Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 01, 1942, Image 5

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    January 1, 1942, THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT. BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Five
: ». . ». " r¥
9 4 This store will be closed all day This is strictly a cash sale to conve
il Wednesday, Dec. 31st, to re- merchandise into cash. No charges—
mark and arrange stock, no approvals. All sales final.
SO i kh daa |
id fo
at sale pric es that are
fraction of their worth.
ry 2nd, at 9: . M. A
orward to it with anxiety and delight, because cof the rare savings. Many items offereu
not be restocked during the emergency . . . now, more than ever, is the time to take ad-
we are continuing one of the special features of our sale-the extra specials for the first
ny exceptional values to be found throughout the store. Be smart... come early.
Ravon Panties and
A A hy rm ot A TL RAM IRE 3a ; : : Stepins
oy * ' : ir 58¢ valu Mos DOD-
d be here when the doors open on To the first 25 shoppers in our Dry Goods Department Ir iC VE.Ue. tos)
ive iret 25 ) : x . . ar styles, l1earcse anda
z to give the first 25 women who on Friday Morning, we will sell twenty-five Hite AIL sivas
D0 each
bur regular stocks and are various
one {to a customer.
5% Wool Single Blankets January Clearance Sale! Women's, Misses’ and Junior
at ST 00 each kK | )
These are in assorted plaids. R S S S ,
Evening and Dinner _ ale ; AT VERY DRASTIC REDUCTIOMS !
Misses’ and Women's
GOWNS £ | : J 1 Knitted ry 4 | Davtime Dresse
. ) i » y Kind Style thas
‘ : _and 181
t Jan, Clearance Sale ana ib
Prices. 6 J "1. 29 EG ) ¥ $ g
es : : i ; 5 io \ X g A bs PS ¥ 05 ie LY wr . £3 A
fully selected styles, J ) a Nice soft smooth finish. | REE 2 > : LU
Tailored oly le « ‘Kaysor’
\ quality. Regular 31.756 to
rics and colors. All sizes { 3 22 00 value
from 9 to 42.
Fqf, SET ; Thee 48 » -
ie 8 ® ) % 4 S 7 5)
. 9 we . . ¥ 5 ‘ 1 \
$10.95 $12.75 One Lot Women's Silk ’ & 4 Foss. :
Dresses Now Dresses Now i 3 p Wool 4 e Pdr a
good assortment of f
$7.45 $9.95 |F /B' 4 Unionsuits 2/7 Q.75
FA wr | § 79c cach Silk Blouses
Dresses N D s Now
resses Now resses Now Slightly Soiled—In 2 2 Groups !
$ 75 $ 50 ; Broken lots and broken 5 Junior's, Misses’, Women's Silk and
12 14 sizes. Some extra large sizes ONE GROUP TE,
In This % WN Values to £2.00. at $1 00 Soh 4
learance of | . by oo f=,
Silk crepe in various colors and 5 ” a
Mostly i ol (a
white, y tuck-in styles—
nery Be Here at 9 When the Door Opens! not all sizes.
A rack of very special values
G 25°. Wool Double Plaid | he 5°. Wool Double at 1 79 i BN $4-9°
. les silks & atins in be :
nd *2 | BLANKETS SE BLANKETS iicomeisreye | SHE
$ = en lots and sizes, but all are val- § 4 ; : oir BA
3.95 : Ng : $ [ ues from $3 to $5.75. he a Values from $6.80 to $16.90.
briginally $1.93 AY 4 : 2.45 \
nart, late sea- Nice quality double blan- a To Sizes for Juniors, Misses, Women and | ittle Women.
kets that are 25% wool and CN : Large size 72x84 double - Wools. Ravon Crepes, Velvets—black and colors. One
75% rayon. Excellent value 3 blankets, 5° wool and 2, 3 fa kind. : i
BR for Ladies at this price. Large 72x34 or oH of a kind.
8 lor Ladies size in blue, rose, gold and
Reductions! green, rust plaids. No more i ‘
of these at this price when : or gold and dubonnet plaids.
these are gone. . Regular $3.50 values.
mmm fF yr E DRESSES
2 STORE =] 72 | "m=
TE, PENNA. 79 Cloves , = |
Fast color prints in smart daytime Dresses. A final
Odd lots, broken sizes. Re- 42c¢ pr. clearance of all Fall styles.
earance is Taken from Our Regular Stocks! priced for clearance. Reg. $1 Worth much more on today's Sizes from 14 to 46.
to $1.25 values. market. These were bought early
gs You Need at a Substantial Saving! this year on account of the
95+ cotton, Sateen binding.
Rose, blue, peach, green,
$1.00 and 81.19