__April 24, 1941. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELL EFONTE, PA. Page Three REBERSBURG Mr. and Mrs, Harry Minnig and sons Bob and Dick of New Kensing- ton, were weekend guests at the John Bright home, Mrs, Harry G burgh, visited relatives in burg the past weekend. Mrs Hubler accompanied her to heim Sunday where they were din- ner guests with the latter's son and wife, Mr, and Mrs. 8, L. Hubler Rev. and Mrs. N. F. Douty and Miss Laura E. Gayley arrived at the former's home on Monday from New York City where they spent the winter months, Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Hosterman of Millersburg, were weekend guests at the home of the former's broth- er. E. H, Hosterman Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Smith and daughters Barbara and Kathryn of Mifflinburg, called at the Emma 8holl home, Sunday Mrs. Fred Eversman of burgh, spent several days this with her brother L. A. Kidder family Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Maple Park, Illinois, are relatives in our vicinity Miss Florence Shore, and Mr. G Elhattan, visited at the bert and Emma Sholl week. Merrill Winkleblech of Renovo, were Sunday guest Elmer Mille: Earl Burd of Norristown, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Burd. The purpose of the visit was to see his grandfather, Ad. Winters who had been serious- ly ill the past week. Mr. Winters passed away on Monday Mark Limbert enlisted last Wed- nesday and went to Camp Lee in Virginia on Friday. His duties will be clerical Mr. and Mrs, Lewistown, spent latter's parents, K. Moyer Mrs. John Daye Sr. passed away on Monday after being bedfast al- most four years. Funeral was held Wednesday. Mrs. W. J. Hackenberg, Mrs. W M. Tarbert and Mrs. Russell Zach- arias were Tuesday afternoon busi- ness callers in Lock Haven Mrs. M. W. Breon, Mrs. A E Limbert, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Breon and daughter Nancy were busines callers in Williamsport Saturda fter which they visited Mrs. Carl Burkholder of Centre Hall who | a patient at Camp Deviti, Allen- wood Mrs. Elizabeth Page, Mrs garet Herman nd Mrs. Marion Young and a friend, of Jersey Shore, were Sunday guests at the A. B. Wolfe home Mr. and Mrs | t Mrs. Charles Wert of Madisonburg called at the H, K. Smull home ¢ Sunday Rev. and Mrs ited relatives in days this week Hubler of Ada Pitts- week and Gentzel of visiting Snyder of Jersey B. Emert of Mc- W. M. Tar- homes last nd ala Wayne Wagner of Sunday with the Mr. and Mrs. M. Mar- R. A. Babcock vis- Maryland, several Claude and Harry Smull attended the funeral of their Sally Tilberg, at Saturday Mrs. Ella Dieh! accompani son-in-law, Fred Bender and ily of State College to Renove Sunday Mrs Jack Guisewite of hem has been visiting her hw parents, Mr. and Mr: J. E wite. Jack is employed by worth Stores and has recenti) transierred {rom Red Bank to Trenton Mr; James Corm grandmother, Mrs at the Lewis! day Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Diehl daughter of Aliquippa Mr. anc John Diehl and Miss Ph ei and friend of State Gollege visited at the Lioyd Tate home, Sunday Misses Alice and Ethel Meckley of Alteons., called a: the Curtis Greninger home, Saturday Pitts- | Rebers- | Mill- | | Mr, and Mrs, HL H. Royer were | Sunday callers at Howard Mr, and Mrs, Edward Tyson and | three daughters of Millheim, spent Sunday at the M. M. Garrett home Roy Jamison of Centre Hall was a Sunday caller at the same home The Sunshine Class of the Re- formed Sunday School was enter- tained Tuesday evening at the Paul Cummings home at Williamsport Mr, and Mrs. Cummings were for- mer members of the clas Melvin Bright visited at the Brungart home at Greenburr, day Mr, and Mi Jame Lewisburg called on Mr Corman, Sunday Mrs, William charged from the Hospital last Friday Mr. and Mrs. Roy John and daughter Bloomsburg, visited Mr: Mr. and Mr J the past weekend Mrs. Elizabeth Gephart of College, was a Sunday guest Mrs, Elizabeth Weaver L. L. Meck fonte spent