Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 26, 1941, Image 11

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    June 26, 1941,
Elmer and Earl Harter Jr. spent
A | Sunday with their grandparents,
(From last week) Mr. Eldon Ilgen of Aberdeen, Md, Mr. and Mrs, George Shuey uf
The infant daughter of Mr, and | spent the weekend with his family | pajjatonte R. D. 3, Mr, and Mrs,
Mrs. Ernest Long is ill with pneu- here. | Ear] Harter and sons Melvin and
monia, Mrs. Savilla Stitzer visited :n| Charles spent Sunday evening at
. Mrs. Lloyd Tate spent last week Madisonburg for a few days last the same place,
at the home of her son, Mr, Clifford | week. Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Harter
Diehl, at Ambridge. | Mrs. Edythe Kreamer's Beauty|.nd daughter Kathleen of State
Mr. and Mrs. C. J Weaver, Jr., Shoppe will be closed from June 23 | oollege spent Thursday afternoon |
visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Waite | to July 1. | at the Earl Harter home, also called |
at Loganton on Sunday. Miss Agnes Lingle visited her | to see Willard Harter who is im- |
The next 4-H Olub meeting will | aunt, Mrs. John Neese, at Millheim | proving slowly. He is allowed 0
1 ¢ 3 , hair » each
be held at the home of Dorls Mal- | 90 Sunday. | sit in a chair a hort Sn eagh
tory, June 26, at 1:30 p. m. | Mr, Floyd Lamey of Tylersville, | day Many friends called to se¢
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Beaver and | called at the Mrs. Ida Bair home | him the past week
son of Lemont were Saturday guests | 0 Monday. | Among those who called at the
at the R. W. Bierly home, Mr. Clymer Tyson of Harrisburg, | Margaret Dullen home on Sunday |
Mr. and Mrs James Prank of | Spent Sunday at the home of his| were Mr. and Mrs. Pheras Eck and |
Loganton were Saturday visitors at | parents, Mr, and Mrs. W, F. Tyson. | two children of Nesbit; Mr. and
the home of Mrs. Gertrude Frank, | Monday guests at the home of | Mrs, Boyd Butler and Sutighiter ol
Mr. Torrence Miller of Tylers- | Mrs. Edith Breon were, Mr. and Mil] Hall, R. D., and Annie Dullen
ville called at the home of his | Mrs. Wiliam Rachau of Milesburg. | of Beech Creek.
brother, Mr. 8. T. Miller on Sunday. | Miss Adeline Straub of Willlams- Mrs Emma Vonada of Howard
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Tarbert left | port, spent the weekend at the] visiting her daughter, Mrs. Homer
Wednesday for a week's business | home of Rev. and Mrs, Fred Den- Yearick and family, Mrs. Vonada 15
ay y a 8g beaux not enjoying as good health as her
and pleasure trip in Pittsburgh and | *™° v friends wuld like her to at
vicinity. | Mr, and Mrs Richard Berkstres. ER eta ou I i
‘; § 4 ere D508 fishing with Gtae Sent
iss Madeline Brungart of Sa- | Ser were deep sea : i —
oa Mad re Rrungan at the friends from Madisonburg over the Harold and Mary Helen Harter
« 5 + | weekend. called to see Willard Harter Sun-
home of her mother, Mrs, Alverta ome Tin Ty
Brungart. | Mr, and Mrs, Edward Tyson and Gay evening ; TR,
Mr. and Mrs Ellsworth Stover of | children of Miliheim, were Saturday Mrs. Anna Clark and daughte:
Oil City were Thur day evening evening callers at the Milford Gar- | Martha spent Friday evening atl
i rapes y Aer "it ) he bert Spangler home at Nit-
callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs, | Fel homoe. : He Ror Bpanger Be.
Harry Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shreckengas! tany :
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gentzel are at and daughter, Dianne, of Millheim Mrs Richard Dolan and two
present visiting with Mrs. Gentze!l visited Mrs. Blanche Shreckengas® | daughters Hazel and Gladys and
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Mus- | Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. George Dolan and
ser at Boalsburg, { Mr. and ia Howard Miller of daughter Janet of Axe Mann spen
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Houseman of Pitcairn spent a few days last weeg Sunday afternoon at the Orvis
Milihetm_ visited at the home of 2! the ory of his grandmother, | Clark's.
