Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 05, 1940, Image 5

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    August 29, 1940
Shown listening to a performance by
chine that talks and sings at the
World's Pair, are (left to right
Smith and Elizabeth Smith,
While in the exhibit
on the free long distance
young ladies enjoyed
demonstration telephone calls awarded to
Pedro the Voder, the ma-
Bell Telephone exhibit, New York
standing) Lynn Wedemeir and Helen
all of Bellefonte. Evelyn Leyland, staff
puts Pedro through his paces by manipulating the key-
other lucky visitors, had their hearing tested, and listened to their own
telephone voices on the
Voice Mirror
————————————_——— -
7 Births i in + Day
Seven children, a boy
girls, were born at the
Thursday of last week
record of some kind
The boy was born to Mr. and Mrs
Willlam Schlegel, of Bellefonte
Girls were born to the following
couples: Mr. and Mrs. Richard M
Colborn, Bellefonte: Mr. and Mrs
Earl T. Barner, Bellefonte, R. D. 3;
Mr. and Mrs. Homer R. Boone, of
Rebersburg: Mr. and Mrs. George
R. Snyder, of Wingate; Mr, and
Mrs. Charles 1. Breon, State Col-
lege. and Mr. and Mrs. Albert G
Wertz, Milesburg
Man, Wife Patients
Tuesday of last week Mrs. Rob-
ert P. Lower, of State College. R
D. 1. was admitted to the hospital
for surgical treatment Early Sun-
day morning her husband, a sur.
vivor of the auto crash at the Pleas.
ant Gap pos‘office, was admitied to
the institution to undergo treat-
ment for serious injuries. Hospital
attaches report the condition of
both Mr. and Mrs. Lower as “salls-
and six
setting a
Monday of Last Week
Birth: a son was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Ira J. Brown, of Port Matilda
RD 1. Admitted Monday, dis.
charged Tuesday, Miss Ida Barn-
hatt, Howard. R. D. 2
Tucsday of Last Werk
Admitted: Mrs. Robert P. Lower,
State College, R. D. 1; Mrs Efinor
McDowell Bellefonte: Lawrence A
Pagem, State Coliege, R. D. ' Dis-
charged: Mrs. Thomas M. O'Connell
and infant son. State College; Mal-
thew Fraunts, Port Matlida, R. D
1. Admitted Tuesday, discharged on
Wednesday: Palricia Ramsey, State
College: David G. Mason, 8 ate Col-
lege; Miss Doris Ann Kenworthy,
Evanston, Ill: Clark ©. Williams,
Fleming. Birth: a daughter was born
to Mr. and Mrs Ray G. Sweetwood,
Howard, R. D 2
Wednesday of Last Week
Admitted: Mrs. Myrtle B. Cham-
bers, Clarence. Discharged: Charles
L. Allen, State College; Mrs. Harold
R. Gummo and infant son, Penne.
sylvania Furnace: Mrs. Kenneth
Eckley and infant son, Bellefonte, R
v {
What the T E
did for o
does for Oj Burning!
What is the
a new hail.
er-burner as
sembly? No
«it’s as different from conventional
oil heating units as today's radio is
from the obsolete crystal set!
Instead of trying to adapt sn oil
flame to combustion ideas inherited
from the old coal furnace, Dywa.
THErM employs an entirely new
principle of oil burning—the Dy».
ruses whirling flame for maximum
efficiency and economy. The Dywa.
ees “Packaged” domestic heater
is designed about this flame.
Results? More for your money . ..
in fuel economy . . . in compactness
+ + « comfort and convenience. Yet,
because of mass production DYNA.
THERM costs amazingly little more
installed than converting an existing
boiler. Buy this greatest develop
ment of a century-old company,
known for “The Best in Oil Heat.
ing—First.” Easy terms. Telephone
D. 1; Mrs. James L. Meyers and in-
fant son, Bellefonte, R. D. 3: Mrs
E. O. Grenninger, Rebersburg; Mrs
Elwood Grubb and infant son, Belle.
fonte, R. D. 1. Admitted Wednesday,
disharged Thursday: John W. Bren-
eman, State College. Birth: a dau-
ghter was horn to Mr. and Mrs. Paul
W. Plerson. of State College
Thursday of Last Week
Admitted: Mrs. Harriett M. Robb,
Howard, R. D.; Mrs. Bessie Gur-
dack. State College: Bhirley
McClincy, Bellefonte, R. D. 3. Dis-
charged: Miss Lela Wasser, Green.
