THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. ~ Page Five » A May 161, 1940 —_— LOC ALS ~Ross C. Buller and sons Nathan and Vere, of East Linn street, spent Sunday In Harrisburg as guests of . Buller's father, Nathan R. Bul- er. ~Dr. and Mrs, J. G. Weixel and young son John, of Pittsburgh, spent the weekend in Bellefonte with Mrs, | Weixel's father, John Curtin, at the family home on West Linn street. ~Frederick Reynolds, Jr., of Sum- mit, N. J, spent the weekend In| Bellefonte with his father, Col. W. Fred Reynolds and Mrs. Reynolds, at their home on West Linn treet ~Ceorge Gelss and his brother, | David, of Philadelphia, spent Mo-! ther's Day in Bellefonte with their! parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Wagner Geiss, at the family home on South | Thomas street. —Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Kaizen and | young son, Michael, of Altoona, ! spent the weekend !n Bellefonte with Mrs. Kaizen's parents, Mr. and | Mrs. W. J. Love, at the family home | on South Penn street —Mrs. Lela Cole, of Reynolds ave. nue, departed Monday for Allen. | town to attend a convention of the, Ladies of the Golden Eagle held at the Allen Hotel. Mrs. Cole is an of-| fleer in the Grand Lodge. ~Charles E. Dorworth, Jr., and young son, of Philadelphia, spent the weekend and Mother's Day in Bellefonte with Mr. Dorworth’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles FE. Dor- | worth, at their home on West Linn street. Miss Madeline Johnsonburg, and John Ray, of! Pittsburgh, spent the weekend in Bellefonte as guests of Miss Pur-| nell’s father, G. I. Purnell and fam- | fly, at their home on East Curtin| street ~Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knapn re-| turned to their home on Phoenlx| avenue, recently, from a trip to] Oshkosh, Mich, where Mr. Knapp! attended a Match Workers’ conven- | tion 8s a delegate from the Belle. fonte Union. ~Spring is officially here. On| Tuesday we saw the season's first] straw hat gliding past the Belle-| fonte Trust Company building, but| the wearer was too far away for| identification and he therefore be- | comes a hero unsung. —Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Potter! and Mr. Potter's mother, Mrs. Amy Potter, all of Pittsburgh, spent the weekend in Bellefonte with the lat- | ter's brother-in-law. Thomas B.! Beaver arid family, at their home on West Curtin street. ~~Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ardery and family are preparing to move, about June 1 from the Pider house| on Willowbank street into the for. mer Kelley house on East Bishop, street. The Kelley property until recently was occupled by the Rus-| sell Rider family. ~The Bellefonte High Schoo will give a concert at the Theatfe ~ this Bunday dffer- noon at 2:30. This band is under] the leadership of Prof. Harold Wion.| All those interested in classical band music are invited to attend.! No admission will be charged —John G. Love and his mother and sister, Mrs. Nellie M. Love and! Miss Kathryn Love, returned to Bellefonte early this week from a several days’ trip to Philadelphia Mrs. John Love, who accompanied the group on the drive to that city, is remaining there for a more ex-| tended visit. | —Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hollobaugh| and son, Richard, of Pranklin, N. J, were weekend guests of Mrs. Hnllo-| baugh's father, M. R. Johnson and Mrs. Johnson at the family home on North Spring street. Ceclle John- son, of Branchville, N. Y., also was 8 Mother's Day guest at ents’ home. —Mother Olivia, and her niece, Sister St. Purnell, of | | i of Collingdale, Barbara, | Hall, R. D, was a pleasant | her | men, | bers | Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, at- (Wer of the Bellefonte Red Cross Dale 8. Musser, of Altoona, was a welcome caller at our office last Wednesday night while in town with some friends. