September 14, 1939. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT: —DRLLETONTE, PA. Page Five FC LOC ALS. | | Mr. and Mrs. J. Lynn Krape are spending a few days this week in Berlin, Pa, with Mrs. Krape's parents, --We are indebted to Mrs. Har- vey Eminhizer, of Yarnell for a bag of delicious apples which she brought to our office last Thurs- day. —Charles McClellan, employed at Harrisburg, came home during the weekend and rem:ined with his family on East Howard street until after he had cast his ballot at the Primary election, Tuesday. —Mrs. W. W. Bickett, of the Cad- fllac apartments, was a patient at he Centre County Hospital during the weekend, having entered that institution to undergo a thorough x-ray examination. She returned to her home on Saturday. —Mr. and Ms C. E. Snyder Miss May Lose and Samuel Marque- beck, all of State College, spent Sunday in Bellefonte as guests Of Mr. and Mrs. Snyder's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, John H. Rutter, at their home on West High Street. —Mr. Myrrel D. Solt, who has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Ellen E. Solt, at 111 East Bishop street, on furlough after returning from the Philippine Islands, spending a tour of duty with the 31st Infantry at Manila, left Thursday list for his new station which will be Army Medical Center, Washington, D. C —Mrs. Margaret Decker, son John and daughter Mrs. John Mil- ler. of Snvdertown, returned home Thursday from Chicagé, where they spent some time visiting with the former's brother John Mertz and family. They also witnessed the marriage of the former's niece, which took place on Saturday Sept 2nd. at 3 o'clock in the Hope Ephi- thany Lutheran church —Rev. G. E. Householder, pastor of the Bellefonte United Brethren church, and Mrs. Householder and Robert Davidson, delegate, will gv to Altoona today to at'end the ans nual conference of the Unite Brethren church, which will 2d held frem Thursday to Sunday, in- clusive, at the Second Avenue church. Bishcp G. D. Batdorf will preside over the sessions. —Austin and Elwood Furst, sons of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Furst, of West Linn street, will leave this weekend to resume their studies at Dickinson College. Austin is a se- cond year liw student, and Elwood is a third year man in college. Dur- ing the summer the brothers ob- tained some practical experience in their chosen profession in the law offices of their father, former Judge Furst —Furnace fires for the coming winter will be started in most Belle- fonte homes and business places either this week or next, if previous years’ experience may be taken as a guide. Two jears ago most fur- nices were put into operation on September 15; last year fires were not necessary until around the 25th Once they are started, furnace fires are needed constantly until some- time in May. ~—Mr. and Mrs. Jack Emley Smith will vacate the Drisenll Duplex apartments on Eist Curtin street about November 1, and will move to Davton, Ohio, where Mr. Smith has accepted a position with the Bor- den Company, manufacturers of milk products. The 8miths have resided in Bellefonte s\Nice June 1938, Mr. Smith having been sent here to supervise the federal nursery project near Howard ~James Matthews, of St Paul Street, one of Bellefonte’'s best known colored resideny s, has gone to Washington, D. C., to make his future home with his brother, Lew- is and his wife, who recently were in Bellefonte helping Jimmy to close up his affairs here. Last Spring Mr. Matthews’ wife died and s'nca the children are grown and are no longer at home, he has de- cided to break up his home here Mr. Matthew's bother is a plaster ed by ‘rade and can give him steady work in Washington. —Mrs. Robert Knox, the f[nrmer Miss Violet Shope. eof Harrisburs who has ben in Bellefente with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W,_ R. Shope at their home on South Thomas Street since Labor Dav, returned to Harnisburg yesterday Among other guests at the Shope residence during the weekend were Mr. Knox and his brother and