Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, August 15, 1940, Image 4

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    Page Four ° THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. & August 15, 1940.
A =i ¥ — —— ———— —~
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The Bun Ol Company has com consideration
leted arrangement for the cm raze th
truction of a service station simi way for
‘ wii above on the The new tion | | re pOTLe Showy y the 1 | i ! ( f ian pilot ! N they t ! JUring
Brant Hotel probably wi ’ J X ‘ vir dunt om Corns tie 1 ier ar on auring
nd Bishop font da { mstruction { 0s 0 Ver Htul A ! At ‘ N tt Orie I ' Al expecied
heals n { \ deta rev dir § Each men
} }
Osceola’s Teacher i.
Fifteen bovd from Bellefonte and vicinity attended the Americar
Indiantown Gap from July 21 to 30, through the sponsorship of vari gly tation a CENTRE COU NTY HOSPITAL Problem Solved ;
Members of the group and their sponsors, i hown above, folk IN THE WEEK'S NEWS Miss Miriam Kitchen Resigns
Front row (left to right Donald Pinge From Position of 1.4
sponsored by Brooks-Doll Post: Malcolm Wetzler mnsored Vetzle ene |
R. W. Eckman, also sponsored by the Legion hrarian
Secor! Row: John Bottorf and John 8S Smith, sponsored by the 1} ON ! AH a] oleville Boy Injured Tuesday of Last Week
sored by the Logan Fire Company; Edgar G. Kust |
Fire Company
Top Row: Nevin Lambert and Winifiel
- ————— co ————————— - {
} Geir Jali
: SHIRK REUNION CALLAHAN REUNION Ing In a fall from a tree while play- | vania yace; Mrs. Wendell E Mim gichen, 3 ap ho PINCHOT FAVORS DRAFT ar epare in time” General
Townships To The grandchildren of the late Jo Che At R . ng near ii mf iffered 1 Koeppe J Sta t  wmdy ay , ENDING SHIPS TO BRITIS i ale riastingly
. eph and n Shirl f otler \a . f : A gament { ti right arn | i ea M1 vi D m, St A Woden . y ' g roves il de.
Receive Funds i. i $ de
Spruce Creek cam Sunday “ ph 1 . ture of 1 ft arm a how font Ihe 2 ! 4 1 -, mm imme.
Money Allocated on Mileage
Basis Under 1939 As-
sembly Ruling . . breath ub . CO ind Mrs. Willian lahan and} ore falling. Clothing caught § Bn NAR, TB, Ii 4 lea is problen
— Fetterhofl and daughter Carrie, and | Ckaren Shela. Jan, Gail and Jack. ine tree and prevented pim fron ones wn we me oc | EVERYTHING 1S CLEAR NOW
The second class townships [ vr. and s. Elme; ney of Wai net RAs ind at alee ropping to the grour : Admits Shern I BU (ae a “iy § .
Centre county will receive $10.977 rior's Mark: Mr. and Mr Are ie v Th De sop Mh fered ri nee injury. ast y go: ' A Ney ' State | © As : i; ‘ : ¥ . 0 wesikn
on September 1, from the motor I
fund. This will be the first quarter-
ly instaliment to be paid during t!
year as a result of legisla ) pt - { 1 yV, J iu hel- ‘ . t . ~
ed by the 1939 sesslon of the Gen- ma, Frances Fred, Twila and Biba Ton Biden 7 ge” Wilmer 8. Andres Mursday of Last Week .
eral Assembly arry, and Rosella Homan and Miss | uses tle: Jaden “Cacarm | Btheionb as Areata ar A » Burnside RECORD ANY SPORTSMEN'S oy BACK TO SCHOOL
The 1939 session appropriated $8,- Blanche Hall and Fdna Grov 1} overs a Yeapd M "e ert | actin atl Lo et nt Bean a - Bal Hh SA GROUP CAN BE PROUD OF : ' :
500000 from the motor fund t 4 ) ! EY a iar a ae Shed ding A
returned to the second-class t
ships of the Commonwealth di
1940 and 1941 The State Hi iY union who wit h family re } . j ha  arbemue ' 4 = a as “ - bk ' ——
Department made the allocation sadly mi he family Was not fan _ . v te nA reer. aly \ y A 4 Che “y a ’ 4 4 Wm 4 { { } .
epartm : tonilly, Bra: and Wendell, MT. and] Cr we I Wn voilision] SR Ba Ce | | DR. HOWARD F. BAUER,
of the fund to the township pt n account of TS UR . " oe g | . ol { 4 ll ’ foi y i 3 ; ’ :
mileage ah Raquisitions provid : hata ix OF 5 » Ley uf the a irk Ad ) ans y . ‘ ja it . ’ teal vel ma I o VOILA Thu y : 19 194 i OPTOMETRIST
ing for the payment of the money gt| rviving, Mrs. Tamer Kern, of Ww Peter maa 1D aad ar | POOF Al irews was dischargs h i Friday: Miss | Lett e! Nn y ot ei BE Firockerhoff Hotel Bldg. Bellefonte, Pa
were prepared by the Highway De. stiers Mill wi in {nl $2 and Ads D . oy i. Fins ¢ fi . aa shi. rd d . WAR 1k r {eed ; : i. ATR .CONDITIONED GFFPICE
partment and have been sent to the ith and wa yb : i . h . : ’ rd ‘ ! Tighe ; ; Br , Zt 3
fiscal departments where the check: . r and Mrs George R n Ces Yay ant ARQ | MIS Lio boys that s'u i : W for app
are being written M H " H : Mr H Rn Driver is Injured ; Puig opi . ia f
Amounts going to the various sec- Injured Pilot i y : "4% as ‘ 1 . . = We : ‘ w= lly ios tie .. 4 ! f pnd?
ond class townships of Centre coun- Is Improving Mr and Mrs Haye ston nd Bima “hy tat Trapucla Gh vs pb . ————— pues
ty are Benner, $600.5] Bog of ot silbert Loti ’ "71 Drivin ; yd roa tanant ITI AN - —- i . ay AAA PSAAAS RE SAMAR SAARSARARARMAE Ss SGAARRAABIBATSARMRHAMAREIIMN PY
$802.27: Burnside, $102.08: College ‘ontinued from page one 31 I Corte in ir fel | ; ‘ al rb. : is " . v hit a Mi A » by ue hy asp a bsp BR SS AED
Suffers Nose Injury
rad 3
$588684; Gregg, 878328 Haine ruses of the che fx
$391 64: Halfmoon, #17564; Harris, right leg between the
8263.47; Howard, $43335. Huston, knee, and fracture of th
$27059: liberty. $605.36: Marion, arm. in addition to nume
3 F then oh . hs “ A culvert nn th onire All Mou font Mr } i aM
$94.94; Miles, $175.64; Patton, $296 - or lacerations and bruise Samuel B 3 pte: ‘Mr. and 2000 the left sic@ of the BOHY. ra AU Main Naren
70; Penn, $53230; Potter, $1070.97 fis companion in the plane. !N Wallace Homer at ghter (0 5 : tours tat Yeivns ant Pleasant Gap; | E
Rush, $420.36; Snow Shoe, 8370.77. charles Nevhart. 16. of State C Valera, MeKes ebm i a1 fmm a1 ane | 8
Spring, $510.81: Taylor. 842082: UN- lege is recovering ries t the hos- na : 44 ; Adio itt r- 8
jon, $462.84; Walker, $327.55; Worth. ital from a fracture of the left leg ischargs Baturd: Mrs |
$505.57. nd} cninor-Incerations akut bid Robison Reunion
ce Soest Federal and Sia!
Have Close Call mantled th } g i I Ison w
There's no telling what the con- lece and took ntrol wire Du snnual rer st Dindy
sequences might have been, had a evs, and other apparatus for fw (ennedy near Mt Ea n Sat.
clergyman and four women been ther examination. They decline 0. urd August 17. All members and
seconds earlier in leaving religions comment on D1 abl ause for fends of 1 family are ardia tly
services at the jail in Willlamspart the plane’
recently. They were sf in the a height of
doorway when a ma stone and of more th y Bh
mortar fell from the walls just out- cated that an official report |
side matter may be released later
Onc of the largest sales of Household Goods in Centre County
will be held at 1006 WEST COLLEGE AVENUE, STATE COL-
Wednesday, August 21
beginning at 9 A. M. and lasting all day.
