Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 20, 1940, Image 6

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16 Are Gionted | monetary gain or selfish reasons | EASY, COOL COMPANY MEALS Crowd Witnesses Rg a3. B. Sum. | Ahan day of wale, Grunge Wil pervs Penngylvanin, caused by the rg hk
could not have been their incentive
. residence in Hublersburg, the re«] Mayes, auct ing of the grade of Highway
\ U. S. Citizenship for this land was only a wilderness I. WITH AN ELECTRIC ROASTER Flag Day Fete mdences, the store properly and its | i No. 53, in Potler Towhshigh
ee {Religious persecution and other ob- : : equipment, std ® completes Hie | S t d J 22 which sald real estate abuts, The
* freed ’ oii } aw ard % "i al LB is
(Continued from Page | one) | structions of lom were some Of | (Continued from page one) a 4 will Pr ae at aturgay, June Hundred (8400.00) Dollars hid
... (the prime movers in the settlers of a re 2 He N i - ! " - wow | 12:80 o'clock Mays & Srlover FP. J. PACKER tions may be filed to sald agreement
n few well chosen words. Mrs John | our land. At the time of the adop- - 4 / g. A . | history of the fag presented by auct Will offer at public ale at his! WHhin ten (10% days from the date
Gi. Love, the State Chairman of the! tion of the Constitution, sought-af- | ld Al M | members of the Elks lodge, and tr SATURDAY, JURE 20-Mys FP J | bome on the Bust Campus, State of this J rhe oF Any jax payer. Mf
Correct use of the flag, then led in | ter and fought-for rights were es- hind a : $l had. hear a splendid addres: by William Watson will offer al public sale at College the following persona prop» be Pe ty pf gpa Mav By of .enld
giving the pledge to the flag. Mrs.( pecially set forth in the first amend- | : & H. Smith, of Punxsutawney, past! het howe ln Milesbuty the follow | *"gouemiond GOODS —4 bureaus; | Period i
‘ re ‘at x 5 H ine Hw » 3 Drea io
Krader, supervising principal of ments to this instrument. In enum- yd ; : stale commander of the American i Tagen fp BY pein Lp yagi 2 chiffoniers; 7 single beds; 1 double This agreement i on" file in the
music in the Bellefonte schools con- | erating some of them, as: freedom \ / Legion table; 6 chairs; library table, | bed, Bimmonds, 3 desks: 3 folding Phothonolary's Office of Centre
A A : >. . } 4 - A > \ ‘ nels 5 __— pr 2 | Beds 30 chair 2 rocking chal Coun
ducted the singing of a verse of to worship God according to the TR de The Alpha Pire Company was| 00Hehi 3 beds: 3 washwtande 213d Co OO ir bookratke: 2 " cuanries pr mevie
py " " | dictates of sonscience., free ) rugs, 0x12; porch chairs; dish
The Star Spangled Banner,” one of | Gictales of ones conse : - y Rul fr | awarded two parade prizes. The or- fiy spray: timber and many other | Kitchen table 50 feet garden hose PRED C. MENSCH
“America.” and of "God Bless Amer- | dom of speech and of the press, to I 1: j v ganization took first prise of $50 for articles Bale at 1 p. mm. Roy! 5 porch chairs: porch swing, sewing HARRY V. KEELER
fea,” after which each new citizen assemble and petition the govern- {8 : . ns \ , the marching unit having the most | ©¥ier, auct a ap Pa Sige PA inld County Commissioners of . Centre
> > hy ’ (E URE. »¢ rinas HA wainus ae italy b
Was presented with a copy of the Hen jor leareth a Ex vunoe, She ; } id vn men and presenting the best ap- SATURDAY, JUNE 22-9 J. Packer | piano in good condition. breskiast Cont) X¢
D. A. R: Manual for Citizenship and Tight {0 Keep an Ar ArmMSs.the | | al i WAT © s share will offer at public sule at his home | 5 large copper kettle; 8 single .
