Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 08, 1942, Image 8

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January 8, 1942.
Echoes From the Past
Fifty Years Ago
On Monday morning the roof of
the Henderson school house near
Jacksonville caught fire and was so
badly damaged that school was ad-
Journed until the same could be re-
The Pennsylvania Rallroad and
the authorities of Howard are at
sword points, The boro people claim
that a drain should be placed under
the company’s road bed, to which
they objected. The case was argued
before Judge Furst on Wednesday
The personal property of the
Bellefonte Glass Works was sold at!
Sherifl's sale last week. Phillp Gep~!
hart was the purchaser Judge
Furst and Charles P, Hewes, Esq.
were confined to their homes on
Linn street with grippe Emil
Joseph savs the little stranger at his
house is the nicest baby ever seen
in Bellefonte—and they intend
keep it.
The Presbyterian congregation at
Milesburg have their new house of
worship completed and the dedica-
tory services will take place next
Sunday afternoon, The edifice is a
handsome brick structure on the
main street. It is of modery design
and is complete, commodious
comfortable In its arrangements
Rev. Wright, the pastor, will be as-
sisted by other ministers in the ex-
The post office
caused considerable bad blood at
Philipsburg was effectually settled
on last Wednesday by a telegraphic
order from Washington to Postmas-
ter Herd, ordering him to move the
office to the Barnes block. Ac-
cordingly on Wednesday Mr. Barnes
set a crew of carpenters to work
putting up the fixtures which were
in readiness, and by Thursday
morning the office was so far ready
that Mr. Herd was able to open up
and rent the boxes.
Ellis Hosterman died this morning
while sitting on a chair, at the home
of Alfred Hosterman, near Centre
Hill. He was an invalid for a num-
ber of years and a school teacher by
profession. His age was about 43
years On Monday of last week
Mr. Isaac Hampton, who lives with
his daughter, Mrs. Burdell of this
place, and is some eighty years of
age, fell down stairs and broke both
legs and one am. On account of his
age he may not survive the injuries
received On Tuesday evening of
last week Mrs. Noah Stover, of Aba-
line, Kansas, started for her west-
ern home after spending about three
months visiting her mother Mrs
Elizabeth Gephart Zion and
other relatives throughout Centre
The ball given New Year Eve
by the members of the Logan Steam
Fire Company was a great success
and surpassed {ormer occasions
Zion band appeared early in
evening and some time later
masque parade to the Arcade build-
ing occurred. There were costumes
of every description imaginable in
line and they created considerable
muddle which
amusement. At the hall an immense |
crowd gathered to take part in the
dance, or as sightseers. Everyihing
was conducted in first class style and
the best of order was maintained
throughout the evening. Frank Deit.
rick's orchestra of Bellefonte and
there are few better ones, furnished
the music for this occasion. A hand.
and |
The |
the |
| some sum was realized by the come
{ pany which will be turned over to
| \
| the steamer fund
| The county auditors held their
[first session on Monday to examine
{In Bellefonte organized a
tine, Millmont, and Carrie L. Mo-
Clellan, Spring Mills,
Young people of various churches
School Tewn Council with the fol-
lowing officers: president, Isabelle
Ward; secretary and treasurer, Doris
The New Year's Day Lehigh fly- |
er arrived in Bellefonte one hour
late, It was made up
returning to Penn State, When the
train came to a stop the rear conch
[the accounts of the various county |y..« opposite the match factory while
{ oMcials
| be published about the second week
{of February
| A real cold blizzard came upon us!
on Sunday morning with a fall of
several inches of snow since then
[It looks as though we would have a
spell of genuine winter weather,
after all
On Tuesday morning a Mr. Ertle,
while at work in the Fifth Wheel
| factory at Howard, was caught by a
belt which resulted in a broken jaw
{bone and other injuries which are
| considered serious. Ed. Note: Does
anyone remember what constituted
a “fifth wheel” fifty vears ago?
