Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 26, 1941, Image 5

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    June 26, 1941.
Page Five
Pr —
~-Mrs, John Popson and Mrs. M
Whitecar Tressel were visitors In
Hublersburg and Lamar on Friday.
«Mrs. Charles Keller and three
children, of East Curtin Street, are
spending this week with Mrs, Kel-
ler's mother, Mrs. Carls, at Madis-
—Mrs. W. W. Bickett, of the Ca-
dillac apartments,
day for Niagara Falls for a week's
visit with her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr, and Mrs, E H An-
—Mrs, John B. Miller and infant
daughter, Pamela Anne, returned to
their home on Wilson Street last
Wednesday, from the Centre County
Hospital where the child was born
—Mrs. P. M, Dubbs and children, |
Billy and Becka, of East Linn
Street, are spending this week In
York as guests of Mrs. Dubbs’
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs J. E Charles.
—Miss Joan Kusse, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kusse, of Wes!
Linn Street, Is spending several
weeks in Barberton, Ohio, with her
grandmother, Mrs. Ella Kusse and
other relatives in that area
--Miss Louise Kline, daughter ol
Mr, and Mrs, Guy Kline, of Eas:
Bishop Street, and Miss Betty Hall,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Mac Hall,
of Milesburg, are spending this
week with friends in Petersburg, Va, |
—Mr and Mrs. J. M. Curtin, of
West Linn Street, went to Piits-
burgh early last week to attend the
wedding of their son, Henry Roland
Curtin and Helen Wood Lyne,
which took place Saturday after-
noon in Calvary Episcopal chureh,
—Mr. and Mrs. Harold Londo and
two children, Rosemary and Billle, |
of Green Bay, Wis, are here for a
summer visit with Mrs. Londos
mother, Mrs, Joseph Beezer, at her
home on East Bishop Street. Mrs.
Londo is the former Della Beezer of
-~L. J. Mitchell, a representative
of the Navy Recruiting Office, Al-
foona, will be at the Bellefon'e
Post Office, todav between the hours
of 10 a, m, and 3 p. m. for the pur-
pose of interviewing applicants for
enlis'ment in the Navy and the
Naval Reserve
—Robert, Murray, Jr. 13-year-od
son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray,
of Ridge Street, suffered a fracture
of the right wrist last Wednesday
evening when he fell from his bi-
cycle while riding on East Howard
Street. He was taken to the offices
of a physician for treatment
—Mr. A. C. Conler, well known
lumberman from Spring Mills, Pa.
accompanied by his daughter-in-
Jaw, Mrs. Clyde Confer, called at
ous office Monday while enroute
home from Tyrone where Mr. Con-
fer attended a meeting at the
W. Virginia Pulp and Paper Co.
~~James R. Hughes is in Brooklyn,
N.Y, for his annual summer visit
With his brother, Charles Hughes
and family having gone there from
Princeton, N. J. where he last week
atended commencement exercises
at Princeton University Mr
Hughes. expects to be gone for about
six weeks.
—Pvt, Charles Sheckler, Jr. son
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sheckler,
of Mtlesburg. and a member of Bat-
tery B., Bellefonte, now stationed at
Camp Shelby, Miss., last Thursday
underwent an operation in ths
camp hospital for double hernia
test reports are to the effect that
he is convalescing nicely.
—Mr. and Mrs. George E. Brown,
of East Logan Street, are receiving
congratulations on the birth of a
fn at their home about 4 o'clock
Sunday morning. The infant is the
fourth child and the fourth son
in the Brown family. Mrs. Russel
Brown, of Irvin is here to be with
her sicter<in-law until she is able to |
be about. The baby has been named |
Russell Allen.
~Mrs. Dale, wife of Col. Frederic |
A Dale, U. 8. A, was a guest las’
week of her sister-in-law, Mrs
David Dale, of West Linn Stree:
Cal. Dale is a native of Lemont an
while in service was stationed at
Army posis in many parts of the
country and its possessions. Since |
his retirement severaj years ago he |
has made his home in Baltimore.
