Page Two September 14, 1939, I —— ~ SPRING MILLS Farmers and town folk around a certain town in Ohio, joined hands in novel “Commuity making" ex- periment which brings advantages of the town to the rural resident. A rural resident started the idea five years ago when he organized a township council to discuss and ac’ on local prcblems, still basic to the idea is the township council, con- sisting of public minded citizens and authorized people. This plan the township council linked to the town booster club, the local equiva- Jos of a Chamber of Commerce. iis council is the force which welds h all Bnv y the countryside and town inig one |, Mist Isabel Snyder has returned community. Among other advan-| J nia pending the winter with Mr, and tages this plan has accomplished Mrs, E. M. Woodring wonders for this particular commu- | & g nity. It has made modern fire Mrs. Lindemuth fighting equipment available to ru-| pent Sunday with ral residents without delay, a com- | Darell Ross munity hospital ready to serve The Methodist Missionary society rural folk, and an ambulance ser-| met at the home of Mrs. Dennis vice reaches all parts of the town- | Reese on Friday night: Members ship. It is obvious there has been | present were: Mrs. Rev, Sowers, “economic thinking through” for | Mrs, Ora Shobert, Mrs. Lillle Spotis, the community, including the mak- | Mrs, Meda Cowher, Miss Florence ing of market surveys, studying of | Wiliams and Mrs, Reese. new Industries for the area and Guests during the weekend at working out a ten year plan which | the home of Aaron B. Wiliams envisions, the community a decade | were Miss Elizabeth Pringle of Al- hence. toona, Mr, and Mrs, J. W, Carne- The experiment is significant and | ham, of Grove City; Mr. and Mrs fnponaper that it ay So | Robert Lannen, cf Chester Pa, and what any community may and can | Mr. and Mrs. E Parsons of Spruce accomplish if its residents are wide | Creek Wir. a awake and have the courage to un- | Mr. and Mm. Bob Fry are dertake worthwhile projects and | proud parents of a baby boy. carry them through. This is a fine | Mrs. Alice Harshberger, Samuel object lesson as to what might be | Harshberger, Miss Floss Lingle- accomplished here in our own com- | féiter of Claysburg; Charlie Year- munity with the co-operation of Ick and Mrs. Walters of Williams- our civic club and the township, As | Port: Mr. and Mrs. Tole of Lewls- the picnic season and other outdoor | WWD; Mr. and Mrs. Will Yeurick activities are about ended it is time and Mr. and Mrs Watt of Altoona, for our civic club activities to re- | Mr. and Mrs William Yearick of sume, which through the leadership | Bellefonte, spent Sunday at Mo- of our President, Harry A. Corman, | Shannon. The Yearick boys’ moth- has made wonderful strides since |S. maiden name being Harshber- | ger. It was a family reunion its o ization, while there is still gan : le ore fs SW | A. H. Duncan of Philipsburg, and Toom Zor mprovement, | daughter, Mrs. Ed. Campbell of A large delegation from our town Washington, D. C., spent Sunday and surrounding community at- | with Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Williams tended a Townsend Rally, at Mif-| Mrs Raymond Robison of Wash- flinburg, on Monday evening with | ington, D. C., is spending a week Dr. Joseph Robb, of Lewistown, as | with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. principal speaker. Quay Williams, Messrs. Harry A. Corman, and! Mrs, Ada Thompson Roe, of Ox- Walter S. Auman, made a business | ford, Pa., visited several days with trip to Philipsburg, on Monday | Miss Helen Thompson and Mrs, C ! evening. M. Pringle, she also attended the A goodly number from our town Srange picnic while here, attended the West End Fair, at | —_ RUNVILLE Laurelton, last weekend. James O. McClincy who has been Mr. and Mrs, Albin Spent Sunguy visiting for some time passed away atl on Sunday morning at Altoona, h Mrs. Sauel Gobble, is a surgical 4 patient at the Lewistown hospital, while Ray Ziegler, underwent a major operation at the Clearfield hospital. Both patients are getting along fine. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Jarrett Messrs. Harry and Billy Brun- and family of Sanborn, Pa. visited gard, from Loganton, visited their at Rev. Tobias’ week before last mother, Mrs. Lulu Brungard, on Mrs. Lioyd Walker was taken to Sunday evening. the Philipsburg Hospital on Labor As the fall season is officially less Day and was opera‘ed on Tuesdas than two weeks off, there is ample ' 80d on Wednesday night returned evidence -0f its official arrival The '0 her home. She is geiting along schools are practically all under Very nicely way for another schocl year, fall, OR last Thursday afternoon Mr. fruits and vegetables are ripening, 30d Mrs. Edward Hancock of and again on the menus sausage Philipsburg, and their daughter and and buckwheat cakes plus pumpkin husband, Mr, and Mrs. Philip Can- ples are just around the corner. : Ove, of Virginia, enroute to Logan- The mountain sides already hold ton to visit their gon and brother, the advance guyd of fall garbed Gilbert Hancock and family stopped woodland. A few more weeks will Off and took Mrs. John Purl along see the entire countryside wearing r®'uUrning in the evening. its golden flaming red garments of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Walker vis- the fall season, When along about ited with home folks on Saturday this time of the year, we began to ®Vening . give thought to the subject of _ The supper that was held at John chestnut hunting is only—Memory, Furl's was a success. We thank all who helped jn any way. E. O. Hettinger, has just added 8 Rav Tobias his delegate new coat of paint to his home, BY Zand ’ : from Yarnell will go to conference which gives it a very fine appear- .. Thursday morning which is held ance, at Altoona second church Scott McMurtrie, who has had The Brotherhood Organization a two months siege of sickness, we will hold their monthly meeting in are glad to report is again on the | the Locust Grove on Thursday even- Job delivering mail from the P, R.! ing. There will be able speakers, R. Station, to the Post Office. after which a weiner roast will take rem =m | place for the members and their families. Bald Eagle Grange will meet on Friday evening HOLTS HOLLOW J. E. Confer of Milesburg and Mrs Edith Burd spent the weekend with Orpha and Florence Butler at Ei- mira, N. Y, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sheesley and family, of Stormstown, spent the weekend with home folks at this place and on Sunday their little three year old son was struck by a passing car and received several cuts and bruises. Mr. and Mrs. James Wesley of Clearfield, visi‘ed over Sunday with relatives at this place and Howard. | Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kelly and family of Howard were recent call- ers at the Charles Poorman home. Mrs, John Kelly of - Moose Run, | spent Friday afternoon at the Or- | vis Watson home. NR PORT MATILDA Mr. and Mrs, Boyd Williams, John Bowen and Mrs, E M. Wood- Saturday, after visiting a week with Mr, and Mrs. M.J. Thompson and sons Robert and John, and Mr and Mrs, Norris Jamison and sou Marvin at North East, Md. Mrs Woodring spent several days with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs, A. PF. Woodring and daughter Nancy at Philadelphia. 8. J. Shunk spent the week al Grangers Picnic, Centre Hall be- ing Mr. Shunk's former home, of Unlonville, Mr. and Murs, the Jacobson, friends at im i is home 45. