August 29, 1940, THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. [Ll LOCALS —Miss Caroline Buser returned to| Miss Emma Green and Miss her home in Altoona on Monday af-| Agnes McGowan, of East Linn ter visiting her sister, Mrs. Alberta | Street, afe guests at (he Chalfonte- Krader, for several weeks. | Haddon Hall at Atlantic City, N, —Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Thomas and| ~Mr. and Mrs, James Jury and | daughter Shirley, of North Thomas | Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Markley have | street, departed Monday morning | returned from a week's vacation | for a two weeks motor trip to Flor- | spent at Atlantic City and Cape ida. May, N. J. 4 ~Mrs. Edward Young went to| -—Miss Mildred Whiteman and | Milton Tuesday by train to attend | Donald Rosenberger, both of Clear- the funeral of her nephew, Paul field, were weekend guests of Mr. | Pursell, who died Sunday in the!and Mrs. Lewis Orvis Harvey, at Gelsinger Hospital, [thelr home on North Allegheny ~The Safe Driving Training —Mrs. Ethel McCoy, of Willow- School under the supervision of Mr | bank Sireet, and Miss Joanna | W. C. Homan, of State College, will | Decker, of North Spring Street, re- begin a new class on September | turned home Sunday from a week's 3rd at 7p. m. in the Y. M. C. A, | visit with jelatives and friends In building. Classes will be held every | Pittsburgh and Ambridge. Tuesday and Thursday. | —Miss Helen Jenkins, daughter Guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D.jof Mr. and Mrs. Willlam H. Jen- Thomas at their home on North | kins, of North Spring street, em- Thomas street during the weekend | ployed in the law offices of John included Mrs. Minnie Thomas, of | G. Love, spent last week on vaca- Youngstown, Ohio, and Mr. and |tlon with friends at Lake Nuan- Mrs. Frank Rosenhoover, Jr. and gola, near Wilkes-Barre. daughter, and the former's brother, | Miss Georgette Purnell, who re- Robert Rosenhoover, all of Balti- | cently resigned her position as phy- more, Md. sical education instructor in the —Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Loewer, of | Bellefonte High school, will leave Brooklyn, and their guests, Mr. and | during the next week for Pittsburgh Mrs. George Best, of Philadelphia, | to accept a similar position in the are in Bellefonte for this week and | Mt. Lebanon High school the Labor Day holidays, They are | The Bellefonte United Brethren dividing their time between the A. |church and Sunday school will be C. Smith cottage “Graystone,” along | closed Sunday, August 25 because Spring Creek and the Smith home | of repairs, it was announced yester- on East Bishop street. {day by the pastor, the Rev. G. E —Mr. and Mrs. Edward Love, of | Householder Reopening services | Brackenridge, and Mrs. Katie Koff. | will be held on Sunday, September man. of Altoona, spent Sunday in | 8, the pastor said Bellefonte as guests of Mrs. Eliza- —Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gummo, | beth Love, on Reynolds avenue, of Pennsylvania Furnace, are the! who that day observed her 77th | proud parents of an eight-pound | birthday anniversary. Despite her | boy born in the Centre County Hos- advanced years, Mrs. Love is un-| pital Monday of last week. Mrs. usually active and enjoys excellent | Gummo was formerly Miss Jane health. Harshberger, of Bellefonte, Both —Among those from Bellefonte mother and babe are doing nicely who on Sunday attended the fu- Among the tenters at the an- neral of Mrs. Lydia Shannon, of nual Grange Encampment and Fair Reedsville, at Middleburg, were. Mr. at Centre Hall this week are Mr.) and Mrs. D. H. Heim and daugh- and Mrs. Elmer C. Lingle, of Wil- ter, Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. John | llamsport, who annually spend their’ Copley, Mr. and Mrs. John Meese, | summer vacation at the fair, Mr. Rev. and Mrs. G. E. Householder, | Lingle for the past ecleven years Veryl Householder, Jack Perks, has been employed by The Grit Charles Young, and Mr. and Mrs. | Publishing Company at Willilams- Robert Davison port —Mr. and Mrs. Edward Young, —Residents of East Bishop street of Phoenix avenue, returned home are complaining about youngsters Sunday from a ten days’ motor | whose efforts to shoot robins in the trip through the New England’ vicinity of the Hughes Athletic field S'ates as driving guests of Mr. and | often result in damage to windows Mrs. Harry Rines, of Altoona. They of nearby homes. Aside from the visited their daughter and son-in- damage to the windows, there is a law, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Holland. law against shoo'ing robins, and lo- in Parmington, Maine. On the way cal authorities should take steps to home they were overnight guests curb the double destruction of Mrs. Young's brother, Eimer Mrs. Malcolm W. Yeager and Kreps and family, at Oneida, N. Y.