Page Twn THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. ' m—— CENTRE HALL AND VICINITY Select Jurors For September ATTEND WISE REUNION These persons attended the an- nual Wise reunion on Sunday at Grange Park: Mr. and Mrs, Norman Duck, Mifflinburg; Mr. and Mrs Thomas Wise, Mr. and Mrs. Vilas Wise, Madisonburg: Mr. and Mrs Morris Miller, sons Dale and Mel. vin, and daughter Enetta, Madison- burg: Mrs. H D. Hagan, Farmers Mills; Mr. and Mrs. Ardell Myers, daughter Catherine and son Larry, Spring Mills; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Limbert and Bernice Runkle, Madi- sonburg: Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Runkle, daughter Nancy, Centre Hall; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ziegler and son Ray. Spring Mills; Mr. and Mrs George Wise, Rebersburg: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Yearick, daughters Fay and Tolitha, and son Malcolm, Mad fsonburg: Mr. and Mrs. John Ellen berger and son Samuel, Oak Hall Mr. and Mrs. R. 8 Hagan and daughters Miriam, Nancy, Dorothy Ann and Barbara Jean, Centre Hall Mr. and Mrs. Fred Homan, Cent: Hall ARMSTRONG—MILLER M. Fevette Miller and Mrs. S. T. Riegel Harold H Armstrong Mrs. Earl Arm united in marriag v 25 in the Mrs daug! of Mr .ileunt Mr Zion urday were Sat- afternoon, Jul h chapel! of the Ordnance School, Ab- erdeen Proving Grounds, Md. Chap- lain Robert J. Ke J. 8. Army performed the double ring ceremony * for the | we flower setting ceremony. Captalr T Amrine of Harve attended the The powder sories buds matron crepe dress beautify couple bride wore a blue and a stevia h } ss with cor navy age of pink Mir wore and of honor pink age of roses and a co i and baby's breath. The groom and best man wore the uniform U. 8 Army A wedding dinner » Colonial Hotel in de Gri followed the Mrs emploved Mn Valley Sale the State Col eo of the cere the assigned to t hool at Aber ing Grounds, Md For the present make Centre Hall the and Ordnance He is f unity of his se IN THE CHURCHES Evangelica he * Rey K fterman nastor Tussevville- Ct services, 9:00: Sun Youth People's service Fmeta= echool, 10:00: vices, 11:00. Lutheran: The Rev pastor, school tion Methodist mond. pastor school, 10:30: Sorucetown 1 w Hos- school. 10-00 7:30 Lemont church dav SOT Otto Sunday Cc. C No services except while the t is on ya Centre Hall Srviee 8 church service Presbyterian: The Rev patrick. pastor. Boalsburg--8 2-00 church service 10 school I~mont church Bimday 16-30 Reformed: The Rev pas‘or No school while pastor is on vacation LOCALS AND PERSONALS Newsy W \ » Hall ery e Sunday ae rviee school, § DR Keener excent Si Lp services b>] any has of beent received by parents Pvts. Robert Bradford and Newton Crawford that they both located in Camp Croft, N Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meeker Millheim, were Sunday dinr of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bradford and family Jerrv Krebs, voung son Mrs. Leroy Krebs with his grandparents Charles Krebs in Mackeyville Mr. abd Mrs. Jeck MeWilliams, who Were visiting Mr. and Mrs P V. Goodhart, left last week to visit their son and family in Cumberland. Md Mrs the are of guest er od of Mr last and soent week Mr. and Mra Verna Geiss Miller is spend- ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. Bd- ar Wagner in Bellefonte Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dale and s8n Jack. were Sunday supper guests of FRIDAY & SATURDAY August Tth & 8th) The Biggest Two Laugh Hit Shows Ever Shown on One Program: No. 1—THE MARX BROS, in ROOM SERVICE Also: No. 2. FLYING DEUCES Stan Laurel & Oliver Hardy Returned by Popular Demand! Show This Sat. Night Only at Tand 9 P.M. Eh a UNICIPA MILLHEIM