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Swathsh- worth and son and wife, from Cur- wensville, visited with Rev. Tobias and family over the weekend C. Y. WAGNER & COMPANY WAGNER'S Quality Flour A Hard Wheat Pat Flow WAGNER'S Our Best Flour ¥0-50 Blend WAGNER'S Very Best Flour Winter Wheat. SNYDERTOWN | { Church notes: Services on Sun-| i day 7:30 p. m, i { Mr, and Mrs, John Walizer, | daughter Alice and sons Allen and | Edwin were Sunday dinner guests i at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Nevin Stover and family. i { Mrs. Valentine and son Frank | | Willams were Sunday afternoon Wagner's 82% Dairy Feed Me aon and —— Wagner's 20% Dairy Feed Rome res, Toy Sneesely | ie , Joh d Thom Wagner's Horse Feed hier Ly pt irr Whe wp for New Wagner's Pig Meal York City after SDending several | wee vacation » Watson hi v Wagner's Egg Mash | "Ethel and da. Pearl a of Wagner's Chick Starter | man Top mek callers the Poor- Wagner's Turkey Starter | and Grower, Wagner's Scratch Feed Wagner's Medium Scratch Feed. Wagner's Chick Feed | callers at the H. N. Lutz home. | Rydes Cream Calf Meal } ui: and Mrs, Arthur Dorman | { called on Mrs, Katie Dorman, Sune | ' day. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Bradshaw called on Mrs. Ben Lutz Thursday | evening. They expect to leave for Texas in the near future, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Dorman i visited at Ed. Dorman’s home on Sunday. All kinds of high | feeds for mixing wi own feed. Dealers in All Kinds of Grains (Feree from Mill Hall, is visiting | with her, Alvin Beck, Randall Erte] and | Harry Lannen took the one day ex- your folks on Sunday. : ring returned to their homes on Sylvester Haagen visited with | Mrs. Ellery Krape's sister, Ella | WOODWARD We're informed that 33 pupils of | Public | the Woodward Consolidated Schools have been assigned to the first, second and third grades under Miss Mabel Vonada as teacher; 93 pupils to the four. h, fifth and sixth grades under Ralph Beahm as teacher, and twenty puplls to the seventh and eighth grades under Harry Burd as instructor, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stover and family took in the amateur oon- test at Halry John's Park conduci~ ed by Prof. Paul F, Bartges on Sun- day ~afte:noon. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Yearick and son of Illinois, pad this town a short visit on Saturday Well Katydid season Is about ended. They certainly held grand evening concerts for the past mon.h or more. We enjoyed these con- cer's as well as the touch of cricket music, The boys and girls of this locality who are members of the Bartges East Centre County Band gave sev- eral concerts at the West End Fair at Laurelton last week. On Satur- day afternoon they took part in the parade and won first prize as a band Nearly everybody took in the West End Fair last week and speak high- ly of the free acrobatic perfor mances given during the Falr. The performances belongs to the highest order of that Lype In our couniry Corn cutting time is here. Al- ready a number of the farmers are beginning the work. The corn crop seems to be a lot better than wags at first expected. Ears are of a size and well filled Rev. and Mrs. H, C. Kleflel of Al- toona stopped a short time In town on thelr way home to have a chat with former parishioners qualntances The Harvest Home servi in the Evangelical church on Sunday evening were very im- pressive (indeed A larye and beau- tiful display of fruits, vegetable and flowers were br t to the church. The canned things were a git for the Lewisburg Old Folk and Orphanage Home Mr. and Mrs. Ray Orndorf with riends of Philadelphia were noticed n town over the weekend Mr Mrs Hess family Laureiton enjoyed Harvest Home services on Su evening. Cum welder Corn shredding for ensilage is on the go since last week. Thus far we've had no frost but rather hot weather, However, a cool wave sel on Sunday good OUgNn f { H and the nday and of Stover als in Lge y "ne in evening SNOW SHOE Was entertained at of Miss Elizabeth Dixson evening. Agter an meeting a delicious was served. Those present Minses Marie Mae and Ruth France, Lucille and Edna Thomp- son, Madge Lucas, June Rigle and Elizabeth Dixson, visitors were Mrs, Mabel Lucas, Kathryn and Myra Dixson Those who spent the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Reeser, were: Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hunter and children, of Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Minnie