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Levi and chil- dren, Hermine and Leo, Jr, of | Johnstown, spent Sunday with the! al former's mother, Mrs, Lew Levi —Harry Otto, of Johnstown, for-| mer well known local resident, was a weekend visitor in Bellefonte and divided hig time among his many friends and relatives In this area, —David D. Locke, of Charleston, W. Va. spent several days this past week with Mrs, Melvin Locke on East Curtin street, while on his way home from a business trip to Boston —8. E. Rote, well store at Pleasant Gap to be known as Rote's Self Service Food Mar- ket. It is located in the Stitzer building. ~Miss Mary Louise Chenault, of | Decatur, Ala, is a guest of her bro- ther-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Einar Nilsson at their home in the Chambers apartment on East Cur- tin street — Mrs of Centre caller at our office on Saturday, to add her name to our large list of valu- able subscribers living In the Cen- tre Hall area ~Mrs. James Clark, who for the past several weeks has been with niece, Mrs. Sterling Crumb- ling, in Williamsport, is expecled to return soon to her apartment in the George A. Miller residence on North Spring Street, —Dick Shope, aged 15, son of Mr and Mrs. W. R. Shope, of South Sara Cramer, | Allegheny Street, is reported to be recovering nicely at hls home alter a recent operation at the Philips- burg State Hospital for the correc- | tion of a foot allment —Messrs Jack Houck and Warren Homan, two well known auto sales- have opened a Community Auto Mart on East Bishop street, for the displaying and selling of used automobiles and trucks traded in by local automobile dealers —Miss Cecelia Moerschbacher, returned to Pittsburgh on Tuesday, alter a Mother's Day visit at her home here. Misg Moerschbacher is a designer of women's dresses at the Horne store in the Smoky City, ani is recovering nicely from a serie of operations she has recently un- dergone, ~—Thomas Robb, of Prophetstown, Ill, who is spending this week with relatives and friends in the Howard area, wis a caller at this office yes- terday. Twenty-nine years ago Mr Robb went to Illinois to spend a year. The fact that he has been | there ever since is a good testimon- il ial for Illinois. ~The, following officers and mem- -Crissman-Sayior | tended a meeting of the Central Pennsylvania Association, V. FP. W., at Lebanon, Sunday: James J. Leit- zell, commander; Ray Eckman, ad- jutant; W. W. Hampton, service of- ficer; OG. Harrison Kline, “Pete” Glenn, William Garis, Milton Reed and Blair Markle. —Miss Verna Ardery, of Belle forte, captured first prize in Sat. urday's issue of the Philadelphia Record for submitting best picture of old landmarks. Miss Ardery's en- try was a snapshot of the historic old charcoal furnace built in 1792, and left standing as a reminder of Centre county's pioneer industry, along the highway beltween Lemont and State College. —3uests at the Dr. and Mrs M. her par-| A. Kirk home last week and over by notifying the e | the weekend were Mrs. T. R. Mor- ior by calling 9585 gan, of Philadelphia, and Mrs C H_ Young, of Meadville. Mrs Mor. ———— Es — known mer- | | chant of Axe Mann, has opened a | Howard W, Parsons, of Vander- grift, Pa, was a visitor at our of- | fice Wednesday, while on a visit | with relatives In Unionville, t - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frabutt | and, Janet, arrived in | Bellefonte yesteiday from a four months’ trip through the south and | southwest, while Mr, Frabutt was | Installing equipment at various air- | por.s for the Federal Telegraph | Company, Mr. Frabuit will go to | Newark, N. J, to day, leaving Mrs, | Frabutt and child here for a gever- weeks’ visit with relatives and | friends ~Members of the United Broth- | erhood of Carpenters and Joiners | of America, Locai 1333, Sta.e Col- lege, and thelr guests numbering { about 50 In all attended the organi { zations’ annual dinner last Thurs- | day night a: the Brockerhoff Hotel, | Bellefonte. H. B. Balsor, of Stale | College, toastmaster, introduceq the ! following speiker:; Judge Ivan | Walker, Bellefonte; M. J. McDer- | mott; Prof Rosell] W, Henninger, State College, and former State | Sena or Edward J. Thompson, of | Philipsburg. Musk: was provided by Sheckler's orchestra of Miles burg ~The no Evil, Hear | [| ld text book motlo, “See ne Evil, Speak no Evil” could well be used by many Centre Countians, especially since the (wo recent murders in this sec- Hon. The vicious and (rresponsible rumors concerning various persons “suspected” of being involved in the crimes may brand those per- sons falsely for the rest of their ve: We beleve this office ha heard all the