sister, Homer and Mary Jane, of Harrisburg and their parents, the Rev, and Mre Homer Knox. of Northumberland | who also spent some time with rela- | tives and friends in Altoona and vicinity. John and Thomas Kellehe>, scng of Mr, and Mrs, Thomas J | Kelleher, of South Svoring Street. | are planning to leave late this weex bv rail for Sacramento, Califcrnia, where they expect to enter the! Sacramento Junior College. John attended Gettysburg College during the 1937-38 school year and last] year was an electrical engineering student at Penn State. Thomas! was graduated from the Bellefcnte High Bchool in the class of 1938, and has been accepted as a g udent in the west coast school. The brothers will make their home | with thelr brother-in-law and sis-| ter, Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand, in Sac- ramento, ~Mrs, Wayne Stitzinger and son, George, of New Castle, are expected | to come to Bellefonte’ tomorrow for # several weeks’ vication with rela- tives and friends while George re- cuperates from the effects of injur- ies he received some weeks ago in, his attempts to save a little girl from drowning al City Park New Castle. He had expected to return to his studies at Slippery Rock Teachers’ College this fall, but the accident made it impossible for him to attend schoul at this time, He mother expect to spend on. Suing BARD of Mrs. Sti Bentiedy Johaton, ak Hecla Park. tree { October 1 | Street home to the Carpeneto resi- ! a | Miss Thomazine Curtin, daugh- | ter of Mrs. H. Laird Curtin, of Cur- tin last week entered the nurses | traning school of the Germantown Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Lalll, of Easy High Street, and Joe Paglia, em- | ployed in the Pennsylvania Parole office here, spent last week at the New York World's Fair | —Mr. and Mrs. M. M, Cobb, of West High S'reet, are spending a weeks’ vacation with relatives and friends and in visiting points of in- terest in various part of New York state —Mrs. Frank Nelson, of Lamb Street, and Mr. (nd Mrs, Roy Miller, of Penn Street, moicred 0 Punxsutawney, Sunday, to spend the day with Mrs. Nelson's sister Mrs. George Baney. —After spending the summer va- cation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Robb, at their home on East Curtin Street, Miss Mary Robb last week resumed her di as teacher in the public of Scmmerville, N, J George Cohen, who for some time has been located in Richmond, Va. has returned to the home ot his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cohen, on North Spring S reet, anc has resumed his employment with the Peoples’ Furniture Company working out of the Lewistown and State Ccllege stores, Dancing school—The Eileene George Webb studio “of the Dance” Fall and Winter term, Thursday, Sept. 21st at the Logan Hose House Howard Street. Instruction in all types of dancing, toe, tap, ballet, ballroom. Speci] Work for Chtl- dren beginning at age 4, regis tra- tion from 3 0 7p. Mm David Fortney, of Johnsonburg spent the weekend Bellefonte with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, D Paul Fortney, at “heir home on East Bishop Street. David came here particularly be with his father who suffered a fractured right wrist las: Wednesday when he was struck by a truck as he walked across the street near his home —Mrs. Jack Montgomery and young son, Richard, who have been residing with Mrs. Mon gomery's parents, Mr, and Mrs. M. B. Runkie on North Bpring Street, Mon- day accompanied Mr. Montgomery to Rochester. N. Y.. where he has been emploved for some time and shere the family will make their permanent residence —Mrs. Norman Ellswor h timore, Md., is spending this in Bellefonle wit h her si Charles Beatty and family at on home on East Curtin Stree Mrs Ellsworth came here with her daughter, Mrs. William Treadwell Ean Ta Les hools ir 34 0 on of Bal- week er, | and three children, also of Balti- i mere, Md., who were a: the Beally residence during the weekend. —Falling on broken glass while playing on the grounds at the Milesburg Fire Company carnival at Milesburg, Friday night Richard