ville, R. D. 86. Births: a daughter to
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Colborm,
Bellefonte: a daughter fo Mr. and
Mrs. Earl T. Barner, Bellefonte, R
D. 3: a daughter to Mr. and Mrs
Homer R. Boone, Rebersburg; a
daughter to Mr. and Mrs George
R. Snyder, Wingate: a daughter to
Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1. Breon,
State College; a daughter to Mr
and Mrs. Albert GG. Wertz, Miles.
burg, a son fo Mr. and Mrs Wil-
liam G. Schlegel, Bellefonie Ad-
mitted Thursday, discharged Fri-
day: Master William Keith, Belle-
fonte, BR. D. 1: Charles Cummings,
Aaronsburg: Master Adrian P. Jam-
ison, Bellefonte
Admitted Mrs
Bellefonte. R. D. 3. Henry C. Est-
right. Milesburg; Mrs. A. B. Deit-
rich. State College. Discharged: Miss
Frances Hutchinson, State College:
Cur'ls Tlgen. Millheim: Mrs Charles
{Continued on page 6)
Organization of a young peoples’
band in Pleasant Gap is to be dis-
cussed a Pubite meeting to be
held at the tick school, Pleasant
Gap, at 7:30 hie) Friday night, it
was announced yesterday
The meeting will be addressed by
Howard C. Young. a representative
of the Conn Co. mantfacturers of
musical instruments, who will ex.
plain various phases of ‘he proposed
All children and parents interest.
ed in the suggestion, as well as rep-
resentatives of the various civic or-
ganizations of
urged to attend the session
Within a month or so residents of
Buffalo Run Valley, who up to this
time have had rural telephone ser.
vice, will be connected with the
Bellefonte and State College ex-
changes. The change {s expected to
result in a great improvement in
| amg vice.
e State College line will extend
oar Snrough the valley to the Earl
Meyer property and west to the Mc-
Elhattan home, formerly the Clem-
son property
Bellefonte exchange will go west to
Fred Meckley,
the Lester Crust property. Approxi- |
{ mately 32 families will be involved
{ in the change, which is expected to |
driven by Theodore G
| Pleasant
truck driven by Ear! T. Barner, of
Bellefonte, BR. D. 3, sideswiped on
{the highway near “he crossing at
(be completed in the near future,
Officers of Battery E, 155th Field
Artillery, Bellefonte,
As a result of the order, there will
be a large number of vacancies in
the Battery, and applications for en-
listment are now being received. It
is believed that the Battery soon
will receive word to leave for a
year’s intensive training.
Truck, Car Collide; 2 Hurt
When his truck's brakes failed to
hold while traveling Friday on the
{ Moshaninon mountain road, Mitch-
iell J. Zetts of Drifting, swung his
j truck arotind a preceding car and
i erashed head-on Into a ear operated
| was traveling up the mouniain, In.
i jured in the crash were Robert Re-
| torick, who suffered a broken tooth
iand cut chin, and Zetts who re-
{eeived a cut head.
Wion Bays Furst Farm
Willard F. Wion yesterday pur-
| chased the James C. Purst farm
{sonville road, for a reported consid-
‘eration of $3,100. Mr. Wion has
{been tenant on the farm for some
Ann |
‘when a Dodge coupe driven
Pleasant Gap, are,
The lines from the or $60
ia Pontiac coupe,
| Raymond Pressler, of Pennsylvania,
| by Andy Retorick, Moshannon, who |
tre Hall, was admitted to the Cen- |
‘tre County Hospital for treatment
bruises of the head.
