_ Kugust 6, 1942. ' THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. " Page Via ET LOC ALS sm ~—Mr, and Mrs, V. H Pifer and family of West Bishop street, spent last week at one of the O. A. Kline cottages at Hecla Park. ~Clarence Tate, son of Mr, and Mrs. B. F. Tate, of Bellefonte, who recently enlisted in the U. S. Navy, is now at the naval base at Newport, R. 1 ~Miss Ellen Quigley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Quigley, of East Curtin street, spent last week in Lock Haven as a guest of Miss Marion Fredericks Pvt. Donald Haupt, son of Mr and Mrs. Albert Haupt, of Bush Ad- dition, who had been stationed at New Cumberland for some time, Is now at Camp Forrest, Tenn Mrs. Albert Gilmer and little daughter, Susan, of Philadelphia, are here for a visit with Mrs. Gil- mer's mother, Mrs. Harvey Schaef- fer, at her home on East High street Joseph Spritzer, of the U, 8 Navy, arrived in Bellefonte last Wed- nesday to spend a ten day's furlough with his father, Joseph Spritzer, Sr.» and family, on North Allegheny street. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert L. Phipps and daughter Mary Lee, of Barber- ton, Ohio, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Kusse, on West Linn street. Mr. Phipps is president of the Phipps plumbing and heating company of Barberton Ethel Lee Meckes, daughter of Mrs. Clyde Lee, of West Logan street, has taken over the Farm Bur- eau Mutual Insurance Co. Agency which her late father, Clyde Lee conducted for many years and now maintains an office at the home of her mother -Mr. and Mrs. Donald Love and daughter Jean, moved Friday from South Allegheny street to State Col- lege where they will make their fu- ture home, Mr. Love, an employe of the West Penn Power Company recently was transferred to State College Miss Helen Kushwara, of Belle- fonte, is serving as a substitute clerk in the offices of the Centre County Fospital this week while Miss Betty Hollobaugh is on vacation Miss Kushwara will be a member of the senior class at the Bellefonte High School this fall Mrs. Mary Parker, of West How- ard street, departed Wednesday of last week for New Brunswick, N J. for a visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Dr and Mrs. Henry Keller She was accompanied by her grand- son, Kenneth Keller, who had been visiting at the Parker home for six weeks ~Boyd Allen Watson, son of Mr and Mrs. Howard Watson, of Buffalo Run Valley, a graduate of the Belle- fonte High School in the class of 1940 and who had been employed by the Thomasville Lime and Stone Company, recently enlisted in the U 8. Army Air Corps and is now sta- tioned at Gettysburg Tire and gasoline rationing has resulted in a marked decrease of motor traffic in llefonte on Sun days-a decrease so noticeable that the borough might economize safely by turning off the traffic lights at the four busiest intersections in town. This practice is being follow- éd on Sundays in many larger cities and because traffic is so light there has been no increase in accidents as a result The Woman's Board of the Pres- byterian Home at Hallidaysburg, fol- lowed a unique plan for raising mon. 8y this year. Instead of having a regular luncheon, as usual, a proxy luncheon was held. with notices being sent out asking for contribu- tions or the price of a ticket. Last year at the usual luncheon proceeds were only $3368 The success of the new plan may be judged from the fact that this year's receipts totaled $550 from the proxy luncheon —Rev. Clarence E. Arnold of East Linn street, pastor of St. John's Lutheran church, departed last Thursday to spend his annual vaca tion at his summer cottage near York. Mrs. Arnold, who had been in York for the past month because of the illness of her father will be with her husband during his stay | Their sons, Luther, of Detroit, and David, of Baltimore, Md., are ex- pected to visit their parents during the month —Kenneth “Red” Gingher, of Lock Haven. employed as an inspector on A State Highway Department con struction job at Mt. Jewett, yesterday was reported to be “out of danger” after more than a week's illness with pneumonia. Red, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Gingher, of Curtin, and brother of Jack Gingher, of East Bishop