rumors going, and we have gone to (he trouble to check most of them. So far, not one of them hag been shown to have any foundation in fact. If you know any suspicious facets, or if you have 800d grounds for suspecting any- one, phone the State Police at Rockview, tell them about it and forget the matier. Don't breadeast your opinions to everyone and re- member that becanse you don't like the color of Joe Glotz's eves is no reason (0 suspect him of attacking and slaying [nnocent girk scsi County War Relief Quota Is $1,600.00 The Centre courtly quota of a $10,000,000 war relief fund being raised by the American Red Cross is $1,600, Mayor Hardman pP Harris, chairman of the Bellefonte chapter was Informed yesterday Mayor Harrls was Instructed to mobilize the entire leadership of the local chapter at once in order that the county quota may be ob- tained without delay The fund is to be used in alle- viating the suffering of helpless women and children In Holland Belgium and Luxembourg. Local Red Cross chapters may retain 15 per cent of collections to cover lo- cal war rellef expenses Chairman Harris has announced that contributions to the fund are being received by the First Nation. al Bank, the Trust Company and the Farmers’ National Bank. Belle fonte, and by Miss Ann Fox, {reas chapter New Police Signal Provided On Diamond A new police signaling system was installed early this week on the Dia- mond in Bellefonts A red light, erected on the second floor above the Diamond Restaur- ant, and visible from al parts of the Diamond and Allegheny street, is operated by a switch located in the restaurant. When calls are made for police, the exchange operators ring the res taurant, and the light is turned on Police seeing the signal report to the restaurant for further informa- tion. Police may be summoned either xchange operator Up to this time there has been no system for calling police from the Nurses’ Alumni Holds Meeting | ! | | | The regular monthly meeting of | {the Centre County Hospital Nurses’! | Alumnae Association was held In| [the director's room of the hospital | last week, President Grayce V.| Tressler, R, N., presiding. Reports | were presented by officers and) |chalrmen of standing committees, A lengthy discussion of the State- | | wide membership survey was an in- teresting feature, | A communication was read an-| nouncing the death on April 1, 1940, of Roy Pass, of Philadelphia, hus- | | band of the former Etta Mae Brun- gard, R. N., a graduate of Centre| County Hospital School of Nursing In the class of 1920, The deep sym- pathy of all members present was extended to Mrs. Pass in her be- reavement Following the close of the busi- ness session a “Spring Hat Social” (was enjoyed at which time hats made and trimmed by members present were “modeled” by Miss Faye Watson, R. N, of Lock Ha- {ven. Prizes for the most original thats were awarded to Mrs. Grayee Tressler, Mrs. Iva Jones and Miss Jane Keller. This program was in charge of Mrs. Elizabeth Corman and refreshments were provided by Mrs. Mary Beezer, Mrs. Mabel Finnin, Mrs. Helen Shoemaker and Miss Ethel Beaver No regular meetings will be held until September, but plans were made for a picnle to be held at Port Matllda the first week of Aug- ust Members present were Mrs, Mabel Finnin, of Lewistown: Miss Faye Watson, of Lock Haven; Miss Maurie Murray, of Wingate: Mrs. Elizabeth Corman, of Axe Mann: Mrs. Iva Jones, of Huntingdon; Mrs, Made- line Homan, of State College: Mis Jane Keller, of Madisonburg; Mr Grayece Tressler, Mrs. Artie Wash- burn, Mrs. Helen Schreffler, Mn: Helen Shoemaker and Miss Mary F. Swartz and Miss Catharine Ven- tre, all of Bellefonte A ns nem— Marriage Licenses Josiah Potts Edith C. Bibby Merle L. Wilson Ella G. Confer George R. Henry Florence E. Noll Andy Basalla Verna Seprich Alfred C. Grove Ruth V. Neff larence M. Moss Grace Louise Womer John W. O'Leary Loretta G. Cox Ernest M. Russo Anna RM. Sciabica John FP. Sweitzer lara Melissa Lyons Charles F. Kreamer Edythe I. Blerly Herman McClure Adaline V. Dinges Charles A. Smith Ruth Ellen Rhoades Charles 1. Breon Margie A. Hendershot Peter J. Moyer E Mary F. Leitzell Charles H. Foust Ella C. Pecht Arthur Moore Anna P. Walker Clyde W. Gill Ethel Mae Bwickey Mother's Social at Pleasant View A mother's