Mrs. Alice Krouse and the Harry | Mrs. Lena Brungart 4-H club news reported by Me 1
Smull home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bierly at- garter the club reporter: The 4-H
Mrs. Elizabeth Reigle of Middle tended the wedding of Mr Blerly ub boys of Jacksonville and
burg, is spending the next few weeks nephew, Eugene TFuhrmmn, at ..4 pet jast Thursday evening
’ > 1 '] ™ 4 . L -'t 1
with her son-in-law and daughter, | Middleburg on Saturday the Grange Hall at Jacksonville. A
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Arbogast Mr. Joel Royer and sister, Mrs. | the members were present bug one
. pt Epley Gentzel of Zion visited a’ Those sent were Homer and
Miss Maxine Page of State Coi- i ; [hose
lege, is spending a three weeks va- the H. H, Royer home and Mrs. E. genry Weight, James Button, Paul
cation at the home of her parents H. Hosterman last Thursday. Loyde and Harold Rogers, Melvin
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Page. { Mrs. Kenneth Breon, Mrs. Homer | Harter, Leonard Paul, Robert
Mrs. Neta Bierly has resigned her Boone, Mrs. Charles Gephart and Thompson and Donald Bitner. We
position at the Centre County Hos- | Miss Shirley Hagen made a business had a very fine meeting with our
trip to Lock Haven on Monday assistant Mr. Tate. We boys, ex-
pital and is now occupying her Fea d alaine a DIE. : Janes
home in the westend of town. Mr, Calvin Breon, Jr, and Miss Sep Wo ale ails gi Jig tg
Rev. A. J Miller of Stoystown, | C'eora Hackman, motored to State Button thought he would ike 0b
visited at the home of his son . | College on Sunday where Miss try capons; John Yearick has
i A SOL=-iaT " 4 M _— "| vat eT he #411 0D
Hackman remained for an extended | decided yei what he will ¢
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs shot " id 2%
y AF . y visit hope he will soon decide and stay
Curtis Grenninger on Monday wr : in the sh with us for we need a
Mr. and Mis. A. E Limpert ang), X75. Elsabeth Gephart andl... wre John. Mihi
Mr. and Mrs. A. G Cummings were | auUghter, Mrs, Charles Meyer, of | ¥00¢ boy lke John
Monday callers at the home of Mr State College, visited at the home We elected for Ir President
and Mrs. ichard Mann at Beech of Mrs. Emma Corman Saturday [esonard Thompson, vice president
Creek. evening Homer Weight; Paul Rogers game
Mrs. Rose Gramley returned homas | and song leader. 1 hope he teaches
Mr d 2 % n Jr ¥ a '
ung: Mss. © 9 Weaver br. last week after spending several us some new games and songs for I
and Mr. and Mrs, A. G. Cummings he . ACTF
" ' x tha haa weeks at the home of her son and to sing. Lioyd Rogers, secre-
were Saturday guests at the home h y : ;
of Mr and Mrs Har Sutliff in daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mr and treasurer and Melvin Har-
Jamison City. i Ty Sutil in| stewart Wolfe, of Jersey Shore ter 5s reporter. We boys have
’ : : | Wednesday callers at the home | bee ng quiet a time with our
Sunday guests at the Mrs. Elia of Mr. and Mrs. James © san | pig The Roger boys pigs decided
Dieh] and Miss Emma Sholl home were, Mr. and Mrs Thomas Stover. | they did not like their new home
were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bender, of Mifflinburg, and da ter Mrs. and made an escape. Some of the
=a, Pash, and daughter, Joan, of | Charles Rossman of Spring Mills. BR. Howard boys pigs got out and de-
e College. D cided to try the highway. Well my
Mr, and Mrs. Willard Smith and | Mrs. Ida Weaver visited her son- Pig did not get out, but tried very
family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ester- | In-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. hard to, when he found out he
line and son, Mahlon and Mr. and John Metzger. at Penbrook for the could not get out he got ue top of
Mrs. Kermit Kerstetter of Green- past two weeks Mr. and Mrs. Metz. the feeder and U ah tilted off and
burr, attended the Martz reunion ger brought Mrs, Weaver home on he went down in the fear He we
at Hal! Way Dam on Saturday Sunday that several times then Dad pu
. ’ hinges on the lid and that stopped
Sunday guests at the Calvia| Miss Betty Crouse of Lockport. | wo imu 0" 1 Weight
Breon home were Mr. and Mrs, Paul | Visited with Mrs. Ida Waliger for |
Bright and two daughters of Belle- | te past two weeks. On Sunday :
fonte. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Mr. and Mrs Earl Weber, daughter Cabona dre he
Breon and family of Coburn, visit- | Yvonne and Mrs. Walizer took : Beatd anything
ed at the same home on Monday Lockport about them. I have decided to Ca
Thursday evening visitors at the Mr. and Mrs. Veris Campbel} of | pig Jerry. 1 suppose the rest of
home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyer Frankl are ypends ing a few days the bovs will have theirs named til
were: Mrs, Edna Case, daughters Bile Of Px. and ar H 3 our next meeting. Our next mee!
