who felt if thrifty. War Bounds help you | fee y. yours younger Introductory 33¢ size to save and help to save | POF °0ly We. Get Ostrex Tonle Tabiéts TODAY America. Buy your ten per cent every pay day. | Fhcre-sin Bellefonte at Widmann & family of Altoona, visited home folks with Iron, Calcium, Vitamin B, of 40, 50, 80. Don's be | after 40—by bodies lacking fron, now | i Por sale at all good drug stores every- | MOSHANNON There were 53 present at Methodist Sunday school on Sunday Sermon by the pastor, Theme, “Faith.” The Ladies’ of Mrs. Carl Thursday evening were: Mrs. John Lucas, Mrs, Harry Yeager, Mrs. Harold Borger, Mrs Doyle Borger, Mrs, Glen Fye, Mrs Ambers Pye, Mrs. Annle Norton, Mrs, Homer Quick, Mrs. Jacob Hazzard, Mrs. Carl Watson. After the busi- ness meeting refreshments were served and a pleasant hour was en- Joved by all present Mr, and Mrs. John PF Watson last Those present Lucas vis- {ited at the Ahlberg home in Lanse, Sunday evening Mrs. Catherine Lucas is visiting relatives in Renovo and North Bend at this writing LeRoy lewis and daughter Hope spent Sunday their home here Mi Lewls accompanied them Jersey Shore to spend a few days Mr Anna Lewis Sunday afternoon at the home Mt Mrs. Frank Culver Mrs. Charles McConnell and chil- dren of Newberry, are visiting rela- tives here this week Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Borger re- turned home from Niagara Falls on Friday. They found their son Jame: who Is at the Pine Camp Hos- pital, condition about ame. Carl Violet Borg home after a few week Jal Falls Han L nome at Lo visited of and ill the or returned and 01 burg on Sunday Tho i Cartwright Mrs. Cartwright’; ter Mrs. Aaron Donley of Julian, M1 Walter Pep perday and children, Charle Bey erly, Rodney Daughen- baugh, J nd Mrs. Dan Lam Shirley Loulse Katherine who cali nome on and Charie Mead end Philipsbur Mr. and Mn Hpsburg all of Ballock hose Methodi Whisj Mr AIRVIEW Etter Mrs. Myrtle Lucas ert of Bellefonte at their home at this place Miss Sarah Etters of Marsh weekend Etter Chapman Clair, and Pearl Man led and Mrs. Elmer Chapman ¢ Howard on Sunday evening — - - KENNEDY Mr. and Mr Mulberger and son and n, from Pleas ant Gap. were In our village Sunday Mrs. J. F. McCartney spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lucas Moose Run Mr. and family Sunday Mrs. Helen 8 Y.. spent a Nancy leathers at Mr. and Mrs family of Unityville ers at the Sunday , The farmers oats hat Miss Dorothy at Lock Haven Samuel grands on Mrs callers ir Butler our Joseph were village Home are Having vest Runkle Is employed —————————— —— ——— 4 Poets’ Corner GET A TRANSFER If you are on the Gloomy Line, Get a transfer If you're inclined to fret and pine, Get a transfer Get off tae track of gloom, Get on the SBunshine Track room Get a transfer If you're on the Worry Train, Get a transfer You must not stay there and com- plain, Get a transfer. The Cheerful Cars through, Get a transfer. If you're on the Grouchy Track, Get a transfer Just take a Happy Special back, Get a transfer. Jump on the train and pull the rope, That lands you at the Station Hope, Get a transfer, Stra —— a ———— doubt and there's’ are passing Receives First Papers Miss Lotte Lehmann, native of Germany, soprano of the Metropoli- tan Opera company, recently re- ceived her first citizenship papers at the Naturalization bureau. She must wait five years before she gets her second and final papers, and then 90 days more before she is naturalized. » Rig Slingshot Bath, Maine, boys have built the biggest slingshot on record foot and a half wide and the rubber band is more than an inch wide Mounted on a pair of cart wheels, it requires the services of three | youngsters to operate it effectively. Itis a | the | Bible class met at the | WARTIME CHIEF SIGNAL { OFFICERS One o specialized f 1 Mr. and 8a Alice Crouse in Lock Haver Myrtle and Mr +N. X yrads i Mrs Breon were Vone- of Millheim ‘ f RB fyontor New of Rochester Harry y spent the weekend with his Mr Mrs. C. J Thursday d John Wert hon Vering Stover Roaring Weaver of Frank Houseman of and Weaver lied on Mr. and Mrs nner guests Sunday re M . 11 Kenn 0 Fown Lights Out to Cut Costs Springs Crawley Down, one of the first Mrs. Merlin Smith and Mrs. John la it gland 10 have street Lytle of the Laurelton State Village, were Monday guests of Mr, and Mr: Francis Wert Mr. and Mrs. Wert and son Donald visited the Stover Hess home near Lewisburg, Sune day. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Arbogast and family visited the Cecil Hironimus home in Lewisburg, Sunday Miss Margaret Grubb spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Boyd | Simpson of Bellefonte | Ct eT ang ther at The Gar ai remain hine . people of Bellefonte as good and just as bad as no better and no worse are just you are; a. Read the Classified ads Sunday callers at the Charles Bone home were Mr. and Mrs Fd. ward Wilkins and four daughters, of Centre Haii Mrs. Charles Page accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grubbs of East Orange, N. J, on a motor trip to Bennis Point and Niagara Falls N.Y Mrs. Kenneth Mahaffey and her daughter Susie, of Massachusetts, and Mra. Chal Grove and daughter Colleen of Huntingdon, spent the [weekend at the Willard Smith home in Wolfe Store. i Floyd Barner of Philadelphia, {spent the weekend with his family. {He was a business caller in Lock iHaven, Monday. Miss Kate Reeser called on Mrs. LL E | day. Charles Kramer of Harrisburg, is Service Coupon Appears Today for County Men Elsewhere in today’s paper ap- pears a box for listing the names of Cenire County men in the armed forces of the United States and Allied Nations, Families, relatives and friends of men or women in service are urged to fill in the blanks and mail or bring them to The Centre Democrat office. The information submitted is desired for compilation of a com- plete record of county residents serving in this war, Extra copies of the coupon are available at this office. of Windber, Kidder, Satur- Verdie | sending hig vacation with his fam- ily. MILESBURG Mr. and Mrs. Bherwood moved on Baturday of last week to Pittsburgh where Mr. Dunkle has accepted a position with a funeral ol that city, We wish them good luck in their new home Bobby Fochler of Braddock last week with his grandparents and Mrs. MH Bunday, August 2 anniversary of the in Milleghurg to learn definitely nomination it was Mrs. William Bottorf and daugh Susan of Pasadena, Callf., ar- rived Baturday month's visit with mother, Mrs. Frank Wetz Je Mi Ruth Wetzler, who spent the six months in Calli accompanied Mrs. Bot Dunkle direcior spent Mr the 124th Bunday were not what de- Wi first Wie ol schoo) able Ler for a hep past tort I'hi folk Mis rison to MARTHA Port Matild were & at Byivan Crest Willlams and Mrs and Mrs. L. 1 nd Mrs Gold Star Mothers age of Said a cowboy named Texas LaGrange, “I'm buyin’ these Stamps with my change, "Cause each one’s a slap 4 At a Nazi or Jap Who threatens our home on the range!” Rope and tie the enemies of fesedom by buying U. 8, Sav ings Bonds, Cet one every pay day. Har- RUNVILLE The Poorman reunion will be held Hall on Saturday, Aug mammoth! will be held at oe 11 Gi Liat The Advent festival of the Balurday evening Ray Lucas field Lo come and help out cemetery meason Aug Everybody expected on this worthy 11.4% 15th Mr Dats I E and with Mrs. Lawrence Vargo Jtimore, Md, visited Cam hom y over the weekend Mrs. Pearl Fye | Mr. and Mr Milton and ist and Valley View, and Mr. and she Is Improving Harrison Walker of Bellefonte, The Bunday school and home folks, Bunday ity annual picnic will Watson returned Ww Bunday he pls and di amp In ' ast Bunday, af- it . : furiough with Cec) inder the baby of Mr Ma comm k aeCioe « 1" next for to hold Rev. E R to Bhade Miller red (it to visit with relatiy Friday TT and Mrs Elmira Mri rious Mr ored evening Intermedia My vi! Belle roof on our WeeK of ew hore i of aad week oot a will SNYDERTOWN "a after- n Walizer | Harry § Xa iy Flers Walizer and pent Tues Walizer Mr and Mrs waif Mau - ! iret Je an anc itl the George 3 Powerful Engine Completed “1 ttevilie 2.800 he tically runs is Deing aulo- shes ils boi of es I pe Metal Has Many Uses - — years ago a 4 Nag & Fried or Broiled? [oe Liar appe- governmeni bulletin, ¥ ems Tin cens, vy feathered up to 200 }'101 octopus, siTiadier thet thet - ‘Rain - 3 oals’ for Alrplanes have Deer Bde for Iwe Brains " SHARING IS A WAR-TIME NECESSITY + Cooperation on party lines has always been a courtesy. Today it is a war-time necessity, War has flooded telephone lines with the greatest volume of calls in history. War has “drafted” the materials that normally would go into telephone equipment. War has meant that more people must share party lines. If you are on a party line, you make it possible for others to have service. So, think of the others who use it. Share the line. Talk no longer than you need to. Don’t make unnecessary calls. Every call you save . . . every second you save on the line . . . helps to speed war calls that are vital to victory. War Calis Come First! E THE RELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA BUY U, 8. WAR BONDS AND STAMPS