Page Two March 20, 1941. -— CENTRE HALL AND VICINITY y FACULTY BASKETBALL GAME TO BE HELD FRIDAY The annual basketball classic be- tween the Centre Hall and Potter Township teachers will be held to- | morrow Friday evening in the high | school gymnasium for the benefit | of the high school band, Team line-ups are shrouded In mystery and will not be released | unti] the last minute, but names of participants in several preliminary stunts are available, Russell Bohn and J F, Wetzel, | principal, will engage In a wrest- | ling match; Charles D. Slonaker | ang Donald Shope, ring veterans, | will put on a boxing bout; and | James A. Myers and David I. Gray- bill are scheduled for a tumbling act Admission prices are set at fifteen and twenty-five cents and the cur- | tain goes up on this faculty frolic at 7:30 o'clock ® * 2» FIREMEN TO SPONSOR DANCE HERE MARCH 28 The local firemen, attempting to augment their equipment fund, will sponsor & dance in the local gymna- sium Friday evening, March 28 from 9 to 1 o'clock. Jimmy Leyden's Collegians will furnish the music for the customary round and square dancing. { Fred Luse, committee chairman announces these other committee- | men: advertising, W. W. Kerlin; Orchestra, Roy S. Jamison; ad- vance ticket sales, Pau] Zellers; door sales, Harold E. Bradford; de- corations, Eugene Burkholder; and | refreshments, D. C. Miiterling Fifty cents admission will charged » w » » CHURCH SERVICES be | Evangelical, The Rev. W. K, HOs- terman, pastor: Bethesda: Church | Service 9:00; Lemont: Bunday School 10:00, Church Service 11:00; | Spring Mills: Sunday School 8:30, Church Service 7:30. Lutheran, The Rev. C. C. Otto pastor. Centre Hall: Sunday School 8:30, Church Service 7:30; Spring Mills: Church Service 9:00, Sunday School 10:00; Tusseyville: Sunday Schoo! 9:30 Church Service 10:30 Methodist: The Rev, W, T. Glenn, pastor. Centre Hali: Church Ser- vice 9:30, Sunday School 10:30; Sprucetown: Sunday School 8:30 Church Service 10:45 Presbyterian, The Rev. J M Kirkpatrick, pastor Boalsburg: Sunday School 2:00, Church Service 3:00: Lemont: Sunday School 10:00, Church Service 7:30; Centre Hall Sunday School 9:30, Church Ser- vices 10:30 Reformed, The Rev er, pastor Centre Hall: Sunday School 9:30, Church Service 7:30. Spring Mills: Church Service 9:00, Sunday School 10:00; Farmers Mills Sunday School 9:30, Church Ser- vice, 10:30. | - D. R. Keen- PERSONAL MENTIONS Mrs. Wallace White of Axe Mann | who is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rider became (ll last week with pleurisy. Mrs. Della Reiber, who has been spending the winter with her sons and daughters, expecis to return home in April Mr and Mrs Lynn Breon and family plan to move into the Geo McCormick home to be vacated when Mr. and Mrs. Gene Gentzel move to Bellefonte Mrs. P. P. Geary left on Sunday for Pittsburgh to atiend the Ameri- can College of Surgeons meeting. She also visited Miss Martha Speer in Wilkinsburg, and returned home yesterday. The Lutheran Young Women's Missionary Society met last Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. C, H. Homan, These members attended: Mrs. J. Harold Durst, Mrs. Roy Dut- row, Mrs. Paul Fetterolf, Mrs. Ernest Prank, Mrs, Pred Homan, Mrs William Kerlin, Mrs Pred Luse, Miss Ine Luse, Mrs. Ray Mark, Mrs Clarence ©. Otto, and Miss Bertha Sharer [MUNICIPAL MILLHEIM || Show Time: 7:10 & 8 P. 3 LAST TIMES TONIGHT THURSDAY {March 20th) No. 1—Gene Autry, 8S. Burnette: "Gaucho Serenade” || No. 2—Anita Louise: “The Phantom M ’ Submarine’ Family Night! Children 10¢ Adults 20¢ B,C lh a ———— FRIDAY & SATURDAY (March 21st & 22nd) I | Humphrey Bogart Ida Lupine “High Sierra” Thrill Crammed . . . a picture you will not want to miss. Also Special Added Attraction: “THE MARCH OF TIME" Arms and Men