Doris and Faye, Mrs, Minnie giles BEI SLE A ing will be July 17th. We are all
Shreckengast and Miss Jennie Moy- Same one were, Mrs Ada Fromm supposed to meet at the cross road
er al er niae ah 3 : of Pittsburgh, ang Mrs, Schrack of > el
+ all employees at the Laurelton |, _... above Jacksonville ab. six
State Village ganion : EST. and then we will
Mr. and Mrs. Ross T. Mitchell of Messrs Lee, Roy and Albert pub members home, and our own
Lemont, made a brief call at the | SOWSH, with other members of the jae visit will be at the Roger boys
Vv, v : 4 - " f Yer " 4 3 “1 » N 11 3
home of Rev. and Mrs. Charles O | nooo [WnIlY, spent the weekend at | lace where we will have a weiner
Prank Wednesday evening. Mr | 0 ers Hotel in Livonia where ro, Each boy is supposed 10
and Mrs. Mitchell were formerly Bg aA, Jounin was heid. On bring his own weiners and buns
members of the parish Rev. Frank Fa i gp § they visited wey that's all this time, maybe I
served in New Castle. y M Bm n will have more news the next time
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Breon were Hope to see you all at the weiner
. ; $ I as ti 1
as. COR Catherman and 80m. | Saturday evening guests at the roast
o rs Wesley, of Han ver ale Vis- | home of Mr. and Mrs. Mi ton Etters : aC
Jing oo, Catherman’s mother, ay State College. Sunday visitors a
on i Tack enbers. on Weg- the Breon home were: Mr. and Mrs HOLTS HOLLOW
nes 5. n Smit isso ] ‘ata .
for the Methodist Training camp 1% og Ail sha Sista Belen Tui Mr. and Mrs. Miles Stauffer and
Newton Hamilton where her son 5 J a P. | family of Warren, Ohio, spent a
wil] spend the summer. _A plenic dinner was held last few days with relatives at this
Weekend gussts at the A. G. Sunday at Hecla Park to celebrate place
PE psts abt the A, bi . thday a Zieg
mings ih wert: hr * Sn | the birthday of Mr James Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. Orvis Watson and
A : fan and his granddaughter, Miss Phyl- | two children, Mrs. John Kelly an
Mahlon Cummings of Aliquippa; lis of Lewistown. Those present M rh w : - iid d
- 4 - 5 4 5 PIESCIN | Mrs. John alison made a anes
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cummings, son. | were: Mr. and Mrs, James Ziegler trip to Lock Haven, on Monday.
Dean 1 Pit oo wo Mrs. Walter Mr. and Mrs, C. A. Page, and Mt
rng ig i h lamsport, Tues- Melvin Bright all of Rebersburs:
aay Bues 5 a e came home were, | Mrs. Lydia Klinefelter and son
and Mrs. Ralph Cummings of | James, of Millheim: and Mr. Samuel]
Lock Haven.
| Guist of Cumberland Md
spt i es
(From last week)
Mr. and Mrs. 8. 8. Raver and
their daughier and husband, Mr.
and Mrs, Walter Ward and son Tom
of MuKeesport, visited over the
weekend with Mrs D. B. Pletcher
and sister Mrs. Emma Harpster.
peopie at the C, M. Long home.
Mr. and Mrs George Weiden-
hamer of Turbotville ang Nevin
Long and lady friend of Bellefonte,
called Monday evening on Nevins
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George E
Long. Mr. Weldenhamer and Nev.
in Long work together for I. 8. Lee
{and son of Harrisburg, building
Mrs. Raver, Mrs. Harpster, Mrs guard rail fence along the state
Fletcher are sisters. While here | highway,
Mr. and Mrs, Ward took their son |
Tom to Mansfield Mugical college |
to make arrangements for him to
enter there later on ang returned
here again. Mr. and Mrs. Julius
Fletcher or Williamsport visited at
this same place Saturday and Sun-
day and on Saturday evening they
all vasitell with Mrs. Haypeter's
daughter Mrs Kate Swartz at the
home of L. H. Neff at Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sampsel of
Axe Mann and Mr. and Mrs, Aaron
Yarnell and daughters of Lock Ha-
ven also visited with these peopie
at the D. B. Fletcher home Satur-
Mr. and Mrs, LT. S8chreckengas® |
of Avis, called Sunday afternoon
to see her sister, Mrs. George Long, |
they were on their way to Snow!
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Emerick and |
children of Zion, visited Sunday
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E |
Mr. and Mrs, Ray Steveson and
children of Mill Hall visited Sun-
day at the home of Mr, ang Mrs.
C. M. Long and family took their
supper to the farm owned by Mr.
Long to eat under the shade trees.