i 4} v ped p right of persons to be secure in thelr | ey pearance, and. the , Alpha Shared on the Bast Campus, State College. | hed blanket ; me desk chair yr ne PUBLIC SALE OF DESIRABLE PER-
an American flag, and urged to read } 3 effect \ ’ with the Howard Fire Company a a full line of howehold goods | net tab in 2 dk, chain: Spb. SONAL PROVEN LS
the manual. The exercise was closed | persons, houses, papers ana eliects A $26 prize for the marching unit trav. Sale at | p.m. Terms, cash oH Mero to mention. Cini Om Baturday June 20th gt 10 & m
with prayer by Rev. Clarence E Ar- | Against unreasonable searches and x eling the greatest distance case of rain sale will be held in f rain sale will be held in stock ®harp the largest public sale of
nold, pastor of the Lutheran church. Seizures, trial by jury of peers and a! : > The sec : . stock judging pavilion A waging pavilion Sale at | household goods ever offered at sale
‘ . p CO, Wize © V4 the 3 ut Y : ¢ y avai t 1e1) y will ,
Those” who passed the require- | Speedy and public trial, prohibitions : a hd prize of $25 for the! Smith, auc rerm mith, auct n Bellefonte, will be held at the
largest best + svaring . Margaret Bro oul dence t
ments for citizenship were: Blazsey A8ainst excessive bail and fines and ; and best appearing unit! ppipay, JUNE 28-1 fnry own woe 3
: . ent to the Pleasant Gap Fire Com- flay ah public mile i . . . corner of Spring and Bishop
hy rTM ean the fmposition of cruel and unusual . : Ph . JEHES Al DUD SRE 3 1 nag Streets, Bellefonte, Pa. The persons
Maceira, Clarence; James Burn I a : . oy The Howard Pire Company Aaronsburg, livestock, farming Friday, June 28 " ty of the Margaret Brown Bs-
lh xp sowed | he . p § 4 The Jersey Shore ie 8 17m ’ RISE ’ Rada yune in Aar ¢ n \ y :
an importance when viewed in the ou High School | SATURDAY, JUNE 20-The largest CONCH ort THE MARGARET BROWN EST.
Helme, State College; Guiseppe Fav- Punishments, and the taking of pri- Propey
son o'clock noon E E Hubler i: Will offer it pub A / 8 household goods will be sold
Munson; Augusta Barbara Schwab,
} the mn . ’ ever held In Bellefonte will ?
| while the Bellefonte Junior Ameri- y ; Brown bull 2% years ol : 5 mont nirror, osk dining table onk side
FI . 1 ‘hels ns-! ‘These rights still prevall in this & 4 oy : “ ; }
lege; Victor Hugo Thelss, Philips | " Band of Milesburg divided runner. Bishop Streets Tt will include the tile are BOO grade Gurr nseys hes and glassware), § leather Bea
Shoe: Fedor Cruchan. also known as dictators hold sway, they were im- A roaster dinner that will delight your guesis and yet be mighty The prize for the best drum and household furnishings Sale at 10 all aclor on rubber. goo ot nf Missior ring desk. rattan rocker
Hurry N. Meyer, clerks wy loader, combination ctor anda hanging wall clock, upholstered foo
Yive Nos Ann: MTrNace Sy f are - . , > g :
Olive Poullos, Hannah Furnace, and here in this land now, who are at yummy Cherry Pie! Corps SATURDAY, JULY 6--Nanni - | pymcikert  14-ingh bottom tracior | IMBhogany seat tapestry rocker, 3
Following is the text of Judge able rights, We want nothing of Judges of the Hare Ling unit her home i imionville, ¢ Tul : il above implements in good oof ' d tab mk clock top and
full - citizenship rights upon the! are only interested in Americanism spend most of the day in the kitchen Smith, auect 3x5, brass doubie
| the filling and cover top with thin [instructor of the fire school, Public Ww fH offer at put o 1 HATTON y Er Y-henring Let chait fm H clock 2 side Of
$ — n . . 3 » « H | >
Front in France are shaking the immortal words of our beloved Pres- would not turn out just 80 J I n i |
quake, rocking the foundations of said that this was a government "of trier roaster. the whole problem ha Fricassee of Chicken att o pte | t y yr " ovany low bov Duress
é . R Wi Salt filer Ahe services at td 4 4 S d J 5 “ $3 S A " mela hed } ] chair blue
realize that the struggle now being | © this country that Is what IS time in the roaster—perhaps all of ‘ After whi at the Diamond atur ay, une | pore ROO r located 11 ‘ : nell table oak rock.