the wee Spring John THE Brown of Emma Kelley wa di Centre County Mastellar, Gloria ol Mastellar parent N. Moye State with and family of Belle- kend at Gravel Lodge Mrs. Gertrude ed her Frank aco James Fr J.. wh mpani- and randson nk to Passaic, N were weekend guest with th for mers sister, Mrs. David Soily Last Friday Carlos Tyson from the A. G. Cummings home in West Rebersburg into the new home recently built by Mr. Tyson in Re- bersburg. Merrill Gephart moved from Aarons into the acated by Tyson Calvin Bailey, Mrs. Dorothy er and Mrs. Ellen Blerly were Sun- y guests at Martinsburg Slides on Health, Education and Travel will be shown in the local Evangelical c¢ eh on Tuesday evening April 20th. by Miss Frances Miller, Jecturer Mr. and Mrs daugh'er, Esther, Mr. Kenneth Swartz dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mns. Charles Slajerbeck of Tusseyville. The dinner was held in honor of Mr. Slaterbeck and hi aunt, Mrs. Walte's birthday versary. The birth cake, con- taining 100 candles combined was baked b wer daugh ter Samuel wile ere Lhey moved DUrg Waite and mpanied by were Sunday lyde Horner Bressler ter of Aaror 3 M. Garrett Aome Zwening ar Erwin Schwenk and on over Prepares For Christmas Members of Tivoli's 4-H Forest) ub Monday afternoon planted 300 “hristmas trees, which they hope to » in shape for sale by De- Caring for the trees will be project of the club this year 8 next ecmber the A Low-Priced Cleaner FOR THE FIRST TIME with De Luxe Features! Easy-to-use attagh- meats for afl shove the- Moor cleaning. dust bag. Ne mars tiresome aching ov Qubgeross High Street charge for ot. tackments, New colors! New styling! Beautiful bronze«color«a Metalescent finish. Tip-toe adjuswable handle. Swirlator adjustable motor-driven brush. Patented no-spill 1941 model. Come demonstration. SHALL DOWN ‘Parment . WOLF FURNITURE CO. World- famous efficiency. New in or phone for free EASY TERMS AIARE Bellefonte of Willlams-"* A PINE GROVE MILLS Mrs, Martha Gavitte, C. M, Pow- ley ahd Robert Bloom from Fergu- son Twp. will help dole out justice at next term of court, Retired farmer Irvin Walker is making some decided improvements at thelr town home on street Carpenter Frank Dean of Camp Meade, Md. spent a few days re- cently with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Dean enjoying his fav- orite pastime whipping the streams for his share of the finny tribe, Farmer Richard Fye is erecting a large new implement shed on his farm Mr Albright and wife and Saturday evening and visiting friend: Ralph daughter were busine visitors in Tyrone Mrs. Donald Pry and to their home last Thursday a two weeks visit with friend: Pittsburgh Mr. and Mrs, John Deibler are the proud parent a fine baby girl No. 1 born last Wednesday at home near Meeks church One of our up-to-date young arme? William Dreibelbly wa der his M, D's care last week suf- tack of mump he writing son returned after Near their Well ur fering an al old thel i 20th at Balleyville Community Helen Butler of Belle- went, A promised ne yeal 11 be discussed good en- The pro meet - Mysterious Assailant Attacks Howard Girl (Continu od fromm page one) Miller are conducting an investiga- tion into the attack. The man was eribed by Miss Schenck as being tall in stature and wore a brown or gray sweater with a zipper fastener The automobile used in the getaway is said to be either gray or tan Luck held out for the assallants for Harold Kline, of Howard, pass- ing the scene just as the car sped away. sensed something was wrong and started in pursuit. He was driv- ing a new car on Which the govern- had not been removed, and the car quickly outdistanced Miss Schenck of the Sutton had spent the early at the home of caring for one of the the family evening 8c henck home ):45 o'clock, refusing any ome the same mile ot. cort because her h only about the center of town she neared her home a man About the drove up He auto wag sound- grabbed Miss Schenck cuffle he attempt- ) suppress h screams, but the