Miller, ten-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller, of Milesburg, suffered severe lacerations of right kne2. He was bmught to offices of a Bellefcnte physician where the wounds were closed with clamps, Mrs. James Jameg Jr, Roy Miller, the tie Andrews and son, and daughter, Mrs. J of Philipsburg, accom- panied Mr. Andrews to Bellefonte, yesterday, and spent the day shop- ping and visiting the Andrews’ son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs W. B. Chandler, in the Criders Ex- change apartments. Mr. Andrews is serving ag a juror a: the Sep- tember criminal court this week -H. M. Kaizen, of North Alle- gheny Street, operator at the Belle- fonite airport, hag been transferred fo the government station at Mar- tinsburg and has gone the e to take up his duties, His wife, the former Cordula Love, daughter of Mr. ana Mrs. W. J love of South Penn Street, and their young daughter will join Mr, Kaizen as soon as liv- ing quar ers have been loca ed ~Miss Grace McCurdy fell and fractured her hip at her home on Fast Linn Street Wednesday of last week and since that time her con- dition has been causing her many friends considerable anxiety. Ar- rangemen s had been made to take her to the Centre County Hospital for treatment, but the plans later were abandoned when physicians found that her condilion was such | that it sas inadvisable to move her al this time, -in a sale completed this week, Charles Wagner, of Willowbank Street, purchased the George Car- peneto residence on East Curtin Street. Mr. and Mrs. Wagner an4 five children expect to move about from their Willowbink dence. Mr, and Mrs. Carpensto and ‘heir two sons are now geeking a suilable apartment preferably in| the business area of town, and will vacate the Curtin Street property in the near future. —After spending the past month | in Bellefonte with her mother Mrs. J. M. Bricker, on Reynolds Avenue, Mrs. Louis H. Brown, early this week, departed for her home in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Mrs, Brown | went to New York by rail from Lew- istown, and spent several days at- | tend ng the Worlds' Pair before boarding a coastwise gteamer for | the rin to Florida. Her son, | James, has begun his s'udies as a | member of the junior class at the | Pennsylvania State College. Employes of the two Bellefonte | theatres held thelr annual weekend | party, Saturday and Sunday, at the | Gravel Spring Lodge, near Rebers- | burg. Mr. Lester Meek, a member | of Gravel Spring Lodge, served as chaperone. Those who participated in the two-day outing were: Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer Clark, Miss Paul- ine Stover, Miss Eunice Stover, Mr. ! and Mrs, Herbert S8hutt and daugh- | ter, Donald Meek, Francis McKin- | ley, Frankiin Hillard, Elwood Du- | i | { {and Mrs ~Mr, and Mrs. H. E. Ritter Mr and Mrs. H, E. Ritter, Jr, Liverpool, Pa., were pleasant wv Hi rs at the Methodist parsonage on Sun- day afternoon. Miss Virginia Bertram, daugh- | and ter of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph F. Ber. | tram, left Sunday for Pittsburgh, | where she will enter the Allegheny | General Hospital as a student nurse, -Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Vonada and daughter, Miss Mona, returned to their home on East High Street In time to vote Tuesday afternoon after a several days' visit with Mr Hirry J. Crouse, home In Akron, Ohlo Mrs. Marvin J. Rothrock, of East Linn Street, is reported to be recuperating slowly from a major operation she underwent at the Centre County hospital last Thurs- day. Mrs. Rothrock, the former Dorothy Mallory, has not been well for some time --Miss Martha Johnston, daugh- ter of J. Kennedy Johnston, of East Bishop Street, and proprietor of the Johnston Drug Store, has been a patient at the Centre County Hos- pital since Wednesday of last week undergoing treatment preliminary to a goitre operation. Miss John- ston has not been well since April Lee P. Fetzer, service manager of the Dunlap Motor Company, is | in Chester, this week attending the Ford Tractor Schcol, The