THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. 1040 OVE 1S) KNOW YOUR STATE wd Meat Packing Industry a Multi-Million Dollar Enterprise - Prepared for The Centre Democrat by Richard P. Brown, Chairman, State Planning Board, Pennsylvania Department of Commerce Of Pennsylvania's ten million citi- gens, some may be able to lve with. out meat, but most can't—which is the principal reason why meat packing is in our State a multi-mil- lian dollar enterprise In fact, according to a survey made by the State Planning Board for the Pennsylvania Department of Commerce, the annual production value of our State's meat packing industry exceeds the hundred mil- lion dollar mark, being $129221 300 in the most recent for which figures are available, The Planning Board survey further shows that the industry has invested capital of ap- proximately twenty million dollars, that it employs almost ten thousand persons and that it dispenses an- nually fourteen million dollars in wages and salaries Almost two-fifths of the value of production is accounted for by the packing of fresh beef and fresh pork, the two products being about even in value although beef does run slightly higher in Pickled and ry-cured (smoked) pork comes third. followed in order by lard, fresh veal cooked hams, fresh lamb and mutton, and similar meal HISTORIC AND BEAUTIFUL pag Year industry’ total (C -ontinued trom e one) The Over 40 years ag an aged Seneca Col. Shoemaker a cave In 1748 a Lancaster Frenchman named Malachi drifted into the inity of He in Jove and el Nita-nee, beautiful Chief O-KO-Cho brothers captured them and threw Boyer into the deep waters of Wk cave, and guarded eyery exit, He finally perished from exhausidon and starvation. Some clrim that still summer ght Le boat the adorns Lhe \4) Is wall today Sheele painting Alo related of th County Joyer legend he aye ped daughter Her Vi f arith wen Wilke Oi evel ni Bover's nearg of Hing | used 1 cave lake in named “Nita-nee tain. at the base Centre Halli, was lovely Indian makien on the summit of a magnilicent view Penns’ Valley A county be tany. Centre for its quanti) kinds, from over the present day In Spring Mill seen on the wall of a fling stat aperated by Myers Bros, rows deer horns, ranging from two to ten poin:s, inclusive, that were by the guns of the brothers Words fall to properly express the beauties of natures scenery amons the mountains Centre County To grasp them and transfix on the memory one should them in person, and they experience great joy in doing - RS R——— Two Youths Lose “Lives In Coal Mine (Continued from page one) LADY mou which nestle named for From mountain the beautifu eh e in the of a paint his of posto name ol famed Ki50 we game of UI'Y Di today 14M) ol ' Wi vented the rescue workers ing struck by the second fall w came thundering down gs the men dug for the Seeing the again caving the workers stepped back and once again began task of digging out the bodies Funeral services for Kenneth Frank Thompson will be held from the Thompson home, Osceola Mills, this Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'- clock. Burial will be made in the Mock cemetery, He was a son of Lee and Bessie Woods Thompson and was born in Philipsburg June 2. 1927. In addition to his parénts the following brothers and sistery survive: Mrs. Erma Cowfer, Osceola Mills; Mrs. Mary Voyezey, New Lib- erty: Richard, Lee, Jr., and Ray, at home The body of Amos B. Cowfer will be returned to Philadelphia for bur- fal. He was the son of Amos B. and Ruth McCall Cowfer. One sister, Mrs. Myrtle Sparks, of Glendale, Cal, survives in addition to his par- ents. from be - which ' ¢ FOOL $ 1A, youins their ——— > Burns Fatal To ; Salona R. D. Boy By {Continued from page one) was reported to have been prose trated when she learned of the boy's death Funeral services Héckman Rome at —Bargains in the Classifieds, Ten were held at the 2 p. m. Tuesday felled | products. Also included in the in- dusiry’s output are cattle hides, calfskins, sheep and lamb pelts Historical records show that Pennsylvania's meat packing indus- try must have been started prior to 1729 (in Philadelphia) for in that ear the Provincia; Assembly passed a very long and very minute act “more effectually to prevent unfair practices in the packing of beef and pork for exportation.” The act di- rected the size and material of casks required that the casks must branded with the marks of the who made them, as well as ordered that the contents should be inspected and the casks again branded but with an inspector's o kK. brand and be coopers pack- thir Seven and the cen Dau- while Ches- Eri jg { nnsylvania's scattered over the Bt sixty wuglt Philadelphia by far meat packing of employe ranks third first ten” are shigh, Schuylkill Northumberland Todi ment ing tv-ninhe counties ate's alt! Allegheny county most In por ters phin others ter, Be Lanca ure tant rk Ler Army Worm Appears (Continued from page one) namely Qf over Brood measure employeg fon worms is front of making furrow protected AS Win rating deep irr Mg caterpuin of t harp edge osene LUrrow ol m yapladior d may be furrow or broadcas niested field: Twenty bran whit and but 44) spreac pound of make as proved Qhe of two quarts MOA SSCH t a moist eflici- protecied may WRG Arsen» satisiactor- YOunge: principally true sorms Nees stage controling army relating « control & } riculiural exten Bellefonte RE a — Escape Injury In Plane Crash (Continued from page one) wayed OTe the ir, LHe Dials ihe