May 15, 1941. JACKSONVILLE Church services on Sunday: Sun, E. Aley home, day school, 9:45 a. m, Mrs. Anna Robb, Mr, and Mrs, E R. Bartley called at the Bellefonte Hospital Sunday afternoon to see Beatrice Bartley, who Is a surgical patient but Is improving, They also called at the homes of Paul Bart- ley and family of Bellefonte, and C. W. Bartley and family, of Upper Marion. Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Emil and children, Nancy and Clair of Pleas- ant Valley, called at the home of her uncle, Robert Conaway and tamily, on Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dolan and son Barry, of Millheim, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Dolan and family on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Clair Rossman and Junior Confer, of Mill Hall, and william Rossman of Lock Haven, visited at the Florence Rossman home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Etters and son Milford, of Howard, and Ells- worth Conaway, of Beech Creek, called at the home of Robert Cona- way and family on Thursday eve- ning Callers at the E. R. Bartley's past week were: Mr. and Mrs tus Turner of Juniata, Mrs ton Womelsdorf, son Nevin daughters Dorothy of Beech Creek, and Nellie of Willlamsport, and Mrs. Howard Boone, of Howard Mrs. Robert Conaway and daugh- teps Kathryn and Lucy, and sons Lester and Harry spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wii- lam Beightol and family of How- ard. Callers at the Robert Conaway home on Sunday evening were Mat- thew Conaway and son James, of Flemington, and Ellsworth Conaway of Lock Haven Mr. and Mrs grandson of the and Mr Malone Jersey Shore, Reula Rodgers. Ed. Porter of Wil- Hamsport, and Mr. and Mrs, Paul Fye and family of Lock Haven, were callers at the home of Orin Fye on Sunday Those who called at the home of Mrs. Lucy Conaway on Mother's Day were Wilbur Emel] and child- ren, Clair and Nancy, of Pleasant Valley, Mrs. Fred Kessling of Yar- nell; Matthew Conaway and son James, of Flemington: Ellsworth Conaway, Gertrude Sheasiey and daugnter Shirley, of Lock Haven; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conaway and family, Mrs. Conaway received many gifts, and also the announce- ment of a great-grandson born on Mother's Day at the home of and Mrs. Wilbur Emel been named Robert Both and babe are doing fine Sunday callers Weaver home on and Mrs. Lewis and granddaughter and Mrs. Charles Shafler, of Belle- fonte; Mrs. Anna Robb, Mrs. E. R Bartley, Miss Dorothy Betz, Other callers during the week were Mr and Mrs. Fred Haines and Rev Gulick, of Howard Miss Bette Aley has been {ll past week with tonsillitis but is ter at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Haines, of Upper Marion, are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy on SBatur- day night. Mother and baby are do- ing fine under the care of Josephine Deity ’ rank mother at the William Sunday were: Mi Biddle, daughter Bellefonte: Mr this bet- Mrs. Annie Emerick, who makes her home at the Weaver place, is able to be down stairs after being ill since moving day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hackenberg and son, Don, of Runville, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Noll and family. Mr. Hack- enberg is erecting a front porch at the Noll home Mr. dnd Mrs. Charles Harter and daughters - Gertrude and Beverly spent Mother's day at the home of Mrs. Harter's grandmother, Mrs Annie ‘Winslow. of Beech Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mabus, of Bellefonte, spent Sunday at the C. I So ally! Make just 2s much os you want. Make it the way you want it... ust pour coffee and water this pew GE Auto. matic Coffee er and Come in. Get this new G-E Automatic Coffee Maker and enjoy carefree coffee-making for years to come. the home of Mr, and Mrs, i Mr Mr Sunday afternoon and evening at + J 2 3 Miller of Lock Haven Miss Catherine Bathurst of Eagle, spent Thursday with friend, Bette Aley Mrs. Laird Korman and Miss Kathryn Bathurst visited Wednes- day at the D. P. Ertley home, help- Mt, her ing Mrs. Ertley to clean house. Sat. | at the same place were Mr, and Mrs, Harry Strunk and daughter Hope, of State Col- lege, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Strunk of Johnstown. Mr. and Mrs, Sumner Noll and children Dickie and Elsie Jane, were Saturday night guests of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGhee and family, of Port Matilda. They were also Sunday dinner guests of Mrs Elsie Noll of State College, and sup- per guests of Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Stover of Penna. Furnace Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mabus of Bellefonte, Mr. and