The Bellefonte Republican and
| the Dally News have been leased by
Messrs. Coho and Petit, two young
men formerly employed on the Phil.
adelphia Record. They took charge
of the office on the first of January
and are turning out a clean and
newsy dally paper. We hope they
will do well in the venture
During the past week some very
serious rumors have beep afloat in
jregard to a death near Tusseyville,
jon Sunday after Christmas, A man
and his wife and infant child lived
at Collyers sawmill, near there, and
on that Sunday their child died and
was buried soon afterwards. Rumors
have been afloat in that neighbor
hood to the effect that the father
a fit of anger, caused by the child's
crying, struck it, causing its death
This is only rumor and may be a
great injustice to the parents. On
Wednesday afternoon, at the in-
stance of the District Attorney,
‘Squire J. 8. Houseman, of Tussey-
{ ville, and Dr. Chas. Emerick. of Cen-
tre Hall, held a post mortem exam-
ination upon the body of the child,
the result of which will be more
Marriage licenses
the following couples: 8. Gray Mat-
tern, Buffalo Run, and Pannle Ar-
dell, Julian; Jacob F. Gates, Clear-
field, and Minnie FF. Holt, Union-
ville; J. C. Schrader, Troxeyville, and
Lizzie R. Rearick, Beavertown: Har-
ry 8picer and Bertha E. Emenhizer,
both of Bellefonte: W. J. Finkle and
Katie McCool, both of Spring Mills
Samuel C. Kelly and Trissy A. Hue:
both of Benner township: wW. H. Hol-
ter and Maggie M. Mevers both of
Blanchard; John M. Wamard wd
Clara Eungh, both of Sandy Ridge
Leslie McClincy and Marv F, Walk-
er, both of Milesburg: Levi Brilhart
Union county and Della Dresher
Centre Hall; John E. Miles, Miles-
burg Hannah E. Hull, Union-
ville H. Wilson and Mollie
M both of Spring town-
ship: John H. Strouse and Maggie
A. Lutz, both of Fillmore: J A
C. Rearick and Amanda Breon, both
of Union township; Edward 8
Moore and Maggie Marts, both of
Pine Grove Mills; Charles A. Bot-
dorf and Lillie M. Doebler, both of
Rebersburg; Allen M. Bower and
Annie I. Keister, both of Haines
township; Thomas Babiag and Cath-
erine Zigruondonia, both of Snow
Shoe; H. Clinton Stricker, Beaver-
town, and Annie E Mowery Aar-
were issued to
Twenty Years Ago
While carrying coal into the home
of Harry Shope, on Bishop street,
William Keeler, an employe of the
Bellefonte Puel & Supply Co. fell
and fractured his left arm. The in-
Jury was reduced by a physician
Mrs. Cyrus Gearhart, residing near
the Titan Metal Company plant,
suffered a fracture of the left leg
below the knee, Christmas eve, wh
she slipped and fell on the ice
front of the Benner home on West
High street
Roy Chambers of Clarence, was
appointed mercantile appraiser of |
Centre county, succeeding Howard
Miles of Union township. Mr. Cham-
bers was a son of David Chambers
of Clarence, abd for some time was
associated with his father in the
coal business,
Effective January 1, the Pennsyl-
vania Rallroad agency at Curtin was
discontinued and in the future that
station was to be a flag stop only
Time was when Curtin was a flour-
ishing community, when the char-
coal furnace at that place was in
full blast
While returning to Bellefonte from
Snow Shoe in his Ford touring car
the night before Christmas, Roland
Ickoff escaped injury when the ear
16ft the road and plunged over an
embankment ts descent over the
mountainside was halted by several
large trees
State Trooper David K. Hughes
aided by Sheriff Harry Dukeman
and other local police officers, con-
ducted raids on four Bellefonte bus-
iness ‘establishments Wed nesday
night and in each instance arrested
the proprietor on charges of main-
taining punchboards and similar de-
Emanuel Noll, prominent Belle
fonte citizen and Civil War veteran
died at his home on North Allegheny
street the day before Christmas
had been retired in 1918 after 37
years of service with the Pennsyl.
