COPIES EACH WEEK; LARGEST CIRCULA- TION IN COUNTY. 7,000 Re — Rech adhe Centre Democrat PAGES OF COUNTY NEWS AND WEEKLY FEATURES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY = 16 VOLUME 60. NUMBER 17. BELLEFONTE, PA.,, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1941, SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR COMMISSIONERS TO HOLD LAND SALE EW METHODIST MINISTER TO 625 Trad: To Go On Aucti: n Block Seated, Unseated Lands Home Damaged When Struck by Lightning Being Sold For Non- Payment of Taxes SALE BEGINS MAY [bout 12:30 0 27; TERMS, CASH Lucas home on “ly " Commissioners Will Fur- Luc nish Deeds; Buyers Must | 1 Pay Costs A total of 6325 uneeated are LO be d: sale to be held by missioners in the Coury Room on Tuesday, May according t an official announcement made this week. The sale will be adjourned {rom time to time until tract have been disposed of. The tracts to the highest provide that the pur pay the big price plu cash, at the time (Continued Page 6 Cent Of at ands in posed the County Com ere mele: 7 - 0 ng recept ail will be knocl bidder of Woman Hurt In Fall From Car Penn State Baseball Play- ers Quizzed by Police in Accident on Two Diphtheria Cases Reported County Medical Officers Ex- press No Fear of Wide- spread Epidemic Despite rumors the county or cases of diph- theria have offic reported to health ithorities, and there is no threat of an epidemic, according to reliable advice Dr. Leroy Locke Centre county medical director, W. W. Bickett, of Bellelonte, o« health officer, both declared thal to date only two cases Rave been ported, and both of U are in the Bellefonie vicinity The victims are: Virginia Boit, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Soil of South Spring street. Bellefonte and Hal Harman of Continned on My ©» veen onte and sept dur iNLy Bellef LE eo. em re aged 7, son Mr Page 82nd Sec Firemen Battle Stubborn Blaze ['ndines’ New Pumper Gets First Workout at Brocker- hoff Hotel A four-hour battle against a fi the walls of the Brockerhoff Ho- tel was won late Friday afternoon when members of the Undine Fire Company, using their new pumper for the first time, got the stubborn blaze under control The fire was discovered about 3 o'clock in the afternoon and firemen found that rafters in the basement newest business the National of the large structure, nearby a flue {o, (the Temple Court build- from a HOt Water HERIEr. Were lo. cite: 2 Merhoo. fond Enbp rH (ing, Bouth Alleghen will smouldering (take place at 9 2. m. to rrow (Fri- Fire apparently followed ay) morning through the partition from the The Notion (Continued on Page ¢—2nd Sec) tock EET dp aa vs Ask Penn State Alrport manager ‘The General Assembly was urged! here, is Tuesday by Dean Harry P. Ham- ness mond, of Pennsylvania State Col-| Free cigars will lege Engineering school, to pass leg- the men on the islation providing for aeronautical further details research and construction of an air- Store's opening port at the school. | this issue Woman Injured As Car Catches Fire fire in vas able to ret chine - NATIONAL STORE TO OPEN HERE TOMORROW The grand opening of Bellefonte's aouse- ut rpet n up vey It PRL Nat all jonal Store will carry In clothing necessities for and men. B. Goldman, former of the A. C. Turner store manager of the new busi. be distributed to opening day For see the National advertisement in is New pumper, &° ... delivered last week, Is comaanion plece to the Undine Fire Reopens Fight | For Reduction | In Local Taxes! Brockerhoff Asks Council to Reconsider Action on 15-Mill Rate CLAIMS TWO-MILL | CUT IS PRACTICAL Given Two Weeks To (cather Data; Bickett Named Health Officer State College Man Jailed In Altoona check efman Ralph WN 8M rar A v Sp A a aH X a iM ffler { Kru 1 Hotel i the defend: Railroader Is Honored Here T. J. Kelleher Presented Med- al on Completing 50 Years With P. R. R. recognition of his fifty years of ce wi the Pennsylvania Rail- homas J. Kelleher, of Belle- fonte, was presented with a fifty- year medal by E. OG. Guggenheimer of Altoona, superintendent of the company Middle Divisd propriate Tues In TV road Se noon Mr wid) iW at Kelleher began hi service the rallrond on April 21, 188] 15 years when he be- came a warehouseman at Snow Shoe. He soon was made a clerk there and in September of the fol- lowing year was transferred to Ty- rone where he served as brakeman on train service