| children, Alice Ruth and Robert, —Tickets for the annual Pennsyl- | returned to their home on North vania Motor Police rodeo are now Spring street, Monday, from a sev- on sale at The Centre Democrat of- eral weeks’ visit with relatives and fice. The tickets will admit the! friends in New Jersey. They made holder to any one of three perform- | the trip here as ‘he driving guests ances: at Bucknell stadium, _Lewis- of Mrs, Yeager's sister-in-law, Mrs burg, at 2 p. m., Monday, Septem-| Frank Caulfield. of Metichen, who ber 2 (Labor Day), or to either the remained here for several days ipmorgp m PRElOfmANcES Statements were sent out lias the Cricket Field, Altoona, on SE 1 week to all subscribers whose ace urday, September 7. All proceed: coun.s are due or past due. We are from the rodeo will go to the Per n- particularly interested in hearing sylvania State Police pension fund. from the subscribers whose accounts Tickets are one dollar : | are past due. If you appreciate our —Charles C. Walkey, of Wall, ar-| efforts in giving vou all the county rived in Bellefonte Saturday mori-| news of jmportance, your COOpera- ing by rail, en route to Centre Hall yon in keeping your subscription to join his wife and their da ught .. | paid up will be greatly appreciated f at the 5 Dorothy, for a weeks outing by ~Mr and Mrs. H. L. Ludwig, and Grange Fair. Mr. Walkey, a native idreh Hators Jr. David, Wil 1 ft that 1449 (v] i, iO n ¢ . ol the Heels Fan re, Jels 9g! llam, Barbara and Nancy, of Wil- Shes on Ne he F | kinsburg, who spent last week in years has been employed in the Pit- | : by “ cairn. shops of the Pennsylvania | Bellefonte as guests of Mrs. Lud Railroad. He looks forward each wig's brother and sister-in-law, Mr : ae 1 M year to renewing his Centre County { and Mrs. R. T. Willard, of Pas: acquaintances and friendships at Bishop Street, Bellefonte, left Sat the Centre Hall Fair : urday for Wildwood, N J. where rE : | they are spending this week before ~The annual reunion of the | returning to their home in Wilkins- Smith family was held Sunday at burg “ " Ih. Graystone,” the A. C. Smith sum Miss ‘Dorothy Downes, of Phil mer home along Spring Creek ipsbur | g. who has been named editor Those present included Mr. andi, “p "cwoihman, Bellefonte, paid Mrs. Clyde Smith, Mr. and Mrs. | this office a professional call, Tues- t will Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Morton day Afternoon while getting .ac- t Suiith Sid geggiier Bet ¥, Mr sird | quainted in this community. Miss Frank Smith and daughter Fran-|D0%nes. a graduate of the Penn ves. all of Bellefonte: Mr. and Mrs. | State School of Journalism, has F. C. Miller, of Philadelphia: Mr. |Deen employed on newspapers in and Mrs. Clarence Smith, of Johns- | iorida and in New York State. She town: Mr. and Mrs. Jack White and is taking the piace made vacant : . Him by the recent resignation of John sons, Don and Philip, of State Col- M. Fleming as editor of The Watch- lege, and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Smith, | man of Philadelphia, who recently re-| —Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon A. “Pete” turned home from London, ) Hoffman, of the Storch apariments, fo E tomobile Club | A we Reysiote fd to Dorie | State College, are receiving con- throughout the state to bewfre of | Bratulations upon the birth of their serious traffic dangers during the [first child. a six-pourid son, at the Labor Day weekend. Haste. the Centre County Hospital, at noon warning states, is the cause of most Labor Day accidents. It is not rec- ommended that drivers poke along at low speeds, but the club suggests that orderly driving within the) maximum limit will keep the high- | | siclan. Both Mrs. Hoffman and the y i parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Grove, {following which he left for an in- tended trip to Harrisburg, Wash-| who attended the funeral of Mrs, | ington, D. C., and other places of | ways clear of congestion and fa- cilitate the movement of what is annually the greatest holiday traf- fic volume. The club also suggests that motorists acquaint themselves | with secondary roads to relieve congestion on the main arteries of travel. An early start also Is sug- gested as a means of arriving safe- | ly at your destination without un- due strain. If you're caught in »# traffic jam. the warning says, horn blowing and other signs of {ll tem. per will do no good. Keep cool, drive carefully and enjoy the