Page Three p May 16th, 1940 FP ———————— - CLAR By JAMES H. BRUNGARD David Drapcho caught six very big trout the other day. Two of them were better than 14 inches, Agries and Mary Swancer of Drifting called on Pauline Ludwig Saturday night, Pauline Retorick from Willlams- port was here for the Betty Kachik wedding. Andy Kachik from Bellefonte Was to visit his grandmother, Sun- day. Yes, we think a universal curfew Ww should be’ put into effect eve been agitating for it now Quite awhile 8 p. mis none (00 early. Fourth grade observed a hall day holiday Tuesday p. mt when Brungard, accompanied by Mrs Salena Biters, Mrs. Herb Craft and Mrs, Leroy Lewis all of Moshannon, attended the funeral rites in mem- ory of Miss Ella Craft, Clearfield. A moving picture machine sales- nan was (n town Tuesday on de- monstration of a machine teachers of Brick building wanted PTA to purchase for school purposes. Due to 10¢ admission to see the pictur? and a $300 indebtedness needed to defray cost, schoo] patrons met the proposition with little enthusiasm That evening PTA met for its last session of the term. A very entertaining talk was given by Dr. George P. Bible of Bellefonte, Of the entire Parent and Teacher as- sociation from Snow Shoe who were invited as guests to share this treat only four were present je. Mrs Von Johnson, Mrs. John Musser, Mrs. Samuel Reese and Mrs, Harry Etters. | ‘Miss Jo Ann Drapcho and Miss Janie McGowan obliged with some plano selections while the refresh- ments committee gerved ice cream, cake and coffee to approximately 50 attendants. Since the two unsolved murders in Centre County, female workers at the Clarence hosiery mill are skeptical about quitting work after dark and going home unescorted. Mr. and Mrs. C. H Watson were Sunday visitors at Stale College. Mrs. Bmro Drapcho, daughter Jo Ann and son Emro Jr, motored to Scranton Sunday to spend a few days with relatives there. Mrs. E D Myers and from Lock Haven spent with the home folks. Mr. and Mrs Logan Guenot of Moshannon, were visiied by the gtork Sunday the 12th. and are now the happy parents of a baby girl Mother, the former Vivian Carlson and baby are doing well at the County Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. PP. J. McGowan mo- | tored to Philipsburg Saturday on business. Vera :8taco and friends Mr. De- Sonto and son all of New Kensing-| ton spent the weekend at Andy Bu- go8h’s and other relatives visit there. Now her brother Michae) bas gone Lo the ‘western town for a family | Sunday Mrs. L.. H Cole and daughters are about to leave their home in this | township and return to Texas where they formerly resided before coming | to Penna. some years ago Mrs. Rosie Schall late of No. 1) died last Sunday and was interred in Bt. Michaels cemetery Thurs- day the Sth R. R, Griebs bungalow which they are erecting on Snow Shoe heights is going up fast and wil] likely be occupied by Memorial Day. Other noticeable building opera- tions or added improvements are being made at Joe and Andy Pers- lovich's and Lan Wagners. Snow Shoe High's annual com- mencement exercises will occur May 29th. when a large class will be graduated] Kathryn Caldanna is fo be valedictorian while Judy Bud- | dinger takes second highest honors Mr. Maxwell Pitzsimmons the westend Instructor of higher grades was united in marriage recently to Miss Maxine Schnars of Moshan- | non. A host of friends extend their best wishes, “Bi Clarence schools closed the Past week. Grade Five celebrated énd of term with a wiener roast and fishing expedition. The pathetic tale came about by Prof Duke falling to land a whopper. Bet it Was one of Beech Creek's famed charmed fish. bh gDalens Etters returned to e hoffie of her daughter in Belle- Mr. | | be m— ENCE | | fonte after concluding a fortnights | stay at the Brungard apartments, Mr. and Mrs. John Zimmerman {and Mr, and Mrs. Andy Bugosh ac- | tended the christening of Mr, and | Mrs. John Kachik’s infant daugh- | ter Sunday. The name chosen was | Delores Monica, Godparents were | from Mahanoy City. | Miss Myra Pelers calleq on Mrs Cordelia Craft Saturday p. m Thursday this school marm with, | years experience completed her bth | term at Poormanside. Today Mon- day she left Clarence to resume | summer residence with her elderly parents at Beech Creek, 6th and Tth grades enjoyed hike in observance of close of school term, 8th grade picnicked at Whispering Pines, Grade four had a real days outing, taking a bug rip Thursday which totaled 100 miles, Truly the trip was educational as well as entertaining, 42 pupl | with chaperon besides their teaches availed themselves of Lhis never .0 be forgotten event. Points of in- terest contacted and greatly appre- ciated were the Court House, Co Library; Big spring: mammotno trout at Bellefonte Fish Hatchery, at Pleasant Gap; Nittany ML top view of Penns Valley; Old Fort, Penns Cave and its underground wonders; Round Barn in Brush Valley: Logan School of Gregg Twp. Rockview Peniientiary, Bams, greenhouse E buildings, etc,, at Pen in Barrens; Skytop and Bald