Just as they sat down to eat it ed antiques. Local men who for
started to thunder and the rain two months had been growing
chased them home. Mr, and Mra beards, attracted much attention.
Benny Alexander of Bellefonte, ! The celebration is Shomoreq by the
spent Sunday evening with these American Legion Pos
The Nittany baseball team was
Sunday, June 15th,
Mr. and Mrs
mother, Mrs. Tiille Peck. of Nit-
er, Mrs. Martha Yearick, all of
Lock Haven, were Sunday dinner
Buests at the home of Bert Beck and
daughters of Snydertown.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harter,
noon visitors and were supper guests
with Mr. and Mrs. A, C. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth MeClos-
key and family of Lock Haven were
afternoon visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Sheridan Gummo and Mrs,
| Kate Hoy of Lamar, visited at this
sine place Sunday evening
day evening at the Peck home,
12,000 View Parade
At least 12000 spectators viewed
the parade at Emporium marking
the Pioneer Day celebration. Old
time modes of transportation were
defeated by the score of 16-4 last |
Earl Peck ang his!
tany and Mr. and Mrs. John Beck |
and children and Mrs, Beck's moth- |
State College were Sunday after |
and Mrs. Clyde Swartz and |
Pr of Bellefonte, visited Mon-
featured and store windows display- |
children, Mrs
and Mrz M C Reese and
William Howell, were
in our village, on Monday
Mr. and Mrs. James Wesley of
Clearfield. visited reiastives at this
place recently.
Mrs. Edith Burd and son spent
Thursday of last week at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Milford Burd at
Pleasant Gap
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller of
Dry Top, were callers at the Arthur
Burd home on Friday.
Mrs. Olive Rhoades and children,
D. Al Franco and mother of Astoria,
N. Y. drove to this place on Thurs-
day of last week, Mrs. Al Franco
and daughter who had been visiting |
home folks returned home to New
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sheesley and
famBy spent the weekend with re-|
latives in Ohio, and also called on
home folks at this place.
Mr. and Mrs, Prank Dreese and
| son ot Pine Grove Mills were re-
cent ‘visitors at the Leathers home. |
Mrs. Orive Watson and children,
iMrs. John Kelly and daughter
| spent Friday with Mrs, Bdith Burd,
rt the stone house,
8unday School at 9:30 EST.
Everybody welcome.
(Prom last week)
| Miss Betty Leso spent last week
{ at Poormanside with her girl friend,
Mrs, Albert Young of its Hol
| low, visited at Mrs. W. H. Chap-
man’s Saturday afl ernoon,
Mrs. Marion, Rothrock and son
Prank called on Mrs. Chapman
| Bunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Solomon and
| three children called on Mr, Blletz
| Sunday evening.
We are having plenty of rain here
the last week which was needed
very much,
of the baseball games which fell )
on library evening before, i
Mrs. Harold Brooks spent last
| Lock Haven, visited Mrs,
Oondo. |
1st the
(From last
Beginning June Library ||
in Lock Haven,
tamen wil]
ay of this monin
nder the } of James Bid-
die ™ wy will meet at the Fire Hall
and then be taken to the Geens
Valley camp for their meeting.
There were 127 present at Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Page of West
Decatur, spent the weekend at ihe
Sherman and Annie Confer home,
Mr. and Mrs, Ward Packer and
daughter of Blanchard visited OD
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Leo Con-
Doris Dalley, lois Yeager, Dean
Confer and Kenneth Shady, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Yeager al
Pleasant Gap on Sunday afternoon
The Orvizion ball team defeated
Monument here on Wednesday 3 to |
2 and won over Avis at Avis on Sat |
urday 8 to 0 thanks to the two hit |
| pitching of Shady and the fine sud-'
| son John at Emporium. They were
port of his team-mates
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heverly of |
Heverly's |
mother, Mrs. Bertha
The children’s day program held]
11 for
who has been very
months is able
has been and will be open Tuesday |sit up short periods each day.
evening from 7 to 8:30 on account
Mrs, John Mulfinger's weekly re-
ort from Cresson is “still improv-
Kenneth Zerby returned to
Thursday her home (in Johnstown Sunday
Jack Stone was home from Har- | after spending a few days with her
risburg for the weekend, parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Irvin,
The Lee Smeltzers drove to Ty-| Miss Gloria Irvin of Centre Hall
rone where they spent the day Sat| who had been visiting her, came |
urday { | home with her. |
Andy Tate is quite miserable due | The Paul Lego and Forrest Ben-
to an infected foot. { ford families spent Sunday evening
We are sorry to note that the | 8 Hecla Park.
condition of Mrs, Lloyd Sampse 1 | The Henry Young and James
who was taken to the Centr Griffith famlilles enjoyed a days
County hospital several weeks ago | outing at Hairy John's Park 8un-
remaing very critical, | day.
