Page Two THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. August 29, 1940. - [ Echoes From the Past Fifty Yaars Ago Miss Mille Smith, daughter of! Ex-T easure Ch this place, left this week to Atlantic City, after will return to West Chester to tend the State Normal that place The bricklavers are at work the new United Brethren chi building The first story will finished in pressed brick window sills and from that up in wood. The tower will be of brick It will make a hand: st I and one of the worship in this Ed. Note: In sault and battery is alleged “The charged with calling at her i took her by the manner. and dastardly villai he we Smith ol for a visit which she at-| School at on irch be to the NICE section house acquitted of t E formerly | Ha 0ONGa ganizing a bi The number of creasing dally get the craze Ga Mrs. Marie Staun “I am 50 glad,” says Mrs. Marie Staun, Prominent Fayette County. Pa. resident, “I took RUX Compound for the aching, piercing pains in my arms and legs and RUX brought me such pleasant and quick relief.” If you suffer from the aching mus- cles, congestion and feverishness of | Rheumatic, Neuritic or Neuralgic Pains try RUX Compound—depend- | able, no opiates—in a few minutes | RUX will begin to be absorbed into | the BLOOD Stream where RUX | amazing ingredients reach aching, | inflamed muscles to give quick re- | lief. 3 economical sizes at all good | drug stores. Get a bottle of RUX | today at White Bros. Drug Store. | on a atten~ not are The week was cases and both patient alr way to recovery dance at Court [his very large, Mrs Furnace, had been failing who ian | health for some time, died last Sat- urday morning at the advanced age of 79 vem The interment occur- red Monday Hunting f How on announced Lo Oc Oc No- and Season were from October 1 15; phe from turkeys, to January 1; rabbits to January 1; ducks May 16 issued deer ant January 1 September 1 to Marriage license t he followin ouphes ‘harles E fagner, Harrisburg, Miss An- » B, Sones, Har hip; C. 8 and Mi Sallie Lutz, both » township: Ira From Dunkle, both ol G.. Burrell, } Susan B Downing town § Huon a a Pidlipsburg o: Fortney, Esq., will al address. Gov Hon, James Kerr C Ex-Gov, A. G I McClau- 1D > rate H. H Benner chibi 1 be point of lines of ratem 5 TP Twenty Years Ago a nervous breakde wr home at White Pines the family home r treatment. Ac- s condition was provement Salona for the companies of d total rece pts of abou: $650 was left The fes- of the Lock Ha- to help at nse; were issued to } il couples Anson PF h 3, Wakien, N.Y. and {iriam Ruth Moyer, of Rebersburg: hin W. Harper, Schnectady, N. Y. Rebecca Barnhart Ruel W. Lucas and Priestly, both of Osceola Lee E. Rhoads and Daisy A 1, both of Bellefonte \ Ja and Martha Bellefonte: Claribel Mills; Jod Lee Derstine, of Altoona, former well known Bellefonte boy, escaped injury while hauling boxes of rub- bish from a bakery where he was employed when a rat jumped from ong of the boxes, and struck Der- stine in the face. He left go of the wheel of the machine and the truck crashed into a jarge tree. A boy riding the running board of the truck wag squeezed against the tree but was not believed to have been seriously injured. Work on the construction of the silk mill in Bellefonte was progress- ing rapidly and machinery for the new industry was expected to be placed within a few weeks The mill was modern in every respect While John Bair, of near Penn Hall, was on his way home with a load! of chop from the McMullin Mill, Millheim, a severe electrical storm | overtook him. Lightning shattered five electric light poles along the Moses Thompson, of Centre | | of I Mr. Collins, manager of the milk station under construction on North Thomas Street, announced | that butter, milk, and cream would be retailed at the plant, but that {fee would not be sold, contrary 0 rumors current locally | The State Centre Electric Com- pany was forced to postpone the erection of new lines in Penns Val- ley because of Inabality to get shipment of materials. A crew ol men who had been working there for three months were to be with- out work until materiais arrived Roy Coldren, parcel post at the Bellefonte postoffice, suf- fered from shock and brulses when the motorocyecle used