holidays, Marko Btanzo, aged 54, of) last Thursday. The baby was born ‘on the birthday of his uncle, Dr Richards H. Hoffman, of North Al- legheny street, Bellefonte, and has been named Richard Holmes Hoff- man, II. in honor of the local phy- youngster are reported to be get- ting along nicely. Among those from a distance ~The Bellefonte Banjo Band will {meet at the band hall at 5:30 p. m. | Friday night to take part in the | Central Labor Unlon plenic parade. |All members are to appear in uni- {form [== Mr. and Mrs. F. W., Harriman, fof Miami, Fla, spent several days in town this week with relatives {and Iriends. Mrs. Harriman is the | daughter of the late Lincoln Mus- | ser, former Bellefonte resident, | ==Mrs, Charles McClellan and | daughters, Mollie, Donna and Ann, of East Howard street, spent last | week in Harrisburg with Mr. Mc- {Clellan, who Is employed in the | | elty. “The first fall meeting of Court Patrick McArdle, Catholic Daugh- {ters of America, will be held in the! bank street, on Eriday observed her 83rd birthday at her home, Mrs {Parrar has Just recovered from jcourt rooms, Bush Arcade building, West High street, at 8 o'clock Tues- {day evening, September 3. All mem- {bers are urged to attend ~The wedding of Miss Sally R | Baker, daughier of Mr. and Mrs. K B. Baker, of Wingate and Down- | Whitford, Pa., will be solemnized at {4 o'clock this Thursday afternoon In St. John's Episcopal church, | Bellefonte. | -Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodges, of Harrisburg, are expected to ar- rive In Bellefonle today for the | Mcllvane-Baker wedding, which is to be solemnized at the Episcopal church at 4 o'clock this afternoon The Hodges will remain here until after Labor Day Mrs. Millard Harswick, of Rey- nolds avenue, and Mrs, David Washburn, East Curtin street, are! spending this week at Camp Mensch Mills, Alburtls, Pa. a cami; main. | tained by the Reformed church! The camp Itinerary includes cour ses in leadership training ~The Lawn Fele which was to be held this Thursday njght on the lawn of Miss Helen Schaeffer, of East Curtin street, has been post. | poned on account of the wet weath- | ier. The social was to be sponsored by the Stewardess Society of the St. Pauls A. M. E. church ~8ix young ladies from Irwin, Pa. enroute to their home from a week's visit at the World's Fair In New York, spent Saturday night in Bellefonte with the Clark Carson family, on East Bishop street. One of the group was Mr. and Mrs. Car- son's daughter, Mrs. Earl Brown, {of Irwin Mr. and Mrs. David Scott and | son, David, Jr. of Youngstown, O., returned to their home there Tues- day, after having spent the week- end in Bellefonte as guests of Mr and Mrs. Charles McClellan and family at their home on East How. ! ard street, Mr. Beotl and Mrs. Me. Clellan are cousins Mrs. Harry Curtin returned 0 Bellefonte, Saturday, from the Adir- , ondacks, where she had spent the greater part of the summer with relatives and friends, Mrs Curtin is at the Mrs Rebecca Mull home on West Curtin street, during the absence of Mrs. Mull, who has gone to Cazenovia, N.Y for a two weeks’ visit with her sister -J. Clifford Klinefelter, of Wil. lHamsport, has leased the vacant storeroom in the Bush Arcade bulld- ing Which formerly housed the Taub Furniture store. Mr. Klinefelter ex- pects to conduct a linoleum floor covering business. The room is be- ing extensively remodeled and re- paired in preparation for the open- ing of the new store which {s sched. | uled for September 18 —Congratulations to Chaties Gar- brick, of the 3zales department of the Titan Metal Company, for an excellent job of amateur photo- graphy. The August issue of Titan News, monthly publication of the industry, contains two full pages of photos showing activities at Hecla Park during the recent annual Ti- | tan picnic there All of the pictures taken by Mr. Garbrick, and ‘he wide variety of subject matter as! well as the excellent photography, are a real tribute to his skill Walter Long, a former well known Bellefonte Academy student and graduate of 21 years ago, ac- companied by his sons, Robert and Walter, Jr. spent the weekend in| this vicinity and were guests on Bunday at the Mr. and Mrs. Luther {L. Smith home, Sunnyside farm. Mr. Long, who resides at Dormont, Pittsburgh. is a member of a prom- inent industrial firm engaged in {the manufacture of boilers. His lcompany recently installed a boiler in he Piper aviation plant at Lock Haven. —Roy Grove, manager of the Bell | telephone exchange at Bradford, after attending the funerai of his | uncle, former county commissioner | D. A. Grove, last Tuesday, returned to Bradford to arrange his business