Eagle Valley. The cost of the trip which included bus fare, and an icecream | $30, which was d cent production of a Tom Thumb wedding by Fou grade pupils They take this means of thanking any and all who contributed toward making both these projecis \pre- Cedented successes, Especially grat- ftude is extended to Mrs, Eva Simp- son, Mrs, Muirhead and Sue Wag- ner for costuming; Retorickg of Mo- shannon and Mr. McGowan music and tickets: Elizabeth Fye soloist and the small tots of pre school age who acted flower girls, acclaim to Arthur Stephens who was s0 accommodating in t m on both these mem Si10118. Mrs William Craft and Mr Mooney of Clearfield Abe Craft, Th Moshannon Pre have church next May 19th at 7:30 in charge of Ardell of Tyrone Mrs, Ida Gros, Miss Emma Retorick and Aunt also Mr gard attendeq Sunda church serv at Philipst late of | n State; cave by the re- rth 18 also special Fans rable o Dol- ly Mrs Jane Brun evening ices Clarer team ang Moshan the latter's field resulted in a feat for the home team, Score be- ing 9-8 which says real competition Miss Martha Kerin was a day visitor at the FJ. MoGowan home The Albert Carlsons of Scotch- town were Sunday evening visitor with friends in Clearfield County Mrs, E C. Remsnyder and two sons Dyane and Kay of Willlams- port, spent Mothers Day with boys grandmother, Mrs Craft her comfortable home Windy Hill Penny packet seeds were uted recently Fourth grade pils as well as 40 Bronze badge picting the sower as award selling $4025 worth Hygrad seeds, The names of pupils room receiving perfect sealg Or certificates for i { follows: Seals——Andy Miklusak, Mildred Kolasa, Helen Watson John Slephens, Gall Bobby Gried and John Martonchik; certificates Martha 8oitis, Madeline Muir- head, Helen Baran, Elmer Shotov- sky, Carl Kochik, David Kirko, Cy- ril Jendrisak, and Andy Biggans Jr The Meeks hag a Mother's Day feast Sunday the 12th. Those who atiended were: Mr and Mrs R H Lucas of Clearfidld: Mr and Mr E.R. Krone and four children from town; Mr. and Mrs. W. R | Hoover from Pine Glen; Mr. and i Mrs. WJ Krone from Pleasant { Cap: Mr. Henry Knoffainger, { Green Valley. {| Mr. and Mrs William Dudish were shopping in Bellefonte Mon- day. non om 1 Sun- on 03) 0 He tari af 1° Mrs. Mary Waxmunsky had the following Sunday guests: Mr and {| Mrs. Elmer Shankey of Stob Hill: Mrs, Katie Mihallk and four chil- ! dren, also Mr. and Mrs. John Mi- i k of Snow Shoe, BLANCHARD (Prom last week) The Ray Miller residence iz be- { given a new coat of paint I Mr and Mrs, Clarence Bittner are Hydrated Lime In’ 50-1b Bags. - Pulverized Limestone In 80-lb Bags or Bulk "= Can Make Prompt Delivery - Attractive Prices Quoted Upon Application to WHITEROCK QUARRIES Pleasant Gap, Pa. Phone Bellefonte 901 i | redecorating the interior of their fown house, preparatory to moving into the home themselves. Miller accompanied sev- men from Beech Creek fast week to drive ' hote a consighment of oars for the ! Cok Motor Company of Lock Ha- ven, Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bechdel motored to Clearfield to , Viel their daughter Mabel, who is 2 Student nurse at the hospital there, They were accompanied by Miss Evelyn Schenck and Mrs, An-| nie Bowes. {| Mrs. William Kessinger of How- | | ard visited a few days of this weex | with her daughter Mrs, Earl Shill- | ing. When ghe returned home she | was accompanied by her grand- | daughter Mary Ann who spent sev- eral days in Howard, *1 | Mrs, John A. Stover and Mr. and { Mrs. A. A. Streeter of Williamspors, | | were Bunday visitors in town | Sunday callers at the M. C. Bow- { man home were Mr, and Mrs, Omer | Miller, of Lockport; Mr, and Mrs iv“ Ardner and daughter | Nancy, Mrs. Ruth Ardner, Betly LArdner and ‘Mrs, Dalsy Handerson | of Lock Haven, Mr. and Mrs. Max | | Bingham and Mr and Mrs, Prank-! | in Bowman of Mill Hall An unintentional error may be! stupid but it is not as absurd as the | often greets it. \ Pp" SceNE of THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. « GATES MURDER 4 ee |AYLOR Case. \ r——— | Mra ! Mane your tickets for the 1 farce entitled * Town.” tha the Snow Shoe High Sol 15, 1940 by the Junior bright and amusing play was writ- ten by Wilbur Braun especially for Samuel French, the largess, play publishers in the world. and is be- ing given here by special arrange ment of sald publishers. Dozens of plays were read before this one was! selected. The play has gome of the | funniest scenes ever to be writen Into a farce. It is fiove] and in- genious, has loads of pe pang ac-| tion and is thoroughly clean and! wholesome. Certainly this perfor mance is going to be one that the! whole town may be proud of and) will establish a new high record for! attendance The cast is as follows: Tillie Trask-dadu Herr: Lucinda Talbot Catherine MeCloskey: Pa mela Marsh--Antoinette Bosak: | Lizzie Parsons-Virginia Haynes; | Ellen Neeland--Cecilia Harm; Ron-| ald Howland-Pnil Budinger; Lus| ther lorrimer-—Charias Budinger: | Mervin Tucker—Donald Eilers; | Charlie One Lung-Harry Hal: Tillie © Tucker