ye ee memes SSS COPIES EACH WEEK; LARGEST CIRCULA- TION IN COUNTY. 000 RE—— adhe Centre Democval PAGES OF COUNTY NEWS AND WEEKLY FEATURES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY VOLUME 60. NUMBER 20. BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1941, SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR — —_ SENATE, HOUSE PASS SCHOOL BILL easure Realy For Governor's Signature § Is Last Obstacle in Path Millheim Lions’ Club ————————— r————— | Becomes Admiral Slale Highway De- | partment placed in operation in thi comprising McKean, Putte: Elk, Cameron, Clearfield and Centre countie a newly devised machine Tuesday, the j istrict lines ally In CAs New Traffic Line Painter | Travels 20 Miles an Hour red Boer | than me has been the ’ I future past will the in the nucn The machine consist low-slung carris Woman Killed In Auto Crash | Near Martha ; Find Missing Plane; Both Occupants Dead Loses Two Fingers New York Socialites Vie- tims of Crash Into Mountainside WRECKAGE FOUND EAST OF LEWISTOWN appraring and Issues New Folder {for painting fog traffic Hghis iy sushed In Quarry Accident — lon the center of the highways carriage is | The Millheim Lions’ Club " Belle | week began distribution of its ic folder of Penn's Valley, in an ef- fort to attract more tourists to that scenic and historic section of Cen- tre county The folder, ahead of a truck Car Strikes Cul- Driver of Car is Charles Howard ploye Stone Company fingers of ciden | Son’ 3 vert; Slightly Injured 11S SECOND FATAL ACCIDENT THIS YEAR upporied School Buildin $4-MILL TAX IS PASSED BY BOARD Per Capita Levy Remains at $4; Commencement Speaker Chosen Enthusiasm was running high hee last night with the an- nouncement that the Senale- amended Bellefonte school aid bill, which passed in the Senate Tuesday, and which was ap- proved finally by the House yes- terday, is mow on Governor James’ desk for signature, The House's action yesterday morning dispelled local fears that the amendment tacked on | aged Bell Amer Lasse Street fon ched- mile being came Ww on and i 280 before distri Clinton of Bellefonte’ Sia, 000 | wheels, with t! ing are seated at wheel; t kind of the other operates color is a 4 t llefonte uesday morning flegntrols the nozzle most attractive Penn's View » 14-mile run iu From Lhe littl | near Coburn, claimed by many mally the work exlend to the truck be one of the finest scenic views In services of where they are connected w | America, holds the spotlight, alr -tignt | there are many other scenes dfiven air com seem almost equally attractive ; N ighway Buperintendent Aaron DD [aly pressure in thie Photos include the Poe Valley pel ( Bellefonte conduct! " " the | dam Poe Valley, the original site of newspapermen on an iNsSpec- lofrates a | Poe Mills, Poe Creek, Elk Creek, Poe in wake of the ma-iogit through ated onl inaer this SCeN- Wh m C uled t aint a total ¢ rr £ oi vie WAN One Bellefonte Hine oon Madisonburg Farmer Re- ports Hearing Plane in Difficulty, Friday two morning one in hose; Lome ' g £) a loded Tear i huge IWer- teady clipping a when the eap ex He was rushed to t Hospit NeCEKEATY to Blowout or Defective Steering Gear Believed Cause of Tragedy Mrs. Edit » Hall 5 nd portions of hich 10+ | ty-first avenue Altoor tered by the above the red $a morning L Metal on Womgt viper Ty rile from New York cit nied d in the Navy sled sSiruck a cuvert aed ti jlired Lhe paint container: we Cent Keep contalr WERROT where Argeo: ers Carr Ana 0 ampu rogers finge: f the ¥ ale Other fNnge and were sha'- expect lever ray 4 ever prayeaq | of 1119 Twen- a the MM, Was Are n fatally wi ney has {Paddy State Park, Penn's Cave ‘ i { Woodward Cave, Penn’ Creek, and others, There are snapshots showing fitd making a more lasling job mn {hunting and fishing scenes, The | “__ of 1 painting, the machine de ¥ntrol the widih of the pa folder adv rertises the area not only R for its scenic splendor, but for its! hospitality end iis attractions sportsmen. we fold 1030 LAS) road shoeled th : shied i hey ip ¢ ¥ ve nieids eilhey id nos - Lime Workers Here Organize May 0 and les east of Martha Purnace Hall died in tre t¥ Hoepilal at ! wrod CAPT. A. TROOD BIDWELL Abel Trood Bid tod cied to we'l, wh for Captain by the Senate might cause pro- Well distributed. th longed discussion in the House, |atiract many thus delaving Bellefonte’s plans {4 a during for immediate consiruction of a $400,000 high school building. The