of U. 8. A. ETT. n,n. A————. MONDAY & TUESDAY (March 24th & 25th) Here you are folks! . .. It's TNT Entertainment! .See the Bap- tism of Fire! “The Ramparts We Watch” Not a picture for children to see. Full Length Feature. ALSO SELECTED SHORTS EL —._." ” ls a A. "Coming March 28th & 20th “COME LIVE WITH ME” James Stewart Heddy Lamarr S— otro ——— Mrs. Dorothy Knapp spent Sun- | day at her home in Bellefonte, The Garden Club is scheduled to meet at the home of Mrs, George Benner tomorrow evening. Mrs. Mary Nef! spent Sunday | with Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Miller clety met last evening at the home | of Mrs, Charles Slack. E. L. Bartholomew from Altoona, spent Saturday with Mrs, Anna | | Bartholomew and family here. Mrs. Lovan Smith went to State College Saturday to spend a week with her sister, Mrs, Clarence Year- ick and family, | Mrs. Delag R. Keener's mother, Mrs, Robert Schlegel from Fleet. | wood, returned home Sunday after a short visit here. John: Slack from Coburn, has rented the north side of the Jane | Poreman property and expects to move here with his family soon. Miss Beatrice Lannen who has been employed in the Ralph Ziegler home for some time, returned on Sunday to her home at Nittany Howard Emery’s thumb was seve- rely lacerated on Sunday when the deck of his car fell on it. The in- fury required immediale medical treatment, Mrs. David I. Graybill who be- came {ll with tonsilitis while on | duty at the Qentre County Hospital, was able to return to her home last | Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Slack, Mr and Mrs, Pred Slack, and Mr. and Mrs. John Slack spent Sunday in Lewistown with Mr, and Mrs, Rus- | sell Slack Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stover, Robert | Pressel, Mrs, John Fortenbaugh and | son James, all of Altoona called at | the William Stover and John Durst homes Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dutrow and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams left Florida Monday bound for Centre Hall. They will probably arrive to- | day or tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Rearick, who came from Tunkhannock to atlend the funeral of Willlam Rearick in Milroy, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, P. V. Goodhart Mrs. Samuel! Grove substituted for Charles D. Slonaker at the Cen- tre Hall High School Monday. Mr, Slonaker was caring for his wife and son who are ill with grippe Edward Durst Robert Gerhart and Donald Coldron drove to Am- bler Tuesday with a load of house- hold goods. Mr. Durst remained there and will return Saturday George Ocker from Harrisbure, who came to Centre County to at- tend the Jackson Day dinner Friday, visited among friends in Centre Hall between trains on that day Mrz. Thomas L. Mocre from State College called on Mrs Jacob Sharer Sunday afternoon. James Baugh- man from New Stanton was also a | Bunday guest at the Sharer home. Susan Emery, Isaac Emery, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Emery and daughters Evelyn ang Hagel had Sunday dinner with Mr, and Mrs Thomas Foss and daughter in Pleasant Cap The Susanna Wesley Sunday School Class of the Methodist church will serve soup, sandwiches, coffee and ple at the sale of the late R. M. Smith property and household goods, Saturday Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and [Mrs EE. Zettle were Mr, and Mrs. Reuben Zetlie and four children, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Houtz and daughter Freda Jane, and Mr. and | Mrs. Harold Durst and son Duane. The class in first aid taught by Warren C. Homan, of Boalsburg, met for an examination Monday vening in the high school bulld- (ing. At this time plans were laid ‘for a banquet at Woodward Inn, April 11. Mrs | Mrs. Philip