July 2, 1942, Guests at the Kreps home across | id \"4 ] L L E the creek this week are Mr. and Mrs | William Kreps and thei; children | and families as follow: Mr. and of Sylgo, Pa, Is vis Mrs, Harold Kreps and twin girls couple weeks with her f Ambridge, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Mr Magee iting for a daughter Zahniser Mrs. Evert Adams of Swissvale, | Is visiting with her sister and hus band, Mr. and Mrs, D. H. Custer Elwood Way and family are moy ing this week from the property of Miss Ethel Jean daughter Mrs. Orrie Holt, to Central City, of Mr. and Mrs. George Stere, and Milesburg who been confined to her bed Methodist Church: Sunday school | 'Or past several weeks, is now on Sunday morning at 9:15. immed- | able to be about again. Her many lately followed by preaching service riends are glad to learn of her re- at 10:30, with sermon by the pas-|€overy and trust it may continue un- tor, Rev. Willlam A. Snyder. Youth ll she regains her usual good health Fellowship in the evening at 6:30 Mi Mrs. Charles Presbyterian Church: Bible study 2nd children of Renovo, called on class Monday evening in the church; | his aunts Saturday, Mrs. Mary Brink the regular preaching service Sun-|®nd Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Shipley family of day evening at 7:30, with sermon His mother, Mrs. Lizzie Potter of | Sunday by the pastor, Rev. H. E. Oakwood. Altoona, accompanied them here at the Free Methodist Church Prayer remained until the evening Vonada service Friday evening Sund when she returned to her Miss school Sunday morning at 9:30 ven lowed by the regular preaching her grandparent vice at 10:45, with sermon by John Haye pastor, Rev. H. Jacobs, Young Miss Betty Ker meeting in the evening at 7:30 Re: sha oy vilie, Is pending Paul Jones home of M1 ing with his sister man Tyrone for the returned to his home M she Mi day afternoon He Pvt. Carroll ¥ i ? FEckdahl of A, P.I) i [ ick and Mrs. Jo Hill, Va. visited with his parent { 01 Mrs. (i. A. Ekdahl, over the A and family, Mrs. Walter Carter and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest | Mr. and young peop card club 1 Whitsein and Mr. and Mrs. Clair weekend Pvt, Ekdahl, Harold J.|{ B dinner and theatre party at Kreps and wife, and Robert Thomp- | Kline, Marlin A. Long, William |} BHaven, ‘Thursds evening son and wife, all of Altoona: Mr. Leathers and Arthur Bartley, all of TH attending 1 fone and Mrs. Willlam Kreps are resi-| Howard, are stationed with the 20th p, Mrs. Audres g. N ! ] dents of Juniata, They are enjoying | Division that left Pt. George G.!, henck Mi { Kellerm . the breeze off old Bald Eagle Creek | Meade, Md. on June 5th and 8th, ber Mi TIE ; | and spending some time fishing, for A. P. Hill, Va. expect to leave Ml Pletcher al 0) eating and chatting over old times. [there soon for two month field R " (training In the Caroli eV hod Wn oe ” n a | v7 } ' Yad t } area, after which it will ke up. & nd SE wlsve HUBLERSBURG it Camp Blanding, Fl OF HOTEL FURNISHINGS STARTS WEDNESDAY JULY 8, 1942 Duquesne leonard B. Gi after ale on 1 he [HAY home of Mr ENTIRE EQUIPMENT OF THE HOTEL MARKLAND 18 or 11} 4 LY OY ton iil i > 26 SINGLE BEDS: 15 DOUBLE BEDS; 14 } £6) ’ 1 } 1*1% J y rig | Steere, has the and Fetterman quarter entire training sion | uch Virginia Progra for Mr. and Vonada | m fo left for pending a and Mi and home week and other articipating that land a ai ralleling it will ambat thie i! d train home Dori spent last Warfield week at Mr Lock Ha home of Fel. and Mi members of the Youth Were itertained for their meeting last Friday evening home of Joseph Way and Samuel Br the Youth Fellowship Methodist church, were elect- delegates to attend the at Newton ' been visit ugger husband in weeks Sun- has and past who : and couple on a um- Hamilton camp on and wil here y 1 State ha ard Colemap Guests at the Fhe Brugger several days last were her Mrs. F. A. Halder- man of Huntingdon, and brother wife, Mr. and Mrs. Willian berger of Philipsburg The monthly busines: the executive committee man’s Society of Christi of the Methodist church wil in the church this Thur at 7:30. A