= wife and daughter, and son and Mr | Mrs, Amanda Way spent last Sat y M1 Lawrence Bartoa | Charles Jodon and wife of Bell U | \"4 | L L a) urday shopping visiting with | Hunbury a were guests on | fonte {riends In Bellefont | Tue { the home. of his brother, Mr. Williams and wil : . : family of Q Methodist Church Services: be turned over to the County Com | \ { berry visited on I"I'A NETS NEARLY $75 day School 10:00, Church Service Miss May Rickarg from Lock Ha | home of his brol £rvice Ms Thursday ev nmi mers after May 1st, nies | her are { ' of Mr v " . . A ! ‘ J) v FOR BAND UNIFORM FUND | 11:00; Centre Hall: Church Service | ven spent Friday with Miss Jean | william | indi hoo) n Sund me definite arrangements, for th rio y ill As na ere’ Mr - w— | 9:30, Sunday School 10:30; Pine Bartholomew | Miss #1 p morn 1! m, Tollow ‘ yment ol same, are made wi ' wa Miwa: A 1 one ’ \ y " v nl ’ . gr " h $y Os I wipe n rien y ' ' 4 \ , " ts "ult 1 4 4 vil : i i x fare ! y of ¥ ro Ihe Parent-Teachers Association | Grove: Sunday School 9:30, Chureh The fifth winner In the Easter? | (rom Roversford visited on Sunday dvi dg ; : a 4 onal, ty | daughter Charlotte mano o 1 y rOne i D netted nearly seventy-five dollars | Service 7:30 Star bedspread club was Mrs y ‘ A. MM. With sermon by ie ; he thal your ) y . . : df " 4 4 ™m . u at the Mr J GG. Boa me , / ’ ‘ vh d son ahd: dauehier for the band uniform fund at the Reformed, The Rev Bena R Bruce Knarr | iY ! augh indoor carnival held in the school | Keener pastor Centre i I. Trl . Ae da Y e Tri-County Past Templars gymnasium Priday evening, accord | Church Service 9:00, Sunday School rh a y a - ing to Mrs, FV. Goodhart, chair- | 10:00: Youth Fellowship Meeting | Page Two THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. April 24, 1941. ‘ The Arema Club met at the My in . 190 D . . ’ ' Wali Fela VO i relatives 08 A G H. McCormick home Monday . / po ba t4 Slain v 1 Association met at Mill Hall Tues | evening. Mrs. M. A. B ed Pre byterian Church Services Bu H Lhd ; " . Y 4 &F ] 4 4 a iB > bage led y h . lay afternoon and evenin x McCort ia I { ay Ci Monday evel y n the communit n Sul wa wid man 7:30; Tusseyville: Sunday School | “0 : d Mr ; Me medion daa | Mo Gurmics wer He April 28th, at the home of Mr aftern Methodist church at B re | m d Mrs Harold Hall on Sat- Russell Bohn in showman's gard | 9:30, Church Service 10:30 Mr. and. Mrs, . ler hn » home of her 4 . » Sunday dinner with his parents, wus master of ceremonies of the * 4 abit, ~ G N program which opened with a band PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS | Mr and Mrs. Charles A. Miller, | PINE GLE on The Centre Hall-Potter band is There will be a chicken and 5 concert , N y Lee Frazier arrived here from | coliciting orders for a bake sale. | nocdle supper Saturday The civic organigations which Y ats ponsored a stunt were the Woman's | Texas on Saturday | Deliveries will be made on Saturday. | April 26. Benefit of Club, responsible for the “Chariot Albert Dutrow is driving a ew { These names have been added to Miss Helen Butle Race” a la top scooters, and the motorcycle since last week the local Hospital membership drive. | the ladies at Mrs, Ira Plubell Music Club presenting “A Tricycle. Mr, and Mrs Donald Shope and | David 1. Graybill and Jack Col- | day, April 25th. at 1:30, the Built for Two" and an egg-ihrow infant son spent the weekend in | dron INES are ver “a : ing stunt | Harrisburg Mrs. George Sweeney and two structive, you w ! Other adult performers Were| aps Cora Homan and Mr, and | children visited her sister, Mrs Clyde Jr. Donald Robert i David I. Graybill, magician, who | apes Kenneth Runkle visited in| Harold Leightley in Oak Hall Satur- Jean and Marvin Hoover motored Council tied William Reese securely In 81 anoona. Sunday day York on Sunday where t t bag, yet effected his escape wil.noL Mr, and Mrs. Reuben 8S. Ricker Mr. and Mrs. Car] Snyder from er, Mrs. Clyde Hoove yn pie A of Tn if | were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mr Harrisburg, visited Mr. and Mrs. J hn ung : her duug ! Rickert Donald Miller Paul M. Fet- | George Sweeney Shannon Booser and family over Hr ’ Phe terolf and Jack Riegel, with Don Ray Sharer ‘and W. W. Kerlin | the weekend “ Fh iy e directing in hi topper | made a business trip to Tunkhan- The Susanna Wesley