Smith and two chil- | { dren, Barbara and larry, spent Thursday with Mr, and Mrs. Ed- | ward Vogt. On Sunday, Mrs. 8mith, Mr. and Mrs. 8. T. Riegel and son Jack spent Sunday at Balona with Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Taylor and son | Jack, Mr. ahd Mrs, were also present at the Sunday | | dinner celebration of Mr Riegel’s | | birthday. | Friday supper guests of Mr, and | Mrs. James Searson were Mr, and | Mrs. Paul Ishler and children, | | Louise, Kenneth and June of Mil- | heim; Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Oar-| { brick and Shirley joined the party | { for the evening. i { The Centre Hall fire department | {helped to extinguish a fire in a | Brooder house on the Floyd White farm near Potters Mills early Mon- | | house was not destroyed, 208 chicks { were lost | horns on passing autos. | “Heroine Leaders” a class Of | young girls in the Evangelical Sun- | day School met Monday svening as | the home of Betly Johnston. ese | members attended: Jean Hanna, | Fern Hanna, Janet Runkle, Margar- | et Smith, Lillian Rickert, Betty Sweeney, and Mrs. George Sweeney, teacher. C. E Finkle from Aurora, Iii, spent part of Sunday with his grandson, Roy 8. Jamison, and family and then went to Mi inburg to spend this week with his daugh- ter, Mrs. Kathryn Jamison. He ae- companied his daughter-in-law Mrs. James Pinkle east to attend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. William Stover, Mr. and Mrs. W, W. Kerlin enter- tained the First National Bank di- rectors and employees at a dinner at their home Monday evening to celebrate the eighty-fifth birthday of Daniel Daup. These guests were present: Mr. Daup, James Decker. Harrison Walker, Daniel 8, Daup, Edgar Miller, Donald Miller, ¥. V. Goodhart and Mrs, Harold EB. Brad. H. M. Taylor Jr! | The family and neigh- | | bors were aroused by the Blowing Lis smoking set as a gift from ford. Mr. Daup received & the dir- ectors, ; R. 8, Hagan was In bed last week with a severe attack of lumbago. Mrs, Roy Dutrow and son Al bert spent Saturday In Lewistown Mrs. Mazle Lee ls spending this week with her sister In Lewistown. | Virginia, THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. POTTERS MILLS Mr. Lee Brian and family of Bellefonte, visited on Bunday at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, E. B. Palmer. Mr, Merril] Copenhaver and fam- ily of Aaronsburg, spent Thursday | at the home of Mr. and Mis, H, E Faust, Mr. and Mrs. Lester McFadden of Mr, Paul Sweetwood of R. 8. Hagan was in bed for sever. | ' - The Presbyterian Missionary 80- | al days last week with an attack of [Las Haven, Yaiied Svar He wou lumbago Miss office recently. Fred Homan wag unable to work tack of lumbago A son was born recently to Mr and Mrs. George Homan and has been named David George, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Rines from Baltimore, spent the weekend with Mr. Rines’' mother, Mrs, Zora Rines Warren Homan Jr, of Boalsburg, spent several days last week with his aunt, Mrs, Kenneth Runkle here, The Senlor Service Class of the Lutheran Sunday School met last evening at the home of Mrs. Archie Moyer, A short circult caused a fire In the Lester Rossman home Dear Centre Hill Sunday. Little damage was done The Rev, W., K. Hosterman wil have charge of the service at the County Home in Bellefonte Sunday afternoon. Mrs, Carl Burkholder, who has been jill with pleurisy, was taken to the hospital yesterday to have her lung drained. Marlin McClellan, son of Mr, and Mrs, Wilbur McClellan, accompan- fed Woodrow Bradford home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Luse and chii- dren Donna and Keith spent Sun. day with Mr. and Mrs. Pau] Breon in Rebersburg Mrs. Molly Ishler, Mr and Mrs Carl Ishler and son Ronald called on