Page Six THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, January 18, 1940; BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN THE LARGEST HUMAN ON RECORD Largest any auth human of which there ntic record was none the famous freaks of history, but relatively becure North ¢ according t belief Miles D 1.000 WON who weighed Mentioned in Review creature must ~ HOLBORN wed ad are wate! re and ure that your WEDNE Glenn Centre | State CO implemen E. M. Smith THURSDAY, MARCH Mary Trost) will snln w Howard, a find farming am Mayes THURSDAY, MARCH Musser #111 offer bi the My oe or far fm 2% miles Fave 's snd 5 miles sot ivestnek ATi 14 ' ¢ hp and Stover 14-—Geo iblic sale on of M. H. L. Harps! BATURDAY MARC H $6? will offer at yuibii Agar 2 Tivestock This is a clean-un o'clock. B. M. 8m ith, MONDAY. MARCH 18- ill offer at tubiie jes Nort pure bred implements, Sale & Hubler aucts MONDAY, MARCH 18-Merle FP man, on ie Hemmpoy farm, fs the Binet farm, 114 niles north tate College, on Route 322 full line of live #tock and implements. Cleanup sale, berinning st § o'clock a. m E M. Smith, auct TUESDAY, MARCH will offer a pani farm between Seven Warriors Mark, Pa, on Route 45 a5 head prwrebied Brown Swiss cattle and Loge. Bale at 11 ALM E. M. Smith, anct SESDAY, MARCH 20-Harry Late will offer at public zale at his farm 1 mille east Hf Bellefonte Hye stock and implementa This is 8 clean up sale and one of the targést sales of the Soring sale sea gon. Sale nt 9 o'clock. Mayes & 8tover, auct 4au WEDNESDAY. MARCH 20-J. A. Ba gor wil offer at oublic ssle at hia farm Maockeyville, livestock and E. Hubler, auct x2 H Foust livestor K at 9:30 4411 Poor own of will sel farm JB “EE. PP. Nel sale on his Stars and in farm implements, Ct A or WEDNESDAY, MARCH Frank will offer at public sale, fhe Miller farm, about 5 miles wont of Pine Gro Mills, livestock and farm implements HL , atet, ining and Salo at 10 a. m authorities.” thorities were uncov- per ficial search. though lenne newspaper ich a vel must be nd other No other ered by a { nit npol oe inal Weighed 1000 Pounds peton's Cyclo) Darden, giant height and at more than that wn T feet 6 hig death thousand AD not Mile inches In Lu welghed one DOUL Until and time wa energetic from that n nt home 1853 he wa shor, neLive but ¢ to remal able to obli RE LE TRE COUNTY’ S LEADING Sale week) ado y by pros pect e¢ buyers from counties, If vou are planning announcement appears here, Hmm MONDAY, MAT A. F. Ruhl i h pate White 150 ibs IMPLEMENTS “a9 . I.. J. DeFerie, Agt. es ana ih iy . ingle, Adm. Al Samuel Fownahip., Cop. deceased, will offer ou t premises F dee dent, iocated Southwen 3) at Grove farming imple- shid live stock which are as Hert ce miles Pls ut qu pment, major item of PERSONAL 10 head cattle harrow. mower; wood sawing Chevrolet Sedan car ruck and items ES1 ATE “The n-fac for the ert Bamuel following real Farm containing 85 mores. Good bank barn in nrooess of construction Helits, runaing water; good PROPERTY :- “2 grain drill; hay ¥. arpoon fork ; hay, 1037 “oss Chevrolet many other mis- horses rake: above as Al. heirs of the Lingle will offer estate for sale: approxi. Hill and Foo acres on re 3 ne 9 Timber land containi (2) mountain 30 perches (8) Three other tracis of and in Orege Township, Centre County. Pennsylvania containing 18 acres pnd 120 perches, 20 acres and 4 perches, and 10 gores respectively TERMS OF SALE--Personal prop- ert yaaCash Peal estate—28°% of purchase price to be paid in cash fo the undersign- ed attornav«in-fact on dav of sale when the real estate 8 Knocked down declared sold, and the remains ¢ 15% to be paid in ash to the aitorhey-in-fact upon delivery of tleogl Posaciaion of real sstate can be de- edintely, Sale 