until his transfer to Bellefonte in 1300 less than a month after hb (Continued on page seven) the age of fe 8 UNDINES GET NEW STREAMLINED PUMPER Company's new emergency truck. Together the two trucks form what is claimed to be the most modern fire-fighting unit in the central nart of Pennsvivania. The pumper like the emergency truck was buil! te Undine specifications. It has a two-man cab, 500-gallon pump, 200-gallon booster tank, and much modern equipment. Both new machines are mount- ed on heavy-duty Ford truck chassis, the emergen vy truck being a finished in blue, with gold trimmings. cab-over-engine type. Trucks are The two units were purchased entirely by the Undine Company, which has spent approximately $8,000 of Hs own funds for new equipment in the last four months i Btuaenis of | college life { first fifth students made averages rang:ng from 119 to 2.10, the secs N SUCCEED REV. HARTSOCK, HERE REV. HARRY STENGER ( 8ilen Be $161 “0 HOG ‘Paradise’ To Open May 91h Season Will Continue Un- til July 12; French Re- views Eales for Season. for standard f will be per project on Bunday be permitied to kill and WAS speci- the angler must after two fish have heen artificial flies with barb- r hooks be used 62nd ite mis ary y ama 0 It TegAar vet may n Page f the 10 Liefonte on bg "ie REV. HI. WILLIS HARTSOCK Wiis Willis port Maryiand ny dren. three boy Hof whom are ool ag He ha wed on Page 6) Welfare Drive Opens Tuesday Organization C o mpleted for Annual Campaign; Red Feathers Popular - } out his feather t i Belle Ly Wellare Fund, ap- yd one ¢ Kita ng aed y the Te MD an ’ parently is Althwuglh the canvass {8 not to be ifunched until Thursday & pumber of the attractive ilheis have appeared, adorning ts of our loyal townspeople Many have volunteered contribu- tions already. and this should be a ‘ good omen of of this " oh p " LE HE & Op uiar formaily ne Oia fhe SuUCCess CRMpaiEn splendid cooperat ne by the elo 4 te merchan on given Lo Boy Scouts the Bellefonte appreciated Page 7) local anda ' is especially by (Condnued on The added. House O. K's Bellefonte School Bill A bill designed to speed up the financial arrangements for the constraction of Bellefonte's proposed building passed Ms third and final reading in the House, yesterday, and is to be submitted to the Senate tomorrow, according telephone communication last night from Henry A. Brockerhoff, of Bellefonte, who is in Harrisburg in the interests of the measure, bill, which would enable the Bellefonte School Board to transfer $85.000 of the funds available for the new building to the Bellefonte Building Corporation so that tentative contracts already let could be made final, may be reported onl of committee in the Senate as early as Monday of next week, Mr, Brockerhoff said, It is possible for the Senale to finally pass the bill, and for the Governor to sign it to make it law, before the end of next week, he If finally passed, the bill will become an amendment to the 1911 measure which established the public school system. new $400000 High school fe a PSC Official Kiwanis Speaker Ray Watkins Explains Meth- ods Used in Choosing Col- lege Freshmen Ray Watkins, scheduling officer at the Pennsylvania State College explained to members of the Belle fonte Kiwanis Club Tuesday the i procedure in admitting students to the freshman classes at the College i 8chools are graded according to their previous acholastic record: and this grading determines wheth- er none, the first Afth or the firm two-fifths of thelr students shall (be admitieg without examination. ! Any student falling in a grade be- {low the second fifth must take the prescribed examination given at i various points throughout the stale, | the first two-fifths in the Bellefonte and State College { High Schools are admitted withou! i examination, Taking the class of 1943 as an example Prof. Watkins showed the influence of High School standin as it works out in the first year's The middie 50% of the end {rom 78 to 164 the third from { 48 t5 1.22, the fourth from 21 by { 108, and the fAfh from 0 to 94 | There were some notable exceptions Lin the last three groups, but the (Continued on page seven) ‘camp 14 Accepted In Poe CCC Camp Inductees leave Today in Centre County's Third Induction in April Fourteen bovs from Centre county were accepted in the April enroli- | ment for CCC conducted on Friday morning, April 18, it is