William Stover and Mrs, Wil- Mam McClenahan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Miler and Mrs. Charles A, Miller spent Sun- day afternoon in Spring Mills with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lee. Sumner B. Hosterman, a former resident of Oentre Hall was the hile! defense lawyer in the recent Redelay murder trial in Lancaster Mrs. Sari Mastellar underwent a major operation recently in the Gelssinger Memorial Hospital In Danville She i convalescing there Mr. and Mrs. James Searson and daughter, Betty, Mrs. Vernon Oar- brick and Shirley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Frank Ishler in Lock Haven Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Homan and children, Dallas, William, and Al- verta, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dutrow ang Mr A H Bpayd J. PF. Wetzel and James A Myers attended the Centre County Athilet- ie Association meeting in Bellefonie Tuesday evening, Al this time a schedule of Spring sports wag ar- ranged. Centre Hall-Potter high ool entered the baseball compe- tition for the first time in several years. The Willing Workers Lutheran Sunday School met jast Wednesday evening with Mrs. Roy 8. Jamison These members allended: Miss Margaret Alexander Mrs Poy Dut- row, Mrs. Chester Grove, Miss Cora Homan, Mrs, Ernest Homan, Al- verta Homan, Mrs. Fred Homan, Mrs. Raiph Homan Mrs. Fred Lase, Donna Luse, Mrs. Ralph Luse, Mrs Clarence Otto, Mrs, Ray Sharer. and Mrs. Arthur Thoman The Yo-Yo club entertained their husbands at an oyster supper at the Prank Bradford home Friday even. ing. These attended: Mr. and Mri Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. Abner Alex- ander, Mr. and Mrs Milforq Luse, I Mr. and Mrs Philip Bradford, Mr and Mrs. Bar] Frazier, Mr, and Mrs C. A. Miller, Miss Margaret Alex- ander Mrs Talitha Delaney, Mrs Anna Prazier James Myers, and the two children, and Edwarq Vog: | Mr. and Mrs, Kryder Prank Jr. drove to Laceyville io speng the | day | Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Harghbar- ger from Altoona were over night guests at the George Searson home | last Wednesday, Thursday evening they accompanied Mr. and Mrs Bearson and Mr. and Mrs. James SBearson to Zion to celebrate the birthday of Mrs Others attending the party were Mrs. James Harshbarger of Centro Hill, Mrs. Roy Searson, son Rex, and daughier Annette and Mrs. Leroy Wagner of Spring Mills - WINGATE On Monday evening, March 31, al 7:30 the W. C. T. U. will hold their monthly meeting at the church at this place. The county president, | day morning. Alt h the ter | Mrs, Isabelle White, of State Ool- lege will be present also a silver medal contest will be given by a anticipated and all are welcome. Arthur spent with relatives al Moshannon, On Thursday of last week Mrs. | Gale, Mrs. Elizabeth Mitchell Mrs, Bessie | Smith, Mrs. Mary McLaughlin, Mrs, | Sara Pisher ang daughter Ida Witmer, attended a quilting party at Madge Kaufman's at Run- | ville. Mr. and Mrs, W, B, Resides and | son Billy and daughter Mar als Mr. and Mrs, Henry Mr. and Mrs. Arthur MacMillan, LITTLE NITTANY Lawrence Rhine of Beech Creek, Gloria and Mary Dullen and Mrs. Boyd Butler spent Monday at the Pheras Eck home at Nesbit. Mrs. Anna Clark, and daughter Mar. ha, spent Tuesday evening at the John Waltz home at Nittany. Francis Dullen of Howard, spent: Sunday with his mother Mrs. Anne Dullen and family, Intelligence does not always ac- company the degrees that some people acquire, Margaret Jacobs sprained | {her angle in a fall near the post 'tored to Burnham on Thursday to | see her brother Mr, Clark Bible who {has been In a serious condition part of last week because of an ate ored guests | Miss Alice Orwick William Smith. | class of boys and girls. A good time | Mr. and