~~Members of the Drama Section |
of the Bellefonte Woman's Club
held a picnic last Wednesday after- |
noon and evening at the Johnston-
closing activity of that Section's
program for the summer season.
During the afternoon bridge and
five hundred were played and sup-
per was [ollowed by entertainment |
held under the direction of Mrs, |
Bellefonte, |
Alexander Brown of
chairman, and Miss Emaleen East- |
land of State College. Mrs. Pag!
D. Eberhart was in charge of a cov-
ered dish supper served to more
Huan 20 members and guests pres-
~We had the pleasure of meet-
ing J. Linn Murphy and Don E
Noble, both of Ithaca, N. Y. Tues-
day morning, while the two gentle
men were on a pleasure trip to Cen-
tre county, Mr Murphy, born at
Stormstowr’ 79 years ago, and for
gany years a resident of Bellefonte,
Lodhi de wmibloved until 53
years n 0 s of The Cen-
tre Democrat, is a veritable goid-
mine of first-hand history of this
community, A conversation with him
is Uke being wafted back through
the years to hear an eye-witness
#occount of events and persons of
whom we know only through hear-
say. Mr, Noble, retired from the
postal service in January this year,
was on his first visit to Centre coun-
ty and expressed in glownig terms
his appreciation of the natural
beauties of this area. The two gen-
tlemen ate cruising about leisure-
and expected to go from here to
Grove Mills, where Mr. Mur-
departed Sun-|
| Mr. and Mrs, George Gingericn
of Flemington, Pa. called at our
office Monday while in town on 2a
business trip.
Mrs. Nancy Hunter Foye, of
Lock Haven, spent Sunday in Belle-
fonte with her mo. her, Mrs. Robert
| P Hunter, at her home on East
Curtin Street,
~David E. Washburn, of East
Curtin Street, chief chemist for the
American Lime and Stone Com-
pany, is spending this week in Chi-
| cago on a business mission
The Misses Dolores and Betly
Lou Whitecar visited their mother
Mrs. Whitecar Tressel of East Bish-
| op Street over the weekend. Betly
Lou fust graduated from Vare Ju-
| nior High to Girls High in Phila-
—Frank Webster, of North Alle-
gheny Street, on Saturday under-
went a tonsillectomy at the Centre
County Hospital, and returned
home the following day. Mr. Web-
ster is in charge of the West Penn
store room on West Lamb Street
-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C, Wal-
lace, of Milesburg, are the happy
| parents of a son, their first child,
born at the Centre County Hospita
{ last Thursday. The little boy, who
weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces at birth,
| has been named Thomas Richard.
Mr. Wallace is an employe of the
Claster Lumber Company,
—J. Kennedy Johnston, of East
Bishop, his son, Philip H. Johnston,
of Bast Curtin Street, and the for-
mer's son-in-law, Wayne 8 itzinger,
of New Castle, are preparing 0
leave Friday morning for a ten
days’ fishing trip in Canada, ex-
recting to go north of Toronto
Mr. Stitzinger will join the party at
Buffalo, N. Y
—Mr., and Mrs. Alexander Brown
and young son, Larry, of the
Schaeffler apartments, East Curtin
} Street, spent the weekend with re-
i latives and friends in McKeesport,
and upon their return home, Sun-
day night, were accompanied by
| Mrs. Brown's mother, Mrs. Hobbs
of Portage, who is a guest at the
Brown home
Philip S8hoemaker, of East Linn
Street, and his nephews, Billy and
Bobby Hyslop, song of Mrs. Augusta
Hyslop, of North Allegheny Stree!
last Wednesday went to Pittsburgh
where the boys will spend two week
with their grandmother Mrs John
M. Hyslop, of Oakland. Mr. Shoe-
maker returned the same night
bringing his wife and daughter
home from a week's in the
Pittsburg area
A whi'e traffic ling was painted
along the center of Water Street,
from Lamb Street south to the rali-
road tracks at the Phoenix Mill
last Thursday by employes of the
State Highway Deparment. The
line was requested by Bellefonte
Council to ald in the regulation of
traffic on Water Street, which
since the opening of the new high-
way, is now one of the town’s
{ heaviest traveled sireets
One day Iasi week Lee Fetzer
and Colling Shoemaker, both
ployes of the Dunlap Motor Com-
ipany, West High street, were en-
route home in a truck from a trip
to Tylersville, when, while driving
‘along the Fishing Creek road a bolt
jof lightning struck a pine tree less
fthan 100 feet ahead of the truck
The two men were so close they [ot
{the concussion of the shock. Bhoe-
rmaker, driving the truck, halted the
machine while he and his compan-
loin recovered {rom the effects of the
“Darrow escape.”