Hun'er, of Coat esville; Mrs Mary Toben, Mrs Helen Richards, Mary Toben, Jack nd Pat Toben, Rose Mary Richards Kenneth Barton, Williamsport ; John and Ruth Hunter and Eliza beth Purst, State College Miss Lucille Thompson, visited friends in Bellefonte Priday and Saturday Peaceful Labor Day at of Miss June Rigle spent the week- end with relatives in Philadelphia Misg Geraldine Dixon of Belle- fonte, spe: the weekend with het mother, Mrs Mary Dixson and family Miss Margaret Shuman returned to her heme at Sinnemahoning af- ter spending an indefinite time with her aister, Mrs, Pred Hall and fam- uy, Mrs. Ada Straton, of Philipsburg, visited last week at the home of Mr nd Mrs. Joseph Wade. Misses Ethel Mall, Honey Gillette Rex Lucas and Dick Burns, visited with Miss Hall's brother, William Hall Jr, and family at Towanda Mrs. Willlam Hall Sr, Is making an indefinite visit there, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wade visit- ed over the weekend with thelr daughter, Mrs. Clarence Young and | family, of Williamsport, Miss Eunice Lucas R. N. of Phila~ | delphia is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mabel Lucas and family, Ralph Etters of Williamsport, visited his brother, Harry Etters { and family Saturday. LITTLE NITTANY The Delaney home coming was held at the Elizabe‘h Delaney home on Sunday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney and children, John Thomas, Ray Vic- tor and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Mich- ael Delaney and son, James, Mr, and Mrs. Larne Decker and chil- | dren Alice, James, Crace, Celia, and Clara, Mr. Rena, and Mrs, | Henry Zerby and children Clair and | David, Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Au-| man and Miss Ethel Fiedler, all of Centre Hall, Mrs Kathryn Clark and daughters Elizabeth and Bea- trice and son Joseph, Mrs. Anna Seaman and Prank and Edward Douds all of Greensburg: Mr. and Mrs. Philip Saylor and three chil- | dren, of Bellefonte, Mrs. Luther! Fisher of Howard, Boyd Butler of | Salona, Mrs, George Dolan and | sons, Arthur and Clarence, Mrs. | Harold Dolan and sons, Walter, | Frankie and Russell, of Jackson- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Benni- Dullen and children Annie, Edward, Walter, Nellle, Alma and Robert, and Edward Yearick of Nittany; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laubach and Elizabeth Delaney and Mrs, Margaret Dullen and children, Gloria, Dempsey, Maxine, and Donald. Everyone spent an enjoyable day. Elizabeth Delaney received a beautiful pet duck as & J Suton to the World's Fair on Sun- day. | compensation ceased, and son and grandchildren, Bobby and | Natalie Diehl, Mr. and Mrs. Edward | THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. | STATE COLLEGE | YOCUM GRAMMAR | Mr, and Mrs. C. FP. Tumey of SCHOOL NEWS West College Avenue had gy thelr! ——— weekend guests helr daughter | Forty-three pupils enrolled at the Florence of Auantie City and yocum grammar school las. Tues Kathleen Burd of Rebersburg, | day, September 5. The following John Graves son of Mr and Mrs pupils were in attendance Harold Graves of East Fairmount Fifth Grade: Eleanor Bachman, Avenue left pecently fog ML gara Fetters, Relda Robison, Sarah Herman, Conn,, where he will en- Fetters, Elmer Cain, Joseph Cow- ter Overton Hall School her, Elwood Gummo, Gerald Fet- Florence Berry of Miles street (ers returned having spent gev- | Sixth Grade: Anna Gordon, Shir- eral weeks visiting her mother In ley Tressler, Betty Calin, Clara Lock Haven and her sister in Porty- Peese, Myra Schlegel, Annas Robin- Fort son, June Martin, Melvin Emel, Mr, and Mrs. P. J. Packard of Maurice Young, Leroy Runkle, Rus- East Capmus had as their recent sel Emel, Clalr Young, James Me- guests thelr son and daughter«in« | Clelian, William Pettingill law Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Packard! Seventh Grade Mirtha Bachman, and daughter of Orr Hil virginia Gummo, Lueretia Cain, Mrs. Nell