THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. September 21, 1939, i A SW — JACKSONVILLE MILESBURG DRY TOP atx wesks Jiaiting here, returned | ing was a failure Priday night. | week after being a patient in the ome Monday. Feed Church services on Sunday, Sept.| Miss Lydia Shope was given a] Olark McKinley held a surprise Perr pom, and family of Lock ota. Jou sen Wind an] eave) Wally We Mois a oa 24. are as follows: Sunday school, | pleasant surprise on Wednesday of [party Saturday night in honor of | mavens apes Sunda ri his mo-| Wanted enough to assemble to elect | covery. y 9:30, and C. E. at 6:45. Topic for last week when ber, nephew, Leon. | Mrs. McKinley's birthday wnnivers | her Mr vl rr. Sidi new officers. It will be announced " Mary Hampton spent ae “WI sus Bald About ard Shope and bride, of Alf sary. A goodly number of friends| "°° ¢ ) | discusnion, ‘W Yat Jasin £ ald Abou (UR te day with Tue bona, Sab} relatives were mld. Sif; Guests at the Clyde Poorman| $n again nd you ig vy in with her grandmother, HL L 4 iM » ’ “ a “PP somethin ou 0 no “1 y y Doyle| Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peter, and | reported 8 good UUme home were Mr, and Mrs, Jack Finch uns: watils lor tw duke pllops. Coleville Page Two NEWS IN BRIEF AND PERSONALS OF UNIONVILLE (Reported by Special Correspondent) Sunday Bertha S Methodist Church Services-Pray- er service this Thursday evening, Sunday School Sunday morning, Epworth League in the evening at 6:30 p, m. immediately followed by the preaching service at 7:30 p. m. at which time will be conducted the quarterly communion service, Free Methodist Church Services: Young folks prayer service Tues- day evening: adult prayer service Friday evening; Sunday School Sunday morning at 9:30 p. m, fol- lowed by Class meeting and Young folks prayer meeting in the even- | ing at 6:80 p. m, Evangelistic Services—Commenc- ing Sunday October 1st, there will be a week of special Evangelistic services in the Methodist church, | conducted by the pastor, Rev. D. D. | Kauffman which will be followed | by the Rally Day services in Sun- | day School and Epworth League. Garden Club News:—There will be a meeting of the Community | Garden Club on Wednesday even-! ing, September 27th. In the Com- munity House at 7:30 p. m. All persons interested are urged to be present as they will hold the annual | election of officers, besides other important business which must De attended to. | Soup and Doughnuts Sale:—The members of the Ladies Bible Class of the Methodist church will hold a soup and doughnut sale in the Community House on Friday, Oc- tober 13th. Both dinner and sup- per can be purchased as well as soup by the quart any time dur- ing the day. Fresh doughnuts will be available all through the dav also. Bear this date in mind and patronize the women. More par- ticulars will be in this column at a later date. Miss Ida May Barton, a student at State Teachers Normal at Lock Haven, Pa. spent the weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stoker, of Madera, Pa, were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. E Holt cn Sunday afternoon. Ralph Alexander of Philadelphia and brother Lee who is employed in Delaware, called on relatives and friends in the community over the weekend, having come to transact scme business in this section The young folks of the Sunday School taught by Mrs. William Lucas and Miss Minnie Sensor held a weiner roast in the Community | Houge last Friday evening. They all had a delighftul time and lots to eat, Mrs. H M Stere returned recent- ly from an extended visit with her sister and husband in New Jersey While there they attended the New York World's Fair. Mrs, Stere re- turned in time for the Primary election. Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Garrett ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Spotts left on Wednesday morn- ing to attend the annual confer- ence of the Free Methodist church being held at Sheffield, Pa. over this weekend. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, B. E. Holt were Mr. and Mrs. J. 1 Hoff, Mrs Gilbert Keatley and daughter, Lois Anne, Pauline Strunk and Hull Lu- cas all of Tyrone and Mr. and Mrs G. W. Hoit of this place The members of the Ladies Bible Class of the Methodist church held their monthly business meeting and social at the home of Mrs. A. F Showers of Union Township on Sunday afternocn. The social time was in the form of a picnic. George Calhoun and brother-in- law A. P. Rishel of Bellefonte were callers in town on Sunday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. George Cal- houn, of Gary, Indiana are visiting with her sister and husband, Mr and Mrs. A. P. Rishel of Bellefonte Mr. Lambert, of Akron, Ohlo, an uncle of Mrs. Robert Hall is visit- ing with Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Hall. On Sunday they motored to Hollidaysburg where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall who are assisting with the work on a farm there. Young folks from here who re-| sumed their work at Pennsylvania | State College for another term, having started on Monday of this week, were Lorraine Parsons gs 8 | Junior, Dorothy Kerchner and John | Stere as Seniors and Donald McEl- | wain as a Sophomore, A very delightful surprise party | was held on Saturday evening al the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Mc- | Elwain in honor of the birthday! of their son Donald. Donald was very much surprised when the fol-| lowing persons came to his home| and reminded him that it was his; birthday. Elizabeth Ann Fisher, | Janie Zahniser, Dorothy Kerchner, | Katherine Resides, Paul Resides | S8ammy Lucas and Allen Hewitt, | They spent the evening playing | Bingo, eating hot dogs and making ice cream. Miss Oeorgeanna Holt, daughter | of Mr. and Mrs. B. E Holt, wag very pleasantly surprised last Saturday | evening when a number of her friends eathered at her home in| honor ¢ sr sixteenth birthday, | which was ¥n Tuesday. The even- | ing was spent in playing games, At! a late hour the guests were called’ to the dining room where the table | was tastefully decorated in pink! and white and in the center of | which was a large birthday cake. | Refreshments consisted of ioe cream, cake, candy and nuts | Georgeanna received many beauti- | ful gifts. Those present were Misses Phyllis Jodon, Ruth Sym- monds and Fern Witmer of Belle- fonte, James Holt of Milesburg, Alice Brugger, Alice Watson, Elean- or Bnoke, Mary Eleanor Williams, Ethel Jean Lucas, Ita May Barton, Julia Barton, Jean Resides, Forrest Lucas, Joseph Way, William Barton, Walter Lucas, John Williams, Ed- ward Barton, John Barton, Rich- ard Hall Mr, and Mrs, G, W, Holt, Mrs. Hazel Barton, Florence Bare ton, Mr. and Mrs. B. E Holt and the guest of bonor, Georgeanni Holt. | Florence m— | - Mrs, Sue McEwen was entertained | at the home of Mr, and Mrs. H. M. | Miles of Union Township last Sun- | day. Mrs. Margaret Keatley and Miss Eva Rowmn canned peaches for | Norman Hall on Wednesday at his home up the pike, Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Stover of Spring Mills, Pa, were guests of Mrs, Estella Parsons on Sunday | afternoon and evening. Bible Study class in the Presby- terian church each Monday even- ing under the direction of the pastor, Rev. H. E. Oakwood. Citizens of the community don’t forget only one more week untd the 5% penalty will be added to all school tax in the borough. Mrs, Amanda Way visited with her son Charles Way and family of Juniata over last weekend and helped Charles