vania Railroad, most of them in the
position of baggage master at the
Bellefonte station, He was survived
by three children: Mrs. W. C. Rowe,
at home: Mrs. C. F. York, of De-
troit, Mich. and John L., of Juniata,
Robbers broke through a window
in the rear of the Chester Pringle
store at Port Matilda on Christmas
eve, looted the cash drawer of a
considerable sum and took merchan-
dise valued at several hundred dol
lars. During the night members of
the Pringle family, who lived on the
second floor of the building, were
awakened by a crash, but they be-
lieved it had been caused by ice
falling from the roof. The robbery
was discovered Christmas morning
and several persons were under suse
He |
Mr Mrs. Harry Strubl
near Bellefonte, were the parent
twins, a boy and a girl who had
been named Ralph and Ruth
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Punk wer» re-
joicing over the birth of a daughter
at the Bellefonte hospital Christ
mas morning. The litle va
named Carrol Christina
' Boise Penrose, senior senator from
Pennsylvania, long a Republican
leader in the State, died suddenly
at his hotel apartment in Washing-
ton, D. C., of pulmonary thrombosis,
The first of a series of new art
windows to be placed in 8t John's
| Reformed church, Bellefonte, was
dedicated Sunday morning. The
window was the gilt of Mr. and Mrs
H. E. Clevenstine
E. J. Eckenroth, Bellefonte painter
and paper hanger, waz awarded a
brand new Ford touring car as the
climax of the “How Come the Give
Away One” contest conducted by
Charles Beatty, local FPord agent
Judge Henry C. Quigley was head
of the committee which named the
and of
This paragraph appeared In the
local column: “With anthracite sell.
ing around £14 a ton, many a Belle!
fonte householder would gladly wel-
come back the extinct Bellefonte
{Steam Heat Co. Today everyone
would cheerfully pay the monthly
rate without 3 protest, It was a con-
venience that many failed to fully
Ear] Hoffer and A. C. Heverly, em-
ployes of the A C. Mingle shoe
[ters in connection
|store, purchased the Mingle prop- |
(erty on East High street, opposite
{the Court House, from their em-
ployer. They expected to move their
respective families into the double
house about April first. Tenants of
the building were Charles Harrison
| and Harry Meyer
Marriage licenses were issued to
the following couples: Miles E. Bil-
iger, Pleasant Gap, and Ruth I
Bartges, Centre Hall: Dorsey Bax- |
ter and Rosie Perko, both of South
| Philipsburg; Ebon P. Stover and
{Orace P. Stover, both of Aarons-
‘burg. Willis H. Geissinger, Bethle-
‘hem, and Helen I. Rote, Bellefonte;
John M. Boob, Millheim, and Mary
iM. Weaver, Madisonburg; Adolph
| Fauble and Mary E. McGovern, both
jof Bellefonte;
i Hamsport, and Christena M. Kerlin,
iMoshannon; Homer I. Quick and
Bellefonte, and
non; Feron Lyons,
Grace A. Lucas, Howard:
iJ. Ellick, Pittsburgh,
IV. Miles, Port Matilda; Frank J.
Bnavely, Millheim, and Cora B, Uhl,
Madisonburg; John Snyder, Sr.
H R. 8. May, Wil-|
Virgie E. Walker, both of Moshan-'
and Zenovia |
The annual statement will {the jocomotive was opposite the side
entrance to the Potter-Hoy hard-
ware warehouse
State Trooper David K. Hughes
was confined to his home because of
an attack of diphtheria “Buck”
Taylor of State College, famous In-
dian scout and veteran of Buffalo
Bill's Circus, was a visitor in Belle-
fonte while enroute to Huntingdon
where he was to settle up legal mat.
with the sale of
The farm
his farm near Boalsbhuryg
had been sold to 8. B
(From Last Week)
Shuey fell off a horse
while horseback riding
horse became f[rightened and ran
away, throwing the little girl. 8he
landed on her head and ig still in &
serious condition. We hope for her
a speedy recovery
Christmas guests at the
Packer home were Mr. and Mis
Wilson Packer, Coatesville, Mr, and
Mrs. Elwood Packer and son Eddie
Laurel, Md.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert
L. Cain and daughter Hannah
Mary of Bellefonte, and Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Hook and children, Lois
Jean and Charles of Houserville
And in the evening visitors were Mr
and Mrs. Doyle Packer and child-
ren Woodrow, Mollie Lou, Nancy
Lee and Robert, of Rockview
Miss Pauline Snyder, who has
been employed at the Roy Wirtz
home, returned to work after spend.
