Page Fight THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, July 27, 1939. [ OBITUARY GRAHAM, Graham, father Graham i Millheim family home in Altoona Wfternoon alter a SIX 1088. Decenced was a and and had been the Altoona Work for 34 vears. Su his wife, two son two ters and a SMITH the hus- Gi. George ANDREW WARDEN Andrew Warden Smith band of a former Centre county waman, died at the home of hi daughter M G. N. Davh of Smith Mi Monday ming of last week. Born Mau 1862, In Cearfield o he the on of David an el and wa to Naney Centre count death. Membei clude one THOMAS homas 10ma t the m *h 3, Allow Grant To Banker finned from Page 1) on and thr MUSSER Musser, 8 MRS, MARTHA B Mrs. Martha Bid VEeAr 1 Ld cent Philip Hill ( ang Oivn Aste survivea Rumbe; teen ah da Stover To Seek County Office Continued from page ons) To give visual and fitting expression to your love and regard, the medium and the form must be chosen with care. Comforting assurance of a dinty well performed wilh be yours if you choose a genv'ne Rock of Ages Memorial to stand as your record for the years to comm. Howard Granite Works FRANK WALLACE Prop S— END-OF-MONTH SAVINGS FOR YOU HEINZ Ketchup - 2.205 33¢ Mustard ele SUGAR Baby Food 3 ...25¢ 129 =~ 1.17 Penn pri Ib 29¢ Spry or Crisco 3+~49c Nel MONTE SWANEROWN PEACHES |cAke FLOUR 2 lige cans 29c 0x. pkg. 2c Corn Flakes Kellogg's PURE CANE Keg Jo Rice o: wise Puffs 2. n= 9¢ SHAFFER'S SPECIAL COFFEE 3 Ib 39¢ PENN ALTO MILK 10 0. 55¢ | TEA RINSO or OXYDOL - - - Ige. pkg. 19 Strike Anywhere Matches 6 Ige. bxs. 19¢ Octagon Laundry Soap 5 0.0 20¢ FREE-1 Cake Octagon Toellet Soap with Each Purchase ! PENN ALTO Fresh Fruits and Vegetables CALIFORNIA ORANGES doz. 15¢ 5 Ibs 25¢ YELLOW.-R1PE BANANAS 15-1b pk 35¢ Fancy 1, No. 1 Grade Potatoes Calif. V ine- ty C antaloupes - each 10¢ dozen 25¢ Large Juicy Lemons - . Large Stalk Pascal Celery - 10c Peaches - 2 Ibs 15¢ Cucumbers 2 for 5¢ | Tomatoes 2 Ibs 15¢ Home-Dressed Meat ! Fresh Dressed - Fully Drawn SPRING CHICKENS Shaffer's Lean, Mild Sugar Cured BREAKFAST BACON Machine Sliced BACON > Ib 12¢ to 3% Ib avg Ib 30¢ Ib 19¢ Ring or Old Fashion BOLOGNA |b 1 Recent Weddings Galhraith—VanPelt A ceremony on Lhe John MeCoy residence Bellefonte and Mlilesburg o'clock yesterday morning chiel VanPelt thier John VanPelt, of Bellefonte the bride of Alexander Galbr of New Britain, Conn. The cere mony was performed the Rev William C tar of the Presbyterian Bolefont: I'he bride Mq Coy while Thomas BE. Wells, of New Britain wn | man Ml Vv un John MeCoy AVE In marriage. Altes wedding breakfast wa the MceCov hot and fte Mi At lawn of the between at 11:30 Miss Ra of Mn became wth anu by rhompaon, pa church cousin, Mi maid of hon Jane ini'elt cle the bride the ceremony a i! the erved ear! in rm departed | ALL BUT ONE REFERENDUM Fire Tower Radio | Plant Effect] ive Portables Are Taken To Scenes By Rangers To Get Instructions For the first time sines it tillation several week dio connecting headquarter of the Forestry District with each fire ton Was Dros during the past few day ix blazes of minor proportion hetore nm Ao Lhe the lo Bald Eag of rd vetem five 1 Hue Jed ch A Ss —— Organize Youth's Temperance League Oomtit ned from page cue) APPROVED BY COMMISSIONERS te ynship in 1o3% Boggy: election Fred C. Mensch witend the miment Youn the » enlist the aid of the