Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, August 29, 1940, Image 9

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    Page Three
w——— A ST TW as - EA ———
J, M, Plank and daughter Bettie Mts, Roy CGentzel | pending =
————— in company with Mr. and M Rob eral week with her brother and
R.D. NOL { Mr. M. J Schell spent Sunday “0 all of Perdix Park wert Mr, and N { Bender and! Doerr of Erie sited with Mi er-in-law Mr. and Mi Bruce i ( sept noe the installation of scouts
Mr and Mrs. John Beckwith and af the home of M. A. Kerin | 4 5 at the home Mr, | children 4 College visited! Celig Brungart on Tuesday MeGormick, at Sunbury follo Worsl th | ber have beer di posed of, yet Lhe
family spent Sunday ai Centre Hall Mi Cathryn Yeckley of Tipton I J KE Kreames 1 J. with My : i Diehl on Sunday The Bierly Lime Pulverizer ha M ise Mary and Rachel Begner mot il nd i 0 ' mitt hit Ample funds for new
attending the Fair KDet ih Miss Marguerite who visited at the Kream ey 37 1 C. FF, Catherman | been working steadily during Lie pent everal da recently wih ||] ! prise n Lh future, The
Mrs. Florence Hoover of Altoona erin i wil two wees wid two sons of Hano and Mr. | cun immer, due to the large  Iriend Hd : h hai nner f ! ier h to thank each On
spent a few days with Mrs J. T doh husband and | and Mi Russell Zacharius of Al i i orders for thls product Gre ay 4 os ne | Nita ! arg Pe . ide this endeavor a succe
Beckwith, at Hannah jolcing ovet
Mrs Gertrude Beckwith and Mrs | daughter which has en named
Florence Hoover spent Sunday, Mabie
with Mrs. A. J, Collett and Mrs, Clifford Ge and | barn nor chimney swallows were 1 ntly ling the Grange gaughte and M Jame bt a v of
Mrs Lizzie Acker and Mrs. Ger ent the weekend with 1] be seen. They 1 left for the } 1 tradtord of Gent Hal of Altoona
trude Beckwith attended the Slate Col
Joe Gos ny Soul I'he Boston Orioles al r Edward : Mrs Martha
World's Fair. in New York recently MH June i
{ 1 home at PerdiX | loniown visi at the W. J, Hack- || arious farmers in this count of Mr, and ! } i man of Hov {wet _ vel ' p : r wishes to call
on Sunday aliernoon Mil Hot tf week {i then ' “tt
IOUT; i | Week ana i M 1 and Charl Miller a< Were .
Since ie 2st { th mti | went to Cent the Are ) y } wl
| ul 1 m \ V y anied heir son-in-law and | and
Clair last week for tl outh trobert at rer { Aurora
Houtzdale, visited wit} ] following news ino visited with local Iriend Drexe.
Q 4 teitor ant he ho 5 !
sunday visitors a ie home Ol} other Mis, Joe Go it notice Lh
Mr. and Mrs, A, J. Collett were Mi Mrs. Ellswortl ckwith @ Ve 1 Jett ol 2 Zen) wa ‘ ’ (auahiel - of her brother
and Mrs, Edward Collett and family | , HA h cbmas white. ar 1s , ; : Eh aL vil : Kl daugnier: Mr, Jam ma hi red : Pol
daug’iiel hl Ay KA orney in Kans i Lan, si 55 hyl betty Maxine ¥ “
of California Pa., and and Mi mother Mi
Frank Collet { Cleveland, Ohio Mi
and Mr and Mr aul Lego of dn
Conemaugh parent
Mr. and Mrs :
and three }
ents an
Mr. and Mrs n
family spent Saturday
Mrs. Henry Woodle «
tilda, spent 8S lay wi
Mr and
of Ebensb
her bro.h
roast at
ing for
Mr. and Mrs
family spend a «
Mr. and Mrs, Ir
day with t r
Roy Beckw
Mrs Ra
ma Smit
after a
weekend w
Mr I
with M
M1 ind
with th
mond ]
N Y. spent a few
Jack Brightbill
father Edw
Health and Beauty
0 3 ee
Iv's newspaper
Home Talent Play
y y ‘
Temple Court Fhome 19%
ing a dry spel] id heat cd Hew Bor J ‘rar esented under . . - ; Ja \ bast ed :
begin to long for respite iron © i : AB ‘ ; { The Per i A :
daily giv
we 0
tally d | , Test. If 9 i youd Fa WALL PAPER
have « 3 ved | A 2 n tas his 4 . 3 oq 8 s k i : f " 3 p oy _— . 5 ‘ a. " ¢ i 1 k : a om N
in our blood and run away ot Va are So gi grid tos i ring : . : o their stu ; R 1 home for the last week i Barre Painting and
have earns iL Wilh hard w rk. : » A . vid : HO iriving. T} A PPDESA [1 A i ; . ka: Cw 3 - ’ : timc Y { A ; f 2 ¢ ; ’ 'y ad § p Ann 1 :
ne rate from your iri. {ia onening tothe extreme.’ The ives ia town last week. | Ber vacation singed ine Zieger : Bellefonte RAR Paper Hanging
close to our drudging ca: a: aay de An 3 RIN To follow ng pet n cot it - 2h Mrs. Ja k Gul en Be thie tr. and toms taiohe ¥ Harry Oondo, of Harrisburg, spe: 159 Mr a Ha Eh ae a
f n L ti ‘ . f cha age, K em. a jas; Saturday a ir o: Pittsburgh and the weekend wi mily Is. Roy Ha: if 8 PHONE 14-W
High St Bellefonte, Pa.