social will be held at the Pleasant View Union Chapel at Red Roost, north of Bellefonte, on Friday evening, May 17, at 7:30 Songs, readings and recitations will be the leading features of the eve- ning. A prize will be given to the oldest mother. present as well ag one to the youngest one present A prize will also be given to the {mother who has the most children present. Everybody is invited to at. tend Windber Johnstown State College Beech Creek Chester State College Clarence Clarence Centre Hall State College Syracuse N.Y.) Boalsburg Bellefonte Milesburg North Bend | Bellefonte Bellefonte Bellefonte York Rebersburg Bellefonte Bellefonte Bellefonte | Bellefonte | State College State College Glasden, Ala Slate College Centre Hall Spring Mills Philipsburg Bellwood Clymer Clymer [CLASSIFIED | free of charge, | Backeq N——— —————— 30,000 People Read This Column every week. That's why T.e Centre Democrat's classified advertising de- | partment has become so amazingly popular. Considering its low cost ang | FATT the benefits derived, it is undisputably Oentre County's CommuJdity Ber gain Counter. RATES Advertisements of vwenty-five words or less, 20 cents for first lssue, and 15 cents for each additional insertion. Where advertise- ment containg more than twenty-five words, ole cent a word is charged. REAL ESTATE-A straight one cent a word ls charged for res] estate sdvertising-—-sale Or rent, KEYED ADS--All advertisements that request replies to be malled Ww | this office, must be complied with by those answering “ve sdveriisements Please do not call at the office for Information concerning such advertise | ments, aa the publishers are not permitted Ww divulge the name of the ad- veriiser, SUBSCRIBER'S PRIVILEGE Every subscribed Lo The Cenure Dem- ocratl 1s entitled wo a 25-word advertisement in these columns obe Lime, Tals privilege can be used six Limes a year at different intervals. FOR BALE--Used electric ai the Electric Bupply Co fonte, Pa EE ——— ee ag Uh FOR BALE--Best grade soft and hard coal. Ton or load lots. C FP. Ripka, Bellefonte, Phone 715. 13 range Belle x20 FOR SALE One in fal ape, Pho -3 set of tug harness Frank Bivwoks x20 : Loans to Farmers ne 476-R -. - —— FOR SBALE-~A vwo horse riding weed er. InQuire of Earl Delaney R. D Centre Hull, Pa x21 FARMERS Do you need new mae chunery, another horse, or money for planting? See George Mothersbaugh or Robert Ziegler at | Mugser Cettig's office Bellefonte Pa Baturday morning or write t Hollidaysburg Production 4% % interest O repay-——no en- X20 ’ pring FOR BALLET bu of 20th No. 2 seed Dotatoes. The Straw, Julian, Pa FOR SALE-@alloon tired vractically new: reasonshie D. Blddle 1655-0 nLary J Ww x20 Cer , bu 4 Assocation 1 to 3 years bicycle Phot x26 | FOR SBALE--One year removed cer- Poultry tifled Russe eed DOtaloe Frank | § 0 a - : Brooks Phone 476-31-3 x20 | FOR BALE -Quality chicks, Eng. 1#g- ——_ re ane horn $625, pi ts $1195 cocker lawn $135; Br. Rocka, N. H Reds 8785 Ma- | pull 86.85, cockerals #0 50, sex G6 20U | guar. post Gervin K. Schae!- . | fer, McAlll Penna x22 SULOGINA LIC | ~ - — — Inquire | BABY HICKS From 189-M. | Breeders, larpe type X20 | horns, New Hampebire S| Plymouth Rooks. and Barred Ply- mouth Rocks Prices 25 for $200 50 for $3.50; 100 for 88.00, aiso sexed chicks Write for prices. ( Oo D { Shipments. Hecla Poultry Farm | Box 501, Bellefonte, Pa isu | BABY CHICKS ook Hamgashl POR. BALE Some second hand Owens Inquire t Bwartz at ne Bellefonte, Pa al y oh Shon paid — terviile BALE--#ed Crown i Hot water heater Bishop Bureel, Phone POR Liood « Lested White leg- Reds, White Stewar Harr 915 x power machin Pa. Phone FOR SALE--Hand sleep Anwarly 14 JIERATiLg \ Bellefonte - 1 20 1 POR SALE Second hand binder and Ford tractor Kyle Corman Bellefonte R {Nigh Bank Phone 657-J-3 x20 | - FOR SALE condition brakes Port Matilda New Hunpsihire and re rai 34 4 pay D 2 Cros House trailer In good | 7 rice reasonable Alr of Jay Roblreon Pa x20 used cultipascker eX Deertng tractor condition. M Betz Howard 1611 FOR SALE Oo 16-7 MeCort arill A-1 Howard, Ph H 273) n | Poultry Remedies ae POR BG oO ! production will SALE--POULUTRYMEN nder FOR SALE Parm lime at price farm- Fong es cab afford to pay. Inquire of C M Long Howwd R 2. Phone Sion 1913 (NWtany) seu D CRA PHO-BAL Bel I CADLCIty joe condition POR SALE-—-A 50 pound refrigerator In ood Inquire of Mra Bessie Haminger, 442 N. Spring Street, Bellefonte, Pa xX POR SALE Coal and wood. [ haul aahes away at 8 low mate Call 847-3 for prices. Bam Capperelll Bellefonte, Pu. RD, 1, Coleville. 