Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 02, 1940, Image 1

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    OVER 7,000 COPIES
Printed and Distributed Each Week. Covers
Thoroughly Every Town and Village
In Centre County.
he Cenfre Democrat
Per Issue Than All Other Centre County
Newspapers Combined, A Quick and
Economical Selling Medium,
Held in Death of
58-Year-Old Man
Victim Dies of Infection |
Resulting From Head
Mrs. Mary Weaver, 70, in
Jail Pending Action;
Inquest Scheduled |
A charge of murder is to be lodg-
od against Mrs, Mary Weaver, 70
of Runville, in édnnection with the
death of William H Walker, aged
54, also of Runville, District At-
torney Musser W. Gettig announced
last night.
Walker succumbed at the Centre
County Hospital at 10:40 o'clock
Sunday night from the after-effects
of injuries suffered {in an alterca-
tion with Mrs, Weaver, his house-
keeper, early Saturday morning, |
April 20. :
Getlig declared that under a
murder charge three degrees of
guilt may be proved. One is first |
degree, another is second degree
and the third is voluntary man- |
slaughter, He added that there Is
no evidence to support a first degree
charge in this case, predicting that |
one of the two lesser degrees would |
be specified.
Walker's death was attributed to!
acute erysipelas, which physicians
claimed developed from head
wounds received allegedly when
Mrs, Weaver struck him several
times on the head with an iron shoe |
Centre County Coroner Charles
Sheckler, of Milesburg, after a con-
ference with the District Attorney, |
declared that an inquest will be |
held sometime this weekend, at a
place and time to be decided upon |
later, }
The Coroner said that under his!
direction Dr Richards Hoffman!
and Dr. J. ©. Rogers. both of Belle-
fonte, ‘performed an autopsy upon
the victim's remains at the Wets- |
ler Puneral Home. Milesburg, Tues-
day afternoon, and that the post
mortem examination confirmed the
findings reached from a previous
X-ray examination of the deceased
Mr. Walker's skull was not frac-
tured. aithough the head wounds
were severe.
Walker, one of the principal fig-
urges in a fast-moving family drama
al Gum Stump just eight days be-
fore his death, was reported to have
been hit over the head early that
morning by his housekeeper, dur-
ing a quarrel which began soon
after the two arose.
Mrs. Weaver, who had been un-
dergoing treatment at the County
Hospital and at the County Home,
was discharged from custody, S8un-
day, but upon the death of Mr
Walker, was again taken into cus-
tody, Monday, and is now at the!
County Jail, |
Walker, bleeding
(Continued on page
from his head
5, sec. section)
- i
Academy Reunion
Creates Interes
Local Residents Aware of Ec-
omomic, Cultiral Advan-
tages in Re-Opening
Interest is growing rapidly in
Bellefonte and vicinity in the Belle- |
fonte Academy reunion ang testi-
mopial dinner to be held at the
William Penn Hotel, Pittsburgh, on
Saturday. May 18, commiltee mem-
bers report. i
Business men educators and
others Interested in the cultural
and economic advantages which
would result to this community in
(Continued on page 3)
Fromims, operators of dry clean-
ing and dyeing, establishments in!
Renovo, Jersey Shore and Lock Ha-
ven, yesterday took over the former | hitch-hiker who turned in an alarm. |
Members of the Undine Fire Com-!
flames under control
Mrs. G. W. Heffelfinger tailoring
shop in the White building, on West
High street, Bellefonte,
Alex Fromm will be general man- |
Youth Injured As
Car Is Overturned
Donald Knisely, 18, of Bellefonte,
suffered a fractured collar bone, a
dislocated hip, and cuts and bruises |
about the head and face, about
o'clock Sunday night when the car
in which he was a passenger swerved
off the road near the Kline farm
between Pleasant Gap and Belle-
fonle trick and turned
over several thine before foming to
a culvert
Harry G. Witter East Curtin
street, Bellefonte, driver of the car,
and other occupants of the machine
escaped uninjured. The car, which
came to a halt om its wheels, was
damaged to extent of about
$300, Motor Police reported. Knisely
is employed in the meat department
of the A. & P. Super Market here
Elks To Hold
Flag Day Fete
Parade, Ceremony, And
Dance Planned Here
For June 14
A Flag Day celebration of greater
scope than the mammoth one he
last year is being planned by
Bellefonte Elks Lodge in connection
with a convention of the North Cen-
tral District of Elks here on Friday,
June 14.