Dunlap Mo or Company expects its demon- strator tractor here the latler part of this week or the first of next week, As soon as the tractor Is avallable here a number of demon- strations will be made in his ter- ritory. This traCtor is entirely new in design and principle Mr. and Mrs. George Jones rived in Centre County last week from Seoul, Korea, for a visit with Mrs. Jones’ mother, Mrs Jerry Glenn at Mt PBagle. Mrs. Jones was formerly Rachel Glenn. They spent three years in Korea, where Mr (nes was representing the Singer Sewing Machine Co, Owing to China-Japin war business conditions became 50 bad that they deemed [t advisable to return to the United States. On their way home they spen a week at Honolulu They will remain in Centre County being and later may go for the time to Scuth America Donald A. Smith Louise A. Smit Bellefonte, was ar- the “le nie of Mrs street among guest speakers at the Tri-County Council meeting of American Legion Auxil- faries held yesterday at a park near Muncy. The youth gave a report on camp life at Indiantown Gap where he was sent by the Brooks-Doll Post American Legion Auxillary of Belle fonte, for a ten-day camping period during Mn About members of the Bellefonte post are also atiend- ing the meeting. The Tri-County Council comprises Centre, Clnion and Lycoming counties The Women's Golf Association of the Nittany Country Club held its annual dinner and bridge party Tuesday night at the Brockerhoff Hotel, Beliefonte. Although it the usual custom for the losing team 10 act as hosts to the winning team of the Associa’ion, the ar- rangement was cancelled this vear because the tow nament between the teams captained by Mrs. Hugh Crumliish and Mrs. Stanley Valen- tine resulted in a deadlock. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. LL O : Mrs. NB. Long, Mrs Josep h Parrish, Mrs. Crumlish an Mrs. Hugh Quigley. In all there were 24 members of the Associa- } presen at Tuesday's event - Witmer Chosen As Democratic Nominee 13, son Pike the of ily 20 (Continued from page One) township, were given spied] d com- or iomny ary voles in thelr unopposed candidacies for Prothonotary and Recorder, respectively. Beezer's un- official total was 4.320. and MeDow- ell is credited with 4.328 For County Auditor Henry Hosterman. of Harris township, and J. Victor Brungart, of Miles town- shiv, were nominated without op- position. Hoslerman's vote was 3.- 549, and Brung.its was 3247, a newspaper tabulation indicated While no accurate , record was kept of the vote polled by Charles Sheckler, of Milesburg, as a sticker. campaign candidate for Coroner on the Democratic ticket. Mr. Sheck- let's name appeared quite frequent. ly on Democratic ballots, and he has been conceded the Democratic nomination. For Justice of the Supreme Court, Centre county Democrats favored Herbert Funk Goodrich, of Phlla- delghia, over Sam M. Soffel, of Pittsburgh. Goodrich was given 2. 282 votes, while the Pittsburgh jur- List received 2044 tallies Three candidates appeared on the Democratic ballots for Judge of the Supreme Court. Since three Judges were 0 be nominated, the votes | given the trio are entirely compli. | mentary. It may be significant to note that one of the aspirants, Ed- ward Jackson Thompson, of Phil- ipsburg, got the endorsement of 4.» 115 of his fellow Demoerats. J. Har- old Flannery. of West Pittston, who spoke recently st Black Moshannon Park and at the Orange Pair, was [given 2.000 votes, William H. Keller, of Lancaster, who has some ties in Centre county as the brother of the | at their | MM Fish Wardens | Attend School in Honor |" | of Member Who Died En- route to Bellefonte — Leaders of Pennsylvania's half- million sportsmen will take part In the program of the summer meet- [ing of The Pennsylvinia Forestry Association to be held this month The Cook Forest Park has been selected for this year's meeling which will be held on Friday ane Saturday, September 22 and 23 An attendance of 300 foresters ti men and conservationists Is exp ed The program | Session Shortened | spoil will attempt to dovetail the interest