July 2 1959, Page Two & NEWS IN BRIEF AND PERSONALS OF UNIONVILLE (Reported by Special Correspondent) Family Reunion:--Mr. and Mrs. | J. BE. Brugger enjoyed the presence | Young Peoples Prayer of their children and their families | day evening at 7:30 p. m.; Adult their home on Sunday, those | Prayer service Friday evening at wesent being Mr, and Mrs, George | 7:30 p. m, Sunday School Sunday Brugger and daughter of Cunnons- | morning at 9:30 a. m. followed by burg, Pa.; Mrs. Fdererick Curtin of | Class Meeting; Young Peoples meet- Atlanta, Georgia; Mr. and Mrs. | ing Sunday evening at 6:30 p. m Earl Waite and children of War- { There will be no preaching service riors Mark: and Mr, and Mrs, C, K. | as the pastor is attending Camp Brugger and family of this place. Meeting Festival Coming:~The Union Bible Study Grange No. 325 of this place will | Study Class h festival at the Grange Hall, | church will August 12, 1939 for the | evening unde: the grange. Music by | Lucas of Union town boys. All kinds | pastor, Rev. Oakwood to eat will be for | on his vacation Miss Phyllis Gap spent the school chum, Holt The members and Epworth League will and picnic at Moghannon this Saturday evening Man Brugger who been employ in Stat College, spent the past weekend with parents, Mrs, C. K. Brug- ger Donald Smith Walter Smith and Ill, spent their former's parents, Mr. and Mrs W. Smith of this place Mrs, Mary Way of Epworth | spent several days over the week- meeting last | end siting with Mr. and Mrs. J the lawn of |C. PF and other 1 and ] and about service Tues- The Bible the Presbyterian held each Monday direction of Ruel Township, The being away Class: of be day, the fit of ome home { good sale. Mrs. John Saturday daughter, family. Georgeanna Thurs things Jodon of Pleasant weekend with her Miss Georgeanna Tyrone spent with her Barton and I. Hoff of afternoon Mrs. Hazel friends the of Holt was hold a sd AV evening "OAs Dam M iss has ed her family and all of Peoria vacation with the and urner wile Elway and , motored and spent accompanied Mrs to Clear a couple Halimoon the heir on ends 0x A 85. Jo seph A Alexan ughter Janet, spent Alto n i Alexan- Alex- Ware James Met vacxtion i Hamilto } his family. They remain at the cottage during the week and spend the eka at their home in Mliesbur Rev Kauffman fill is pt Milest Newt $f the in 0 £5 years. Mr. Walkup is mn Buchanner County, y also at bended. a EIGHT O'CLOCK y COFFEE 1b 13c 2% 19¢ - 23 - 320 20c poi ply 7 SHREDDED WHEAT 2,0. 23¢ COCOANUT BON BONS 2 ,,.23c Black & White 29¢ LAYER CAKE 19¢ FACIAL TISSUE - - - 3... WOODBURY’S SOAP - 3 ...23¢ A in nw Fg CLEANSER DAILY MILK 16% DAIRY FEED - DAILY GROWTH GROWING MASH - - VINE RIPENED Cantaloupes , Jumbo 36's. New Elberta Peaches. Yellow Onions Watermelons, 26.28 Ib avg. CENTER CHUCK ROAS CUT CHICKENS Fro Fully Dressed 2% to 3% 1b avg Ib 30¢c PORK Shidr. ROAST /... Ib13c Small Legs of Lamb - - Ib 25¢ UARES...."".... Ib12¢ Ann Page FRENCH DRESSING Quality Flavorful ANN PAGE MUSTARD Tasty Sultana PEANUT BUTTER Sunnyfield CORN FLAKES Del Monte PINEAPPLE CHUNKLETS Hershey's CHOCOLATE SYRUP N.B. C. 13-02 pkgs WEEKEND SPECIAL each we 1.23 wih 1.99 .2 for 19¢ .3 Ibs 23¢ .6 Ibs 19¢ ea. 4c ib 19¢ FP. (J. E. Young. i THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Methodist Church in the evening at 6 o'clock on the | lawn of Mrs, Plerce Peters; preach- {ing services at 7:30 p. m. with ser- { mon by the Rev. O. C. Miller, Supt, {of the Home of Children, at Me- 2 | chaniesburg, Pa Free Methodit Church Services- | Mrs, P. 1. Holt and Connie, spent one day visiting with Mrs, B. E. Holt C. R. Eckenroth was a recent guest of his daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Haroli