Lodges of the district which
participate in the day's activities are
those from Bellefonte, Kane St
Mary's, Ridgway. Renovo, Lock Ha-
ven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport,
Berwick, Bloomsburg, Sunbury, Mil-'
ton. Danville and Johnsonburg.
Flag Day ceremonies to be con-
ducted about 5:30 p. m. on the Dia-
mond or on the Court House steps
will be In charge of the Bellefonte
Elks Lodge, while either Boy Scouts
or Girl Scouts will present the vari-
ous flags which have represented the
United States at different times in
(Continued on page
A tins ts ore
Fireman Hurt
At Milesburg
Damage $100 as Overheated
Stovepipe Causes Blaze at
Sherry Property
One fireman was Injured,
damage was es'imated at about $100
inate yésterday morning in a fire at
the D. P. Sherry property in Miles-
“Whitey” McMullen, a member of
the Mileshurg Fire Company, suffer.
ed crush injuries of a finger While
attempting to open a chemical tank
The injury required medical atten-
The blaze was discovered about |!
loTlock In a partition between room
occupied by Emory Pressler, who
lives alone, and the Sherry welding
shop on the main strect of Miles-
Mr. Pressler had just  retiirned
from a fishing trip and had built a
hot fire preparatory to frying fish
It is believed that a metal stove pipe
which passed through the partition
(Continued on Page 3)
$300 Damage in Fire
At Service Station
A short circuit in the motor driv-
ing an alr compressor caused a fire
which resulted in about $300 dam-
age at the Spicher service station
near the Wagner Mill, owned by
Harold T. Spicher, of the Haves
apartments, Bellefonte, early Satur-
day morning.
The fire broke out about 2
after the establishment had
closed, and was discovered
by a
panty got the
with chemicals
Among the items lost were a num-
and val
ager of the establishment while his | ber of grease guns, fishing rods, a
sister, Miss Ida Fromm, of Lock Ha-
ven, will be In active charge of the
business. The Promm's expect to]
employ a first class tailor to handle |
alterations and repairs. |
Mrs. Heffelfinger, who had con-|
ducted the pusiness since her hus
band's denth, is to engage in prac
tical nursing.
Mrs. Lucy Howe Merrell, of Phil- |
ipsburg, clected last week as dele
gate to the national Democratic
convention from Centre, Blair and
Clearfield counties, takes this op- |
porunity to “Her thaoks to
the voters of Bellefonte and Centre
counity for their file su .
Mrs. Merrell led the
rifle, 55 fan belts and other articles. |
The interior of the station was con-
siderably damaged by fire
The Spring rummage sale for the
benefit of the Centre County Hos- |
pital will be held in the former A
& P store room of the Brocker-
hoff Building on Thursday May 9,
The room will be open May 7 and
B to receive donations. Anyon®
not able to take their contribution |
to the store js asked to phone 633
or 560 before Tuesday when a dray
will be sent out for collection. The
donation of any usable article is
smoke |
and water. The loss Is covered by in-|
Succumbs Here
‘Was One of Town's Best
Known Musicians, Band
Samuel Bryant, one Belle-
{onte's foremost musiciang and
band leaders, passed away his
home on North Ridge Street Friday
morning, April 26 1940 after a}
year Iness with a complical
A versatile musician
possessed the abi
tually all band instrun
0s piano. He win
going instructor apable organ
izer, a compose: band
and was able to score music
Organizer and director
ber of bands, Mr. Bryant began his
musical career as 4 young man. In
his youth he traveled with
(Continued on page 7)
We ee
Rural Carriers
To Collect Data
Bellefonte's 1,096 Rural Fam-
ilies Will Be Ap-
business transact
1.086 “rural
il be appraised ne
learned yesterday
for any
ff a num-
nie rur-
carriers will keep records of
| mall delivered and collected
money order applications taken
of stamps on mail collected, and
s and naper sold
ue O
is data will
determine whether
Bellefonte routes make or lose n
€3 which carriers ar l
to seasonable help, as at Christmas
Also during May, the postmaster
make a circu of pach rural
watching for eonditions which
impede service (such ime-
properly placed mail boxes and bad
(Continued on page Six)
’ [3
omists 0 ie
str titl “
and e
mig AS
Mortgage Issued 128
Years Ago Is Satisfied
A the
128-year-old mortgage (in
Office of Centre Cour Recorder
Leamer R. Woodrin., was satisfied
week to clear the Federal Gov
ernment’s title to a tract of land
which is now a part of the Howhrd
Nursery Project
The mortgage, drawn in 1812, was
given by Joseph Leathers to the
contributors of the Pennsylvania
Hospital, Philadelphia. The Hos-
pital, still in existence after more
than a century and a quarter of
service, satisfied the morigage, the
sum involved being $978
When the mortgage was executed
the present nursery site was lo-
cated in what was known as Bald
Eagle township. During revisions
of township and county lines since
then. the nursery site has become a
part of Howard township, Centre
XY’ Prepares For
a ————-
{Marionette Show to Feature
Meeting of Mothers and
Daughters, May 9
Arrangements have been made for
the annual Mother and Daughter
| banquet to be held ai the YMCA on |
Thursday, May 9, at 8 p. m.