affairs preliminary to embarking oh | his annual vacation This brought him to Bellefonte again on Priday | evening for a brief visit with his interest. Geogre A. Baney, of Punxsutawney, | | at Punxsutawney, Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller, Mrs Arabelle | Thomas and daughter, Anna Louise | Mrs, Bertha Miller, Mr. and Mrs P. A. Ward, Kenneth Miller, Mrs. Frank Nelson, Leotta Nelson and Clayre Nelson, all of Bellefonte; Mr and Mrs. Ray Waller and Hugh | Miller, of Hanover; Wilbur Ward, Sunbury; Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Woomer, of Boalsburg; WMr and North Thomas Street, for a number | f of years employed as janitor at the envoy ry Bor Wim American Lime and Stone Company | on 8 © Loe 2 oe offices here, last Wednesday under- . eg went an operation at Hahnemann, When the Bell Telephone Com- Hospital, Philadelphia for the re- pany purchased The Talleyrand moval of his left leg between the property on North Allegheny street knee and hip. The operation be- | from Benjamin Bradley, it was un- came necessary when gangrene de- derstood ‘that Mr. Bradley would veloped from a toe infection. He remove the house, He at first plan- underwent treatment at the Centre | Red to tear down the building and County Hospital for a time, and was use the material in erecting a small transferred to the Philadelphia in- home, but he has given up that stitution on August 16. According | plan and has sold the building to to reports from Philadelphia he is a Willlamsport wrecking company recuperating nicely. Just 20 years 'which will raze the building and ago Stanzo and another American move Away the material as soon as Lime employe were seriously injur- | the Bradleys have vacated the ed when a box of blasting caps ex- | premises late in September. A pub- ploded in their faces after one of lic sale of most of the furniture and the men tossed a piece of dyna- | fittings will be held there on Pri- mite in the in | day na Saturday, September 20 the aniRiRHE cated baiillosiow and og vine NT DG { ~-Wishing to refresh his recollec- {tion of early days spent in this vi- icinity, Harry Clark, of Lakewood, {Ohlo, encloses remittance for a year's subscription with the foliow- ling letter: “I was born nearby!” of my boy and girl friends with whom I went to school. Theiwiore I am taking this means to hear something about them. If I remem- ber rightly, your paper always was good out-of-town news.” We are sure Mr. Clark's investment will being him many hours of =ajoy- ment, -~Ray C. Noll, of Pleasant Gap, last week motored to Westmoreland, Va. to bring his son, Ray, Jr., aged 12. home from a softwater sailing camp where he had spent ths past two months, During the camping period the youth received a medal held under the supervision of the National Rifle Association, Mr. and Bars, Noll can be Juni} proud of the outstanding ts their son in view of the fact that|Anne the competition for both honors was exceptionally keen 50 Bellefonte and have lost all track] --Mrs| R. G. Forsburg, of East Bishop street, is reported to be re- cuperating satisfactorily after a ser lous operation last Friday, at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md, ~Mr, and Mrs. Willlam F, Zleg- ler and Miss Millicent Garrison, all of Cape May Court House, N. J, are spending this week in centre county as guests of Centre County Register Harry A. Corman and Mrs, Corman, at thelr home In Spring Mills. ~Mr. and Mrs. John Shoemaker, of the Gelss apartments, South | Thomas street, will go to Pittsburgh to attend the funeral, tomorrow, of State Treasurer's offices In that | Mr Shoemaker’s prother-in-law, Dr. IWilllam 8. Hyslop, who died In a Pittsburgh hospital early yesterday | morning. Mrs. Lillan Farrar, of Willow. fractures of the left arm and wrist {suffered in a fall and is in the best of health, B8he is the mother of Miss Helen Farrar, local represen- |ingtown, and Donald McIlvaine, of | tative of the Thrift Investment Corporation, Pittsburgh —~A small girl residing on East Bishop street, Tuesday took the | family breadwinner'’s check to a local grocery to have It cashed, On the way home she lost the purse containing nearly the entire amount of the check, or § five-dollar bills Since the family has extremely lim. ited means the loss is a severe blow | to them. and the person who found | it will be doing a real favor by re-| turning the money. Further infor- | mation can be learned at this office, | or telephone 530-J After spending four days In Bellefonte as a guest of James R their home on Sotith Spring street, Miss Lillian Golightly, of Dallas, ington, D. C., lo continue her VACH- tion trip through northeastern