street, became ill at his room- ing house at Mt Jewett and has been under medical treatment there since the outbreak of the attack ~Mr. and Mrs. H Franklin Alters of Key West, Florida, are the par- ents of their first child, a son weigh- ing six pounds, three ounces, born Monday of last week at Key West The child is the first grandchild of | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alters, of Bast | Beaver street, and has been named | H. Pranklin III. Mrs. Alters is the! former Carolyn Cherry, daughter of Mrs. Rosie Cherry, of Key West, Fla Mr. Alters is with the U. 8, Marines and is now in foreign service, | ~ Announcement was made last week of the marriage of Miss Doro- thy Alden Smith, of New York City, | daughter of Mrs. Harriet Ray Smith, | 932 Penn Avenue, Wyomissing, for- | merly of Bellefonte to Sergeant Vic- | tor Henry Polacheck, of New York, | on May 18 in the Redeemer Lutheran church, Alexander, Louisana. Mrs. | Polacheck is a graduate of Wyom- | ssing High School, the Emilie Kri- | der Norris School of Dramatic Art, | and attended Penn State. Sergeant Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harrison of Philadelphia, are spending a vaca- tion at their summer home at Pleas ant Gap The venerable James Smoyer of East Beaver street, who has been {ll for some time, is showing no signs of improvement Miss Mary Chambers, of York City, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Willlam 8. Chambers, of East Curtin street Ed Bertram, of Pittsburgh, is in Bellefonte for a visit with his broth- er, Joseph Bertram, of Spring Creek, and with other relatives and friends in this vicinity Mr. and Mrs. James Walker, of Columbus, Ohio, spent the forepart of the week with Mrs. Walker's bro- ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs W. ©. Cassidy, of East Bishop street, James L. Gartrell, of San An- tonio, Texas, arrived In Bellefonte last Thursday for a visit with Mrs Louise Manchester, at the home of her mother, Mrs. Hugh 8. Taylor, of East Linn street Mrs. Russell Beezer and Miss Geraldine Rhoads, of Bellefonte, and Mrs. Clifford Eddinger, of Willlam- sport, all sisters, Sunday motored to Rochester, N. Y., for a visit with another sister, Mrs. Elbert Finch Mrs. M. D. Boslet and son, Mike, of Altoona, are spending this week as guests of Mrs. Boslet's sister, Mrs Matt Sanders and son, Thomas, also of Altoona, who have been at their cottage along Spring Creek since early in the summer Mr. and Mrs. John Shoemaker and family last Wednesday moved from South Spring street, to Muncy, where Mr. Shoemaker is employed at the government ordinance plant un- der construction in White Deer Val- ley, near Williamsport Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clements who for several years resided in an apart. ment in the Decker building. West High street, moved during the week- end to the Eastern side of the for- mer Laura Wright Gunsallus home on East Bishop street Mrs Harry Keller, of State Col lege, formerly of Bellefonte, is visit- ing in Pittsburgh with her daughter- in-law, Mrs. Ellis O. Keller, and family Mrs. Keller's son, Major Ellis Keller, is stationed at LaGuar dia Field. New York City When you go down to the falls to see the ducks. take along several slices of bread. You'll have fun eat- ing it If the birds are “fed up” when you get there, leave the bread with Sam Poorman He'll dole it out when they get hungry again Joseph Waite, and sister, Miss Emma Waite and Miss Mayme Strunk, all of Bellefonte, and Miss Mary Hill of Philadelphia, last Thursday motored to Danville for a visit with Mr. Waite's wife, who is a patient at Geisinger Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Corman Lyons of North Spring street, are receiving congratulations on the birth of their second child and second son born Monday of last week at the home of Mrs. Lyons's parents, Mr. and Mrs Lester Witmer, of North Spring street Malcolm E. Gordon of North Thomas street, has arrived at the Army Air Porces Technical Training Command's Replacement Center at Kessler Field, Miss. While there he will undergo close and extended or- der drill, bayonet and gas mask training Mr. and Mrs. J Arthur Dubbs young son. Robert expect to move tomorrow from the home of Mr. Dubbs’ parents, Mr