Pace Pane THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. CENTRE COUNTY HOSPITAL IN THE WEEK'S NEWS Mark, R Colpet oe arrior’ D1 Friday Mrs. Nevin R. Smith, Admitted Friday, dis- Saturday Josephine L Centre Hall, R. D. 1; Shir- Zeigler, Port Matilda, R. D Friday, discharged Suns Walker, Orviston ley Admitted day: James O Saturday Act Charles 8. Lose, Belle- Lee Overholt, 1 i Ann Ross [eo E, Harter, I Brightbill, D. } Disc rged Newport: Mrs and infant daugh- Mrs, Quentin E SO Tuesday of Last Week Geary, David C. Sprague State College terih State . 3 son, Mii f « M ; 2 ted Sat caval A fa br dim x N » savage and infant daughter 1 Norm discharged An ci N fonte, R fant son infant son 1 Hall, Altoona Centre Hall Wednesday of Last Week Sunday Admit Bellefo McCloskey H. Shug e Co I'here were 44 patien Visiting Hours on DST Thursday of Last Wet Prof. M. M. Garver Dies at College Death Claims C ivil War Vet- eran, College Faculty Member; Was 93 Enthusiasm At Women’s Meeting Democratic Organization Holds Annual Convention at Reading alif Ganagar ¢ of every + Democracy Ko h's lege, Tu a wey. J. F. Harkin Y (Continued on page 5 Deltox Rug So cheery and cool for Summer, So smart the whole year ‘round. For Summer coolness, beauty and wear Deltox Fibre, Fibre and Wool and Sisal are just the thing. We have these Rugs in all colors, patterns and sizes for your selection. BRACHBILL’S Bellefonte, Pa. S. Snring St. Farmers Face 3 Major Problems “The Economie Probie ms of Agri- culture” was the subject of an in- teresting discussion before members of the Bellefonte Kiwanis Club at Tuesday's meeting. The speaker was Dr. G. E. Brandow, Assistant Pro- fessor of Agricultural the Pennsylvania State College There are three “basic problems which underlie the symptoms of ag- ricultural distress in our country Dr. Brandow said. The most impor- tant of these is the same as that which affected the Industrial and commercial fields as well during the thirties, the depression. This created a low purchasing power and quently low farm prices The farmer continued to produce, as was necessary, but suffered great- ly from depression price This hindrance to the farmer's obtaining an income sufficient for a good standard of living is gradually - appearing under. the rising tide of employment in industry However if the war boom breaks, the probe will again fall int farms conse~ econd problem, the is only ain This is the market hould bx due to Lhe low. In 1 cotion effec cert branc! agriculture H line of One export foreign hall of our cotton ed, bul orts Europe ir own ex] are very nt ry ouniry third riad ordin nretty 120 y ting u export tile nck wide Powel intl the inefficient farm When our nation was much land wa: wilich arme of ettled clenred swt oti 1 HITE oul riculturs S00UiC 4 pL A : a Ow Various governmental been put into er sald, ‘whi operat nave a some s real § next week 8 member High Ongr sehool New Behool Unique Heating Plant Keeps Court Official Warm of Rrnres persons passing Centre County Court House yester« day. looked twice before believing their eyes But, that wes a s'icking out one of the office win. dows, and it was smoke issuing out of the upturned elbow the end of the pipe. in approved Kentucky mountain style A reporter, spying the phenomen- on, dashed into the tmple of tice and entered the ProthOnotary's office tally expecting fo see a beard. ed and slovenly Bond C. White asleep” with his feet up on an ogg stove. But the picture did not hold true There was attire and calmly ves, stove pipe on fUS~- impeccable of usual Ar- ab- was Bond, frosh-shaven as going about his work thur H. Sloop. his deputy. was sorbed in court records. There no egg stove But over in ons corner of the room was a sleek, streamlined oil stove. Its smoke pipe extended up a short distance, made a right angle bend, and went through the wine dow where a small pane had been removed. Just outside you could see the smoke curling pleasantly in the spring sunshine, ‘It's cold and damp In here these days,” Mr. White explained, “It isn't cold enough for a furmae fire, s0 I rigged this thing up as a sub- stitute ” bios msnis Star Mail Route To Be Extended (Continued from page one) partment to replace ihe present State College-Bellefonte whit h includes only Lemont as a way Stop PERSONAL Bill == please call tonight! I've made your favorite chocolate cake with Rumford Baking Powder. It's a honey! But even if you don’t come tonight, the cake will still be fresh to- morrow. For Rumford helps retain the natural moisture that keeps fresh taste and tex- ture longer. Rumford contains no alum, never leaves a bitter taste. FREE. Send for new booklet, containing dosens of bright ideas to improve your Baking ford, Rhode Island. Economics at | route, Keepers of We don’t mean to say that are a pair of angels, Jake Knisley, But they come tration building at Fishermen's Paradise when ‘Paradise’ land Director left, and Arch Snyder, in mighty handy at the Adminis there's food to be ser- ved, or arrangements to be made for the accomodation of guests there Both well known men have been on duly at the Paradise Admin- istration building for some taken Friday YEArs, time anyway, Anglers Jam Paradise (Continued from Page 1) rea VIVARINA rminbow res pe tivelt Indians. an rainbow Robert Bloom among and went eRCh. 19 uring 20 inches Cvril Moerschbacher, ane of Belle- fonte’s best known anglers. early in the day broke i rod when