states. Mr. Hughes, former head- during the weekend, Miss Golightly was escorted on a trip to Getlys- burg as well as to many of the] scenic and historic places in Centre county ~Damage estimated al $30 re- | stilted from an accident involving a truck and a car at the Intersec. | tion of Howard and Wilson streets about 3:50 o'clock Tuesday after. noon. A sedan driven by John B Smith, of Camden, N. J, and a truck owned by the Bayer-Gillam Co. of Tyrone, driven by Harold Mingle, of Tyrone, were both trav eling west on Howard street when Mr. Smith, in the lead, turned right into Wilson street The truck struck the car from the rear. The accident was Investigated by Chief of Police Harry Dukeman, of Bellefonte Mr Smith is a guest of the Charles Lockington family, at their home, on East Curtin street The Bellefonte police force and the street department are current. ly conducting a mild fued over the | manner in which crossings are; {marked on the strees in the busi. | ‘ness section. The police contend, that lines. preferably solid ones, marking the width of the crossings should extend from curb to curb The street department contends’ that doited lines half way Across the street are sufficient, and that the system not only saves labor and | ‘time, but alsa paint The two face tions, it seems. will never see e)e to eye in the mailer and for ail whe | (extra time and paint it takes we're rather of the opinion that the po- | lice idea has merit. If Bellefonte had 1000 or 5000 crossings to mark. | the time and labor would be a big factor With comparatively few | crossings, the thing is hardly worth | Gap arguing about Democratic Rally At Grange Fair (Continued from page one) she said. “All we know about Wen- dell Willkie is that he's Wall Street's ides of a business man. He is not | a business man for the common people,” she added. Lioyd Boob, county chairman, and | Miss Maude Miller, counly vier chairman, had charge of the first part of the meeting, while William | Litke was in charge of the latter | part. Speakers included William | Aukerman, of Altoona, candidate #97uk stores for Congress from this district, and | {John W. Decker, of Spring Mills, | candidate for the legislature, A number of prominent Democratic | leaders in Centre county were in- troduced. The East Centre County | Band furnished music, COUNTY NATIVE GETS COLLEGE APPOINTMENT George M. Glenn, native of Cen- | tre couniy, has been appointed dean | {of the Harrisburg Academy and] Junior College. Mr. Glenn has ae) senior master and dormitory super- visor at the institution since 1928, { and in addition served as acting | headmaster for Dr. Arthur E. Brown, retired. cousin of Drs. William 8. and | Grover C. Glenn, of State College, | Mr. Glenn annually spends his summers at the family homestead known as “Meadowside,” located In Half Moon Valley. 8 AWARDED CONTRACT FOR STATE COLLEGE BUILDING Electrol Lewis Haupt, of Willowbank Street, Bellefonte, has been award- od the contract for the construction of the three-story brick store and apartment building to be erected on Qollege Avenue, State College, by orris Fromm, of that city. Work is to ‘begin today on the which Russell ©. Rowles.. Clearfield Vadna M. Wriglesworth. Grampian Paul Lewis Faust. Oentre Hall Eleanor G. Cettig.____ Bellefonte Rodney M. Hoy... State College College Ante P. Keller... State E. E. Shope... Bellefonte { apd older men Are offered ovporfunity. You peed wood besith | qu and a car. Get the fact now | Doa't wait another day. Write GC. | 349, | WANTED To buy a | 3, Harold Bete, gk hy Pa. Page Five CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 30,000 People Read This Column every week. That's why The Centre Democrat's classified advertising de- | iar. Considering ils low cost abo | Centre County's Commuuity Bar- partment has become so amazingly Une benefit derived, W is undispul gain Counter RATES Advertisements of twenty-five words or lesa, 20 cents for first tAsue, and 15 penta for each additions] insertion. Where dvertise- ment cotitains more than twenty-five words, one cent a word is charged. REAL ESTATE—A straight one cent 8 word ls charged for rea) estale advertising sale or rent, KEYED ADS--All advertisements that request replies to be malled Ww this oMice, must be complied with by those answering ‘Ye Advertisements Please do not call at the office for Information concerning ents, aa Une pulser Se Sot germied o iii he Damme of 146 4d- BUBACRIBER'S PRIVILEGE-~BEvery subscribed to The Centre Dem- ocrst la entitled 0 a 25-word advertisement in these columns one Lime, free of charge. This privilege can be used six Limes a year si different | intervals such