full atte: The Daily Vacation which has been in past two weeks In church, will t 3rd, and all with their teachers are invited the final meeting which will be h 'riday evening in the church i o'clock. Also, a special invitatior extended to all perso be interested to attend meeting Boyd Lucas is home of Mi ) for a sister ta) (10Uu { ) Fa. iil now serving Navy. No date or the wedding ¥ Ou parents close ES rE Torre Mr Mack and having hi nt HOTEL BAR, FULLY EQUIPPED week : od iy die ing spiny family » Titan Metal plant N Hie 0i has retu: me of Mi: T , n on Sun 1 oma ~ asi ad : 2 : W : : » mnlets on Yas d dine « this week h and hi { 4 g } ! Ig (¥(}] FVYiICR, § i i i | | = companied u wile [ Mary Lucas, Monday Beliwood arnity . aah A Ate {ita edirely The \} Forsiey \ @ and Mrs B Butt H J : 4 : moming for New York where they Mrs . "i - sellefonte n m 4 <1 v Lm Nal3mE rs a bey in bia ” e pat ns ' ' I 1 RAVE Bi ‘ thel ment ol Neets, nN low « asses, Ndpieil el will visit their daughter and famil J, orm, Pl le es mao io he sd he Chat on IGE ATA Sov er ENTIRE FURNISHINGS OF THE PRIVATE ; iter children. They were ied by Miss Nell part way with them I f y York where she will enjoy a vaca- tion with friend Both Mrs. Robison i Mrs. Carl Flick and son Earl. are ting along fine visiting with I E Mrs. Earl expecting t this week Mr. and son visited over her parents Brugger Miss Janie Zahniser spending the past parents Mr. and niser, returned dent nurse ’ COCKTAIL LOUNGE mer Richner her Finkbeiner Mrs few ¢ and 41 a Bi in Walke; iy George Belg! Is 1n Harry Stover of Pleasant Gap. vi with 3 ; : : Mrs. Summers. od af the home of Mr. and Mrs ith her! A number of relatives were present P. A Hir 3 : A i : * : His on Bunday afternoon. sonville, while working ab Walter Zab- Including her daughter and hss + ple ney fils Bame af Mown ‘t tu- band. Mr. and Mrs. Kenzie Williams . the misfortunes of falling d | ni P.M tipple Monday morning others turing his leg. He rved and at a te hot al De Ot a MAYES & STOVER. Auctioneers. ang WN I'l ' yd nonor of it | Mm summe Ray Kunes an employe of Limestone Company, east of Jack who has been the 82nd birthday of month Mrs to her duties as he ? ’ "OE +l, and taken to the al at Rei) burgh of this place and The white she pol whi i LY eanor rilliar ol w 28 mr ! Bur ¥ Cet ! Honpita in the pa : " Aid is now in the hand y ke Su nd re at Woman's Society of CO) - Cumberland Williams is vice and be ined at the the only ighter of Mr. and Mrs ome of Mrs. B. E. Holt william Union township ply has recently had entered the Phil- and can be purchased Hospital where she per bottle Better vour supply wi tral for a nurse, having re- 144 f tof ¢ t las 7 his is t} in Ho ntly gr i irom Belle i E if 4 f b BLANCHARD CAND just just Public Sales while i mite ment Ir ise hn Maves HEALTH AND BEAUTY da zh vy lines to : | home the past s i pie . a. Mp 1 y 7 Ha mani DIABETES —No. 6 Ri . et : a #3 Saturday, July 18 van Walker Walker am J. She mother of groom. Miss Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. John a (rem AY : H dint ‘ i a Miss Betty Bittner bet I Jenn We ric visiting ) ward residen Robert ol wever th T $ fn Ovier auct = low Orvis Harve "err § vagy and Mrs. oO we home oi hier brother ho was killed by a fall on a m Ci iydra from protei: h i Dersona. Helen Dobson and daughter Mrs REAL ESTATE--Eight.room I#Roy Elder. and Ronald Zimmer- IR. SifwnDa 3 2 man of Howard Mrs. Lena McClain and daughter, Mrs. Martin Zellers and children, Mr. and Mrs. William Workman, Jr. and children, Mr. and Mrs Workman and chiid- and Mrs. Harvey Dobson Hoy and friend, Miss Woodland for a to congratulate the FIRST NATIONAL BANK Pa. Beilefonte, 5 Wns $ " 3 4 " ’ . $4 $n & 4 ” : j 14 ¢ executor 4 © estate Ard and son Esther Shope sONS Ne a Sunday guest thie home of Butler Mr. and Mrs. 1 il th rs, i » atm t 1 ' ag 4k3 “ Dean Bennett daughter Kay of whdel is mourning the death ; ’ i arch and su- et at B® Wn Bas FOAL at YATE i outbuildi Mill Hall « Julia Spear vd her siste Mrs hiss i had boot ar Som hen ha a igh asm Ch a : yn SEHOLD GOODS William Brouse and Miss Marguerite a « Bm \he 51 ine Oi. 3 And ‘ n Hos : ng be: > furnttur DeLong of Bellefonte, The friends of Carroll Ekdahl of A Hill who spent werker with % Mr. and Mrs cot-! A. Ekdahl accompanied Carroll The wedding took place at the Lewistown Sunday afternoon, wh well attended. The he left by train fof Virginia Mr and couple received many useful and Miss Flora Pletcher, R. N., of New Re Hho beautiful gifts for which they ex- York ( is enjoying her vacation! thal press their thanks They will be at with her brothers, Asbury and Mar- ORedas home to their many friends at the ion Pletcher ry home of the bride's father for the A tamil; Robert Lindsey sO . Nd Mrs. Walter Lindsey, is present oa rk R park from a week's illness POTTERS MILLS righ 4 WE parents of a Callers at the G. H. McCormick recently home Bunday were: R. H, MeCor- Weber and daughters of Montours- and Mrs mick and wife of State College, ville, And Mr. and Mrs. Walter Web- returned to Charles Jodon, wife and daughter er, sons Walter. Jr. Jack. and Ohio, on of Bellefonte, and A. E. Mingle and | daughter Mary Kate A pleasant day come to Blanchard to A ¥ . {family of Coburn : was enjoyed by all. Mary Kate Web- | funeral of Mrs. 8mith's use much sal Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Paust visited | ©F accompanied her grandmother! The W. W. G. of Baptist every teaspoonful of at the Lester Palmer home in Hunt. Nome to spend the summer been postponed until in the body holds wit) ingdon on Wednesday. Mrs. Edith Bennison accompanied | Friday, July 10 because of recent r. This causes sv Riley Wilson and family from | Der nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs deaths in the family of several and ankles 5 wt The meetin “41 s hol Philadelphia. are visiting at the Mr Martin L. Kauffman of Pleasant members. ‘The meeting will be held A i ge Fite 3 {Gap, Wednesday to Johnstown, at the home of Mrs. Harold Brun- Ear! 8mith home I ) | where Mr. Kauffman transacted gard Perry Ramsey and daughter of business M1 Lewistown, visited Sunday at the nk $a . {| Charles Workinger home. They were! Mr. and Mrs. Leoffard Price of Lock Haven Hospital on Monday ion the accompanied home by Miss Naomi! Williamsport, spent the weekend ahd is recuperating at her home gispe! most symploms Workinger who will visit with them with Mrs. Price's mother, Mrs. Mar- here and not until then, should a few days tha Evey Se ——————— be increased to an amount which Mrs. Floyd White motored to Boil- REBERSBURG Mrs. Laura Stoltz was the guest wil] enable the patient to lead a use- { her nephew and niece, Mr. and ful life ing Springs on Thursday and © ney : = a btobh ih wiaiise | i ah, home with her her father, Mrs. Harry Roan of State College, | Miss Marjorie Brungart visited! grin infections [R : "i recently. her friend, Esther Duck of Madison | among diabetics. They are | Reed Hackett and granddaughter, | burg. last Thursday to bol . we Margery, who Will visit for an in-| The “Sunshine Circle” class of | 7 (fe James Ziegler. Mrs. Charles boils and even gangrene definite time at the White home, | the Methodist church taught by Mrs | Page and Miss Betty Page were bus. deaths are caused by skin ¢ ark v a By neglecting abrasions of Miss Naomi Sweetwood of Buffalo, I¥a Burk, held ps annual ple-iy oc "callers in Millhelm, Satur- IN. Y. spent a few days at the Les-| g ome o ay. tions develop Mrs ougt arriage to some of i cl " ; ¢ abl . : 1 Clara 5 ia “ or Misoellan Chester latter Mr the visited parents Kk jas Pie Howard church and was Har spending Mrs ale PUBLIC SALE—CARLOAD OF South Dakota HORSES AT THE HOTEL BARN, CENTRE HALL, PA vacation in parents picnic was enjoyed at on Cresson Mountain, by Mrs, Kate Weber, her Misses Nelle, Lauretia Virginia Faris and son Thomas, also Mr. and Mrs. John wheelbarrows vied shotgur buts Bowe babs and AE the proud Nos bor the Mr family Cleveland : in Bane Smith and jarg 4 home in Merrill their amounts ids are good Sunday. having eliminating the is i tin SATURDAY. JULY 18-—The Albert Monday Evening, July 6, 1942 Starting at 8:00 P. M. exe Cumimo attend aunt their food. for that it a pint of salt stay: the church has 2 Brown Geldings, 6 and 7 ys. 3600. 