{ —Dean Breon 16, son of Mrs
John Breon, of Reynolds Avenue,
| last Thursday underwent an opera-
{ tion at the Philipsburg State Hos-
| pital, for the corfection of a fool
| condition from which he has suffer
ied for the past three years. Both
ilegs are now in a cast from foot
| to knee, and final results of the op-
eration will not be known until the
| casts have been removed. The
youth has been under observation
and treatment at the clinic at Phil-
ipsburg State Hospital [or several
| years. He will be a sophomore
| in the Bellefonte High School next
—The Rev. Robert HA Thomas
| 3rd, rector of 8t. John's Episcopal
Church, left Sunday for Kiski
young people's Church conference
accompanied by the following
teachers from the Church School:
Misses Charlotte Gordon, Jean
Purnell, Love Auman and Dorothy
{| Chandler and Eimer Bickel.
jence is held each summer by the
| Episcopal Diocese of Erie, Pitts-
{ burgh and Harrisburg and lis at-
tended by several hundred young
people. The Rev, Mr, Thomas is
ia member of the executive board
and also is in charge of the evening
of worship and play.
He Is also faculty advisor of the
“Kiski Kidder” a daily mimeo
graphed paper. Miss Jean Purnell
was chosen as student editor of th?
paper this year.
~sJames Miller, of North Spring
Street, an employe of the National
Gypsum Company, was guest of
| programs
day at the summer collage of Mr.
and Mrs Harry Resides, of State
College, near Wopple's Dam.
Among the guests present were: Mr.
and Mrs, Charles Martin and chil-
dren, Ada, Ruth and Jean, of Pine
Grove Mills; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Martin, Bellefonte; Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Martin, State College;
Mr. and Mrs, John Martin and
son, Robert and Miss Sue Gel
wick, Slate College; Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Resides, of State Col-
lege, and their daughter and grand-
daughter, Marguerite and Joan,
bath of Newark, N. J; Mrs. Eliza-
Stella Shaffer and grandchildren,
Vera, Anna Marie and Dolly Garety,
of gifts,
mo x
' of Mrs. Minnie Whitecar Tressel
Wion cabin at Hecla Park as the | Will return tomorrow. The confer- |
honor at a surprise party held Sun- |
beth Rossman, Millheim: and Mrs. |
| Mrs. Andrew Engle, Jr, of East
High street, has accepted a clerical
position in the Schlow store at State |
Mr. aid Mrs. Carl Bohn
two sons, Carl Henry and John Da-
vid, of Akron, Ohlo, were greeting
{friends in Bellefonte, Tuesday, while
on a visit with relatives in Centre
Alfred Cohen, of Baltimore, Md,
George Cohen, of Pittsburgh,
spent the weekend in Bellefonte as |
guests of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Cohen, at the
home on North Spring street
W. H
Anna Kyper, of Altoona, were call-
ers at our office Tuesday. Mr. Bair,
a native of Brush Valley, is a re-
tired railroader and spends much
of his time traveling over the coun-
The Bellefonte Chapter
Red Cross has received yarn for
caps, mittens, sweaters and scarfs,
and in order to complete our quota
in time the work must be started at
once. Call Mrs. W. J. Emerick 274-
J, or Mrs. W. Harrison Waiker 560
Miss Genevieve Schlegel, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Schlegel,
of North Allegheny street, this week
entered the Huntingdon Commercial
School at Huntingdon, as a student
in the commercial course Miss
Schlegel Is a recent graduate of the
Bellefonte High School
The William Curtins, who now
occupy the Mrs. Rebecea Mull house
on East Curtin street, have pur-
chased the Miss Margaret Cook
home on West Linn street, and ex-
pect to move into the property
about the first of October. Miss Cook
will remain there during the sum-
mer months
— Private James H. Davis recently
transferred to Fort Douglas, Salt
Lake City, Utah, has again been
