—July 2, 1942. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAY, BELLEFONTE, PA. LOCALS —————— Mrs. Verna Sheats and daughter Winifred, of Coburn, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hosterman of Wood | ward, were business visitors in Belle fonte on Monday Robert Riglin, aged 8 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Riglin, of Coleville, Is recovering from a frac- ture of the left arm suffered recently on a fall from a fence near his home Mary Catherine Walker, ter of Judge and Mrs. Ivan Walker, went to West Chester Sunday, where she is attending the summer session at the West Chester Teachers Col- lege Mr Albany, at the | -James Kane, of Blanchard street, last Thursday entered the Veterans Hospital at Aspinwall to undergo observation and treatment Sally Perks, aged 10, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jack Perks of West Beaver street, last Thursday under- went a tonsillectomy at the Centre County Hospital, Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Weixel, and son Johnny, of Pittsburgh, are here for a visit until after the Fourth with Mrs. Weixel's father, John Cur. tin, Sr, of West Linn street Mrs. Edward Cantwell and child. ren, of Columbus, Ohio, are here for their annual summer visit with Mrs Cantwell’'s parents, Mr. and Mrs John Mignot, at their home on East High street Mrs. Amelia Campbell and fam. fly of North Spring street, moved Monday into an apartment in the Gazette building on North Allegheny street, recently vacated by the George Carpeneto family Robert and and Mrs. R. C. Spong, of N. Y, are visitors this week home of Fleming Poorman at Holts Hollow, In Bogs Township Mrs. Spong was a pleasant caller at our office on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cook and Richard, of Cleveland, Ohlo are expected to arrive in Belefon‘e this weekend for a visit with Mr Cooks's father, Charles F. Cook ane family, at their home on East High street Mrs. Sara Alexander announces the her daughter, Betty Ned J. Saxion, son of Wilbur Saxion, of Saxion is now stationed at Will Rog- Field, Oklahoma. No has set for the wedding SOn Larry Ostermayer, of Clairton, both students at Penn State College, spent the weekend in Bellefonte with their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Blaney and fam ily, on East Curtin street Mr. and Mrs. Donald Knisely, of the Gazette apartments, North Alle- gheny street, are spending this week with relatives in Cleveland, Ohio Mr. Knisley is on vacation from his duties at the Titan Metal plant L. C. Heineman, secretary of the Bellefonte Y. M. C. A, came tw Bellefonte just 15 years ago on Tues. day, and 15 years ago yesterday be- gan his duties as secretary of the local Y—a post he has filled contin- uously since that time Miss Cecelia Moerschbacher Pittsburgh, arrived in Bellefonte Tuesday for a visit with her Mrs. Harry Moerschbacher home on South Thomas Moerschbacher has not best of health recently Foster Augustine, street, for more than 12 years a teacher in the Bellefonte schools, has enlisted in the U. S. Army and has been sent to the induction cen- ter at New Cumberland Mr. Au- gustine, always active in Boy Scout work, was commissioner of the Jun- iata Valley Council Mrs. William Fleck, of Harris burg. received treatment in a Harris- burg hospital last week for injuries received while she and her husband were en route home after visiting Mrs. Fleck's mother, Mrs. Joseph Fleck, of Burnside street, Belefo The accident resulted when a gkidded into the Fleck car A car of East damaged of Union- engagement Jane Pvt Mr. and Mrs Bellefonte Pvt ville of to ers dute been Kenneth Larimer, of Mr and Mrs. Herbert Larimer, of East Howard street, underwent treatment at the Centre County Hospital dis- pensary last Wednesday for & puncture wound of the head suffered when he fell on North spring street. He returned to his parental