M. Fleming Geraldine Emel, Margie Zell, Kath. daughters of Garner street jeen Miller, Jane Gordon Gloria the weekend visiting relay Schlegel, Laura Young, David Kuhn. Rochester, New York ponald Bloom, Philip Irvin Mrs. Annie Garner of Wee Col- Eighth Grade: Lucy Cowher, Ger. lege avenue returned recently hav- ald Miller, Mahlon Bloom, Pred ing visited with her daughte; Mrs. Cain, Jr, James Baldwin, Earl Bon- Edna Deeter and son Detroit, | chack, James Schlegel Michigan (Author) James Schlege Mrs. John Erb and twos ters returned to thelr Heister street having spen weeks at the home of Mr: ents in Patton Mrs Margaret Cro; East Nittany Avenue guests Sarah Lyle and Lundquist of Philadelph Nancy Yearick home on West College avenue Camp Rohrman s& Dow naving spent Week SeL0r Thelma Shoap spent Monday and Tue home cf Mr. and Mn sang of Helster street Mr, and Mss, Irving son Harold of Miles the Auto races at alternoon Mr. and Mrs. B. H Parsons Mrs. Fred Gearhart, of Bast er Avenue and Mrs, Mars ap of Columbus Qay visiting Derry week days Lioyd Parsons o Thursday. Our has been spending several weeks al asic Winkleblech the home of Mrs. Walter Rules Worth Knowing streel, reiurned Don’t wait for the other fellow ing undergone a come 0 gO him. 2. Take the Philipsburg Hos but do your own deciding a ATT Wn Make friends: but remember that : or Pp ii n 4 In competition with others, Lynn Platt of Fairmount ways give them the retwrned to Cumberland, Ma: s ttle smarter where he will resume his du! hig ss Keep your urself. sometimeg it (Author) and two spent in ves of daugh- Home on several Erd's par- Sports News The boys of Yocum school, before classes in at recess Ume, and during noon play softball. Much coopera. 1 Is being shown in that no one person 1s trying to rule another, The pend most of their time Jump- rope Grimmar the morn- Ng hour tor her Kathryn iy returned to giris her 108 from nglown "In - dio Last year our school poor It was cracked whole way around the bottom » sheet of tin around [t got and sometimes boy would get ik new furnace which Is (Author) Fred Cain New Furnace Installed en stove was very nesrly rrisbhurg al Lhe th 1 very an Year the burned a and Bil tended n Alloona Sunday much betler., The | unded with tin fire bottom (Author) Thursday wa r fh It is from 3:20 have musi g | el | A UORGRY wi we have irnace ls un and the Beav- Dun-~ Last Fred Ble! y 8 per it of mt WE OF nus « 4 wk f the 1 ta all we Wite a the being 4 music 3 4 } 4 VRCOer i on Thursds v hav 1 tan VORA u you; to advice SONS not rn for of Iriends al- of being u are. $5 troubles to pays James Baldwin avenue yland es Of Credit than business i y and Mrs. John H kK, quietly celebrated wedding anniversary September 14. Mr are in fairly good health Mr, and Mrs. Harry daughter Beity re urned home on Helster street has the summer camping a: Creek and traveling to vario of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Daniel Tressler of Millbrook is confined 10 her bed because of iliness, her many friends wis her a speedy recovery. . Mr. and Mrs, Paul McCormick of Palrway Drive had as their guest on Sunday Eaher McClellan Lancaster Mrs Margaret Dunlap of Colum- bus, Ohio, is visting atl the home of her nephews Mr, Walter Parsons of Helster street and B. H. Parsons of East Beaver avenue Eisie Kreage of East Avenue spent the weekend Mill- r 53nd redaj Oro Grammar school and Yo- Primary school opened on with much enthusiasm shown by the pupils and the teach- ers Mr. Dol Miss Confer peclively Mr. Dolan or first Cay in an assembly outlined briefly some of the things he would like to scoom- plish this school year. He mention- ed something about clubs to be formed later, including a newspaper Faub. We anticipate an interesting yoar Yocurr m Tuesday Lams al ang I" Sr———————— FARM CALENDAR of Timely Reminders from The Penn- syivania State College School of Agriculta:e Fall Ewe Flock Management— From the standpoint of fuiure pro “ pear fits, fall 18 an important period for home in Falls, farmer