and Mrs J. E. Dubbs, on Willowbank street, to the lower side of the Lambert doublé house on South Spring street, recently vacated by the John S8hoe- maker family Mrs. Claude Smoyer, of Down ingtown, spent Sunday night at the James Smoyer home on East Beaver street. Mrs. S8moyer was in Tyrone Sunday attending the funeral of Mrx Margaret Summers Mogle, of Brook. ville. Mrs Mogle is a daughter of Ryland Summers, formerly of Win- gate, who Is quite seriously ill at his home in Tyrone The Charles Hassinger family held a family reunion at Hecla Park on Sunday. In addition to Mr. Has singer, there were present, his dau- ghter Miss Ellen. of Bellefonte, Mrs William J. Shields and son. Billie, and daughter, Ellen, of Indiana. Pa Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hassinger and two daughters, of Coudersport, and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hassinger, of Zion The Hugh M. Quigley Insurance Offices, for 16 years located on the fourth floor of the Temple Court building, South Allegheny street. on Monday were moved into the second floor office rooms in the same build- ing, until recently occupied by B. O Harvey and Lewis Orvis Harvey. The new home of the Quigley agency has undergone extensive remodeling and redecoration and the rooms are now among the most attractive of their kind in the business area. Michael Kaizen, for a number of years a chief engineer in the U. 8 Merchant Marine, last week was commissioned a Lieutenant in the U. practice and 8. Navy, and on Sunday reported for duty along the cast coast after an eight-day furlough spent in Belle fonte with his wife and family, on West Linn street. Mrs. Kaizen is the former Miss Sarah Bullock, dau. ghter of Mrs. John Bullock, of Belle. fonte, Lt Kaizen recently returned to the United States from a convoy trip in the Atlantic, «Our mailing list was corrected this weekend and all subscriptions paid during the mouth of July have been credited, Please check the ex. piration date on the pink label and advise us if it is incorrect. If our Polacheck is & graduate of Princeton | subscribers would bear in mind that University and attended Cambridge University in England. He was for- merly publisher of the Elizabeth N. | J. Times and at the outbreak of the war was in the advertising business | in London. He is now in the U. 8. | Air Corps, stationed at Randolph | Field, Texas. The bride's mother is | a cousin of Miss Helen Schaeffer of | East Buivin street, and is a daughter of late Sylvester D. and Sarah McGinley Ray, of Bellefonte, our mailing list is corrected only at the end of each month it will save writing us about the label not being changed immediately following pay- ment, when we send out statements to all subscribers whose subscriptions are due or past due. If you do not wish to receive a dun later in the month, send in your subscription at once. All subscriptions are payable in ad- vance, New August is one of the months | Foo for several weeks more at T——— «Harry Rossman, of Milesburg; | | Milford Cox, and Willlam F. Shope, {of Bellefonte, recently accepted posi. tions at the Titan Metal Company plant Richard Valentine, a student at | Haverford College, spent the week- end In Bellefonte with his mother, Mrs. Stanley Valentine, on North Allegheny street Mrs. Charles R. Beatty, of East Curtin street, Is reported to be re. covering nicely at the Centre County Hospital from a minor operation per. formed there Monday Miss Betty Stevenson, of Wad- dle, ieft Wednesday for New York City to visit with her sister, Miss Sara I Stevenson, who Is chief nurse lof the Army dispensary Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Kling, of North Thomas street, moved this week into the house on West Lamb street vacated some time ago by Mrs W. G. Watson and family Mrs. William P. Sleg, of Burn- ham Place, South of Bellefonte, un- derwent medieal treatment at the Centre County Hospital early this week, returning to her home, Tues- day Mrs. Lloyd Loewer, of Brooklyn, New York, arrived in Bellefonte, on Tuesday, for a two weeks’ visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A C. Smith, at their home on East Bishop street District Attorney Musser W Gettig on Sunday returned to Belle. fonte from Uniontown where he