a spec walked into the path of a long he was making Campbell and Mrs both of Lewistown the successful women home with two of them meas- were gnoiers ice trout tator cast Brotherhood at Gap and the informal snapshot above, as the Paradise opened for the season, even though they couldn't get out to fish themselves, indicates that they had a good Mothers’ Club Officers Named Mrs. Millard Hartswick Chos- en President; Cooking School Scheduled in June nstrate epared The the former A & the Diamond of the Mother; Mrs Millard Hartswick was named chairman of a committee consisting of Mrs. Lynn Fromm and Mrs. Edward R Miller to arrange the program for the June meeting Hl { the club Ml Ag a] a shes will P tinder the 21 Ciut Ae AB - B.A ————— Bellefonte Man Enters Ministry John W. Neese, a well known Bible teacher of Bellefonte, will be ordained to the Gospel ministry next Sunda vening, May 18, In the Bellelo nte United Brethren church. A special program has been pI bok for the occasion. Bervices 10 begin at 7.30 DST. Several of the pea] ministers will participate in the service To Meet Tonight The Pleasant Gap Brotherhood Thursday evening at churael 1, Pleasant Gap DET) The program will be in charge of Ward Hile. A representative of the Bell Telephone Company will present and explain a movie pre. pared by the Bell Company and en- titled “The Voice of Mr. X." Everyone iz welcome to soe these educational pictures. The Brother hood would lke to have a good at- tendance will meet this the Methods it B o'clock Goods produceg by child labor” are barred “oppressive from inter- state commerce by the Fair Labor Standards Act. MOVIES Every Tuesday & Thursday HECLA PARK IN AUDITORIUM 8:30 P. M. Adm. 10c THURSDAY, MAY JACK HYLTON and International Band, in “SHE SHALL HAVE MUSIC” TUESDAY, MAY 20th EMITH BALLEW, in “Phantom Bad Man” 15th TO PURCHASE New or Late Model Cars Monthly payments arranged to suit your income and your budget. FULL DETAILS GIVEN GLADLY Bellefonte Trust Co. Phone 1070 BELLEFONTE, PA. MEMBER FEDERAL DEFOSIT INSURANCE CORP. Sen. J. J. Davis Is Speaker Here 175 Present at First Annual Banquet of Bellefonte Wom- en of the Moose James J. Davis, United Senator from Pennsylvania General and Pllgrim Governor of Whe Moose, was Lhe principal speaker at the first an- naul Mooseheart Alumni Associa- tion banquet and dance held Mon- day evening at the Penn Belle Ho- tel under the auspices of the Belle- fonte Women of the Moose Ap- proximately 175 members and guests were present Davis expressing there will be no need for States to send an ex- foree abroad in the cur- rent war, predicted when our national defense program Is com- pleted America will be strong and powe; { enough defend iself against any foe help He paid a hig! ww Central Pennsylvania beauty spot sverywhest to fo TIO rai Davis th Hon Blates Benator the hope that the United peditionary that ii to aw rget racial bigotry a al lion conlinuey good will ' at peace The and in welcome vw chairman the address by Mary J Alumni Assoc) fonte chapter Judge ation of who also In M Fleming invocation former ward The J W. ( Rock view WMUGy penitent. resent, was presentation AssOCiate Bellefonte James R Hughes Sheriff and Mn of Belielonte ye SroR! Belielc Edward BIN Lhe He and social bh M hotel] baliroom TO BE AT OUR STORE SATURDAY, MAY 17th RUPTURE EXPERT MR. J. E. MILLER of Coudersport, Pa., an expert truss fitter direct from the AMERICAN SILVER TRUSS CORPORATION, will be with us for ONE DAY ONLY We have on t all ti for Men, tunity to periend He extra FREE Problem. me of Trusses your oppor- ears of. ex- hand : a complete line Wome n and Children, but j meet a speciall who has had work, this e in thi and r you comfortable... No He will give tupture will fit properly charge Mr tation Nnare Miller's service, expert for cons and advice on CL ——————— ——_a—iy Come In and See the | NEWEST IMPROVEMENT | This representative will be at our 13 South Allegheny | Street Store FOR ONE DAY ONLY! Lime Workers, Factory Men, Farm Hands . . . this is your opportunity ! WIDMANN & TEAH, Inc. 13 South Allegheny Street —— LARGE ATTENDANCE AT SPRING MILLS CONCERY | His Car Falls To | " The B te Banjo Band gnder Pieces and There the ‘aivect EB He Was — Safe ! audiehos at wher rel conser! High gm the were The orm itt shar re, new grous ned WO RRs irish erttidTy cho! fom. Moy ‘28 WW mar, - Thefily at College College pr Ha Ai bed of more than $108 in hange some time early C was revealed The Theta reported a the Pi Kap- mated more The thefts 1i- or jewelry, #t MENCeMenl exercises on State Marriage Licenses police nity while est e World's Largest El Presents Its Greatest MODEL AW-121 ectrical Manufacturer Washer Value! NOW YOU BUY MORE FEATURES- GREATER WASHDAY EASE - THAN EVER BEFORE! You'll be amazed at the operating ease and efficiency of this new General Electric Washer. Come in and learn about its many convenient features — see how it washes your clothes beautifully clean, white. soft. CONTROL WRINGER a . { 2 ia gd Only $4.95 Down Prices Start at $54.95 Gentle Washing Action ACTIVATOR separately By but gently. b of Washes each piece Only four imaving You You thorough: = long life ust one simple Fingerip Control for al oper. Jul « Instant safety release. Adjustable pressure, resilient balloon rolls. Remarkably convenient and efficient, never need to oil. ER OEVERAL J niSCTRIC ¥ Bellefonte he Cah br - Electric Supply Company. State Colisos.