January 18, 1940. THE CENTRE a REL I, EFONTE, PA. LOC ALS Childrens all wool sweaters,’ specially priced at 77¢ cach, Lintz's Ready 0 Wear, Bellefonte, Pa. * -Dr. R, L. Capers returned to Bellefon e last week irom a holiday visit with his mother in Louisiana ~D, J. Beck, a highly respected resident of Warriors Mark, area, was a pleasant caller at cur offic: on Monday. -- ™s frtieto x1 FOR Beliclo et ge POR BALE town sedan PON SALE “117 mia killed one can Schutte: Red 8Saull Good for ml Reoosranended by Dept. of Ag- OO A Eline Hardware ™ hen ALE . y pedan Corner UPoard COTENGIeUMm Fags brooder stove tor, 400 emg al Mand sane potatoes are in ood LION. Soeariy, Belle- 24 Wanted to Lease A bey m Bchool Bus tocked and wipped tri ty youd sake on shares Box R268 State College dirge w ANTED on Hig ron te 4-d00r deiuxr Wanted to Rent Ww ANTED To rent a couple of rooms x 3 PB ' ir \ t in ili ent anv length o Hv with sowene familys on 3 5 tr 50 cord | the ox n try Write Mrs. Hager Long. Centre Hall Pa x3 SALE Oord wo cut short cord for 84 50 a cord delivered lencils. John A. Yearick, Bellefonte RD 2 om ee ad hh DE to Live Stock SALE 10 #4 each mies ron : Nine % 11 1 swreeks «ald EW. Traman, Ju wed of Wingate, x Bri nn Phone 3 ANTS TO A%£P YOU WELL “Your Doctor wants to KEEP you well” is emphatically and literally true. both of the individual physician and of medical scientists in general. The administration of drugs, surgery and treatment of dis- case are by no means the sole functions of the modern doctor and scientist. He is just as active in the prevention of discase as in curing it. Spreading the gospel of health rules and hygienic living is prevention of ill-health: establishment of clinics for the control of infant mortality is prevention of unnecessary death: tuberculosis societies and sanitoria, can- cer institutes, and hundreds of scientific research bureaus all are laboring to prevent as well as cure disease. Prenatal care is to prevent unnecessary suffering and death; school supervision of health is to promote better bodies and minds and prevent disease: all were worked out by doctors in their battle for better health and less sickness, The proper drainage of mosquito-breeding marshland is pre- vention, but back of that piece of public-health engineering. the scientist had to discover that malaria was caused by uitoes. Administering vaccines and serums prevents mallpox, diphtheria, typhoid, whooping cough and other caer but years of patient work by medical men went into perfecting these instruments of “preventive’’ medicine. Telling you over and bi to “have a complete ex- amination once a preventive medicine,’ in that it locates ro ole IN TIME and helps your doctor to keep you well. Every year the physician In his daily practice becomes more and more a HEALTH adviser. C hae {| White 1 1 RATES Advertisements of twenty-five words or less, 25 cents for | . wid | $12-R-16 — FOR SALE Ww mm Btate C weigh from B59 Juwrrees Callahan D. 1, Bhingletown xh 19 pig pounds Alege, IL Berkshire 300 pound (Bush Hol x3 POR BALE-Male hog reed, weight about H A Luchs, Jullan RK. D POR SALE “Par a] ¢ three and well broken eyville Pa mated porfel hor. and half, sound Bock Parm, Mack- x old Hall Phone x) mare, 8 years 106 E L (Dix Run) POR SALE Bay weight shou D Julisn, Ps. R POR BALE--2 Holstein heifer 10 mo. old. gne & pure bred. 2-0 oRk plank and walnut boards 43-R2, James C. Coodhart Hadi, Pa x3 PARMERS. Penns Valle; y “Bales barn Centre Hall, Pa. hoids sale every other Tuesday. Bring your live stock and poullry, you oan expect good prices. 8. T. Riegel, Ownler CALVES Phone Centre Mgr Ter I FOR BSALE--2 Holstein 3 one fresh with call by made 400 pounds of bulterfst yeas Other cow coming wih T. B. and blood testet Pockey, oellefonte RN 476-10 Ber na ca Andrew 2 x4 Pe D 4 A Holwle More FOR Dull hite re BALE g Poultry POR BALE -Qunlity ’ M656. Reds, Bar and 87 45 Chicks Bex © Pits 81295. Heavy Schaefer. MoA a FOR BALF ire of Ma ; asl Real Estate - For Sale 481 Brin tT of Bell e- Valiey neg 396 E. Babs I'he ¢ iffal POR SALE tmer 202 acres B ww mi} hes Run Witmer of we fon te Fil Street in OTe POR ahie W180 Tire Chestnut NeCew 3500 00 of G. E 1+h- Borough Hail Two story 7 room POR BALE Residencs ler adjoining Centre on Main sireet modern dwelling. 3 story barn 26x18 | wre: TOT. ponsoi n Ishier. Exe- Phone $0R-4 x4 POR SALE--160-acre farm located in Hiublersburg, Pa. 3 acres Umber 7 acres of alfalfa R acres of meadow with a never falling stream, running water in house and barn electric ght and bath. All the comforts of a own home 27 minutes walk to either school, church, store and Dost office. The best Jocated farmn in Nit- tany Valley, J. B. Matis, Hublemsburg Pa 11 H bullding> 5 Immediate Domer S ail, Pa peceRsa ry oul ‘Houses for Rent RENT-A 6 bath, #&orircity «a nd Bush Addition Belicfonte of Mary H. Harter 3% E Bis Bellefonte. Pa PCR hive % h furnace In | § “ wire room x3 Apartments for Rent POR RENT —3 room apa iia egul dg. 113 streoel hone 622. FCR RENT--urnished spariment, 8 rooms, porch, privates entrance Mrs. J. M. Bricker. 21 Reynolds Ave Belicfonte, Pa. Phone 225