of the forester and the hunter. For m:ny yral there has been a feeling that game management has conflicted in one way or another with forest pra tices. Means will be sought to bring the two groups into complete har mony in the interest of conserva tion Speakers Include executive director of the vania Game Commission; OG. Albert Stewart, Secretary ¢ Department of Forests and Water Wilbur K. Thomas, President of the Pennsylvania Forestry Association John C. Youngman President of the Pennsylvania Federation © Sportsmen's Clubs; Francis R C Jr.. Vice President of The Penns vania Forestry Association; Dr gan Bennett, Blological Burves E. Montgomery, Department of | ests and Waters, James N of the Pennsylvania Game Comms sion; and R. M. Evans Reg Forester of the United Slats est Service Headquarters of the meeting be Cook Forest Inn, and field ns of the Cook the nearby Tiones'a planned. The Cook itself contains 6,085 winding Clarion Riv acres of Penns) State Forest lands. The Pork given to the State by Thoma: millionaire lumberman, wh gave Cook Mans which | part of Cook Forest Inn GC Peru Honoral fF 4 Seth “Ey hat to vIrious and to tract are Park along the adjoins 8.000 section est put 10 on CENTRE COUNTY DRIVER TO FACE POLICE CHARGES to hat ARAL fitre oon! automobile cra {failure befiled Cx after: nouncement by lice Traffic Bureau CG. R. Dauber, it is ported to police that was operating south street was struck by a vehic en by Nolan According the Nolan car a stop sign on Walnut street Dauber's car, curd Into a st: sidewalk 1000 the i ' on Wain ie d iv- to Dauber’ was dri the easter and crashes ven ~My, and ] Bucky moved yesterd frotn the Ciyde Jodon property on Eas! Street to the Roy Yamell he the same st which until r ly was occupied by Game Pr E M Woodward and famils have ove to Roaring | Mr employed as al ALES aa » Weir Rocky a EB Cw MARRIAGE LICENSES IL. Calvin Hever] Howar Irene Mae Heve Hon James John Bellet Louise Martin Belinf MARKET QUOTATIONS Wheat Oats Buckwheat Hye Barley Comn Provisions, groceries, ete, as cor rected weekly by Herr & Reverly. Eggs, per dozen : lard. per pound Maytag's OILED and REPAIRED R. K. OWENS Electric Store High Street BELLEFONTE, PA. late Judge Harry Keller, of Bele fonte, received 3.235 votes from the | county's Democrats, — Reason cannot be slandered by epithets. APPRECIATION We sincerely thank the voters of Bellefonte for their fine support on the local option issue, Being desirious of the good wil ‘of the entire community and a bet- ter understanding of our Business, we will be glad to confer with any legitimate organization, and t k» action on any complaint as to the conduct of our business in Belle fonte. Bellefonte Retail Liquor Dealers Association. = ¥ we 4 . REMEMBER | When You Want Anything In Lumber, Millwork, Doors, Sash, Roofing W. R. SHOPE BELLEFONTE, PA. Phone 452 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN EVERY PARTIOULAR oe | W ! [CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS | 30,000 People Read This Column AVEry week. That's why Centre Democrat's classified advertising de- partment has hecome so amaz.ogly popular the benenty derived, it #aln Counter RATES first sue Considering its low cost ana is undisputably Centre County's Commu.iity Bar. ment Joa more than twenty-five words, ole cent a word is charged. REAL advertising sale or rent. ESTATE—A straight one cent a word ls charged for rea) estate KEYED ADS All advertisements that request replies to be mailed ww this office must be complied with by those answering ‘“e advertisements Please do not call at the office for information concerning such advertise DELLS, us Lhe publishers are not permitted to divulge the name of the ad- "eriiner, SUBSCRIBER'S PRIVILEGE Every subscribed to The Cenure Dem- Krat free o! charge. nerves Wanted to Buy buy good used New bummer kerosene stove ohh C, Dale, BR. D x37 in the market for sheep, oalves and Centre Hall 54-R-11 or Sidney T. Riegal, Cen Help Wanted over 21 in person iefonte, Pa yrars the Big Ir middie aged on well stocked Ma keyville, Pa x37 rienced WANTEI