spent the latter part of the week attending the State District Attor ney’s convention held in that city D. G. Wagner, aged 83, of Centre Hall, was a caller at this office yes- terday morning while on one of his frequent visits to Bellefonte. Mr Wagner came here as the driving guest of Marvin Ishler, also of Cen tre Hall Corp. and Mrs. U PF English and daughter, Emmie, of McConnels- burg, returned home last Thursday after spending a week in Bellefonte with Mrs. English's mother, Mra Frank Sasserman, of North Water street Mrs. Blanche Heinle, of 20 East Howard street, on Saturday resigned her position as buyer of ready-to- wear for the J B. Wagner and Co store. Mrs. Heinle's plans for the immediate future are not definite at this time The regular monthly meeting of the Bellefonte Garden Club will be held at the home of Mrs. W. J. Em- erick, on West Linn street, at 4:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, August 11. The meeting will be in the form of a lawn picnic Russell Auman. Jr John Auman, aged 11. children Mr. and Mrs Russell Auman. of Bellefonte R. D., are recovering nic- at Centre County Hospital after hernia operations both boys underwent Monday moming Dr. D. L. Flegal, of North Alle- gheny street, has enlisted in the U 8. Navy, and is now awaiting call to service. Dr. Flegal has been a prac- ticing dentist here for some years and upon entering the service of his country will be a member of the Naval Reserves aged 9, and of ely the John Snyder. 74. of near Spring Mills, quite well known in Bellefonte as a curb market suffered a stroke Sunday of last week, and had a second stroke the following day He ia reported to be quite seriously his home, and few hopes are for his recovery Anvirew Engle. Jr. of East High street, has resigned his position at the Prnin Belle Hotel and has gone Cleveland, Ohio, where he has enrolled six weeks course at the Lincoln Electrical School. Mrs Encle is with her parents in Wilkes Barre. during her husband's absence While skating at the rink at Hecla Park Priday night. Edgar Wal lace, of Milesburg, manager of the Wallace Service Station on South Water street, Bellefonte, fell and suf- fered a fracture of the right forearm The fracture was reduced at the Centre County hospital dispensary Mrs. James Wallace, of Miles burg, underwent an operation Sat- urday morning at the Centre County Hospital for the amputation of a foot to check an infection which is believed to have developed from a corn The foot was removed just above the ankle. and Mrs Wallace is reported to be recovering nicely C. W. Crain, tax collector of Port Matilda, and Aaron B. Williams. also of Port Matilda, were callers at this office yesterday morning while in Bellefonte on a business mission Mr. Crain is a retired merchant who reports that he now spends most of his time hunting and fishing. He has an agreeable companion in Mr dealer 11 . ill at held to for a Williams, who was a former lumber- # man and who also is an ardent sportsman William J. Derworth, Jr.. of East Linn street, Bellefonte, yesterday was graduated from the U. 8. Naval Reserve School for Midshipmen in New York City, and was commis. sloned an ensign. His father, Wil- liam Dorwerth, 8r. of Philadelphia, attended the graduation exercises and later this week both men are ex- | pected to come to Bellefonte for a brief stay at the Dorworth family home on East Linn street Mrs. Grace Brachbill, of Phila. delphia, arrived in Bellefonte Friday for a several weeks’ visit with her son, William Brachbill, of South Spring street, Mrs. William Brach- bill has been at the home of her mother, Mrs. Cyrus Tinstman, in Wilkinsburg, because of the serious lliness of her sister, Miss Cornelia Tinstman, who yesterday was repor- | ted to be showing slight improve- | ment for the first time in more than | three weeks. William Brachbill spent | the weekend at the Tinstman family | home in Wilkinsburg. Horace Hartranft, Jr. son of Mr. | and Mrs. Horace Hartranft, of East! Linn street, who enlisted in the U. | 8. Marines on July 1, and who has been undergoing training at Parris | Island, 8. C., has been in the govern. | ment hospital there for several weeks | because of a serious infection, which | began in one foot and spread over {his