transferred Felts Field, Park-
water, Spokane, Washingion. Upon
a month's training there he will go
Sunset Alrport, Spokane be
stationed. James is a son of Mr. and
Mrs. Thurman Davis, of West Lamb
street, Bellefonte
—Mr. and Mrs Samuel Leitzell
of Beaver Btreel, and Mr. and Mrs
Walter R. Eberhart and son, Dan-
ny, of North Allegheny Street, ex-
pect to leave, Baturday, for a O~
tor trip to Delta, Ontario, Canada
where they will spend a week
days fishing. Mr. Eberhart
ed that his plumbing
Water street will be
his absence
Rev. Robert
Thena, York
eral days in Centre :
Mrs. Thena is attending a
tion at State College. During
stay here they are guests of Mr. and
Mrs. George Hazel, of Bellefonte, at
their cottage along Spring Creek
The Rev. Mr. Thena was formerly
pastor of the St. John
church, Bellefonte
of the
to to
or ten
of are
D. Paul
East Bishop
from Walter
Joseph Landis
Fortney apartment
Street. hag purchased
R. Eberhart the bungalow on N¢
Allegheny street now occupied by
the Aaron D. Leitzell family, Ac-
cording to reporis the Leitzells will
vacate the premises in the near fu-
ture, and the Landis family will
take possession about Ju 1 Mr
Landis is an employe of Sutton
Engineering Co
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kline re-
turned to their home on West Lamb
street, Sunday, from Detroit, Mich.
where they spent last week The
Klines went to Detroit to visit Mr
Kline's mother, Mrs. Emma Kiine
nd her son and daughter-in-law
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kline and
child. all of Oakland, California
who came east for a visit in De-
troit. Since they found it impos-
gible to come to Bellefonta, the
Kiines decided to join the family
group in Detroit
Conrad Whitecar
East Bishop Street, was graduated
from the Hershey High School Man.
day, June 8. Young Whitecar 1s
Huarshey High's solo saxophpnist
and was the only soloist at the
graduating services held in the
Hershey community theatre. Mr
Hershey has given him two years at
Junior College. Mrs. Tressel and
children, Patricia, Dorothy, Betty.
and Dolores, spent the weekend at
~Daniel Eberhart son of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter kberhart, of North Al-
legheny street, was guest of honor
at a 10th birthday anniversary party
‘held Friday afternoon at his parents’
cabin along Spring Creek. During
the afternocn guests went swim-
ming and played games, Danny re-
ceived gifts, The following were
present: Bobby Landis, Billy Locke,
Georgie DelLallo, Mary Jodon, Mary
Jane Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Eber-
hart, and Mrs. George Jodon. Pri-
day was also Mrs. Jodon's birthday
—PDr. Richards H. Hofman, who
some weeks ago was called to ser-
vice at the United States Army Base
at Windsor Locks, Conn. arrived in
Bellefonte at noon yesterday for a
several days’ visit with his mother,
Mrs. Bertha Hoffman, and his bro-
ther, 8heldon A. Hoffman and fam-
ily, al their home on North Alle-
igheny Street, while enroute to Ran-
doiph Field, Texas, where he has
been assigned to enter the Avia-
{tion School of Medicine. Dr. Hoff.
man is scheduled to Iléave Belle-
fonte on Friday to conlinue his
~The Twilight Fantasy,
‘held by the Episcopal church, Mon-
jday, June 30, will offer many at-
tractions aside from the opportun-
{ity to view Mrs. George Thompson's
| beautiful
{There will be a fashion show of the
wh OTArd
{latest styles offered by the Katz,
|Linta and Worth stores, and model-
ied by Bellefonte beauties, There
{will be a snappy pirate dance hd
| strat the onlookers, Music,
* the Penn Belle Hotel,
| te , to say nothing of the de-
{liclous things to eat, will tempt all
{those who pay 40c to come to the
| Twilight Fantasy at any time be-
{tween 7 and 10 next Monday night.