21 POR. SALE -8econd band plumbing supplies, tee aed and many ollier 1 bullding terials. Kofman's Bellefonte 3e { POR BALE male i ire Fou Ing fw Pa Crossed Police five weeks old FOR SALE Dune —————— —— tate College, Pa POR BALE--Alr compressor pts § ~ " I. . —— ing shears, air hammer, tire nd- : and tire shrinker. all practically Live Stock Inquire Swancer's Store, Clar- | - Pa 32 | POR SALE--A Cuernsey stock bull C—O ig pn 2 yeara old Inguire of O P. Bhar- SALE--All king of vegetable ler, Port Matilda. Pa R 1 x20 er new ete, | - ———— L ADVERTISEMENT mE—— | by jay, 16th. at reasonable da nl | Pa pric | lisan W. Moyer, Kyler own, | x20 JRE~For rent. ¥xcellent blue- wrans pasture, Cattie, horses and | sheep accepted. Good water, stocked watched dally. Rates ressonabie Write Win. Moore, Nefls Mills, Hunt- | ingdon county. 256 mileg from Belle | fonte, Pa x21 ‘Real Estate - For Sale FOR BSALE--An elght oom fyam house in Howard | flsara Altenderier ( room frame Good condition Box 166, Howard 1412 Small Jot with stable feet Nice Jocation in Hannah Orove, le- x20 | POR BALE 24 by 24 Lemont, Mrs mont, Fa POR BALE A desirable bullding lo on Wilson Buweet, Bellefonte, Pa 060x100. Inquire of Hassel Mont- gomery, Beliefonte, Pa x20 FOR SALE—-Bullding lot, 50x150 feet located near East Bishop street Inquire of Mrs. J. D. Thomas, North Thomas Street, Phone 58-M x2] POR BALE--Desirable lot on street, Bhook's gddition 600x250 ft. Willan {tine Bt., Phone 408.) Marke! Milesburg Monasell, Valen- Bellefonte, Pa sirable property © new highway, beer oense want best immediately FOR BALE—~The W. W. Witmer farm | of 202 acres, 6 miles fonts, in Buffalo Kun Fillmore. W. C. Witmer Blreet, Beliefontle, Pa POR BALE—130 acre * Mareh Creek, known farm, lately ocoupied Packer Terme reasonable ! re The Beech Creek National Bank. x21 west of Belle Valley negr 396 E. Blabon FOR SALE POR SALE iar Ru: dings Inquire of Lwncais POR SALE—A Wha at property \ . a. Pen the whole estate or me an offer at Clarence . arer of land I sell separately. Make Box 66 in care of oral office, Bellefonte Write the Centre Demo- Pa x20 POR SALE--For a good location con. sider the 100 gore Clevenstine farm located slong Route 220. 1 mi. west of Heclg Park, 6 mi Bast of Beile- fonte with a young orchard: a 10- rooth buff brick house; 3 large barn snd plenty of put buildings, good ullsble limestone ground. Call and see the farm. it mieht be just you want. W. L Clevenstine, povilie. Pa Mine 1411 iplants: flower Plants POLURIR | sfapdrason sage ang other flowers in {| FOR SALE sepson. Schaeermm Green House (Qld | nquire of A CC Jodon Port. Centre Hall, Pa. No pints solid | Bellefonte. Pa. Phone on Sunday RU] | cam seen m— - | FOR SALE A bay horse 8 year old i weight 1100. Inquire Susanna Bryan Ridge St 3 ~sA horse choice of five R D 2 732-3-3. x20 POR BALE Locust posts 4-inch tops A price 20 centyg in ots ng over corner delivered at Centre or Clinton Co Cassville, Pa FOR BALE Hundreds of used tres, Bush Hollow all sizes from 15 tc 26 Inch rims | ——ue by written guaranties. Open ' FOR SALE evenings until # o'clock Wallrun | heifer and steer Auto service, Boow Bhoe Intersection. and 5 shoals Phone 153 iM | Gil Jullan, Pa {| POR BALE-—-A fine palr of Belgian mares with foal. Also a fine pair of mules. Igguire of John Thomas { Port Matilda, Pa x20 127 and in Ponta above pros Fred Wheland x22 1 about 1400 Mra OG E Bpotis ibs. rach RD Als a brood sow Inquire of Thomas x20 —————— a —————————— A — POR SALE--A shaper, 1 Bin. jointer, | 1 18 in plafier, | 30 in. band saw, » i a well pumd with jack, 1 12 in horee engine Dower Columbus gan Schirec x it hone | ———— - - Se cin Ni 3 2 gs i POR SALE-—Gray mare, 4 years oid — ei wi Poland Ohina brood sow. Kyle | Corman. Bellefonte BR. D {Nigh { Bank) Phone 657-J-8 x20 $495. "poppies dc * mirrors 0° | Som ALE Horses home hore: chains, Ughts, motor cleaner. bal-|" toand in as down payment on teries, luggage carriers 81.75. Motor 4. ne 5 dozen of more—825 0 bicycles, Used