amendment doesn't change Bi) sila the bill materially, it is reliably anla e ers | becom i While it is the custom for bills cli a Di N Fi R Mogi Favored Here. -uicoow: Drive Nears Flag Raising “= n dr. and Mrs nry Bid fore the Governor affixes his | : father conducted an \ (Continued on page seven) | Council Endorses ‘Stag- gered’ Installation; Ex- Begin Work On Installation; Bx. |iuthcy aoe egin Wo | tends 2-Hour Parking | .anding scholar, and { —— dist the energy Subway Cable! cou comer staggered on High tn from extended A. F. of L.. Official Appeal to NLRB Whiterock Matter hig Haliway Mark Af Snow Shoe == lance POLICE sag wh abutment i The E E w called but of Port Matilda, a moloris® - * » . Ww. 1 Reported Lag Due to Fail- Bellefonte, Philipsburg . vise Mra Hall 3nd her Decial ability which if ure to Return Pledge Organizations Join in Im. Moopital before ihe amb discu arried him steadily a Rt he have Car I ER Cards Promptly pressive Ceremonies Nid crash h apbened. atu Ju } 3 i i WM i : . on To 5 i type machine As a student in the Bellefonte | seceding © 4 t thai a m, police said 4 installation school, he became a part Aegapeing CD To thei Cex 4 County Cor Charl and Allegheny empioye of the L. C. Irvia hall the budget of $19 00 has beer: participated » Dire ouniy AOroner 3 hare heny | pledged la date in the snus] Bella if. n held | Sheckler, of Miesburg, after ocon- | of the Cot (Con hued i Page Ti font Community Welfare Fund SGodRy ducting an investigh-son Wits the two-hour eampalgn which began carly this France Refractories slant crash. Bsturday aflernoon, decided it month y Khon that an inguest would not be neces Spring Concert 3 Ma the! The {Continued on page seven) elfnr Associatl Geog Lx that employes - Here, Sunday he Nearly 100 B. H. S. Students A manual ty} mele to be Heard in Program indust ws t 9 Carly ambition the years o a pasted by the Legislature to un- dergo the scrutiny of the Attor- ney General's Department be- Maonday went manual meeting held w Cable For Dial System Phones | parking et Being Placed in Trench on | favored a , 8 i of machine Allegheny Street | seets ama | Hot use an parking ped on Page 6 er or 1 tna jority meters rec in the matier of Wheth {Union represents a 'Whiterock employes Strunk said that he to the opmpany last recognition. and that ment had been decided uj bs ten day were elapse efinile Wer ing of Wi il nowever unk =a page seven) (Conti a report More than 2600 per from all fs parts of Centre county fing raising coréemony afternoon at the J ¥ at Bnow had appealed Thursday Jor rraner- y where. My Time Isn't Your Time (DST) In This County | Preliminary work began this week oni Bellefonte's first underground jpn telephone cable, to be placed along | Allegheny street from Logan to], Lamb streets | This and associated cable construe- | tion projects are identified with the | Bell Telephone Company's general | improvement program for this ares, | leading to the introduction of dial | telephone service late this A total expenditure of nearly! $290.000 is involved in the dial ser- an ™ before At Lo Bishop Council toward the Dl althougt t | Oxi tel 145 + L 3 ae 1 ire BI oereIRoOny a meet the ceded by A . from Bellefonte and smaller commun he Snow Shoe area (00k part The parade was ied by a guard made up of ex-service who are now employed in (Continued on Page 8) night dded (Continued on a Star Mail Route expected will be rations PhilipaDurg of man) 3 pr ies In Cart Merchants Favor Half Holidays Bellefonte ng in the Y MC. A Tuesday night voied Wednesday half-holidays Pat pledge UPS near Aan Many 3 f e ol are unheard on page seven) ire ries seven) merchant program prepared for the annual the Girls’ Glee Club and | a of Bellefon Hig! which will be presented Sun. May 18 atl 3 the Plazg Theatre. Ad ne spr ring th Concert bj to, , Boys’ Behool and Judy of A Auriy AT short, what . good time fs . " _« " . or 1 LETROON, 0 CHOCK | m missio on idan vested in the Vings Preiate al ceremonies Bellefonte, May will be held in peopie eight bo) as, who reh ter school XE es for this ¥ inst fall ¥-0n The 18 girls and Afteen once a | have been event since The pr youl on ‘ Ars 0 hours arly {5 weer m on ik : gram and ust The expansion certified for the lo- of sal company amounts to $180.000 : | and is for { uf » > 5 r the purpose of manufac- Anglers From All Parts of uring brass and bronze products,’ Stale Hear Prominent {the Defense Commission