Comes the old call
Time to be
Time to move
to home again a . unt ma ison; clerk. Ran- on Sur : roi bs il { 85000 A year h was ind L X
earned rest that Ol 3 barra >y ¥ ” % » i ein wi ever roam . Eats On | regan ; L ¥ MER
un red a Tet hat SOAR | vee vy Sov nay ot danger | Fok on wi : “On Truday of tt wet | GET ROUGH
} vou " "TINE wr ry: Mi Nell Te Eas ’ Ae n 8 "ee Los « us 1 ‘0 . § tr Charles Barges. of Washing- Vivian : Om rl
ik need rec on, but nol a iHioey iray., Mrs. 1 iY. Mn het ne it wort att vl 1 a that we npded iv tars 1 . sent 1) weekend as a | mower and pias v al
ations such + hax fescribed. | My Candace Matiern Mi ¥ | ing wit or vp pitaba : and fells o wish forgiveness ’ : 8 fc ¢ Bartges home Paul! Uber to Rochester 3 A Windstorm Policy Protects You
ni want to y tri lan to  Hipple, Mr ry Way Eugene El- | jfurs ry ses Ww then 9 ust forgis 3 Mabe! frown of Sunbury rR. wel } 4 " ‘
: Hipple. Mrs. Mary W gene El- | jjarry Garreit. , label Brown of Sunbuly. |... 'csture hom g the whan’ of From Financial Loss. See
§ oak y 1 reg i y iii amsDoT } +
take #0 leisurely : aV  lenberger, John C3 tine. Hugh W bakes Tu od dinar 4 ’ When eet
Wake the old urging od . ‘ ; , !
Here we grow rusty op anvea here you wis bso! on. Fber Baney “13 Wilke HOO g 0 1 % #t y r tried With " ! hn. abled tn olf tow) " \COOUN Hany § i he
1 on . the beaut) that Irrour you N $ nmmit 3 h ’ a " aid ’ ba A ath city life w= an enjovable of
He ix 1 : y hat rrounds vou Mrs Fmma Chaner. Loeal comm hoe of . . b Fudd ; . of 1 4 ¢ father Samuel ¥ J h F
And life is too small orgs 5 . na _Chaher, Local comn ind Mm . road you i | ov Scout festival that we ohn r. Gray Son
Time for a IY Way arran ! 44 0 ys chars er Edmund War . 1 a Ford . Broa 4 : a. vord Pr _ Ation Few ] A
y : wit ¢ [ood Je su f ' vou ve re Fels ’ lao The trial ‘ , 24 " y 2 y sl , at 3 " ' sneer | DEI last nesday proved
Time to be free again seme food. Be sur our {in F. Bloom. The trial and t { M M1 i? ii balm rhe ard x File inday was a typical Octobe a wisrumms restatbbarivse: Hi
Vagabonds all’ mgt AL cifan airy piace where | will bey a m. There will y : h W I ‘ o¥ tor Ab Crewing (I ? Cr onsidering the
= : |] » ” > | . ” % o 4
ol can repose on comfortable | Tih n "4 rire but an © 3 ) .
A real vacation cannot be found and obtain baths will be bead "Tes 44) " : Wi Wn : Al rengih and to . o te the Dicture wi ; : % 4 arisen |.
General Insurance
Phone 497.) Belicfonte, Pa.
