—— January 1 1942. LOCALS Miss Jessie Shaw, of New York Olty, spent the holidays with Mr and Mrs, E. E. Widdowson and fam- {ily of North Allegheny street, Miss Eleanor Kelleher, of Pitts —Janet Potter, of Polk, at the home of her sister, Laird Curtin and family at during the holidays «Mr, and Mrs. Philip B. Ray, West Curtin street, spent the holi- days In Willlamsport with Mrs. Ray's father, A. Roy Flanigan ~The venerable James Zerby, of Spring Mills, R. D., paid us a pleas- ant visit on Wednesday of last week while on one of his infrequent visits to Bellefonte. --Herman Koenig of North Alle- gheny street, Tuesday of last week went to Baltimore, Md. where he exvected to enter Johns Hopkins Hospital to undergo an operation, ~—Willlam Hipple, of Cleveland, Ohio, and his brother, Arthur, of DuBois, spent the holidays in Belle- fonte with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Hipple, of West Lamb street —Mr. and Mrs. Carl Otterbein and daughter, Patricia Ann, of Wil- lamsport, were Christmas guests of Mrs. Otterbein’s parents, Mi Mrs. Earl Cartwright and family, East Bishop street. ~Mr. and Mrs. R. C. children, Patsy and Jean, is a guest Mrs, H, Curtin, of | her parents, Mr, Kelleher and family, street, Mrs. Marlon Qoll and daughter Virginia, of Philadelphia, are holi- day guests of Mrs. Coll's brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Uhl, of Woodward Miss Martha Walker, a nurse at the Presbyterian Hospital, Philadel { phia, was a Christmas guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Walker and family of Milesburg Corp. Philip Haupt, Ficld, Washington, D. C., is spend- ing the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Haupt and family, of South Allegheny street -Pvt. H. L. Shuey, radio operator with the U. S. Coast Guard at Our- | tis Bay, Md. arrived here last week and | for a holiday visit with his parents, of | Mr. and Mrs. Howard 8huey, of East | High street, Blaney and | _vr and Mrs. Carl H. Dubbs. of : P of East |poiisville, are spending the Christ- Curtin street, returned home Sun- | | mas season with Mr. Dubbs’ par- day fram Haddonfield, N. J. where | opis Mr and Mrs. J. E. Dubbs and they had spent the Christmas sea- | gov at their home on Willow- son with Mrs. Blaney's mother, Mrs bank Street Qstermayer | Miss Gafrie Bailey. who had Deen | : Mrs. Augusta Hyslop, of Ham- assisting with the management of Bute, 1s spending two weeks with ary g 1er sons, Billy a bby e the Markland Hotel, South Spring RT im Phen Bobhy hand het street, has given up that work and | of the Hazel apartments, North Al- recently went to Philadelphia where legheny street she will be with relatives and friends | A i le ; for an indefinite time —~Corp. William Waite. of Camp + Lee, Va. returned to his dutles —Mr. and Mrs, John N. Corman | sn. istmas Day after a several days of Zion, accompanied by their son, | ici win his mother. Mrs Prank Ned, left Tuesday morning, Dec. 23. | wi als Jof, Sy. ean g it ung, Lec. od. wilson, and Mr. Wilson, of West for Camp Blanding, Florida, to Bishop street spend the holiday season with their | °° : : sat son and daughter-in-law geut. | —Miss Ellen Shoemaker, of Phile- and Mrs. W. W. Corman deipbia, arrived in Bellefonte early X a last week {or a holiday vis with -Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hilton her mother. Mrs. T \ of Womelsdorf, and Thomas Beaver 2 Pi reniles's 3an: hia = : 4 and family, in the Haze Jr. of Scranton, were guests dwr wth Allezhen: ing the holidays of Mrs. Hilton's and Mr. Beavers father, Thomas - Hugh Roger: B. Beaver and family, West Cur- A tin street. Mrs. Hilton is the former Kathryn Beaver —Edward Thompson, student the Hershey Industrial School, spent part of the holiday season as a guest at the home of Mrs. Lillian Farrar, on Willowbank street. his mother, Mrs. Lulu