ing over Christmas with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Keller Snyder
and family at Rebersburg
Myrle Packer accompanied his
brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
son Packer on Bunday to their home
In Coatesville, where he will spend
several days
Mr. and Mrs
Ray Wirtz
father, John
1 he
Marvin Lee and two
spent over the weekend in
Ald son
Elwood Packer
wed Sunday to
Mr. Packer
son Eddie
el, Md. wh
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hook and t
hildren spent Christmas evening
with Mr. Hook's mother, Mr:
Hook and family at Pott
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Bro%
daughter { Altoona
Christmas Brown's
ents, Mr Robert Wh
and family
Mrs. Harry Fike spent Christma
with her son<in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. George Rider and
family at Valley View
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Neff
Friday with Mr Nefl's parents
and Mrs. Howard Nefl
Sunday visitors at the
Packer home were: Mr
H. W. Houtz and daughter
Stormstown, Mr. and Mrs
Packer of Coatesville, Mr. and Mra
Ralph Hook and two children, Doyle
Packer of Rockview, and Clair Pack-
er and sister. Mrz. Robert L.. Cain
and daughter Hannah Mary
of Bellefonte
Jack Straub of Woodyerest, spent
from Christmas until Baturday with
his father Charles Straub
(Fram Last Week)
Mr. and Mrs. Guyer Keliev and
family and the Hicks famiyy of
Miesburg were recent visitors at the
George Kelley home
Ralph Kelley spent one night at!
Altoona with his mother and sisters
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coble and
two interesting little daughters vis-
ited home folks on Christmas.
Robert Leitzel and friend of Ty-
rone, spent Bunday with his aunt
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr William Faller of
and Mrs
Akron, Ohio, spent the holidays with
her brother, George Welland and
Those who visited at the Merry-
man and Sprankle homes Christmas
day #ere Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Green
and fsinily of State College, Mr. ahd
Mrs. George Estright and San, Mt
and Mrs. Fred Sommers
Mis; Betty Hendershot of Coates-
ville, spent the Christmas holidays
with her grandparents
Ronald “Bud” Harvey, who Is in
service for Uncle Sam, spent Christ
mas with home folks
Those who called ut the Clyde
Poorman home on Christmas were
Helen McNamara, Ida Pearl Poor- |
man and Scott Seabold of lock
Haven, Ethel Poorman of Centre
Hall, Mary Clements and Vernal
Poorman of Bellefonte, Russell Poor-
man and Blanchard Poorman of
We were sorry to hear of Mrs.
Raymond Winns accident, but are
glad to report her better at this
Miss Agusta Gummo, of Pitcairn,
spent several days with her uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Kenneth Walker, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson Walker is on the sick
Mr. and Mrs. Clair Walker and
family, of Somerset. spen the
weekend at the home of the latter's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. B. Walker,
It is gradually beginning to dawn
of fifteen |
coaches, filled mostly with students’
| —.—
| Over the County .
A baby daughter was
Tuesdny night to Mr
gtreet, Millhéim
Game Protector Thomas Mosler
and Refuge Keeper Joseph Kistner
were in Millhetm Inst
with a load of
to be released throughout that sec-
George Carpeneto, Bellefonte
(official, has been named
Chief Fire Warden for Centre, Clin-
ton and Clearfield counties, The ap-
pointment was made by Charles E
Clark, Harrisburg, Chief State Phe
Warden, under the Civil Defense
Council. Mr. Carpeneto’s duties will
include the organization of fire
schools In the three counties and
supervision of instruction, Each fire
company Will be required to train 36
men for emergency fire duty
Notice is given of the wtion
interest being pald on all sav-
and time deposits by the fallow
ng banking Institutions Parmers
National Bank, Millheim; Reba
burg National PBank Rebershurg
First National Bank, Spring Milk
First National Bank, Centre Hall
Loganton National Bank, Loganton
This reduction from 2 per cent
to 1 per cent on time and ving:
deposits in accordance with rul
ing by the Federal Government, De-
partment of Banking
When Julius Kawlfuss of State
College, gave his speech, “The Third
I in Kiwanis," be the Wilkes-
Barre Kiwanis Club which mducted
25 new members last week, he had
offered that talk lo one-quarter of
the 121 clubs in the state, at meet-
ings attended by about 1500 of the
6500 Kiwanis members Mr. Kaul-
fuss’ record string addresses
started in 19040 when he state
secretary of Kiwanis under state
governor Mart Fry. Only recently. he
received word that had been
chosen chairman of the stale com-
mittee Kiwanis education by the
new governor Leonard Keck, of
Greensburg. In addition, Mr
fuss is the new vice president
State College club for 1042
Nine employes of Clair Lyon
mill { Howard have
ceived $605.10 In sums rang
4 $8459 @ hack
oparatlor o
85 75 Wh
overtime compensation
under the Fair Labo
Act anne i r Frank .