bicycles $500 wp. | go00 See them at Loech Implement Nighthart's Bicycle Store, 141 W. 4h | op g0r0ey Shore POR SALE-—-New and used motor 2 cycles and supplies. saddle bags x20 | For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR house with heat and Rublersburg slong route ig of H 8 Bummers a POR, SALE OR RENT-—A frame house with bath RENT -—A 10 Inquir Street FCR RENT-—6-room garden and garage E. Harter. Lamar, Pa FOR RENT-—A house on Streel. [Rent $18.00 8. Schad, Belirfonte, house Bast Lamb Inquire of Pa x22 FOR RENT-—-$-room home with gare den. reasonable to person who will act as caretaker of property. Bruce 8 Beighiol. Mingovilie, Pa x20 t ae at Lyvonstown, 3% miles east of Bellefonte along Jacksonville road | festival Yo be held at Noll what ' FESTIVAL-~The Mileshurg Pire Company will hold a festival st Mileshury op Pridsy und Saturday, June 14 and 15 FESTIVAL ~The Pleasant Gud Brotherhood and band will sponsor a Crove on Wednesagy, June 12 FESTIVAL The Holy Cross Cem- elery Association of Georges Valiey will hold thelr annual festival at Bpring Mills pn July 13, 1940 FESTIVAL--The Woman'y Club of Plessant Gap will festival at Noll's Oggve in that oofm« munity on Saturday, June 22 BAKE BALE--The Ladies Ald of the Latheran church will hold @ bake pale on Baturday June lst st § o'clock in the Olewine Hardware glore x20 PESTIVAL—The Union on annus! festival of Cemetery Amocistion will Saturday June 29th or ge Hall fest aval w the Gran Pleasant Gap FESTIVAL--The Jacksonville cem- #lery Association iil hold their an- NOTICE MEMOTLIAL services will ene tery Rev SERVICES : —Alemo- be held at the Falr- 2061} 9 30 will he ~W MOCK sppesker y or May Pr 0 Tobia Le Mi Eay- ths hone View on LL 1 PRAYER MEETING-—Unk meeting will be held at ndrew Houser, at Valley 19 y 4 invil at oe , +a FESTIVAL Th wii nh _ ————— Jarw; ladies 1 the Pili- hurch | Saturdsy 8 benefit of Sun- Iveryhody welootne x23 BUPEIL-The Willing Worker Bitile y of own Methodist w trip around He Tale 30 to Upgser 5 Price Children 28 + MC festive te ior Lia Sonn hurch Plate 8 00 FARMERS have Mav aduil a 23 Bix » W. FP. B GQ. Al ; evening as general Pairview aside t he AMEN ~ The he Lutheran | serve ham nambury the H. P Creek On Fishermen's FOOD FOR PIGHE society of of the Yar- 1 hold a roast chick the home of Mrs Cislr 1 Wednesday evening May will be gerved from i eight. Price of supper oents and children 25 Home made ire cream and candy will also be sold Women PLAYA B-act comedy play. €n- titled “Where's Grandma” snd spon. sored by (he Lady Ferguson Rebakeh {lodge of Pine Grove Mills, will be presented In the I O. O P hall at Brormetgwn, PHiday ewnf§e, May 17th Admission, children 12 years that age 10 cts. Adults proceeds for the bene- 1 and under NOTICE-1 would like to ocomresDoOng with some person in Bellefonte or vicinity, who is able to make pay- ments of $175 weekly. To such a person 1 will repossess and transfer the acoount, for small balance due, 2 small style spinot type further Information dance may be seen Swartz Co. 18% 11th Pa NOTICE—Officers of the Julian Cemetery Association urge ll ot owners 1% make agne arrangements to clean up their 10 before Metno- rial Day. The Association will see that Jois are taken care of for & {fee of $2 5 year Any lot owner wishing to have thir service ls re. guested 10 write to Mrs Nora Bren. Treasurer, Services will be held af the Julian cemeiery &! 10.30 o'clock on Memorial Day, May 30 © Miscellaneous gan will be remembered as Mist streets and it is believed that the " De DT aT Th, She Weekend Mildred Kirk, a niece of Dr and new signal will result in better ser- | Olivia being with her mother, Mrs. | Mrs. Kirk who resided at the Kirk vice. William McGowan, of Spring Creek,| Dome while attending the Belle- while Sister St. Barbara was with | fonte High School, and Mrs Young her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph | 3 the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. | McGowan, at thelr home on Wil Rent reasonable. John's Lunch Room | Bouih Water Street, Bellefonte, Pa. | RAT EXTERMINATOR-—112 rata kill- x20 ed with can Schutle’s Rad SquilL Kline Hardware. Bellefonte, Ps. Apartments for Rent | ranvr cimaxer —5-z paint _clesn- FOR RENT—Unfurnished er removes dirt, leaves finish glos- apartment with bath 8. Lewistown, Pa x20 — i es “= | PARMERS Penns Valley Sales barn, Centre Hall, Pa. holda sale every j Personal other Tuesday. Bring your live stock | roomenrn. | and pouliry, you can expect i Pleasant prices. 