. a toll Ax  OLIPS ” 4 tablespoons flows In the reniing d ; held at of
European wars for strips of terri- | YOUIS NOW, as well as ours turn. The automatic temperature Wy we evening dances were held g Boi
p 4 ort atic " 2 when . ' at the rear of the Undine house by and i ” y WB \ AE A Dining oon wet Flemish . Oak
tween two cultures, two ways of liv- [it an obligation and hat obligation she serenely entertaing her guests,| Singe, clean and cut up the chick- a : Yi zie MoWilliams, will offer at yi LEGAL NOTI CES round table 6 no B extra leaves, ®
: I ih raer of y % fr - 1 V “ e 3 ‘ 4 . right hans a 2 vies i vewwn sel
and economic organization. The out- | accrue from bieng a citizen of this easy to stay cool and calm when the | skillet with fat Place the pieces in MAD in the order thelr app rr olice is hereby piven that g ges piece bedroom
" ‘ h : 3 aktsimr {at irs | URI Or an HYRes!
world but determine the future]tions. You should not become a citi- holds all the heat where it belongs flour and wa y remaining fat in| M4 H. M. Bec and Bu
R . = nike shen taking the t of allegiance e's th wi of COMDAny wal on
That this struggle has assumed When taking the oath of alles Here's the sort of company meal | © fonte Elks, and William Smith, Flag
} 1 po "I" 4 he worse « ol y wile 3 oo : . ‘
himself and reaflirmed by every means is well expressed in the words els as a cook and hoste 2 cups baby lima bear ouard. and charter members of 1
is now, breaking beyond German for which it stands Fricasse of Chicken ory rie he depedent
and Lima Beans sitter In one of Wn SITIALl roa H Bar . , : 4 or Jip G
the world Cherry Pl fish hich has been oiled ne Cement and Gypsum Worl payer: Hf no ex+ oo : Ags 8 xr A
existing world order to survive, It where this idea gg and ; In paring this meal, bake U Baked Potatoes Band of Milesburg: Undine march- pl : hid
il : TERME OF BALE per bond GROUP 3
Cherry Pie i Y otatoes dry. rub weil h Bellefonte Cubs; Philipsburg juni Real Bsial Twenty fv eTOR! bast : of dents re a ir Doster bed, 2 bed
’ * oy won third prize of $15 in this divi. plemments, household g and ' tate. the John M. Bebring Estate and
> operty {or . y wi ; . ; vi ACTEA " al le at If H. J. BOWER — mg he
uzza, also known as Joseph Favuzza, Vote property for public use without : os acres of farm land. Clade several other groups of desiraile
Bellefonte; Wilhelmine Kaldorf, Just compensation, strike one with /
¥ pent -day Oy ms ’ g - ' Band won first honors for best band yubblic salp of hpubehold goods Ef Si ad.
Philipsburg; Pietro Passuella, Clar- Hg? nt aul hr ay condition N i w LIVESTOCK 2 horses: 7 as range, table, kitchen chairs
“ roughout we we M " a N
ence: Ernesigeorg Stern, 8 » Co . sold at the late Margaret U
Ernestgeorg Stern, State Col- can legion Band and Wetzler's residence Wt the CODIEr of Boring & | 0M; helfer calf, 5 months old ard. oak china closet (filled with
burg: Einar Wennerlund Nilsson, country because it is still a democ- Coo ill, i. 4 N WE Heh NA Te Wee. Td BER WE — up honors Brown Estate, Dr. John M. Sebring | Biood tested d State approved ¢ LB chi mission morris chair