Tickets may be secured from the
| following women: Mrs. D. A. Grove, |
[Mrs. O. A. Kline, Mrs. J. C. New-|
comb, Mrs. E. O. Strible, Mrs. J. H.'
| Caum, Mrs, L. C. Homeman, ahd at |
{the YMCA. i
The program will fncltsde 5 mar-
{ ionette show, “The Krave of Hearts”
by Louise Saunders, presented by |
the eighth grade pupils, i
The ‘marionettes and stage sot.
(Continued on page 7)
enabie postal econ- |
Your Help Is Needed !
Sometime next week you will be asked to pledge a portion of your
annual income to the Bellefonte Community Welfare Fund
The fund budget calls for a total of $18,500 for the support of
eleven community institutions during the coming year
When you give money, you naturally expect something in return
but you cannot place a dollar and cents value on what you re-
celve from your contribution to the Welfare Pund
Your return might be the saving of the life of a loved one
vour bay or girl might be prevented from entering a life of crime; a
crippled child may be restored to normal usefulness; your home may
be saved from destruction. All thes more among the in-
tangible returns you receive for your contributions
and Are
Disregarding what vou may actually gain from the In
tit a fine thing that such facilities are here for
time? Could we would we, do without
the use of all of
Be for the
0 pledge some amount to the Pund
will begin Monday and will end Sa
all your contributions to charity in
further solicitations during the year
Or them?
pon you. Be
mall It may
turday and by lump
um, you will i»
ready solicitors when they call
one fred
Here are the institutions yo are asked to help, and
they require to operate during the coming year
Centre County Hospital
Bellefonte Y. M. C. A
Boy Scouts
Girl Scouts
Bellefonte Community
Crippled Children
Salvation Army
A. M. E. Church
Associated Charities
g Fire Company
re Company
Athletic Field
Fix Rules For Moore Quis
Jr. Paradise School Board
Deibler Tract Open to All Brouse Calls For Action
Boys 15 Years and Un- on Obtaining New
der; Season Limit 10 School Building
Ten rules governing fishing in Peace and harmony reigned at a
Deibler’s Junior Paradise. just be special meeting of the
low the famed Fishermen's 4
along Spring Creek near Bellefonte, board received and
were announced yesterday by Scout resignation of Horatio 8 Moore as
leaders of Muncy district, who will 8 member, and transacted other
have charge of the operations of the matters demanding immediate a.
Paradise ion. Unanimous votes of the four
The rules are as follows members present featured the meet.
1. Every bow
name, age
Scout, and if so, the
accepted the
sier mg
regs giving
whether a
Moore's resignation
came in a
board president
The letier stated
erewith tender my resig-
n as a member of the Belie-
te School Board eflective this
inte.” No explanation was given {
name of letter presented by
ranklin B. Schad
{ 15 sim ‘T1
Paradise js fc
age and under f
Any boy 16 years or over mmy io
fish if he has a fishing license, and {or
shows current Scout credentials the resignation, but it ls known that
to the leader in charge Mr. Moore has not been in good
4. No fishing will be permilled un- heailh and that the strenuous meet.
less the gate has been opened by the ings have had a detrimental effect
instructor in charge upon his condition
5. Deibler's Junior Paradise will be 1,
(Continued on Page Eight)
Band Concert
Here Tomorrow
2. The
r all boys
yenrs of
by §
unanimously acoepting the res.