G egional direct :
Hour Division, 1
of Labo: Payment
the sawmill opera
to kL
the Falr
Frank Colyer at thelr home on Penn |
| the payment of time and a half for
Wednesday |
trapped cottontalls!
Deputy |
born last | and the employes are entitled to all
and Mrs. | the benefits of that act,” he said,
“One provision of the act requires
all hours worked in exces
of 40 per
Gov. Arthur H. James appointed
156 Republicans and 16 Democrats
lo county boards of assistance, in-
cluding these from Centre county
who were re-appointed Newton
Hartswick and James J Holmes
both of State College, and Mrs. Hel-
en O. Beatty and the Rev. William
C. Thompson, both of Bellefonte
The Walker Henninger family
ol Stale College, has moved into the
National Hotel property, Millheim
occupying the place Tuesday of last
week, Workmen are still engaged in
enovating and remodeling the
terion but it is thought that the
hostelry will be opened to the 1
le In the near future, and that the
travelng public will find it
venient and comfortable
lodging and for restaurant serv
thelr troog
a COnN-
piace for
tosalyn Nieman of Miliheim
the Girl Scouts and
leaders at a party
Mamolen apartment
pleasant even
Scouts Bhirle
Phyllis Bahn
Tyson, Donna
Judith Musser, Yvonne
Mary Duck, Grace Miller
Jodon Pamalee Cable
{ Mamaolen
argaret Cunningham Mrs
ight, Mrs. W. H. Decker
E. Stover, June and Virgini
on, Ruth
ie Hall, are the
two 1042 fishing
in Centre county
i at the
er Harry FP
re presented
Walker of
A. Hosterman
holders of t first
licenses purchased
The li
abd nt of Cot
Jones last
From Last Week)
Emaline Deitrick pasted
rt the home of her daughter
Lioyd Markie of State College
on Satur evening, Dec. 27. The
prrvice war held Wednesda:
afternoon at Reformed cil
Mrs. John Beck and My
Oberheim of Lock Haven
the home of Mr. and Mrs
ick one day last week
Miss Laura Haye:
and Mrs Joh
Pravel, son of Adam Frave
married on Priday evening i
Litheran churcl Snydertown In
Rev. Keller
A- and Mrs
5 Fe
Crytler Clevenstine
Christinas at
the home
Mrs. Jacob Weaver and Mrs
James Carner and children visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Pinch of Clintondale on Priday
Adam Pravel and family were
OChnemas guests at the home of Mr
and Mrs Bd Condo of Lock Haven,
Misses Catherine and Maxine
Miller of Long Island, N.Y. spent
their Christmas vacation with their
Mr. and Mrs
NM. Dunkle
is gradually
many friend
Max Miller
who had a fall
Mrs ¥
ast werk
fact her
to eam
Mire F
Gentze] were Cl
Belielon is
’ wen
her faith
Fred Hajes
visitor :
home Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes
Mr. and Mrz. Harvey Truckenmii-
r of Mill Hall, were Christmas vis-
itor the home of Mr Mrs
Willard Truckenmiller
Mr and Mrs. Melvin Truckenmii-
ler and family of New York, are
spending some time at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Heckman
Mrs. Ada Yocum was a Sunday
visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Calvin Guiser of Hecla
Mr and Mrs. Nevin Lee and fam-
ily were Sunday visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John Heckman of
Lock Haven
- . rains)
Oe Peo
Harvey (
charci wn
ser able
Mr and Mrs
family wore Bunday at the
(From last Week)
The population of our community
Has been increased by two persons
During the past week a daughter
| wns born to Mr. and Mrs. Darl Hev-
erly and a son to Mr. and Mrs. Clair
On Sunday George Kunes of Wil-
#ox, called for his mother, Mrs Suas-
an Kunes. who accompanied him %o
his home in Wilcox to spend a few
Miss Matlie Potls 15 again a pal
fent at the Lock Haven Hospital,
while Miss Lizzie Potls was taken lo
Clearfield to spend the winter with
her orother and his family
Lloyd Spengler. employed at the
Piper Aircraft plant, has gone to
Lock Haven to board so he will be
near his work
Walter Lindsey, employed by the
York Safe and Lock Co. of York,
spent the Christmas season with his
family here
| Miss Jean Kunes spent part of her
Christmas vacation visiting friends
in Berwicrk and Warren
Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs
|W. A. Bowes were Mr. and Mrs. Em-
ersonn Witchey and son Ralph, of
Newark, N. Y. Mrs Witchey is a
niece of W. A. Bowes
Mr. and M18. Earl Grant and fam.