Mrs, C. E, Aley and daughter Bette, visited Sunday evening at the John Schaeffer home at Centre Hall Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dixson mo- tored here and was accompanied by his mother Mrs, Estella Dixson, and went out sightseeing and then took her thelr home for supper, returning in the evening We wish report that Mrs, Dixson is not well as we all expect Lo see her. Mr. and Mrs, Deimer Ertley and children Kenneth and Peggy, spent Sunday at Altoona at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Daley, finding them both the & Here's hoping a speedy Sunday caller urday callers to to on rec 3 » James Shaf- home were ew Conaway James of Fleming Ells- worth Conaway of Lock Haven, Wil- bur Emel children Nancy and Clair of Pleasant Valley, and Robert Conaway and Mrs, Mary Dellz Fibber and Molly" McGhee and Flemington, were Sun- gues aut the E F fer and son on, and children of aay ipper Swope home Miss Jans ey, Is spending a Floyd Long Rebecca a : . ya Eagler of Pleasant Val- lew days at the NDOme yf Harold Betz and family Howard, Dorothy Betz of Lock Haven, pent Sunday with ir mother, Alice Betz. Other call- were Mr. and Mrs. Art Ren- {f Altoona, and Josephine Deitz ss Dorothy Womelsdor! of Beech Creek, spent Sunday 4 noon with her friend Sunday at the and Mr and Mir: Boone Mrs Mr. and Mr f ol Aley Al» M Bette home of Boone acl and Mrs guest William Heck, Mr and son George, Jr Richard McCaleb and ter Ruth of Lock Haven Mr Nevin Dolan and daughters Shirley and Judy of Mill Hall, and and Mrs. Ted Dixson and chil- dren Billie, Ronnle and Elaine, of tl piace. and were Mr Che Ore Mr. and daugh- Mr. and Mr Mrs. James Shaffer and family and Mrs. Mary Deitz spent Wednesday evening at the home of Roy Shaffer and family of Lyons- town Mr son Ronald Centre Hall at the C. E John Schaeffer and Nancy of evening and Mrs and daughter spent Friday Aley home ——————— Selective Service Selective Service headquarters an- nounced that registrants who can- not pass fourth grade reading and writing tests will be declared unfit for military duty, Headquarters also {advised local boards to defer medi- cal students “who give reasonable promise” of becoming doctors, to encourage doctors and internes to apply for Army Medical Reserve commissions, and to see that no doctor necessary to his community is called for service rns 0 $2 GENERAL ‘%; ELECTRIC Fledric Supply Company Bellefonte State College and Mrs. James Lucas spent | SNYDERTOWN Many of our Mothers and Daugh- | ters attended the banquet at Hub- | lersburg on Friday evening, Mr, Harvey Lutz, who has been ll for sometime is confined to his bed. Mrs. Kathryn Dorman has re- turned home alter spending several months in Lancaster with Mr, and Mrs, Luther Unkle, Sunday callers at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Lulz were: Mr. and Mrs. Luther Unkle, of Lan. caster, Mr. and Mrs, William Fisher and granddaughter Nancy Derstine of Bellefonte, Mr. and Mrs. Lew's Fawcett and family of Zion, Rev, Paul J, Keller will go to York next week to attend the meeting o! the central Pennsylvania Synod. Sunday callers a; the W. W. Haagen were: Mr, and Mrs, William Poorman. of Lock Haven; Mr, and Mrs. Francis Haagen and family of Beech Creek; Mr. and Mrs, Alvia | Peters and family of Beech Creek, Miss Dorothy Berry of Lock Ha- ven, and Mr, and Mrs Robert Dreese and son of Lemont were Sat. urday evening callers, Mrs. Willard Trupkenméller of Hublersburg called the home of Mr, and Mrs, Nevin Stover on Tues- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Stover and son Donnie and Mrs. Elmer Stover were Wednesday evening callers at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Max Markle at Bellefonte Mr. and Mrs, W. W ited at Hartleton 10 see en's aunt, who is sick Mr. Harry Halneg called on Miss Dorothy Haagen on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wallzer and children Jean and Ellery were Thursday evening callers at home of Mr. gnd Mrs. Lee Soit Bellefonte Mr. and Mrs, H M. Wallzer of Clintondale, were Saturday evening callers at the Nevin Slover home Mr. and Mrs, Emer Stover, Mr and Mrs. Nevin S.over and son Donnie, of this place, Mr, and Mrs Max Markle of Bellefonte, Mr, Nor- man Stover of Salladysburg and Miss June Rogers of Nittany en- Joyed thelr supper at Markle's cab- in on Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs, Harry Wallzer and children Jean and Ellery were Tues. day evening callers at the Charles Krape home In Hublersburg. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Orr and chii- dren Anna Mae, Richard, and Done ald calied at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Neidigh at State Coi- lege on Sunday. Miss Betty Krape ks visiting her uncle Will Ferree at Cakx Hall Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Dorman were: Mr and Mn William Fisher and granddaughter, Nancy Derstine of Bellefonte. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Unkle of Lancaster, and Mr. and Mrs, John Dorman Mr. and Mrs. Elery family were Saturday Williamsport : Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Sorgen and n Charles of Avia were Sunday supper guests at the home of Mr ang Mrs. Nevin Beck HOLTS HOLLOW Mr. and Mrs, Harry Shawley of Yarnell were Sunday visitors at the Charles Lucas home Mr. and Mrs. Howell and son of Runville, Mrs. M CC. Reese and daughter of Gum Stump, called on relatives at this place on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burd and son, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burd, Mrs Edith Burd and two sons visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zeiglér and family and Mr. and Mrs Clair Burd at Salona Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sheesley and family of Howard, visited home folks on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lucas were Sunday guests at the Roy McKinley home at Bellefonte, R. D Gladys Kelly and Vernal Poor- man of Moose Run, Mr. and Mrs George Magargel and daughter of Pleasant Gap. Mrs. Olive Rhoads and children were Sunday visitors at the Orvis Watson home Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sweitzer and daughter of Bellefonte, spent Satur- day afternoon at the J T. Watson home We expect some Girl Scouts with us at our church service on Sun- day for a short program Mr. and Mrs. Claude Heaton and family of Bellefonte, visited at the E. L. Heaton home on Sunday Mr, and Mrs. John Watson, Mrs Olive Rhoads and children were dinner guests at the home of Mr Haagen Vis~ Mrs, Haag~ al Krape and callers in and Mrs, George Magargel Jr. and | {daughter at Pleasant Gap on Fri- | day Mrs, Edith Burd called on Mrs Nannie Lucas on Saturday i DRY TOP (Boggs Twp.) Mr. and Mrs. Guyer Kelley and family called at the home of his parents, Sunday Those who called | Poorman home Sunday were his aunt, Mrs. Nettie Poorman, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Poorman of Bellefonte, | Mrs, Cartwright of Milesburg, and | Ethel Poorman of Centre Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stere Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller and son visited Mrs. Miller's parents at! Loganton, Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hoover and | , weekend IM, Wieland ! their guests the at the Clyde | and | THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. _ STATE COLLEGE Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Myers of West | Fairmount Avenue had as their weekend guests thelr daughter Christine and friend Jackie Watkins both are teachers in Baltimore, Mr, and Mrs, A. P. Wieland ol East Hartswick avenue hag as their guests their son and daughter-in-law Mr, and Mrs. D and son of Willlam port, Mrs. A, A. Kreamer of West Col- lege avenue enlertained the Wo- men's Bible Class of the Evangelical | Church at her home Tuesday even- ing. Mr, and Mrs South Burrowes street had a weekend guests Mr, and Mrs Rankin of Mt, Lebanon Mr, ang Mrs. D. T. Pearce South Allen street had as weekend guests thelr son and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, F C. Pearce and daughter of Kingston Dr. and Mrs, Emery Hartman of Alloona were guests of honor at a small dinner party Thursday even- ing at the home of Mr, and Mr Harlan N. Worthley of East Ham- iiton avenue Mrs mount guest her the Franklin Mr, and Mr East Falrmount over J. C. 8nyder of thelr John of heir Avenue had a son George a Marshall Colle an Var venue Haq and Jol M: Mr we Nes the weekend Vandervort's parents, Mr, and B. W. Bull of Middietown York Mr: and Mrs. MT East Hamilton avenue weekend with frienls In 8 Bunnell spent ranton We report with great that Jonn Lyle aged ; cident victim, who was in ously a number of recovered sufficie: Ww The Monday township : in charge tee with Mrs A College as Mr. and their of the W. Gauge: guest speaker ner and hi rid Elwood William Mr. and children Anna, Sara and All spent Mothe ents, Mr Strubles Sat son, and Walker called at home on Mothers Da Those who called or Harvey to greet mother o day were Mr. and of Pleasant Gap, Mr. and Mr ert Ilben and bright little ter of Miiesburg Ronald who is attending the Teachers’ College Idapear! Poorman with home folks We were sorry to hear death of Mrs. Allison Weaver family have our sympatdy daugh- Harvey Lock Haven The Advent cemetery Association met at E 8. Benneit's home last Wednesday evening, May Tih. and had their books audited for the year, Bal. in the Treas from last yr. $73.94 Received donations : 4.00 Received from festival 394.85 Tolal casneris $4723 Expenses for the year $340.49 Bal In Treas........ ,.$13239 Auditors: Walter Herald, Newton Louck, Edward Lutz and John Purl The commitiee has of men to work at the cemetery the past week, the P, O. of A, order will started a crew’ Mr. and Mrs, W. 8, Wieland of | East Hartswick avenue had as their | weekend guests their daughter Blanche of Mt, Holly, New Jersey and Mary Scarlely of Kennett Bquare | A. H, Yocum of South Allen Street had as hls weekent guests hig son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mr Yocum of Catawissa Hugh Etters of South Mile street had as her Alice Kline of Mt, Lebanon, Mra Howard Davis of Philadelphia, and Mrs, James Sharp New City. Mr Nelson Mr of nas! thelr and Mrs, Russell Blair of Hamilton Avenue had as weekend guest thelr son Robert © Philadelphia Guests at the C sidence on Woodland the weekend guest thelr of Philadelphia Mr Sara Erb of Helster spent weekend with re Harrisburg Mrs. Amanda Brown who ha confined to her on Beaver avenue due t proving slowly The King's Cl held 4 Drive over on Rober Stree the alives in We church its annual mother daughter Mr Mir meeting at Wahl Thur Gay COLLEGE TOWNSHIP Douglas visited with hom Paul Benne!t or thi eciion ha “re. Mi: of men burning a fire the Penna. R. R right of past seek The Bald Eagle Grange will hold their meeting Friday evening. May 16th. and the Juvenile at the same time in Watson's at standard time Misses Erma and Vivian Tobias ang their boy friend Clarion River. motored here and visited with Mr. and Mrs, Richard Gunsally iast Sinday Preaching next Sunday morning at 8:15 and Sunday School imme- diately after Rev. Miller will oon- tinue the revival meeting this week a: Fairview church Mr. Reuben Withurite and family spent Sunday wits home folks, Mr. Teddy Witherite, Clark and Warren Packer, who are working on farms, were home over the weekend FRE room of weekend gues's | York | | R. Gearhart re- | been WHY WAIT "TILL FALL WHEN WE GET SUCH EASY TERMS NOW FURNACE PRICES are still at low levels. Good installers are still available. Get your new furnace off your mind and into your basement NOW -—ready for next winter's first cold snap. Get a Free Estimate No cost, no obligation. DEAL WITH EXPERTS. Planning —— FREE Let us inapect your furnace 112 W. High St. perts. years. Rohhbbih ha 1 4 FRIESE FREER hbdtbbiiiih i and installing rurnaces are scientific jobs for furnace ex- Kalamazoo furnaces have been famous for 41 1,700,000 customers. Come in today! Be J. RALPH STRAYER, Business Manager, ETS Gl iii alll ML CALL THE KALAMAZOO STORE TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATE OIL BORNING AIR CONDITIONING Buy a genuine Kalamazoo furnace, any model, any size, for nothing down . .. No payments of any kind until October! then three year terms. Learn about our Famous Super power Furnaces, Kalsteel Fur- naces, Stokers, Oil Burners, Air Conditioning Systems. A tele phone coll will bring our heating engineer fo your home, KALAMAZOO STOVE & FURNACE COMPANY lefonte, Pa. Newion Louck Fi visited will Ww Shoe ast Why Wheat Quota Is Needed (Continued from page one) this country until the the 1941-42 marketing expected 10 be nearly quarter billion bushels most enough wheal country’s wheat needs the commitiee pointed out Another factor that has contrib uted to large wheat supplies ix that the average person in the United States eats Joss wheat than former. tolal for one. This 0 meet for 2 baby, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown, Mr. | and Mrs. Thomas Watson and fam- | ily, Mr. and Mrs, Paul Brandt and REMEMBER When You Want ANYTHING IN Lumber - Millwork Doors - Sash Roofing W. R. SHOPE BELLEFONTE, PA. Phone 432 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN EVERY DEAL OV EVERY PARTICULAS o— "A Kalamazoo Trade Mark Register » Direct tg “Tell The Story” Rober tua 5 Ri 2 Nnewspa Gener recently 9% ard- per n (3 Wnt £ We FREE! Blatchford’s Amateur Hour Show 1.20 P. M. EVERY SUNDAY Broadcast From W.F.B.G. WHEN WINDS GET ROUGH From Financial Loss. See General Insurance Phone 497-) A Windstorm Policy Protects You John F. Gray & Son Bellefonte, Pa Says Meter;Reader Bert Gray— “MY METER BOOK PROVES THE LOW COOKING COST OF 1941 ELECTRIC RANGES!” "I remember when I almost had to SNEAK into the home where there was an electric range. But today Mrs. Range Owner gives me a sales talk every month on how cheap itis to operate her electric range. She's right! My meter book proves it.” FREE — Ask your dealer for a copy of this booklet of unusual recipes. Limited supply — no obligation.