keeping even only a few _ Catherine Coleman of ewes, say livestock extension spe- Street returned to her home, hav clalists at the Pennsylvania State visited in Jersey College. It is the time for the se- Mr. and Mrs. Rober: Hussey jection of the ram; the culling of family of North Burrowes sis mthrifty. of otherwise unsatisfac- turned to their home having tory ewes; and for providing fresh t#0 months in Maine. pasture or grain, or both, to get the R—————— ewes in shape for the breeding RELIEF ROLLS SHOW season, INCREASE OF M PERSONS Planting Fall Bulbs—Plant peo- nies and Madonna lilies now, sug- gest extension floricuiturists at Penn State. Madonna lilies may be planted earlier than other bulbs. Requeening Bee Colonies—Don™ overiook the fact that requeening bee colonies this fall will improve the chances of taking a strong col- ony through the winter as well as harvesting a large crop of honey next year, remind extension bee specialists at Penn State, Only colonies requeensal earlier In the season need not be requeened now Storing Farm Machinery-Penn Biate extension agricultural engin- pers call attention to the fact that uristored farm machinery is a8 subject to deterioriation in the fall as in winter. The practice of leav- ing machinery out-of-doors resuits in a definite economic loss through weathering, drying and rusting, they say. i Destroying Orchard Mice-Strat- egically located piles of com fodder, | grass or weeds, or cld hay in the 5r- chard will draw mice to them, Then the mice can be poisoned in these points, Penn Stale fruit specialists have found. Tipping Down Raspberry Plants Black raspberries can be propa- gated by tip-layering as soon as the “rat-tail” form, extension fruit specialists at Penn State remind. ——— so GP —-— —— NEW FURNITURE GROWS UP WITH CHILDREN Nittany al Der According to figures released by the State Department of Public As- siitance for the week ending Bep- tember 2, the number of persons receiving general assistance i Cen- tre county was increased by 34 dur- ing the week. During the period 71 cases were opened and 37 were closed, A survey of the reasons for open- ing new cases revealed that $ had been dropped from private employ- ment; 50 from the WPA: 4 sought assistance when unemployment 11 need- {ed aid for other reasons Eight cases were closed because relief recipients got private emplay. ment; 19 others were given WPA employment; 8 begin to receive un- employment compensation. and 4 were dropped from the relief rolls | for other reasons. As the week closed, a tota] of 87 applications for relief had bees re. ceived; there were 797 cases involv. Ing 3.000 persons on the county rolls and net expenditures for assistance grants was $5,438 40 MARTHA Miss Edith Pink enrolled as a freshman at the Port Matilda High | School this fall, Mrs, Sophie 8. Wilson retymed to her home Sunday after a weeks vacation at Wildwood and Cape May, N. J. She was accompanied by her daughter Mrs. O. M_ Sprankle of Tyrone, also her son-in-lay and daughter, Mr. and. Mrs. Buchan of State College, st Old Rivermnan Has Birthday Uncle Bob oldest raftsman | Is section, cele. | brated his 93rd birthday anniver. | A child's bedroom set that “grows up” with baby is the newest devel opment of sympathetic furniture manufacturers. New parents find eter Di, SOT. the. OD kefeller ter, ve t i sary recently at Flemington Ungle joe nicely. When the child is very | Bob was a former Clinton county | young, the bed has protective sides, tractor and | these may be removed when he | reaches the two-year-old stage. | Aunt Ide i popu. GREGG TOWNSHIP | SCHOOL NOTES The Gregg Township School opened for the current school year on Tuesday, September Hh, The following freshman were enrolled in the first year class: Laron Ilgen, Andrew Immel, Dale Miller, Eugene Immel, Mylan Giove, Eugene Bres- sler, leRoy Stover, Nevin Ulrick, Merle Resides, Roy Harter, Melvin Snyder, Bugene Rossman, Richard Zettle, Ardell Lingle, Earl Heckman, Dean Zerby, Betty