Miss Dorothy Mulfinger of Wil- Mrs. George Margargel hag the
Jamsnort was a guest Sunday at misfortune of burning her arm
the Harry Showers home, quite painfully on her electric iron
Charles Stover and Boyd Spicher | While moving her Ironing board
Jr.. motored to Harrisburg Sat urday | Mr. George Margargel Sr, ar-
evening, returning home Sunday rived home Monday from Florida
Mrs. Myrtle Sweet of Oklahoma | where he spent the winter and
City, and her planist, Miss Dorleen | where Mr Margargel who arrived
Binge of Fort Dodge, Kansas, vis- | home several weeks ago left him in
ited Mr: Etta Grether while en- | a soldiers hospital He is very much
route to Ephrata, where they plan | improved in health and stopped of
to spend some time on the way home in Washington, D
Guests at the home of Mr. and | C. to visit his son Miles and family
M1 Warren Wood Sunday were | and in Cumberland Md. to visit his
the latter nephew. John Royer, daughter Eleanor Westerveldt and
wife and baby family
The Rs R. O. Williams and M Eva Ada son Dale, wile
ily of Muchlenburg visited at and baby of spent the
we Harry Hoy home, Sunday, weekend at th ¥
During the evening last Friday Adam, pis Gis
47 guests dropped into the Noll- Le ‘ n in
Melroy home 10 see M2 Jase hy Oth tii July 41 heir parents wil
ol Chicago, Who Was Spenl np i, jor them Roy Adams ac-
Tal . The out oi town compartied her husband on hi
Mr. Jared Evey anf or td redits tnd an wd : .
Ima of Axe Mann; Ph 3 Fp and will spend 2
Decker and Mrs, | WOEK In : y
1 and daughter Geor- Jonas Wagner of Harrisburg wa
giana of Bellefonte and Mr, and | a guest Thursday of his brother-in-
Mrs. Hubert Koch of State College. | law, T E Jodon
Mr eturned to his| Charles Poorman, Dick Weaver
home after spend- | Budd Bumgardner, Ira Mulfinger,
ing two weeks with his sister, Mrs. | pay ile, Jack Baney, Donald, Dean
Ida Brooks and Elwood Hazel motored to Her-
Mrs, Harold Brook: entertain- | ghey where they spent the day,
ng hier sister, Mrs. Hayes of Lew- | Sunday
OWN Mr Hart ighter
Miss Bertha Rimmey and the | june drove where
Fred Raush family drove to Baltl-| 41,04 f a. unda
more, where they visited the Frank
iy § irday and then Mr Koch of
v ont £ ; AY of Apo : Bate Hog av st
At the close of Bible School last | * . de
week the presented Mr Wd a4 of a
Martin Ke th a pipe and some waa MesGay
tobacco for his kindness In opening Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Mulberger
the school house for them celebrated their 35th wedding an-
ong the members of the Gar- | MV at . = 32 guests were
den Ciub and husbands who were | Present and £ BIR
entertained at the home of one of a> ie. ol erware Fil X
the members, Mrs. John Heckman, | “'*
of Centre Hall at a picnic supper, Mrs. Gilbery Noil
were: Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wood, | position Belle!
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Dubler, Mr. and | boys who were scheduled
Mr Lite Mr. and Mrs. Gordon jast week for 8 mase
Lew son David, Mr, and deferred their leavi
Mrs Bilger, Mr. and Mrs. | due to a change in
W. D. Smelter, Mr. and Mrs, Wade | Mrs. Kathryn Sommers who
Evey, Mrs. Abner Noll, Mrs, Bina Is Arne ith: Tua tan Bdgar
Noll and Mrs, Myrtle Margargel, . | Takes her home with her son Ecgar
and family returned home wilh
The Harold O'Brians had as their | them Sunday from Brownsville
guests Sunday. Mrs, O'Brians par-! where she had been vislling
ents, Mr and Mrz. H K. Albrigh While taking her father-in-law
h brother of Greensburg i / Fea
Mr. Lewis Biddie to his home heal
i the Beaver {arm on Bishop street
of the back road
had the misior-
struck and
wished by a OAr
Mra. Jamey
very badly
coming toward
received injurie
Roy Bell, having
uite badly, y
Biddle aim
the occupar her
escaped unhurt
other two children
There were 69 present
Methodist Sunday Schoo]
day, June 22
Mr Jacob Hazzard was admitted
the Philipsburg hospital on Wed-
nesday observation,
Miss Pauline Stevens of Clar-
ence spent last week with her friend
Gladyce Fye.