celebrate his birth- day on Sunday. William Barton and Samuel Lu- cas, both graduates of the Belle- fonte High School, are taking pos. graduate courses In the high school this term. Miss Ruth Behrs of Norristown, is visiting with her friends, Miss Finch Florence expects to return to Norristown with her for a visit in the near future Mrs. Allie Hall and sister, Mis Minnie Sensor entertained to din- ner last Wednesday evening, Mrs Estella Persons, Mrs. W, B. Par- sons and daughter Ruth Parsons The Young Women's Sunday School class will hold their regular monthly business meeting on Tues- day evening, September 26th at the home of Mrs, B. E Holt. A good attendance is desired Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mitchell ex- pect to move soon from the J H "inch property to Coleville, outside of Bellefonte, where they will re- side. Mr. Finch will not rent his rooms upon their being vacated. Mrs. Clair J. Flick of San Pedro, California, who has been visiting her husbands mother, Mrs, Mary C, Flick and friends at Fleming, R F. D for some time returned to San Diego, Calif, to join her hus- band who is in service of the U.S Navy on U. 8. 8. Downes. She re- ported a safe and and en Lip across the States ————————— PINE GROVE MILLS The new swimming pool recently compieted by the State College well known merchant LL K. Metzgar al hig summer home in Balleyville, is ready for operations. A large dam breast holds plenty of water for all bathers George Pulton of was a pleasant caller the Emit Rider home burg At the Cyrus Goss sale last Sat- urday p. m. the real estate was bid in at $1775 and will be sold at pri- vate sale in the near future Mr Goss suffered a third paralytic stroke last week and Is being cared for by hig niece in State College. The Earl Corl new house on White Hall road is almost com- pleted and will be ready for Earl and his bride to occupy it in the next two weeks, Roy Gates and family of Lewis. town were here Saturday for the Everhart-Rising wedding and re- mained over Lhe weekend at his parental home, John Quinns on the Branch, A chimney fire at the Pred R. Pry home Saturday gave some excite- ment for some time as the dwelling seemed in danger. A bucket brig- ade subdued the flames with litile damage. Many neighbors respond- ed to the call to help. Karl Kocher boasts of a fine bab girl at his home No. 2, all girls on W. Main str while farmer ann feed merchant Eugene Ellenber- ger of Marengo says another girl at his home who will answer to the name of Miss Nancy in honor of grandma Nancy Eaves, rofl. Thomas I. Mavis of Sta‘e College speng Sunday p. m. visiting at the Charles M. Dale home on the joyab,e State College, recently at in Gates i Branch. Mrs. Mary Saucerman of Hol lidaysburg, is spending sometime with her daughter and family, Mrs i David Harpster at Penna. Purnace, Two of our well known young farmers Melvin Pry and Richard Fye with their lady friends spent the last weekend at the L. D. Pye modern cottage at State forest camp near Spruce Creek. George P. Irvin, Mis, Pugene| Irvin, Mrs. Estella Isenberg, Mr. and Mrs. James Dean and the James P. Kline family were among the enormous crowd Saturday at McClure for the annual bean soup | The towns annual three days home coming. The Johnston Bros. delivered a { new F-20 Allis Chalmers tractor ast Thursday to farmer Paul Henry at Graysville and now Paul will til the soll in the most modern way. Late reports show 8, A. Homan | the winning Republican candidate for supervisor in Ferguson Twp. with Luther K., Peters the Demo- | cratic nominee, i Carl Sollenberger is now boss! farmer on the Rev. Weaver farm on Tadpole, Carl and family flitting up last week from the Miss Bessie | Green farm on Buffalo Run. i Retired street car man J M. Mec~ Clellan Corl and