body. Officials at the hospital informed members of his family early this week by telephone that the infection now is believed to be check- ed and that a stemdy recovery Is an. | ticipated, although it is expected that he will be required to remain in the «Miss Elizabeth Curtin returned Monday to her home in New York City after a week's visit In Bellefonte with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baney, of East Linn street, Mr. and Mrs two children of Pittsburgh returned Sunday to their home after a two weeks’ visit in Bellefonte with Mr Robb's parents, Mr, and Mrs, N. E | Robb, of East Curtin street, Miss Marion Spangler, of New | York City, arrived in Belelfonte dur Ing the weekend for a visit with her aunt, Miss Marion MeCulley, North Allegheny street, and with other rel- atives and friends in this vicinity Pfc William Collinson returned Sunday to his duties at the recruit ing station In Harrisburg after a weekend visit in Bellefonte with his wife at the apartment of her par ents, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Haag, of East Howard street Mr. and Mrs. James G Parsons, of McKeesport, were in Bellefonte overnight Monday while on their an. nual summer vacation thip through Central Pennsylvania, Tuesday they continued on to Watsontown While in Bellefante, Mr. and Mrs. Parsons were guests at the Big Trout Inn Lot Neff returned during the weekend to his home in Howard from the Lock Haven Hospital, where he had been a patient for the past three weeks. Mr. Neff was treated for in- juries received early In July when he fell from a tree which he was trimming at the rear of his home Rev. James A Byrd has resigned as pastor of Pligrim Holiness church at Coleville and he and Mrs Byrd expect to leave soon for a new charge. Rev Byrd has been in charge of the Coleville church for nearly four years and has been one of the most popular ministers ever be stationed there Donald resigned as fonte borough as a guard struction project in Trinidad West Indies, shortly before leaving for that job last week was offered and accepted a position as a guard at the government ordinance plant now being constructed in White Deer Valley, near Willlamsport Mr H W. Rabert, of East Lamb street, expects to leave next Monday by train on a trip to the West He will be accompanied by his sister Mrs ID E Hess, of Berwick. They expect to stop at Chicago and St Paul with their final destination being Billings. Mont, where they will visit with their two sisters Mrs PF W. Mullison and Mrs George Zehn- ders. They hope to find time to visit Yellowstone Park before they home the middle of Septem ber the to recently in Belle. a position government eon British Johnston, who police officer to accept mt a abot Sat William Bryant Airbase Squadron, Gardner Field Taft, Californian, arrived in Belle. f for a week's visit with Mrs. Mary Bryant, of Prossertown. his father. William T Bryant, of Howard. and other rela- tives and friends in this aren. Sgt Bryant was stationed at Hickam Finld when the Japanese staged their surprise attack last December 7 and he waz in the thick of the bombing at the airport, which is located near Pearl Harbor He returned the United States in April ar been California since then Baguire Harold DD Cowher, of Bellefonte, was among the sneakers at graduating exercises of Re. novo fire school sponsored by the Renovo fire department held Satur. day night at the Elks Country Club near Renova, Nineteen members re eerived diplomas from former chief George Carpeneto, of Williamsport who originally started the school Charles Saxion president. and Mel. vin Wright, assistant chief of the Undine fire company Bellefonte, who taught the school since Mr Carpeneto resigned in April to ac- cept a position in Williamsport, took up Mr Carpeneto’s work and ocom- leted the instruction work The three men were presented with gifts of the 63rd onte Tuesdays his mother tn has stationed ir the of - Bonds buy bombs Btamps buy halletz! Ruy 17 8 Defense Bonds or Stamps every pay day! Marriage Licenses Donald V. Hackett Margaret M Tussey Leon Homer Aley Phyllis Hazel Ripka John W_ Butterworth Anna FF. Urbanek Cyrus A. Gummo Mary E Walker Bellefonte Dayton P. Fesman Millheim Mary B. Francis. Washington, D C Public