class of the © MArrisbur a 3 Friday Methodist Sunday Schoo] will mee Mis Mary R t! evening at the home of Mr ner and Robert \ “1 - {i Re H ) A wl Free Methodist Church Services orvice Friday evenld Meeting Jus and Ernest Wagner, | DOCK the mathematical horse The first Quarterly conference of | Wis . which had no trout is Evangelical charge was held | Howard Emery pad " Anda Mi: Hoover birthdays | las vening in the local church The annual Eaitern Star banque schmoke Cemetery As-odiation Meeting count a singie hand Mr and Mrs Cornelius Houtz and | and dance is scheduled for Thurs Mr. Wat : n in the audience daughter Freda Jane spent Sunday day evening, May 8, at the Auto- al this writh Thomas Williams directed | wi), Mr and Mrs, J. Harold Durst. | port near State Coliege Mr. Iv: NO groups of grade school giris in Samuel Goodhart with his daugh- | Bellefonte oi folk Tye " William Homan, Fred Lutz, and amusing folk dances in fuding | pent the weekend in the Alle- ter, Peggy from Johnstown, visited Looby Loo and The Farmer gheny Mountains on a fishing trip hie son B FPF Goodhart and family aush , en day 1 A v : Amor r the side shows were The Mr. and Mrs, John Wright and NS yo J Mr Fa ' Meeting Men Only For | family from Boalsburg have moved Mn Charles Geary, ! I anc ! f nts the North side of the Ben Charle Geary Jr and S500 Ja~ cobs visited with Mr, Geary in the Hospital on Sunda) ng th i Magic Pill, For Women Only, Th ! and . home 4 arnnk ETrOssin DOul tweniy-ave amp Devitt 4 Chester A Spyker atte GOAT I y improved 4 nual Presbylerial at ea Miss Miriam Homan who Degan | ...ierday MRS. J. 8, BOOZER ELECTED vorking in Betty Barner's Beauty °° ro HEAD MUSIC SECTION “ v I'he Centre Hall-Polier baseball i y ' “ team, coached by Davig 1 Graywill Musical Instrument v the] ; 4 A Eb . defeated the Snow Shwe nine 8 topic of a talk by Mrs Paul Fet- oh and Mri 1 H R Whit S| Tuesday with Paul Smith in | terolf at a meeting of the Music | Mr. and Mrs. Staney Brooks spent | pitchers box Section of the Woman's Clubs ai | he weekend oe i nin inp:ie Mr: and ‘Mrs, Howard Emery and . the home of Mrs. William P, Camp- | Philadelphia and Baltimore, Mrs. Susan Emery visited Howard d Seay : 4 IR ; bell last Thursday evening F. M, Fisher attended the direc- | gnangler in Unionville on Sunday ge ; oll Sat; Marvel Bread is THORO-BAKED baked longer Mrs. Fetterolf explaineg and clas- | tors meeting of the Farmers Mutual | They found him surprisingly well ; ‘ Ee & sified all the instruments with the | Fire Insurance Company at the ang in good spirits : . A ald of ag chart and mentioned some | Penn Belle one day last week Among the lucky fishermen on : : ; a 5 digestible why it rox aptures dir glorious, old-fashioned interesting origins Charles Geary from Newport be- | the opening day Of trout season was i - Se YY Aga mms ‘ : . The business of the evening in-|.am, a patient in the Centre Coun- | Jack Riese, who included in a §00d ; y EER: | gp Wheary” flavor. Its first taste will win you! luded the election of these offi- .. goonita] Thursday. He was op- | sized catch one eighteen and a half cers: president, Mrs Shannon | Y ¥ n this week for hernia inch brown grout ¥ & fo ” a = " * be IIT £ ra ry i . A A lar $ # +d ad Setar v ih, AI Hast Mr and Mrs. E E Zetile Andrew 4 Mrs. Warren Homan and childrer 4 ‘ _— : > Y | 41 14 Georze K Rimmey: director, Mrs etle and Mrs, F K. Frank were | fram Boalsburg visiteg Mise Con + ; 3 " — Campbell st. Mrs. Delss R. |B ts of Mr. and Mi Merle Homan this week, Mr and : Mi . 3, &- Keener: an program chairman, | Vale nes Woodward on Sunday Homan will move soon to Altoona : fr Le Chr” - . Mrs, T \ The Rev. Delas R. Keener left | WOeTe Le 5 epioyed The group also decides where he | Mr and Mn im of 4 g : : : fi nts dues inlly y and return | Reading spent 3 vith Mu : ‘ 2 : rt A Marvel Bread contains not 1, burt 2 important vita- five cents a with Mrs. Keener ang daughter | Anna Barihoiomew and {amily : IE Z i ae: | : : : Sands Supper guests at the same hom Boge GE a fe i, : of 3 - mins (imcluding Vitamin Bl) and iron—10 meet es «1 Mrs. George McCormick and Mrs. | Were Mr. and Mrs, Robert Grenoble ALL ; Sa ’ 5 E che DR. WILDE ADDRESSES ria rkholder entertained son Donald from Lewisburg, and . n s. 2 : CENTRE HALL WOMAN'S CLUB Areme Club of the Eastern son Bud from Williamsport chine, =