8. T. Riegel, Owner, Mp 15 | Boarders Wanted WANTED-—Boarders and Inquire of E. N. Trostle, Gap. Ma MEN, WOMEN! WANT VIM?--8lim- ulanta, tonics in Osterex labiets pep up bodies lacking Vitamin Bl | Tron, Calcium, us, 85¢ Change Time For PTA Meeting Here | ey. Kline Hardware, Bellefonte i 3-room Pa 12 RN 123 Kirk. lowbank street, ~Mrs. Charles Warren and young | son, Charles, of Mamaroneck, N.| Y.; Mrs. Alnslee and daughter, Mrs. | jarvey, and the latter's two daugh- ters, Jean and Frances, all of Rye- neck, N. Y.. motored to Bellefonte last Thursday to spend the Wweek- end as guests of Mrs. Warren's mo- ther, Mrs. Belle M. Ward, at her home on East Curtin street, ~One of the best free shows of the week attracted large crowds to] the rear of the Lauderbach-Griest) warehouse on West High street, | Monday and Tuesday, as the Amer- fean Lime and Stone Company's railroad clam shovel scooped a deep channel through silt and debris which had accumulated at the en- trance of the Gamble Mill race, di- minishing the flow of water in the Trace | ~-Miss Alice Fox has been cone fined to bed at her home on North street since Sunday when she suffered severe sprains about the back. Miss Fox had attended | Catholic! top of a curb . Reports from the home yes- terday were to the effect that Miss Pox is responding readily to ireat- «The annual Junior declamalory contest for the W. R. Reynold prizes ill be held in the Presbyterian ! 855 He 2 - LE] HEH —Plans for the Flag Day celebra- | Help ‘Wanted Tp ade sipe today only 20¢ ret package Pasture Land tion to be held by the Bellefonte Elks Lodge, Priday, June 14, are materializing rapidly and this year's event is expected to surpass the tral District of Elks are being in- vited to enter bands, floats, and a dance at Hecla Park, ~The children of the Bishop Street Rirst grade entertained their mothers last Priday at a Mother Day program, A farm project made by the children was exhibit- ed, and suitable farm songs were sung. Three original puppet shows were presented. At the end of the program which was prepared by the children themselves, refreshments were served. These consisted of cookies made by the boys and girls the day before, lemonade and mints, Before ‘leaving each mother was presented with a nasturtium plant growing In a decorated egg shell The mothers voted it one of the nicest parties given in recent years. ~Jt's worth your while to walk down town in Bellefonte some of these nights to note the absolute absence of unescorted women and girls on the streets. Jitteriness over the two murders in the county in the past two months has resulted in extreme wariness and only the {00i- hardy J the young venture forth alone. ‘At 10:30 o'clock Saturday night not an unescorted woman or girl was to be seen in a tour of the business district. Bridge ¢lubs have been temporarily disbanded, with the exception of instances where es- corts are obtainable for all mem- bers r club sessions, And yet, in spite the general caution, two young girls were seen standing on East Bishop street about 9 o'clock one night last week, hiteh-hiking ’ Rey their way to Hecla Park. The time of the meeting of the Bellefonte Parent-Teachers Associa tion in the Court House this Thurs day night has been changed from | outstanding one of 1939. Lodges and 8 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. it was an- | organizations from the North Cen- nounced yesterday. The speakers will be Mrs. C. E. Batcheller, of Lewistown, president { musical organizations in the parade, [of the south central district of the {and a National Elks’ officer will be | Parent-Teachers | here to give the principal address public is cordially invited to attend | | The day's activities will close with the meeting. Association, The Organ Recital lon Monday, May 20th at 8 p. m. | The following program will be ren! } {dered by Prof. G. Clarence Black, {of Tyrone, at which time an offer- {ing for the organ fund will be re- | cetved. “Sylvia,” Speaks; “A Per- fect Day,” Bond; “Bourree in 'G""” Handel; “Calm as the