(Continued on page 7)
Group Attends
Church Service
Music and Dancing Featured | Knights of Columbus Observe
on Program of Bellefonte
Banjo Band
32nd Anniversary of
Bellefonte |
fobool Board Monday night as the
Friday night the Bellefonte Ban Members
jo Band will present Bellefonte with No. 1314, Knights of Columbus, at-|
the type program ‘that has been tended 8 o'dlock mass in a body
packing houses in nearby cities for Bunday. April 28. in 8t. John's Cath-
the past three years. In addition olic church, Bellefonte. Following
there will be thy Krader Accordion the mass a communion breakfast
band of 20 pleces; vocalists, dancers was held in the C. D. of A. room on
and musical numbers West High street. with members of
At a recent rehearsal it was found | the Catholic Daughters of America
the combined accordion and banjo! of Bellefonte, serving the breakfast
bands. under the direction of Mrs, About 55 were present |
Krader, blended perfectly, Two Christopher Beeser, grand knight
numbers will be played by this 80- of the Bellefonte council, was in!
piece combined band jcharge of the ceremonies which!
Featured on this program will be! marked the 32nd anniversary of the
Miss Ivy and her accordion, of founding of the council. Mr. Beezer |
Johnstown: special numbers by the introduced the following speakers: |
Banjoleers, the director, the bang Rev. William E. Downes, pastor of |
vocal duo, Tresa and Virginia: Miss 8t. John’s church and chaplain of |
Bess Bryan, vocalist, and Clair Tar- the council; John A. Redding, state
man. banjo soloist | deputy, of Osceola Mills, and C. E
Sponsors of the concert is the Sullivan, grand knight and district
Methodist Junior Epworth League. deputy of Lock Haven. State Deputy
Baked goods, candy and peanuts, | (Continued on Page €)
all homemade, will be sold in the
theatre lobby during intermission |
and after the show. Band members|
(Continued on Page 8)
New in Taylor
Beliefonte Council,
Church Receives
$1,109 at Cash Rally
A total of $1,109 was received at
services of the Bellefonte Evangeli-
Tifan Agrees
To Reinstate
147 Strikers
Also Arranges For Pay-
ment of Back Pay; Sat-
isfys NLRB Order
Several Men Taken Back
Yesterday; More to
Early and complete settlement of
labor difficulties which flared up at
the Titan Metal Company's
here with a strike on
1837 presaged In a
ment that an agreem
for the reinstatement
approximately 147 st
haz been reached
January 15
th back pay
riking work-
was made
3 Judge M. Ward
attorney for the local in
¥., who added that the agree.
was reached at recent confer-
of Titan representatives with
the National Labor Relations
About six of the striking
returned to their duties at the Ti-
tan plant yesterday. Others are 10
be added from time to time as em
ployment conditions at
warrant, it was reported
The provisions of the agreement
not be completed for several
it was indicated, since In
computing the back wages due to
of the reinstated men
(Continued on page 7)
Grand Jury To
Hear 19 Bills
Defendants Involved
List For Presentation
Next Week
each their
21 in
Nineteen oases involving 21
fendants are scheduled be pre-
sented to the Orand for the
May term of court which will con-
vene here on Monday, May 6 sc-
10 a schedule released yes-
by District Attorney Musser
Fifteen of the cases are listed for
presentation Monday, and the re-
maining four are listed for Tuesday
Four summary conviction cases
are on the list to be heard before
Judge Ivan Walker next Thursday,
ibut the day's roster is expected to
be increased by a number of pleas
iof guiity from those against whom
true bills are returned by the Grand
The complete list follows
Monday, May 6
Max Humphrey, Philipsburg, F
& B
| &
Richard Tyson, Lock Haven, F. &
Neil Van Buskirk. Union county
(Continued on page 7)
a, , h
Paradise will
Delay of Two Weeks Caused
When Rain Impedes Com-
pletion of Road
Centre County's famous “Pisher-
men’s Paradise” along Spring
Creek southwest of Bellefonte, will
not open until Friday, May 2, in-
stead of Friday, May 10, ag was ori-
ginally snnounced,
The two weeks’ delay, officials re-
port, was caused by ithe weathe .
| Some time ago the State Highway
| Department began rebuilding the
{ Spring Creek road from the H P
| Schaeffer cabin to the Paradise
| Spring rains delayed the work and
| the road to the Paradise is impass-
{ able, and will nol be ready for use
| for several weeks.
| closing date has been changed from
{ July 10 to July 24.