Wagner ol Upper Darby Miss Edith Eckley has returned to her heme after an extended visit with friends and elatives in and about Philadelphia, Mr. and Mrs, John tertained at their home one day last week and over night, his mother, Mrs, Walter Tallhelm of Julian We are sorry to learn that our geod filend Eugene Hall is again confined to his bed His many friends and neighbors hope his | complete recovery may be speedy Mrs, Elwood Way and children, Joseph and Miriam spent the past week visiting at the home of Mr daughter last week Tallhelm en- Weiner | and Mrs, Vrey DTxson of Woodland, aunty, Pa Mrs. James are vi Clearfield C« Mr. and Pittsburgh parents, Mr. and Mrs of is place. James is boys who has gone int warld and made good Mrs. Thomas Jarrett and s Pittsburgh, are visiting wit aunts, Mrs. Harriet Askins and Mary Turner, also with her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Snoke 1 . Miss by her mot and Loulse Th ceola Mills and visite James Wood Mrs. Marlin Rys reaide Stere iting with H M “eo Ce ole town mpanied Julia Parsons motored to Os- ile and her noon Mrs mer We were Eckof! and at Mrs. Jarrett's Snoke. John his test for slater, had recently ng Sad SUCCPSS taken f % fully His wind Tavi weekend here and at ing a bird Uber 2 Ahlberg home { both were pres- njoyabie evening Samuel! Hipple the Culver 5 year at Wi of fp ing l8boro on, Mill uni held hisper Pines This week we are proud to re- port that ball team took our good advice and ate their spinach The game played Sunday with Cooper ended with a score of 8-8 in Moshannon's favor Maxwell Fitsimmons spent the weekend with here The Culver reunion was held at Whispering Pines, Allport, Julv 23 A very enjoyable time was had by all who attended, although the usual number was not present Forty-three was thefe for dinner, All officers were re-elected for ane other year. The date for the next reunion, July 31, 1940 Those present were: Mrs. Agnes iehis, Arthur Biehls and two sons Boyd and Chester, and daughter Louise from Ridgway: Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Culver, Kylertown; Mr. and Mrs, Boyd McBath, Watsontown; Mr. and Mrs, Grover Culver, War- ren, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs Charlie Campbell Mrs, Bill Culver, son Tee and two daughters, Helen and Mary Jane, Spangler; Mr. and Mrs Howard Bowersox, St. Benedict; Mr. and Mrs, Charles Weaver, Snow Shoe; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Culver, two sons Billie and Jimmie and daughter Mary, Tyrone; Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Hipple, Ellsworth, Mrs, SBarah Holter, Mt. Union; Mr, and Mrs. Frank Culver Mrs. Wil- lfam Maurer, Mrs. Irvin Berger and our Roulette, friends of ison Ronald. James and Oatherine ; Kerin, John CGuenot, Eloise and | Dorothy Beals, Jene Martin, Janet Watson, Marjorie, Bill and Carl rger, all of Moshannon: Donald Ward, Cokesburg. Those who visil- ed the reunion in the afternoon | were: Mrs, William Stewart and 2 daughters Dorothy and Beatrice, | of New Glasgow, Nova Scotia; Mrs. | | Laura Hillyard, Prank Borger and | sister Twila of Newberry, and Mrs. | ] Altoona Machinist Hangs Self { his neck Charles Burkbart, 54, Al- | Services; — | | Sunday School on Sunday morning at the usual time, Epworth League | HUBLERSBURG and Mrs, Earl and Mrs, Ocean daughter motored to and spent the weekend the home of Mr Smith, Miss Clara some [riends over the weekend. Miss Laura Hayes of port, spent Sunday at the of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Hayes, Mrs, Kate Loveland was visiting at the companied Laura to Willlamspaort Mr son were the Noll Little Betty ada and Peggy Snyder of ville, spent