Admission 100 & 300 MONDAY AND TUESDAY August 10th & 11th) . . and So Will But They Say It's THE BRIDE Joan Crawford - Melvin Douglas DISNEY COLOR CARTOON AND SPORT REEL Always Cool and Refreshing at Mr. and Mrs. George Rimmey | Lloyd Sampsel and Mr. and Mrs. | Eugene Sampsel plan to move back | to their home in Pleasant Gap this week | Ernest Prank, Jr., spent the week- end visiting in Harrisburg Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fetterolf and! son Drew of Indiantown Gap, spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. F K. Frank Mrs. John Coldron has been ill at her home here for two weeks. Her condition, an inflammation of the nerve endings, is commonly known as “shingles.” Mr Wwilliem Rover a Sunday supper villa Kryder The Missionary Evangelical church | and corn roast ‘Thursday evening the S. H Bither f Zion guest of Mrs wns Sa- 0 Soclety the planning a next lawn of of pleni for on the home Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Hanna and Mi: and Mr Russell Reish and n Barry, left last evening for Cen- Oak Hel where they will the Rev. W. K. Hosterman intl] Sunday Mr. Hanna Relish will commute from their work on the Ord- Reservat t White Deer and Mrs. William Hanns ned Mr. and Mrs. C per on Sunday even 8undav callers at the Cioorge home were Mr Stover of and Mr and Mrs. Will { Altoona M Betty Mts on a Jame Mr. and Yeagertown am Kreamer vol ana Searson Miss Pat Mary Livin. eX Pee icla Booger and Miss 8: off . R04 of Harris hurg, are od Mil ia { wher and MM: Stephen R. B.C Newburn Patty Boozer spent last week Miss Mary Livingood at { her parents in Somer- i with * home of Miss Ethel Poorman week with her parents is visiting in Miles. Williams- and with friends and Mrs ma accomonnied Chester Philadelphia last Mon- itll Tuesday with Breon Mrs. William Hanna, ighter Fern. Clayton Wagner and tor Wagner were Si'nday Mr. and Mrs. J dinner Ernest The Ladies’ Bible class of the Re- church sponsored a hat | in the Grange Hall last eve- ning. This event was open to public and hats and refreshments were on sale Mr. and Mrs. Reed Kline and nehiter Dolores, were the guests Mr. and Mrs. J. FF. Watzel for BLIND) Sunday. Misa Kline re- mained here to spend this week with Mi=s Clara Lou Wetzel Miss Wihle, Centre Hall- Potter araduate in the class of 1927. will receive her Master of Arts decree at Penn State Summer Ses. sion commencement this evening She is emploved as art teacher in ths State College public schools Misses Anna Marie Whiteman and Frances Noll are spending this week in Newport with Mr and Mrs Charles Geary Mrs. Kathryn Breon began work- ing recently at the silk mill in Spring Mills Mrs. Anna Bartholomew and daughters, Elizabeth and Jean, went by bus on Saturday to Lake Greeley Camp in the Poconos. where Miss Jean Bartholomew will spend the month of August, Interesting fea- tures of the camp life are living in rough lean-tos. swimming, and horseback riding Mrs. Bartholo- mew and daughter Elizabeth return. ed home on Sunday Miss Nellie Lohr of Philadeivhia, is snendine this week with friends In Centre Halle Her sister and hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Gustavus Pavne, alsn of Philadelphia, arrived here leet evening to spend the remainder of the week Mrs. George Sweeney entertained tha Glsaners RBvangelican Simday school class at her home last Wad. nesday evening These members were present Miss Ruth Hartley, Mrs. John Schasffer, Mrs. G. Frank Smith, Mrs. Willlam Hanna, Mrs Tewrenee Hartley, Mrs George Johnson, Mrs. Reuben 8. Rickert. Mrs. William Bechiol, Mrs. David Grayhill and Mrs. Roy 8. Jamison Mrs. Harold Leightley and daughter Joanne, were there as guests Mr. and Mrs. J