Night,” Bohn. |All gifts and further subscriptions tractive instrument has proven its worth. Hymn 414, congregation; “Cantique D'Amour,” Diggle; “Mel- ody in ‘F.” Rubinstein; “Capriccio,” Lemalgre; “Trees,” Rasbach Birthday Partly On May 12 the following persons The rewards that come from free work are what one might expect, if looking for rewards, Er a we MR anid | An organ recital will be held in| the Milesburg Presbyterian church | {will be most thankfully received. | | Por two and one half years this at- | | WANTED—-A middle aged woman to keep house for a widower. Ine quire OG. W. Smith, R D. 2. Belle fonte, Zion x21 WANTED 20 men 0 cut pulp wood | # a cord. Work north of Beech | t Creek ahd in Millhelm Narrows W. | i P. Petterolf, Madigonburg, Pa. Phone Milibhelm 35-R-5 x21 | ; Wanted to Buy | WANTED—38 locust posts, 8 | long, 8 inch tops, Write P. O | | 135, Pleasant Gap, Pa 1941 | WANTED--To buy colored glass, old | time dolls, phat-not, antiques. | Vivian Shuller, llefonte, Pa. R D. | x21 | | WANTED Red Chow pup, from a | | mo. to 1 year old fasonabl. | | price. Male or female. Write Rov i Steam, R. D. 3, Bellefonte x20 | WANTED-—Information sa to two | tracts of woodland of abandoned | farms that can be bought at right | price; each 200 acres or more for re- | forestation. Address Diemer 1. Bath. | urst Jistice of the Peace, Howard | Bur | Card of Thanks MEYERS--We take this means of extendl our thanks to neighbors and frien for the many acts of kindness « during illness and death of dur mother, Mrs. Eliza L. Meyers. The Children. Articles for Sale | FOR or" Ka FOR A “Tt ry Jot new. as nt Gap, Belisfonte ter bowls 1 stanchions and wa , We are ariline out at our oot, O. . Houts Lumber Co. satisfies or maker refunds low price Call, write Wiamann & Teah and all other good drug stores, 1441 The Dangerous Triangle WANTED--—Young cattle to pasture Good pasture which will be ready army of “fighters is ready to nee instantly on any infection Millions of other fighters are in reserve. ready to rush in when needed Great ays- tems of fortifications and barriers are ready as strongholds, should the situation become serious. The "sentinels’’ are the nerves. which carry the message to the blood vessels, which in turn start quantities of blood to the infected area The ‘fighters’ are the white blood corpuscles, which attack the in germs The “reserves” are the millions of new white cells. manuf rapidly by the bone maryow in case of infection me 4 are the lym Rie flande and wyivm inky which gers are Ei, estroyed often causing what you call 8 "kernel blood vessels in that of the State College, Pu. | Bellefonte, Pa. Phone | 132 2014 { FOR RENT--A five room apartment with heat and hot water 83500. | Inquire of White Bros. Drug Store | Bellefonte, Pa 13:f FOR RENT --3-room furnished Tie ment gt 113 East an reet, Bellefonte. Mra. Eli h Hagel | East Logan Street, Phone 622. 1011 | POR RENT-3-room apartment with tile bath. Heat. hot water and | stgre supplied. Avaliable June 1 | Inquire B. O. Harvey, Phone B00 | Thoanag Street apartment, and 2nd. por. All modern | venlencea, garden and garag | Ben Beckwith, Bush Addition con. Mrs Belle x20 | porches, garage, electric stove avail able at once. A. R. Everett, E How. Phone 238-W 20 desirable apartme ences, nest furnished, K. Owe Electric 8 St, Bell te, Pa. FOR RENT-Second floor duplex apartment, desirable jocation, all conveniences, heat, hot water r- Inquire at / tore, hen Alleg ! fi Bellefonte, Phone 202 a combi sale sale in a AR P. store room in the Brookerhoff bullding, on Sat- urday. May 18th beginning at § a m. 1st | | NOTICE-Jlawn mowers & — | ground, not filed. Meyers © . { for sale Pump repaired, parts | in stock GarGlick Bros, onpogite Be | Spring, Bellefonte | WANTED-Dead, oid and | ree, Vogts de Works | Vogt, Prop. Centre Hail, Pa. PROD | 556-R-4 atl our expense. | DEAD 81 OCK—Removea | Call anytime at my SXpenss, L. Smith, |618-2-3 Lloyd kel | | LAWN MOWERS-—I have installed a new Poicy lawn mower grinding | machine ave your mowers put io { good condition for the season, 12 & | 14" mowers 75c. 16” machines $180, | work guaranteed. Keller's | Shop, Bellefonte, Pa. | MACHINE WORK-—lawn mowers sha ned, olled and adjusted. u to 18 inches 75 cents. call for » in 54 1 = P3agE tei? | 0 |