in delivering parcel upset neal Schofleld's harness shop South Street The | accident n Coldron machine sarrier $ Yi > pos package Spring nap 4 tnd 1 attempted roun he around in ie Edwin McWilliam Furnas m | sred dally for 20 vears. Upon retiring from 41 years of post p Williams estimated traveled Uncle Sam The Rev. H FP of the Hallmoon approximately Jaboock FOG ST rangement Rev College ing hi { ] Charles Del., wrote { Bellelonte H Dag sins omr— HOLTS HOLLOW M: ang Arthur Confer fy Georpe Pleasant Sweitzer in Maxoge Lee Pitz were recent vis- 3 at the Roy Fetzer home Ed. Heaton is a patient in he Centre County hospital. we hope for her a speedy recovery. Mr Mrs. John Watson, Mr. and Mr: sons, Donald and Nev. Orvis ng Shade Dick Pyfe, John and Thomas Con- av. Jean HI and cousin Y with Mr vde Watson at their ‘re Hall Fair Mr. and Mr family of Floris. Mrs son 2nd two daughters Edith Burg called on Gertrude and Arville Pelzer last week Mrs Ida Johnson and daughter are camping a: the OCGrange Fai: this week were S8un- and Mrs tent at Cen- i Are se mmm A —_— FILLMORE Mr. and Mrs. Domer Smeltzer, of Cenire Hall, and Peg Gentzel of Philadelphia, visited at the Ber- nard Crust home one day last week Reverend and Mrs, Davig Downin Jr, and daughter Jane of Storms- town were callers at the Edward Smeltzer home on Wednesday otf last week. Mr. ang Mrs, Joseph Cummings Philadelphiha, are visiting a couple of weeks at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. J E Taylor Mr. and Mrs, T. M_ Huey visited one day last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Freeby of Boalsburg. “Bill” Spearly is tenting at the Grange Fair this week with his grandmother jnan of State College. { Mrs, George Hoover, Miss Helen {Hull ahd Mrs Harold Bloom and | daughter Beryl, visited at the Orrin | { Hull home at Mill Hall on Wed- | nesday of last week. { Mr. and Mrs, “Bill” Bowmaster and family visited at the Frank { Hull home on Sunday. | Nine Days With Genius Tom Edison | Remarkable never before printed diary of the famous inventor—a vis {tally important and human doou- Mrs. Florence Bren- | | ad Over The County News Clayton Robb, 65, of Houward R D. 1, submitted to an amputation of the little finger of his right hand at the Lock Haven Hospita] las Sunday. The elderly man injured the finger while cutting wood at his home It might seem unbelievable but it Is a fact that there was a decided frost in some places in Centre coun- ty last Wednesday morning. In Bellefonte thermometers registered 48 degrees above zero, Out Pleasant Gap the murcury 40 Unusually cool f time Of al s100d at for th wea her year At the public urday on the estate of Lhe farm and timberiand Walter P. Felt. erolf, lumberman, Madisonburg $5200. The H two tracts, 120 acres of © fos $3 is in y cleared land Der Fy M adiaf COLLEGE TWP. rinpiace, Lhe It is neard ove Beg Wis ir aunt te Colleg tre Hall Fred Wells weekend Walk ang and Mr PETE 1 oan ang Mrs Morris Bench m ne of the O Hamil Bathgate to the M. A. Clark apart- Boalsburg Vea ” ian Ha member of H as also was Mr. Bench Ruth Bashn ; present week with he ndparents, Mr and Mrs D. C. Bohn at Centre Hall, during which time they will also attend he Grange Fair. Samuel Williams, Mrs. Daugherty, Willlam Walker and Alice Walker of Tyrone, were Sun- are nd whe Pear: i there | Mr. Bright is the new de will re pre an opening in that Mr. Jodon's family Bellefonte for the was partment remain in sent Mr, and Mrs Ray Bright, of Mill- heim, have rented the Blimons home on East Main street, vacated last Wednesday by the C., D. Herbster family, who moved to Selinsgrove instructor in Valley term East Penns the coming agriculture at High School for be moved Into Bedford county Work has been started program Lo improve phe the val and been on Sugar School This mnecorporated into a INVIVINDE an expendit for this purpose and is In HR Rudolph of Lock Haven Centre ley Vocational field ground Work nha WPA ure of athletic $17,000 charge ol reams are begin- pro pecially county ng tv show the result of pell. This is e up Bald Eagle Creek Is low hee] the d dry noticeabie Bald Eagle high thal a wWaiK MO Kiri in shoes could AAURNLe Daley and Mr Lock Haver with Rey ~~ 2 WT D A ¢ Hige 10 greet who folks Confer and