wife of Pittsburgh, | spent the past week among their | relatives here (n our valley Sunday, | they were visitors at the J. C, Corl | home. 40 years ago they departed | from this section, hence they notice many changes and a host of new faces they returned to thelr home Monday. Clayton 8, Cor] and family of Al- foona were Sunday dinner guests at the George Dreibelbis home On Wall street, Parmer Edgar Hess lost one of his choice Holstein suckies last Thursday, a bloat in clover caused its death, You can waste a lot of time read- ng ¥ you are not careful what you read. | Messrs. George Long and | following i ii Lucas, Jr, were callers at the home of their uncle and aunt, Mrs. Byron Lucas, of Lock Haven, to see thelr cousin, Russel Winslow, Arlene Swope and Vivian Wolfe spent Saturday evening with their | friend, Louise Beightol Mr. A. A. Garrett and children spent Sunday afternoon with Flor- ence Stover, of Lock Haven, Mrs, Julla Lucas spent I's. Mr. and Mrs, Chester Neff, of Howard, accompanied Mr. and Mrs Miles Bartley to Akron, Ohlo, Mon- day of last week to attend the fu- neral of Mr. Nefl's brother, John Neff, of that place Mr. and Mrs. Richard and children spent Sunday after- noon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Poorman, of Howard. Mrs. John Schaeffer and daugh- ter Nancy, and Mrs. J. Roy Sch ief- fer, of Centre Hall, were Wednes- day evening callers at the C. E. Aley home. Visitors at the Alice Betz home on Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Betz and daughter Nancy, of Howard; Betty A'ey, June Yearick, Mrs. Miry Deitz and asughter Josephine, Louise Belgh- toi and Pau Dunkle On Saturday afternoon Mr Mrs. Milford Etters and Mrs Kessling motored here and accompanied by Mrs. Lucy way, and then continued on journey to Barnesboro, where they visited Mrs. Conaway's sister, Mrs Frank Jodon. They found her en- joying exceedingly good health for a lady her age—82 years young. On their return trip home on Sunday they stopped at the home Mr and Mrs Joe Neiman, of Marsh Creek, and there had the pleasure of meeting another of her sisters, Mrs. Charles Beatty, of Mill Hall Mr. and Mrs. Reynglds McDonald and son Richard and mother, Mrs Ella McDonald, of Tyrone, were Sunday dinner guests at the E R Bartley home Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stover and children Churlotie, Arlene and Eu- gene, of Penna. Furnace, were Sune. day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Noll. After- noon guests were Mrs. Anne Tyson, of Howard; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Orr and children, Edward, Billie Lou and Helen, and were treated to refresh consisting home - made | cream and cake Tuesday afternoon Mr Anna Robb was a caller at the homes of Mrs. George Dolan Mrs, Harold Dolan and Mrs. Winfle'd Deitz Sunday callers at the Orin Fye home were Mr and Mrs. Ralph Mavers and Bobby Orndor!, and Mr aid Mrs. Paul Fye, of Lock Haven; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Malone and grandson, of Jersey Shore; Miss Florence Rem and Mr. and Mrs John Warr, of Summit Hill Mrs. Harry Funk and 4 'ughter Alice, of Bellefonte, were Thursday evening callers at the Alice Betz home Sunday dinner guests at the Wil. I'am Beightol home were Mr. and Mrs. John Dunkle and son Paul, of Beidefonte. Other callers were Mr and Mrs. Robert Conaway and chil- éren. Clirabelle, Ma tha Jane, Hose etta. and Dorothy Bartley, Dorothy and Nancy Betz, Willard Weaver, Clair Beightol, of this place, and Iva Berry, of Lock Haven Missa June Yearick spent fay afternoon and Wis a guest of her school chum, Aley Mr. and Mrs. Byron Lucas and nephew Russel Winslow, of Lock Haven. spent Sunday with his mo- ther, Mrs. Julia Lucas Fred Lucas, of Mt Eagle spent Monday at the same home. Miss Doris