Sales SATURDAY. AUG. B — Mrs Bertha Rupert will offer at public sale at her residence at Beech Creek. Pa. a full line of household goods je at 1230 p. m Roy Oyler, auct Terms “ash SATURDAY. AUGUST 20 The Heirs of the WF Berry estate will of. fer at public sale at the late resi. dence in Beech Creek, a full line L. FRANK MAYES General Auctioneer Real Estate Sales A BPECIALTY! CALL STATE COLLEGE, 2842 Why not have the benefit of competitive bidding in the sale of your property. Past experiences have proven that public sales of real estate demand higher prices, A number of Farms and several Residences will be offered al public sale in the near future, Watch for Dates! Ridgway Btate College Howard R. D Spring Mills Snow Shoe Clarence Port Matilda H. L. HARPSTER AUCTIONEER Prompt attention given afl sales PHONE 3579 PINE GROVE MILLS, PA. Nevin Robb and | return «© | Fm LASSIFIED ADVERTS IM S| ENE every week, That's why The Centre 30,000 People Read This Column Democrat's classified advertising de- partment has become so amazingly popular. Considering its low cost and the benefits derived, it Is undisputably Centre County's Community Bar Rain Counter. RATES Advertisements of twenty-five words or less, 25 cents for first issue, and 15 cents for each additional insertion Where advertise ments contain more than twenty-five words, one cent a word Is charged REAL ESTATE A straight one cent a word Is charged for real estate | advertising sale or rent | KEYED ADS--All advertisements that request replies to be malled to this office, must be complied with by those answering the advertise. ments. Please do not call at the office for information concerning such advertisements, as the publishers are not permitted to divulge the name of the advertiser, SUBSCRIBER'S PRIVILEGE Every subscriber to The Centre Dem- ocrat whose subscription is paid up vertisement in these columns one time, free of charge subscriber will be charged the regular advertising rate to date, Is entitled to a 26-word ad- Otherwise the This privilege can be used six times a year at different intervals olf household Liu Sale Cyler, anct x34 SATURDAY, AUG 20 Mm Alice Duck and Rev. Blerly will offer a! public sale at 148 MoAllister St State Coliege, Pa. a full line of household goods Sale at 12:30 p m E M Smith sua BATURDAY, BEI] 5 C will ofler at public sale his farm at Aaronsburg. Pa. the fol- lowing tracts of valuable real es- A farm of sbout 48 acres, 3 of which I» timberland, loca- 1 miles east of Aaronsburg, with all necessary buildings water ote Also a BH0.acre tract of woodland located nearby Sale at 10 a m E E Hubler auc x36 goods, Inciuding at 1230 p. m an- Roy H on Burd Late Pa good RA will offer at affer farm KLINEFELTER the . Pa. public sale on at Tylemsvilie following personal property HOUSEHOLD GOODS ove enciric sweeper suite bedroom suites, ans drawers kitchen garden ois bay cart and pen dishes, pictures articles E KE fe» Electric livingroom ’ fining room Kitch irniture, 4 chest of parar heater, bicycle parator 1" and many other Sale at 12.30 pm Auct Saturday, August 15 MES, EMMA M, SASSERMAN ill offer at public sale on the prem- ® ai 33 North Water streel, Belle. the house and lot described as One nine-room brick modern oconvenences, (n- hot walter beat two bath and electricity. This house Is tse a8 apartmenta A location along ar Prope: judges 3 ® » piano en tf tique . * Fauis Hubler x32 hous a ing for offered the time an sdjoining bullding lot ih feet This ot oan be either in « necls 3] the above described pr arately If so desired Terms Chase f also Willi be at id ’ and remaining 50 Lonanced a frst desired Baie at 2 Mayes suet of deed can be i so per } on morigage Frank x33 m. aharp. L SATURDAY. AUGUST 22-The Par mers National Bank and Trust Co af Miliheim, atiorney for Atinia Maria Zemhy will public sale inate premises of de- miles west Millehim Blaise highway No 130 p Mm, two of the best in Bast Penna Valley Each t8ins about 87 acres and ia fertile. B fings pair Be AVE plies These farms will separale and together per cent on day of sale 30 days delivery of deed J. 8Btover of BIOUE highly good ree water supe be offered Terms, 25 balance in H are gerd upon atuel Saturday, Sept. 5 €C. M. BIERLY, Administrator for the estate of Eimeda E Miller will offer at public sale at the home in Rebersburg. commencing at 12:30 oclook noon, a full line of HOUSEHOLD OOO0ODS —- Consisting of one 3-plece living rootn sulle (practically new) leather studio couch, 0x12 Brussels rug 12x12 Brusels rug. rag carpets; throw rugs ligoletim,. bedroom suite. bedding. Brary tables, book case chairs rockers. porch sawing. electric sweep. ers. 3-burner oll stove, large chest. bureaus. 