Bellefonte; Carmela Soster, Snow racy, but in those countries where Estate and several other groups of FARM DMPLIEMEN] F-20 Pan n mn Hbrary lable, runner oover
" . v tier a % 7 ? . y " A 3 Ww Lane : . pot only a few years y rock tapestry seal, rafian arm
Prank Shufran, Philipsburg: Hen-| mediately suppressed easy on the cook-—Fricassee of Chicken, Baked Polatoes, and Lima bugle ok “a Ruarded: io ti po Sts v up i Pesaia M Dn shite “ap ow - 1 ow Me rmick pi " pa a ir y bed rot) bridge lamp
4 s 3 gn Sta‘e College American Legion and SLOver, a 1 1 MoCo « Wik . 4 rou IOs Jury
rietta Askey Forbes, Philipsburg; There are Individuals at work beans and CUern—all cooked to perfec op y sip Moni /
3 rg f f ! I i to perfection and topped off with a Auxillary Junior Drum and Bugle thot nr 28 18.iheh d ite tool (fro yk eather seat rocker
Andy Svabik, Snow Shoe tempting to destroy these inalien- : lames, will offer at V ale at ois 10-hoe Superior grain dri) chalr pillow lo0r lamp. mahogany
Company coming for dinnes -
" hn . . » ’ » i gigar An ort her th wer P Wney ret ar f househol poods 11 udine an pig Bota to Ty alm Ale As Orie 4 N moking stand
Walker's address as he conferred! Nazism, Fascism, Communism We that used to mean mother would Mix sugar and flour together then | were Millard Taw Harri y a tian p> . why y y y 4 King wa
"blend thoroughly with the cherries. George Perrier battalion chief of RRElaques. Dhie at J ”
y > pr a " " Line a pie plate with pastry r rin | Philadelphia, and / SIM Y wend oy al nid cer i vl, 5 pile maple bureau, Bap
class and ine reser ydtion bi hon Ro - fussing and stewing over the stow I pl with pa . pour Ir i and Art Esp head SATURDAY. JULY va Mann {ior brit p hoa tron hor pi / “ na , 12 . a Homes Ae
The hectic events o Jeste ernment, 50 well defined In Whose and worrying for fear things n \ t | Hiams will
he | « nts on the Western strips of pas'ry. Bake reheated | Service Institute, Harrisburg Band at her home in Unionvil , ¢ op mill: ream ae gy milk | arnt wr A, hE
; { . . roaster at 450° F. for 45 minutes fudge were: K RB Dann Dever line of hots ad goods i e at oa - hat ' p< arly rican wood chair bras
' . Be ident, Abmham Lincoln, when he ut sinee iter bought an elec. | FF I . anny J i : e OBL atrainer: some b
warld with the impact of an earth- But since moiner bought an elec Nazareth: J Plovd Kuhns CGreens- o'clock. Ten ad . = dn’ ati . teed ‘3 ! : doub bed, 3 matiresses, 3 bed
" : t , : » wi for zh a + ’ " hing. and Don M. Kimmell, of Ber. n lo p tallies 7 syimisoutrme -
twentieth-century civilization. In- the people. by the Prop ow or become simplified. She plans her % clabaken in i 1 3 LEAL, BT 4 ure tine | BINS k- table. 2 mahops ry chat
stinetively men everywhere begin to | the people” In swearing alleglance mend so that most of it cooks at one d be off al au
4 Sry t al y is ot v
fought out on the plains of France meant, and the duty of maintaining ¢ A+ serving time, everything feiper wveral of the bands gave brief oon.