Confer Prank Fort and pastor loved by our town Robert Malinda Mrs of Ania 211 nday afternoon J W hildren are spending the Granger's pignic Il continue their vacation weekend and expect to visit ives in Harrisburg and Carlisle, Mr and Mrs Nestlerode of Lock Haven, visited with the Gross Bul. ler family on Sunday. Mrs. Linnie Packet and son Cal- vin are visiting in Binghamton N {Y., with her daughter Almeda tiay visitors ai the home of Mr. and | Mrs, Fred Wells Oak Hall It is reported that school in this township on Sept. 3rd Mr and Mrs. W. D Wolfe and son Rober. H,, and girl friend Doro- thy Sterrett of Lock Haven, were visitors on Sunday at Shearer home, Mr. and Mrs, William Joseph and three children of Youngstown, Ohio, and William Walk and Esther Walk, of DuBois were callers re- cently at W. L, Spicers and family. Mr. and Mrs Wallace J. White and children Madelyn and Elaine and Wallace J Jr. of Juniata, were dinner guests at Charles Shearer's ont Tuesday ——————— opens Don’t Risk Infection | No Wound Is So Slight That It May Not Become Infected and Cause Death, | The first thing to do to any cut, iscratch, blister or wound, however jsmall, is to wash it carefully with {San-Cura Medicated Soap and then apply San-Cura Ointment, This is jan Antiseptic Ointment that helps prevent infection. Antiseptic San- {Cura Ointment is a great aid in (healing minor sores, cuts, burng, iftching piles and skin irritation 135¢c and 60¢ at All Druggists. San- road nearby the wagon, knocking | ment, Don't miss this illustrated Cura Soap, 25¢. one of the horses to the ground and | feature in the September 8th issue throwing Mr. Bair off the wagon. of The American Weekly, the big! Ithough both he and the horse were somewhat stunned, they were able to continue the journey, | magazine distributed with the Bal- | timore Sunday; American, Sold by all progressive newsdealers, PARRISH DRUG STORE | Individuals who Jive by routes and jachemmes will, one day, have to scheme for something to eat, the Charles | iand Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Jacod Confer, Mr Stanley Confer and son | Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Thomp- | Dean, | Confer, | i i § son, two children, Eugene and Leah Lawrence and Bobble, Ben Maxine Watson and Lois Yeager spent the weekend at Her- shey. Eimer Decker of Loganton, spent Friday at the Robert Conifer home McCormick-Deering FARM EQUIPMENT SALES AND SERVICE Liberal Trade ALLOWANCE FOR OLD MACHINERY M. Harold Betz HOWARD, PA. PHONE 2731 . - Pro jel [| | | BUFFALO RUN Miss Helen Moyer and cousin Wayne, accompanied her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Mover to Hecla Park last Sunday evening Mr, Harry Shuey visited with Mz and Mrs. Harold Wadide last Sunday Lynn Hall thresh last M1 family Tuesday, where noon. Mr, and Mrs family spent last fonte y Mayer of helted week M1 motored Roy anu Edward Moyer Monday. in Belle and | REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS | Sunday School Lesson International PRAISING GOD FOR HIS BLESS INGS, sehool 1940 Sunday won for Seplember | GOLDEN vali, Om TEX] 1 Denell USED CAR HETIL IAIN INS fan from him as far as remem ~ no mote ns, repent m unio hem from the em against YARNELL 1937 Graham Crusader Coach Light green finish, mo- tor completely overhaul- ed, new brakes, transmis- sion and rear-end over- hauled, fair tires, heater. A real buy— $275.00 1939 Ford Deluxe Coupe Maroon finish, all new tires, all dual equipped; heater, beautiful inter- ior, new brakes, motor overhauled. A sporty car. $550.00 1938 Ford DeLuxe Coupe Radio and heater: black finish, low mileage, all good tires ; cannot be told from new; upholstering shows no wear at all. $425.00 1935 Plymouth Sedan Just newly painted dark blue, good tires, good up- holstering. Really a swell looking car and can be bought at a real price. $225.00 1938 Ford Deluxe Tudor Beautiful green paint, good tires, very low mile- age; all dual equipped with two wipers, two horns, two tail lamps. It is really a beautiful car. $475.00 1935 Chevrolet Coach Black paint, good uphol- stering, all good tires, A real economical car for someone at a real bar- $175.00 DUNLAP MOTOR COMPANY Phone 155 Bellefonte, Pa. FOR THE BEST DEAL—ALWAYS SEE YOUR FORD DEALER!