Mrs. Edward Walker and | children Edward Jr. Richard and Sunday afternoon | alone | were Sunday visitors at the home of | Ed. Sweetwood. Mr, J. M. Carson and wife mo- The youngest son of Mr, and Mrs Chester Knapp has been quile sick with the grippe Mr. Harry Brown motored to Lancaster on Friday to visit his sister Mildred who was hurt in an aulo accident. He reports her im- proving Mr. 8 E quite sick with improving Those who attended the Jackson Day dinner at Spring Mills Friday evening were Mr, and Mrs, John Neff, daughter Helen, Mr, and Mrs Bruce Ripka, son Dean, Mr. J M Carson, Miss Ethel Tressler, Miss Lizzie Slack, Mr. and Mrs, GH McCormick, and Mr Harry Cum- mings The brooder house on the Mrs George Emerick farm, lenanted by Mr. Floyd White was burneg down on Sunday evening. 200 chicks four weeks old were burned. It is supposed the oll burner exploded Mr. Dean Smith has secured em- ployment at the Viscose In Lewis- Lown. Mr, Coleman Wingard and daughter of Spring Mills, took Mr Harry Wilkinson (0 Altoona on Sat. urdse where he joined selec tees Wo go to camp Mrs. Elen Wilkinson of Slate College, spent Friday afternoon al the home of her daughter Mrs F A. Carson Mrs. Albert Rood has been con- fined to the house since suffering a hemorrhage of the head Mr sick list Mr. and Mr: G H McCormick atiended the Wool Growers Associ ation banguet held at the Penn Belle Hotel, Belicionie Wednes- day evening Mrs. G. H McCormick, served a birthday dinner on Sunday evening Mr. McCormick. Mrs, Laura Belie Jodon of Beliefonte being the hone Those present beside the honored guests were: Mr and Mrs. RH McCormick of State Col- lege: Mr. Charles Jodon of Belle- fonte: Mrs laure E McCormick Miss Caroline McCiaskey, Miss Al- berta Faust The sale of Mrs, William Sgeenty deceased. held on Salurday Wis well attended. The home was 04d to Mr. G. Blaine Bitner of Spring Mills for $600 The buria] of Mr. W. O. Resgigk of Milroy in the Bprucciown - tery, Bunday afternoon was al- tended by many relatives and friends who had been flu, is slowly Brown the the on an s——————— PORT MATILDA Mrz Carl 8hope of Altoona, and Mrs. Viola Mull of Trafford ed with Mr, and Mrs Harold Mc- Cutchen Recen: Visilorg at Woodring home were Mr mixon of Alloona, Mrs Mattern and Mr. Samuel of Hailmoon and Mrs Bowen of Btate College, Mrs. Ben Nicodemus entertained the Presbyterian Missionary Sooiely on Friday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hicks spent Saturday at Altoona, Mr Clair Orwick and his sisier spent Saturday evening at Williamsport Mr. and Mrs Boyd Williams apen’ Saturday afternoon shopping In Philipanirg Mrs. BH. Williams wag operaled on at the Philipsburg hospital on viait- the E M J. €. Oul- Candace Mailern Beatrice | Saturday, she is at the home of her sixter, Mrs. Harrison Burns gl Oseo- ola, for a few days The box social held by the PTA on Priday cvening in Dunlape gar- pie was quite a success financially Mr. and Mrs, Talt Prantz made a business trip to Bedford recently. Bee ang hear the Hoosier Corn Hucksiers {rom radio station WR- AK, Williamsport, Tuesday, March {25 at 8 p. m. Harpster's garage, Por: : Matilda MARTHA The Woman's Society of Chris- tian Service of the Methodist church will meet at the home of Mrs, John Bailey, Friday evening, Margh 21. The W. C. T. U. held ity March meeting, last Tuesday evening atl . the home of Mrs, Landy Steele O. C. Bprackman returned home | from the Philipsburg State Hospital Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ormsby Spackman { of this week | with { {| Mrs, Toner Heaton returned 0 her home after spending some time UNIONVILLE ———— Y ! Cary § 4 to be ' Presbyterian Church Services: danoe of ice cream provided for the | J. R Arper 1s able to be about he house alter suffering with a