Rider, Belle. fonte, also being a guest e Far- tar home for several day Mr. and Mr and family have m ville to the McCo West College avent Mr. 8; easly, un } ed by Wi moved as a r Penns; ia State -Mr. and Mrs ing, had as thei Christmas seo \ who is employed by the Harr I Steel Company, and Stewart, who is employed by the Bethlehem Ship- yards at Baltimore, Md, and their sont and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hall, of Harrisburg cectomy pe James Rice of Alexandria, Ky. cember 20 Philipsburg State spent the holidays in Bellefonte with | Hospital. Miss Leathers is a teacher his father, Mr. David Rice of Pine | 0 the Lock Haven school street, and his sisters, Mrs. Charles Mr Ivan Bjalme and Knapp and Mrs. Charles Eminhizer an d Ulla, of Pine James is emploved in steel mill hristmas season at Alexandria and this Mr. and Mr time in ghterssin-iaw twenty-seven vear en Bialme and home Jialme —Johin M. Fleming, son of Mr n Foreman, of Burlington and Mrs. M. Ward Fleming. of East Paul Foreman. of New Ling street, who recently went were in Bellefonte last New Jersey to Chicago, has join week for a Christmas visit with their the U. 8. Navy and is now at the mother and sister, Mrs. D. R. Fore- Creat Lakes Training School at | man and Miss Lois Foreman, at the Chicago, according to reports. John, {amily home on North Spring street. former well known Bellefonte news- -Mr. and Mrs. DaniCl Richner paperman, is not expected home dur- | and son Richard, of Port Allegheny ing the holiday season arrived here early last week for a «Mr. and Mrs. David Howell and | beliday visit with relatives and two children, of Gary, Ind. arrived friends in Bellefonte and vicinity in Bellefonte Monday of last week During their stay they made their for a Christmas visit with Mrs, | headquarters at the home of Mr.) Howell's father, James K. Barnhart, Reiner. s brother, Eimer Richner, at | of West Linn street. Other guests iblersburg at the home on Christinas included | Miss Geargetle Purnell, of Mt Mr. Barnhart’s son-in-law and |Lebanon, and Miss Madeline Pure daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard nell, of Punxsutawney, and their! Harris, Jr., and son of Philadelphia. | brother, George Purnell, Jr. a stu-| Mrs. Louise T. Manchester, who | dent at Penn State arrived in Belle- recently returned east from a visit | fonte early last week for a Christ- with relatives in California and mas visit with their father, George! Texas, and James Gartrell, of Phil- | I. Purnell, and Mrs. Purnell, adeiphia, arrived in Bellefonte early family home on East Curtin street last week for a visit with Mrs. Man-| Mr. and Mrs. James Wensel of chester’s mother, Mrs. Hugh B. Tay- | Milesburg, entertained the follow- lor, of the Brooks apartments, East }ing guests at a dinner at their home Lin, street. Mr. Gartrell returned on Christmas Day: Mr. and Mrs, to Philadelphia late in the week. | Raymond Fye and children, of Mad- Mrs. Manchester will be here indef- | isonburg Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood | finitely. Dunkie, Mr. and Mrs. John Beck- 4 —~BMrs. John C. Grader, accompan- | With, ‘Mr. and Mrs. Roy Petzer and | fed by her som Paul and wife, and! daughter, Miss Mildred Reese, and Mrs. James Musser and daughter | Pvt. William J. States. Dorothy. all of Aaronsburg, were Holiday guests of Dr. and Mrs. | callers at our office Friday Several RB. L. Stevens + their home on East weeks ago Paul Crader had the | Curtin street included Mr. and Mrs | thumb and first finger of his right |W. A. Keith and daughter, Martha hand Injured when they came in pReile, and Mr. Keith's mother and contact with a circular saw. The | Mrs. Stevens’ mother, trip to Bellefonte Friday was for the | Keith, all of Petersburg: Miss Dor- purpose of having the stitches re-| Stevens, a student at