the weekend with grandparents, Mr, and Mrs Weaver while their parent; visiting In Atlantic City Mr. and Mrs, Boyd daughter iam and son Russe spent Sunday at the home of and Mrs Heckman of Haven Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Marguerite and me ther Mr: Mr Mr Yearick and Mrs, O friend of afternoon and Mrs, C and boy Sunday home of Mr Kay and Billie He Andrew H Musse Musser spent ¥ Ada Yocun ster M ed them and 8 Garber r Weidr at all Sunday ars after spending with Rev. Musser Ray Walks r sSevVers randparenu Mate College, a¥e spending per some time al the and Mrs. Albert Orr Mr. and Mrs. Cryder Clevensine of Bellefonte, were Sunday visi at the home of Mr. and Mrs Cleve Blerly Mr. Jol more he weekend Emma MoCas kenmiller Mrs Truc ani called at the home of Mr Melvin Truckenmil { From Last Week) and Mrs. Rhodes Rumbarg Harrisburg and Mr Vonada and son port, were weekend home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E Vonada Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lee Mrs Melvin Lee and Mr L. A Porter and family day dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs, Nevin Lee Mr. and Mrs and family of Sunday visit home Mrs. Pauline Orr and daughter Delonte spent Wednesday ai home of Mr. and Mrs, L. A Porter Supper guests at the Adam Fra. vel home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dorman of Altoona, Mr. and Mrs. Bd. Condo and chil dren Phyllis Jane and Ar Charles of Mill Hall and Mr Mrs. lee Condo and daug Vonda Jane of Orviston Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Heckman My, and Mrs. Melvin Truckenmi motored to Hyner and spent day al the hunting camp Mrs. Kate Loveland of Willlamg- tt, 1s spending some time at home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hay: Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Krape and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krape, mo- tored to Rote on Sunday and spent the day at the park, Donnie Kerstetier returned to his home in Tyleisville after spending a week at the home of Mr, and Mrs Nevin Les. Mr. and Mrs. William Paust and friends called at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Noll on Sunday Master Bobby Warfield of lock Haven, spent this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jolifi Hayes POTTERS MILLS Miss Margaret Kimport of State College, visited over the weekend at the home of her cousin, Miss Lizzie Black. Miss Verna Aumin of Milroy spent Sunday at the home of her | parents, Mr, and Mrs, Ira Auman mother Paul Mabie ler ang McK oes he nt a visitors at ow Those who visited on Sunday at | the E. B. Palmer home weie: Clyde Walker and family, Mr, and Mrs Lee Brian of Beliefonte, Mrs Al. | | vin Sellers and scn of State College. | H. E. Faust took | Mr, and Mrs. dinner on Sunday at the home of | Jahn Stoner at Colyer. Misses Sara Bunist and Po ec Bry Fisher employees of the | {| Laurelton State Village visited | Saturday evening at the Mr, Prank | Bunist homs, | | EG. Mingle of Aaronsburg ig | spending a few days at the home of The stork paid a visit to the home | Yearick and and Pitsburgh visiting at P. Dunkle accompanied | to the World's Fair Willlams- home John who same home ac- and Mrs. John Rossman and Bellefonte, visitors at harles Von- Mackey- their Walter were kman nan f Lan- | MILESBURG Mrs, Elizabeth Weaver, resident of our town js ployed in State College, Mrs. Emma Smith, who has suffering from an infection of foot, is much improved Mrs. Max Rhinesmith and family Mill Hall were Saturday visitors the M, H. Hall home Mr, and Mrs. H M. Baker three children of Wilkinsburg have been visiting at the Blair home, returned home on wednesday last, Betty and