B. Wert. Jr. »n- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Rossman Wert and daughter Gail of Unper Darby, and Mr. and Mrs. J B. Wert, 8r. to dinner Sunday Mrs. Fred Homan (= evendine a few days this week in Williamsport, Miss Susanna Wagner of non, spent last Wednesd the Aa 3 of Grace with ‘er. M dancing (Continued rom page one) State College carpenter Harvey Flink and hig mother, Mrs Mary Flink. Miss Wagner was a pu- pil of Mr. Flink when he taught in| State College Moshannon | Glenn, Guy H., salesmn Bellefonte Kenneth Frank and Ernest Frank, | Hamish, Bd. EB, formn. Walker Twp Jr, drove a truck load of lumber 10 yirst, Eva A. tax col Philipsburg Allentown Friday night | Hummel, Edgar, retd Rush Twp Miss Mary Mason spent Monday Kidder, Lee A, carp Miles Twp here reorganizing a local Salvation King, Wm. G, lab... Burnside Twp Army group here. | Magee, Bayard, elec. Bellefonte Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mark plan to! Miller, Leland 8, frmr_ Rush Twp move soon to a farm near Penns Nordberg, Mae, clerk Philipsburg Cave. Mr. and Mrs. Philip McClen- Rapsey, Janet, hswf Philipsburg ahan expect to occupy the Mark Sheesley, Alpha R haw! Harris Twp home in town Williams, Alonza M., frmr, The Music Section of the local Whi re Pd Woman's Club held its annual pic- Haines nie Thursday afternoon and evening it Penns Cave. After the meal, Wil Ham P. Campbell, proprietor, con- ducted the group on a trip through i Besides Mr. and Mrs these persons attended F. V. Goodhart, Mrs Harry Potter, Taylor, Eleanor and Willlum Potter, Ruth Spyker, Mrs J. F Wetzel, Shirley Wetzel, Mrs J. Harold Durst and two children, Bradley. Benj. carp Bellefonte Miss Mabel Horner, Dr. and Mm. go, Rg. N, dairymn__Bellefonte Harry F. Cooper and daughters, Bullick. R. G., frmr_Half Moon Twp Louise and Linda. Mis Elizabeth o.oo. tourna, haw! Milesburg Bartholomew, Janet Warner, Jean Clinefelter. Hilda hew! Bloom, Mrs. George Rimmey, Mrs Spring Twp David I. Graybill, Mrs. Dora Oden- Boggs Twp kirk. Miss Helen Odenkirk, Joe Mey- Bellefc and Mrs. J. Willlam Brad. Miles Mr. and Mrs. J. Bhannon haw( Boozer, son David, Mrs, Roy 8. Jam- Ferguson Tw and daughter Catharine Ferguson T+ and Mrs. Ralph Hess J Nina of Allentown, spent Garner. Wm inesday with Mr. and Mrs. Reu. 8. Rickert. They are spending ood this week with re Winfield J. Harold Durst and Nn, Duane and Lama Kay nding this week with Mo James Stover In Montgomery - — 15th Gumine Reunion Held at Beech Creek The 15th annual Gummo reunion ist 2 James W Creek. R. D n and both deceased Garman, Warren H Zimmerman, Paul P Twp CRIMINAL COURT JURORS (Meet Monday, Sept. 14) he cave Campbel) Mr. and Mrs College Liberty College Miles hsw( Spring Twp frmr frmr cook K.. lal James O Twp 1 wp Twp 1 wp Bathgate, J W Bullock, Ray F Baird, Joseph Bright, Melvin Brewer, Mn Ww Claude, lab Coder, Geo. B Duck, Cls Ee Elder, Catharine Confer lab nte ab R de ford Wor M ie ls, G. W., dry cing and pox, Susar hswi! dn w hen hter M., stock Bridget, haw! Mrs iatives In Jean, hs Worth Twp Bellefonte Censamer two are Gillen, Ve ind Garbrick Heinle Hartley Ida 8 FH Bianche 8B . « M hskp nh State College Mrs ik Bellefonte haw! Boggs Th Penn ’ {herr - - Isabelle Hawk, Howard Helchel dr Mild Hol od at the erepta Gummo noon the baskets were unpack a long Hamlin ed and the contents spread on table Joriese brimn t KE. ] and Mrs. Johns Mr. and Harry, John Salona; Johnson family, Wil- of Howard Miss Mr Hall; 1 Those present Mr GG. A Brian, Lock Haven Mrs. Eimer Neff and family Faye. James and Patty, of Mrs. Clarence Robb and Ham. Mary and Harman Julia Bechtel MeClinth and Mrs. James Mrs. Mary Giassner Roy Mayes were DIE nN Kalb, Drv Castena Lowther Lock Haven Mayes, Mill Clifton Heights Renovo, Wilbur orient Patrick Gummo, Renovo. Mrs Hazel Hea- Odenkirk. Heler ton, Vada Heaton Myrmetia powell, Margaret of Beech Mr. and Mill Hall R. D arkin, Thoma South Rusk Twp Centre Hall andg Heaton Creek Mrs. Stanley Knecht, dry 1. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Gummo, Mr Spring Twp James Gummo, Harvey and Elma pnowe Reby N. haw! Spring Twp Gummo; Mr. and Mrs Harvey Rowe, fleed Orvis holst on Boring Twp Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rowe, Richard gpring. Harold A. sismn Philineburs and Doris Rowe, of Beech Creek R. gloan. Franklin Vv. drest Bellefonte D1 Shaw. James, Lab Snow In the year there were four mar- 'geamans. Margaret 8 haw! riages: Mr. and Mrs. John Shillings Mr and Mrs. James Mayes, Mr. and Mrs Harvey Rowe and Mr. and Mrs Calvin Robb. one birth, a son to Mr and Mrs. Norman Bressler, and three deaths, Clarence Robb, Howard RD Albert Gummo, Salona, and Prank Crays, Beech Creek R. D1 A verse in loving remembrance of the ones that passed away Roan, Robert W., taxi drvr ABhow State College ht. Bellefor State Colleg State Co te Mark W Jean Williams Woodruff! Walker. R “ lege CIVIL JURORS {Meret Monday, Sept. 21) Brooks. Richard Centre Holl Brown. Wm Bierly. RR. W. dealer Bordner, Blanche M iab D. iab There is no death, there is no night The loved one passed beyond our sight Is living in Eternal light Removed from care and pain And some day. in a fairer land We shall hear the voice We shall touch the hand, And with lifted hearts which under. stand We shall see our own again Confer, Leroy. lab Harold LL Ferguson Twp clk State College State College hak. Bellefonte frmr Spring Twp Miles Twp haw! Liberty Twp Bellefonte Bellefonte Snow Shoe minister, Harris Twp Michael, hotel prop Snow Shoe Twp James, barber Snow Shoe Twp tehr Philipsburg lab... Union Twp Cronemiller Eckert, Sterling F Fisher. Mary J Fromm. Esther K Catherine tchr Grove CC Ruth. hawt Mrs Helen Garrett Gardner Legal Notices PRIVATE SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Jones, Thomas G In the matter of the estate of Regina E. Behers, late of the bor. Koshko ough of State College. Centre Coun- ty. Pennsylvania, deceased In the Orphans’ Court of Centre County, No. 14043 Lucas. Russell M. To the heirs, legatees, creditors Logue, William C. and other persons interested in said Lansberry, Wm P. frimmr Harris Twp estate Markle. J. Fred. frmr Ferguson Twp Notice is herdby given that D. 1. Moore, Ralph A. plas Rush Twp Behers (also written David 1. Beh- Mothersbaugh, Chas E. 8r. lab rer), executor, has filed in the office State College of the Clerk of the Orphans’ Court Martin, Irvin W. brbr. Bellefonte of Centre County, his petition pray. McClincy, James H., hsw! ing for the private sale of all that A Inion Twp certain real estate of the decedent Murtoff. Mrs. Viola, hsw! Bellefonte bounded and described as follows Musser, Mrs. Ruth. hsw!f _ Millheim All that certain undivided one- Mabus, Jack, funeral director half interest in and to all that cer-! Bellefonte {tain tract and lot of ground situate Phillips, Evan E.. lab in Ferguson Township, now State Half Moon Twp { College borough, Centre County, Pa, Peck, Earl H, mcht. . Walker Twp represented in the plot or plan of Quick. James L.. frmn._ Snow Shoe i lots of "Hartswick Estate,” as made Reeder. J. C, frmr Gregs Twp by H. B. Shattuck, surveyor, as Lots Rossman, Mrs. Charles. haw! No. 112 and 113. bounded and de- " . Penn Twp scribed as follows: Runkle. John ¥, lab Centre Hall Beginning at an iron pin located Robb. George, lab Spring Twp at the intersection of the north side Runkle, Mrs Mary, hswf of Adams Avenue and the East side of North Allen Street; thence in an Sharer. 