Page Two THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. August 15, 1940. EE Low hanging clouds In this area | | SETS SEPT, #8 PRAYER @ | PRESIDENT | AN DAY OF | Over The County News | tn prac 1 nd caused three airmail pilots to lose | Echoes From the Past | their directions and make forced | landing: One pilot lightly dam aged hi | Stormstown . Shamokin because of poor visibility Fifty Yaars Ago At a public meeting held in the | L, F, Boob House for the purpose of | had BAB] gn placed In a Wy rs : launching a campaign for a free |iront of his e lishment on We lon: 4 » Main treet The sign Chol aster I about Su Meat neon-lighted, makes a nice MoeDowel appearance-—and bring Lhe master of edu { Hghts Tarther up the hill on that cation, and plane in & ianding nea Another INday &®pPL. 8B, as a gay { rays landed a! | Sunday School Lesson { when Americans of ey F'- a LL denominmiion uid a iJ ’ " ” iia Millheim butcher i .. Bible of A burg, miu Frat o thi id and to thel GOD'S CARE OF HIS PEOPLE 1 ; well equipped with eeGeq for my Ge- International Sunday School Les (enge we 1 B Ts of Bellelont ing 1 { an rely on son for August 1%, 1940 Court MosCience In agricu Ira ef Cy troubled » I'uesday morning James Love aul 85. Beaver of I'yrone, dled at the advanced age of i7 year He had been ill for some th fron A ( v 4 month irom jJiver ( plain tion was postponed until more CG Love, Esq., of thi raon! howed an aotive interest . of the deceased ide of sah i in the proposal cu library in Bellefonte, only of education in educal $ Whe i #, rsons were present, and definite not GOLDEN "PRX Ninos | john ( + { i! Ne; y John neon | fon. « Lion CraAng ef place, is a son Margaret he street Cen re Hall ang Mary Ellen of Mr. and Mr Hublersburg, had a painful ac last Wedne bring, ¢ { Bellefonte were with | 9% 3 Wilik une wice | suffering a tirls of Lock aver in Ol i 1 in i una ii ey i | EBs mos en | Regal 7 TLS REAL ESTATE Eo ss TRANSFERS t nephnera *o 3 John Frye, champion fishe Misse Yearick Mieming baccalaurents » made by | man of Pine Gl killed during the Bellefonte | n Rw \ 20 copperheads, 7 Pi ' Louise Hitchcock, Loul Taylor, Martha Hunter, Mabel and Fleanor Sheffer, Mary and Henry etta Quigley, amgl Henrieita Se saton Text: Psalm 23) Ocean Yearick, of | The remaining 18 from the coun were from State College v iron fence In House removed h been wr when Evan B, Andrews, of Loganton painful AVE receiylily 13) { h —— ACCEPTS COCA COLA POST FARLEY wo daugnler of Lock Haven of Freeport, Ili i wi L FRANK MAYES | General A Te Real Estate Sales A SPECIALTY tioneer ALL STATE COLLEGE, 2842 | | i ! i i | i -1 umber of Farms and several | , g idences will be offered at pub- M ) C3 i 5 LP ‘ | lic sale in the near future RUNVILLE WATCH FOR DATES BUFFALO RUN fhe sig i 0 Ee SLED MRT TH, Te el SPECIAL RE ‘have a fine trp ang | table, and always ready to give lib- | Roel Mie Spent the past FeCk| buby Ato Judith of Buta | phiipeonnt. and thes sen Gilber TERMS! Ywoenty Years Ago : ke i 2 E ; ; ne ; i | 2 : a ek = Thi USED CAR | wis beng pil 10, year, had given up In dispel, | Mss Helen Kausiman of Levis | enter. No Fate ONC | oui er of Coie Grove, mad DEALER ARLLLLEUTLET NE small i u 0 H ie A ai ; ii 4 : : : We 4 : Sui ; aor hate Bought rad itd . ins ey ¢ ’ eX ocd s 4 Pore veel Cars lay evening. ' Johnsonburg, visited ¢ Lie anu SE a y Fal . : than Harry Moye: J : C4 from Ford Dealers cut h from any other dealers in the business! THERE'S A REASON! PRICES CUT UP T0 45%! See the Values Listed Below! now help ith her [al weed: helped Ed- Friday and Hore Friday | ig his chores Friday | yp yuna Shank is visiting ir | We doctors care. COME EXPECTING TO GET THE BEST BUY OF YOUR LIFE - lipped and feil and injured the | 07 Cotere. WHER TERERES OF 2) op Ning blows over the oats stub- SELECTED SPECIALS GO “ON THE SPOT” EVERY DAY! 1{ if } h#ad 4 5 ICE Dy +» % 3 lie — Lyons is on the sick ls “A RY TEN D The far rs are getting the Ciwenn t ard i | thunder- Bob Kauffman helpeg Boyd John- on haul oats the past week John Hovan spent Friday evening fisitor v he Clayton Wat at the Vendolf Park near State Col- | home over ihe weekend were lege ang Mu H Watson and Mr. and Mrs Boyd Johnson and n of timore i family spent Friday Woodycres! John Tressler of visited his father Mr SOI 1939 Lincoln 1939 Ford Zephyr Sedan Deluxe Coup Lived like a Sultan of Days Gone deautiful black finish d Maroon finis? potd Bt wall tire heater vealing article ) mahar han BOO mile 1936 Ford Deluxe Fordor Touring yrone where he ha } , y jamage bul daughter Grace, €x-~ Rd 4 4 he structure evening al a i ashungion % { B , x ital of Erie : t 34. Gap t Clance na two as were id fron Ww iaale A real bu heats tru low mileage wis lehien 4 $1095.00 $550.00 $350.00 ; Pleasant iaugnters, « jah whose n of odie of | Whe Bellefonte round-house John Tressler | Union City . iarded by cobra yn nmodate a new siding whi Sunday. Mr. ang Mrs, LeRoy Tres- Harris L. Wak 1.000-room palace like { pu for the milk station sler of this place spent