Mr. and Mrz LeRoy lewis and
Hope visited at the home of Lillian
Morriz in Brishin on Saturday al-
John Rass of Wyoming, spent Fri-
day at his home in Karthaus and
with friends here
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lucas spent |
a few days last week with their]
accompanied there by Miss Minnie |
Ahlberg of Lanse.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Lovalty Class of the Methodist
church was held at the Lewis Hunt-
in the church here on 8unday |
evening was well attended and the | Ing camp. There were eight guests |
children did very good and six members present.
Recent visitors at the Clayton] Mrs, LeRoy Lewis calied at the |
Watson home
Mr. and Mrs,
Julian, Betty Confer of
| Creek, Mrs. Harry Munro and two,
children, Roy Heaton, Miss
Watson and Miss
Last Monday evening the Loydl
Daughters Class met at the home ol
| Mrs. Bd. Confer's for their monthly
meeting after the business was tran-
sacted the class were all invited to |
the dining room to enjoy strawberry |
cake after refreshments the!
| shot
| members played cootie,
{ Mr. and Mrs. Clair Butler, daugh-
ter Emeline and John Daley and
{ Otto Schenck visited with friends
at Renovo and called on J Fred
| Young at Hyner on Sunday after-
Mrs. A. M, Shank and Mr. Amos
Nearhood are both on the gick jist.
We are hoping for them both a
speedy recovery.
Calvin Packer went to Ballimore
on Sunday evening with John Daley
and Gerald Lomison where he ex-
pects to find employment with fils
brother Claude,
Mrs, Blanche Daley and son John
were Bellefonte’ shoppers on Satur-
We see where the author of a very
popular novel made a million dol-
lars, Why don't you write a book?
wore Misses Lillian
and Clara Arnold of Johnsonburg.:
William Crispin of |
Beech |
Neva |
Maxine Watson
all of Lock Haven. !
homes of Mrs, Roy Grieb and Mra.
Irvin in Snow Shoe on Friday even-
ited relatives in Cogan Station and |
Williamsport over the weekend. |
They attended the wedding of their
niece, Miss Edith Weaver on 8at-
The Mulhollans and Mrs, Anna
Lewis of Tyrone and Mr. John
Bowes of Pine Glen were Sunday
visitors at the LeRoy Lewis home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kennaman |
and daughter Beverly of Hanover, |
were weekend visitors at the Alfred |
Borger home,
Mr. Victor Borger returned to Ni-
agara Falls where he is employed.
On Monday after spending several
days at his home here.
Miss Kerry from Canton, Ohio,
and Mrs, Rugh and four children
from DuBois were visitors at the
Rev. Kerry home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Beals and
family spent Sunday in Larryvilie
and Williamsport.
William Quick of DuBois gpent
a couple days at the Homer Quick
Bea-power may not be important
but it is interesting to observe that
Germany, Italy and Japan are rush-
ing to completion some new and
larger warships,
Mr. and Mrs. John PF. Lucas vis-'
(From last week)
Our community has decided to |
follow other leading communities |
in our vicinity by adhering to Day-
light Saving Time. The Church of
Christ is beginning thelr services
on that time and most of the people
of the community have turned their
clocks ahead
Miss Jane Salisbury was painfully
injured on Saturday night when the
car in which she was riding, falled
to negotiate the bridge at Martin's
Grove, Jane has several cuts and
bruises about the face and head,
Baturday visitors at the home of
Misses Mattie and Lizzie Potls were |
Mr, William Pouts, of Clearfield and |
daughter Martha
The young people of the commu-
nity serenaded Mr. and Mrs. Emer. |
ald Bechdel on Tuesday evening
The newly weds were given an au-
tomoblle ride to the neighboring
town of Howard, They will reside
Blanchard at present
Misses Martha Ann and
Pletcher returned home on
ting few weeks
in Pittsburgh
after visi with
Mr. T
Mrs. B. L
to Lant
for a
and son Byron
week where he
frierngls, during the
is stay in that cily.