least of Bellefonte, along the Jack-
At Pleasant Gap
(« Jontinued from page one)
2 Die in Croshy-
street, miraculously
minor bruises |
The car, traveling down the
straigh stretch above the Noll store,
apparently sk dded when the driver
attempted to make the curve at the
store, The machine struck a slight
embankment at the outer edge of
the curve gruging ow’ earth for a
distance of 15 or 20 feet, It then
hurtied off the right side of the
road. rrecced a paved section In
front of the store, gouged furrows
In the coneiele porch fronting the
store and plunged hrough the
wareroem, which adjoins the store-
room proper
Apparently swerving to the left
the car tore through the wareroom
store ond passed clear through the
postoffice building ad'oining, leav-
ing both buildings a shambles The
car upset on lesving the pos office
structure and came to rest on the
pavement about ten feet outside
Among the firt persons to reach
the scene were Samuel Noll, Henry
Noll, Harry Bilger Hoover Noll
“Stark” Smith and o hers. They
were forced to lift the car before
they could get Shawley Zorn and
Lawer from the wreckage Colborn
was seen running up and down on
the road a moment after the crash
and he was unable to say how he
had left the machine It is believed
that he may have crawled
through the t unk, since the
of the rear seat was completely
away in the crash
Shawley was dead when rescuers
reached him. and Zora died a few
moments after he had been placed
on the grass. The bodies of the two
boys as well as Lawer were brought
to the hospital In the ambulance
which made the trip to Pleasant
Gap and back, including a stop at
the hospital for a nurse on the way
out, in legs than half an hour
The wrecked car was brought to
Bellefonte where it was taken to
the car lot on South Whaler street
near the Claster Lumber yard. Spec-
tators driving to the scene to see
the car caustd so much traffic
gestion there Sunday morning that
the machine was taken to a North
Water sireel garage where it con-
tinued to be an object of great in-
terest for several days
Oddly enough only one tire
the machine was blown out in the
crash. The spare tire, which was In
the trunk, is believed to have been
hurled through the windshield It
was found in front of the Motor
Police sub-station 75 yards from
where the car stopped, it wag re.
Crash Near McCoy Dam
Miss Anna Kehr, 28 of Harris-
burg, suffered severe lacerations of
the face about 11:15 o'clock Sunday
morning When a car in which she
WAS 8 passenger was involved In a
head-on collision with another ma-
The car in which Miss Kehr was
riding was driven by Daniel W. Hall
26, also of Harrisburg, who allegediy
attempted to pass a car in front
opposite di-
parts of the
escaped with
Charles Gilmore, of
approached from the
reciion. The left front
two cars met
Miss Kehr was thrown against
the windshield, shatiering the glass
She wis admitted to the Centre
County Hospital where a number
of stitches were required to close
the wounds about her face Hall
caped with bruises about the [¢
Gilmore and his son. Richard
aged 7. escaped Injury Damage to
the Hall car was estimated at 3350
and to the Gilmore machine $300
Cars Sideswipe
Bayatd Magee, of West Linn
street Bellefonte, suffered lacera-
tions of the forehead about 5 o'clock
Saturday afternoon when his Stude-
baker coupe and a Plymouth coupe
driven by Luther Emel of Howard,
R. D. sideswiped on the highway
between Wingate and Runville
Magee was traveling toward
Beliefonte and the other machine
was proceeding toward Runville at
the time. After the machines side.
swiped, the Magee coupe lefi the
road and ran 30 feet into a field
Magee, unconscious, was brought
to the Centre County Hospital
where he quickly revived and was
discharged after four stitches had
been placed in his forehead. He was
ialone at the time of the accident
Lewis Wagner, of Milroy,
a passenger in the Emel car,
| admitted to the hospital for treat.
{ment of injuries about the left leg. |
Damage to the Magee car Was eo
timated at $500 and to the Emel
Car-Truck Sideswipe
During a fog about 12:15 o'clock
Sunday morning a Chevrolet sedan
Ripka, of
Gap, and a
the Sholl garage Milesburg No one
have received | Was injured. and total damage Was
word to discharge from the organi- |
| gation all married men or men with i
placed at $45.
Two Persons Injured
Two persons were injured in a
| three-car accident one-fourth mile
| west of State College about 6:40
o'clock Saturday night
cars were going west on roule 45
‘when the first car slowed sudden-
All three
ly. The second car struck the first
fone, and the third car struck the
| second
One of the machines, a Packard
sedan, was driven by J. Keller Peirce
of Philadelphia. Another, a Chevro-|
let coach, was driven by Melvin
Ponner, of Centre Hall The third,
was operated by
Furnace, Damages were estimated
as follows: to the Packard, $15;
Chevrolet, $8, and Pontiac, $5.