home after rece treat- ment Pvt Frederick L 9th Tran Squadron, to his duties at Camp Douglas Saturday, after having spent day furlough in Bellefonte as of his brother and sister-in-law and Mrs. Philip Benner of East Logan street entered the U months J. Leitzell legates of Post, Veterans Bellefonte, last to Uniontown State V. F sion The Richner Harry Allen S01 afternoon of IWVINg on mother, at het street. Mrs been in the Benner, of the returned Wis a 13 guest Mr and family, Pvt. Benner S. Air Corps near’; AgO North 2 “ Spring fou James and eight de man-Savlor eign Wars day went the annual in se were Ww Creorge Sunda Reed and commander, Jackson-Cris of For- Wednes - att 1 35. to there Elmer Hampton ¥. Ray Davis local del- John Mar Mil- tion egutes Garis tin nte ' irr ton Nile ¢ Belle a covered Thoma Pridav presse by Robert Berardis Bishop street, was Sunday afternoon accident at Pleasant View near Bellefonte Berardis and Robert Rockey, of Bellefonte, a passenger escaped Injury Motor police said that while the car was rounding & curve it overturned and came to: rest on an old roadway to the right of the present highway Patrick J. O'Neill, of Philips- burg. spent the weekend in Belle- fonte as a guest of Miss Shirley Carner, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carner, of North Thomas street. Mr. O'Neill, a grad- uate of the Lock Haven State Teach- ers College where he was a classmate of Miss Carner, has been acepted for officer training in the Marine Corps and is now awaiting a call from Washington. He was an outstanding athlete at the Teachers College Members of the Bellefonte I. O O. FP. Lodge and guests gathered at the lodge rooms last Thursday night for the annual memorial services of the organization The services were in charge of Crystal Springs Rebekah lodge. The Rev. C. Nevin Stamm, pastor of St. John's Reformed church was the speaker, his topic being “The Four Pundamentals of Friendship” Mr. and A quartette composed of Mrs. Lela of Pittsburgh, who have been here Cole, Mrs. J. M. Hartswick, Mrs Settling the Ida Weaver estate, of Harry Badger and Mrs Nelson Billet, Which Mr. Wolfe is trustee, Saturday sang, and Miss Annette Decker was held public sale of the Weaver per- heard in & solo. sonal property at the home on East Howard street, and are now having Mrs. Pauline Witmer Jenkins of | the house remodeled and refinished West High street, was honor guest at | for use as a summer home, with the a miscellaneous shower held by Miss | pogsibility that eventually they may Janet Love, at the home of her par- make Bellefonte their permanent ents, Mr. and Mrs. Linn Love of East nome. Mr Wolfe, for approximately Logan Street. During the evening 20 years has been a manual arts in- prizes for cards were awarded 10 gtructor in Schenley High School, Mrs. Charles Harris, of Lock Haven, | pittsburgh. Mrs. Wolfe is a daugh- and Miss Eleanor Wion of Bellefonte. tor of John Weaver, formerly of Mrs. Jenkins was presented with Bellefonte, her father being a brother many useful gifts. The following of the late Carrie. Ida and Belle were present: Mrs. John Brown, Miss weaver. Jean McGarvey, Mrs. James Punk, Miss Helen Jenkins, Miss Eleanor Love, Mrs. Harris, Miss Wion, the hostess and the guest of honor. Re- freshments were served -Mrs. Ella Torsell, of East High street, has announced the engage- ment of her daughter, Miss C. Vir- ginia Torsell to Mr. Girard 8. Bas- ginger, son of Mrs. Effie Basinger, also of Bellefonte. Miss Torsell, a graduate of the Bellefonte High school in the class of 1041, has been émployed in the offices of the Titan Metal Company for the past eight months, Mr. Bassinger, graduate of thé Bellefonte High School in the class of 1838, until being inducted into the Army recently was sales manager for the Susquehanna Pav- | ing Materials Company, of Belle: fonte. He is now stationed at Fort | George Meade, Md. No