Mans- moved and the hand rebandaged i fieid State Teachers’ College, -C. E. Confer. a native of Howard areca. who has been in Mon. | mann Medical School, Philadelphia tana since 1016, is spending a three ~The annual Week of Prayer ser- weeks’ vacation with relatives and | vices will be held this year in Belle friends in Howard and vicinity. fonte from January 5 to 9, accord- Since 1927 Mr. Confer has built | ing to the following plan. Monday seven grain elevators on the Tom evening in the United Brethren Campbell farm near Hardin, Mont. | church, sermon by the Rev. C. Nevin which is known as the world’s big- | Stamm en the subject: The Son of | gest farm. On a visit to this office | the Living God. On Tuesday eve- last week Mr. Confer brought with | ning in the Evangelical church, ser- him several interesting photographs | { mon by the Rev. H. C. Stenger, Jr, of the Campbell farm. ion the subject: The Spirit of the ~~Mrs. James Wensel, of Miles. Living God. On Wednesday even- | burg, announces the engagement of | ing in the Lutheran church, sermon her daughter, Mikired Hijmaber h| by the Rev. William C. Thompson Reese, to Pvt. William J. States, f|on the subject: The Church of the Port Monmouth, N. J. Miss Paces. a! Living God. On Thursday evening graduate of the Bellefonte High! in the Methodist church, sermon by School in the class of 1929, is now | the Rev. H. Halbert Jacobs on the employed at the Shaffer store on | subject, The Book of the Living God. North Allegheny street, Bellefonte. lon Friday evening in the Presbyter« Mr. States, a graduate of the Kit- | lan church, sermon by the Rev. taning High 8chocl class of 1937, | Clarence E. Arnold on the subject: was employed at the Electric Sup- The Worship of the Living God. All ply Company store in Bellefonte be- | Ssviens will begin at 7:30 P. M. and | 5. Signal his recent enlistment in the U | is hoped that many will avail Sor iE wet No [Mate has been Tso of the privilege of wor- and Mrs, T. J of South Spring Bit | ap street student lvania is hoi r § with his parents, Ix Rogers and family WW NJ HNecheny ctront rect Mr. William Jenkins i children wind William Plaz XT nN Dav witl law and © Keit Mr Akron. Ohi Mr. Little merman Mrs. Little William Reede:; Mis Helen iladelphia ugh Tes nding of al of Sunbury Mrs. Geral were | Grover oved ro Spearly i Ir om Cole- rmick house on State ( 1e lege recently employ - College E.T Hall of ylvan Mt » holidays {\. Shaugl Fiem- On om I 34) t How- { Miss Eleanor Leathers, daugh- | ter of Mrs. Hilda Leathers, is recup- ing from an emMergenoy appen- formed Saturday, De- at the the i Iphia with : and dau visit at Christinas hag be jain Mr Mr ne 's and Mrs Mrs is the Torster Bengt that he ALK Mah Iowa, and from York Cit ed cthy ship in these services, “ | Garner, i bucgh, is spending the holidays with | of Bolling ! at the Mrs. Martha | and | the | Frank Stevens, a student at Hahne- | | to Lancaster, THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Mr. Randall Ertel, tburg, called at our while In town ~Mr, and Mrs. Peter Meek, of Alexandria, Virginia, and George Meek, of Philadelphia, were holiday guests of Peter and George Meek's parents, Postmaster and Mrs. George R. Meek, at the family home on | North Spring street Mr. and Mrs. William Straub daughter, Bethel, of Harris. biirg, spent last week In Bellefonte with Mr. and Mrs, SBtraub's respec- tive parents, Mr. and Mrs, Milton Straub and Mr. and Mrs. Cyrug Solt, all of Bouth Spring street Those who were at Mr. and Mrs. { Harry S8ampsel’s for Christmas were Mrs. J. J. Waldan, DeMoines, Towa; Mi. and Mrs. Earl Neese, of Balti- | | more, Md.; Miss Lila Tressler and ~-Miss Loulse McGowan, a nurse | Harris Beatty, and Mr, and Mrs, in Washington, D. C., arrived in Jobn Heichel, of Blanchard Bellefonte early last week for a holi- | - «