8 Louise Gardner made a trip
to Wilkes Barre on Thursday with
Ruth Mapes of Beech Creek, R. D
Mrs, W. H Spangler spent several
days last week in Renovo
Mr. 8. 8 caine home at
the e of hi 100] term at State
College High and was ordered to bed
by his physician. Mr, Williams ha
not been enjoying good health for
everal weeks
Mr. and Mrs, Harris Clark wa
called to Altoona, on Saturday af-
ternoon because of the serious ill-
ness of Mr: Elizabeth Champion
who has been a patient in the Al-
toona Hospital for some time
Esther and Fay Baney are visit
ing relatives in Philadelphia
Mrs. Ben Neff of Beech Creek is
able to be around again, after being
, for 3 1 days
(From last week)
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Ghaner and
family of Loveville spent Sunda)
at the home of Mr. and Mrs Mah-
jon Ghaner., While here on this
vis the two brothers, Roy and
Mahlon spent a couple of hour
with another brother John, who 18
and has been Mayor of Marysville
for a number of years, since the
death of his father W. H. Ghaner
Mr. Morrison and family have
moved back to Marysville from
State College
a greater
They expect to spend
portion of the summer
thelr camp, also Mr. Morrison ex-
pects io take out gand this summer
As you drive imo BSootia you
come to a nice little home sitting
on a hal al the lefs of the road,
Yes, that Is the home of Ralph
8n yder, it 5 all trimmed in biue
Ralph says he has trieg every color
but blue to sult him best
Mrs. Dora Williams and Aunt
Dora Ghaner, were Sunday after-
noon sitors at the home of Mrs
Ruth BSaxion Other visitors were
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Weaver of
Port Matilda, While there at the
Baxion home the subject came up
about Tar Hollow. This Dame wat
given to place by one of the
old tar bumers, Danie] McKivison
had been a tar burner for a
umber of years. The tar pit stood
where the mud dam now is. Mr
McKivison was also mentioned aus
an ore digger. The family moved
into Tar Hollow in 1844, ang moved
away in 1880
We made a trip to Bellefonte on
Saturday evening and had with us
he grand children who had been
spending a week with us. While in
town I had a chat with the Mayor
and he extended my time in town,
he said there wouldn’y be any time
limit on Saturday evening for me.
Thanks Mayor
Don't forget the Scotia pionic will
be held on Saturday August 2nd
The committee will meet in the
near future gnd make all arrange-
ments for this grand affalr Watch
your paper for later announcement. |
There were 98 present at &
School Bunday morning.
The Tent Meeting at Manntown
has been well attended.
Miles Lucas had his tonsils re-|
moved last week at the Lock Haven
hospital and is getting along fine,
We are sorry to hear of the death
of Clayton Brickley.
our deepest sympathy to the family,
We extend |
Work has been glarted on our)
church to put a twelve foot exten- |
{ sion to the front,
(From last weak)
There were 94 present at Sunday |
Schoo] Sunday morning.
Beginning next Sunday morning, |
Sunday School will begin at 9:30 |
o'clock. Everybody be on time.
Mrs. Belle Miller is somewhat |
| improved She is able to zit up
on a chair.
Baptismal service was well at-|
tended Sunday p. m. There were |
| ten persons baptised.
Quite a number of us tuned in an!
| WRAK Sunday at 12:30 to hear our |
pastor, Rev. DeBoer
| also heard the Young sisters of
Monument sing. Enjoyed it very
Part-time employment earned ap-
proximately $34000 for nearly 390
women students at the Pennsyl-
{vania Btate College last year, ac-
‘cording to Charlotte E. Ray, dean
of women.
A majority of the co-eds were en-
gaged in NYA work. Others were
employed in private homes working
for room and board, in the library,
engaged in secretarial work, as wait-
resses, dormitory checkers, telephone
operators, movie ticket sellers, nur-
ses, and post office clerks.
No: eveyone who pisns a fe can
live it,
speak. We |
r————C EY
Mrs, Nora Graffius of East Nit-|
| tany avenue, and her mother-in- |
law, Mrs. Rose Graffius, of Tyrone,
spent Wednesday with relatives in
| Lock Haven.
mount avenue has accepted a posi- |
tion in g nursery
Mrs. Hugh Etters,
| Mrs. J. C, Bnyder, and Helen Archer,
all of State College,
| State
guests on Wednesday,
Robert Eslinger and John Selders
of Harrisburg
Breon of West Beaver gvenue spent
Saturday afternoon and evening in
Lora Pinder and Rosalind Jewett
ft on Thurs
i and Alaska
sis on
an attack
Miss Mary Brindle in town and Mis
a brother of the
son, Paul, also Mrs
adeiphia enjoyed
their summer
know they
conl m
about a week longer.
Roule 45 wag
The berm also needs necessary re-
pairing through
Dick lester of Camp Hil] was a
Sunday guest at the C. E Kreamer
ll LLL]M
Mr. and Mrs. ©, R. Gearhart and
Mr. and Mrs, Joe Nagoeet left Bat-
urday for Burlington, Vt, where
they will attend a convention,
Mr. and Mrs, Pred Lininger and
daughter Jean of West Park Avenue
spent the weekend in Washington,
Bue and Bess Harnigh of 8Bouth
Garner street had as their guest
this week Mrs. Edith Hileman of
Phoenix, Arizona.