date has beens set for the wedding. { The Centre Democrat, who some ~Mrs. O. B. Malin was honor weeks ago was inducted into the guest at a farewell party held last Wednesday night at the home of | Mrs. Elsie R. Heverly on East Curtin | street. Members of the two bridge | ciubs of which Mrs Malin was a member, were guests, Those pres. ent were: Mrs. R. C. Blaney, Mrs | Richard Herman, Mrs. William | Kline, Mrs. Hugh 8. Taylor, Mrs, | Harry N. Meyer, Mrs. Wallace J! Ward, Mrs. Heverly and the Misses Mary Rankin, Nina Lamb and Wini- | fred Gates, all of Bellefonte, and] Mrs. John Musser, of State College. | Others who entertained Mrs. Malin | recently included Mrs. Blaney, Mrs. | William Kline and Mrs. Richard | Herman. At each party the honor | guest, who departed during the wevk- : end for Spring Lake, N. J. to make her home for the time being, re- ceived gifts. driven the Leslie cottage along Spring Creek June 18, with 15 members Prizes in cards were lows: bridge. Mrs and Mrs Harry FP hundred, Mrs. Henry Kahlmus and Mrs. C. Y Wagner Delicious re- fréshunents were served Mr. and Mrz E W Winslow and sons, Charles and Rodney, of Patton, spent the weekend in Bellefonte witn Mrs. Winsolw's mother, Mrs Rebhec- ca Cruse, at her home on East High street. Mrs. Winslow is the former Louise Cruse Other guests at the Cruse home include Miss Sara Malin, who will remain there until she goes to housekeeping In one of the apar.- ments in the I. O. O. F. building Wis sub badly i an awarded as Ralph L. Mallory Jones, and five Our mailing list corrected this past week and all received during June Saturday, June 27 ited. This Is our regular monthly correction. Kindly check the date on your label for errors and let us know if you have not been given credit for your payment. At the end of July when we correct our mailing list again, we hope hear from those bers who are in arrears Mrs GG. Wolfe, script ons up noon have been cred- to to subscri Emory ~The nurses who taught home- nursing classes during the past sea- son held a get-together and dinner at the Brockerhoff hotel Wednesday night of last week with the following nurses present: Miss Sarah Adams, iMiss Teressa Fye Miss Teressa Shields, Mrs. Grayce Tressler, Miss Lucille Neal, Miss Bertha Rimmey, i all of Bellefonte; Mrs, Edward Har- ris and Mrs. Hugh Smith, Pleasant Gap. and Mrs. Warren Wenrich, of Snow Shoe. Mrs. B. J. Beezer, chair- man of the home nursing committee of the Bellefonte Chapter, was pres- ented with a bag and gloves as a token of appreciation for her services, | Guests at the dinner included Miss Catherine Cameron, of Washington, D. €., home nursing consultant Pvt. Edward L. Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelson, of East Lamb street, a former employe of us from Lincoln, Nebraska. writes that his group rode for two days and three nights, passing through 12 states to reach the mid- dle west, which he described briefly as being “fine country with climate to match” He comments on the friendliness of the residents, and notes that he is only five miles from Lincoln, Neb, which has a population of 90,000, with a proportion of six women for every man Ed Note: Maybe Eddie only noticed the wom- en. It could be. He reports that the Mississippi, Ohio, and Missouri Riv- | ers were greatly swollen from heavy rains when he crossed them, and that hundreds of acres of corn and | wheat fields were flooded. Closing | his newsy posteard, Eddie comments: “We sure get the best of grub!” Army at New Cumberland, posteards | He | | Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Green "and son Juhiot of Bellefonté, spent | family last week moved from Bunny Tuesday at Hershey Park, returning home that evening Mr. and Mrs. Willlam T and daughter, Ellzabeth Ann Linn street, are spending weeks at their cabin near Snow James B. Cralg, Jr, a student at Princeton University, Is