January 8, 1942. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Five Small Farmers to Help Food Drive Are Urged to Increase cultural and Stock Needs The small farmer can play an in- creasingly important part in this nation's efforts to step up food pro- duction as part of the defense gram, W. FP. Rishel, chairman of the Centre County USDA Defense Board announced yesterday. “One way for the small farmer to help is by growing most of the food necessary for this family,” the chairman said Many producers whose farms eithe- er are too small or are located too far from marketing and processing ¢'nters to justify commercial pro- duction, have been asking what they can do to increase the flow foo to Dritain, Mr. Rishel sald The answer is, in food supply zo that you will to huy commercial products ea urgently needed in the gram he said farmers « plant Agri- pros- Of rease | his fall » a few more ve their pastures ncereases his relieve the ers in othe) plant srr ed for Mr. Rishel it tl 8 Can actualy save money ing food at home, and wi wich higher quali v of food 1 “No one dot 1e Nn nom { vegetable poin help nh PY A 0uUs aval Ji pasture practices te, va iC A! mont are mad to increase REBERSBURG hiz ted week bad cold th ;anice, Shirley and vis ed their granc imother mg Rishel at week : Randall Bowersox and family and Mrs. William Tyson an soi Ardell Tyson, visited tl {fataer, Carlos Tyson at bu: g hospital last Frida) Mr. and Mrs. Roush ar ter June, and Mr. and Mur Chambers of Mifflinburg. » day guests at tw home Miss Ruth Detwile aL er Madi Mr ir Philadelphia, visited mv Mrs. Carrie Smullton Robert Aher Detwil Conley of Anibridge, spent New Year's day with his parents Mr. and Mrs. James Confer Miss Hazel Wolfe, who wa { at the Jack Rishel virginia Wolf spent last week at home Susi¢ visited her family Rierly ang Tate and family ° s guests with Mrs Gerhart of State College Fugene Bierly, who has been em ployed by the Woclwoith 8 i Ambridge, is enjoy tore + Pa A wWoex ty Lilg ls on with his parent C. M. Bieriy service ney § all Pleasant View Union Chapel Bev. 1. FP. Sheetz, pastor. Sunday shicol at 2:30 p. m.; adult, senior and intermediate C. E, 6:30; evening worship at 7:30. Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Bible study. followed by election of church officer: — — - St. John's Episcopal. Bellefonte Rev. Robert H. Thomas, 3rd, tor. Rev. Dr. Herbert Koepp-Bake: Locum Tenens. First Sunday after the Epiphany. The Holy Eucharist at 8 a. m.; church school at 9:45 morning prayer with sermon at 11 a. m. You will be welcomed at St John's church. Annual Parish meet- ing Monday, January 19, 7:30 p. m fn the Parish House rec- — — .- - Boalsburg Lutheran Parish Sunday school 9:30: worship at 10:30. Bermon subject, “What are you doing with your life?” Come and be helped by this message Congrezational meeting after ser- vices, Reports will be given of ac- tivities in the different organiza- tions.. Shiloh—8Sunday school 9:30, vrspers and sermon 7:30. Congre- gational meeting after services Business of importance will be car- ed for. L. J. Kaufman, pastor Gospel Tabernacle, Spring Mills Rev. John W. Neese, pastor, Bible ¢tudy and prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. Services Sunday evening at 7:30. At this time we are starting a series of study and teach- me on God's paes, starting with the first verse of the Bible and using chart, Come snd bring your Bible. This service will open with a hymn sing. Every. body welcome to these services Isat oa MP —————— First Evanr~e'icnl Char-h H. Halbert Jacobs pastor, | 9:30 a. m. Sunday Church schoo! | m., | “Can | asset?” | E J. Teaman, supt. 10:40 a worship with sermon Subject: you turn sickness into gn 2:60 p. m,, Catechetical instruction 7:30 p. m., worship with sermon bv | a visiting minister The Y. P. M. | meet on Monday