house work ood and abe or 1021, Bel x3 7 138-R worn Ww in Saandly of They APO Ad ress Howard R #1033 anu ago pLemmen WW go WW WO 4 Drawing ROOOUOA desirable bul ref pre ieas tre Dem- Car Ciive Care The Cen Work Wanted 4 Excavating contracting Sling jos Call 47-3 Belle Sam m Cappmreili, Ox jevilie, 32& ET Oy! dogires housework In eefonte Espericnoed oan Fi referchoes. Phone Bellefonte 17i-R WANTED wale » HY ref{eren Pa. RD WANTED September 1 We also install tig of a King Sean Cappared WANTED Fieor's sun ohsiacie Buasdr ETRE ref ore ote Write Albert O Emig, Mil 2 Da Lt. Lost and Found _ FOTN Woes (Cranes conse ON Bellefonte this office "— in eather High Street CAD Alt at for thi BE ad Toman, light cham- ins Near Finder pleae office %38 LOST p— bis cane at Fisher's or by, some weeks past n in Centre Democrat forte Reward i" in Bel ! LosT instruments between Milesburg, Adumi- num, about 10); inches long, Bin high. f«in wide. weight about 30 pounds each. Reward of physical Company, Inc. 5437 Baum Diva. Pitteburgh. Pa. Phone collect, Mos rose ed Pitt aDurgh Xe Two Welliboro and Articles for Sale 825. Geo-! Clarence, Pa BS enlitled to a 26-word advertisement in these columns one lime This privilege can be used Six Lines a year at different POR SALE--Frust or P38-R-13 AW cider press, call good aoed A. Thomas POR. SALE--8Bome Inquire of John Matilda, Pa POR BALE. oconailiol Pleasant Gap, Pu. ron bed Sin gle In of N ile seoond hand lnquice of Pa FOR copper A. Fravel, FOR SALE Day bed both in eX(« wllent phone Bellefonte BALE-—A kettle Howard and oot 0 _663- R- furnace Inquige of C Pa. (Axe Mann) x37 FOR SALE --8ome timothy seed. In- quire of Amhur OGarbrick, Zion Bellefonte R, D. 2, Phone Zion 27-R- 13 x37 FOR BALE A second hand Ml good condition E. White, Beliefoute and wood topsot] ; ing sand: brick work 347-J, Belisfonte, Bam _Colevi lie au Cent "ny speed 119- FOR BALE white a da FOR BALE A H ml phase Inquire of Joseph Jodon Bt. Beliefonte, Pa motor cheap High x37 4) wie w BALE-~Comoord grape tormer Noman Kirk vineyard t # Bellefonte Riqul re Phone §25-R-12 x37 POR he at tL John PEACHES Tench on Bri Hu Pa Ay Elberta and J. H Hale WEI be ready Sept. lith COMalnie rs C D ick, R Tg Ts POR BALE vy wlan 1 oke, Un Bone fine Alberta peach- ng Sept. 5 Bring baskets “ther except Sundays, R wunville, Pa, Phone $31-R- ary ar p 8: oe id ron SALE A FOR SALE--At suction Sept 11 nity Hall [£08 Roan POR. SALE Poynton cum bers lomaloes mangoes, apples at my home in Pleasant Gap. Ps. on Tues- Joy a hid Friday, Phone 521-R-1. WH E =7 6 miles route 15 § a north m EST POR SALE—Hungreds used tires, all sizes from 15 0 inch rims Backed by sTitlen guarantee. Open evenings until # o'clock Wallrun Auto service, Snow Shoe Intersection Phone 753 FL BUILDING A HOME We have » full ilne of concrete foundation blocks vipe and OSngs seplic tanks tubls i. everything to bulid 0 W. Houta, Lumber Co vilege, Pa. Ph one 708 iu BALE ’ of Mr Some nice LOnTIn Lowen ne re Bessette Comley, on Fravel farm Benner township Ueforvie. RD. 1, or Catharine Fra- 37 N Spring 54. Bellefonte, Pa odd ! SALE--All kinds of native saw- Tamber at $25 10 828 per M. Ap- unately 20 squaces of slate roof. no reasonable offer refused. O Hous Lumber Oo. State College, . Phone 8. pe Dogs, Pets, Etc FoR SALE One $00 “rabbit John Warr Howard R D. 1 & a x37 ror SALE wo rabbit hounds 3 years old, ulre of Merrill Shuey R D232 Bellefonte, Pa x37 POR SALE-Litter of Begingene 23 pies. Inquite of Mrs. Chas Work- man, Mingoville, Phone 2332 Toh, x Live Stock FOR SALE—Rrood row with 10 pigs Rudy Wettstein, Fleming, Pa 7 Ey JHU — —— ES, ! FOR SALE—-A number of good milk ing cows. Inquire of Paul Rogue. FOR SALE-8iab and round Write Harry Barner, Box fonite, Pa wood. | FOR SALE—17 spotted Poland pigs, B 22, Bee: | weeks old. A. C. Jodon, Beliefonte R.D 2. Phone 732-3-8. FOR SALE-Clean timothy seed, RD 1 Phone 038-R-12 In- | quire of John Plahburn, Bellefonte, | x37 | held, FOR BALE ted Bo weeks old. aire of R D 2 efonte, Pot I are | ans FOR SALE Washed used crated milk | botties. all sipes. Harman Dalry Beilefonta, Pa Phone wis-R-21 x33 | FOR SALE Hand er, large size, 3 knives, ville. feed grind. good con- | dition. bargain, Beck Parm, Mant No Sunday Phone 4511, «Mil Hal, POR SALE - oli burner BQuiet-May tion. | FOR for furnace. Now In Splendid condition, sacrifice price. C. A Bonine, Phone Boalsburg an china wire se. Bie: x37 Universal electric 1 and server to ma {of Neviy Smith. E H | fonte, Ps igh ,S ANT! IQUES—Oid Tass, haa" + chairs and i pro articies. 