McCool, Janet McCool, Dorothy Henry, Mar] L Aukerman, Devolia Empfield, Julia Wallace, Ardell Vonada and Amy Boob, A total of 24. There are also 16 seniors, 28 junjors and 14 sophomores or a otal enrollment of Ba Community Fair Sept, 28-29, The twenty-second annual Oregg Township School-Community Fair will be held at Spring Mills on Thursday and Friday, September 28 and 20, 1080. Plans are well under way lo make this event outstanding this year Persons living within the town- ship are eligible to exhibit products of the farm and home including all classes of fruits, vegelables, field crops and grain, poultry, canning baking, etc. Premium lsis will be distributed throughout the commu- nity within a few days There will be attractive programs he auditorium at Spring Mills Thursday, September 28th. al m that evening No admis wi either program act comedy will be members of the senior auditorium on Friday 28 al T3 p m. The Who comeaqQy of and m again on 24] Liree en- en- will program Premium oul erianment 5 at everyone Admission this oh be 25 15¢ 0 will SBwWards and pr al Ue cine el avents will : field at on Thursday and Priday afternoon perscns are invited alr during the those wit to exhibit premium Lhe hool athietic 10 8 L1%Wo Cavs he township are urs products as bookie! BLANCHARD Miss Martha Rupert, daughter ¢ Clalr Rupert Beech Creek, has returned 0 Stale College where she is employed Miss Martha Rupert f ch Creek, was a Sunday visitor ai the home of Mr, and Mrs. James Haines al Marsh Creek Miss Marjorie Rupert daug Clair Rupert of Beech Creek visitor with Mrs Bidney berger of Mil Hall and other ’ of of was a Bullen f } - Pupil Injured in Fall Betty Lou Raup. daughter of Mrs Fiorence Raup, fell from a fence at her home at White Deer last week and fractured one of her arms, Just | two inches from the rlace where the bone was fractured a few years BRO. Belly Lou Is pi: al school a fifth grade pu- Appeals For Job (Continued from Page 1) Bellefonte, 1 would not expect any spending money until Jan, 1, 1040 Think the fare is $660. Oh course 1 would need a little extra for eats along the way. II he would wrap up $600 in a paper and enclose | in his letter there would be n° chance of any sliver rattling in Lhe envelope. A money order or check will do too. He could send $7.00 to make sure that I have enough lor fare, eats or If an accident would happen. 1 would return every thing back thal was not spen 1 am strictly honest, 1 can leave In the evening of the day 1 receive Lhe fare money and would arrive at Bellefante at 8:45 the next morning Would wall at the Penn Belle Hotel for the farmer 10 meet me As YW clothing 1 would need the following: boy's grey covert shirts neck size 14%; boys blue denim chore coat age size 18; grey covert lace leg style breeches and inseam 25 inches, walst 32 inches; boys corduroy knickers age size 17 or 18 16 inch black high cu size 7 with Straps; boys grey cap (chaufler style, truck drivers) 6%; of work bovs zipper style jacket size age boys long Kray colon § ockings 10%: boy long gray woolen stockings { Lops winter, size 10%; with good Lord this Or BNE covert pair gloves; 18 4 ior I beg po tears will please that Lhe neart gOOQ Lhe your 0 print paper and that { some last 0: fare and give your ouch send me Lhe nome near ris me a tHullyandhumb!y FRANK MOYER 2112 E. $3ra Cieveland, Ohio ——— MUSEUM DEMONSTRATES HAIR-RAISING MACHINE How about of electricity? ake your 1 Museum of Bc in Rockefeller how a process 8 of elecirl- Qing oul just § and harmiess { is 0 have 500 000 voit city charged into your body. The ree, Lal N's “sta i rated by a machi view in the Museum electricity gen now on This is umeer from (he audience stands in front of a rather formidable look- ing machine which generates eleciricily. Under competent hands of * way iU's done. A vo oO Lhe the Raised Large Tomato Mrs. Margaret White, of Antrs Fort, picked from her tomalo vines & fine specimen weighing one pound, 14 ounces, and measuring 17 inches circumference . § ii