Student Reports
Kidnaping Attempt
Notth Workers End Claims Two Men Took
‘ : ’ : Her From Porch of
Holidey', Fridey!  wiiteshurg Home
day holiday some 125 i ——
String And Note Paper
Traced to Outkitchen
of Victim's Home
BULLETIN .~Authoritative sour -
ces revealed last night that the
source of the paper on which Lhe
‘kidnaping note” had been writien,
adjustment and the shogstring with which the
note was tied to a brick before be-
ing thrown on the rear porch of the
in Milesburg,
Sunday night had been traced
The source claimed that Mrs.
Gordon revealed that she recogniz-
ed the notepaper as having been in
a cardboard box she threw in a rub-
bigh carton in the outkitchen of the
Gordon home several days before
the “kidnaping.” The white shoe
lace, Mrs. Gordon claimed, came
from an old pair shoes also in the
The two doors of the outkitchen
which is connected with the back
poarch, are never locked, Mrs Gor-
don is reported to have declared
The note and the shoe from which
the lace was taken have been turn-
ed over to police for investigation.
Of :
t made public
al there have ©
the Federal
Relief Board
Offices Mov
Quarters to be Located in
Penn Belle Hotel
About June 1
The of
Board of Public
cated on
the Centre
the d and fourth floors
of Temple C t ging, South Al-
leghen) wili be moved about
June 1 to the Penn Hotel
Rumors of the proposed move were
confirmed yesterday by an authori-
| Vative source ber of the junior class at th
In the Penn Belle building, the | oh00] fled from ber
Public Assistance offices will be Jo- | captors a few minutes a
cated on the ground Boor, and TOOMS | removeq her forcibly from the reas
will be interconnecting Rooms to | porch of ber home jeaving a kidnap
i be ootupied by the board will include | nove tied 10 a brick as the only clue
the ones facing on West High street | 15 metr identity
formerly occupied by the WPA sew- | The note writién on a Scrap
{ing project, and by the Frank West | paneer fastened to the brick with a
offices and shop Several the white shoe lace bore the message
rooms facing on Race street and | ҤCidnapped She will rum
(Continued on Page 6) The onl pnature
wars ss Ms A—————
Order By Liquor
Board Reversed
Court Sets Aside 60-Day Sus-
pension Against Hotel at
Central City
An order by Pennsylvania
Liquor Control Board suspendin
the license of A. A. Kohlbecker, pro
prietor of the Central Hotel, Central
City, Milesburg, for a period of sixty
days was reversed here Saturday by
Judge Ivan Walker
Judge Walker in reversing the
board's suspension order placed the |
costs of the appeal upon Mr. Kohi-
a ir
WwW 0-
fier 1
Acoording 1 h ;
Edward R Miller a:
vate Foster Oil. of Hollidaysl
{Continued on Page 6)
| Private Collection
To Be Sold Here
An anction sale of
tiques and household
from the private collect
late Mrs. Ebon B. Bower }
fonte, will be held at the Bower res-
idence at 111 East Howard
beginning at ® a. m.. Monday, Ma;
120. The sale will continue from day
ito day unti] ail the items have been
Among the hundreds of rare ar
{valuable articles to be offered are
(furniture, rugs and carpets, prints
{and pictures, lamps, china, potlersy
{brass and pewter, and glassware
iA complete catalogue will be for-
warded 10 anyone desiring i
Registration Period
‘For November Election
The Centre County Commission-
ers, acting in the capacity of the
County Registration Board, vester-
day announced that the registration
period which opened on Mondas
{ April 20, will continue until October
Persons who register, change ad-
{dresses or party affiliation within
{the prescribed registration period
will be eligible to vote at the general
election on November 5 the Com-
missioners said. Registration mat-
ters are attended to at the Commis.
| sioners’ offices at all times during
i regular business hours
writing 10 EB. Bower, Bellefonte
iPa. or L. Frank Mayes, Lemont, Pa
—— —
Official Vote Count
Nearing Completion
The official count of the Primary
election held last Tuesday in Centre
county was nearing completion yes-
terday afternoon and according to
reports, the results of the election
will not be materially changed by
the tally.