expected to spend the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. James B. Cralg, Sr, of West Curtin street Ronald Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs Robert Hill, of North Alegheny street, on Friday underwent a tonsilectomy at the Centre County Hospital and O'Brien of East several Shoe IIs now recuperating rapidly daugh- | of Philadel a visit with his Paul D. Foreman phia, is here for mother and sister, Mrs. D. R. Fore- man and Miss Lols Foreman, at the family home on North Spring street Miss Betty Thompson, student at the Lock Haven Teachers College spent the weekend in Bellefonte with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Thompson, of North Spring street Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Leitzell, of East Beaver street, are spending this week on a fishing trip to Delta, Ont Mr. Leitzell is on vacation from his duties at the Titan Metal Company plant Mr and Mrs. E. A Thomas and two daughters returned to their home Indianapolis, Ind, Sunday, after a week's visit with Mr. Thomas’ par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, George Thomas of Coleville we Belghtol Marine, is week with his wife Mildred Tate, at the grandmother. Mrs C East High street Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Baumgardner week moved from an apartment the ing on West Valley M employed as guard penitentiary Billett, son of Mr. and Billett, of Pine street and Martin 1. Newman and Mrs. George I. New. leshurg, Tuesday enlisted 8S. Navy at 1 Pittsburgh GC L law and J. Parry Rome 1 4] Clarer Merchant of the U. 8 spending two the forme: nome Al ¢ Of last in Jishop Jaumpgardner | Snyder build street Lo Georves at Rockview Taylor | Mr John Bellet S501 Of onte Mr the recr Mting Rosenburgh and son daughter, Mr. and Mr and son Peter David, all N « ¥ of Mrs wenburgh 's law and daugh- 31 WwW. Ww and { #1 are guests SOn-in- Mr Sieg spending this in Ambridge ly is employed by the Deg Labor Indust at vacation thi ana is Mmriment Harris. weex and on Fran Wee pure kK Rosenhoover hased 1 ton which large 1 Ros- lv has leased for ne ar- The property forme Mr. Widdowson and funeral home Mr. and Mrs Samuel GG. Tressler of East Curtin street, Monday night departed for Akron, Ohio, being call- ed there by the serious iliness of Mrs. Tressler's aunt, Mrs Lucey Flsele. Mrs Eisele, a former Snow Shoe resident has been suffering from a heart ailment for some time Capt. George Curtin Harry Svmmaonds N. C, arrived here seven-day fu Capt. Curtin his mother, Mrs. H LL. Cur- Curtin, while Capt. Symmonds is with his wife and family in one of His Jpartments North r gt rpet the ies is ry Hs Hl and Capt both of Camp Sut. ton Monday for a is tin riough with on the Reuben street Spangler woei that their son Jack the 4th Infantry at Pt Gn. has been promoted to the rank of Captain. Before ing the army about a year ago Capt Spangler was emploved at the First National Bank here Mr and Mrs. HL liamsport, spent the Mrs. Price's mother, Mrs. Martha Evey, at Howard, and with relatives and friends in Bellefonte and vieini- ty. Mr and Mrs. Price resided in Bellefonte for a number of years, be. fore the State Motor Police head. quarters was moved to Williamsport William Kerk, last Thursday, ar- rived in Bellefonte from Pitzsimmons Hospital, a U. 8. Army hospital In Denver, Col, where he had been un- dergoing treatment for some time He has been honorably discharged from army duty because of physical disability. Mr. Kerk is a son of Mrs Frederick P. Halowell, of North Al- legheny street, and Mrs of N Sprig this receiv wo who is with Gordon enter- Price, of Wil- weekend with At recent commencement exer- ciges held at the Greene-Dreher Vo- cational High School in Newfound- land, Pa. a globe of the world, pur- chased by the graduating class. was presented to the school In memory of Jerome Confer Haagen. At the time of his death