{To get there drive, or walk down
festivities, :
family |
Bair and granddaughter,
to be!
“Priendship Garden”
Perfect eyes
See Dr. Howard FP. Bauer, Optomet-
vist, at the W, E, Crossley Jewelry
[Btore, Bellefonte, Pa \d
Mr. and Mrs. Kelth Rimmey
moved last week from Axemann to
one of the apartments in the First
National Bank building at the cor-
ner of Allegheny and Curtin Streets
Pvil, First Class Robert Shaffer
last week returned to Camp Shelby,
Miss, after spending a ten-day fur-
lough in Bellefonte with his mother, |
Mis. Stella Shaffer, of North Spring
Mr Mrs, Carl
parents, Mr
Cartwright at
Bishop street
of Nit
liamsport, were
Mrs. Otterbein’s
Mrs. Earl M
home on East
John Shoemaker, rth
| Thomas street, has resigned his pos-
with the
Stone Company
an agent for the
ance Company
Brice Hoover, of Howard, left
Sunday for New Castle where he has
accepted a position with M. W. Mec-
Intosh, Inc, as a heater operator
For the past three years Mr. Hoover
has been employed Whiterock
Wu rries
guests of Mr
law and sister
ition American Lime &
and has become
Prudential Insur-
in the Bellefonte
and Arthur Lamb, of
Pittsburgh are
Lambs brother-in-
Mi Mrs. Joseph
A. Parrish, on West High Street, Mr
Mrs. Lamb here en-
route home from thelr wedding trip
Mr. and Mrs. J Clayton Green-
land will move today from one of
the Jack Hinds apartments on Wil-
lowband street to the Theodore
Haupt bungalow in Bush Addition
Mr. Greenland is a linotype oper-
ator in The Centre Democrat
of -
aged 8
11 Tere,
of Mr
and of
Lis HE dou
. Arm
from a
Haven play-
indergoing treatment
Hosp! » Was
home here
ground After
at the Lock Haven
broug 144
k of Governor
James IMOTes And
lie bullc y +
were directed to be placed at half-
yesterday |
John J S8haw, Sta
Health, wi 1
in a Harrisburg
of a heart condition
Mr lam
tin and Mu ‘urtin's sist
and Mi: Mrs
all Bellefonte
ma alter |
y died
weekend In
Harold G
R. Gill and y
and Raymond, of Har
weekend guests at
Esther Humphrey
B iw {
of Curwensville, spent
tie daughter
( Humphrey
last Thus
Charles C. Brown ane
Charles, Jr East Howard sf
departed last weekend
nati, Ohio five
with Mrs
Mrs. L. E. Ritchie
ager of the
store. expocts
there for the
their vacation
and Mrs
for a
fo }
LL. Melcher and
Lenora, of Wilkinsburg
Meicher's sister, Miss Ida
Williams, of Martha, were callers at
this office. Tuesday afternoon, The
Melchers were on way home
from a motor trip through New
York State. including a brie! visit
with their son Rev. Webster Mel-
cher, of Canandaigua, N. Y
Employes of the Wolf Furniture
store entertained at dinner at the
Penn Belle Hotel, last Wednesday
night, in honor of Mr. and Mrs
Theodore E. Casselberry, who were
married in Hagerstown that day
The couple was presented with a
radio. Guests present were Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde M. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs
Wilford Fisher, Miss Pauline Mong,
Richard Barlett, Mrs. Foster Rhoads
and Mrs. Minnie Poorman
~The Rev. C. Nevin Stamm, of
North Spring street, pastor of the
Reformed church, is in Lakeside,
Ohio, this week atiending the Na-
tional Conference on Christian Edu-
cation His seven-year-old son,
Charlies Stamm, is spending the
week with relatives in Manns Cholce
weekend guests of the Stamm fam-
ily were Mr. and Mrs. John Cleve-
land. of Bethlehem. Mr Cleveland
and Mrs L
formerly was an assistant manager
of the G. C. Murphy store in Belle-
Harvey P. Schaefler,
of East
High street, well known Bellefonte
who several)
hardware merchant
weeks ago was discharged from the
Centre County Hospital after un-
dergoing a serious operation, was re-
admitted to that institution Sunday
night for further treatment
move was deemed advisable when
Mr. Schaeffer failed to recover as
rapidly as had been expected
infant daughter, of Germantown,
arrived here yesterday to be with
the child's grandmother while Mr
{Schaeffer is in the hospital
Mrs. Emma Rightnour, of East
igagement of her daughter,
Kathryn, to Paul R. Emerick, son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. J Emerick, of
Bellefonte, The announcement Was
imade Sunday at a party at the Em-
erick-Glenn cabin on Fishing Creek.