sald ‘ { Certification of the plant exten- Speakers ision as necessary to national de. ——— Tense will permit the company to Anglers from all parts of Penn- f | atnortize the additional enst in five fylvania gathered al the Penn Bells | years, instead of in 20 years, as re- Hote] last Thursday night at tha [quired by present tax laws, defense} annual Kiwanls Pishermen’s din- officials said. ner to whet thelr appetites for the Bong of the Ca why I Dream of Jeanie The Bells of Aberdovey Three Little Princesses {French Folk (Continued on page six) Courts Must Remain On Standard Time The Court yr WW Time nostoffior f but ¢lsh alics SeTVICE mos! Bi Centre fact that the Cet: ¢ County House remains on Standard rime, when Bellefonte and many other county communities are on a (Continued on ge tin | bi Re at Local Theatre (Continued Vear . 4 To Be Extended vice program. An additional $134.- F y R R v. w R ndieaRE alfuba ishel Hill and Axemann 000 will be spent on the Belletonte- | Plant Expansion or Kt. ev. Downes Yiuty Escapes business pisces ] and August, and we - tt. Rev Mon sighor William E.| YK for 262 miles, which is to be ready nk F ¥ ; m oc bu ” . for service when dial operation be- | Fant expansion ro veiw ig the coming summer Proposal ’ the Titan! ir olic church, Bellefonte, will be Ine " The vole Wednesda; } alf-1 oli _—— " w IMetal Manufacturing ompany. | r , vralis ’ The s tral office and cable facilities will IM Naf em fany eturing Company. | f robes of " y : J mh 1 : wary But under present | Bellefonte for product! to be held inwere continuing a eidespread ious stores which observe Gecided to add Rishel Hill and S Xen house he are divided (Continued on page six) been certified as! 2i. The ceremonies search last night for Earl Pierce iday half-holidays through other mann the State College-Belle- ne Aalate Bee. necessary to national defense, the pointed we're livin . D Benediction will follow walked away from his job st the lout. The general closing will be in! Yesterday it asked wid whet oa ishermen {sion notified the Centre Democrat According to present indications prison hog farm early Monday effect only during the three months, route State College by IONE. Liars 4 ie SOME Wp | yesterday . may be § Tuesday signors and about 100 Priests are ed al the 6 a. gn. checkup and to] The meeting was in charge Bellefonte railroad station, a It is almost that bad expected to attend the ceremony date no trace of him has been Mark WwW rilllams, general chair- ‘ance of 12 miles service to include |” soil 4 ky i important event ever held by Cath-|! Pierce, night watchman at the SUSKAMMIRY | SE a work Bellefonte—part i in Bellefonte, Among the dis- hog lots at the former BAD A second under the same Went on Daylight Saving present are escape shortly aller the pe Lemont railroad station. 3 miles and [trains and buses (didnt Most Rev, BR. T. Giltovie, wp check. Two other prisoners were back, to be served 12 times a week. everyone cise did At : . (Continued on page seven) tract award can be made under this sm ——— Fish-Hook Embeds Sag aid Ban Ue made Ser ia - . Receives Treotment - bidding which would enable the d D R 1 In Angler's Eyelid emocratic Rally Titan Granted + Ceremony Planned lock Haven toll cable, extending t i be Included in New i business men’s picnic to be held acquisition | Downes, pastor of St. Johns Cath- / . which has been made by ns in Bellefonte: The new cen- | Ri a Domestic Officials of Rotkview penitentiary days will not affect rul Postoffice Department ton of de-| Wednes . fense material has neighbors are m—p————— 8t. John's church at aged 38, one-armed trusty, who|months of the year. it was fonte star mail route ‘ve Hitvitsr drs National Defense Advisory Commis- for bids a A : ” p 5 " time i Eight A tr 4 Di three Bishops, about a domen Mon< morning. His absence was discover. June to August, inclusive Rishel Hill Axemann - which will probably be the most found (Continued on page seven) 6 round trips and 6 onc-way tripe Here's tinguished guests expected to be bam. is believed 10 have effected | contract will be State College to | midnight, Saturday. The (Continued on Page 6) stationed in the building at the The department hopes that a con- (Continued on Page ki] (Continu on ce 4) For Heod'L Girl Suffers Bruise Contfuued on Pag ot or Head Laceration a — TP ——— reported | { Titan officials yesterday opening of the 1941 season at Pish- ermen’s Paradise here ing