in December, 1040, Mr. Haagan, son of Mr and Mrs Harry 8. Haagen, of Yarnell, was as- sistant principal and a teacher of science subjects at the school Mrs, Kenneth W. Breon, of Re- bersburg, Mrs. J. Bliss Afkey, Mrs, Harry 8 Haagen and Neil Haagen, of Bellefonte, as driving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard H, Haagen, of Jersey Shore, motored to White Marsh, Md, where they were guests early last week of Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Robinson. Mrs Harry Haagen, who is recuperating from the effects | of a recent severe fall, remained in| And Caesar,’ White Marsh for an indefinite visit Flag 16: 8:30 a m. Sunday school; with her husband and her son-in-law | and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robin | son, -Those from out of town in Belle. fonte Sunday for the funeral of John Supt Wilson Blackford, held at the home mon, “A of his brother, J. Linn Blackford on hing worship. 7:30, Sermon, Reynolds avenue, included Mr. and | Home of Zacchaeus.” Mrs. Herbert Watts, Miss Renee | Dougherty, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart | Boring, Mrs. Howard Streightiff and | Mrs. Jesse Jones, all of Buntingdon: | i i i L Mrs, Bol Koski Jo fia Mr. and and 7 side to the former Broderick home on North Thomas street which they recently purchased Villlam T. Heinle CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS | on Monday \ Tucson, Ari six months In mother, Mn the Bhaugh Howard Savior, of Mead: ville. is the new manager of the Western Unlon offices In Bellefonte taking the place of Louls Kirchhof! who has been transferred to Horne) N. Y. Miss Saylor is living with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harr Saylor 1 Valentine street The public is asked by the OPA offices in Philadelphia not to attempt to visit or call members of rationh bon rds thelr homes places of business. Such members, the request sets forth, are volunteering their ser vices without compensation and may be interviewed at ration board office atl specified time Atl other times is only fair to refrain from interfer ing with thelr private business, it | pointed out Mrs E. N. Parker, of East Curtin street, Tuesday departed for the West C} const for visit with her husband, Risads president B Lt. Commander E. N. Parker, who 18 x gt the home of the Wer departed by motor for zona after spending Bellefonte with his Blanche Heinle and family on East Miss Evelyn ery week, That's why The Centre iment has become ¥ benefits derived, ain Counter RATES Advertisements sl lusue, and 15 cents for ents contain more than twenty REAL ESTATE ivertising sale or KEYED ADS his office, cots. Please do not call at hertisements, as the publisher the advertiser SUBSCRIBER'S PRIVILEGE Ocrat whose subscription is riasement in these columns scriber will be charged the a be used six times Ver Ness shred it is of five rent All Or nre 1] at or one it in Advent Church huey, | 81 10 o'clock: preaching stian Endeavor MALOY inday school “a 11 ociock i ible in a west coast port for a brief fur- ¢ evening, July lough Lt... Commander. Parker, poy ited and aboard a des has beén in Pa- . cifle and Mrs. Parker christian & Visstonary other for two ’ Pitts- . Coti- iny weed Lo cone Lrove: service no and he Alliance ft Been Mr by rail inued west by with her parent Hur here time § each Parker and O Brooks 10 went from there burgh t has been wi Mrs. J.D return some we Hawallan Islands Bellefonte Girl weekend t Barree of them resort plane. She Mr i! ince her ) from tl following Scouts departed during the for the Girl Huntingdon cx ) week Presbyterian, Bellefonte Thon Seout Camp a most stay at that Margaret Peters, Do lores Lambert, Jane Hoover, Patsy Rumberger, Elizabeth Ann Scull, Joy Owens, Joan Hartsock, Elizabeth Ann Walker, Prances Dale, Joan Craw. ford Patsy Blaney Another ted Lo go Wo camp upon a total of 24 local 1 Corl