Miss Rightnour was graduated from
the Howard High School, class of
1933. and for several years has been
employed here. Mr. Emerick was
graduated from the Bellefonte High
!Bchool in 1933 and is manager of
which is owned by his father. The
wedding is scheduled to take place
late in August, Those who attend-
‘ed the announcement party were:
{Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Potter,
Lewistown: Mr. and Mrs. Guy
all of Bellefonte. A picnic dinner Cherry Lane between the Markland Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. Bcvd Chandler,
was a highlight of the day's festivi- Hotel and Dr, Rogers’ office until Miss Mary Daye, John Gillen, and
ties. Mr Miller received a number you come to the gay scene of the Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Flynn, all of
Who has them? | 72
Otterbein |
His |
Mrs, Albert Gilmer and
| 20, Bellefonte, Pa
| POR SALE—A wood silo Bx30 ft
lquire of Carl Gates, Maringo, War- |
High Street, has announced the en- | Hors Mark, Pa.
Mary |
of | C
30,000 People Read This Column
every week
That's why The Centre Democrat's classified advertising de-
partment has become so amazingly popular. Considering its low cost and
the benefits derived, it Is undisputably Centre County's Community Bar-
gain Counter
RATES Advertisements of twenty-five words or less
Issue, and 15 cents for each additional Insertion
cents for
ment contains more than twenty-five words, one cent a word Is charged
REAL ESTATE A straight one cent a word 1s charged for real estate
advertising sale or rent
All advertisements that
request replies to be malled
to this office, must be complied with by those answering the advertise
ments, Please do not call at the office for
of the advertiser
free of charge
A T——,—
Je $15.00
Special sale General
wishers. $6405 washer
for your old washer, $4505--for a
limited time only at Electric Bup-
ply Co., Bellefonte, Pa
The many friend:
sie Rhine of Milesburg
to hear was admit
isinger pital In a
1 last
be sOr-
and children and Gus
East Howard and Charles
Coble, Jr.. of North Penn Street, re-
turned Sunday from a two weeks
motor trip to New Mexico where
they were guests of Mr Mr
Poorman’s son
(Additional Locals on Page 4)
— i ——————
Corrected Weekly by C, Y. Wagner
& Co. Inc, Flour Mill, Bellefonte
Wheat a5
Oa 40
Buckwheat 60
Rye 50
Barley 50
Corn Ah
Cord of Thanks
BRIDGE We wish to thank
Bellet nte
cutters, saw mm
agers, Beliefor :
gircuit work 522 Blale
Pittburgh, Pa
peralors al
te district ROY
Theatre Bld
WANTED 8aleamen
Good pay Hel
to ca n farmers
capital fired t
Box 258. Punxsutawney
red J
Wanted to Buy
WANTED-To buy used jumber
and boards. Phone Bellefonte
To buy cattle of anv kind
Inquire of Hubert Nell
D. 2, Phone T280-N-2
To buy a hay baller
Inquire of
make and price
Fye. Mochannon, Pa
lao bulis
Beliefonte R
WANTED--To buy ] kinds of |
stock, for good prices Write
call Albert NN McCalodb, Loganton
Pa. Phone 2622 x30
WANTED--Gond second-hand enasll
age cutler. Give descripiion ‘|
rice. Harry A Corman 8pring
Millis. Pa. Phone 11-R-2 x27
| WANTED- To buy all kinds of live-