advertise i —— a es Work ‘Wanted WASTED ; 3 woman wants work by day or help to cook in restaurant | POR SALE or hotel. Address, Mrs. Fred Kline. | feller, Centre Hull. Pa. RD. ed X45 | Ma FOR SALE--A W Kerry Moshannon, Timothy seed Inquire of Mp lace 'N. lgen, - Pa. WANTED- Refinea middle widow desires pasition as house- keeper. Good cook careful worker. | man Spicer, Zion. | very reliable, best of character rire | TAN $ IM. B E Care Centre Democrat ofce x35 Loans YOU CAN GET errr} home, for rethodeéling And for home improvemenis—~sce Wiliam Shope; write or call, Bellefonte 431 or | Bellefonte 106-R a8 | | PARMERS—Do you need new mas Hughes and the Summer family at] chinery, another hotae, or money | for farm purposes Bee Robert Zeig- | jer at Muser Oettig's office, Belle. | | fonte, Pa., any Saturday morning or Texas, departed Monday for Wash- | COeorge Mothersbaugh, Boalsburg, Pa. Or write to the Holliday | - | POR BALE Farm lime at pHoe farm- ers oan - to pay Production Credit Association. 4! interest yearly] to 3 years to i | x3 | pay-nDO endorsers master of the Bellefonte Academy, | was host to the Golightly family | al an Academy football game in| Dallas, Texas, in 1926. While here) Help Wanted WANTED --A 2ir! for housework. In- quire of John Bickle, 28 E Howard | Strest. Bellefonte, Pa x35 | ~-Woman for general hoyse- work in country home Write x 68 In care of this oaDer x35 WANTED Man to work on farm single man preferred. Inauire of Ee BY Witmer, Bellefonte R. D 1. x35 | WANTED AD experienced woman keep house. Ingulre of Mm. Joyce Rise, 1360 Willowhank Ht liefonte Pa x35 WANTED..Girt between 30 and 45! years for housework. Will pay fair | ob Robert R Shope, Collins Row, Bellefonte. Pa x35 | care for Kramer, 18 KN Aliegheny fonts. Pa WANTED —Experiented dalirvman- Farmer with gmail family on | modern farm. one with own HeIper | desired. comifortalile house farm food laupnlies, ahd RoOd wage io 8 fod producer. Address Parmer Box 34 | Mill Hall, Pa x | WANTED—8eve: LI — reliable men wiih cars So supply y customers i “4th quality: also fine + quality molor all, Rapid increase In earning. for hustler For Interview wtite William Romiberser, 20 NX. Rall | road Bt. Myemstown, Pa x3 H why | Phone 1853 WANTED. Be Indenenaent work for someone else? We will slart you in a Jermaneht, well | ing busines of your a a Young | Heberling Co. Dept. 2048, Blooming. won, i. for ull information EE ——— Boarders Wanted WANTED Boarders and Jnyite of BK. Trostie, Picasant Wanted to Buy A 3. HO lB | WANTED. To buy. all kiags of ive: stock. Bruce wanine, Pieasant | A reverse charges If any | 100 iar away name price Centre Democrat office Personal MEN, WOMEN! OET PEP RAW Oysters stimulants, tonics in Os- trex tablets often need after 40 { by bodies lacking Calcium. horus, lodine, vitamin size today only 20¢. Oall, write Wid. mann & Teah and all other Rood | Articles for Sale FOR SALE-¥Farm wagon, 4-inch tire onary of Harzy Spearly, Belle. FOR SALE Peaches at Yrarick's orchard, 5 miles west of Mill Hall | Phone 4511 | POR SALE abt Ton or pada of FOR SALE--In fopal truck in good condition, ton . 2501 POR SALE-The following good farm rv ved ova hy D. Mitchell, Fleming. Pa 264 rom BALE-A large § snaifage cutter maieheler: {i fier! mont Senire Be Phill . Pa. x35 POR SALE Vary ssasombiy og wa Hove WANTED--TO condition, econ rtd, Bol Phone 760." X38 sels. POR SALE-8ix case elec” ric pop Jogaer. cr ego at aanin at AT. in PETE Ate. : aged | FOR SALE- ABC POR SALE-lLarge size xisehen cab- | George J. Vout, i fe Hall 1996 Ford V-8, two door | POR. SALE—A | Inquire of Claude Pa . 3 of : in good condition | PH 8 FOR SALE A Bellern kits hen cabinet. practically new Roy Pa. Phone 41-R- x37 POR SALE--Coal and wood Ashes pl at iow rate. Call POR BALE. Good Howard 2731 ron SALE —Peac hes, der now for Lhe famous dane Co in Bellefonte vince your or- | PAINTS —Pertex Tainta the Liy niers specifications | Penn Belle Hotel Biag || rom BALE We WL ia of parts for all makes of cars trucks. Phone ' Bldg, Bellefonte, Pa ron SALE—ALL kinds of Be rook garden plants gheny Street FOR SALE--A 48-inch round waltni Anne dining room ow 3:3 extra loaves. 