tled to attend Sarah Ris- Weeks at Barree aunty for a twe Audrey Roan and group v their EXPEC return Jospe! ° Taberna le, Spring Mills sched Mise four COUTrSe Scouts being ramp this summer an expects to take a sellor training Season The had a pre- idmann & drug adver- te » method of j 15 minu selling war bonds vesterday The main display window was with alarm clocks, all wo and Fung and a mi ydow led to a sicie The le At for the r the nationwide Per - HOT { filled ind the Yeyi ad Tw soa worshin Mond July jesburg-— Bible sche Christian tirkineg wie icking wy ay 8th Hirer rin tiie im beginn teaver the alarms ve als } ward £. Oakw ting a din 9 ome overs Lami wae aries icddeqy of ¢ LImEger ina of the Conti mati Mm Cia County Collects More su m Church shoot at 9:45 a Than 50 Tons Rubber A O00 ond "celebration of the *The Church Vestry will meet Mon day evening, July 6 at 7 o'clock You will receive a cordial weloome at St. John's Episcopal church m More than 50 tone of scrap rub- ber were piled in Centre county bulk and retall gasoline stations ves- terday as the drive went into ag ten. extension Bellefonte pastor, U {United Brethren, (3 E Householder virwes A ected survey showed Bel [244 99 Yovrse onl. Ja MONK On area and nified loge ipaburg dis. or 80 reg on, Hel mon over 20 in the regi A report from the at § expected with Hn other eh tweighed day sche Closing a a day ‘ En- ne 1b ject Reed t 11 o'clock Christ al 6:30 pastor, E ng ss ris an deavor meeting 30 by the wed th preact at O43 that | 4 h ’ ustard We und evening hearse The attend evening iwvited to public all the AUDITORS REPORT annual report of the Centre ity Auditors page of perusal of the published on an- ther careful Church Notice Slars Community ¢ Franklinville statement interesting facts Seven of the hurch H un tingdon county Services will be held oy, Sat. urday evening, July 4 at 8 o'cloek, in charge of the Btudent League of Many Nations from the ractical many affairs of near Africa p-son of H Ed- of Peer h Creek, who has employ of the government at Washington, D. C, for peveral years, is now in the In- gence Division as a reserve of. ficer and has gone to Africa recent. iy Goes to Jesse Courter ward Cox teen in the ton. N. Y services in every fd States antl in many est churches of our cities. Many na- tionalities are represented in the {league and each one will be dressed in his native costume. This is a sight {vou will not want to miss. You will also be thrilled when the Russian tells of the persecutions he suffered and his miraculous escape from iRussin,. Come and bring your friends. Admission free Card of Thanks STOVER. We take this means of exvre:sing our thanks to neighbors and ri lends for the use of their cars, their Aoral ribules and thelr many Youth Feliow- other acts of kindly sympathy dur- the death and funeral of Joel I. Stover, of Zion, (Sighed) The Stover family This league has conducted Mate in the Unit. tell of the larg- - St. John's Evangelical & Reformed Rev, €. Nevin Stamm. Church school, 9:30 a. m Morning worship and sermon, 10:45 Milesbury - Unionville Methodist William A. Snyder, minister. Un- fonville--Church school, 8:15; morn. ing worship, 10:30; ghip, 6:30. Milesburg-—Morning wor- Fo ship. 8:30: church school, 9:30 Hublersisarg- Zion Reformed Charge Charles G. Link, pastor Hublers- burg Divine gervice, 9:30 a m church school 10:30 &« m. Zion Union Church school, 8:30 a. m.; Di- vine service, 10:45 St. John's Lutheran, Bellefonte The Rev. Clarence E. Arnold, pas- tor. Pifth Sunday alter Trinity, July 10:4 “God WANTED—To buy. “oll horses Ins thie service and sermon, quire of © Nit P dedication of Service prone Zion ions ong. Ninany. Pa SHIVE-The family of the late Mrs E A S8hive wish to express their fivcere appreciation 20 thelr many and generously assisted them during | thelr recent bereavement. also for | floral contributions and use of cars {isigned; E A Shive and family, o { Clarence. Wanted to Buy | a m., | Mistory of Centre and Clinton | Methodist, Bellefonte iCounties. Inquire of M. T. Wetzel, | Rev. H. C. Stenger, Jr., minister. 