ily are spending the Christmas hoii-
days at their parental homes in
Galeton v
| Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Spangler and
two daughters spent Christmas day
in Middleburg with relatives,
James Ray was a weekend visitor
lat his nome here.
i Mrs. Bess Johnstonbaugh and
children of State College, were din-
‘ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A,
Bowes on Christmas.
Bunday evening, Jan. 11th. the
iRev. Harry Kline will preach his
{farewell sermon at the Baptist
State College, and Anna Crouse) upon the average intelligence that | church. Rev. Kline is going to Mil.
Newcomer, Bellefonte; Israel Valen. there can be economic crimes,
ton from this charge.
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs
H. Vonada spent
ter Vonada and Mrs. Smith at the
Smith home in Milesburg
Afr raid wardens of this ares are
R. J Epangler. N. I. Harter, Harris
Clark and Wilson Clark
Misses Virginia Beaty and Pauline
Eaton have volunteersd for first ald
Mr. and Mrs. W
Jesse Poorman of Gum Stump vis-
ited friends at this place on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dreese, of
Pine Grove Mills, spent Sunday at
the Leathers home and enjoyed a
birthday dinner in honor of Mr
Dreese and Marjorie Leathers and
with Mr. and Mrs. Leathers visited
relatives at Mt. Eagle.
Mrz. Olive Rhoads and son spent
Tuesday of last week at the Roy
Sheesley home at Howard
Clair Burd, of Avis, called at the
home of his mother and family last
week, Mrs. Burd accompanied him
and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clair
Burd and Mrs. Clay Shope and Mrs.
Amanda Boyer
Recent visitors at the Charles Lu- |
ens home were Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Lucas, daughter, of Pleasant Gap,
Mrs. Clyde Watson and Melvin Lu-
cas. of Milesburg: Mrs. Roy Leathers
and Mrs, John Watson,
Gladys Kelly, of Junita, spent last
week at the Orvis Watson home, |
Mr. and Mrs, John Watson, Joan
Rhoads, Nevin Watson and Julia
Goeovanelli, spent New Year's Day
with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Sweitzer
and daughter in Bellefonte.
Our community was saddened on
Monday morning to hear of the pas-
sing away of Mrs. Jane Lucas. The
friends have our sincere sympathy.
Mr. and Mrs. John Possinger of |
Coleville, were Sunday callers at,
the Arthur Burd home. !