80-inch matchis $35. cash 303 is w Inch rims antes. Open rom SALE. un ted the same | Pifth wheel igh Sireeta, Bellefonte, Pa Phone | x35 | FOR SALE -Deluze standard Roval | with DerROnS Practically now tools included. Mrs Jor, Bellefonte Live Stock | POR BALE A young cow ; ~ inauire | Andrew J. Kachik, Clarence, Pa x36 FOR BALE-8everal vouneg coon hounds, Clarence Jackson Le | POR RENT--Proverty near Lemont, rood location for work. Reférs ences required. Dells B. Williams 532 East College Ave. Blate College. Pa me FoR RENT-—Nice country home, b+ rooms, all conveniences, 1% miley | Bast of Centre Hall Possesrion np 11. Inquire of Junes B Prohm, Ceps m8 mont, Pa x45 | tre Hall, Pa FOR BALE-A good riding bore: | with bridle and saddle. Inquire of | John Bugash, Clarence, Pa. *36 | - | POR RENT wo * frons Hedrooms, FOR BALE Coon hound pups, good size, Redbone and Blustick no | | trash K. A Schultz, Pilimore, Pa Holstein heifer, 2 year old stere and Sow Inquire of Thomas Gill. Julian x35 | vom SALE- A good bay horse 11-yr8. | old, weight 1350 or will exchange for cattle. Inquire of Joseph Peter, | | Beech Creek Pa X35 FOR BALE--A good team of young | horses, 8 and 4 years old, weight | 3000 ibs. LeRoy Barner, Howard (Nit- tany) R p. 2 Pa x36 FOR SALE Thr or young 200d work horses. Also some timothy seed 8250 bu. Inquire of C. E. Yarnell Bellefonte, R. D. 2, Phone 657-R-1 x36 | ror SALE oT hree bird dogs an y Eng lish setter and Gordon setter { thoroughly broke and English sicter DUDE hipuire of J. M, Mackel, Pine x35 FARMERS Penns Valley Sales barn Centre Hall, Pa. holds sale every other Tuesday. Bring your live #tosk and pouliry, you can expect Riegel, Owner, 3 POR SALE OR EXCHANGE] ram work horses, several brood sow: stock hogs. shoats, also baled alfal- fa mixed hay. straw, oats and wheat want cows, beef and soung cattle | Call Haupts Place, Belsfonte x34 ‘Real Estate - For Sale POR BALE A large barn contal ning good lumber. Inquire of Ralph Kerstetter, Coburn, Pa x34 | POR SALE-A 4-room “eotiage at Black Moshapnon Inquire of N Mull, Philipsburg. Ps x36 “A 3 room cottage along Creek. Clinton County. | | Phone Bellefonte 55-W, x85 { POR SALE Dwelling In Roopsburg | Convenient terns If desired Pires! in Bank, Bellefonte, Pa. Phone a 21 BALE- Farm in Union “town. | ship. Convenient terms can be | arranged First National Bank | | Bellefonte, Pa hone 47 2141 | POR SALE—" Riffes Lodge Cottage.’ along Fishing Creek. fully equip- ped. with garage. Inquire 143 E | Main 81 Lock Haven Pa x35 | POR. BALE-—A 10 room frame house | gL 37 Bast Curlin Street with all modern conveniences Inquire of B IH Herr Bellafonte or thi * office 324 | POR BALE- Farm in frst cinss con- | ditidn. 2 miles from Bellefonte on route No. 53 "Water and electric current Price right. Write W. M in ¢ care of this office Siu ror SALE- —_ seven room [rame house op city and 2 r oof ground. Along Lemont Piemsant | Cap road Joanne of D Marvin Ish fer. Centre Hall POR BALE--Purm in Potter township along Route 45 113 acres. lime- | stone poll, never falling spring water barn built 1928 a real dairy farm Inquire C. T. Crust, Centre Hall. Pa | FOR SALE—A sixty five acre farm very desirably located on hard sur- | i faced highway close to schools, be- | tween Stale Ooliege and Baliefonte Pa. Twenty acres of this is fine | timYeriata and remaining forty five acres In good tillable land. no waste | Well built seven ron house. Di- rect Inquiries to H W. Peters 228! Fifth Stree t, Lewistown Pa 3341 Storeroom For Rent | FOR SALE--Anpies, Yellow Trans! Red Astrekans $0 Nittany Orchards, Belle. | - | D Near Clark acho | i Buffeio Run Valley [ . Phone Bellefonte 864-3. | FOR BALE. Tractoss, new and used be 4. — B 6% | kinds besides Write Losch Ime | FOR SALE. 8lightly used No B New Mea manure spreader, a rain Also new spreader, corn huskers at Ht times need of a slio Aller this season duy a | Papec and get the most cutier your money. James J Markle | FOR SALE] ce Sood condition, oil stove, oil heats fd. screen door, small room | reason for wanting to | of Mrs Balla Noll. South Walnut 8%. How x35 FOR SALE-Reasonable. room sult, good condition: studio couch: 2 occasions yg +A oe and 008i. 0. | Mary { I yr Bg Betietonte, phone is wif oR SALE JNO ps ual timoth ( Roy Fare, a 1 Ra Mean: Gua x36 FOR SALE--1 Oifver 18-28 row Juactor in first clage SondIson Idea manure ad ust hh a short time; 2 Black No. 8 . Furnace, Pa. x38 TS or Exchange rt Wanted to Lease ease Jom or Centre experi- SALE--125 Wane Plage Inquire of Howard, R. D. 2. FOR RENT --A storercom. pood loca. High Street, Bellefonte, Pa. Poi- session mmediately Inquire of] | Brachbill's Purniture Store, Belle Jolin Deere—atl | fonte, Pa 8 prices. Horses and cab | with | He accepted a pari payment, trade-ins for sale fe ron perro iw reet formerly occu IY i about. 20 or 25 eR Cane eae | plement Company, Jersey Shore, LY Johnstons Cut Rate. Immediate | . a. Care jon, Inquire of Mrs. C . 26 West High Street, aoht i mee for Rent | RENT -—our-room flat with | ath Inauire at 120 South Boring , State | Street or phone 776-R. Beliefonie x35 | FOR RENT A 4 room apartment th bath. Inquire of Decker Mo- wi i0 | tor Co. Spring Street. Bellefonte, = . Jocated in Belle- fonte, Phone 453-7. x35 FOR RENT.