evening | C. wil at 7:30, The Ladies’ Aid will meet Eternal Plan for the] CENTRE COUNTY HOSPITAL IN THE WEEK'S NEWS Monday of Last Week Admitted Mi Paul State College. Discharged rank A Keller, State College; Mrs. J Hi told Durst and infant daughter, Contre Hall: Mrs. William Buchenhors | infant son, Bellefonte, R. D. 1 Tuesday of Last Week Admitted Lois Walker R. D.; Ruth M. Donovan fonts D. 2: Mrs, Charle Milesburg Henry Tressle College, R. D. 1 Discharge Anthone Role and infant Pl an Cin} WS § Jay Belle! M1 John bur: Mrs. John Brewer, B RD th daughte nd Mrs. Calvin WW, Shawl x ) Matilda, R. D Howa R 1 Wednesday of Last Week Admitied: Rob College Kaup Kline M1 Uno South Hits Monument At Milesburg to the hospitai in the BE. E. Widdow- son and Wetzler ambulances and in cars of passing ts motor: ument anot onD 1 another re near the Mot ad although ant cident did who not Gap The car ] impact ried wreckage In recent months several of Mile mted ars have plowed the monument center into which is sit the highway at thes $ ha of the tion In cipal in $8 comm Heads Kiwanians Continged from page ome) urged that it be through administration ciub activities that such government ntirely and profitably workable Brief addresses were made by the retiring president, Samuel M. Shall- cross, who reviewed the work of 1841. and by the Incoming preosi- dent, Mr. Caum, who Stre the need of Kiwanis, together with other vice clubs in the community, in providing leadership to meet the conditions brought upon us by war During the past vear " the o cli been active in work for unds eged children in sought to bring stil] greater fi hip between the citizens of fonte and the surrounding rura trictas, has interested | in a ber of civie pro and has to awaken a sense of proven of the ssed sor the 1b has several wavs itaelf in a fects tic patric dut: TO ALL STUDENTS No matriculation cards will be recognized at Harry's Tavern Only registration cards wil be honored No minors will be permitted on the premises un- less accompanied by their par- ents. (Signed) HARRY TANNEY : Blalrsville: fonte 1} Dean 1 Edna Shank { Shank, Centre Hall, R Discharged: Miss Blanche Poorman Bellefonte: Mrs. W. G. Edwar State College] Harry Long. Bell fonte, Birt n ) ' | M Ciraham D. Martin M1 and Ma Runk ‘entire Hall Hall; 1). Lois son Dre Friday Discha Robe Lo Mi Cilenn font Mills, R | font mont: 1 Saturday MM Pl First Local Recruits ten. enlisted in the Alr ns beet sent to Jott PHY f! of M £348) and and h Pastor Concludes Long Service Continued from page one) 1d St. Paul's Ch county competent and he and Mrs, Ke el nuns acti rested coms 1 i vities especially in people and helped a them in their undertakings Rev. Mr. Keller was an instructor in a summer camp for children near Selinsgrove several weeks each sum- mer The pastor also was a loyal work- er in the Nittany Valley Fellowship of Churches which sponsored re- creational enterprises, weekly Len- fen services throughout the Valiey and outside vesper services during the hot summer months he fel- lowship created a unity of feeling in the churches of the valley, Tuesday Rev. and Mrs. Keller and family for Martinsburg, Blair County, where he has accepted a charge. They have a host of friends not only in Nittany Valley but also throughout the Centre and Clinton county areas who wish them con- success and happiness They young were left timed - The Stephens Collins Foster Mem - orial of the University of Pitte- burgh, represerits 10 years of eon. pion, financing, planning and construction by those who sought to keep alive forever the memory of the Pennsylvania-born compos- er he building is Gothie of Indiana lmezione The the memorial was conceived by Mrs Will Earhart in 1827. when she was president of the Tuesday Musical Chub of the western city in which Foster wag born, or ¢ y in ideg Pennsylvania ‘Welfare Group Yo Meet Here ™ page CONTINU HOWING 0 to 11:00 P. M Lg tan ARR sR Ce Sa] FO ay SHADOWS: | MAN RECENT WEDDINGS Iotorre—Rishel Wayne R. Rishel of mn announce thelr daughter Winifred of State and Mr Vincent wn, The ceremony on November 27 by Richmond Va Mrs fn graduate of the whip High Behool, class of 1033 employed at re thar graduate of 1936 dered Intorre College wi Rey In In been years. Mr of Penn He received in 1938 and | Alds Assistant at the ve gone to house lege Owen-—Bender Maloy—Rhoads BARRY NELSON _ DONNA REED PALAN BAXTER HENRY O'NEILL | SAM LEVENE / DICKIE HALI i MONDAY & LS UESDAY Next Week) THRILLING! Seng ond laugh f tor... spectacle and romance... in one plessure- packed enter. 7 wine 8 lilt ~NOLDIER. “=, NELSON EDDY ISE STEVENS with NIQEL BRUCE FLORENCE BATES Directed by ROY DEL RUTH COMING WED. NEXT WEEK & THUR. Clarence Kolb « Alice White Greet by BEue Laren Dunklcbar the oliege ang Williams been em- Stee] Com- Dunkiebar- nde OHege In he » Standard Bumbam. Sgi raduated from the Belle- High School class of 1838 and time was employed as a tool maker at the Titan Metal uniii he entered the service rived in Bellefonte early last Camp Shelby, and to return to his duties ¥. Mrs. Black will employment al the war then nas Tas from dulled with her anti alter 4 Gheen-Lingle informal double-ring cere- mony at the home of Rev, W. J Wagner, at State Coliege, retired sastor of 8t. Mark's Lutheran church there, Migs Arlene R. Lingle, Sunbury, became the bride of Pvt Charles BE. Gheent last Thursday af- ternoon at 4:30 o'clock. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Royden A. Gheen, brother and sister-in-law of the groom with the respective parents and the bride's uncle, Ed- ward Reichenbach, witnessing the ceremony. The bride was attired in a soldier blue wool dress with brown accessories. Her shoulder cor- sage was of pink rosebuds, The ma- tron of honor wore a wine-ocolored ensemble with corsage of red rose- buds. The groom was In military uniform. Mrs, Gheen is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William PF. Lingle of Sunbury and is a graduate of Sunbury High School, class of 1938 She is employed by Biberman Bro- thers. Pvt. Gheen is a son of Mrs, Nellie Cheon, of Sunbury, formetly of Pleasant Gap. He is a graduate At an {of Bellefonte High School and was Shirley's First Picture in Two Years, | the Intorre Harris State State formerly employed by the Milk Products Company. For the past en months he has been sta tioned with the U. 8. Army at Fort Meade, Md. Following the ceremony an reception was held for the im- mediate families at the home of Mr and Mrs. Royden A. Gheen, Bush Addition, Bellefonte, after which the bridal left for a short wed- ding trip Sunbury isl Coupe Lynes— Devolin Jane Mil and Pua Dillsbury were marriage on December 20 by Rev, Fredrick Rupiey, | on he Trinity Evan geil ! { of Lewist Empfield Empfield Edward inited Shoemaker A v1 % £30y nn pri STMOWS AT 7:00 and 8:45 P. M. TONIGHT ONLY “TOP SERGEANT MULLIGAN" Pendleton Carol Hughes Ri 1 i Nat FRIDAY & SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM we. Feature No, LOVE ad lAUGHTER L(3 1 THE AIR fhasks to Miss Polly, romance expert! r ‘ Zazu PITTS - Shim SUMMERVILLE Kathleen HOWARD - Brenda FORBES Elyse KNOX - Dick CLAYTON we Feature No, 2 = "“SADDLEMATES"” With the THREE MESQUITEERS A western action picture! MONDAY ONLY FAMILY BARGAIN NIGHT! Adults 22¢~Kiddies 11c (tax incl) “RAWHIDE RANGERS” With Johnny Mack Brown A Western Picture That Both Young and Old Will Enjoy! TUE. & WED. (Next Week) "LAW OF THE TROPICS” w- With «- Jeffrey Lynn Constance Bennett A thrilling drama of the tropics! Coming Next Week THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Shirley Temple in “KATHLEEN” | THURSDAY mer Nearhoof of Warriors Mark looked lovely In a floor