Bible Study class on Monday even- | occasion Sroken Tee Zine Tie. St ing at the home of Mrs, George | Garden Club News:The Union- Paul y " Wo ' $e 89 Bhipley | ville Garden Club will hold its re-' ., hy og returned io his home League Meeting: The members | gular monthly meeting at the home pe yA Baa Hall skier apenlmg ev= of the Epworth League will hold | of Mrs. David Custer on Wedne Ramis. as 1 J. E Carper their monthly business meeting and | day evening, March 20th at 7:30 p. " social in the Sunday School room |™ Re ent gue \ at the home of Mr of the church on Saturday evening and Mis. J. E Carper were Mrs, 1 : L. Woomer and son Lynn ang Mr Sara Miller of State College. Mis Edith Carper and Mrs. William MeClintic of Linden Hall Mr, and Mrs. H. 1. Kerchner have purchased a new Ford within the past week, they having recently been involved in an socident when their other car badly damaged here the 8may's have been living at Cabot, Pa. ‘Most sinoere sympa« thies are extended to the family and friends in their hours of be- reavement Callers at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Elwood Way on Bunday includ. ed Mr, and Mrs, LeRoy Resides and daughter Nancy of Bellefonte, Mrs P 1 Holt and deughter Connie of Milesburg and Mrs, John Shank of Btate College We hope folks who have not paid thelr tax to date will arrange Yo do 80 before May 1st as that is the dead line for wurning In to the Commissioners, all unpaid property tax. let's have a clean alate for Unjonville Borough and keep our accounts up Ww date The Yo School class monthly Bt Mr, Walter Zahniser has taken on some new work, being represen Free Methodist Church Services: | tative of a leg company in this vi- Prayer service Friday evening, ¢ nity Sunday School on Bunday morning | wr Harry Jones was laid up with at 9:30 a. m, followed by the regu- |, cold for a couple days this week lar preaching service at 10:45 a. Mm. ' 4nd not able 0 go to work at the sermon by the pastor, Rev. | Ty.n Metal Company Jacobs { i Methodist Church Services :—- The membe 8 . " ‘ Bible Class held Prayer service this Thursday even- onthly ytusiiass hh Tring ing followed by the regular monthly In I Sant Tigre. ot Ti- business meeting of the Oficial day iehing at the home of Mn Thomas Ward who assisted Board: Sunday School on Sunday |’ Rig olt with the singing In the Methodist BY House, Tuesday evening, March morning and Epworth League in the Mr, William Bart tudent of chur ouple weeks ago b 25th at 8 o'clock. The members of evening at 6:30 p. m. followed by Penn State College, at the Mont } werk Women's Bible Class are cor- the preaching service at 7:30 p. m | Alto branch spent the past week- classes cach after: dially invited (0 this meeting with sermon by the pastor, Rev. end with his parents, Mr and Mr; and directing To 8 . Kerstelter | W. H. Barton of this place Easter Cantata £2 yr pn the Worthen s aiety of Bervice we Family Reunion The We were sorry to learn of thu Funeral services wer and their families of Mr, and Mrs. | illness of Mr. James M h Women regular which nece { 4 new ome of the their ung Woman's Sunday will hold their regular meeting In the form of a Patrick's Party at the Commu- italed the purchasing on holding singing Lhe oon and evenis He renesrsa wi women of Christian herewith remind you a quilt the frames at the Holtzworth home being quilted for the benefil of the Boclety. Any one with his Will be welcome 10 come and put in help the good a few stitches to (Continued on page three) children rvi that there Btere who Methodist church h Edward Flick gathered at the Flick | has been confined to his bee a! ternoon home one evening last week and | the past week or more with siden had a good time together chatling | tack of grippe and other « resided and eating ice cream and cake friends hot tion All hi & Parsons farm They all did justice to the abun- | covery may be speedy Since leaving Ded for of t nd Fly Ble ™ in A i. BAKERY « be 3 a nck endl AND. FISH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES + GROCERIES + DAR / mi P SUPER MARKETS— —A& ARE FEATURING FRESH CHESAPEAKE BAY C Fryi . + + « Carefully Tested for Excelent f “3 Pint The quality and Absolute Purity. Center Chuck Roast = 18c Beef Roas ves 23c Chickens w 8§7C Smoked Pienics. . . 