The board. which began its work
last Friday afternoon. oonsists of
Mrs. Joseph LL. Runkle Miss Hazel
Johnson, Miss Virginia Healy and
Boyd C. Vonsda, all of Bellefonte
According to reports, the Paradise |
‘Gregg Civic Club
To Meet, Wednesday
A regular meeting of the Cregg
| Township Olvie Club will be held on
| Wednesday evening, May 8 at the
| Vocational school in Spring Mills
After the business seston tne. ODS@rve Open House
Gregg Township Junior Band will
| give a concert, and the program will. Open house will be held at the
{close with free bingo and 500 for Centre County Hospital, Belielonte,
| everyone. All pitizens of Gregg town. On Monday, May 13. in observance
{ship are cordially invited to attend. Of National Hospital Day, officials of
They are being aided by Frederic
Hoffer, chief clerk to the Counts
Commissioners, and Russell P. Bee-
| zer, second clerk
County Hospital To
Annual Dinner
Murder, Police Claim
Today marks the end of the fifth
week since the battered body of
| Rdchel Taylor, Penn State fresh-
man, was
driveway of the Lemont School.
Reports from Rockview barracks
of the State Police yesterday, where
13 groopers. are regularly assigned
to the Investigation revealed that
| “nothing definite hag turned up
Meanwhile, the $2500 reward
the arrest ang conviction of
slayer, goes unthaimed.
Commenting on the case yester-
day, Police denied there was any
evidence of connection between the
Taylor siaying and the
kidnap attempt upon Mary Tomb,
LX Milesbury girl, Sunday
reported | placed at the year
cal church at the spring cash rally
held Sunday. The goal was $800, it
was announced by Rev. H. H. Ja-
cobs, pastor of the church
Dedication services for improve-
Rev. N. IL. Hummel, district supers
intendent of Williamsport, as the
[guest speaker. Rev. Hummel dedi
| cated the new pulpit.
| John 8. Spearly and son présente
led a Bible in memory of Mrs. Car=
rie Spearly, while Mrs. Willis Grove
{were instalied. The interior of
church was painted by the
school class taught by 3
Jacobs, A new velvet
| About 250 members were present at
the Sunday school services
is being converted into a Kind of
¥F. J. Johnson.
The old inh, known of yore for its
wines, beers and liquors, Is now a
pure, cold spring water is of major
Sports and athletics, including a
baseball club, are highlights of the
firm's program, while social activities
include a dance every Friday night.
Mr. Johnson extends a cordial in-
vitation to the public to call at the
temperance establishment where its
Special Sunday dinners, and lunch.
{eons at all times are available
Repair Jodon Apartments
{ Jodon announced yesterday. The
will not be rebuilt, Mr, Jodon said.
| building which is being repaired
Loss in the fire, the most serious in
Pleasant Gap in seven years, was
estimated at $10,000.
Fight Grass Firr
A grass fire in Holmes’ Woods,
| members of the Alpha Fire Com-
pany shortly after 2:30 o'clock Mon.
be od afternoon. Little damage result.
There are six apartments fm the!
State College, was extinguished by!
the institution announced yesterday
Tea will be served to guests from
The Snow Shoe Mountain House,! The T. E Jodon apartments ai/2 10 4 p.m. and nurses will be on
located atop the Alleghehies along | pleasant Gap. damaged by fire on duty to escort visitors (hrough the
the Bellefonte-8now Shoe Highway, Sunday morning, March 24, are be- | institution. The public is cordially
found lifeless on the ments In the church were held in| which figured quite prominently Ih’ ing repaired and will be ready for invited to attend the tea and to take
the morning at 10:45 o'clock with! the earlier history of Centre county, | occupancy within a week or so. Mr. advantage of the opportunity of see-
ing all departments of the county
modern health resort by its owner, ile barn adjoining the apartments, hospital.
which was burned to the ground]