Jimmy remaining for a longer visit Mr. and Mrs, Willlam Meredith, the former manager of the Western Union at State College, were callers at the M. H, Hall heme on Tuesday evening of last week Loretta and James Cox, and son of Mr. and Mrs, Prank Cox, geparted Sunday for a vacation New York City and Long Island Mrs. M. H. Hall, daughter Elea- n Wesley Kushwara, Julia Spear nd William Brouse, mou 1 Hall on Tht re they wer supper home now em-~ been her and who Clyde daughter an red irsday evening al | SPA Max Rhine ith George » LH Smith of Lock Haven at the home of his broth n Sunday Ruth Wells weekend sister visii Mrs led 1 some good CRM always i LEA TWO LITTLE MAIDS, in and Betty walk treet 1 WihK meet ng along t or fat t go fa wile H B. Dearment fan Miss Beulah Dearment her home Friday alter weeks vacation with relatives returned several in Gilbert Leathers motor Mra Eleanor Wagner Shope, Hilda f Af John anc war Wagner Weikert ft Mnoday where he schon for a Mra. Gregg Wen attended Wels at Hecla Park Saiurd H will week the Christ Schenck tune of smashing week whi working had the foot with his a > jae Thompeon sprain Wednesday w Victor on the was acd mitted to the Centre Cour Hospital, Monday Alice Pletcher, Mrs y son Paul Mrs, Donald drove to Johnstown Sun- day to attend the funeral of Miss Nellie Sanders Guests at the home of Rev, Gu- lick and family were: Mr. and Mrs Albert Hansmann of Bangor, Miss Pear! Ink and Mr. Andrew Biller Mt Bethel Mra, Kelly Yohe of was a weekend guest al of Mrs. George Regal Mrs, Claude Britton of Philadel phia arrived Saturday to visit with relat ives in Howard and Bellefonte The ladies of the sewing circle were entertained at the home of Miss Nelle Weber, BLANCHARD The festival for the benefit of the Beech Creek-Blanchard Fire Co vas well attended on Saturday night. Receipts totaled over $200 In order that the fire siren may be kept in perfect order Mr. Waller Lindsay has been appointed to test it each Saturday at nocn Mrz. W. H. Stover of Boalsburg land Mrs. W. T. Noll of Linden Hall spent a couple of days last week with their sister-in-law, Mrs. Annie Page George Lingle and family Johnsonburg are spending a fMys with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs, Austin Confer and family of Rochester, N. Y. visited relatives in town on Tuesday. Mrs Confer, the former Marie Morrison, expects to spend several days of iam help- He £3 arm Mrs Pletcher, Gardner, of WilkesBarre, the home of few next week visiting in our commu- nity. Miss Jean Kunes left on Tuesday | to spend a week attending the New ‘York World's Fair. Several young people from the Church of Christ expect to leave | on Sunday for the Sunday School | { camp, located near Benton. {| Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, Dorothy, Waltef and Bruce with | | Harold Brumgard spent the wi end in Pottsville visiting with Trvin | Pravel. | Mr. and Mrs, Harris Confer and | son Dean left on Priday for St | Mary's to spend the weekend. Mrs. | Tying a bathrobe string around | his daughter Mrs, G. H. McCormick, | Tillie Kunes and Margaret Beaty, | who had been visiting there re- | toona machinist, took his life at his ‘of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sweetwond | | turned nome with the Confers on home there Thursday morning by | | hanging from the banisters of the | | second floor hallway. A roomer at | | the Burkhart home found the body. | | Burkhart had suffered a nervous | | breakdown about a year ago. Blair | and Jeft an 8%-Ib. baby girl. Mrs. Nora Oetiig, son and two little girl® tenes Braddock spent the thelr summer home. Lester Goss and family of Milroy | grandson | | county's coroner investigated the called at the R. M. Royer home on case, Friday evening. from | daug weekeny in | ! sunday. | Mr, and Mrs. Harold Williams and | hter Patricia of Detroit, Mich. ae visiting with Mr. and Mrs, 8. 