ug n & ) ’ ld ' sul "a ort { reat y 1 :
fs no longer one of the countless that form of government becomes ready to dish up at once--done to a e in front of the Court Hous
i . 1 quart wales the Filk Und ne and Amer n le os o%hand o : ETH : : Tt
wr ati ARETI The iferring of citizenship is t as 1 s it PCORSH TY " ahd American * | unger an pursuay Of 3 ” La he ‘
tory or national aggrandizement The : conferring o Hp : control has made unnecessary for 1 teaspoon onion juice Gf desired) | gion homes. and & carnival was held | pros. provision Ah In § "at JOHN MM. SEBRING FST
but a life-and-death struggle be- not only & privilege but carries with mother to peek and poke at the food f sh : y Font :
N ’ " the erican on ! ' : be
ing and dying, two moral concepts Is just as important in these trying perfectly confident that the roaster! en. Season with salt and pepper v American Legion Junior Band | mie at 1000 olek ) chairs. china ciosel convex gia
i roups iDIFaring : § : LE at ney i] th LR nit i ot « gh 'h a - Rp—-—
and two systems of social. political days are the many benefits which can take care of the cooking. It's. Dredge with fot and brown In ips appearing in the Hine of | i LEGAL NOTICH buf! wih everal draweTy OF
. / a | or were as follows dennsyivanis exirs sive hed burest
come must not only demolish the country. You may have to fight for kitchen doesn't become overheated | the largest cooking dish of the elec- Motor Pols ol * a Hii and, both wits
present balance of power in the this country to preserve our institi- The heavy insulation of the roaster tric roast Prepare gravy by adding | A arade Marshal Oa) :
qf > wrod 5
shape of the world zen unless this is clear In your mind _ipside the roaster skillet. Season and pour over chick. Hardman P. Harris, Guy O. Bitner
8 = Stale College exalted ruler of Belle
stich a world-wide ramifications is What this country means and mother is serving these days. And Corn and Lina Beans Ony-sonaiter: Ballionte Bh Schoo
” 2 . . . dt tern cir z s country widental apt nine new 1atir- te 3 7 hy - eiond gH BCho
boldly proclaimed by Adolf Hitler iwhat citizenship In this ountry incidentally, she winning new laur 2 suns whole kernel corn Band: Elks marching unit and color
_word that comes from National Soc- | “1 picdge allegiance to the Fi COMPANY DINNER WW wale oo Howard Fire Company an OU i rood
jalist Germany. This new Germany the United States of America { i BED i pment the sa will 1 ad jorurned
" . wea thas ke ey . ine \ table 3 Thertiied yl nraey Shore High School Band Ab ihe ping Eset ta " } Y
frontiers with the elemental force One nation indivisible, with libert Baked Potatos {a oy al entitled God Bless America” Mills the fa EE sold 31 reement within
of an exploding volcano, the fires of and justice for all.” This is silll one : The fas ains y wg, | £203 u
which are testing the fitness of the  0f the lew countrie in . ( Local of Belielonte Wetzler's H ie ER tricity i filed, sald damages will v te y other tems
m remals eotricity . A ys K v . RTC Nan » Lem
hreatens to engulf Prance and should be thankful we live In a cherry pie first Bab 2 sized BoOtatoes ing unit Bellefonte Girl Scouts ;
Great © Britain, as it did Austria, country where liberty and the rig » ICI Salt OAR Cash | § ree t on 8 5 The 10 nine nut dining room
wp x 3 A ri orshin God still. prevail tt >
Czechoslovakia, Poland, Denmark, to worship Go gab ald ht Fl ut in one of the # 1 rolster Organization; Bellefonie Boy Scout , h price 1a be pe # y ry 9 att 5 Crens rocks
the Netherlands and Belgium. That ——————— ble Sugar Relief ort an iy by on 12 nt vod Foor + ny "1 WA HITE cami mb MH - 1 burner
‘ nons flour dishes whi has been ofl led Bellefonte lanjo Bas Logan , : p ne bes ras CANE Bear 1 rocking chalrs, pore?
they hme Qrgt 1 Owing merely w ° County Growers 3 es, drained Starting in a cold roaster, cook 2 Fire Company marching unit and C070 os eo wiared #0 H ¥Y V. KEWER
the accident of geography whi x Ooh 4 Dparatins Batllery E h id ol ty e 1 1 . N ig
places these countries as the first Sell Wool Crop ; : Artillery, Bellefonte, and equipment : ‘ ti il
Stacie ry path of the is -— Spring Mills Band: American Ls
tional Socialist world revolution Continued from page one) : gion Junior Band and color guar
The philosophy advanced by this . : fag Detectives Turn Black Moshannon Veterans of Foreign Wars TATE i {i OO SUNDAY P. Hit pa 4 en \ a ' . > ! ro) / ith. oT a
movement in entirely different from George Wilson. Zion: Malcolm Mus- To Taylor Murder May Be DefenseCenter iii Pleasnt Gap Fire Depurte mxecuion DAY iznie| 000s. Fred C. Momuch, suf Hatry | bureau, washuland with maiiie {op
our own philosophy. All that we hold ser Bellefonte, and Willlam Camp- eh ment march i1 ng club and equipment \ BNE, deceased yt our for the County her (tems f & able hougehodd
dear in this country is immediately bell, Centre Hall (Continued from page one) (Continued from page onc) Future Sportsmen's group of Pleas- all TPNier. aucUonshe: 1. Tam ni Tog Fre fis. ii of damages : :
suppressed. Their domination creates Mr. Dale states that arrangements — - ————— . ant Gap State College American saps 4 : : i tp real estate of Jonas P.