1» {Te Hams *man Sample (5¢ Fure Lard nill Pickles a Mel-O.Bit Brick and Cheese American « 2 - 39¢ dexo 19g Pure Hydrogenated Vegetable Shortening Nutley Oleg Tarim Spread lona Cocoa “evjpshins and Cake Flour Susmysers Fresh Roll Butter. . .......... Selected Eggs Oretviews Sennyfield Flowr. . . ...... .. Jelly Bird Eggs. . Crisp Colonial Toasts. . . .... Oyster Crackers Band) Seda Crackers Peanut Butter Apple Butter 3% 3 an . 3 a= 20g 5 Choice Oysters from Cultivated Beds Stewing Pint NBL Pee Fresh Baked 22h 1a 2 dar Fine Quality 2 hy Rump, English Standing Rib Ans Page Dressed 15-00 sennyficld Roasters— Fully Weight, 248, 10902 24h, (Ge 27¢ He 166 26¢ Ih ow Hamburger " - Tasty Treats From the Ovens of A&P Bakers A&P Bread tv 20c Dated Donuts . . .. P= 10¢ Hot Cross Buns . .. Ms 12¢ Coffee Cake ‘Mom B= 15c¢ Delicious Golden Fudge LAYER CAKES Jane Parker Ea. 25¢ Famiy Size Salad Dressing Ass Pare | Mayonnaise haa puge - cc: Rajah Salad OH. ......... Tartar Sauce * Tor pgs Snack Lunch Meat Chili Con Carne 1a ¥wssers 2 Corned Beef Hash Ann Page Beans Tevéw-Ooonna§ 100 Prepared Spaghetti Ass rece § 2% 25g Tender lona Peas. .. «3 255.7 26e Fancy ARP Corm Geites sweet 2 707 [8g Heinz Soups Mort Kinds Tomato Soup A=» rare Red Circle Coffee ** (Tc... 3 = 4&T¢ Bokar Coffee . . 2.00 37¢ 3 J* 48¢ ih 54 Ends Freon Ih Pork Leins "350 ARMOLR'E COUKED SALAMI or LEBANON BOLOGYA EVAP. MILK White Tall 40¢c House Cans CUSTOM GROUND COFFEE 1S BOUGHT BY EVERY Ih U.S. FAMUYI te Sunny Bold Hein Lr sain Family & Dor Lancheon , 260 Canned Juice Savings AGP Grape Juice. . . ....... tou A&P Pineapple Juice 3 Maa Grapefruit Juice “r,t 4 00 Prune Juice Whi . ide Lpple Juice med res3 Orange Juice 270, FAL House _ Cherk Toma Brand On Tin 1h Cams Ih Cans 20¢ * 25¢ on cane 250 Xe le Orange Grapefruit Juice ™**3 [0° 26¢ Lemon Jule ¥ise @uaiity 22> 5 Tomato Juice 3 Bu 20e Tomate Juss. . .. Combes 3 TOF 230 Samer Kraut Juice. . . ..... 275.0" 19¢ Top Ton: Yospiable., ........ 02 Owe {Be ¥-8 Vegetable Cocktail Bp | Armour's 2 For best results with your chicks ford them % “DAILY” Feeds Guaranteed ts Satisfy 2.2% 1.99 Lbs 2.06 1.83 1.50 100-16. 1.95 EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE 339 = World's Largest Selling Coffer SCOTTISSUE Soft As Rell 20¢ Olid Linen 2 rolls 19¢ Garden Fresh Fruits and Vegetables ALP IS CO.OPERATING IN A NATION-WIDE SALE OF Potatoes . wi Grapefruit iw. | 8 > Orange « « 2° 37¢ Apples “rie... . T = 25¢ Broccoli =.=. . . .. | Carrots >=. , ,. . Yellow Onions . . . 10: 23¢ Onion Sets + . . . 3 = 10¢| Chick Starter J.» a Fire Chick Feed . .... Growing Mash Scratch Feed 16% Dairy Feed 28% Dairy Feed i Lbs Lbs, Lbs. Sweetheart Soap. .........4 18¢ Woodbury Soap.......... 3 5 23 Klek . Soap Fowder oy ibe Detagon Laundry Soap ....10 Sham 33 Octagon Granulated Soap... . i; 19 Lux Toilet Soap. ....... 3 *= (le Kux Flakes. .... Join 1a 2e Lifebuoy Health Seap.....3 © Ile Silver Dust ... With Towel aE EEE Sweet, Juicy Florida 200's-22's SUNBRITE - CLEANSER 3 - 13¢ Now! ENRICHED SUNNYFIELD FLOUR Now you can get those essential vitamins and minerals in the bread : you bake at home. They are ground into this new enriched flour. There is no change in the excellent baking quality or fine flavor of Sunnyfield 24-1b Bag Flour. Try a bag today! EES SR