length gown of white taffeta, made with short puffed sleeves and v-neckline med with white net ruching shoulder length wil hel place with a garia white ers arm bouc tn tobert L re, the aqua taflela the veil { of na o sman ro { Warrio of honor, wore made similar the birde, and earried an arm quet of yellow rose The chose as Nis best man, hi Alexander Lon eter and Ww gown worn John noe The Public Sales INESIDIA MARCH off WEDNESDAY EY ARCH m “© offer or w implement & Hub er TU ESDAY, Mautie livestock implements 1. Wise & Hubler WE INESDAY MARCH 18 Swartz will offer at public sale st hiz farm, three.fourth mile east of Pleasant Gap. lve glock imple ments and some household goods Sale at 9 o'clock. This Iz a clean un sale. E M Smith, auct $611 THURSDAY. MARCH 18-R 1 Poor- man will offer at public sale at his farm 8 miles MHrthwest of Belle- foute, live stock “+rm Implements atid household goods: also farm of 212 pcres, E M. Smith, auct 424 FRIDAY. MARCH 20-J. D. and C. F Neidigh will offer at public sale at their farm five miles southwest of State College and three miles north of Pine Orove Mills five. stock implements and some house hold goods. Sale at 10 o'clock This 18 a clean up sale. Terms made known on day of sale. E M 8mith auct 4011 MONDAY. MARCH 23-H A Meyer will offer at public sale on his farm. 3 miles east of Bebersburg Pa. south of Route 95. live stock farm Implements and some house. hold goods. Clean-up gale. Sale at 10a m Vise and Hubler, auct MONDAY, MAROH 23-Charles D Glimore will afer at public sale, a! Mackeyville. Clinton County. live. stock and farm fmdlements Bale at Pa m E M Smith auct ¢8t WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 -— Willian R. Tressler will offer at public sae ni his farm one mile east Of Oak Hall, along the highway to Centre Hall, a full line of livestock, farm- ing implements and househol. goods, auct, 1-1 26-Harvey A Hoy, will offer at public sale on his farm between Axemann and Nig Bank along townshin road +h stock, farming implements, black. smith tools, goods. This 3s a ciean-up sale Bale at 10a m F M Smith aurt FRIDAY, MARCH 27-A. Bert Beck will Offer at public sale on his farm at Sn Bo? aes east of Penietonte on to Lock Haven, nA oh Rr ock and full line of farm implements. | Olegh an-up a sale, beginning at 9:30 s announced on day E. M. Smith, auct Wasi of ole Smeltger, clerk. le at 9 a. Mm. E M South, | and some household | | PRIDAY, MARCH 27—Claude Lucas at public sale on his miles so\beast of Balona, Pa live stock and farm lmple- ments, Clean-up sale. Sale at 10 8 m. Wise and Hubler, aucts 208 B Claude puniic sale on the arm, midway between nda Bute College, or north of Bniloh house lic.a mig en A will offer farm, 4 MARCH er at BATURDAY i off meh BETTIE Saturday, January 10 G. A. and M, F, "PEARLY offer at Punii se st thei) Colevill Be lietonte of Legal Notices STOCKHOLDERS MEETING ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, FXECLTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE. 4 A Taf ADMINISTRATOR'S — at estate Of ¥ Walk - 2 - Eimer En demands lense 1% Ww Bel! estate Bldg De ee ’ e- AUDITORS NOTICE is appoini- » January 0. , 8% his i floor of Tempie I nite, Centre Coun- oh ¥ime and place all = appear and be be barred fund for dis- DALE Auditor Temple Court Beilefon te, Pa L. FRANK MAYES General Auctioneer Real Estate Sales A SPECIALTY! CALL STATE COLLEGE, 284 Why not have the benefit of competitive bidding in the sale of your property. Past experiences have proven that public sales of real estate demand higher prices. A number of Farms and several Residences will be offered at public sale in the near future. Watch for Dates! ARTY HOR C H. L. HARPSTER AUCTIONEER Prompt attention given all sales PHONE 3579 PINE GROVE MILLS, PA. JAMES GILLILAND GENERAL . AUCTIONEER OAK HALL STATION, PA Phone Boalsburg 3502