-3 room furnished apari- desirable . 2. Inquire Linn St Bellefonte, Pa x35 FOR RENT--J-.-room apartment with tile Dath. Heat hot waler and stove supnhlied. Possession immedi- ately. Inquire B. O. Harvey. Phone 508-J. 194 POR RENT--8Secand floor duplex. 5 rooms and bath. heat and hot wat ér. garage. front porch and garden Mrs. Luella Cheesman. Cor G1 3ha Ridge Streets, Bellefonte Houses tor Rent e | Pot and garage Call 846-R. Pelietonte FOR RENT-- 5 room bungalow with | | LOCK HAVEN, PA. | ——— Rooms For Rent . w— pe —— Kitchen privileges and continuous hot water, Inquire at 211 Bast Bill | op Btreet, Bel Jetonte Pa x38 | Fon BALE- Two good work hors en Rat Killer ———— A —————— RAT EXTERMINATOR iid tals killed with can of Schuties Red Bqguill Bellefonte Hardware Co. Belieton te, Pa 5 ‘Miscellaneous [DEAD 81 OCK—Removes promptly an ry " my CXpeTse, 5-3 i 3 L. Bmith, ,—— WANTED Dead, old ‘ana Sow. horses and mules, remo ree, Rendering Works, Oep. « Vogt, Vom, Centre Hall, Pa. Phone 56-R-4 at our _expense wr AUTO OLASS- Install ed while you wail. We carry a line of safesy Riass for all cars and trucks includ- ing 1940 models. Wallrun Auts Ber- vice, Snow Shoe Intersection ut THE TIBBENS PHARMACY DR MEDICINES & OPTICAL DRUGS BEPCH CREEK, PENNA. If in need of glagres mee us first and save money as we positively will not be undernold as we do our own grind. ing and have no rent Lo pay Ad And complete stock German Artif tin! Eves. Also Ear Glasses for those with defective hearing. All frames { And mountings sure 1M0-12 Karat Gold gusranieed permanent wear The Bight and Hearing Alda Blore where you can do better than flees where. Hours 10 15 12 210 6. 7 10 8. | Daily and Bunday. Ko Wednesday 100 Afternoon Hours Garage Service GARAOE BER ICE Pat Reed's Garage, near the old Bik al Bellefonte. Auto repairing A ARE greasing service. Ph hott 290 xB —— ——— Announcements CIDER PRESSING The Haroster 0] = ger Dress at Balievvilie will be open {Bept 3 Tuesday and Thursday of each week oIER PRESSING ARIE 5 Press ati Axe Mann will every day except Saturday u end of hie season MEETING ~The Ladies Aid of Lo- Grange will meet at the home iam Benford. North Allegheny Bellefonte. Monday evening t B o'clock Bvervbhody wei. ~The Ladies Ald of urch of Boggs Township itival on church lasm Muje by the will also be @ free play nyone (nterested in Lhe church and cemelery piease contrib. ute a cake x5 MEETING Annual meeting of the | Bellefonte Chanter of the Americad Hed widi-be held at the Libwrars in Beliefonte. on Tuesday evenink Septetnber 17. 1940. at 7:30 o'clock stl which meeting the executive hoard {and officers for the ensuing vesr wif be elected Mrs. Dorothy A Dick- | son. Field Representative, Washing x38 | ton. D © will be present in # cuss the development of a completely rep- | resentative Red Cross nrosram anf enlargement of the present Board Anne M Fox, Seoreiary x37 SAMPLE FAIR--Don‘t forgei ihe Somes | Sample Fair. A 161 of fun! | thing different Priday night Seo tember 6th. 7-11 o. m. in the Ross- man Store Bufiding at Soring Mills Admission 20¢. Everrviling inside free excent home made joe cream abd | cake Bach person will receive free, | a bag full of samples of ooptiaf | products and novelties renresenintive of manv business concerns throudh- tion. Inquire of Decker Motor Oo | Out Penn's Valley. the slate ang na - | Spring Street, Bellefonte, Pa. yas | Hon. Over one bubdred differs) samples will be availabie FOR RENT Fr | fee and a free fish in the fish pond: mR Ap om on East] oo ce will be a valuable door prize { The Palr is sponsored bv the Metho- | gist Church of Sorine Mills. Every. | one js weloome A — Repairing FORBMAN'S UPHOLSTERY PFurnl« Sure repalr shop, Top | ing antiques a specially. | rush seats. Modern | North Race Bt, resr Penn Bells | Bel stonte. Pa MACHINE WORK —@Ensilaze cutier knives sharpened while vou wail Machine work of all kinds. We alo have in xtock cold roll steel CAD screws, set screws Woodruff kevs kev stock etc. Swartz Machine Beliefonte, Pa. Phone 32-R. WEATHERSTRIP —8ave fuel dollar. keep out heat, cold and dust by having your windows wea - ped and house insulated with wool. Let Chamberlin give you AN estimate without cost. Call or write 0. J. Dolinger, Phone 58, Be Pa. Diemer L. Bathurst INSURANCE SERVICES VT. EAGLE, PA. P. 0. Howard, Pa. Wanted To bol SCRAP IRON AND 50¢ A HUNDRED POUNDS FOR SCRAF IRON 4 HODES | COAL & JUNK YARD West Park St Phone 1071-R In Business Sometimes Ey. Tay tou ch’ on Sentiment that’s worth. more than Gold “Flowers will do the Trick’’ no oobing's Fora Gardens | 127 E. Howard St.