4 miles spst of Milesburey on Route 64. The Pines Antique Shop. x37 | Loma ER-—footh nome em. rect f 111, Denna. Pine, rom m! Le esters . a8 FOR SALE~Buffl Hollow Clay Blocks oe Al Dullding purposes. alo Recommendations ng. cal ced | POR SALE—A. BC. electric washer, \ | Sawin 3, irs day-old red $15.00, Prrs come frst serve Parma FOR SA15-/The eat a}ing tru) oR Smo 1 3 1 | | in Mate. ~Advertisements of twenty-five words or less, 25 cents for | _ and 15 cents for each additional insertion. Where advertise- POR | tany Valley, J. B. Matis, Hublersburg, | Pa. sey aT | 2) FOR BALE--1081 Oakland sedan perfect condition shandeally pearance, and wooed Ww well H ublerwbury Pa C hevrolet two | POR BALE—1987 door sedan and a 1088 Pord two door seden., Price reasonable, Deck- er Motor co., Bellefonte, Pa x47 BALE «A 1087 Willys Deluxe sedan, good conditdon 8245.00 will finance. Randall M Keller Pleasant Gap, Pa. Phone, Belleionte 660- J 3 ase Farm Machinery : POR BALE New Idea and Papac 1 ma- chinery at all times. Bee the New Idea tractor spreader, on rubber tires It Is a real one. James J. Markie State College, Pa x37 in and J x37 POR BALE--Johrston corn-binder in running order, also pilsin 1-7 Bupetior grain drill. J L Deck - Centre Hall, Pa. Phone 182-R-4 x37 POR BALE--A used New Idea No 8 nanure spreader and a Pordson tractor. We also have complete line of McCormick Deering tractors and farm equipment M. Harold Bez Howard Ps, Phone 2731 Baus EY POR SALE Er i Cockshutt farm machinery tractor We have spreaders, lume sowemn grain drills, cultipackers ning mills aston dive Yow that CR be fats, Hublersth po Pa iNter ary and clpper 1a Draws ih beat J B sous w FOR SALE Used tractors on rubber and steel wheels, 3 differer Thresher new and used roughage mills, saw mills, 4 ent sizes bolle and engines Pull line of new mathinery, Prick, Minne- dis and Moline Red Pox en- silage cutters, Bear cat roughage and fond mills In stock at our warehouse at Williamsport, ask for your nearest dealer. Address Prick Company, 1204 Washington Blvd, Williamsport, Ps x37 POR BALE 1 used pus izzard ens ne cutter 13-inch: rebul ensllage cutter 16-inch: Corn binder with power bur ndle "oar - rier and tongue ruck On Ras engine tor: 2 Pordson IL. H C. B-186 tractor tractor 18-30 Rumiey Volt electric genemior nure spreader In good Idea Lime spreader attachment manu spreader: FPargubar elevalor potato digwer We also have 8 ful ine of cultipackers, spring 0 harrows, grain drills, new “envi cutters. John Deere tractors and of rn binders In stock, come in and Joon hem over Bungard Service Sor ng Mills Pu Real Estate - FOR 20.30 X tractor Emerson ma- shape New for bg For Sale near FOO Produc Holz, Belle oul BALE- " Ti -acre THis Is & Inquire H J farm BAILE--A bows and Joi ler Bureet Milesburg Boro. aior all conveniences Orin Mileaburyg Pa ] N x39 ror SALE -A 2Y wiory frame dwelling, all conveniences, locsied at Pleasant Oap, Pa, Inguire of os. M. Pauble, POR SALE- The W. W. Witmer farm of 202 acpez. € miles west of Belle fonte, In Bufalsc Run Valley near Fi mont Ww C SYR ner 396 E Blahop : 200 POR SALE-J-woom bungalow piace, 40 acres of gameland more Gap, 8 miles west of Bellefonte never fallin spring wiream Dial Slate . ; of land 56 acres Boggs Township iociudes four- house, 2-car garage chicken fruit trees and never failing John Furl, Bellefonte RD x37 POR and north POCKET pen. Oring 3 SALE Tract 168 perches of Rune lie FOR BALE--A private wale will be held after Sept. 23. of the Woil's Chapel church buliding, located 2 miles cast of Aaronsburg, route 45 For information inguire of Thomas Stover, of Cedar Burd