Mrs. Jennie Mae Fonner, of Cen-
of a possible fracture of the left]
ankle, shock and bruises, Margaret)
Peirce, of Philadelphia, suffered
Four young men riding in a Ford
coupe on the road oetween Old Fort |
and Boalsburg near Earlystown.
were injured Monday night about!
0:45, when they smashed into a,
i College;
{all of Bellefonte:
Top two photos above show Marching Club of Bellefonte Elks Lodge
which won first prize of $100 for the besl appearing marching unit in the
arge parade held at Washington,
innual State Elks convention
Photos were faken as Clab neared judges’
last Thursday as a feature of the
Third photo from top shows the float entered in the parade hy the
Bellefonte Flix
eengnition in many
widitional trinmnhs,
The Elks Marching Unit,
recently formed, has won wide
and shows promise of continuing on the
Bottom photo shows color guard of Bellefonte High School Band, with
sand to the rear
The band, leading the Efks Marching Club in the par-
ule, was awarded second prize for the best appearing hand in the line of
march. The BR. HH
by Harold Wion, was one of about
. Band, organized only three years age and directed
28 bands in the parade,
Twelve of the
0 were high school bands, and they represented New Castle, Pittsburgh,
Erie and other large cities,
tree. All were treated by a Centre
Hall doctor and were taken to their
homes in Watsontown, Nor humber-
land county. It iz believed that they
will recover Damage to the car Was
estimated at 870
J. Laurence Ulerick
was treated acer
right eye and ie, and injuries
of the face and legs Willlam Rick.
ert. 18, got chest Injuries and acer
ations on the arms and face, Reid
Cechman. 18 was injured on the
left knee and was bruised and
bumped on the head
The car was found by a passing
motorist on the left side of the road
19. the driver
for sitions of the
in a position indicating a head.on |
collision with a free He took
boys to the Centre Hall doctor, who,
after treating their injuries, turmed
them over to their parents Tt is
believed that the driver fell asleep
at the wheel
Shawley Funeral Yesterday
Earl E. S8hawley was a
Miller FP. and Catherine Hocken-
berry Bhawley and was born In
Spring township on June 14 1018
making his age at time of death 22
(years, 2 months and 17 days He is
i survived by
brothers and sister:
his parents and these
Mrs. John Corl,
Jordon, State
Shawley, Hall
and Mrs Kenneth
John H
SBhawley and J
and Harry Boal
Shawley, alt home Funeral services
were held yesterday afternoon at
with the Rev. J
liamsport, former pastor
church, officiating. Interment was
made in the Union cemetery Belle
sgn of |
Franklin Shawley,
Evangelical chureh,:
B. Mays, of Wil
of the
The Senior American Legion Band, of Frank.
lin, an old and well known organization, was awarded first potas,
Victim Was {oo Enter College
Jolin Liberty Zorn was a son
Edwaid A and Neilie Hall Zorn, of
5312 Chestnut street, West Philadel. |
phia, and was born in Bellefonte on
September 24. 1918, making his age
al me of death 21 vears. 11 months
and 7 days He ia survived by his
parents, former well known residents
of Belleforite: his grandmother,
Mr Carrie Hall, South
gheny street, Bellefonte; two bro-
thers, Edward A. Zorn, Jr. and
Frank W. Zom.
Louise, all at home in Philadelphia
Zorn. a graduate
Philadelphia High school,
have entered the University
Pennsylvania ‘his fall,
member of 81 Matthews Methodist
church, Philadelphia, He and his
parefits and his sister motofed to
Bellefonte, Saturday,
Funeral services were held at 11
o'clock yesterday morning at the E.
E. Widdowson Funeral Home, North
Allegheny street, Bellefonte, with
the Rev GG. KE. Householder, pastor
of the United Brethren church, of-
Aciating. Interment wis made in
the Union cemetery, Bellefonte.
Zom's Ia'her, Edward Zorn, onoe
contucted a garage In Perry Alley,
Figen Sd A Gl a ea
8 Sls on thd /
hr POUL.