8 | williams during the week, Mrs, Busan Kunes, Mrs. Mary’ |péaty and Oharles Eocard have {been on the sick list this past week. a former | ZION Mr. and Mrs, Philip Stover the proud parents of a young born on Sunday afternoon is the name chasen for the Mr Mr Hugh Dale Friday at the Cyrus Hoy home Mr, and Mrs. Earl Weaver son, Eugene Bampiel of Pleasant Gap, Miss Teaman spent Sunday more home James Sane Sunday with Mrs, “Les” ( Monday at t home Miss Annie Garbrick days last week with her Licyd Kemp and family at Mrs. Emma Noll week with s1sey Bhore ! Kathryn is chosen for the young daugh Mr, and Mrs. Leste Mr. and rs. Paul daughter WwW the weekend parents, Mr are i] Jack lad and of family n in Renove and ent 1 N. J and a ¥ atl Vs arier Mons | Hockman few Mrs Howard pent a few d Hol spent a niece her and hirjey lo jal M Kelve 3 ol our evening Jul y on afternoon Also each tending the Park on the BUSH HOLLOW resent evening of is planning pie of July and one big ERT 2] There sunday the trouble or Rev. By We dn f only 50 1 unday folk We rd back from F night both week were School, 8 are Jook Allen servi {0 were sorry wo hear we Sunday Bchool drew Irvin, being taken Centre County Hospital on He was operated m. and atest ris sday rep impr and we are at ~ at Hecla What ing wn Su ihe Tuesday are 25 PINE GLEN ladies of the M. E |} supper on Satur ing at the festival house for the church Mas leona Hoover of and Gerald Bunda burg Edwa The will serve of Hoove al fone were ot SuUniay Mr, and Mrs Pleasany Gap Viehdorler Mr, and Mr Anne Robb and daughter and Jane Robb of Bellefonte enieriain Beater M John adelphia Bent Wills Robert Hoo Howard oe spent Nareh CY nome Wagner p ana n 4) “x LAD Woll vacationing all END OF MONTH EAN x SALE Here in son's fabrics at . 1 va Up ANOTHER GROUP OF Regular $2.85 Value, at $1.59 Regular $1.39 Value 88¢ most half price REGULAR $3.95 VALUE Summer DRESSES Two-Piece Suits your chance to stock up on summers best dress fash- lons in the sea coolest “ Hat Sale! Your chance to pick up that extra hat in our clear- ance sale. $1.00 and $1.85 hats, now at only— 39H 50c ca. Odd Lot of Hats 25¢ each CHILDREN'S Coats & Suits Regular $695 Values, at a clearance price. $3.77 FINAL CLEARANCE we AND SUITS Styles that are fashion forecasts, so new and distin. clive that you will wear them way in- to fall! A remarkable Opportunity * Get yours now | I $488 BUY NOW AND SAVE! COATS Reg. $9.85 NOW $600 SUITS Reg. $6.95 NOW $3.88 MANNISH wl Ladies’ APRONS Vat Dyed Prints — Special 15¢ CHILDREN'S Organdy DRESSES Special 20c¢ ea. Turkish Towels Size 22x24, double thread. Color. ed checks on white, white, and pastel colors, 20¢ ea. Ladies’ Blouses Consist of organdy, erepe and shantung. Reg. $1.00 value. 66¢ BOYS’ SUITS Special 20¢ ea. LADIES’ House Dresses Reg. $1.00 and $1.19 grade desirable styles, materials, sizes, 66¢ All FINAL Ladies’ Gloves Values up to $1.08. Regardless of former prices — a pair for only 10c BOYS’ SUITS Close outs of Reg. 79¢ & $1, at 53¢ MOHAWK Pillow Cases Size 45x36 — Special at 25¢ ea. CLEARANCE OF | BATHING SUITS AND ACCESSORIES AT REDUCED PRICES! MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS White and fancy colors, 79c¢ yours DOLLAR Always Buys MORE At Turners ALLEGHENY STHEET MEN'S SLACKS Well tailored. $1. Men's Ties - 10¢, 20c A. C. TURNER (CO. TEMPLE COURT BUILDING BELLEFONTE, PA. MEN'S Shirts and Shorts 20c¢ ea. Men's Socks - 10¢ pr. Do Your Shopping AT Turners church day even» Proceeds Yi {1 re niips~ Belle