2 trunks. Kalamazoo range Dockash heater, large mirror, New Home sewing machine, dishes, cook - ing utensils. garden tools, 2 tons chestnut coal, ete VALUABLE REAL ESTATE — The Miller homestead aituate In oemtral Rebersburg, consisting of a 10-réom awelling, electric lights, piped water, a large barn with necessary oul- buildings Being lot No. 14 on the town plot of Rebersburg and being 58 fest 10 inches in breadth along road or street through Rebersburg and extends to South alley an equal width 100 feet (See deed trom Mrs C.J. Bowersox, widow, e ’ H OG (Bmeda BE) March 22nd. 1927, and Doed Book, Vol. 178. page 417). TERMS OF SALE-Personal prop erty. cash. Real estate, 25 per cent cash 0 be paid 0 C. M. Blerly, au- thorized Agent for the children and heirs-at-law of Elmeda EB. Miller, de- | ceased, when the real estate is knocked down and declared sold. and ithe balance of the considera- tion 10 be paid in oash 10 said Agent upon delivery of deed Wize & Hubler, aucts. W. Harri son Walker, attorney, : Wanted to Buy | WANTED To bu No. 5 Massey- | Brobeck, Hublersburg, | WANTED To buy old { tor in runni shape | pay highest cash price, a drive wheel for ee not. Will R. B Bro- 31-u for feedi Box r 2.7 gp WANTED — To buy purposes. Will at farm. Write Centre da. i ps. Bellefonte, Pa. Phone ni Auto call Bellefonte WANTED — Small farm Belisfonte via good road. be off road. Prefer old brick structure; deep window and fireplace. State cash price { t be reasonable) and give description. te “D. C” in care this office. at Help Wanted the main x36 binder. R. E | x32 WANTED work, able I'yrone, Pa Girl 10 cook for general house Write Box 23 x32 WANTED Man Wage Mackeyvilie Experienced DOy Steady Pa farm helper home. Good Bock Parn x34 Or Choo Job WANTED. Two girls or en for general And gas station Write Pa young work In tea WARLGS worn Chovoned and board Steam Valley i rout Run WANTED lady or gentleman to sell Vaporizers Lhat wii crease amomaoblie J. Ellery Johnson Jersey Shore, Pa WANTED--Men to cut paper w and logs by contract Good ber, nice ground, pay anytime furnish cabins Inquire of G Holt & Bon. Fleming, Pa f WANTED Middle-aged woman Riri to act as housekeeper Two in family Choi WHE OR Mow Albert Thompson, Nittany P O Howard RD 2 Phone Zion 91833 Sil WANTED #Farm has One who under and sal y and i Odd Pellows Home A E Schulte. Supt ving oo on Middletown WANTED Practical mpwe betwee: the age of 20 and 40 year amall nursing home. Live In ini forma furnished. Balary #840 month Write Mrs. Marie C. A Oost B Regoester Ave, Bloneleigh, Maryviand x33 Boarders Wanted WANTED Bosrdern- Men Articles ror Sale FOR SALE pire FOR BALE Condit.or Upright piano Dial Beliefonte POR SALE Dress form 10 sifoa 48 to 48 Will Dial Bellefonte 2058 adjustable sell cheap x32 FOR SALE--A 1034 Harley motorey- Democrat no 30 Pord oot ¥ e ming FOR SALE «Concrete mixer Inquire of C Cents Hal Pa FOR SALE ong 1941 F tio Five exerliont Phone Bellefonte 2733 after wed coupe [FOR BALE Timothy seed sonatiie price Inquire Shook, Spring Mills RB H-R.12 FOR SALE Barn 40x70. one side an. tor shingles other side roof Inquire of Thos A. Pletcher Howard. Pa x32 aon A room stove burns only. Inguite of George N. Thomas St. Bellefonte x32 POR SALE hard coal Eberhart Pa POR SALE Farm lime at price far. mers can afford to pay Inquire of CM Long Howard k D. 3 Phone Zion 19138 (Nittany). 