Phone 93
| temporary
occupancy Tuesday morning.
of |
Alle |
and a sister, Mary |
‘day night, when announcement was
of the West
was to!
of |
He was a
to spend the |
Labor Day holidays with Mrs. Zorn's |
| mother, Mra
Mrs. Elsie Bosky returned to her
| home in Philadelphia Tuesday a!-
days with Mrs
other friends
ter spending ten
Harty Garbrick and
in this vicinity
Mr. and Mrs, Henry Noll had a
thelr guests Sunday the parent
and uncle and aunt of Mr
Smith, wh? has made his
with th» Nolls for he past
wwih ON a ow through
the country
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Hlile
Tuesday in Tyrone with Mr
Mrs. Lawrence Hile, guesis
Methodist home for the aged and
Ohio for a short visit with friend;
Litle Janet Noll, dmughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Ray Noll had the mis-
fortune of falling
breaking her arm
Miss Anne Williams
phia, is spending a few
Mrs A. H. Smith
The Ralston Derr family
ed home
ed visit with relatives at Schwenks-
The Frank and Gerald Millward
families moved about ten days ag”
0 Prospect, Butler Co., where the)
purchased a home, restuarant and
filling station. The small home ob
the rear of the lot was
Harry Stover and the large one in
which they lived closed with the ex-
pectation of selling it also. It
with regret that we saw the Mill
wards leave for the Senior Mrs
Millward had been a life long resi-
dent of this town and her husband
living here nearly thirty-five year:
and at this yume Is retiring from
Rockview where he held a posilion
for many years and has now reach-
ed the age of sixty, the earliest re.
tirement age a! that institution. A
farewell pary was given the Mil-
wards a few evenings before they
departed and our good wishes g«
with them for happines; and suc-
cess in thelr new venture
Mr. and Mrs Warren Wood lef
Monday for Reading shere they at-
tended the funeral of the former’
sister We extend our sincere
ympathy to the Woods in
Mrs. Rilla Heverly, of Califérnia
returned to the Wade Evey hime
where she had been visiting afm
spending a week with
Stale College
Mrz. Claire Grove of Juniata spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs
Wade Evey
Mr. W. H Noll and Mr
A H. Smith spent Sunday
former's daughter Mrs
Koche., Mrs Noll who had been
spending a few days with the
Koches reiurned home with them
Mrs. I. E Langley. son Louis and
Mr Harry Langley of Williamsport
were Saturday callers al the Noll-
Méiroy home
Mr. and Mrs W
R W_ Noll and Mrs
tended the Port
Mrs. Charles Thomas left for he!
home in Ensley, Alabama sfler a
weeks visit with Mrs. Warren Wood
During her visit the Woods drove
her to Mifflinburg where they speni
a Sunday with Mr: Wood's siiied
who makes her home a Hopp Inn
al that place
Recent guests
home were Mr
of Philadel
days with
and Mrs
with the
D. Herman Mrs
H. T Noll at-
Royal Fair Wed.
at the J W. Gil
and Mrs Jame:
and daughter Mrs Hats
McKeesport, Pa
and Mrs WW. Kersteile:
and son Robert and wife of Stas
College, spent a weekend recently
at Delaware Bay on a4 fishing tri;
James Warnick who makes hi
home at the Rankin Tates, spent 2
weekend recently at Curwensville
Mrs, John Burnett returned. i
her homme in Niagara Falls a short
time ago after spending two week:
with her parents
Mr. and Mrs Harry Hile, Mr and
Mrs. Roy Adams and sons David
and Philip. spent from Saturday
City. Port Wadsworth where they
called to see Rev. Bernard Henr)
and family and Philadelphia
Our town was awakened from it*
slumber about 1:30 o'clock Sunday
morning when a car coming down
the mountain at a terrific rate of
speed crashed into the Pastofficr
and the feed room of Noll's store
completely demolishing both and
killing the driver Earl E Shawley
¢f Bellefonte and John Zorn Oi
Philadelphia and seriously injuring
Robert Lawer of State Onliege
Richard Colburn the other occupan.
escaping with slight injury. Mel- |
rovs offer of their smoking room Aas |
headquartqrs wag ab
cepted and was made ready for
ares bil
School opened Tuesday with »
| jarge enrollment 45 on the records |
at the High School alone
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Poss and
daughter Lillian and Mr. and Mrs |
John Tressler and son Ronnie
spent a few days over Labor Day at
Bristol, Pa
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Pate and |
daughter Alice May and Mr. Beach |
Schreffier of ‘Bast McKeesport, werc
recent guests in our midst. Hav-
ing come at that time to attend
the funeral of Mrs Merritt Tate.