Mrs, Thomas Reinhard of East
Falrmount avenue is a patient in
the Bellefonte Centre County Hos-
Mrs, Orrie Williams was honor
guest atl a birthday surprise party
at her home on East Beaver avenue
Wednesday evening,
A. H. Yocum of South Allen street
Jersey Bhore and |
Lang of East Falr-
schoo] In Arling-
daughter Betty,
spent Thursday |
Clarence Irvin of |
D had as their |
Mr, and Mrs.
and Mr:
College R
her uncle
Hoy of East
is visiting with
aunt in Williamsport, had as his guest on Friday his
daughter, Mrs, ;
Clara Lynch of Heister|oo®0 oh Mrs. Harry Stamey of
Mrs, Edna Gray of East My .
avenue and Mrs C. Al . and Mrz, James Keim of High
street had as thelr weekend guests,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell and
| two sons of Pittsburgh.
Mrs. Maude Harvey of South Al-
Gladys Watson, Mrs, Stella | |, "
"and Mrs. J. K. Hileman | JP street had as her weekend
ft, Priday for Newport News, Vir- S4€sis, Mr. and Mrs, Everetl Rhodes
of Philadelphia,
Mrs, Ella Howe of South Miles
street is visiting in troft, Mich.
day to attend 3g Home |
iomics Convention in Chicago.| Mr. and Mrs Walter Parsons and
their stay in that city daughter Veda, of Heister street,
will tour the Canadian Rock-| Mr. and Mrs orge Ishler of Bast
College avenue and Virginia St.
Clair of Hartswick avenue motored
Ed win 8 bh
of . to Tyrone op Saturday.
ons A for Quantico, Virginia, Mrs, Sarah retu d to her
e he will join the United States home on Helster street Saturday
Marine Corp after spending some time at the
Margaret MacDonald of Soutn (Ome of her son-inlaw and daugh-
ter Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lanker
greet has retuned 10) and gamily of Hyrrispurg, Mrs
her home having spent six month's Erb w accompanied State Col :
in Citronelle, Ala va fo i
| lege by her two grandchildren Don-
RB. W. Henninger of Ridge aid and Bdward Lanker who spent
spent Sunday in Willlams- | the weekend with thelr grandimoth-
ASC a —
Motz, Jr. in company wilh | whether there were any @eer about
and Mrs. Charlie Hosterman yet. You know Dick was a lucky
Wednesday of last week for | fellow in gelling his deer in about
N. Y., where they are vis- an hour's time after the opening of
iting relist for about a week | the las: deer season.
ws Foe get ihe gh MOI | A number of the farmers ure biisy
oo be, sun ah Shula geting in their crop of hay. The
a SE : ha oe: alfalr - 3 .
iter, Joan Ben has-alreadly been harvested.
Little Vers Dress, daughter of
the community having | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dress is qui'e
of measles. Tt happened sick at present.
Mrs. Mary Sheegley returned from
Scotland 8 Dakota, on Friday
night, where she attended her
| brother's funeral.
Dorman near Fiedler
the disease somehow. Both
ing nicely
and Mrs. Ernest Kuehimah| Veryle Sheeley who is attending
Wellsville, Ohio, were guests 01 NYA school at York spent a week
and Mrs. J. B. Ard. Mr Ard at his home here.
doctor's wile i, and Mrs Charles Hosterman
Maud) They were their guests turned home from a visit to their
from Bunday until Tuesday. We hoe sughter in Buffalo, N. Y. the lat-
were indeed glad to greet them ter part of the week. They were
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Orndorf end | #cCompanied by their granddsugh-
Banky of Phil |
the weekend in
home in town You
like to get away from the | GAY evening was a grand suovess.
The wuience room was filled with
city weather and embrace the
suntain air and fresh water Interested listeners, sor all that the
mercury registered 85 degrees.
Cow Found Dead in Field
A cow owned by Oscar Witmer,
of Bellefonte, R. D., near Shiloh
understand Paul and his mother
to extend their vacation It
given a coat of tar
and chips from the Centre County op...» was fount dead tn pastare
. * hrs arc. k 8
at Hairy John's Park to Dips; the Rockview Penitentiury
yqnd Aaronsburg on Friday enligrungs early Saturday morning.
This was very Necessary. General belief it that the cow was
shot by a groundhog hunter,  al-
though no bullet wounds were found
in its body. according to reports.
Use our Classified Ad columns.
Dick had to ask,
when you-cook with a cool ’
Don’t ruin your hairdo and tire yourself in a
hot uncomfortable kitchen-—all because your
stove is a room heater instead of a food cooker.
[Keep that morning freshness!’ Cook with the
range that's built for cool, easy _cooking—the
electric range.” It uses its flameless heat just for
cooking — it ] causes § no} kitchen } discomfort!
No guesswork, no watching—and flavors are
Ttops.”, It actually gives you “time out” because
it's automatic.