1he only thing
{ foliage
3 HBamurl Brow FY
__ "a . 4 RA " . v SEED. FERTILIZER fF OANS he AT Mr s  Whaoilfe were | : and highly re pected resid
TO MEET AT PENN STATE VETERAN, 98, DIES ARE NOW AVAILABLE Mr: Marvion Young, Mr $s ar town died suddenly las
Nationa ttentic will he * pags rest her ‘3 n its baer
ol ational 2 y nm will be di ect A Ar Y i 3 remainin ans for the burt u : Maxind” Pars ail of Jerse The vacant space between the
Ho © 15 ns Fan; State AY 5 i r veler ir 218 s v ~ N 8 8 inl
ot pon 1 } yiva Ha Btate ii Ww elerans in th } 8, ne seed. fertiliz { ] t ' Wei ay taved at sha Maxter Tim Dunlap visited sen Vocations School and the mill
ollege next week Ve approxi. | answered the last 11 call Prida ) ‘ : Ey y ; RPA AR
» " when appro : rol ill | fall grain crop: are NOW WO hb she intemxls to visit | eral days with re ives at Philig property is showing an uns ally
} : wing of
ma'ély 0) paychologists asse + | afternoon wher TY Lys Ot f 2 ¢ us
. car : Oot Seo |. } when Henry. J. Bryan, 98. available through the Emergency for i next week bu recently prolific growth of weed In addi-
hazard they create
on the campus for the annus eet. | die ; his home TV ren y a3
: ] ni is for the annual met y ; N a ! home In Tyro i He Crop and Peed Loan office Loan The follgwing person attended | sx Katherine Bennett ig spend- tion 0 the h
ings of five major professional so. | bad been active and in good health 4 ; ‘ : wl . y " wr sir 1d " resore and
cleties iy {34 d are also being made for the pure he BONUA Blerly reunion al | ing some time visiting relatives § wee congtitine an eyesoie an
sg bs no pose of enabling farmer ¢ pir Rauchtown Rev. and Mrz E 3 | Pittsbu and Atlantic City make =n bad Impression upon
The general meeting will be the| The o veteran, who had the di Baga f { na. tash Bie My Fidon Tigen Miss Bei. | stranzets az well ag (ourists passing
cha feed for estock on a h A rs j 3 Miles and oraiid
fi h 4 Mrs « x and grand
48th annual national convention of | tinction of being the oldest retired | pa een Mr: MM. Garrett. Mr: a B Men Mi — are | through town
3 R13 I i of F181 Nii H A goodly number from our town
the American Psychologionl Aszsso- employe of the Pennayivania Rail- The Fmergencs "rest and Feed Mary N Abbott and Mr, Edward |, ing at the €irange picnic this
ciation lasting from Wednesday to| road, took part in General 8heri- | toan office serve those farmer Abbott of thi: place and Mr. and! eT # Si ATange pcg VI are camping at Grange Park, hence
Saturday, September 4 to 7. This| dan famous engagement al Win- | poeding this ty y hort term | Ma A jerly and Mrs Mary | 4 = our town seems rather deserted
organiztion, which met last year at | cheste rdnia. and his favorite y atin By readily | Johnsor wilahasee Pla. whol Gertie Beckwith gpent Tues- Mr Walter Auman, has suffered
erect and Wii) Bre ot ie y % cb arivaks
the University of California and | eonversational topic wa tell Laerver by other credit sonrees such | have fn visti y past | at her home. She is Staying |, heart attack and has been con- |
het mo her gine returning fined to hi bed for he last two
Stanford University, has 6684 meme | his experience as one of “Ph «las the Prodaction Credit Associa veek . . ad
bers ANd 2.075 associates, which in- | dan’s boys.” bier Aspsta) 3 : Mr Willing wt pf fn yn | rom the hospital, reeks ! - . : xs
AED ior or local bank Mrs lam Hosterman, son| Weeks, We will wash vehind v wl refinish ve . y
clude 15 Penn State faculty mem- Following the war in which he Noevks ra bir Atztint 3 1041 Jehin d dauchier 3 ty of Mr and Mrs Charles Cannon and - bn ’ y dl ¢ fn : h y nit all Ww ool
bers fought in 18 battles. he FRIFNEd to | nearing interest at the rate of 4 per | Washington, D. C., are visiting with | family, of Alexandria, and Mrs. | PENN STATE LAUNCHES or part wool blankets, without shrinkage, at
Tyrone to work on the railroad He | sent 19 : os Mr and Mrz WJ Kriede Boyd Williams are nding th ut iF “ : 1 M . .
er al esnt The security required Is a crop 3 and Mr J Krieder : . RESEARCH ON COA . wild PTR, NE 5 §o% wr 9 > "
was a Lrack foreman at the time | Hen, and in the case of feed loans Mr and Mrs. Daniel 8 Daup and week with Mrs. Will 8" and Me | manufacturer's cost. Guaranteed to give a new
erican Association for Applied Psy- [91 his retirement a first lien on the livestock on, William, and Miss Miriam Pra- | Cannans parents, Mr and Mrs. M A comprehensive study of the blanket finish.