Clayton Walson Max ne al sland and whose North | evening at Hecla Park, James Watson, Lawrence Cor back of slave girls fer and Harry Toner attended ; J A Arabian Night Watson reunion held at Miler August 25th issue of The American Grove on Saturday. Mr. Harris L | weekly, the big magazine di Watson being the ocidest membel tod with the Baltimore . | . : present 1erical m sale at all Good packaging and wrapping are| = so. Ring an On sale at all ssantial v {0 : n cold ind stand: essential for food, placed i iS . from an infected fool. but is ime torage | rs if it is mi ) +h fav a pi Jose on TE Nich. proving gome at this writnig the vest a ition, says J. hu the Mr. and Mrs, Charles Heverly & oias, agricultural engineer of Lock Haven, and Mrs Berths aiiia Railroad track jewel Coney Sunday guests ate Reag thi story tion on in Uh ——— a—— — COLD STORAGE LOCKERS HELP TO PRESERVE FOOD plant ; Lime and Sione Com- Juffaio Run Valley, $ rr for dinkey Joce of Rebersburg h uarries, v destroyed by of Wood- fire Two dinkey 8Btate Col- eng were des Grove, of Le- greatly handicapping oper- Fanning, Belle- ations, since they were used in used tiv 108AVeEeS 1936 Ford Deluxe Tudor Gunmetal tires. heater. 1935 Ford Coupe finish all new Black paint: good tire trunk Clean ter 1935 Chevrolet Coupe Very Blanche Daley is suffering MANY NEVER hea- 4 clean inside. heater; Motor in fine condition AR LAE : Pennsylvania State College. Schnarr, of Mo- hauling stone-laden cars from the quarries. BODY PAINS AND “OLD,” ACHEY FEELING? Gel after t delayed 1 ervous, tired out, set stomach, loss of breath, “old” sachey fesiing, WILLIAMS FORMULA. Helps minate through bowels and kidneys Relieves gas and bloat. Perks up lagging appetite, helps nerves, Makes available an sbundance of iron for the blood. Chuck full of vital herb extracts and valuable your body is deficient In these as~ sential elements vou are liable Ae. Bile Gow By “ull” t old "trouble-maker’’ nination If you feel] have up- | appetite, bad | take | eli~ | minerals, If} “below par,” of get most enjoyment out of life WILLIAMS PORMULA is the favorite | of thousands who feel the need of that extra “lift” tw make them feel fit. Many say after taking WIil= LIAME PORMULA they feel years younger, day to take $1.00, 8150, drug glores a bottle of this truly medicine, can't do your best work | Conta only a few centa a | Three economy sizes, | and #600 at ail good | Come in today and get | remarkable i Packages must be small snd loosely placed in the “quick freezer’ | if they are to freeze quickly, he ad- | | ded, since the cold air must circu- late around them. They may be packed closely in a storage box, pro- vided they are thoroughly frozen before being stored, but all wrap-| pings must be intact and air-tight es Ladies! How Do You Look to Others? A series of questions which, when | answered, enables any woman tC fing out how she appears to others | One of many interesting features in| the August 25th issue of The Amer. | ican Weekly, the big magazine dis- | tributed with the Baltimore Sunday American, On sale at all news WHITE BROS, DRUG. STORE. | stands pom Condo, and son Merril motored & Hershey, Pa, on Thursday to take in the sights of that town. They acclaim it'a beauliful place On Friday the Orviston and Monument Sunday Schools their annual picnic at Woolrich Park and a goodly the outing and eating port 4 very nice time Paul Lomison Don Oray, Hugh Confer, Clifford Confer, Dick Lomi | son, Paul Lomison, Jr, and Kelsey Lomison are enjoying a few days a Camp Kelley, Orviston and Lock teams played at Orviston on Bat urday, Lock Haven winning 6-2 being the score. Mr, ang Mrs. Robert Confer and | | family visiled at Pleasant Valley, gt! waste from your Ulead. Gel Dan's held | number from | i both towns were present to enjoy They res Haven bal | | shows there ia something wrong with your SUSPECT CAUSE OF BACKACHES This Old Treatment Often Brings Happy Relief Many eufferers relieve nagging backache | quickly, once they discover that the real cause of their trouble may be tired kidneys. The kidneys are Nature's chief way of taking the excess acids and waste cut of the blood, | T help most people pase about 3 pints a day, When disorder of kidney function poisonous matter to remain in your blood, it may esuse nagging backache, rheumatio pains, | leg pains, lose of pep and energy, getiing up | nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyea, head | went of seanty pase aches and dizziness, Fi sages with smarting and burning sometimes kidneys or bladder Don't wait! Ask your de years, They 318 miles of rrvite | fet for Doan's | | Pills, used sugressfully by millions for over 40 ve happy relief and will help the | idney tubes Sush out Pisonous i "ills, upholstering chanically $350.00 Excellent me- A lot of good economical ser- $250.00 EOOa fair tires; low pa mileage $250.00 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM DUNLAP MOTOR COMPANY Phone 155 AIS LIRINIR IT Ss Bellefonte, Pa. ALWAYS SEE YOUR FORD DEALER! Rul E