Lucas, of Fox Hollow, spent Thursd:y and Friday at the Swope home helping to can peach- es Mr Vonada and Zola were Cona-~ thelr of nents of Sun- SUDpeET Betty and Mrs. Fred Dixson and children were Sunday dinner guests) with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- lism Dixson. In the afternoon they motored to Moshannon to see Mrs Dixson's brother, Mr. 8 8 Craft and Mrs. Cordelia Craft, who is re- covering from a stroke of paralysis which paralyzed her right side. Her many friends wish her recovery Sunday supper guests at the sum- ner Noll home were Mr. and Mra, Raymond Neidigh and son Bobby, of State College, Mrs Florence Rossman daughter Shirley, of Mill Hall, spent the weekend with her daughter) Mrs. John Deitz and family, Mr. Ellsworth Conaway, of Beech Creek, was a Sunday morning call- er at the home of his Robert Conaway and family. Mrs. Margaret McClure, of Lew- istown, was 3 Sunday afternoon ‘caller at the E. R. Bartley home On Saturday afternoon Bunday| school classes No. 6 and 9, with Misg | Dorothy Betz and Mrs, Wililam { Beightol as teachers, sponsored a weiner roast up in the Nevin Year-| ick meadows, where a very enjoy- able afternoon was spent by the persons: Nora Heaton, Grace, Dorothy and Earl Hoy, Har- old Rogers, Henry Weight, Arlene Swope, Vivian Wolfe, Barbara, Re- becca and Sara Shaffer, Kathryn Conaway, Dicky Noll, Donald Von- ada, Billy Orr, Melvin and Harold Harter, Deitz, OCeraldine Swope, Dorothy and Pred Betz, Dicky McCrea, Mrs. William Beightol and daughter Louise and son Earl. The farmers are busy with their ‘seeding and corn cutting as the thermometer dropped low enough on Monday morning to produce a {Lght frost with slight damage in jour town, | Mr. and Mrs D. P, Ertley and children Kenneth and Peggy Amn, i spent Sunday With her parents. Mr, and Mrs. Barl Corman, of Axe Mann. Master Kenneth is spending ‘the week with his grandparents Mrs. Bumner Noll and daughter | Elsie Jane, and Mrs. Raymond Nej- {digh and son Bobby, were Bunday evening callers at the D. P. Ertley Ee Mr. and | Monday {afternoon with her daughter, ? | Hogan Long and family Mary , a speedy | and | brother, | Ethel Yearick, Josephine! daughter, of Lewistown, visited Sat. | urday at the home of the former's | parents | Mrs. Ray Allison, of Howard, yyy. | [ited Wednesday of last week gt the! willam Eckenroth home Some birthdays In our town dur. | ling the past week were John Haupt | on Thursday, and Miss Edna Me. | Cullough on Saturday. | Mr. and Mrs. George Calhoun, of | Cary, Indiana, thelr daughter, | Mrs. John Steel, of McKeesport, and | Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Riche] of] Bellefonte, were Bunday evening | visitors at the Eckenroth home Foster Baird made a business trip to Harrisburg on Tuesday Mrs, leonard Glenn from Philadelphia Sunday Mr. Burl Peters went to more Sunday expecting to ix a few days Marjory Hall quietly celebrated | her birthday on Tuesday of this! werk Miss Betty Hostrander, of Pitts. | burgh, visited with the Fetzer and! Eisenhauer families this week | Miss Frances Eisenhauer Elizabeth Fetzer and Mis Hostrander visited in State C on Tuesday afternoon Mrs, Wiliam Peters Is spending | some me with her daughter Mr H. W. Rabert, In Bnow Bhoe THE BRIDGE BUILDER An old man, going a lone highway Came at evening, cold and gray To a chasm vast, and deep wide old man crossed In Uw Hight sullen stream had him, he turned, other side And built a bridge to span the t ‘Old man.” said a fellow-g Near, You are wasting you buliding here, You never again will pass this You've crossed the chasm dee; wide Why bulid you this ning tide?” Balt. | gone | Miss | Bs tty lege The no fe The But when safe strengtl bridge at The bullder lifted his old gray ! ‘Good the come he sald, There [ollowelh