stock. Bruce EKrumrine, Pleasant
Gap, Pa. Phone Bellefonte 478-J-1
and reverse charges {f any 14
information concerning such
as the publishers are not permitted to divulge the name
Every subscriber to The Centre Dem-
ocral is entitled to a 25-word advertisement
in these columns one time,
This privilege can be used six times a year at different
ries No B
Walker, Wingat
sold and
¢ B hoOrseoowe
or « rubber
moe, Pa
Mark, Pa
wid or shelled
A "iF
Backed by
eve We
Phone 153
and e kind
118 weeks
WANTED--To buy 100 head of shoals |
100 pounds
ang 9
furniture Bu-
weighing from 80 to
Brothers, State
between 6 a. m
Phone 751
WANTED Antique
reaus, writing desk: doughtirays
chairs. tables stands, high poster
beds, guns, dolls, pewter grand-fath-
er clocks, old glass and china, High-
136 E
Market Bt York, Pa x33
Articles tor Sale
POR SALE--"Catile Crossing” cards
Inquire at this office x3
FOR BALE Fordson tractor parts L
O. Corman & Son, Beech Creek, Pa
and a food
FOR SBALE--Oats, corp
milk cow. William
Woodward, Pa
POR SALE--Boys bicycle, chean. B
PF. Dickson. Bush Addition, Belle
fonte. R. D. 2. x26
FOR SALE—A 1086 Pord pick-up
truck Price reasonable Phone
Pine Grove Mills, Centre County, Pa
Phone State College 3621. x26
POR SALE...One rubber tired all stee]
farm wagon, 16-600 tires. Reason
for selling I make them. J. P. Sharer,
Centre Hall. R. D. x26
FOR BALE. .loraine gas stove with
double oven, gas refrigerator; both
in good condition. Will apll reason-
ably. Call 760, Bellefonte. 181s
FOR SALE-Coal and wood. I haul
ashes away at a low rate. Call
847-3 for gi icss. Sam i
Bellefonte, + BR. D. 1, Ooleville, 1tf
POR SALE-<Farm lime at price farm
ers can afford to pay. Inquire of
. M. Long, y "ne
Zion 1913 (Nittany). itr
Capperelll, |
Sliver King tractor
FOR BALE-1040 :
; he iow, Pully equi od, Sp aieit
Wow tion
Phone 58
Sarre in
FOR SALE--Puliets Leghorns
weeks old: New Hambshire
old Penns V Poulin
Farm, Coburn, Pa. W. T
J. M. Mingle, Pron
Rocks, W
Matings 857
SA 50 ner 100
Bellefonte, Pa
Dogs, Pets, Etc.
POR SALE—A female collie pup, 3
months old Color tan and white
A. C. Hartle, Beliefonte, Pa. R. D. 1
Live Stock
POR BALE. Seven pigs 8 weeks old
price pald, Cora M. Schmuck, |
[POR SALE—Fresh cow
| FOR SALE-—Eight pigs 7
Inquire of Bloomer Weaver, Spring
Mills, R D x26
Inquire of
Shore. R. D
H W. Matter,
2 (near Avis)
2 FOR SBALE--Two farm mules and two
H. Anderson
Jersey orws Ames
Osceola Mills, Pa. R D
weeks old
Inquire of Harry E Miller, Howat
D. 2. (Snydertown) x26
{POR SALE--Horses about a dozen
| Losch Parm Machinery
| Jersey Shore, Pa
bargains, traded in on
POR SALE--A mare weight 1800 and
x26 | Toesday
- | and poultry. you can expect good
FOR SALE--Buckwheat for seed 481h, prices
per bushel 00, Stephens Parma, |
—.. | for sale
in good condition
g6tf (as OIH, Julian, Pa
Also a cook stove
Inquire of Thom.
one small mare
In- | FARMERS-—Penng Valley Sales barn,
Centre Hall
holds sale every
live stock
8 Riegel, Owner Mar. 1
FOR SBALE..1 have several teams of
horse ag well as some single ones
Also some Pordson
and plows. Call: Collins
at The Dunlap Motor Co.