8 E, frmr Harris Twp Easterly direction 12105 feet alorg Stiver, George, frmyr___ Port Matilda the Northern line of Adams Avenue Shutika, Steve, miner Snow Shoe to a point and corner of lot No, 114; Sallsburg. H W. mcht Liberty Twp thence in a Northerly direction a Scull. Leroy. linemn.__ Bellefonte distance of 100 feet along the West. | Spicher. Boyd A. retrd Spring Twp ern line of Jot No. 114 to the corner 17*0N. Edward A. tehr_ Millhetm Hoy. Jacob F. lab Howley. Ruth B. tel Irwin. Claud®. lab op Kolasa, Sabastian Potter Twp. (of lot No. 111; thence in a Westerly THOMAS, Mrs. Ruth 8, hewf ditection 148.37 feet to the Eastern —. PotteF Twp. line of North Allen Street; thence Thompson, Victor D., frmr along the Eastern line of North Al- | re metat OWA TWD jen Street in a Southerly direction WAnce. Theodore, lab. Miles Twp. 103.68 feet to an iron pin or the | Wall, Richard V., pub. work place of beginning. d espmimnasrniite College The undersigned executor has of- | Williams, A. B. 1ab Port Matilda fered the sum of Six Hundred sev. Williams, Mrs. Anna Mary, haw! enty-five dollars ($675.00) for the! . Unionville undivided one-half interest of said —————— decedent in the above-mentioned premises. The sale is for the puy- Elizabeth B. Meek ment of debts and, if no exceptions . be filed thereto, or objections made, Vis at Home Here or higher offers received, the Court! hi be asked to take action upon | sald petition Tuesday, the 25tF day fter a short period : cf August, A. D.. 1042, at 10:00 a. m. ow a college = 3 mini + DL BEHERS, |Texas, she returned to her Alms retitor of the Estate of | Mater as an Instructor in biology, : ? (later organizing and taking charge | ; of the department teriology Attorney €or Estate, | oa A ss —— Continued from page one) n | became nbhout It with It was while there that the Col- lege Experiment Station joined the | fon in Red Cross work in Bellefonte. | t Canadian Guelph, Ontario, to disease that of carried on where she worked for gree at the same time and had about she many activities She was carrying on She Experiment Biation atin in research work calise of a mysterious threatened the sucoess chickens ™ she t Chicago University a doctor's de- ust | when ol the find the incubating studies In strain her the completed broke under wns confined to bed for eight she came back fields her time without time she to get) she material fevoied A resources up to the physically unable any more wis Miss Meek the late Mix who pioneered Helen CC. Over own pocket and brought Bellefonte fir ological content of Bellefonte’ supply State vears and while never endowed with with the robust constitution to take up work In othe other words and stint, to others in In |were hi whom Methodism owe hip al was Miss Meek who of her bought a dentist's chair dental hyglen public was Mis selentific out \a Lo Lhe It Meck study who made of the the | bhacter milk and urged the precautions Ler adopted to reduce the contam Ww ination student College A n Pennsylva much to erection of the first church the village Lomg bWelore men's and womens Y M. C activithe the t the and of the lat atl the Hin he had do there Was A rig W. €. Patterson the the first house « nonor « built there Wing i wn nie As a gradu 1 ctor pehools st tion re sub jee ore nie w. E n on to her a of used hy Dr Heeeeged “om H dent of the who authority nen 0 i ao ways si al In Hel VERT the of the reat student both on 200lORY and bacteriol HARB ang irfnce, w hey mu Van Came { 2000 Ast and 1 » Norma late Dre Dairy mie purity of Bo tional became n the when h wr was tru of {i of { ' y ner LL her life tried women of Cen rt of i re them the AHO) August 6,-1942, ° The ang in i price mg po inspiration of wif sacrificing life