12:30 © Hubler, aucts x4 timber H. L. HARPSTER AUCTIONEER Phone 3579 Prompt attention given all sales PINE GROVE MILLS, PA. Nearest rival to such corpulency Iwas the giant Daniel Lambert 1770- 1800), an Englishman who weighed 739 pounds Married Twice Darden was a third again larger, and it is sald of him that in 1839 his cont was buttoned around three men, each of them 200-pounders who thus encumbered together walk- ed in it across the square at Lexing- ton Darder had shildren. notably hes and Were married them twice none of was County Library Rapidly Extending (Continued from Page 1) iL the Armagast school reported units of circulation from whi she earried to and brary 187 book the 17 h from county Three latin hooks and brant rei- and Cap A fourth branch } Shoe and hes are actively « dicen) Philipsburg Port Matilda 'd jointly by 1 open with 907 volumes Horm ner bren 144 il of d the brancl Pl report and Gap ny NO Ant hn Matilda been Port ' been l0an- fill special county library to Mr. W. P. Lew] tat for el lend HH » ae Dorothy Wilkin- tends of en the Ory» i al ANCE wl to materialize aon the child. Hen- ati hot more enjoyable by You ¥ 4 wes comparis Bes that wire 8 matter causl coneern Books fre ant par readir ng " increasingly ed laying iy ah an Towns ieational UNIX rr mans with is of 47.300 nopulat of 84258 ch commends Centre county vate ot Der complished the ben ff persistence of Lhe heen NM have Vial has soil not done with- he vision and Litirary Board and the fine spirit of interest and co-nporation shown by the Fed wotkers and by Miss Betty Smith «who has volunteered services since June, 1938. Mach of the book collection, shelving and other equipment stand as a visible tribute 16 the generality of the pub. c-ADitited ftizrns the county Hor BL hrourhont The grow vice date and tn of county Jibtary ee only thirty years development only ten yen there are few sland. ards traditions to follow. Each community has developed fis service way best sud ted to its indi viftual 5. and too close a comparison larger or smaller areas or with units in other geographical areas is difficult and misleading Ev though at present there is no universal measuring stick for county work. There is always the ideal of "library service as a whole ahd that it is to give service within a prescribed area to every individual desiring it and to strive continually to raise the standard of reading. How néarly this goal is reached is an index to the stictess or failure of the institution. It i= ti too soon in the annals of the Centre County Library to give an estimale of ils progress, but with the continued interest and co-operation that were shown dur- ing these first months of organiza tion. the direttion can only be fur ward bark nrtive so Lhat nr a ——————_ PEOPLE'S NATIONAL RE-ELECTS OFFICERS Officers of the People’s National | Bank, Stale College, were re-glect- | ed at an organization meeting held Tuesday of ast week. They are: M. B. Meyer, president; Harry J. Belirer, vice president: J L. Wilson, chairman of board; Gene Lee, cashier, and James Ste- venscn, assistant cashier, Board members are: Behrer, E V. Dye, B. F Homan, Frank P. Noll, Neidigh, J. P. Rilenour, Blover, cum. ~The most news for $1.50. Cuy Harry J. M. B. Meyer, M. w J. Lu. Wilson, and A. H. Yo- | ‘Household Scrapbook To Reutove a Tight Ring Take a yard of cotton cord, soak it In soapsuds, glycerine, or oll, and wind it snugly around the finge: from near the fingerudp to Ux knuckle joint, Then pass the end the ring under the pulling the string tight The tightly wound string sen blood pressure ring little by little pres flesh Fig and unwing u will les neal the Kirin off tu Of the and AL and pulls Fill Flowers, the entire flower solution