chology, the Psychometric Society, ! a . . | Preliminary application blanks #ier, of Centre Hall visiled with | J Thompson at North East, Md us of anthracite coal in the manu
Mr and Mrs Paul Breon on Wed-! Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Williams were | faoture of carburetied waler ga
the Society for the Psychological may be secured from Your county
Btudy of Social Issues, and we Tyrone Man Is sont or by writing Louls E. Shuck- besday evening. Thursday visitors | shopping in Philipsburg on Salur’ nas been started at Pottsville as # PRICES——
American Speech Correction Asso- | Kidnap Victim er at P.O Rox 864. Harrisburg, who #t the same home were Mr. and Mrs (day. part of the state-aided coal re ——————— { i)
ciation i will arrange to take a formal appli- John W. Weber. Mr and Mrs, John! Relatives here of Mrs. Thelma search program being carried on by
Dr. Bruce V. Moore, head of Penn | (Continued from page one) cation W. Gray and son, Richard, of How- | (Williams) Grimm received word | the Pennsylvania State Coliege
of a
Other societies that will meet
duribg the same week are the Ame
Btate's department of education and | ——— of asm "a: Mi an Burkholder, of fn lon Priday of her death at her home Two technologists from the Col Washing and Rebinding
h r, A the lo- car and hi . hange | . tre Hall and Miss Marian Smith of in South Dakota. Mrs Grimm 18 jeo6'e my ; ri are | n 9 mr :
Ey ee oot a Sree tenes toed tstarte Drive By. State Fiiadiphis lg Fg ll Mg BL FR eT $1.50 per blanket  - $2.75 per pair
date the delegates, woman covered the ngs os A inst F d Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mostelldr, 800 | Grimm and a daughter Donna GAY | company plant to show the effici-
TTY p— with a handkerchief to prevent gainst Fraud join, and daughter, Gloria, of| ang a son Royce Grimm Jr. also 0 | eney of anthracite as a generato: Renaping
to it} ha to preven Sallam Bloomsburg visited on Sunday With | sieht sisters and one brother. Bu- | ¢. HT ‘ ram
“The Table Talis New Serial Wagner irom seeing the Dumber, (Continued from page one) [Mr. and Mrs J. N. Moyer. The | rial , isters and one uel Ne resis Xa be nd
: yas then ordered to w ' \ tay : Sin . FRI : A
tory 0 walk two children are staying at that | Mr and Mrs Dan McCullough  facturers with a view to increasing Se per blanket
For adventure. thrills and ro- on up the lane and told to keep on namely, to see that employers, fail- | home until next week. . B
: going. The pair entered the car and [ing to make their unemployment | 5 re land Mr. Charley Bruner of Wil- the use of anthracite in this pro- 2
mance don't miss The Table I Miss Janice Rishel left Sunday | liamsport, were Sunday visiOTs %) cess. Water gas is the type burn | PARCEL POST CHARGES EXTRA
Talks,” exciting new serial, Begins headed for the main highway, but | contributions, pay their shares in for Madisonburg, where she will] he BE M. Woodring home of in many ho particularly in
i t oa, a = . - mes, o a
| Wagner was utmble to see wheth the unemployment compensatio N ’ ” .
in the September 8th issue of The 0 er Pio] i Mi make an extended visit with he: : -
In he Seplomier the big magazine they headed back toward Tyrone or! setup and that the chiselers pay grandmother, Mrs Emma Rishel Mr. and Mrs. W. E Williams EKiwhen ranges.
distributed with the Baltimore Sun-| "Dt On up the mountain road to- back what they have illegally re- Mr. and Mrs W. J Hackenburg | SPent Saturday afiernoon at Al! Meanwhile, the main part of the ILLS
day American. Sold by all pro- wards Houtzdale, ; | ceived. motored to Cleveland, Ohio, last | 'o0na. research program is going forwarc|
gressive Newsdealers, After the car disappeared Wag- | - melts week, where Mr. Hackenburg rep-| C. A Weaver has been on the in the mineral industries labara- | DEPT. R
id Low ran vi entire Sistance nek to] ol Steal 1.000 Ears Corn resented his employer at a conven | sick list for several days with rheu= tories on the campus. The Stat :
rone and notifie yrone police. | ieves, who visited the sweet tion of the National Industrial | matism, Legislature appropriated funds for
Religious statistics: Few churches gince then State police have been corn field of George Wolfe, near Stores Association, "| Mrs. Roxie Sanderson and Mrs | a two-year program. this money 1 | Reedsville, Pa.
report cash surpluses, available af« gy the lookout for the kidnap-ban- | Mifflinville, took more than 1,000 sof +d . s Dotten st | hse! Pur ” ; . pro « matched by contributions [rom |
ter all have bee id : F and Mrs, Ray Dotterér of Ethel Punk were shopping in Ty be maiched by contribute ~
expenses ¢ n paid, , dite, jem + of sweet corn. | State College and Mrs, Mara} Nile one day last week, | the fdustry.
El SA & eX wa a ——-,