the- threat of slavery. ‘Ours is the are being made to load at Shope's and to close rélatives and others Black Moshannon port is OP Legion and Auxiliary Drum and ter Township, Centre County, Myers, Cierk,
hope of freedom. This change is 50 warehouse at Bellefonte next Wed- Saturday and Monday after he had which authorities believe will help Bugle Corps: Betsy Ross Junior Friday, June 21 " aa a
‘rapid in the world today that the al- nesday, June 28. The warehouse Will an opportunity to contemplate the the government reach ihe plaee American Citizens’ Club: Lemont FRANK LUTZ pid
legiance of the citizens of a coun- he open from7a m toS5p m possible consequences of such state. where it can be prepared {or "any Band group of Bellefonte kiddies al 4 : 4
ry may be to a certain government por 3 number of years growers ments eventuality carrying flags, and Alpha Fire Com he H ofits at [ipl sale oh
and then tomorrow to another from Mifflin county have brought’ They expressed some disappoint. The Black Moshannon airport if pany marching club, State College. | [swine pemonsl property
A signal honor has been conferred thelr wool into the Bellefonte pool. ment in the attitude of some Mt large enough 10 accommodate the Members of the Elks committee LIVEISTOOK Cond
upon you in admitting you to the Assuming about the same amount of Eagle residents. pointing out that largest of airliners and the biggest in charge of the Flag Day pre wram Rood Hin h Choy ASAE
citizenship of this country, This wool is consigned by the growers as while the public has been clamoring of military bombers. Ti is ome Of takes this means of expressing their Rv TR hag py
privilege is sought by many but the last year, this sale of wool will for a solution of the crime. many the comparatively few poris which thanks to those who co-operated In gmanure spreader,
number accepted each year is grow- amount to approximately $6.000 persons refuse to believe the self- can be used for this purpose. Ji u making the event a success, and [0r Cormick binder
ting less due to restrictions on ad- 11 wool growers of this counly as contested uspect had any connec Known as an intermediate airfield the splendid it by the publi 3 .
mission to this country well as Mifflin and Clinton counties toin with the slaying. They asked conveniently placed for salely 103 ss the ceremonies 2-row anter; Little Willis co
* What motives may have prompi-' are urged to take advantage of this uch persons to Keep an open mind” landings by any planes encounter- ———————————————— worker i Ng culvator, Syracum Path 1 3 a ; % :
ced you in seeking this honor, 1 am ' cooperative method of selling wool in the matter and to reserve final ing bad weather over the cena C M Wh Walkiag  DI0W , potato raise; nay A prudent father, w hile living, an see
not aware. I trust that they are Additional information sn be re- decision until all the facts have part of the Keystone stale apture an ° re stretcher Yor woven : . .
‘worthy ones, such as urged the ceived from any officers of the as- peep made known “Perhaps ii was chance, and per- Fled Rockview cradie; brush scythe. 2 se nee J that his money.is. used wisely for the best in-
fer try to seftle in sociation : from the Agricultural . a ehiedn t th } ness; single harness
founders of our country to seftle in sociation and m the Agricuitur Millinder's father and two bro. haps far sightedness, but the field s—— lars: Dreechings pads
what was then a new world. Mere Extension Office at Bellefonie thers from Waillaceton. Clearfield (including he Martinsburg Rir- (Continued from page one) cans: buckets And strainers '2 15 Toot terests of his family, Bv means of a Will. care-
. county, visited the youth in jail Sat. Pon 680 miles to the south) today ao o id rene | CAble chains. 12-f00t cable chain ’ .
crud — urday morning. After they had talk. ar¢ regarded by many military €X-/... kade which then surrounded the food Kiab; ah “Png A ree 3 r tale awn hy lawver. and the
“TECLA PARK | ARK ; a gi " dating pees; 7 good for iron ketties; : Mannec V ) wyer, and the
HECLA P/ HECLA PARK A HECLA PARK | HECLA PARK | oq with Millinder and he admitted Pefis as the most ideal existing in and made good their escape. hog Bangers Inrge 1 fully panne l, drawn by a law)
that he confessed to police. they POIs for , development Ag giganlic Glenn Warren Miller was appre. tackle. Jot of other small articles 100 o] h ia :
seemed forced tn believe it. Sherifl air bases it has been stated hended the following night by a og Vlog pp ae ge Re ect ion of an E xecutor with experie nee.