morning. Among the were members Commission, the State Game Com- mission, 11 of the 250 members of the Outdoor Writers’ Association of America, fishing experts from all sections of the east, and just plain anglers and anglerettes. The dinner committee decided upon g change from the usual trout Continued on page six) dignitaties the foliow- | present | of the State Fish | {that most of the expenditure (Comtinued on page seven) ne- a Store C hanges Name The name of the C and H Wall land Floor Covering Company on | West High street, Bellefonte, {been changed to J. C. Clinefelter, Wall and Floor Coverings, Mr {Clinefelter, who was formerly In {charge of the wall and floor cover | Wil- | ing department at Sterns in Hamsport, opened the store in Belle ifonte last fall | fishermen has | An accident which "many iy —— fear but which seldom Leone Pighatti ruined a fishing trip her: Gap, and employe James Parks, 26, of | Quarries, Sunday treatment at the Centrd County Hospital! dispensary for a laceration of the head, cy The original injury occurred some | | days ago but wag regpeped, when it | was struck by a bumping bar used in” the quarries was reported Several stitches were nechsséry’ tof ciose the wound, and the man was permitisd to return home o. of. Pleasan of Whiterock night received Spring swung in his s angling along when ga fish-hook around and became fastened right eyelid He was brought County Hospital the hook was permitted to gegns sald to the Centre dispensary wher ‘removed and he was return home. Sur- the eye was not injured it is In Fall From Car Dona Da henbaug! 3. aged 4 daughter of Mr. and Mrs Lioyd | Daughenbaugh, of Howard. BD, 2. | underwent treatment at the Centre’ { Coun'y Hospital gispensary, Batur- | day afternoon, for a severe bruise of the head According to reports the little girl was injured when she fell out of the door of a car. She was discharged from the institution afler receiving treatment. I Daylight Saving Time, is no whim of officials or fllustration of rugged individualism, it became known yes- terday The Slate laws specifically direct that Standard Time shall be ob. served throughout the State by the courts and in court proceedings re- [gardiess of the time prevailing In the locality. The only exception to this rule is in the event the time shall be changed by an Act of Cone gress, in which case the time fixed {by Congress is to be considered by {Continued on page three) Here Tuesday Night £17 3 A Democratic: rally will be held in Democratic headquaricrs, Wes Bishop street, Bellefonte, Tuesday night, May 20, at 8 p. m. (DST) The guest speaker of the evening will be John Ferguson, of the Politi- cal Science department of Pennsyl- last vania Siate College. The meeting . is being sponsored by the Women's Symmonds, Democratic Club of Centre County to Fort Sill A cordial invitation is extended a son of Mr. !o all Democrats of the county to Milesburg. atiend the rally. Lt. Cox Commanding Officer of Battery B IA, Cox has ing officer of Batiery B Artillery, Bellefonte, which in training at Camp Shelby, The sppointment was made week He succeeds It who has been sent Oklahoma. Lt Cox is and Mrs. Frank Cox. been made command. 190th Field is now Miss Harm ol Anglers Jam Paradise at Eighth Annual Opening; 1, 350 Fishermen Catch Total of 1,230 Trout; Day's Kill 567 Seeing is believing and this is what our photographer saw last Pri- day as Pennsylvania's famous Fish-' ing to cast their lures out into the, When the hectic day was over, sed one of them was ermen'’s Paradise, south of Belle- fonts, opened for the 1041 season. Standing elbow to elbow, anglers | in spite of these good-naturedly spent most of thei: time untangling their lines and try- | water without committing mayhem ! | upon neighboring enthusiasts, And | | nothing of chill winds and cold rain a these difficulties, to say land of them, 567 were killed. It is|and a survey of the har sad commentary upon sualls, fish were caught. intelligence of trout, for not a bles hooked on any { records revealed that a total of 1230 thing edible. The only lures allow. | trout had been hooked and landed, {ed in the Paradise are artificial ones things on which | - = - £) trout were caught ranged where from wads of cotton to a fair | imitation of » Poy. Winged-ful- 1 every- | Paradise as indica but a It was & far cry from the 14156 were Nshertion: | paltry 861 anglers who turned out dressed a has du In 1934