2-4 FOR BALE -Kindling wood, cut to stove lengths atl our new mill at Lamar, Pa. Prices reasonable. Whit- mer-Steels Company x33 FOR SALE -- Tan-ooiored reed go- cart with top corduroy iming ball-bearing wheels, in good condi- tion. Phone Belicfonte 529 x33 FOR SALB--A Leroy sulky plow will exchange for pigs or cattle quire of Bilis W. Hall Julian R fIXx Run). Phone 101-R.11 FOR SALB--Cucumgbers, sweet corn | tombloss, potatPes green beans apples and pears. Inquire of Harry Ishier. BR. D. 1 Bellefonte Pa. (Dale's Summit) x32 FOR SALE Short «lab wood at Greenavalley saw mill near Pleas. ant Gap: also at Hennigh't saw mill near ters Mills W. Hous | Lumbe* Co 2-4 {POR SALE -.. One practically new gasoline-driven portable Anocoln electric 200 amp. welder, mounted on truck. Century Hokst Mig Co. Lock | Haven, Pa ne 8813. x33 | FOR 5 BALE 20-gaugy dngle-Pparre] Winchester shot gun and 11 boxes shells. Pine condition. Reason for selling. 100 many guns. O M. Graz. fer, Warriors Mark, Pa. RD. x32 FOR SALE Plums and peach plums, iby 10th of August. Half mile above Tussey Sink, route 222 at old Deit- {el home. Bring containers. Mrs iFrank Cramer Centre Hall R. D care of | Ea TE Aa BRST, oh |, tari POR BALE Golden Bun parior heat er perfect condition, seventy-five years old Also three hot.alr reg ters, with fitting Inquire of E O Walle, Brockerhoff Hotel, Bellefonte Pa x34 POR BSALE--Deering Winder, 7 out Bay loader Hoomiey drill, Superior 10x88, 2 No Cliver Huber plow 14 11 Behrer, Penna Furnace foot Eran DIOWA } ( w Pa | suitable { Ww two -1on cha Inquire of Centre Hall Bort ler waler bose Also ROOK As New Wrecking Co 27-'R-3 POR BALE or hot heat were We f one rywe ' Parmall tw Ome Johr 1039 model / F-14 POR BALE combine mower for ¥F ised very : mowers, one b-foot cut two new Pape McCormick silo or ‘4 trac tom . nore ker ) M ww MM POR Bim BALE PARMERS Centre Poultry FOR SALE--Young ng fram 3% 1 sprayed cooking apples . Pleasant Ong Pa Real Estate - For Sale POR BALE ! Vers B O. Harvey Dial 550 heat POR SALE --A brick dwell sultable for tue fan ern nvenienooes best secon Bellefonte, Pa ire of Mary M Pauble, I O O F Bulla Bellefonte, Pa Phone 748 274d FCR SALE beriand Joon ted of Madisonburg a | All neorsEary ou 1 in good state of 1 pntain walter piped C H Bhafler abou Business Opportunity {FOR BALE Beauty shot near indus. Williamsport Reason for selling 518 RN. Grie: trial center of celient busines ill health Write lamaport, Pa Farms For Rent RENT..#0.acre farmA adioin in State College. available August or September Phone 2733 State Onl- or write CC. O Cromer Sate College. Pa aos Houses tor Rent FOR RENT A seven-room farm house Jocated one mile south of Beliefonte, with elegtricity in house Phone Bellefonte 2001, after 6 p m x33 ope POR RENT.-.Front half ive two-story house, suitable for two adulls Avallable at onoe Mrs. R. V. Mull, Bellefonte, Pa. Phone 541 174 FOR RENT -« Seven-pcgm house with electricity: good sized lot and car shed. jocated at Nittany. Ps. In- Quire of Fred Grove, Nittany, R D 2 Howard, Pa x32 FOR RENT--A 7.room house with all convendenons, located on Boulh Spring street, Beliefonte. Rent $35 Inquire of John 8. Lambert or Mar guerite Lamberti, Bellefonte. Pa. 2440 of attract- Fm ern POR i ¥ice. We service all Attractive B.room mod. convenienoes, attached furnace Can be infurnished in Centre Inquire of Mall, Pa. x82 RENT nine = rest tre Rooms For Rent rabie tore rom, nen MAM Keen] ng Pa Apartments tor Rent tment on of James 281t reunion of amily wil rR ne Je fsa tardasy Angas be held at TY- Bt m north of 15 5 Miscellaneous DEAD STOCK-—-Removed promot? B M Keller Pa. Phone T5<-R<2 Reverse 1-4 DEAD Cal R-4 or pense BETOCK 3 Removed (ine Vogt Lock Haven promptly tre Hall 55. at our ex- f-nf HTM RE Removed orompily Call anviame at my extense Phone 6768.1.3 Bellefonte, liovd LL. Sms Milesburg, Pa § «4 Cen 2104 DEAD Repairing FURNITURE REPAIRAD — Rapire made to all kinda of furniture Upholstering and slip covers made Wm D Thompson's Upholstert Shon 102 FE lam WM. Phone 382- Bellefonte, Pa 1-81 SERVICING -- Keep your Maytag working Cenuine paris and sere makes of wash ers and sweeders Sweeper brushes re-bristied R K Owens Flectric Store, 8. Allegheny streel. Dial yr MAOHINE WORK — lawn mowers sharpened. General machine work of all Kinds. We also have in siook ood roll steel, Cap screws, sol porewd, | Woodruff keys, key stock, etc, Bwarte | Machine | 2041 Shop, Beliefonte, Pa. PrOa4 3 HECLA PARK Park and Bathing Pool Open for the Season : » ROOLER Parking SKATING - DANCING - RIDES- FREE Bathing - Picnic Tables oo REFRESHMENTS FREE - Movies THE FRIENDLY SPOT FOR FAMILY RECREATION Restful and Yet Thrilling for Both Young and Old.