was heard by Miss Schenck's wither and 8 son. As they appeared at the door, the man leaped into the which started up the Jacksonville road. At the Walizer home jt t the Mill treet one-half eared on the scene » time an automobile . “ » | * he horn of the n atitomobile irned left onto Road and disappeared Mr Alle the have attacked In the Hefonte- lege -Howard prea since last sr 7 when the first of the irred. So far none been seriously Miss Schenck is a sister of Ww LIM of 50 it} Bellefonte " POTTY m epo tate C Reopen Fight To Reduce Local Taxes (Continued from page one) sit present recommends - tions to Council at the next meet- ing, May 5. when final action will be taken. At a recent meeting Coun- cilman W. W. Sieg, chairman of the water commitiee, expressed the be- lief that a two-mill reduction Was possible Because of the resignation of Ralph Heister from borough employ several weeks ago, Council named W W. Bickett, County Health Officer, as temporary borough health officer until a permanent appointment has been made Council, milion and by unanimous vote, in- creased the salary of Police Officer | Donald Johnson $15 a month Council hopes to have the WPA | sidewalk construction program ex-| tended to include the rebuilding of sidewalks on Willowbank street, af- ter the completion of work on the new Bellefonte-8tate College high- way. Adam Crossmeyer, of South Potter | street, asked for the extension of borough gewer lines to his property just outside the borough line, and Philip Benner, of Shope street, ask- ed for improvement of streets and RT RR rn pL nl E. Main | Mrs. Wilbur Dodd claims Izaak Walton belt so far thig ang- ling season coming over the Moun- tain one day with 26-incher of the rainbow species and this is no fish story Among the bidders last day at the John Relish sale were Farmers' Marcellus Sankey of Can- oe Creek; Charles Lutz, of Fillmore, George Owens and wife, and Joe Ebbs and wife of Fillmore; and Lynn Mothersbaugh of Potlers Mills, Mr, J joined the Foster Musser last week tractor farmer gang by purchasing a new I. H. C, tractor plow and other equipment Earl Smeltzer is now employed ag boss carpenter with contractor Ar- thur P, Stephens who is erecting some new houses in State College Mrs. (3. H. Woods is considered seriously ill at her home on W Main Street, taken, suddenly ill last Friday p. m. Her son George H. Woods of Wilmerding is here for a few day Mrs. Brooks Corl is assisting in her care Mrs. Elizabeth Peters will enter- tain the members of the “I Will Try" Missionary society at her home on Friday night One of our former ards J. Milo Campbell College, with his wife are on a three months auto tour across the continent to California, They ex- pect to return about July 4tl Farmer Robert W. Reed is now driving a brand new Allis-Chalmer W-W tractor, purchased ast week from the Bros, agency. poLalo wiz- now of State Johnston 0 seeks a requests for con- | lights in that area. He als grade for a sidewalk. Al] were referred to committees sideration 3.Day Cooking School Listed For Next Week (Continued from Page 1) flowerets and with cream Then the adds cauliflower peach halves filled cheese and pickle relish whole meal 1s broiled in an electric roaster. Sounds unusual doesnt {t? And Mrs Bathgate says it's un- usually good, too This is just an example of the practical sort of Mrs. Bath- gate gives her audience. She] do all sorts of oooking--—cakes, Des oven meals, soups, salads stews desserts—all seasoned with wit and fun to make her classes not only informative but entertaining The luscious foods prepared dur- ing class will all be given away 0 the “students” and there will be many other valuable gifts distribut- ed Come and lear out getiing wrinkles in your head in ? apron, Classes start each afternoon at 2 o'clock Be early, and be gure of a good seat 50 you won't miss a bit of the pro- gram. Domn'i forget the dates, next Wednesday. Thursday and Friday, Apri] 30, May land 2 in the Y. M C. A helt nelp n how to cook