Bdward R. Miller quoted them as The establishment of oe Blas Rockview guard stationed along the ier avindig ;
aying: “When he tells it with his; Moshannon base is regarded as far- Black Hawk road, near Centre Hall
own mouth, what can you do but sighlpdness and Rot chance The Knapp was captured several months Saturday, June 22
believe it?” iden was planned and Jocalion Wai ,.er ot Part Wayne, Ind. when he HEL
elected back in 1832. Now ihe " 1D. MITCHELL 4
If Millinder, under the guidance = bac dd T went fo & circus Wilt offer at his home in Union rr heribnes in settling estates. as Ex RoR
of his attorney. continues in his plea field is sharply in focus in cOUNEC- | Nn, definite word of Bert Miller | eilie Borough household goods and expertence in se tthing states, as Exec tor.
of "not guilty” the case will be tried tion with defense plans had been beard by Rockview officials | farm implements ’ : :
before a jury at the regular Septem. Ihe commitiee investigating the ,,ij) jast week when J. A. McEwen, | HOUSEHOLD GOODS:--50 Ibe fot
FR F A refrigerator. roll top deak soe
ber term of court. If he should de. “ies aerial delenses was crealed|geptification officer for the Western cries. ote
cide to en'er a plea of guilty in!
oni the last night of the recel! gate Penitentiary at Pitlaburgh,| PARM IMPLEMENTS 29-38 Mr
T } 8 1 sess shat i y )] : rit Lr iO
OUTDOOR POOL, court, the Commonwealth testimony “PECIal session of the legislature h notified Deputy Warden ©. ( Si | SEhe tor rg Nr ’ M ‘
, would be heard by the Judge. with.| Was May 16, and Hitler's move phoads of Rockview, that Miller| goin a teeter. 28x46 c irst ationa an
Lifeguard sn Duty out 2 jury, to determine the degree BS8inst Prance wag Just 6 days was in Rochester John Deere thresher, both (reactor
. : | of guilt, District. Attorney Musser W | #14. 50 apparent, however was ibe; Tyssday afternoon the fugitive ar. iD A “+ ti to P
\ 3 y “ t . . § ~ 8 i BR x n - er
Pure Chlorinated Water | ¥ & | Gettig sald yesterday. In such event, THectiveness of the Na War oy {fived in Bellefonte in custody of | eC mick Decring hay baler Bellefonte a.
#1 [the Judge would decide whether he Shine that he commitiee wa Lin " {8tate Police Officer Mannion, of Sie Parmets Pavarite grain drill. 10-hoe
Eb. ne ! a was gullty of first degree murder | WV A3PPoiniec The committee is Ebensburg substation. After spend. Deering grain binder. 8-foot; John : “
1 O ( ents : J A d second degree murder, or voluntary Meeting today, under the chaif-|ing the night in jail. he was taken | Deere cory biager; 3 SS:sath shring Member of Faleral Daposit 1nsurames <
manslaughter "| manship of Rep. E. Kent Kane (R. pefore Justice of the Peace A R | dnarsomin; MK a oricder: lard
A first degree murder charge is | McKean) to ght fowh 2 Seid Houser, at Rockview rs rrdn) | prow. Hon Settle and ring: grain
nr Jan | - indicated in iis case, Cettig said, | Work. Some inkling of the Ing | morning. and was remanded to jail | cradle. log chains: etc .
—Xvd yi avd an xvi VIOIN ' NAVY VIOAH because the Jaws provide rary Pumiegy in gtore for the commillee Was to await his appearance in court i "
: der committed during the perpetra. 8iven during the special session| . Miller is described by Rockview |
tion or attempted perpetration of When another joint committee officials as having been a “trouble
arson. robbery, rape, burglary or which has been investigating the | maker” before his esta in 8 *
R E D U C E kidnaping, is defined as murder in| Stale Bureau of Aeronautics point- One Thrifty Shopper
the first degree ed out that not a single airpory in § Cc. T R - :
: Millinder bas repeatedly denjeq | the state had any gembiance of de- C. © o Revive Asks Another —
Quicker During Summer Months that he had any relations with the | fense.