il LEGAL NOTICES CAUTION NOTICE, Notice is hereby given that the undersigned shall not be Jiable or responsitle for any bills or checks other than thos contracted for of written peronelly by mynetf C. ARTHUR THOMAS x37 Bellefonte, Pa, EXFECUTRIX NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of Jonn BSlewart Williams, late of Liberty Township, Centre County adeceaned Letters testamentary (5 the above fslale having been granted Ww the undemigned, all perons indebled Ww the said ewate are requested to make payment, and those having cleine Ww present the sane dul oven, with- out delay to MYR 71 WILLIAMS, Executrix, Monument, Ps. Johnston & Johnwton Attys 41 EXECUTORS NOTICE In the Mater of the Estate of Perry Krise late of Spring township Gecessed Letters testamentary in the above eslile having been granted to the undersigned, sll persons indebled to the sald stale gre requests make payinent, and those having Cialing Ww present the aamne duly proven, without delay ww BESSIE M DECKER, HARVEY OC DBOKES, Executors, Pleasant Gap, Pa. W. Har- rison Walker, Atty x38 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIC) In the Matter of Estate of Pearl Shank ate of Bnow Bhoe wwnaship, deceased letviers of sdministration on slate having been granted the un- aGergigned, all persons (ndetried there. WwW gre requested W make IMmed:- ale payments and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settiemnent tw BELLEFONTE TRUST CO. Administrelor Beliefonte, Pa W. Harrison Walker, Atty rie the Wie wid FXFOCUTRIX NOTICH In the Matler of the Estate of John Bebring of Bellefonte Borough Geared Levers ale testamentary in the gbove estate having Leen granted Ww Wie indersigned, all persons Indebisd 0 the mld eslale are Teg uUesAd make payment and thooe having ciaimg WwW present the same dnulv proven, without delsy to HENRI. ETTE BEBRING. Exscutrix 4748 Pine LU C. Pures At X39 10 Philadelphia, Ps James torney for the Etats NOTICE In the Matter of ALVY WINSLOW Township, deorased In the Orphans County Notice is hereby given that has been appraised and get aside 0 Mary F. Winslow, surviving widow of Alvy Winslow. late of Liberty Town- ship, deceased real estate valued and appralees at 8500 00, being the entire estate of said decsdent ss her ex- emption of $500.00 under Section 12 of the Fiduciaries Act of 1817 The real estate appraised at $500 00 1 described ga follows { certain house and Jot sit. the Village of Eagleville ot Liberty County of and Sate of Penzwyivanis and decribed as follows Estate of Liberiy the ate of Court of Centre here ning at a corner on public we North West along public 0 8 point on line of lang of Glossner, thence along land of D WwW. Glossner south East 10 road. thence alotig public road west W place of beginning ning about one eighth (4%) of above anoraisement has been confirmed ni si by the Court and pubd- lication ordered snd if no exceptions are filed on or before Sent. 23. 1888, the game will be confirmed Bbso- lutely by the Court JOHN L. WETZLER, Orphans” Penna Clerk of the Centre County Tomorrow Morning At Your GROCER The New ALL BUTTER BREAD Tomorrow Morning Your Grocer Will Have for You That New ALL BUTTER Loaf You will find in this the most delicious tasting bread that has ever been placed on the market. In its mak- ing the only shortening used is pure sweet cream butter Now we offer you the most delicious bread you've ever tasted. For the growing child or adult, there is no better diet than quality WHEAT FLOUR baked with MILK and everywhere will welcome BUTTER. Housewives this delicious new ALL BUTTER Bread. This is another big advance- ment by MORNINGSTAR’S who are always alert in giving the people of Central Pennsylvania the very finest bakery INGSTAR'S ALL B toasts better, keeps fresh, roducts obtainable, MORN- ER Bread tastes better, To be sure you get the ALL BUTTER loaf, look for the MORNINGSTAR name, the next time you buy bread. MORNINGSTAR BREAD On Sale at Leading Grocers Throughout Central Pennsylvania