| Heverly
‘and exchanged gilts
Mrs. Roy Sheesley and three chil- |
dren of Howard, and -Mrs. John |
Watson, were dinner guests at the
Orvis Watson home an Friday
New Year's Day vistors with Mr
and Mrs, Arthur Burd were Aaron
Hall, Mrs, Charles Houtz and son
Walter of Unionville; Mr, and Mrs
Charles Miller, and Mary Miler, of
Dry Top
Paul Mller, Mrs. Ethel Catherman
and daughter, of Howard, ealled on
friends and attended watch meet-
ing on Wednesday evening of last
Mr. and Mrs
of Pleasant Gap,
folks on New Year's
George Magargel
called on home
(From Last Week)
Mrs, Edith Burd
her children and a number
grandchildren on Christmas
Mr. and Mr» Walter Sweitzer of
we llefonte pent Christmas with
of her
Mr Fun Fetaoy
christmas with
Wensel and family
ther Reese and family
and Mi:
iingher pil
McKinley of
1 Brown
Robert and Ben Ce
Mrs. John
rjorie and Btella Leather
avs with their
Dreese and
of Lock
My Or Watson
y » ’ | t { mye Gi M1 3
\ » Rawley Mary Kelly, at
Juniata. also al the home of Mr. and
Mrs Malvin Lucas snd family at
Mileaburg recently
From last
Mr. and Mrs Wyl
family of Howard, and Mr
C. B Page of West
Christmas 1 Bhermal
Prt Lawrence Confer, stationed
at Texss, {is spending a furlough
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Clair
Mrs. OO. J Wensel of
and Mrs. Mary Belle
Melvin, daughter
and =on
Mrs. James Rupert
Bonny lee. and Eunice Heveris
Lock Haven, were dinner guests at
the Paul Lomison home, also calling
at the David Confer home
The Loyal Daughters held thel
Christmas party at the home of
Mrs, Clayton Watson for the month
The members
of the class were all present. There
were three visitors present, Mrs, W
Mayes and Evelyn walking of Lock
Haven, and Rebecca Confer. Old
| Banta passed to each member of the
class an announcement of the en-
gagement of Miss Eleanor V. Confer
and Victor Smith, son of Mr. and
Mrs. James Bmith of Blanchard The
wedding will take place in the nea:
future. Our heartiest felicitationg
to vou Eleanor from all your class
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lomison, Mrs
David Confer, Doris Daley and Ken-
neth Shady motored to Altoona Sun-
dav afternoon to visit the John Solt
home. Mr. Solt is seriously ill with
plural pneumonia and a heart con.
dition, We hope for a complete re-
covery for John
The Christmas entertainment
which wag held in the church last
Friday night was very well attended
and the children who took part did
splendidly and are to be commend.
ed. also those who trained the chil-
The Social Club held their month-
ly meeting at the home of Sherman
and Annie Confer, exchanged gifts
and had a very nice time, and last
but not least. delicious eats
The Win-One class held their
monthly meeting and gift exchange
at the home of Mrs. J. E Gillespie
The Loyal Women's class held
| their monthly meeting and gift ex-
ichange at the home of
Mrs. Earl
Genevieve Nyman, who has been
| confined to her ted for some time,
is not improving very fast
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nyman visited
with Mrs Charlotte Nyman on 8un-
day evening.
Don Gray was a supper guest on
Christmas at the home of Miss
Betty Packer of Monument
and daughter
International Sunday School Lesson
Sriday School Lesson
{ the worid
r down hi
writes J
I covet
ghways Into
H. Jow-
when an apostle
Imperial Rome,
wnored I
remaoaker o
iL of
for Janvary 11, 1942,
Golden Text Jesu
in wisdom
favor with
Luke 2: 52
a vans
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and stature ‘
of being
onely ently
God and men
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upturning of the
and, T would
see coming
Of Wan
Lesson Text: Luke 2: 2
When infant Jesu
Jerusalem to redeem hi
wom of Jewish
old hi
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Dei Ole
becalise every
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HS tn rue WORLD or RELIG
So) sv wwken =
We are recruiting and
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“No malter
breskriown may
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present possibile
many ;traini miss
heey bts 7 ¢ for the time
the word uch Nn hee
" bof bu
the Board of Miss
i us that
Althing, loe-
d-vear-old Parlia-
same year that
Ericsson is said to
gave foreign
ri and the re-
beenme clear gon of Christ eventually supplant-
ime 3 ti l mm of Odin and Thor
con- Icelandic as members
h, traveled wide-
brought their
“ {
n life
alue, women have
3 ws i¥y ‘
dignity bef
n rights have
re unkn
enough so that in sure 1
will prevail We have full
fidence that doors which seem
| will be Open again
uing our material con
ther hurchmen
so tightly shut and
We are contin ae
tributic in
he Christa
on Pope Siz)
all a ved
Seallest. CREATION
ad staves 4
Here's the perfect dessert—and it's easy on the budget!
Made of tempting vanilla ice cream, “marbled” with lus-
cious crushed plums—and rolled in macaroon crunch.
Delight your family and guests with Plum Royale Roll.
Dont mies Rudy Vollee with John Barrymore —Seshet! Program, Thucsdoys, 10 1. A. WIIG
afl ER