fn presenting to Is a Candidate (OCantinued from Page 1) d in Panam Army, ar Fred C Mei has a brother and of Milton. and Mis of Lewistown Lee Harry Mus et m Vie orga Council + Receive Life Membership Continued from Page 1) ave paid duc conti years and who are CUT KITCHEN WORK IN WALF! Forts [me Foods come oN wrvhed theseed rimmed, ready te cont cteremiont ud "wate, 88 werk] wore SPECIALS } rnin SOLE FILLETS . . » 29 Finest ocean founder, ready to cook STRAWBERRIES (17 os) 21¢ Deficious with creat or on shortcakes SPINACH . . . (i) 19: . "0 (14 or.) Washed, clonned, and or grit BROCCOLI . . 5, 21¢ Cleaned, trimmed, ready to cook Picks sffuctive July 37 + Aug. 3 TRY THESE VALUES! Rhwbark. ...... box (1402) 10e Brussels Sprowtes bow (13 on.) 28¢ Crabmeat., .. ... box (10 02) 28¢ Lobster Meat . . . aN {10 50) $3 Birds Bye Rump Arig 1] ir ironed, rosy 0 Cai. . sive We have 8 complete dimmer ideas for you | fx 60 vear of el dues All officers and organization were another year. The consist {f WW R. P. Beezer vice Hugh M. Quigley, treasurer. Dire ibys the ensuing year are: John Cu 8r., James B. Craig William Brouse, John G. love and RB Blaney, all of Bellefonte; Frank Hennaman, Altoons; Frank man, Mingoville, and 8. W ley. Millheim Thirty-nine membery were pres ent at the meeting and 42 others were represented by The present membership of 120, the roster having 108 during the past year. During the fiscal year major in provements were made at the cing The grill room and living room on the first floor were compiziely re. furnished and redecorated. the men’s grill on the second ficor was refurnished and redecorated ,n4g the capacity of the basement lock. er room was increased by 32 lock. ers. The annual report of the treaste. er indicated that during the past year the country club debt has been entirely refinanced and that the organization 8 in sound fBeaucial condition age. become life members of 4 ih without further pasinent directors 1e-elerted official Sieg, president president secretary felained Hock- Crams nroxy rove fy grown § m Many Toed Chiléren PHONE YOUR NEAREST Shaffer Store OR VISIT OUR STORE | N Allegheny St. Befiefonte, Pa. i For several generations almost every child belonging to a Hungari. (an peasant family in Kechkemet has been brought with too many | Bangers or too many toes. The two youtrwest offspring are reported 1s | have had 28 wes between them, rahe, ad! i the chub 1 CHURCHE Advent Sunda chool, %.30 ol Bupt Preachin tian Endeavor, 7 y isbn Chwreh Roy Lesth 11 { 30 p.m. C. ( nek (‘ht Dix Run chool 0 baptist in. ¥ followed ! mer Ho hand sunt | meeting. Preach A hue Pastor Coleville Sehool Eeanlon John's Eplucopsl Hublershurg Evangelical Reformed Tame B M Bellefonte Methodist H W £8 Ha ’ Milesburg ow Methodist Kauflmn | Bis y choo) ce Haugh — BETO! Tibbens Funeral Largely Attended 1 Page 1) (Continued from ell. Mr. and of Howard Howard Stanford Mrs Holter nee Als nefghibor } of the Beech lank of which ident, member 8 of A and Hosgl- Lock Haven nd the Con Lock Ha ANS. TOD minty Med!