2 Brown Ib Bay mare, geid- ing, 4-5 yre old, wi. 3400: 2 Roan Geldings, 6 yrs. wi. 3000 Mares, 3 and 4 yrs, 2000; rel Geldings, 3 and 4 yrs Sorrel Gelding. 6 Roan Mare, 6 yrs. Gelding, 4 yrs. 1450 L FR ANK M AYES! : RIDING HORSES Spotted Sorrel & Roan, mare and gelding. 3 and 4 yrs, General Auctioneer 2100; Real Estate Sales 1 Buckskin Gelding. 4 yrs. 1000; A SPECIALTY! 1 Bay & White spotted gelding. 6 CALL STATE COLLEGE, 2542 H. L. HARPSTER AUCTIONEER Prompt attention given all sales PHONE 3579 | FINE GROVE MILLS, PA. v fort authority or diabetes The treatment ane diabetic is extraordin John Stull returned from the | arily simple. Overeating has brought noted that of the av Ave diabetic ¥re 2000 ONE hundred-and-sixty-six years have passed since the Declaration of Independence of these United States set forth all the principles of government by which those who moulded our Liberty believed a people could live in secur- ity and contentment. Those principles still stand. We are fighting for them now as hard as we ever fought for them, We—together with the United Nations—must and shall bring Liberty for all, for always, out of our ul- timate Victory. will Then “ the qiet disease under-eating of the common sith ject Many troubles the epi dermis, sometimes serious condi- Diabetics should keep Are very yrs. old, B00, 1 Black & White Gelding. 8 yrs. old. 800: 1 Bay and White Mare, 3 years, wt. 700; 1 Brown Gelding. 7 yrs. 1000; 1 Black Gelding, 4 yrs. 800; 1 Bay Mrs. Charles d Ten per cent of your pay, put into War Savings Bonds and Stamps will insure 100 per cent Victory! OLF FURNITURE C HIGH STREET BELLEFONTE, PA, ter McFadden home She and Mrs McFadden attended the funeral of Jack Blackford in Bellefonte on Sunday. L. ©. Pletcher and wife visited {with relatives in Howard on SBumday afternoon Paul Smith has secured employ- iment in Philadelphia I a ea This is a good time for cities and Taylor of Howard, R. D. a member | { of the class, Thursday afternoon and [evening A large attendance of class members and fiends were present i Entertainment wis enjoyed by all in i games, jokes and singing. and the i table laden with good things to eat { made it a happy event, | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wentzel and daughter Sara, motored to Philadel phia Friday, to attend the wedding of Mrs, Wentzel's nephew, William COLEVILLE Mrs. John Roan and Miss Geral dine Hockenberry were visiting at the Anderson home on Wednesday Little Miss Nancy Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Davis, was visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bam Coble this last week Mr. and Mrs. Baldy Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Dewitt, and daughter, | towns to give a few thoughts to the! CGarretlt, They were accompanied by Mrs. Lester Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Mer. desirability of cleaning up, including Mrs. Carrie Wolf as far as Chester, rill Davis, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard | Where she will visit her daughters, Davis, were all visiting Mr. and Mrs, | tives unnecessary | the weeds. their persons scrupulously clean for many deaths among them have been due to disregard of this rule. This iz a disease in which the old saving Cleanliness ju next to godliness” is true All moved infected teeth should be re- It is very essential that the bowels | of the diabetic patient should move | regularly. A laxative diet and suf- ficient water will usually solve the | problem, making the use of purga- Why not have the benefit of competitive bidding in the sale of your property. Past experiences have proven that public sales of real estate demand higher prices. A number of Farms and several Residences will be offered at public sale in the near future. Watch for Dates! “ and White, mare and colt, 4 yrs. 600; 11 Spotted Shetland Ponies, some have colts by their side, gen- tle for children Ladies and gentlemen, this 1s another good load of farm horses riding horses and ponies. 1 would be pleased to meet all my old friends and new alike, at this sale Bale rain or ghine WALLY GRUENEWALD Ray Carper, Auctl. 4