with- fore- were ——————— Sight Damage In ire Here Yestordoy Slight das MK nage resu [E20 the Susqt ehanna Paving in ihe Phoenix Mill Water street about yesterday me ing drum of heated Both a general hich was asphalt and plant of the Materials Com build A 10.30 o'clock when a large asphalt which wax being caught fire COmMpanies res alarm and the blaze confined to the drum of rafters overhead, was soon extinguished Damage was os timated at less than $5 Ralph T Smith is w of the plant 14 Accepted In Poe CCC Camp (Continued from page one) fire panded to Joseph Gasper, Clarence; Paul El- wood Billett, Bellefonte, R. D. 1; Arthur Paul Brown, Philipsburg; Nevin harles Ulrich, Spring Mills, R. D. 2; Mike Peicho. Jr, Philips- burg; Richard Winfield Peters, Pow- elton; John Lego, Osceola Mills, R DP. }; ence; Jacob Henry Fryer, Coburn. { Walter Joseph Koshko, | fonte. i Struck By (Continued from page one) with a bucket of water, Most of the System. i pe SE DO YOU KNOW That you save money buying lumber direct from a manufacturer? You pay only one profit. Our lumber is manufactured with all the newest and most up-to-date machinery. We have on hand a quarter of a million feet of stock sizes of both hard and soft lumber. We can manufacture more than a million feet a year. VISITORS WELCOME ! WE DELIVER ! (Good Roads Now Lead to Our Mill KEPLER LUMBER CO. MOSHANNON, PA. Mill is located 1 mile South of Pine Glen, turn in at school house, half mile East of Pine Glen, | the Wednes | Andrew John Salvanish Clar- | Clarence; | and Norman Edward Howard, Belle- | Home Dama ed When ightning the receptacle, but Mr. Lucas, arous- | led from sleep by Mrs, Lucas and | their daughter, quenched the blaze | damage was confined to the wiring | | Announcing the Grand Opening of Bellefonte’s Newest Store for Men and Boys — The NATIONAL STORE BELLEFONTE, PENNA. This Friday, April 25--9 A.M. | FREE! TEMPLE COURT BUILDING A NEW CIGARS TO THE MEN ON OPENING DAY FREE! Men's and Boys’ Shopping Center Comes to Bellefonte Known as the National Store Complete lines of Men's and Boys’ Wearing Apparel as well as Shoes priced for the Bud- get-minded and those who want to save, will be featured at all times. We invite your inspection on our opening day. Note the special values for opening day. E/E EE EEE HEADQUARTERS FOR Better Work Clothes NOTE THESE Opening Specials Men's $1.19 Bib Men's $1.29 Work Panis Men's Work Secks .pair 8c Shirts or Shorts . . . . With Gripper Snaps each 18¢ Men's Work Shirts. Gray Covert or Blue 79¢ Balbriggan Union Suits 59¢ Men's $1.19 Pajamas. .... 99% Men's 89¢c Dungarees. . . . .66¢ 25c Fleeced Work Gloves. . 15¢ Reg. $2.88 Value EXTRA SPECIAL! MEN'S 8% GREY COVERT Zipper Shirts 66¢| PANTS! Outstanding Special | Sanforized Pepperell Whipcord Pans Regularly sold at $1.98. A Fine Selection of Keep Cool With These Sanforized, Washable Slack Suifs - - FELTHATS Reg. $1.49 Value Boys’ Felt Hats 88¢c PANTS! Visit Our Complete Pants Department. have them at all prices from 88¢c to $3.95 $1.44 Washable Slacks $1 fo $1.9 $1.95 OPENING SPECIAL! MEN'S SUITS Regular $25.00 Value 31 g->0 H. AT FREE h each purchase of these up-to-the- 1, strictly hand tai 1 confidence guar- 225.00 > OTHER SUITS $13.95 to $22.50 Savings of $3 to 85 per suit. ile re »d ask we antee these to be where. Sizes for all. NATIONALLY KNOWN DAM SHIRTS The by the Makers of Better Dress Shirt Adam Hats BROADLOOM DRESS SHIRTS Known as the Best $1 Shirt in America! Try one and you'll never go back to your old brand. | SAVINGS LIKE NEVER BEFORE IN Boys’ Wear ¥8' $686 VALUE All Wool Suits Sines 8 to 16 $4.95 BOYS LONGIES, pr. §1 BOYS’ GOLF HOSE 19¢ BOYS’ PAJAMAS. ..7 BOYS’ SWEATERS, ste w—— Whites and Fancies! Sizes 14 to 17. Reg. $1.35 1.00 1.95 LARGEST SELECTIONS MEN'S AND BOYY SHOES DRESS AND WORK AT NEW LOW PRICES! SHOP AND SAVE! 51.88 © 52.88 1-22 Blacks - Browns - Whites Combinations - AR WH lesthers WORK SHOES Save $1.00 Per Pair le 77 We Boys’ Field Shoes With cleats on top and heel Sires | 0 6 $1.59