9156 8 Seventh Bt, Goshen, Indiana Church school, §:30, Harold Wion, | x27 Muoirning worship. 10:45. Ser. | A Christian Experience.” Eve “The WANTED —To buy second hand shafting and babbit; best prices | or patd. Inquire of Swarts Machine | Bhop, Beliefonte, Pa. Phone 32-R. 1-4 Grouped Meetings i Special meetings at o lack Mo- | WANTED POR yy ge ot | shannon Park from July 6 to 13th 8l Kinds: iron, metals, Tags, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Blackford, New | each evening at 7:30, Come and hear Wit and fiber ce Hina. ie Castle; Mrs. Jane Pulford, Clear- these old time gospel messages by | (water, Fla; ton, N. J; and Hermosa Beach, Cal : | Wyeliff Todd, Philipsburg: Mrs. Em. | ma Sharp and Mrs Carolyn Gartoff, | Lock Haven: Merle Stampff, Lewis. tor. St. Mark's—Church school town; Donald Eckles, Philadelphia: 8 ra Miss Naomi | Bweetwood, and Mrs. Elsie MoPad- | | den, Potters Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Phil R the pastor, Rev. J 8. Templeton, Of | cosiionssiion Blackford and daughter, West Tren. | Altoona. WANTED. | i | Bweetwood, Edward | Bt. Paul's—Church school at 9:30 a. call Bellefonte 24 1ret BO amazingly popular undisputably twenty-five each additional A straight one cent a word is advertisements must be complied with by the office Every paid up Ww date, is time regular at different WA Holy | with sermoy &t 11 4 m | - POR U 8 Bible Training School of Bingham- | friends and relatives who #0 kindly | {bure. H | WANTED To buy a8 copy of Linn's | 30,000 People Read This Column Democrat's classified advertising de- cost and sr Considering is low Centre County's Community | with for advertise charged less, 25 cents Where word is words or insertion one words cent a charged for real estate that request replies to those answering for information concerning not permitted Wo divulge the be mailed Lhe advertise. ach name subscriber to The entitled wo a 25 free of charge advertising intervals Centre Dem- word ad- Otherwise Lhe rate, This privilege ANTED -An¥que writing tadsley eal chairs Deeds Work Wanted WANTED A Help Wanted Exper MUTE Cre ll WANTED ALE An log. Capperell we, Pa POH SALE EIT dike OL & Haddon TWODRSPLEer hol ew Runs B00 miles Luguire at this office SALE--Minnespol in tivalor Sype Markie Moline cul. rac 1or On ruber Slate College Pa. BD i Howar a op (Nitany) FOR SALE One Ringer FOR BALE Oreensvalley saw | 1 ant Gap. also at Hennigh near Potters Mills Lumbes Co Shor POR SALE | FOR SALE ries. Will § 29 Pioking days, John Red tart pi every day H Walker, wing ale, FOR La Tae SALE--Two men's sults One grey. size 4G 87 00 80, #700. Dial 2740 Ave State College Bb w sive Beaver pink. sultabile y Of summer camp more. C E Wert Phone T-R-13 x27 Ola camp oid or RD FOR SALE Pitty Centre Hall POR SALE--A second-hand manure spreader and International oculti- Yar both in good condition fiw juire of Kyle Corman, Bellefonte D. 4 x27 | R FOR BALE 112 rata Killeg with can | Schulte Red Bquil Guaranteed harmless io animals and poultey. O A Kiine Hardware Co and Shaffer Rardware Bellefonte, Pa x30 FOR SALE—A large three-cornered | cupboard with top lames Also a Meyers water pump. Inquire of Mrs John Koger, Bellefonte R, | i Thine 3106 x27 FOR SALE — 1934 deluxe Plymouth with five good B800x16 tires sedan Price reasonable Paul Bock Port Matilda RD 1 (Scotia x27 | POR SALE. A 1987 Plymouth coupe 5 wood tires, car in good condition (Inquire of Mrs. Nettie lee 8 West Logan 8%. Bellefonte, Pa x28 SALE -Pordeon tractor naris most all kinds, good set of Spas | wheels: Hot 8pot carbuetor lore; pulleys; blocks: | you “Pa R. E Brobeck, a doors Hublers. ie (FOR SALE One 7- foot Deering bin. { der. one 7406t John Deere