- 3 Stale senting the Clint a ASDC An Medical Associat) of the Ci by C ation and tu and ons ff ] in County Fis Game Assofistioni. members of Bitner-Bechdel Post, American ) and representa the County Democratic J - Judge Henry Hipple, Lock and Congressman Robert F Woolrich: indicative of the the ton tives of eo deceased had in # of activities ™ Riley Announces As Candidate (Continued from Page 1) born nesr Philipsburg on 1908. His father been Democratic chair precinet of Rush { township for 35 years. His mother, | Agnes Riley, has headed the Demo- atic women of the district for a {jong period of tine sr. Riley i8 a grathmte Jan. Josenh FAR wry 156 | files has {man of the west of the wadusted from the Millersville State Teachers’ College. He is now attending the Pennsylvania State College summer session in prepara- ton for his bachelor's degree Mec. Riley has had ten years prug Store in various Pennsylvania ~ammunities. He is a member of the pennsylvania State Educational As- saciation: is president of the 4th sass district Tesehers' sf Pennsylvania, and has tustice of the Peace in Rush town. ghip for four years Riley, unmarried, has five sisters Mrs. Ferd Beever, Mrs. Prancis Kloecker, of Erie; erine and Betty. students | Osceola Mills High school ‘Board's Act Osceola Mills High school and was teaching experience and for three gears was employed by the Peoples’ | of Philipsburg: | SPECIAL Is Annulled {Continued from page one) H vod d seven Miles East bey of Ye ing the opinion relate he retur Lhe was not empl i 1034-35 In the year 1 Smit} 1935-31 VE Judge ned SATURDAY, CHOON of RB. 1 shed the remad two mont) ¢t. He ta nt choo ! offered { Albright SUNDAY. Free Movies Bathing Boating Dancing 9 ner of shout vithe JULY nt 1936-37 ten ed pri 1937-38 school vest Rides efused to permit TUESDAY, Ladies Free WEDNESDAY Joby Knowles Dancing 9 to 1} THURS MEtAre DAY. Dancing ALG Pancing 9 to FRIDAY, FITAN METAL ROLLER SKATING DANCING Fntriaing For Mother IN 29 Free Acts Conce AUGUST ROLLER SKATING (Gentlemen ALG Orchestra Admission 1 " 3 ) Music by TUSSEY MT. RAMBLERS Admission 75 AUGUST COMPANY PION AFTERNOON rs ATTRACTIONS AT ECLA PAR of Bellefonte on LEE SE $ HL fe DL LL TL SHE 8 JULY LYCONIANS ORCHESTRA Admbeion K 8 a at] Route 220 C2 RRR BATHING Pre BOATING FEEE ACTS MOVIES shorn [ BASEBALL HOLIER 40¢ KATING T 2 RIM 40 FREY PARKING FABLY FIONN GROUNDS i Come to Heela Park and Have a Good Time EVENING 50 Attend Third Foreman Reunion » GRIM REAPER IDLE MAKES SOLO FLINT Ir i] of M1 Gil Injured in Wrecl AF W ) (274 Value Trips for Only ’s The Cost Of Driving Your ( ar/ New York ( ity Philadelphia (leveland Detroit Ivies Hahn's Self-B Marriage License Philodendron Pothos ranching Ivy Al Aurens 10 Cents 15 Cents “6 Variegated Ivy Woodring’s Floral Gardens 127 EAST HOWARD BT. BELLEVONTE, PA PHONE 64 YOU CAN SEE FOODS BROWNING WITHOUT OPENING THE OVEN DOOR! It's the Sensational New Westinghouse Electric Range wwe 2Ackr win “LOOK-IN" DOOR axa OVEN LIGHT Come in! ... See this newest Westinghouse Electric Range. It's the talk of the town! Flip a switch . . . the food in the lighted oven . . . then you'll agree that here 1s a grand new contribution to the convenience and enjoyment of baking and roasting the modern electrical way. Sec the Victor's exclusive Kitchen-proved features «..its Corox Economi Ranges. See its many other advanced features, t60 . . + designed to save your time and lighten your work. Association | been a! 8 West Bishop St. Cinive. » nurse in Bue, and Cath- in the i A bargain at only $169.50 Ask about our easy pur- chase plan. DeHAAS ELECTRIC COMPANY “THE WESTINGHOUSE STORE” Phone 679. Bellefonte, Pa. LE 2 = I