alter me tod A youth wh feet must way, chasm that lo me friend, In path oe js has been a To { ir-halred be must that pitfall He, too cross in the iw dim Good friend, 1 am bullding bridge for him.” By special permission Will Allen Dromgoole ———— ORVISTON There were 118 present at Sun- day Bchool Bunday | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Confer and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Confer and family bd Clarence, ! Miss Verna Shank of spent the weekend with ents, Mr and Mrs. A M. Shak Mr. and Mrs. Clair Butle and Otto Bchenck spen: Sunday after- noon with relatives ai Howard Charles Lucas and Bob Confer spent Saturday at Palrview help- ing to paint the church The Men's Bible Class held lheir regular moiv aly meeting In their class room on Friday night Mr. and Mrs, Prank Delong and son James attended the funeral of Mr. Delong’s brother al Johnsone burg on Friday Joe Smead spent Friday night and Baturday at Bellefonte Frank Rickeris entertained rela- tives on Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs Carl Graham and son of Ft. Lauderdale, Fila. spent several days the past week with) Mr. and Mrs, leo Condo, Mm | Condo and daughter Vonds turning home with them on Sun- | day to spend the winter | The Loyal Women's Class held a farewell party in the church base- | ment on Tuesday night for Mrs. | Leo Condo, A good time was had | by all John Daley of Baltimore, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. | Blanche Daley. i Emeline Butler of Howard, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. |! and Mrs. Clair Butler, | Rebecca Confer of Yarnell spemt | the weekend with her parents, Mr, | and Mrs, Ed. Confer. Lo ——— a m—— BUSH HOLLOW There were 48 present at our Sunday School on Sunday. We | were glad for the increase in the attendance and hope R continues | each Sunday. Come out on Sunday morning and Wednesday night to the services. Youll be welcome We are planning a Sunday School rally in the near future, More par. ticulars later. ! Mrs, Charles Bush visited at the | Harry Oarver home Wednesday | Mrs. Carl Spoils and son Larry | were Wednesday dinner guests at the home of Mrs, George Parsons | Mrs. Edna Spotis and Mrs. Mar- | tin Spots and children attended { the funeral of Clarence Hall, which was held at Milesburg last Thurs. her par I. Well men seldom appreciate doo. tors. KO J y i C Sunday Visitors at the home of and n Warren, of Cleveland, O ; Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Gearhart were Mr, and Mrs, John Bhultz, Jr. of Milesburg; Mr. and Mrs, Fred | Gearhart and son Charles, of Pine! Grove Mills, and Mrs, Lloyd Woo- mer and Donald Ray, wife and two children, Loran and Basil, of Axe Mann; and Mrs. Charles Hill and son Tommy, of Bellefonte Charles Miller expects to be back at his home this fall. Welcome back, | folks. Ross Benner, of Decatur, Ill. son of Mrs. Cyrus Gearhart, who spent and Fleming Poorman, of Hollow We had a slight frost morning which did not hurt any- the corn in shock and the pump- | kins in off the vine | Reports have it that the Winn for a speedy recovery visited In our vicinity days last week for a Blanchard Poorman, of Johnstown, ! Holts | Monday thing, but we will soon have to put | hous present were a | man, Eckley, Mrs Mr. Willlam Ridge, of Harrisburg, | few | Bunday with Bowie and family, of Lemont The Cemetery Association meet | Wion returned home last Co— VALLEY VIEW Miss Hazel Corman Corman, Mrs Mrs. Bruce Mrs, Paul Mr King Mr Cyrus entertained | the Bewing Club Thursday evening Bertha and Lym .n Cor- Corman, Paul N. Eckley, Mar- baby is ill at this writing. We hope | lon Bheres, Mrs. Miles Shultz, and and Mrs. Ed. Hourer and Mrs Houser spent Bunday with Ethel Mae Breon ————— A —— Deadly Spider on Exhibition