bin- | der; both second-hand and in A-1 | condition. We also new Massey-Harris and Oliver bin- ders. Inquire of C. W. Behrey, Furnace Pa BURIAL VAULTS sure it ts » Duniap concrete burial vault when you must choose one. Made by Dun- iap Brothers for the past twenty Jeans and sold direct to you for $40 Jelivered anywhere in Centre Coun. ty. 270s phone Bellefonte 506, un «tt ENGRAVED Name cards, wedding invitationg and announcements stationery ete. can be far. nished by Us at reasonable prices We have on display all kinds of en graved work, 0.0 at our and inspect our ine befure ordering else Xhers. Centré Democrat, Benetonts, For Defense : Junk of all kinds—iron, metals, rags. old cars, tires and rubber of By Kind. Writ, | Wallrun Auto Ser! Wingate, cali Bellefonte 2422 | WANTED, buy old bicycles, sew- { Machines, vacuwn a | Aino" repairing ia Xn Revels. Shon $96. W Sewver i State College, Pa. Phone 2740, Nittany Valley Lutheran The Rev. David E. Straesser, pas- 9:30 morning worship, 10:30 a. m. | at 8 o'clock. m.; evening \ ed urch sch |" SALE-—Hot Point refrigerator: oF | POR On FO Rusin POR BALE wes | POR | quire govern- § most anything | | POR RENT- A | located on South Boring street | Pa have on hand | Penna | X28 | on Bast Charles x21 ix tv puget on, East « ron. house ‘ Apply Ww lacking rin street de lietontsa armors tor Rent POR RENT East linn BALY, (POTCEInN addin WY, wy (never gy bersburg, Pa Live Stock Lory sbartmnent on of Jutnen zo latge ann weet Lngulre cl ) yarimet Mar x2 ron JO) ‘ Mie I "1 * % tral i he Decker hs / ' Dec n Marion Phone 2621 s DALE Ad calf Ire POR RENT n wosrtment of three private bath Haunona ble 24 East A204 x27 partment wus laing Cx x28 no Clre: Mp Waser Rishell oon PARMERE Cw re ECE wud} Laliayel Dogs, Pets, Etc. s Opportunity Real Estate - For Sale POR SALE mer Kitchen of LTR ria ahd evening Cnne tle im Pro Vernents emeteries. then Yell appre Bx room Barn CO : PreCiri 3 2 water i w Ii ' Whine Pine Grove Mill Inga f Mr y t i i, 234 Bast 81 Psi Bouse, Suen clucken Wd wis Miscellaneous DEAL B M STOCK f rnoved Keller } prompid) ny eX ilee ldoya L IT BALE ACT COR as REPAIRED all kinds and slip J Thom peor 's i02 EF lam» WM. Bellefonte, Pa AK Glenwood FURNITURR made 0 sirlering Repairs of furniture covers made Upholstering Phone 362-R 1-1 your Maylag arise and ser makes of wash- Sweeper brushes Owe lis Blectric street. Dial 2086 16u CUD HATS COwWs » legl 8. John - —— 3 i8 » 2 1 SERVICING « Keep i ire Ra 7 Rent RENT unt all TWO roLms Inquire « E Bishop shed 223 tres x28 : MACHINE WORK Lawn mowers sharpened General machine work of all Kinds We also Lave in sock ecid roll steel, cap screws BEL BCTEWS, Woodruff keys, key stock, etc. Swarts Machine Shop, Bellefonte, Pa. Phone 2041. 3- u Bonds buy bombs, Stamps buy bullets! Buy U. 8 Defense Bonds or Stamps every pay day! Two rooms with light and use of garage In- of Sam Cavparella, Bellefonte La D H (Coleville) 241% FOR RENT oh destrable store room, central located. Inquire at le vine's Store Bellefonte, or Jacob Friedman, Clarence, Pa otf Houses tor Rent XC R RENT- running a month, Pa | FC RR RENT- and waler One house tn Lemont water, electric lights, $16 Eimer C. Ross, Lemont x27 FOR RE I NT Half “of a “do able iocated on Valentine Hil fonte, Pa Inquire of Mrs | Floor Show | Boldin. R. D. 1 _Beliefont te. Pa al} EVERY NIGHT house POR ive | two Mis RENT. Pont two-story adults R.V. Mull half of attract house, suitable or Avaliable at Shoe Bellefonte, Ps, Phone 17u w— AT — Harry's Tavern 8. Spring St. “POE house and a all conveniences, Belle 8 Lambert, Bellefonte 244 HECLA DARK Park and Bathing Pool Open for the Season * Heroium ey | fonte, Inquire of Joun Bellefonte, Pa or Marguerite Lambert ROOLER SKATING . DANCING - FREE Bathing - Picnic Tables Parking - Movies FREE THE FRIENDLY SPOT FOR FAMILY RECREATION Restful and Yet Thrilling for Both Young and OM.