FOR SALE-{Three Holstein bulls
around 18 months old, eligible to
registration; also two Guernsey bulls
and nine registered Chesterwhite
Boars, 12 bred gilts. LO. Corman &
Son, Beech Creek, Pa x27
FOR SALE-8potted Poland China |
sow and 6 pigs, ready to wean Also
eoveral bred sows, and fresh Guern-
gry cow, T. B. and blood tested. J
HH. Mitchell, Lemont, Pa. Phone State
College 3764, x27
Real Estate - For Sale
POR BALE-A jot B0x200 on the
north side of East High Street,
Mefonte, Pa. Inquire of
(fer sisters. Benefit
(of Williamsport
Church. Time § o'clock
all modern conveniences loca
163 E Curtin 8 Bellefont
Inguire of Davi Newcotner
fonte., Pa
FOI BALE--# room
Mrs Emma (
mont, Pa. hots
and gw Inquire
Adm , Bellefonte
house of the Is
buliding occa
tin and Alleghe
Pa. Reasonabl
Apartments for Rent
POR RENT -—Apartme f
three 1
Loans to Farmers
PR Jr ——
~ -
Made no all Xk ry
teris and
Tho )
102 E Lamb
ire repalr shop, repairing, restor-
also have In
rel] steel can BOTeWS
Woodruff keve, kev siock
Machine Shop, Bellefonte,
22-R 111
Kinds We
Cemetery Associ-
Zion Union
June 28 161
1 will be held on
Grange No
will hold a festival at Hublers-
July 26th. x80
burg. Pa. on Saturday
FESTIVAL-—Marion Grange No 223
of H will hold a festival at Jack.
July 12 x28
FESTIVAL--On Saturday. July 5th
the Nittany Baseball team will hold
a festival on school grounds Music
will be furnished by the Easi Penns
Valley Band x27
FESTIVAL--The annual festival of
the Hublersbure Cemetery Associa.
tion will be held Baturday evening
July 18. Music by American Legion
Junior Band 2211
LAWN FESTIVAL-—-A lawn festival
will be held pext Saturday evening
June 28th. on the John Purl lawn for
tthe benefit of the ULB church min-
isterial pension fund
" FESTIVAL--The Ladies Ald, will |
hold a festival at Fairview, Boe
Town hin, on Saturday, July 5th
Music will be furnished by the Con-
of the church
FESTIVAL-—-The Ladies Aid of the
{Coburn Lutheran church will hold »
festival Saturday evening, Jure 28
the Athletic
Field at
by the Hoosier Oorn
SUPPEFR-A penny su r
be held thie Thursdsy, June
268ih, by Circle number 2. of the W
| C 8 of the
liz is Invited
FESTIVAL--The Willing Workers
Bible Class of the Stormstown Meth-
raiser slparren will halg « Arpederey
festival on the shurvh lawn, Thurs.
Say evening June 28th Music will
Mileshurg Methodist |
The pud- |
‘be furnished by the Port Matilda |
, High Street, Bellefonte, X26 | American Legion band,
RE -~There is
ere y 12: 2 to 6; 7
daily and § Ko Wednesday
Afternoon hours 1
ic the can way of living
or less
Fo oorrect
take STOM-
18 Pharmacy. Be
Health Laboratories
A Modern bas ange
and all Payments Can Be
Applied on Purchase Price!
Bellefonte State College
Beatrice ~~ what did you tell the
Sewing Circle that day? Was it
about one baking powder bes:
ing beet for all kinds of recipes?
Yes, that's what Beatrice said,
and she was Ring about
Rumford. For with Rumford
you oan use any good recips
without worrying about how
much baking powder to use,
The amount the directions call
for is the right amount to use
of Rumford . . . Rumford con.
tains no alum -- never leaves §
bitter taste. FREE. Send for
now booklet, containing dos
ens of bright ideas to i ve
vour baking. Address: Rum.
ford Baking Powder, Box R
Rumford, Isiand