A de .dly tarantula spider is on display at the D. and H, grocery store in Milton, and was the cause of much excitement when It was discovered on a bunch of bananas by Paul Hertz and Harry Hill, store employes, as they cut bananas, The big spider Is almost three Inches in diameter and of a brownich color It was captured alive and imprison- ed in a large botlie Betty erent John Important Statement From A&P About War Days and Food Prices A & P's policy will remain unchanged. That policy Is simply this—A & F will provide good foods at lowest prices possible. As always, we will operate our stores and markets with the interest of our customers principally in mind. We know the hardships that Increased food prices can bring to countless families. Therefore, our prices will be adjusted only to the extent that is absolutely necessary If owing to the laws of supply and demand, the price of foods we purchase moves upwards, obviously we will have to pay the higher cost and change retail prices accordingly. You have our assurance, however, that A & PI margin of profit will continue to be very low and normal in every respect, Thus, we pledge to you and our six millon loyal customers the best efforts of our widespread organization to keep our prices as low as sound business judgment will permit. We repeat, A & P's policy will be unchanged. Good Foods at Lowest Prices Possible! Branded Steer Beef—Round. Sirloin, Tenderloin STEAKS » 29° CENTER CHUCK ROAST Ib 20c MEATY RUMP ROAST - Ib22 STANDING RIB ROAST - Ib 23c FRESH PORK SAUSAGE “1b 21c - Ib 23¢ Whole or Small Fresh Hams... 5%. Smoked, Skinned—Whole or Shank Half HAMS <:r21° Sunnyfield Tendered “=i. - Ib 24c Sunnyfield Ready-to-Serve Ib 26c FRESH HADDOCK FILLETS - Ib 17¢c FRESH DRESSED SEA TROUT - Ib 10¢c GRAPES LUSCIOUS TOKAY 1b 5c ICEBERG LETTUCE - 2 hds. 15¢ SWEET POTATOES 8 Ibs 23¢c APPLES ;..-.. 10 Ibs 25¢ YELLOW ONIONS - 10-1b bag 23¢ Pure Gold Calif, (252's-28K8's) DOZEN 19¢ ORANGES THIS IS NATIONAL WHITE HOUSE EVAPORATED MILK WEEK \ Milks good for you! Eat it in delicious dishes made with White House Evap- orated Milk which bears these en- dorsements: 1. Accepted by the American Medical Amociation’s Council on Feods. 2. Approved by Good Housekeeping Bureau. 3. Conforms to all Gov't. standards. Prices Below Effective in All A. & P. Stores in Vicinity IONA COCOA - - - 2-Ibcan 15¢ KIDNEY BEANS 5s . 32% 19¢ CHURNGOLD OLEO - - -.° 19 PINEAPPLE Jus, - - - 2m 35¢ A&P APPLE SAUCE - - 2%.13¢ N.B.C. SHRED. WHEAT -2 pkgs. 21c SPRY Joie . . . 5 18c'* 3249 RINSO oie” = = = = = = 25037 Py Ee 0) LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP - ck. 5¢c ) 4 Owned init Copyright 1836 A & P Tea Company Ann Page Macaroni proved by Good Housrherping: Buren. Yer choy cae be priced w wwe pou money because dhey sor both made sad sold by Aa You hase ie de meg thes sede. ‘Dinner - « » 10¢ “Tender Cooked” Ann Page Beans Peanut Butter r+ »»13¢ Ketchup Ann Page = (Made of Chili Sauce += r= J, | M-0s Jar 10c peciully grown tomatoes) 12-01. bil 15¢ ‘Pre.Spaghetti -r«3-=17¢ MelloW heat +r 227 ¢ Salad Dressing» r««»23¢ Pure Preserves -r +» 25¢ Sparkle wre - - 3»-10c (GELATIN DESSERTS AND PUDDINGS) * THIS PRICE EFFECTIVE IN ALL A & P STORES IN VICINITY Clapp’s Baby Foods 3 cans 25¢ Clapp’s Chopped Foods - 2 cans 23¢ Pillsbury Pancake Flour Pillsbury Farina Cream Mints A & P BAKERS WEEK-END FEATURE White Layer CAKE With Rich Butter Cream Icing 29c¢ Hot Cereal gc - = 2% 17c Crafters - - - 1 9¢ NATIONAL DOG FOOD WEEK! THRIVO - - 3 Ibcans 25¢ RIVAL - - 3 Ib cans 25¢ Ken-L-Ration 3 |b cans 25¢ Red Heart - 3 |b cans 25¢ DOG FOOD Candy Daily Brand 5c Ib can Mild and Mellow Eight O’clock OFFEE 3 oe 3c A & P Bread 15 Varieties — Fresh Daily 2 ve 1 5c A Operate the M ———————————— KET M A ———————— I TI ———-—————