announced by Thomas C. Williams, executive director of the Centre County De- partment of Public Assistance The boys assembled at the Y. M C. A in Beliefonte and were trans ited by a COC truck to Poe Val- ley Camp 5-63, Coburn, for physical examinations and induction into Fourteen boys passed the physicals and one was rejected jwe- cause of a disability, passed were kept as members of the Poe Valley camp. The selection officers, Mr. Wil- iliems, exccutive director, and Mil. : ton W. Etters, county supervisor of ihe Centre County: Departmént of | Public Assistance accompanied the enrollees to Poe Valley where they | collaborated with Lt Lee Fox, camp | commander, and Dr. Henry Thissell, | Miltheim, camp ysician, in the | final step of enrollment { The following boys éntered CCC | Camp at Coburn: Nathan Willlam | Anderson, Bellefonte, R. D. 1.; Lewis Jenkins Williamson, Philipsburg, R D.; Mike Stago, Clarence; Michael (Continued on page three) i Those who | 3-Day (ooking School Listed For Next Week Mrs. Dorothy Bathgate Again to Conduct Ses- sions at ‘Y’ Gym, NEW RECIPES, MANY SHORTCUTS LISTED New Model Kitchen to be ['sed at Centre Demo- crat Classes Balliga ¢, whow nd ir COOKIN Bellelonis nd wnGuy is wi wo oid OW i ig Thursday ang Fri. i Liles COOKINg tre Demo Schoo. \ w w rat C eo Fh ( i the Cen! K re <« OX Domemagenr: AVE New an ordinary varned beel hash it appetite appeal. In- merely warming Lhe hash, she molds if ino an attrac- tive cake, places it on a me al grill (Continued on page three) mss —— Airport Awarded Advanced Rating canned of uy Is One of Few of Its Class in State; Noll Orders $£10,. 000 Plane Henry LL proprietor of the New- fay Flying school which is now in charge of the Bellefonte Alr- has received Federal rating as qualified primary and advance wool, Mr. Noll reported yes- N¢ The Bellefonte airport, becatse of its exceptionally fine equipment is one of only a few fields in Pennsyl- vania to meet specifications for ad- vance {iraining, others including Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Brad- ford. Most airports in smaller come munities lacking hangars field Continued on Page 6-—2nd Sec.) ————>" Young Democrats To Convene In Altoona Young Democrats of seven central Pennsylvania counties are planning to attend a regional conference to be held at the Penn Alto Hotel, Al- toons, on Saturday, April 26, under the sponsorship of the Young Dem- ocralic Clubs of Pennsylvania A highlight of the conference will be a dinner at the Penn Alto at 6:30 p. m_ followed Ly a dance in the hotel ballroom. Tickets, entitling the holder to admission to the din- ‘ner and dance are now on sale at $150 each and may be obtained from Marjory Houser, of Bellefonte, ‘or Eugene Burkholder, of Centre Hall All members of the Young Demo- cratic Clubs, or others interested In the work of the clubs, are cordially invited to attend RN a To Open Tire Store And Recapping Service Bellefonte's gewest business house is the Keystone Tire Engineering Recap and Vulcanizing service lo- cated in the former Kofman office | building opposite the passenger sta- tion The establishment js to have two departments; a store, which will be opfned to the public the latter part ‘of this week. ahd 8 recapping and vulcanizing service which will be opened as SOON As necessary equip- ment has been installed | The store is the local distributing | agency for Goodrich tires and acces | | sories. Manager of the establishment is John J. Zimmerman, while Jos- {eph Ames is the budget manager. State Col To Go On Golege Saving Slate College Borough Council. end the Pennsylvania State College are to go on Dayviight Saving Time, effsciive at midnight this Saturday. No action toward having Daylight | Saving Time in Bellefonte has been instituted, and one is contemplated, a survey yesterday revealed, Was { the hotel jobby, held ug Mysterious Assailant Attacks Howard Girl Flees in Car When Girl's Screams Attract Sus- picion VICTIM HYSTERICAL, SUFFERS BRUISES Resume Work On New Road To State Colleg Alter winter being closed Gow r he mont Bellelonte-Blate Colleg wis resumed Monday crew of about 2A an announcement t vice of Putman Inc aclors Dale Althe affect ing mer Incident Similar to Ones in Bellefonte Area: Pursuit Fails president cont Summit link igh wealher tir your v Wine requ the MOURN Eraci fall, jeaving oni) ing and Adan Ross ' ’ ge of Lhe Cenli~-us done TS chur OJ Hotel Robber Is Sentenced (Gets 4 to 8 Years for Part in Holdup Cornelius ROC of December 7 Bully 10 a ¢ belore Judge special i surt } gay and =a wntenoced from 4 10 8 years in the Penitentiary at Piltaburgh Mason's sentence was the as the one meted oul Ww panion. Nathanie! Payne 25 aiso colored on April § when he ap- peared in cowl and admitted the person who walked nigh Page 62nd AP ————— 4... Baby Clinic In New Location Moved to White Building; Woman's Club Plans Cook- ing Demonstration Lg ¥ Ww perve Western same a8 oon - bya aT ————— Decision to move the baby clinic from the Red Cross rooms in Pet- rikin Hall to the new clinic in the White building on the opposite side West High street reached meeting of the Bellefonte Wom- Ciub at the home of Mrs Har- McElwain Unionville, Mon. I or wight ot four § $ Plans have been completed for the i Sgt Do hae he I annual Mother and Daughter Ban- , _.. Gi bpm aonb opi y 2 [oe ule in ihe Belieionle The cli ric is steadily increasing May 8, according to an & Jad WAFS hong the mo fut13 0! ment by L. C. Heineman he witnie arts. las meitth a of the ¥ 1 of 38 bables were brought in The evening's program will (Continued on Page 6) brie! and will consis, of music der the direction of Mrs, Lenore Martin, with Mrs, Ear] K Stock at the plano, and songs, dances, and other entertainment by loca] talent Tickets at 50 centg each are now on sale and may be obtained from the following persons: Mrs D. A Grove, East Linn Street; Mrs. O. A Kline, East Bishop Street; Mrs Jesse H Caum, East Linn Street Mrs, H. M Murtorfl West High Street; and Mrs. L Heineman Willowbank Street or from the Y M C A ————— mato cerry Bac) (Continued on Mother-Daughter Banquet Here May 8 TAL ‘8 Lath in to evening announce secretary be Hh. ii $225 Damage When Cars Crash Near Town Cars driven by Junior Corman, of Bellefonte, R. D. 2, and Paul R Krape of the same address crashed on Route 220, two miles east of Bellefonte about 11 o'clock Satur. day night. The accident was the first in the county since April 8 The crash resulted when the dri- vers were blinded by each other's headlights, Damage wag estimated {al $225 No one was injured in the aocci- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rockey, of dent but Krape cut the thumb of Mingoville, became the parents of a his left hand while ripping the fen- daughter. born Monday at the Lock der from his car. The cut required Haven Hospital several stilches Girl For Mingoville Couple ‘I AM AN AMERICAN’ DAY-1941 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION No M ava . WHEREAS Public Resolulion 67, approved May 1640 178), provides, in part That the third Sunday in May each year be and here- by is set aside as Citizenship Day and that the President of the United States is hereby authorised and requested to issue annually 8 proclamation setting aside that day as a public occasion for the recognition of all who, by com- ing of age or naturalization, have attained the status of citizenship, and the day shall be designated as “I Am An American Day 8iat That the civil and educational authorities of States counties. cities, and towns be, and they are hereby, urged tr make plans for the proper observante of this day and for the full instruction of future citizens in their responsi- bilities and opportunities as citizens of the United States and of the States and localities in which they reside NOW. THEREFORE, I. FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT. Presi- dent of the United States of America, do hereby designate Sun- day, May 18, 1941, as “I Am An American’ Day and urge that this day be observed as a public occasion in fecognition of our citizens who have atiained their majority or who Rave been naturalised within the past year. And 1 do call upon 8H State, and local officials, and all patriotic, civil, and educa organizations to join in exercites calculated to impress upon &ll our citizens, both nativesborn and naturalized, the special significance of cliizenship in this Nation. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States of Ametica to De affixed. DONE at the City of Washington this 27th day of March, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and forty-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and sdxty-fifth, FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT. By the President, SUMNER WELLES, Acting Secretary of State. %