helpfulness to ot two of the Bunar children Gira Article Wy ho Ww have been ur late by AIC lly of six 1rvive her i George R from them nephews t Greensburg = are Ma Bellefonts ‘ ne nearest ¥ aa King ‘ firny na ~r Morr) Meek 5 rvice I OGeorge Meek, Jr in - MARKET QUOTATIONS Corrected Weekly by ©, ¥ Hon Meek Meek's fam They her MEma hers Pp of her Thom- Pet. al Washington. D C., in the Philadelphia U Wagner & Co, Inc, Flour Mill, Bellefonte $1.00 95 50 Hl) 1) -y mh AW Sore cemmnocted with any using a similiar name, “Ned company brand or DO BOTH. CREAM VEGETABLES ECONOMICALLY WITH V/IIITE HOUSE OVEN-FRESH A&P BAKED GOODS! Dated! Enriched! MARVEL BREAD 2 Fresh Jane Parker ‘DATED’ DONUTS 7: TN Leaf fc Lont RAISIN BREAD WHEAT BREAD. | /4-Lb Loaves Anst Fae LAYER CAKE LOAF CAKES As Fa 17c¢ 12 3c 21¢ A&P DAIRY CENTERS ARE FEATURING Cheese . Crestview Eggs » Doren 39¢ Sunnybrook Eggs . P= 43c Medium Sharp Lb. Fresh Roll B utter Fresh Cottage Cheese = BUY “SUPER RIGHT” A&P MEATS! Fresh Dressed Roasting CHICKENS Fresh Cut Up CHICKENS..." Frash Dressed Long Island DUCKLINGS Sliced Spiced HAM = 50c Sliced Pressed HAM = 55¢ TASTY LIVER SAUSAGE. . GROUND VEAL and PORK. RING TONG or JUMBO BOLOGNA. ABBOTT'S PLAIN CREAM CHEESE. CRE Fully 2-3 Lb. Piece 2-3 Lb. Piece * Yow winowhether you choose Red Circle because it is a rick, full. bodied blend, or Bokar because it it vigorous and winey, Both of these ARP Coffees are liner-flavered, fresher flavored. And both are priced to save you money | Buy one of thew fine coffees mow-—enjoy finer, fresher flavor this very day! Evry pound of ALP Dotag iy [IN py po ry —— 2 4/1/55, Lb. Avg. Dressed Cus vee I Mo 3 Me t y-41/y Lb. Avg. Fuily Wines, Racks, Necks Lb. 30 Lb. 3c Shoulder Cut S57 Lb. 47c Lb. 52¢ Small on dexo Egg Noodles 07 Salad Dressing Cider Vinegar Salad Oil Top Grade Ann Page Kieowwex 00. . . Gerber’s Cereal ".. e336 3c tw. 44c¢ 10c ees + > 43 ¢ Ww “a Ww EVA PORATED MILK .. hite n bus hite 6 House is the set I House and fe Save wots Tall Cans finest quality milk that brands evaparat sd olhwr vom ss than many Le 47° More people need to You Mont sbhiies That you and 0% nutritionist Market FRESH s« what AAT ables HOL RS Sold =f nee rapenees Super share The aan 44 Indientes CLYAN (COBRLERS NEW POTATOES ... "" SRioNS LARGE GREEN PEPPERS SOLID HEAD NEW CABBAGE . . 3" FANCY SLICING CUCUMBERS . . . . 3 '~ SWEET JUICY CALIF ORANGES , A VICTORY FOOD FEATURE! ELBERTA FREESTONE EACHES 5-2 ent herasv ne Facellent AJ Why You Need Vegetables green wvegel fr as many boafs and twice tomatoes a aa An Here you “ee more eit ue wits Be SRS Get them In find tr ts and vege! direct in between bent we rush 1} ® we sveid LUBCOESSRT) ings wth you Vilamin Sonroe + Vitam ni 9c 1s Ping min 10 35¢ Ibs 11¢ na - ftamin C44 2 taming A 4 (44 10¢c 10¢ Yamin ¥ VALENCIA Toe 7 taming B+ os 44 Sige ror 37¢ C Bushel 2.49 Vitamins Att C+ | | i ‘Pole Pre: ooked Ann Page Ann Page Pe La Root Beer Extract »~ Colonial Saltines . . Daily Scratch Feed . : : '\..) 2.27 LAMB CHOPS . = 3c LEGS OF LAMB - 27¢ nue WEB Seafood WO Fresh Halibut Steaks . . Fresh Large Croakers . 2 ' 25¢ Fresh Haddock Fillets . . Fresh Sheephead . ... 2 Haddock Fillets Salt Mackerel Fillets . . . Large Green Shrimp . . . FRESH, DELICIOUS Butterfish . . 2 = Pare Hydrogenated Vegetable Shortening Lh 35¢ > 33e Lbs 25¢ » 27e¢ 1» 25¢ i» 29¢ 1S5¢ Th. Can bic i5¢ es 27C i 32¢ wo 11€ as 27¢ | 18 23¢ me 10e 3 Pha. RTT QUAKER RIsP MUFFETS GOLD MEDAL FLOUR Enriched GOLD MEDAL bISQUICK VEGETABLE SHORTENING CRISCO. . .. FOR LAUNDRY P&G SOAP HIGH TEAT OXYboL....... EOAP POWDER buzz... FLAKES and GRANT LES CHIPSO. ....... TOILET SOAP FLAKES IVoRYy SOAP. IVORY SOAP. . CRE BUY U. S. WAR SAVINGS STAMPS and BONDS SUPER MARKETS