Trustee, Asrotaburg Ps x38 FOR SALE OR RENT ~The Mrs Elizabeth Herkimer farm of 215 acres, 7 miles west of Bellefonte at Ciark’s school house. Also 21 sores, wills house and stable near ville Bellefonte BR. D. 1, or Late, State College, Phone 3256 Mrs. Esielia x38 POR BALE-160-acte farm located in | fecti , Pa. 3 acres timber, 7 fa, 20 mores of meadow Hubie acres of Beliefonte, phone sot Houser - Inguire of Mrs. Geo, W. Kiine, | FOR RENT Three and four aparunents. Also sore cenipally located. Inquire er Motor Co. Bellefonte, POR. RENT room roenn of Deck Pa x8 “A jour room apartenent with Yeth ov MoChuren Bhos hop, Belietonte Pa Inguire of Ms Eckenroth or call 2808 S.ate Coliege x27 RENT —Purnished first floor heat walter and eleciric wadher and sink kitchen, In E linn Beliefonte FOR on apartment tight hat Can rar # quire at 52 Pa x37 Rooms For Rent RENT Pleasant bedroom nveniences, in pri vate hone Are 28 West Curtin Street, Pho J Xie ir “ “A private wo 34 N bed eo - large bath clown orn Soring St, pleasant private rally locstl- Belletonts x27 Farm For Rent POR RENT OR SALE—A 45 acre fan a y nner township ey faz Belletor form. Ba nayalre x33 FOR RERT A 1186 art e farm, all ti able. lotated In Penn Two hairway between, Coburn Buring Mills Uhg waler, good W. H Grove Bau an unurni ished L particulars and amour “Weile MO. T. Care Centre Deenocs at “Miscellaneous DEAD - ICH Removes prom pt Call anviime at my expense ge J-8 Lloyd L. Smith Miles! MAKING The Axe Mann Yurday 1 Bat ! CIDER 20% Baving Keichline Insurance Agency pe Phone 180. Open even. and Saturday ad Ler noon a2 CARUSO Ulcers, Indiges- Blowing oe sample x44 INBURARCE- Tem Out PREE- if exoess go Paling of Stomach tion Heartburn, Belching Nausea, Gas Pains get f Udga, at Pare al Dr wg Slore a WANTED Dead, ola and Aisabied Cows, horses and mules removed ee, Vog hd Re ndering Works. Geo Vogt, Pix Centre Hall, Pa. Phone 55-R-4 at OF UT SXDeTIe 7] The Williams ha Purnace, will 7 and 8th and st five days of euch ¥ of the poason CIDER ress at PRESS Mart CIDER PRESS] Press Tuesday will operate my Wednesday and Thursday of each week until end of BORAT) Longs Service Station, Spring Milis Pa Phone 12-R-3. x39 MACHINE WORE —Ensilage cutter knives sharpened and machine | Work of all kinds. We also have in I#ntk cold roll steel, cap’ strews met” screws, Woodruff keys, key stock, elec Swartz Machine Shop, Bedefoute Pa Phone 32-R 341! MEN | FEFL uP TGDAY. Pur vigor thas “Old el 40” run down body With Ostrex Tonic Tablets. $1.00 size, special today 78c. I not delighted maker refunds this price Call, Write Wid- Teah ant mann & 0 RHEUMATICS Ser 4 tor free booklet on Rheumatism. Try TW bins and get Relief. Hepatioo Re tistn and get Relief Hepatioo- Re nalis Elim nant and Alkalizger 81.00 Meritol (Rheumatism Drops) 60 Krood Ol Rubbing oll 60c; Call or sent by mall on receipts of price Prepared in the laboratories Tibbine Pharmacy Beech Creek Pa Add 10c. postage and packing ASTHMA, Hay Pever, To ana Cas farrh Baisarnene YOUNGER, PEP | in stration deily and Bandas 10 wo 12-2 tw 6-7 to 8. No Wednesday afternoon hours. End results positively anteed jency The TB Inhaler or write us. The Tibbine on hd Creek. Pa. su GLASSES REDUCED--Havi My on installed new lens grin ma - chinery an prepared to fur y glass (88 al very attrective prices. Also eas | flames Just out) dor those with de. with a never falling stream, running | Houses for Rent FOR RENT-A house in Centre Hall | Inquire of W. N Nigen., Phone 175.8 | Hath on Reynolis Ave. Pa. Inquire of fonte, x37 | FOR RENT—A #x room house all Apartments for Rent | FOR RENT--Two furnished ments. Inquire of 113 Bast Bellefonte. y Drugs & Optical the Sight and Hearing Ald Store, Beech Creek Pa 11 Announcements NOTICE Mountain cemetery | cleaning will be Saturday, + Sept i ANNOUNCEMENT —The next reg- | liar meeting of the Young Patrons of Hushandry of Centre Co., will be held Hall Monday 8 at 8:00. fall Bellefonte, | Ear] Teaman Belle- 3 : | away. | Ba in Bellefonte, Sunday Sept. 17 a) 128 » m. Orvis Reed. pre MEETING—The Troziyuiny Cem: hold a meeting