The Woman's Club of Pleasan!
Gap held its first fall meeting Tues-
made that the Club has purchased
from T. RE Jodon another lot ad-
joining the lot Mr Jodon recently
sented to the organization. The
re Company and Woman's Clut
now own a block of four adjoining
lots. Papers on socialized medicine
ory of the late Mrs. T. E Jodon
twice president, a charter membei
and an welive worker lus tie. clu
Robert Gill, of Milroy, brother of
Mary Switzer, of Pike street, Belle-
fonte, was severely injured ast week | *%
when he was run down by & car at
Mi ,
HireYss reported 40: be suffering | '8!
al Lest Ocoher GY" brother, iz
dent at Lewistown.
The Bmith's were here from |
last week after an extend- |
sold to Mr |
thei: |
friends a!’
night in New York:
Superpower FURNACE
Factory Price
this part of |
at the |
Willlam Hlile who 1s here from |
Tuesday and |
AN ah
nth, 8.
Call the Kalamazoo Factory Store for FREE ESTIMATE
Kalamazoo Furnace sales up 737
first 6 months of 1940
Direct-to-you factory responsi.
bility covers furnace, all phases of
planning and actual installation
Careful workmanship under
supervision of factory trained ex-
perts. Heat guaranteed.
Free booklet explains exclusive
2ig% ON $1650 BONDS
Spring Township sold
bonds last week and
floating indebtedness
saving of $571.50 in
is reported by township sug
The bonds were sold at 2u"
ure which is considered low
district of that size
The bonds were
{Dean and Beribner
R. Paul Campbell. Bellefonte atior.
ney for the township : port od The
floating indebtedn wes drew 6 per
‘cent In interest
ke anil mumbo
. Everybody reads the Classifieds
Public Sales
$16 500
called in
al an annual
interest rates
a fig-
sold Singer
of Pittsburgh
20 and 2i-The Talleyrans io
will offer at public sale on 1!
preemies. North Allegheny Stree!
Bellstonte, 8 full line of how ehold
Fons includ $ 168
ware furnitur
dishes hee lothing,
All tems high erade ar jel
for deg rigive advertisement
Terms of pale cash . Bale beg 3
8. MM each Jay i
ROOds kk sold
Harty N. Meyer
cierkd Mop
at the res
bank Breet
Pviane Noid
same {ime and
ale consisting o
develling in A-l
said Sale at
SONnal Droperty
257% on day of
Upon delivery
uso delivery
Brover, sucis
8% his felden
on bark road
sell full 1
Sale at} P
ierms cash
1a id
fn B romn 13
Sale AD
of deed
Saturday, Sept. 7
Administratrix of the Estate
John P Eckel, deceased will expose
for gale at The Court House Relle
fonte. Pa. at 10:00 o'clock A MM. xix
(8) share Ciase A. stock of Harn
American Refractories 3
withoul par vaive, two
Class B stock of North
Refractories Comswany
valtse, and two (2) $100.00 Pirteen
Year 614% Sinking Fund Convert-
hie Gold Indentures Beries A. of
North American Refractories Oom-
pany. Terms of Sale: Cash x38
Soturday, Sept. 7
Will offer at the Clyde Wetzel farm
{1 mile South of Bellefonte, the fol-
lowing personal property
i rapee: bed rom sults; marble op
sideboard, fihrary table plano;
cowrh: rockers: dining room chairs
| kitchen cabinet: extension table and
many other articies too numerous to
mention. This is a clean-up sale: 2
| 9x12 PRrussels rags, linoleum rug
| 9x12. Terms cash The farm and!
farm equipment ag formerly adver.
| tired have been sold at private sale
| Maves & Stover, aut: Paul M
| Dubbs, clerk
Saturday, Sept. 14
Will" offer at public sale in
lot in the rear of the Bellefonte Elks
(Club, entrance oan
| Hig), Street or the rear of the Elks
| Club, the following personal prope |
erty; Oak Dedroom suite: 2 hall
rarks; onk buffet: oblong dining room
table. 10 foot extension: round din-
ine room table; Walnut china clo ot.