H Gates girl, although he enodly ad.| Following a 30-day investigation Community Picnic
and : : on Sap
; mitted that the struggle in her oar) the committee will report to the
S T S L E N E K began when he a‘tempted improper| S0Vernor and the committee willl (Continued from page one) | :
A Y D advances, then turn its findings over to the a — wills and Georse | £ :
\ Detectives related that after hel federal government for considers. | Brown. Same amy George | : L
with had made his confession to the Hon in mapping defense plans. = | “ppiertainment commitiee: Cecil
p -. Ji crime, Friday morning, he appeared In the old days of infancy in the | , “wiper chairman: M. W. Yeager. |
Electrically Operated "EXERCYCLE” happy and ate with apparent en.| sirmails, the surrounding area of | bi "gud CEM ETL Tp RC Don't Miss Seeing The Big New O-I
(Reg. US. Pat Off) joyment a meal served at the State central Alleghenies was known 88) oo. willlams, Thomas Mensch | : Refrigerator Every Feature You Want
ic the “aviators fe | $
It is easier to reduce during Just get, on turn the switch, Bs vation. Tue Jouth, Mo graveyard. t hasi.nd Doak Keichline. i
sp. Now Deen years since a plane has tte pn h
warm weather . and and Relax. EXERCYCLE sleeping well of late, Has been olotpe] crashed near here and a pilot tost | Ticket commi : ©. C. Brown, sen ond A Real Bargoin
y frman; Corman, Marl
EXERCYCLE actually exercises you. 15 minutes a ing soundly since his Incarceration | his life. With the construction of Shsian: Grove? So Han, M 3
makes reducing FUN — no day is enough to work wonders spen Moshan airport, | pransporta com General Electric offers
voluntary exertion is required. yet the exercise is so effort- ih Jail. He ds hig days reading] the  Biack Tigh y Alon mtihge: Sow fhe
Western magazines, and on one oc- Known as the largest in the state, Haas, chairman. Elmer Deck g chriftiest
Rajustavie nn ns a ommitded fam. | cAsion is heard to sing, Sheriff Mil- | with its lighted haven of safety, the art De H. D. Pritchman. | Ht Comp ie, the
rowing, it will improve your fly can use EXERCYCLE ler states. | Old treacherous unmarked air trails!  puniieity committee: Charles 7 : G-E of all time and at lowest
golf or other summer games but it costs no more than a With the Gates case considered | are done away with and it is hoped | pmensch, chairman, Jack H. Yeager | : i
. . streamline those flabby single term at a health club. solved by police, detectives expect to | that never again will a pilot crash
nfs, away . . . make you Malo Sopa today for illus- fevate tithe satire ie to the o- | in the central Allegheniss.
ve OATS nger. tra ture. i ying a. Ve
Jets Im pir lor, Penn State co-ed, on March 28.] Three boys cleaned the front of :
Small Down Payment | The freshman student, a J. -W. Laing's garage at Coalport only IY dollar
No Further Payments Until September iidword. os Wi Jou " " Eetive The “x aad plenty of in. . more e in fnovehi
i st win wn oe MARL COUPON FOR PREE BOOKLET — — — oe | the morning after she left her home of Police George Peacock who ac- : the big, lation of sweet, freshesed
h 1 | io New Jersey to return to State cused them of the door : Meily Payments models
Exereycle On., Park Blig., Pittsburgh, Pa, BOD. | College. uneat'ng * the UE air keep foods better
Please send me your illustrated brochure telling about the | Although three months hh ave . .
ra | a th | p— ict} | TRIC SUPPLY CO.
| though polios have been working | OE > | 9 BELLEFONTE . STATE COLLEGE
The First National Bank has had years of
NHvd viOa
NEES | (——
steadily since that time, the ease is
still ag deeply veiled in mystery as)
ever. Miss Taylor is believed to have
been the victim of a sex pervert. |
| See her body showed evidehces of |
% j |