Inmneauomaae nm
rm —— tals bord 1% 3a VI hid y
A al JOE ' : : laren oe Disct
. .
1} ts he » a .
S00 to We Young, Sia'e (
y : H . nie i K na .r re 2
aut : a a k by : é 1G am Folk. Oak Hall, admit { Sat
dllj0 Dana (0 Appear at f1€Cia arg sunaay en R. Roperts. | Iam Polk. Oak Hall, admitted Sut
a Harold R Gummo, Pennsylvania
Monday of Last Week Purnace. RD. 1. Births: A daugh-
Admitted: Mrs. Betty Orvis Har- ter was born to Mr. and Mrs, Rus-
| vey Beliefonte: Mrs. Morris 8 | sell Hoover of Pine Gien
| Goldman, Bellefontel Di charged. Sunday
Mr: LW Acheson and nian :
daughter. State College, Mra Joht Admitted Miss Shirles ' { air
Joh son | Millheim. Digcharged: Mrs George
HRN NRO. (Ouean Queen
Some of the special items included in this sale will be:
C. Johnstonbaugh, and infant i BE
Bellefonte, R. D 1; Walter Hen- E' Summers and nian laughie
dricks. Siate College; Mrs. Joseph Milesburg. Mrs. Meivin Dunlap and
| B. Alexander and infant son, Flem- | lnfant son Milesburg
Mrs. Edward G. Miller, Belle There were 46 patients
fonte: Mr: Henry LI Summers, and hozpiial at the beginning
infant son Julian, RD. 1 | current week
Living Room Suites Garden Tools
Dining Room Suites Electric Refrigerators,
Bed Room Suites including Frigidaires.
Single and Double Beds Radios
Students’ Furniture Antique Furniture, etc.
Defigtotu) ‘Wri Pitnes ‘Local Woman
very delightful birthday dinner
le held at the home of Mr. and Is Threatened
Mrs. Oran L. Hull, at Flemington, pi ——
Sunday, August 11, in honor of Mr (Continued from page one)
Hull's birthday. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. Oran Hull and child- "
! ren. Robert. Betty. Roy and Bruce, CATY out the threat Nothing hap
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hull, Mrs pened : wi
i ; : : ' George Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Yesterday the Sheri expressed
; The Bellefonte Banjo Band, one of the most unique musical organizations in the Bio Ho oh a Lester Crust the belief that the message mighi
United States, and much in demand throughout Central Pennsylvania, will play a free and daughters, Evelyn and Erma, have been scra‘ched on the doo!
concert at : Helen Crust, Mr. and Mrs. Harold as a prank by youngsters, but the
{Bloom and daughter Beryl Mrs official indicated State Police are
Ella Torsell and daughter Ann. Mrs, | being consulted as an additiona
DAY, AUGUST 18th {John Hoy, Mrs, Gertrude Huey, precaution
iMrs. Laddie Parker and grandson | He added that in an interview
The concert is to begin at 3 iof Altoona, and Katherine Lyons | Mrs Charles said she knew of m
gin at 3 p. m. {of Lock Haven one who wish her harm and said
Solos, specialty numbers, and many other features will be included in the program. a tote 2 | she had no enemies. The scratches
: : h : . . . The farmer who tries to live-at- | apparently were made with a nal’
The concert is to he held in the open air theatre. In case of rain the band will play | ome usually comes pretty near do-| or some similar instrument, Sherif
“in the spacious auditorium. The public is cordially invited to attend. | ing 0 | Miller stated
| i
any persons who might appear i
Note: No furniture is being sold on account of warehouse liens.
Lunch will be sold on the grounds.
10 to 50 per cent Discount
Open Evenings by Appointment BRACHBILL’S Phone
Ea SS a a a