{Cmk library table: come kitchen
{chairs: living room  ohairs:
| port table; small ice refrigerator
15°18’ body Brussell rim: 12° 8"xi5
Body Brussels rug: 13 87x18 body
Brossell roe: 12° 87918" velvet rag
6x21 Taoestry rue. 9x10 8" Congo- |
letm rue: cooking utensils: diahes
crooks; Eetate sas range: electric
waghine machine and wringer: §
tube radio: 3 Burner gas diate:
dovble drath board sink: kitchen and
bathroom fixtures. chandaliers; hand
made antioue chandalier: some club
ron chairs and tables and many
other articles too numerous to men-
Sale at 1 nm Terms ond,
Mases and Stover, aucts x37
Friday and Saturday
September 20 and 21
Bellefonte, Pa,
y poedes-
2-arawer #lan ™ drawer
Direct to You
daven- |
features and tells in detail why the
Kalamazoo Superpower Furnace
is such an outstanding success.
13 Styles and Sizes of Hestord. Ranges,
Furnmsces 1 A480 000 sat isBed veers
We clean and repair ali maker of furvecer
112 W. High St, Phone 630 B
table linen
bed and
Washer 181 -
taltles: 32 Wind of
fire extinguisher,
wr. 7 feet high ann
artentai rus
ine. porch
2 rma
ng tables. 3. road
other Aric eh. Ou
Desirable Farm
gned offers at
jocaied one half
containing othe Hi
i Balance in
and pasture land Good
frame house. BANK barn
house ab I other t
yu tidings Rut ining walks - #1
} wired lor elecizielss
ne gGUArTY is also IRATSE ON
property. testing ‘better
This farm oan Be bog
price for quick) azie
prite J Blain Harri
R D 2 or Phone
Lemont, Pa. for price
z he Matler of the Estale of
Brown iste of Ore
Centre County. deofpse
of sdminisiration on’ s8¥d
2 been grénted the un-
! persons Infledied there.
gqueted 10 make mmedis
a vme nda ard those hxving
nr demands against Lhe game
| present them without delay for
Pa. BARRY W i Nn.
port Ps Administrators WW.
Walker, Altorney 34
Bellefonte Chapley 2
Red Cross will be held at
in Bellefonte i
enriavy. evening
at 730 o'clock, at which
the exec lave oat
' the posting year Git Be
Mors Dorothy A Deekion
Representative washihgtpd. 0D
present 0 discuss the Qe
¥ a completely reptesen-
ne pregant Board,
In the Matier of the Estate of Anns
t. late of the. Boroush
Centre County. Pennmsyi-
of Admingiration In hi
above estate have heen granted W
Dav id K Newcomer, uners wn
11 person pr Pris to eeid
ted to hake immedi»
o the undersigoed dnd
claltns and demands
the ald estate will Diease
them without delay to. DAV-
NEWCOMER. Beliefonia. Ps.
said Estate Arthyr
Bee i
3 3
nap orivats
sg 1 MIR
of Lane
five sciew
Aga net
Administrator of
©. Dale Temple Cours,
Pa. Attorney for tate
Newoommner, ah
groan 4
the Heirs, and nd
+ of Liberty
Centre  Oobunty. Ren IVADIA,
be sold at public sale at the Court
House in Bellefonte Centre Counts.
for the Dajy-
at 10:00 o'clock A. M.
| ment of decedent's denis ja rm
ance of the order an oT 4
ONDhANS’ Court of Oentre Dosnty
made the 16th day of Augusl 1
| 1940, which sald real estate is bound
ed and described as folios. uals
in Liberty Township.
| Pennsvivania®
be made fom |
and trees Mone Thy
- = nnan the Fs fy
certain tract of land together wi
the improvements thereon erected,
meee Bt the white oak
date of survey; thence along the
inineiy owned by George
but now owned by Merrill
86 perches to
Vogt Sotmanty
an Rot.
sand Parcel an Aon
Rast B85 a
perches to & Pine.
dedrsos West WU
the ind
| being
lan & aud
nut Omsk:
| West 33
| Routh BY
at whe sale on She '
Pall Tine of Dousehold goods incivd)
tine of household goods incioding i
Iverware, :
aA ct OR. 1
ntigue ‘chandelier !
- mirror with
corner !